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    Minecraft Crying Obsidian Feedback and Funny [All relevant posts will be removed and redirected here]

    Minecraft Crying Obsidian Feedback and Funny [All relevant posts will be removed and redirected here]

    Crying Obsidian Feedback and Funny [All relevant posts will be removed and redirected here]

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:41 AM PST

    Considering how well the Netherite Feedback post worked, and how much repetitive feedback and functionality posts we are getting, We've decided to do it again for Crying Obsidian. (We will also either repost or repin the Netherite Feedback when changes to it occur). Again all posts related will be removed and redirected here!

    —Frequent Points of Interest—

    • Recipe and Acquisition: The devs are testing it out being exclusive to bartering, so please give feedback on this
    • Making Portals: The devs have specifically stated they didn't let it make portals for a reason
    • Functionality: Whether intentionally left out to get feedback, or left out because it was not finished in that regard, there is plenty of room for feedback and ideas
    • Spawn point setting Functionality: Specific Feedback on this possible functionality is good especially because it could help with beds as well going forward!

    —Do Not Forget—

    Have fun, be open to agreement, and keep criticism constructive. We'll be moderating the comments of course.

    submitted by /u/Planemaster3000
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    Reinforced Glass (not Education)

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:17 AM PST

    It's glass that is crafted with 1 glass block in the center and surrounded by 8 iron ingots. This produces strengthened glass that can protect against TNT and Ghast explosions. However, it's not enough to protect against Charged Creeper explosions and bed explosions in the Nether and the End. It can also be coloured with dyes, just like ordinary glass. The appearance of reinforced glass looks almost the same as regular glass, but a bit more opaque with a metallic kind of frame, which can look somewhat like tiles if stacked. Reinforced Glass can be crafted into 16 Reinforced Glass Panes. Reinforced Glass takes significantly longer to break than regular glass, and drops itself if mined. This will make it a good Nether glass block.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Soul glass: a way to have a more peaceful time in the soul sand valley.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:43 AM PST

    Feedback Link: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360057982792-Soul-glass-a-way-to-have-a-more-peaceful-time-in-the-soul-sand-valley-


    Soul glass would be obtained by smelting soul sand


    Here's an edit suggested by u/Martijndebakker : Soul glass can be walked through by any mob EXCEPT ghasts, skeletons, wither skeletons, or anything native to the soul sand valley.

    Here's the original, I'm trashing this original idea though: Soul glass stops ghasts, skeletons, wither skeletons, or anything native to the soul sand valley from spawning or coming within a 10 block radius in any direction of the block. However, if the mob was in that radius before you placed the block, it will stay (or leave if it's AI wants to).

    Additional Small Functionality

    You can place nether wart on it, but it does not grow. If fire is placed on it, it turns blue.


    The soul glass is a transparent block.


    Will not burn if fire is placed on it. If item is thrown in lava, it will burn.

    Blast Resistance

    This block has the blast resistance of an cobblestone block

    Breaking Speed

    It takes twice as long to break this block as a soul soil block.

    Breaking Obtainability

    It can only be obtained with a SILK TOUCH shovel. At least a STONE SHOVEL. If there is a silk touch form of anything else, that will not work.

    Thank you for reading my suggestion! Here's the feedback link: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360057982792-Soul-glass-a-way-to-have-a-more-peaceful-time-in-the-soul-sand-valley-

    submitted by /u/MemaholicCreeper
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    Another new Biome for the Nether: The Red Sea

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:29 AM PST

    Sure, there are Lava Oceans but there is nothing special happening with them, even with the new update. I feel the Nether Oceans should have the same treatment as the Update Aquatic, where there should be focus on adding life to the oceans of the Nether.


    Netherweed- A Nether counterpart to Kelp. It can be broken to obtain Netherweed, which is basically Kelp except it allows you to see under lava when you eat it.

    Quartz Coral- A new Coral block that hurts you when you touch it. Breaking it will result in quarts being dropped.

    Barnacles- There are several mobs coming up that will benefit from these blocks. They come in several sizes and can be found in groups on the sea floor. Breaking it doesnt do anything but anger some mobs.

