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    Minecraft Enhanced mob inteligence in hardcore

    Minecraft Enhanced mob inteligence in hardcore

    Enhanced mob inteligence in hardcore

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:14 AM PST


    Skeletons will now stay near spider groups for protection and avoid shooting other mobs.


    Spiders now stick in groups, avoid going outside during daytime and have the ability to sprint after players.


    Creepers now have object permanance and blow up cover you are hiding behind only if there are other mobs nearby to attack you.


    Zombies will now commnece seiges near player built beds and doors.

    Zombie Villagers:

    Zombie Villagers remember how to open doors from their past lives.


    Endermen now have the ability to crouch underneath blocks blocking their path to the player.


    Pillagers take cover while reloading and peak to shoot the player.


    Witches buff all hostile mobs and drink milk if they have a negative effect applied to them.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Option to turn off the profanity filter in Bedrock

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 10:08 PM PST

    It's unnecessary, and forced. Java doesn't need it, why does Bedrock? I am an adult, and so are my friends, I don't need the game choosing for me what is acceptable speech.

    submitted by /u/Roadhog360
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    Expanding the Upgrade System introduced by Netherite.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 12:40 PM PST

    The inclusion of Netherite tier within the Nether Update opened the opportunity for more likewise upgrades to the classical tiers of Minecraft. I propose that Iron and Diamond should be the ores receiving these kinds of upgrades. Each upgrade being somewhat equivalent on general stats but with special attributes that diversify their advantages. These would make possible for both midgame and endgame players to diversify their looks and abilities, making these parts of the game more interesting and unique to each player. Also, to increase the challenge of upgrading your diamond gear, some structure changes are also suggested here.

    The names and attributes for the materials used here are suggestions that could be modified to better fit the game.

    New Overworld Ore added

    Copper: With the same rarity as Gold, Copper would be used to make Bronze Ingots and maybe have a redstone related feature for its Block form, knowing its real life use being related to electricity.

    Iron Upgrades!

    All Iron Upgrades would grant the same armor points as Iron.

    Bronze: Combining Copper Ingots with Iron Ingots would create a Bronze Ingot, that would upgrade Iron equipment to the Bronze tier. This tier would add +2 Armor Toughness to the Iron Armor, increase the durability of the equipment and increase tool/sword damage by one.

    Electrum: Combining Gold Ingots with Iron Ingots would create an Electrum Ingot, which could be used to upgrade Iron equipment to the Electrum tier. This tier would add +1 Armor Toughness to the Iron Armor, also increasing its enchantment value and the speed of its tools. (For those of you who don't know, Electrum is a real life metal alloy, combining silver and gold).

    New "Upgrade Blocks" like Ancient Debris

    Elder Remains: found inside Ocean Monuments, these would substitute the gold blocks encased by prismarine as the "prize" for conquering the Monument.

    Jade Relic: found inside the Woodland Mansion, protected by a new illager miniboss that would be able to extinguish fire blocks at a large enough radius to protect the entire Mansion, like the Elder Guardian protects the Ocean Monument from block breaking. This fire extinguishing feature is important to prevent players from "cheating" their way through the highly flammable Mansion, having to take part on the challenge it provides.

    Ancient Debris: They could be updated to also appear inside a new Nether Fortress room or inside a new structure, protected by a miniboss or some kind of challenge.

    Old Meteor: found inside small and rare End islands near the void. These islands could be made from a dark purple variant of endstone, to hide itself above the black abyss, with its core composed by small pockets of Old Meteor blocks. Also, maybe a new End structure could exist, with its own miniboss guarding some Old Meteor blocks.

    Diamond Upgrades!

    All Upgrades would grant +1 attack damage to their diamond gear equivalents, increase tool speed by the same rate as netherite and have the same armor points as Diamond.

