• Breaking News

    Minecraft Music from jukebox increases villagers produce when they work during it being played.

    Minecraft Music from jukebox increases villagers produce when they work during it being played.

    Music from jukebox increases villagers produce when they work during it being played.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 03:57 AM PST

    Villagers should value culture, and it will also bring a new use for music discs. This idea was inspired from the suggestion of villagers appreciating paintings.

    submitted by /u/danny161016
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    Shroomlight Segments

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 01:18 AM PST

    The nether needs food. Putting a shroomlight in the crafting grid could split it into 4 segments like fruit. They'd be about the same as melon slices but they'd give you the glowing potion effect.

    Minecraft Feedback Post

    submitted by /u/Pulsicron
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    Bonemeal green effect is different when saplings cannot grow.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 01:51 PM PST

    It probably has already been suggested but I don't know why it isn't in the game.

    Would be applied to vegetation not affected by bonemeal.

    The green effect could be black or red, it would save bonemeal and be a visual explanation.

    There could even be a different effect altogether maybe red x's?

    submitted by /u/Kibko
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    Soul fire lanterns should be crafted with gold nuggets (instead of iron ones). The block texture would also be changed accordingly.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:43 AM PST

    Gold is a lot more related to the nether than iron, plus the soul fire lantern would look a lot cooler with a gold frame.

    submitted by /u/MrDinosaur_7
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    Ghoulish Blaze / Ghost's Grasp

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:10 AM PST

    With the new soul fire, there could be two new enchantments.

    1. Ghost's Grasp (Swords / Axes): Lights a target on soul fire for 3 seconds, 1 second less than fire aspect. Not compatible with fire aspect. This soul fire cannot be extinguished by rain or water. The best way to combat it is by fire protection or out-healing.
    2. Ghoulish Blaze (Bows / Crossbow): Target is lit with soul fire, flames cannot be extinguished by rain or water, and stays burning even underwater.

    To obtain this enchantment, you will have to traverse the nether, and set up an enchanting table in a soulsand valley. This will then unlock the probability to get the enchantment. Overworld enchanting will not let you get this enchantment.

    submitted by /u/DividedEnd
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    A new Nether biome: The Ash Chasms; and an improvement to Ancient Debris.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:16 AM PST

    Netherite is a great addition to the game, but the ore, and how you find it, it's not really fun, or adventurous. It's definetly really challenging, but it gets boring really fast, since the only thing you do is digging.

    I propose Nether Caves, every once in a while, when you're digging bellow the lava ocean looking for ancient debris, you'll stumble across cave systems with some lava, magma blocks, large quantity of quartz and only one mob, magma cubes. While you're digging for ancient debri, you can find one of those caves and have a small break to collect quartz and magma cream, then, continue on your journey.

    Since we have 3D biome codes now, those caves could actually be a biome of itself, nether_caves.

    But oh boy I have more to say! If you read the title and have been paying attention, there's one more thing to talk about, The Ash Chasms.

    The Ash Chasms (ash_chasms) are a variation of the nether caves, it is very rare, and has some cool stuff to it.

    On the Ash Chasms you can find Ash, a new block. It generates in small patches on the floor of the biome. You need an iron pickaxe or better to mine the block, and it'll drop 3-4 of the item "ash fragment". Put 4 of them on the crafting table and you will get the block itself. You get slowed down when walking in the block, but not like soul sand that you sink into.

    If you smelt weeping vines you get Melted Vines, combine them with the Ash block to get solified Ash block. Now you can use it to make Solified Ash Bricks, Pillars, etc... It has a black-grey tone to it and it'll be great for builders!

    On the Ash Chasms you can find exposed ancient debri, they will still spawn at the same rate, except that in this biome they can spawn with an air block in their side, so it's exposed and easier to find. The walls, and ceiling of the Ash Chasms are Ash Netherrack, a new version of netherrack that takes longer to mine and has a darkened texture, you can craft it by putting a netherrack block on the crafting grid and sorround it with Ash fragments.