    Withersnap- A plant that tries to pull down mobs and the player by chasing them and grabbing on to them. It has a mouth like a Venus Fly Trap that it launches like a shulker bullet. When it hits the target, they will be dragged to the plant's original step and withered. Breaking the stem will very rarely drop the head of the plant, which is used in several special crafting recipes.


    Piranhas- These little fish are hostile creatures that are very fast swimmers. They have 4 Hearts of HP and deal 1.5 damage to players. They will also attack Piglins, Zombie Piglins, and Hoglins. They can hide inside of large barnacles like Bees go inside of Hives. They drop Quartz Teeth, which can be used to craft 2 special things.

    Rock Whale- Giant Whales covers in lava rock and barnacles. They have 40 Hearts of HP and will spawn Piranhas. It deals 2.5 Hearts of HP and can launch you in the air if you end up over it. They drop lava rock, which can be used to craft a furnace.

    Weapons and Tools:

    Hoglin Traps- When a mob or player steps on it, the Hoglin Trap activates, slows them for a bit, and damaging them 1 heart per second when they walk for 3 seconds. They are crafted with 1 Netherite, 1 Withersnap Head, and 4 Quartz Teeth.

    Snap Grappler- When used, the head is thrown but is attached to your hand by a crimson vine. When it hits a block, it acts as a grappling hook. When you hit an entity, it drags them closer to you and deals 2 Hearts of damage. It is crafted with 2 Netherite, 1 Withersnap Head, 2 Quartz Teeth, and 2 Crimson Vines.

    submitted by /u/Dragonsapian7000
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    If were getting a nether update, why dont we get some new nether background music?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:13 AM PST

    The nether has only had 4 background tracks since the nether was added back in October 2010, now that we're getting a nether update after almost 10 years, I feel that now is a better time than ever to add new nether background music, I have always loved the depressing aesthetic of the nether music and also find it weird that even being in creative gets 6 exclusive music tracks, but the nether only has 4, especially because the nether is one of the most important places in the standard survival world because you need to go there for at least a little while if you even want a chance to go the end and kill the ender dragon, and I feel that since everything else in the nether is being overhauled, then why not add music as well?

    submitted by /u/imlazydwi
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    Wolves/Dogs Should Have A Patrol Mode

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 03:28 AM PST

    I like being able to tame wolves into dogs but I usually have to tell them to sit while I finish the project I'm working on. It would be ideal if we could set them to patrol a certain area, let's say a 7x7 block radius for example, and allow us to come back to a free animal instead of having to choose between being constantly followed or leaving it stuck in the same spot for days at a time

    submitted by /u/Fruit522
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    There should be more stuff done with naturally generating water. Stuff like water coming out of a mountain is cool, but Im talking streams, waterfalls and redone rivers/lakes cause they kinda suck.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:52 AM PST

    This would be really cool especially in forest biomes to break up the endless expanse of trees.

    submitted by /u/IAMPOTATOOOOOO
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    Some coasts should have basalt cliffsides.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:34 AM PST

    In case you don't know, this is what basalt cliffsides look like.

    Now that they're finally adding basalt as a block, I kinda wanna see large, blocky cliffsides near the ocean.

    submitted by /u/luckjes112
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    Illager patrol/raid captains should have enchantments on their weapons or certain special abilities unique to them.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 03:52 AM PST

    Considering their names, captains should probably have something unique ot threatening about them. This is what this post aims to address.


    Power I-II.

    Flame I.


    Special abilities:

    Shoot's fireworks instead of arrows.

    Shoot's tipped arrows of harming I or posion 1.

    Simple abilities and enchantments for a simple captain.


    Sharpness I-III

    Fire Aspect I

    Chop (once it's added)

    Special abilities:

    Use's diamond axe instead of an iron one.

    Use's a shield to block projectiles or protect themselves while recharging their axe.

    To make use of the terror of a vindicator or group of vindicators rushing you at the wrong time, these enchantments and special abilities will amplify that feeling because you'll literally get melted by they're axe, lose the use of your shield or lose the ability to keep them at bay with arrows.