    Neptunite: Smelting the Elder Remains would give you an Elder Scale, which you can combine with Bronze Ingots to make a Neptunite Ingot that can be used to upgrade diamond equipment to the neptunite tier. Alongside a higher durability (not as much as Netherite), it would grant +3 armor toughness and maybe some water related inbuilt "enchantments", like respiration, aqua affinity and/or depth striders, to the armor set. The full set, when equipped, would grant the player a temporary Water Breathing effect, like the Turtle Shell one, but with a different duration (maybe just a few more seconds). As a Bonus, maybe you could upgrade your fishing rod with it to increase its durability and have a Luck of the Sea or Lure attribute inbuilt.

    Jadite: Smelting the Jade Relic would give you a Jadite Shard, which you can combine with Emeralds to make a Jadite Gem that can be used to upgrade diamond equipment to the jadite tier. It would have a bit less durability than neptunite, +2 armor toughness and, with the full set equipped, a small Luck effect. Also, jadite pickaxes and swords would have, respectively, Fortune and Looting attributes inbuilt. (Fortune and Looting attributes equivalent to their level I enchantments)

    Netherite: Netherite would remain unchanged, perhaps just adding a 5 seconds Fire Resistance effect that activates the instant the player touches lava (like the Water Breathing effect from the Turtle Shell but with Lava). It would only work with a fully equipped set.

    Enderite: Smelting the Meteor block would give you an Enderite Fragment, which you can combine with Electrum to make an Enderite Ingot that can be used to upgrade diamond equipment to the enderite tier. Enderite armor would have +3 armor toughness and a little more durability than Netherite, Enderite boots would have Feather Falling inbuilt and Enderite tools would have the same durability as Netherite. When fully equipped, the Enderite set would grant the ability to activate a small "Levitation" effect when falling, requiring pressing your "sneak key" (or maybe the space bar) to activate it. It would last at most 2 seconds and could only be used once per "fall".

    submitted by /u/LucsDB
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    Animals to be healed by eating/grassing

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:37 AM PST

    It's already possible to heal tamed wolfs with food, but if anything happens to any other pet (or farming animal) right now the only option to heal it would be to brew a potion.

    My suggestion is that the food used to breed an animal should also be able to heal it.

    submitted by /u/Skirakzalus
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    Animals will eat crops

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 01:57 AM PST

    If you or villagers have crops planted, animals will occasionally eat them, depending on the crop and it's growth stage.

    This adds a natural element to the game, forcing you to invest more into farming.

    Animals would eat their respective breeding food items.

    Pigs and rabbits would eat carrots stages 0 - 8 Chickens would eat wheat stages 0 - 6 Cows and sheep would eat wheat stages 6 - 8 Etc.

    submitted by /u/NLoftus13
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    Fungi Stew

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 10:51 AM PST

    In the new Nether Update, there should be a new food source. Introducing Fungi Stew! It's similar to Mushroom stew but it's crafted with crimson and warped fungi!

    It will be crafted with a bowl, one crimson fungi, one warped fungi, and one nether wart. It can heal 5 food points and it can occasionally give you useful effects, similar to suspicious stew!

    Chances of getting no effects: (50%) Effects: 1. Fire resistance for 6 seconds (12%) 2. Jump boost for 6 seconds (10%) 3. Speedness for 7 seconds (8%) 4. Regeneration for 7 seconds (6%) 5. Weakness for 9 seconds (4%) 6. Wither for 11 seconds (7%) 7. Poison for 12 seconds (3%)

    I think this would be a pretty cool feature, especially when the update comes out and all the youtubers start making videos like "Is it possible to beat minecraft by starting in the nether?" I know the hoglins will give you porkchops, and that would kind of make this useless, but I feel like this will still be a cool function.

    submitted by /u/Bluemycool320
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    Enemy “camps”

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 08:27 AM PST

    So maybe this is because I'm addicted to BOTW but I like the idea of enemy camps

    Spawn locations:

    plains,tundras,badlands(Mesa),deserts,and sea

    Spawn rate:rare


    Plains:cobblestone shelter(looks broken and unfinished),watchtowers of wood,campfire in the center

    Tundras:cobble shelter(looks cleaner and finished) watchtowers of wood,campfire in center