    The floor of the biome is made out of Ash Nilyum, and Ash Sprouts, you can also find melted vines hanging from the ceiling.

    The particles in this biome are similar to the ones in the soul sand valley, little ash particles falling from the ceiling.

    You can also find a new mob in this biome, the Ash Bat. they are small bats flying around the chasms eating the Ash Sprouts. It is peaceful unless you hit it, similar to zombie pigman, it attacks in groups, and bites you like a phantom would, giving you the blindness effect for 2 seconds, their attack causes a knockback of 3,5 blocks so be careful not to have a lava pond behind you! They are only dangerous in large quantities, since they die in only one swing of a diamond or Netherite sword. They drop 1-2 ash fragments.

    submitted by /u/Everedeck
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    Knowing that Netherite is rarer than diamond and it takes a good amount of it with gold for an ingot. I think a new gold less rare and more accessible would make the Nether more interesting

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:31 AM PST

    The Netherite is rarer than diamond and it takes a good amount of it with gold for an ingot. I think a new gold less rare and more accessible would make the Nether more interesting and encourage more players to mine in the Nether to find interesting materials for weapons, useful objects or decoration.

    submitted by /u/Soft-Rent
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    Natural tree reproduction

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:35 AM PST

    When you fully cut down the wooden parts of a tree, the leaves will start to disappear, dropping sticks, apples and saplings. Those saplings despawn and I wonder why.

    Wouldn't it be cool if all sapling-items which reach their time limit and which are on an appropriate surface turned into sapling-blocks? Forests would be sustainable & satisfying with their natural ability to recreate.

    submitted by /u/johpick
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    A couple ideas for the nether update - New biome (Part 2)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:09 AM PST

    This suggestion is made of two different posts, so you can upvote/downvote for each idea.

    Here's the link to part 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/f3f1ks/a_couple_ideas_for_the_nether_update_new_effect/

    Now, just a reminder on what decay is, in case if you came here without reading part 1:

    - Effect: Decay

    This effect will prevent you from healing naturally. It will prevent saturation boost from happening, and will also completely disable natural healing over time. This effect can only be obtained via getting attacked by a warper (5 seconds), being in the suffocated valley (permanent, unless you get out of the biome, gonna talk about only this in this post), eating crimson meat (10 seconds) and eating warped meat (20 seconds).

    - Biome: Suffocated Valley

    This biome is similar to soul sand valley (is made of soul soil & soul sand) however has some key differences.

    Suffocating: When you enter this biome, your bubbles will appear and you will actually "suffocate." similar to how you drown underwater, but 3 times slower. (You can make this time even longer with respiration) This biome is not a place you can live in. This biome will also have a dark fog and particles similar to the bedrock fog. Your view distance will also be limited due to fog. Only vexes and skeletons will spawn in this biome.

    Features of this biome:

    1. Vex Spawning: Vexes will spawn occasionally with iron swords in this biome, and they will not suffocate. They will not spawn in groups, and will rarely spawn on the surface of the biome. Although, vexes in this biome will be slower than normal, and will decide to attack less often, giving you more time to run away when under threat. When vexes in these biomes run into another biome other than the suffocated valley, they will take half a heart of damage every half a second.
    2. Vex Coves: Under the ground and on the roof, there will be small vex coves with a couple vexes (2-4) in them. These will spawn often, and you'll have a chance to dig into it when strip mining. Vexes in these will be sleeping, and will not despawn. These vexes will wake up and attack you as soon as you dig into their cove, and they spot you. When they're awake and you get away, they will despawn.
    3. More ancient debris: With all these downsides, this biome will have a higher chance to contain ancient debris, and will have two times more ancient debris per chunk, so strip mining in this place is a high risk/high reward thing.
    4. Decay effect: When you enter this biome, you will have the decay effect with you, in order to prevent healing the suffocating damage, and making it harder to survive here for a long time.