    Evokers (only on java):

    Provide's strength 1 to all raid mobs in a 10 block radius.

    Summon's biome specific mobs. Husks for deserts, strays for snowy biomes and a mix of zombies and skeletons with helmets in any other environment. Mobs spawned this way will not give any drops. This happens when they spawn vex.

    Since the evokers have always been more supportive mobs, i feel like that should be emphasised with their special abilities

    Side notes

    Every captain would have 1 enchantment and 1 special ability. The enchantments and special abilities picked would be randomised.

    The base stats of the captain wouldn't get altered.

    There would be no visual changes to the captains other than their weapon glowing.

    Captains would drop 2x experience when killed by a player or wolf.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Iron Sign (Redstone)

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:08 PM PST

    Iron signs have been proposed quite a lot. While I support the idea for the basic reason of prettiness, I think an iron sign can actually do more than just being a reskin.

    Indeed, what I'm suggesting is the following: when writing on an Iron Sign, you actually get two sign texts to edit, the first one being the one that's actually displayed when you click "Done". The sign would then be able to switch to the second one when powered by a Redstone signal, allowing for very neat signalling options, like in minigames when indicating things to players. A redstonner would effectively now have the choice between working with Redstone lamps or switching to those new signs if their colour matches the decoration AND they only need a binary indicator. As a result, Redstone lamps would still be interesting to create large panels with more than two possible outputs.

    Additionally, you'd be able to individually colour each state of the sign separately using a dye.

    submitted by /u/Nouche_
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    The Blissatory lands, a super rare "heavenly" biome that exists in the nether

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:36 AM PST

    So what is this "super rare" "heavenly" biome, you may ask, well, The Blissatory lands (Bliss & Purgatory) is a biome that is hidden from eyesight and can be revealed using the dragon egg, it will spawn rarely and will have extraordinary mobs, and neat blocks to obtain.

    So, How do I exactly reveal this biome?

    This biome will reveal itself if a dragon egg is placed inside its chunk, when done accordingly, the dragon egg will blast particles, play some sounds, and will slowly reveal the biome with all its glory. The biome will spread to at least 5 chunks in each direction and the sky will turn into the biomes color

    What will the biome contain?

    The biome will contain its own block, grass, plants, and trees, just like the newly added forests. In addition, the biome will spawn 2 mobs, The Pegasus, and The Spirit preserver!

    - The Pegasus: The pegasus will spawn in packs of 2-3 entities and will look like horses, but they will have wings! you can tame them by giving them a golden carrot, and you can wear a saddle on them, and guess what, you can fly! Killing them will drop 2-5 leather, and 1-3 feathers.

    - The Spirit preserver: will look like an angel and will have wings and a bow/crossbow, and will kill any hostile mobs that come to its distance, giving them a diamond/netherite ingot will make them follow your command, you will able to make them follow you, and also sit them in one place, making them useful to guard your house, or used in a mob farm.

    And lastly, the plants and blocks will have a white-ish color and will sparkle with tiny white particles.

    How do I locate this biome?

    I've thought of 2 different ways to locate this biome:

    1. Building the beacon altar in the nether at its best tier will summon a beam that will be directed towards the nearest Blissatory lands chunk
    2. Using the new crying obsidian. The block will change its color the closer you are to the biome, and placing the obsidian in a Blissatory chunk will make the obsidian "Happy"

    Why should this biome exist in the game?

    I feel like this idea will bring players to explore the nether even deeper, with a unique way to locate and reveal the biome using end-game materials, and obtaining even cooler end-game materials will set a new goal for players to work for.

    Let me know your opinions about this, and if you have any suggestions for this feel free to reply!

    submitted by /u/cheskis
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    Add Villager trades to JSON files

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:41 AM PST

    Basically the title. This would allow the easy addition of customized trades to enhance the vanilla game. Below is the link to the post on the feedback.minecraft site.


    submitted by /u/TyagoHexagon
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    Remove The Feature Where a Parrot fall will Off your shoulder

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:02 PM PST

    The feature where the a parrot will fall of your shoulder if you jump or fall down a block is annoying. It makes the feature where they sit on your shoulder completely unusable. Replace this feature with a keybind

    submitted by /u/Buttered_TEA
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    “Nether Quartz ruins” generated structures.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:19 AM PST

    Since we have Quartz blocks in Minecraft, why not Nether structures made of them? They could spawn in any biome, and could contain chests.