    Badlands:fossil shelter(added cobble roof),no watchtowers

    Deserts:copy of badlands with added watchtowers

    Sea:raised platform on sea level


    Zombies(not in badlands,deserts or seas)

    skeletons(replaced with strays in tundras,not in badlands or the sea)

    Husks(replaces zombies in badlands and deserts)

    Drowned(replaces zombies in seas


    Loot tables:





    Golden Apples(rare

    Enchanted/god Apples(hyper rare)

    submitted by /u/Xxdeadmeme-69-xX
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    Fire Corn

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 06:27 AM PST

    The end has a unique fruit in chorus fruit so i think the end should as well. Obtaining: Fire corn would be found planted in Piglin bastions or as loot in fortress chests. Mechanics: It would grow to two blocks tall instead of the usual one. In the nether and warm biomes such as the desert and mesa it will grow as fast as wheat but if planted anywhere else in the overworld it takes twice as long as long as the usual crops to grow. Once fully grown, you can harvest the corn indefinitely like pumpkins or melons. It must be planted in soul sand. Usage: Fire Corn when eaten gives less hunger than bread but more saturation. You could cook it into popcorn to make it restore more hunger. It can also be used to breed overworld pigs and hoglins. Fire corn could also be crafted into a corn husk doll which could calm mobs of angry piglins

    submitted by /u/Lamp_squid
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    Remake the Nether Fortress

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 10:16 AM PST

    For example the possibility of seeing red Nether Fortress, built only from red Nether Bricks.

    I will see 1 or 2 dungeons in the fortress, with more additions, to make it even more incredible, because nothing has changed for a while for the fortress.

    submitted by /u/Soft-Rent
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    Scythe Concept

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 04:37 AM PST


    Made up this little concept for a scythe in Minecraft. It's not exactly the best as a weapon as it has lower attack damage and speed than swords (with the only exception being the gold scythe) but higher attack speed than axes. Making it a decent weapon in combat.

    The way I envisioned this tool being used was with one of the combat tests that came out fairly recently that involved having different reaches for different weapons. The scythe would have a higher reach than even a hoe and will pull some enemies slightly towards you. Almost being like reverse knockback allowing for combos.

    The main difference between a scythe and a hoe is that a scythe doesn't turn grass or dirt into farmland but instead turns grass into dirt as there isn't actually a way to do that without mining grass and placing it as dirt. If used on fully grown crops such as carrots or wheat it may give you more of that crop when harvesting making it more useful for farms that are already completed as it will only give you one seed per crop.

    I know Scythes are a pretty common suggestion but I think my ideas for it as a weapon/tool would be pretty neat.

    submitted by /u/Napstascott
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    New Enchantment: Destroyer

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 08:41 AM PST

    Levels 1 to 5.

    Increases damage against construct or golem-type mobs:

    -Iron Golems






    Mutually exclusive with Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods and Impaling.

    submitted by /u/pamafa3
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    The Nether could do with some more Ambience and Sound Effects.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 02:25 PM PST

    The Nether is meant to be creepy and disturbing, but the only sounds that can be heard at the moment are the noises of ghasts, zombie pigmen and bubbling lava. These don't really add much to the creepy factor of the nether in my opinion, and we could do better.

    One of the creepiest aspects of the overworld are the infamous cave sounds. The disturbing sounds that play randomly whenever you're mining underground. I feel like the Nether should have something similar. Rattling of chains or slamming of prison gates when in a nether fortress, loud demonic growls or cave sounds from the overworld when walking through nether wastes or near lava lakes, whispers and crying souls when walking through soul valleys. Suggestions like these would add way more atmosphere to the Nether and make it way more creepy.

    And while we're at it, why not look into the possibility of adding Reverb effects too (which could be applied to overworld caves too, and would include an option to disable it in the sound settings)?