    This biome is overall a dangerous place, and can be a good place to look for ancient debris.

    submitted by /u/-Sparkist-
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    Soul Crawlers | A New Hostile mob For the Nether Update :)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:50 AM PST

    Hello redditors! I have an idea I'd like to share with you!

    Soul Crawlers
    A new mob for the upcoming Nether Update.

    Soul Crawlers are 6 legged, long, skull headed. territorial mobs that live in the new Nether biome, Soulsand Valley. (3.5 blocks long, 2.5 blocks tall)
    The walls of the mysterious biome are filled with cave-like holes. Inside them, a sleeping monster is waiting to be awaken. Not until you make a bad move, come too close or perhaps bring some food that the monster carefully awaits, will they attack.

    They are agile creatures with a long tail. While the head, spikes on the back of the creature and the legs are made out of bones, the body is made up entirely of soulsand. Just like spiders, they have the ability to walk on the walls.

    Their home (which consists of around 2-5 connected caves) is where they are "sleeping". Packs of them consist of 3-6. They are extremely territorial (Seems like they could be guarding something) which means they will attack anything that comes within the 32 block radius, except the player (16 block radius).
    Soul Crawlers are just waiting to see what the player desires. And if for some reason player puts food in a hotbar slot, they can smell the food, and go hunt. Not just for the food, for the player.

    If you manage to get rid of them, there is a slight chance that, in a nest, a mysterious egg is found.
    Could it be a new pet that you could use for your battles, perhaps use it as a mount, or just a trophy of defeating the horrible, corrupted creatures that these monsters are? It depends on what Developers plan to do!

    I also posted this on the Feedback, but not many people have seen it.
    I would also like your opinion on everything!

    submitted by /u/crossf1re4win
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    A couple ideas for the nether update - New effect, and new mobs (Part 1)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:09 AM PST

    This suggestion is made of two different posts, so you can upvote/downvote for each idea.

    Here's the link to part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/f3f1pe/a_couple_ideas_for_the_nether_update_new_biome/

    Let's start with the effect:

    - Effect: Decay

    This effect will prevent you from healing naturally. It will prevent saturation boost from happening, and will also completely disable natural healing over time. This effect can only be obtained via getting attacked by a warper (5 seconds), being in the suffocated valley (permanent, unless you get out of the biome, not gonna talk about it in this post), eating crimson meat (10 seconds) and eating warped meat (20 seconds).

    Now, let's get to the mobs.

    - Mobs: Warpers

    These warpers look similar to endermen, but instead they have a blue texture, and they have thicker body, arms and legs. In comparison, warpers are a weaker variant of endermen. These mobs are neutral just like endermen, and they can pick up blocks. However, when a crimson block (like crimson logs, or slabs) is picked up by a warper, the block will turn into its warped variant. Warpers can only spawn in warped forests, and will replace enderman spawns.

    Warper's health: 30 health points (15 hearts)

    Warper's attack damage: 4 health points (2 hearts) in easy, 5 health points (2.5 hearts) in normal, 6 health points (3 hearts) in hard.

    Warper's ability: They got the ability of teleportation just like enderman, however upon being attacked and aggroed, the warper will perform this ability where it will teleport the player next to it. The warper cannot immediately deal damage to the player after this. The warper will first have a 0.5-1.0 second of attack cooldown, and if the player is still in range of the warper, the warper will deal damage. Warper's player teleportation mechanic is similar to chorus fruit. It will only be able to teleport the player if there's a safe surface next to it. (e.g can't teleport into lava, only onto solid full blocks) Upon attacking, the warper will give the decay effect for 5 seconds, which makes this mob extremely dangerous.

    Warper's drops: They have similar drops to endermen; will have a chance to drop ender pearls, but can also drop warped fungi. It will also drop 6-8 xp.

    - Mobs: Carriers

    These carriers have two variants: Crimson carriers and warped carriers.

    Crimson Carriers:

    These mobs have a similar model to cows, with a thicker body and a crimson-red texture. These mobs are peaceful. They are breedable with nether fungi, just like hoglins. This mob is good to be dealt on a distance.