    Really simple addition, and there's a lot they could do with them.

    submitted by /u/TheSilverRalph
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    Rotatable Heads/Skulls

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 03:10 PM PST

    I thought it would be really cool if players could rotate skulls/mob heads by right-clicking on them. Maybe each orientation could emit a unique redstone strength to a comparator, which could be used to build cool secret entrances by turning a mob head.


    submitted by /u/Bazoqa
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    Soul Walker

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:40 AM PST

    this would be like frost walker except it allows you to walk over souls sand without slowing down.

    submitted by /u/devonthecreator
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    Boots enchantment: Steady Feet

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:14 AM PST

    The name of the enchantment doesn't really suit the boots, but I'be named it anyway.

    If you have Steady Feet on your boots, you can walk on speed-affecting blocks and the like at normal walking speed. This includes:

    • Soul Sand
    • Honey Blocks
    • Slime Blocks
    • Whirlpool bubble columns
    • Cobwebs\1])
    • All types of ice\2])

    1: In cobwebs, your moving speed will not resume to normal speed but will reduce slowness.

    2: Ice will still let you move faster but you won't be able to glide.

    Thanks for reading; get corrupted what do you think? Perhaps it's too underpowered, but I would like to hear your ideas.

    submitted by /u/solar_powered_noob42
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    Make the Nether generate up to 256 blocks high.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:28 PM PST

    The height limit was increased from 128 blocks to 256 in 1.2.1, an update that came out 8 years ago. Why hasn't the Nether ceiling been increased?

    AntVenom just made a video about a mod that did just this, and reported little difference in performance. He also mentions that if Mojang wants to avoid easy access to the roof of the nether, just don't have pre-existing Nethers generate past y 128. If this is the case, then anyone who truly doesn't want the new Nether ceiling height could just keep playing on their old world unaffected, and still have the ability to create Nether roof farms.

    Speaking of, the devs also seem to not like farms that in their eyes are very exploitative, which many nether roof farms certainly are. Raising the ceiling is almost a no-brainer if that's something they want to get rid of. Plus, going on the roof of the Nether is considered cheating on a lot of servers anyways.

    Raising the ceiling would make traversing the Nether a way more interesting challenge. It would allow the game's ability to generate 3D biomes truly shine, and makes the Nether much more ominous due to your limited range of vision. It really would make the Nether feel more alien, and that there's so much lurking in the fog that you can't see. If they're not going to add unique generation to each new biome (in terms of terrain) then they could add least change something about how the Nether terrain generates as a whole.

    The Nether is already so much more interesting with the new additions. I feel like if the devs truly want to overhaul the Nether, this is one of the best and simplest things they could do.

    submitted by /u/Gadget622
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    Weeping Basket + Ooze (Nether Farming)

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:07 PM PST

    The Weeping Basket (Image Here) is a utility created much like the Composter, but with weeping vines dead center in the recipe (plank slabs in their usual places).

    Essentially what it does is... compost. Which may seem redundant, I know, but this embraces the Nether side of vegetation (among other things).

    Much like a composter, it has a percent-chance of filling as you throw your various items in. Unlike the composter, it begins filling with a black, tar-like substance, which we will call Ooze.

    Here's a rough idea for the inputs and their percentages:

    30% chance: Red Mushroom, Brown Mushroom, Nether Wart, Nether Sprouts

    45% chance: Warped Fungi, Crimson Fungi, Rotten Flesh, Bone

    60% chance: Nether Wart Block, Warped Wart Block, Giant Mushroom Block

    75% chance: Shroomlight, Magma Cream

    100% chance: Wither Rose, Ghast Tear

    Anyways, once you have your full basket of Ooze, you collect it by right-clicking, producing Ooze in its item form (something of a dye-like shape probably).