    Mojang is already looking at the sound effects within the nether, as they have been changing the sounds of blocks related to it, so it wouldn't hurt to add more sounds that would add to the atmosphere of the nether overall.

    submitted by /u/JJFreshMemes
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    The warped blaze

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 01:52 AM PST

    Since many other posts have gone for a soulfire variant of the blaze, I've decided to go for a different approach by using the warped forest that is coming to the nether in 1.16.


    The warped blaze would resemble it's normal counterpart but would instead have a purplish-blue aesthetic in order to fit with the end theme that the warped forest has. The blaze would also have a mouth that opens, similar to the Enderman in order to create a creature that seems familiar but is different at the same time.


    The blaze would be a neutral mob rather than a hostile one like the normal blaze. This is supposed to reference how the end is "warping" the behaviour and appearance of the nether. However, once attacked or stared at the blaze would unleash a volley of purple flames. On impact these flames would burn you but would also teleport you to a random area, in a radius similar to that of the chorus fruit. After unleashing one volley, the blaze would have a cool down time, allowing you to attack it and eventually kill it (the blaze would have around 25-30 health in order to make it a bit more of a challenge)


    Upon killing the blaze the player would receive warped rods which could be placed down, similar to end rods but would have a purplish-blue hue. The rods could also be crafted into powder for use as a brewing ingredient. The potion that results would allow the player to drink it and randomly teleport somewhere. However the main use for the potion would be the splash form which would teleport mobs away from you, in order to make an escape.

    Thanks for reading and please leave your thoughts in the comments!

    Edit: Thanks to u/Lamp_squid for suggesting that the rods that orbit the blaze do so in a more chaotic manner Thanks to u/Skeletonofskillz for suggesting that standing next to the blaze should make it angry

    submitted by /u/crabbyink
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    Hardcore Mode Update ideas to make it harder

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 05:54 AM PST

    Minecraft Hardcore Mode Update

    Minecraft has had the same hardcore mode for years now. But what if it was harder/had exclusive features? Here are my ideas:

    Enchanting Table

    • Enchanting tables can enchant your items with curses now.

    • Enchanting requires more lapis and EXP.

    Diamonds, Lapis and Redstone

    • They will give less of their gems. Fortune enchantment still works.

    Potion Effects

    • Positive potions now go away faster.

    • Negative potions now last longer.


    • Now have a higher chance of happening.


    • Will now inflict more damage.


    • Now has a bigger explosion range and inflict more damage.


    • Anvils will break faster.


    • Crops grow slower.


    • Their trades will be more expensive.


    • They can now use fireworks as ammo for their crossbows.


    • They will be able to break more blocks.


    • They have a chance to spawn with shields which they can actually use.


    • They run faster.

    • They can use their Totem of Undying once.(They will still drop a totem after dying though.)


    • They won't despawn after their Evoker has died.


    • If you are hiding inside a two blocks tall hole they can crouch and enter into that hole to hit you.


    • You now need to wear full gold armor instead of just a single piece of gold armor.

    • Bartering now gives you less of the same items.

    Zombified Piglins

    • They will now attack unless you are wearing a single piece of gold armor.


    • They will inflict more knockback.

    • They are no longer scared of Warped Fungi.


    • They will now shoot three fireballs.


    • They now have shields.

    • They are now weaker against axes.

    • They now have projectile protection because of the shield.

    Magma Cubes

    • They will set you on fire upon hitting.


    • There is now a chance for them to spawn as Charged Creepers.

    • If they see you and are following you while you enter into a door, they will approach the door and explode. (Might be impossible or cause performance issues but idk.)


    • Now inflict weakness upon hitting.

    • Will call for backup more often.


    • They will now burn you upon hitting you.


    • They will no longer burn in the sun.


    • They now strafe faster.

    • They can charge their bows slightly faster.

    Wither Skeletons

    • They now have less of a chance to drop skulls.

    • They will now spawn in Soul Sand Valley biomes.


    • Their arrows will now inflict you with Potion of the Turtle Master effects rather than slowness.


    • If they shoot ink at your face you'll get blindess.


    • They will randomly make sounds of mobs that aren't nearby.


    • Slimes can now merge together.