    Crimson carrier's health: 8 health points (4 hearts)

    Crimson carrier's attack damage: None

    Crimson carrier's ability: Exploding upon death when they are killed: These mobs will have a small 25% chance to explode on a 5-blocks radius. This explosion will not be able to destroy blocks (only insta-breakable blocks like nether grass, fungi etc.) and this explosion will deal 5 hearts of damage on closest impact.

    Crimson carrier's drops: 2-4 gunpowder (only when not exploded), 1-3 Crimson meat (only when not exploded), 6-8 xp.

    Also worth talking about crimson meat: This new food replenishes 2 food points, and 6 saturation points. Upon eating, it will give you the decay effect for 10 seconds.

    Warped Carriers:

    These mobs have a similar model to cows, but they are smaller and have a warped-blue texture. These mobs are peaceful. They are breedable with nether fungi, just like hoglins. They will not explode, unlike crimson carriers.

    Warper carrier's health: 8 health points (4 hearts)

    Warped carrier's attack damage: None

    Warped carrier's ability: These mobs are a little faster than crimson carriers.

    Warped carrier's drops: 0-1 gunpowder (rare drop), 1-2 Warped meat, 4-5 xp.

    Warped meat replenishes 2 food points, and 5 saturation points. Upon eating, it will give you the decay effect for 20 seconds.

    - Food: Crimson Meat & Warped Meat

    Crimson meat: It's dropped from crimson carriers. It is eaten raw, and it replenishes 2 food points, and 6 saturation points. Upon eating, it will give you the decay effect for 10 seconds.

    Warped meat: It's dropped from warped carries. It is also eaten raw, and it replenishes 2 food points, and 5 saturation points. Upon eating, it will give you the decay effect for 20 seconds.

    The difference between the duration of decay is to add more of the high risk/high reward aspect to the game. Crimson meat is better, but crimson carriers can explode upon death, for example.

    submitted by /u/-Sparkist-
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    New Weather in the Nether Black Snow

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:37 AM PST

    Knowing that the developers want to encourage players to live in the Nether, I thought of a new weather like rain in the Overworld but where it's snowing black ash knowing that the Nether is a very hot place.

    submitted by /u/Soft-Rent
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    Trading with Piglins will give a 'dousing rod'

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 12:53 PM PST

    At current ancient debris is a 'happen' upon ore, similar to Emerald. The proposed idea is that with the new zombie pigmen/piglins - players would be able to have some direct course of action that would greatly improve their ability to locate the highly coveted ancient debris.

    Some examples may be:

    • Trading X of Z to earn a 'dousing rod' - a sort of 'compass' that points to one ancient ore
    • Complete a 'quest' of the Piglins to be awarded a 'dousing rod' - this could be build a house for them (a duplicate of one of their potential houses
    • Summon and Kill a wither boss within X blocks of the piglins.

    Basically, anything that's better than "just strip mine it / get a TNT duper" something that gives players a set goal of 'If I do X I'll get closer to Y'

    Thank you for taking the time to read through! Keep those ideas comin!

    submitted by /u/DahWizEh
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    Horse armour should display it’s protection

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:13 AM PST

    I suggest that horse armours should display how many protection they give when you mouse/joystick over them in your inventory similarly how player armour does. I think it would be useful and would make horse armours easier to understand. I play minecraft for 4 years and I still dont know how much protection each horse armour provides :P.

    Just a small change but I think many people would agree.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Nether Obelisk

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Nether Obelisk

    What is the Nether Obelisk

    The Nether Obelisk is a structure that can be constructed by the player using Nether resources that will give you helpful status effects within a certain radius.

    Benefits to the Nether Obelisk

    The Obelisk would provide the player with a status effect titled "Obelisk blessing" which would give them the following buffs:

    • Fire resistance

    • Fire does not spread

    • Ghast's Liberty (Ghasts will still spawn in the radius but will NOT shoot fireballs at the players within it)

    How to create the Obelisk

    In order to create the Obelisk, you will need to first craft the "Obelisk Core". To create the Obelisk Core you will need:

    • 8 Charred Fragments — Charred Fragments are obtained by bartering with Piglin but are a rare trade.