    This can be used to grow Nether vegetation, including Nether Wart. Meanwhile, bone meal ceases to function on Nether vegetation. Ooze likewise doesn't work on Overworld vegetation.

    You can feed Ooze to Hoglins (sort of like pig slop), and crafting 9 together creates an Ooze Block, a storage block that also slows walking speed (with possible future applications, who knows).

    This does take a little bit of ability away from the player, but it adds the ability to farm Nether Wart more effectively. Something of a trade-off.

    Note: The FPS item regarding Nether Wart farming is specifically worded against a special bone meal produced from Wither Skeletons.

    Vote on the Feedback Site!


    submitted by /u/RazeSpear
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    Poison berries

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:06 AM PST

    They are every bit like sweet berries, and look no different from ordinary sweet berries except for a greenish tint that players may not notice. Eating them is a different story. On Peaceful/Easy mode, they will inflict poison and refill 1.5 hunger points and 0.5 saturation. If on Normal/Hard mode, they will always inflict the Wither effect. Be careful, they look no different from regular sweet berry bushes, except for a slight greenish discoloration, which most players will not notice.

    Poison Berries can be brewed straight into Poison potions. If fed to foxes, they become poisoned. Will fill the compost box slightly less than a normal sweet berry because of mould and decomposition.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Bamboo paper

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:41 PM PST

    Other than scaffolding and fuel, bamboo has not much of a use. It's bulky and often takes up space, so why not make paper out of it? it could be 6 bamboo for a piece of paper, since bamboo grows so fast.

    submitted by /u/thegamergeeks
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    Wandering Trader and Nitwit REVAMP!

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:57 PM PST

    I'm not the best at structuring things, so bear with me. I think a slight revamp of villages is needed. I know it was literally just a few updates ago, but I'm talking immersive details that tell you "this place is alive"

    • If there are enough beds, the wandering trader should have a chance to tie their llamas to a post and sleep in a bed. I can't stand them being outside in the dark!
    • I think they should also be able to pick up food like a regular villager, but they don't..
    • After picking up carrots the trader could have a chance to feed their pet llamas.
    • Baby villagers could even ride the llamas while in the village.
    • Wandering Traders talk to villagers, but talk to Nitwits most often, telling stories. You'll very occasionally hear a "hRRRRrrrr..!" from a shocked Nitwit hearing the story.

    • Nitwits could have different shirts other than green. It's literally a shirt, not a profession.

    • Nitwits can be a "true nitwit" or be able to turn into a wandering trader. They suddenly pick up an interest in exploration and checks out the cartography table when the cartographer isn't working.

    • Nitwits can turn into (nontrading) Wandering Traders, heading out of the village and disappearing.

    • Sometimes, though, they come back. As a Nitwit. Being chased by (commonly) a witch, a couple of zombies, or rarely, a patrol.

    submitted by /u/Quackels_The_Duck
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    Ender Dragon Cape: Elytra Texture

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 10:13 AM PST

    I have the 1st Birthday skin pack from the Marketplace, and I feel that there should be a ender dragon-themed elytra texture. That's really it. (This is my first post, so I'm still learning the ropes. Sorry.) I'm also terrible at making textures, so I can't really show what I mean, but you should get the idea.

    submitted by /u/SilverGhost540
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    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:10 AM PST

    Papayas are new plants found in the jungle. They have a striped greenish trunk with brown spots and slightly maple-like leaves.As in real life, papaya reaches 5-10 blocks in height.

    Just in case a photo:


    Just like in the picture, papayas bloom and their fruit could also have ripening grades like vegetables. Papaya fruit can be processed into papaya seeds and sowed. Papaya fruit gives 3.5 hunger points.



    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Neonek675
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    Now that we have more mushrooms: Mushroom Blocks should be bouncy, like slime blocks, but not sticky.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:17 AM PST

    Pretty self-explanatory! Mushroom blocks should make the player bounce when they fall onto them, & maybe even be able to be used w/ pistons in the same way (i.e. launching entities), but they shouldn't be sticky like slime blocks. It'd give a nice middle-ground between slime blocks n other blocks.

    submitted by /u/Athesiel
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