    • Llamas will now be aggressive unless they are tamed.


    • Wolves will be aggressive unless they are tamed.

    Sheeps, Chickens, Rabbits, Cows etc.

    • They will now run away faster.


    • You get insomnia faster.


    • Witches will have higher level potions.


    • Silverfish infested blocks now have a chance to appear in caves.


    • Higher chance to spawn from teleporting.


    • Are now invincible when closed.

    Guardians/Elder Guardians

    • They will now charge at you as well to hurt you with their spikes.

    Iron Golems/Snow Golems

    • They now have less HP.


    • He now has a charge ability.

    • He now has an ability where he spawns Wither Skeletons.

    Ender Dragon

    • Ender Dragon's breath now inflicts poison/wither.


    • They can now jump infront of you if they are behind you.

    • They can now place down cobwebs.

    Cave Spiders

    • They are invisible(Except their eyes.) in the darkness.

    • They can inflict random effects instead of just poison.

    Polar Bears

    • They will always be aggressive.


    • Bees will not die after stinging.

    Skeleton Jockeys/Chicken Jockeys/Spider Jockeys

    • They now have a higher chance to appear.

    Piglin Jockeys and Zombified Piglin Jockeys

    • They are Piglins and Zombified Piglins who are riding Hoglins.

    So yeah these are my ideas. Let me know what you guys think!

    Edit 1: Beds

    submitted by /u/emercraft573
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    Hanging cages in the nether (Pictures included)

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 02:53 PM PST

    Hanging cages would we an aesthetic structure that spawn a little less frequently as basalt pillars, and would hang down from the nether ceilings.

    Hanging cages would be made of nether brick and iron bars, having the thinnest part hanging the cage 3-10 blocks down. They would have a 1/50 chance to have a wither skeleton skull inside, and the skull inside would have a 1/10 chance to be a normal skeleton skull.

    Hanging cages would also have a rare chance to have a chest inside that would be comparable to buried treasure loot.


    submitted by /u/xXNugget25Xx
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    Beacons Help Villages

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 01:39 PM PST

    Regeneration and Resistance from beacons should effect Villagers and Iron Golems.

    submitted by /u/andythelord
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    (i honestly have no idea what its called in english but meh)

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 07:20 AM PST

    im getting kinda bored about the weather in minecraft

    my idea:

    a grey sky that may or may not predict rain/snow or thunderstorm

    -mobs can spawn in this weather but will still burn if not covered by something

    -thunder can be heard but lightning cannot occur naturally

    -lightning can still happen if a trident with the channeling enchantment is thrown

    submitted by /u/Vap0r_offi
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    Trapping and Unemploying Villagers to cause negative reputation

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 04:18 PM PST

    If this has been suggested before, please let me know and I will remove this post.

    When a player places blocks that prevent Villagers from leaving their homes (or an enclosure where they're unable to escape), a villager creates a gossip that they are trapped, resulting in -1 reputation toward the player (-3 for baby). They can also make a "call for help" gossip if they are stuck on a hill/ravine (no reputation loss as its not player caused) but deliver +1 reputation (+3 for baby) if the player rescues the Villager.

    Repeatedly destroying and placing job blocks too many times (a random amount between 3 and 10, these numbers lowers the more times it happens) and the villager will stop seeking jobs until the next Minecraft day, and create a -1 gossip. Imo it totally makes sense as you keep forcing them to find employment.

    submitted by /u/Hxrdcxre
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    Piglins Have a Chance Not to Become Zombified When Moved to Overworld

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 07:30 AM PST

    Perhaps some piglins could be "immune" to being transported to the Overworld. Some would have a certain trait that enables them to survive there.

    submitted by /u/Firebolt360
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    New Ghast variations/ai

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:59 PM PST


    Each ghast has an equal chance of spawning in with a special behavior. 1 will shoot directly at you like normal, 2 will shoot 3-5 blocks in front of you in the direction your looking, 3 will act like either 1 or 2 with each fireball shot, 4 will act like 1, but if you hit it's fireball back at it, it will "un-agro" and run away

    how Minecraft might benefit

    As most of us know, obviously the nether update is coming up, which is supposed to make living there possible, but hard. These behaviors would make it harder to live there, especially if you are attacked by more than one at once. For example, imagine being attacked by "1" and "2" at the same time, you might be blocked off in the front by 2, and get fireballed while you are stopped by 1. These behaviors also add depth to a relatively old mob, which would benefit the game.