    • 1 Withered Heart — Not sure exactly on where this would be found but it should be hard to collect, possibly involving the defeat of a new, tough mob?

    • To craft it, surround the withered heart with 8 charred fragments and then you will have yourself an Obelisk core!

    How to activate the Obelisk

    To activate the Obelisk, you will need to surround it (in any way) with Basalt Brick which can be crafted by putting 4 basalt blocks in a crafting table

    The Obelisk will have a larger radius depending on how many blocks surround the core. The blocks can surround the core in any way as long as the core is exposed to the Nether by at least one block

    • 16 Basalt Brick blocks will activate the Obelisk at a radius of 32

    • 21 Basalt Brick blocks will extend the radius to 48

    • 28 Basalt Brick blocks will extend the radius to 64

    • 35 Basalt Brick blocks will extend the radius to 80

    • 42 Basalt Brick blocks (full frame) will extend the radius to 96


    A conduit for the Nether. Provides the player with fire resistance, stops ghasts from shooting at the player and also stops fire spreading. Crafted with new items - charred fragments and withered heart and must be surrounded by new block basalt brick to be activated.

    Thanks for spending the time to read and I hope you like the idea! It would make building a *much more pleasant experience in the Nether!*

    submitted by /u/owxn04
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    Add Nether fish, fished with warped fishing rods

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:12 AM PST

    Nether fishing with warped fishing rods, make it so that you can steer Hoglins with the fish, and make them breed etc. And maybe make the hoglins ridable, as a somewhat decent competitor to horses?

    submitted by /u/SweHun
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    Netherite Shield

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 12:05 PM PST

    It is made like a normal shield but crimson or warped planks are used instead of overworld wood. A netherite ingot replaces the iron ingot. The shield grants 5 seconds of fire resistance to the player when they come in contact with fire or lava (a bit like a turtle helmet). The netherite shield has 450 durability (more than a regular shield). It also floats in lava and does not get destroyed by fire. When a player or mob hits a player holding up the shield, the mob or player takes some extra knockback.

    submitted by /u/Noob_1357
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    Withers can phase through blocks a short while after exploding.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:22 AM PST

    Wither cages and auto killers are easy to make and a kind of defeat the purpose of the boss "fight" in the first place.

    Withers Should be able to fly though blocks shortly after their initial explosion after spawning.

    They will also fly towards an open, empty space near the player and near the same Y axis of the player (it might not be on quite the same axis, but it will never be below the player). It will loose the ability to phase through walls 20 seconds after spawning but will retain its ability to phase though walls as long as it's still inside a block that isn't air. This is to avoid the Wither from spawning and then getting stuck in the ground or a cave.

    Is can phase through Bedrock, but unless the player is in Y-127 in the Nether (the top bedrock layer is on Y-128), it will avoid going above Y-128 in the Nether and Y-0 in all dimensions.

    submitted by /u/CouldBeSteve
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    Dragon Egg attracts phantoms

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:30 AM PST

    Finally a use for that egg. Placed in an opened area, reachable from the sky. Non-aggressive phantoms could start coming down to investigate during the night.

    • Feeding the phantom(s) (insert item or food) would tame it.

    • You could craft it a stand so they perch and stay still. Remove the stand and it will follow you till you put it on the ground.

    • When you have an other player's weapon, tool or armor your phantom will go on the hunt or give the player an item of your choice.

    submitted by /u/Kibko
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    Overworld Boss: The Minotaur

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 12:07 PM PST

    The Minotaur is the first Overworld Boss mob. And I mean one with a health bar. The Ender Dragon belongs in the end, the Wither Boss comes from the Nether, but this boss is exclusive to the Overworld.

    The Minotaur is an ancient creature that roams the rift between dimensions waiting for a fool to perform ancient forbidden magic rituals. By this, I mean that this boss spawns when the first Nether Portal is lit.

    Upon lighting a Nether portal, the Minotaur will Spawn and the portal blocks will immediately disappear.

    The Minotaur has 200 hit points, or 100 hearts. It is a half horse half cow creature. The upper half resembles a humanoid shaped cow with horns. It is brown in color and furry as opposed to spotted. The lower half is a horse body, black in color and without any marks on it.

    The Minotaur serves as the last real challenge the overworld has to offer, and defeating it means the player is ready to take on the Nether and bigger, badder bosses.

    This mob world wields an ax and a shield. It will attack the player in a few ways, the first is the bull rush. The Minotaur will take a few steps back, make a noise that sounds like a bull breathing heavily, and it will charge in the direction it is facing for 10 blocks or until it hits something. If it hits something it will be stunned for two seconds. This attack deals 5 hearts of damage on a successful hit.

    The second way is by simply swinging it's iron ax. The boss will attack the player dealing normal iron ax damage and disabling shields.

    The third attack is a fireball. The Minotaur will sound like it is charging something up and then it will spit a fireball at the player that explodes. This does not break blocks but it does start fires.

    This boss has two phases, the first phase uses all attacks as normal and the boss will try to stay close to the player and only build distance when it uses bull rush or fireball. The second phase is when the boss becomes enraged. It will start using its shield to block most incoming damage(can be disabled with an ax), and it will use bull rush and fireball much more frequently.

    Upon death, this boss drops a good amount of exp, 12 to 15 leather, 10 to 13 raw beef, a small chance of dropping an iron ax or shield. It also always drops the Minotaur Horn, that can be put in a crafting table surrounded by soul sand to craft a Minotaur Emblem. This Emblem when thrown in fire will summon the boss again.

    I believe this boss should be added to the game because the overworld currently doesn't have an exclusive boss. This boss can be that, and it can prevent players from going into the nether unprepared. It is an added challenge before exploring the Nether, which guards Netherite and other useful items.

    submitted by /u/ligmaenigma
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    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 02:08 PM PST

    Starfruit can be crafted with Glowstone Dust and chorus fruit or glistening melon and Shulker shells. It gives 3 hunger bars and can be crafted into Starfruit Seeds, which can be grown (on farmland or soul soil) to make Starfruit plants to get more Starfruit. Starfruit can be crafted with dragon's breath and any tipped arrow to make a Shooting Starfruit. This is used like an egg or snowball, but makes a large explosion where it lands. This explosion has the dragon breath effect and also is guaranteed to kill any mob/entity in its range, excluding players, ender dragons, iron golems, withers, patrol captains, tamed animals (but only if they are tamed to the thrower), and elder guardians, in which it deals 8 damage instead. The explosion can destroy obsidian and cobblestone, but not bedrock. The explosion also works underwater. However when a player throws a Shooting Starfruit, all mobs hit by it that don't die will instantly target the player and go after them. Throwing one also deals 1 heart of damage to the thrower, and will destroy a dispenser if fired from it. The death messages are:

    [Player_Name] was struck by a shooting star. {If killed by a thrown one}

    [Player_Name] witnessed a shooting star. {If thrower dies from 1 heart of damage when throwing}

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Have stray cats react the same to tamed wolves as they do to players.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:13 AM PST

    Sit a couple to guard your chicken farm/turtle hatchery and the stray cats stay away.

    submitted by /u/webchimp32
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    Cogs: Vertical Redstone

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 03:21 PM PST

    Vertical Redstone is a very popular idea: Feedback Site Vertical Redstone I think using Cogs (A feature previously leaked for indev) would tie this together seamlessly. With cogs you could place them up walls powered by a Redstone torch, block or powered Redstone.

    Minecraft Wiki: Cog

    submitted by /u/MrOzone2020
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    Allow a lead to link two boats together.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 02:19 PM PST

    The second boat which the lead attaches to is always the one "in charge", meaning whoever is in it gets oars. Whoever is in the other boat does not, but can look around and keep a map in hand at the same time while being I'm motion.

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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