    If you have ever played the game "pac-man", you may know that the four ghosts, Blinky, pinky, inky, and Clyde have different behaviors similar to what I had said each Ghast would do.

    would the Ghasts reference the colors?

    I would personally say that no, the Ghasts texture is fine how it is, and doesn't need to be updated, the colors also would not fit into the nether. If they were, maybe the tears could be slightly tinted

    What do you guys think of my idea? I absolutely cannot tell when one of my ideas is bad or not, so please comment below.

    submitted by /u/The-Real-Radar
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    Fixing Nether Portal Linking, A Post of Many Suggestions

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:55 PM PST

    The current problem: Its really hard to link Nether Portals exactly the way you want. Multiple portals in the nether can be linked to one overworld portal, and vice versa. Portals can be really annoying to work with, especially if you have tons in a close area. I recently spent an hour trying to link one properly, it was quite the hassle.

    I think there are several solutions ot this issue, and I will list my ideas below.

    Shape Based Portals

    The concept here is simple. Portals of the same shape will link to one another. There are multiple approaches to this however, would they be able to link over longer distances? Can the portals still only connect if they are within a certain distance of eachother?

    One-To-One Portals

    This is a bit chaotic, but is also pretty easy to understand. Every portal will have per 8x8 area will have its own nether equivalent. I say 8x8 area so if two portals happen to be less than 8 blocks apart, they would still link to the same portal in the nether, if that makes sense. (A portal at 0,0 would link to the same portal in the nether as a portal at 4,4 for example)

    Item Based Connection

    This is probably the most complex of the 3, but it would fix all the problems that the last 2 solutions had. Imagine an item that you would obtain in some fashion (obsidian themed possible) that would be able to link portals by right clicking on them. You would right click on a portal in the overworld, go into the nether, and right click on a portal there. Those to portals are now connected, and the old portals in the nether would just link to their original overworld portals. I don't know what this item would be called, or how you guys could put a vanilla spin on it, but I think it would allow for players to link the portals in-game quite easily.

    Edit: Feedback Post Below


    submitted by /u/MotorGorilla1
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    Golden Trident Concept

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 03:50 PM PST


    made a concept for a craftable trident using gold. As you can see by the image it's overall more powerful than a trident and can be thrown further however it's durability is terrible, breaking after just 20 hits.

    Not only would this give Piglins another weapon to work with. But it also allows for players to get an idea of what tridents are like and how they work before they have to go get one. Tridents are very hard to get in survival without grinding or farming and not everyone wants to do that. So allowing players to get a worse version of an item they will likely get later makes getting a trident more exciting.

    This also gives another use to gold which sure is more useful now with Piglins and netherite but considering it's pretty rare to find, it should be more valuable. I've never once gone on a mining trip searching for gold where I have with almost every other ore and I think having a gold trident could definitely help with that. Making gold more valuable, especially in the early game.

    It's admittedly pretty cheap as is so maybe having the handle be made of blaze rods instead of gold ingots could work But I think a pure gold trident fits better. But let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/Napstascott
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    Expanding the inventory by adding more slots

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 08:32 AM PST

    Just hear me out. With each new update, several more items get added. Here the other day i went mining as i thought back to the good old days, and i realized my inventory just cloggs up so quickly! Andesite, diorite, granite, you name it! And its not just when you're out mining, but aswell as when you are exploring. If you think about it, the inventory we have today was made for the game when it came out, and so many new items have been released since then that take space in the inventory. I'd really like to see more inventory-space in the future.

    submitted by /u/svenvenn1
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