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    Minecraft Rename Netherite to Pyrite

    Minecraft Rename Netherite to Pyrite

    Rename Netherite to Pyrite

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:59 PM PST


    1. Pyro = fire

    2. Pyrite = fools gold, which makes sense because the netherite ingot is crafted with gold

    submitted by /u/FlamingGuacamole
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    Make dirt able to be shovelled into path blocks

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:33 AM PST

    This should already be a thing. I don't know why it isn't. I've had enough of waiting for grass to grow when I accidentally place a block on top of pathways and destroy the path.

    submitted by /u/Blehtheslime
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    More Diamond/armor enhancers like Netherite, and the upgrading feature being on the Smithing Table

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:48 AM PST

    Netherite armor and tools in the new snapshot are stronger than normal diamond, but they are not a new and separate tier of material, only added onto existing diamond items to strengthen them. But I feel like having just Netherite be on the top now isn't how it should be: Diamond Upgrades should be a new class of items that each have different abilities but are all viable.

    Netherite items do not burn in fire or lava, and give increased knockback resistance, these being Netherite's unique trait. Other upgrades have different traits, but usually the same stats like durability and damage. Some more upgrades could be:

    An End-based upgrade, with an ability like teleporting themselves back to you when you die, floating in the air if dropped in the void or lava, teleporting away from projectiles, etc. Has a green or purple appearance.

    An Ocean-based upgrade, with the ability of increased mobility in water, increased vision in water, etc. The scute and turtle shell could become an upgraded diamond set, with the original crafting replaced.

    Instead of just being placed in a crafting table, upgrades would use the smithing table to apply them, and could also be exchanged and removed there, so you would not be stuck with your best armor being a color you don't want to to be.

    submitted by /u/NinjolasNJM
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    Replace /locate and /locatebiome with /locate structure and /locate biome.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:48 PM PST

    For example, instead of /locate Village it would be /locate structure Village and instead of /locatebiome minecraft:badlands it would be /locate biome minecraft:badlands.

    This would be much more consistent, I feel like it's a tad clunky in its current state.

    Mojang has done this before with /entitydata and /blockdata being replaced with /data get entity and /data get block respectively so I think that it would be fitting for the same to happen with /locate and the new /locatebiome.

    Thanks :D

    submitted by /u/TehBrian
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    Retaw or Jafem - an exciting new liquid found in the End!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:42 AM PST

    You know the question that's always on everybody's minds? Why doesn't the End fall into the Void? And yes, I came up with a concept to answer just that.

    Both the Overworld and the Nether have their own "characteristic" liquids, water and lava respectively (I mean, sort of. You get what I mean). So, I thought of a special liquid exclusive to the End, with its own unique properties.

    1. Retaw is a liquid that forms underneath all End islands. Their most noticeable characteristic is that they flow upwards, against normal gravity. This keeps the End from falling into the Void, by pushing it up with sheer force.
    2. Retaw goes up by a finite number of blocks, say 20, before trickling out and stopping. It perhaps gets thinner as it goes higher. Alternatively, it could slowly fade out.
    3. Occasionally, cracks form in End islands, from where retaw gushes out, forming springs and geysers, named based on the size of the crack.
    4. Behaviour with water:
      1. When a retaw source block comes in contact with a water source block, they instantly cause an explosion similar in scale to TNT, and vanish.
        1. Since retaw is an anti-water liquid, it just made sense for me to borrow some concepts from matter-antimatter interactions, such as this.
      2. Retaw and water flowing blocks will avoid each other, and will never actually come in contact. They essentially repel each other. This is probably contrary to what science says, but I wasn't satisfied with any of the alternatives I came up with in terms of their effects on gameplay.
    5. Behaviour with lava:
      1. I genuinely think the best way to go is for it to behave the same way as water does with lava: forming obsidian or cobblestone.
      2. Alternatively, it could form endstone instead.
    6. Effect on Endermen: It turns them upside-down, so they can stand on it "normally", from underneath its surface. Apart from that, it behaves just like water does with Overworld mobs.
    7. And so, obviously, its effect on the player is the same as the effect that water has on Endermen. But that kinda spoils the fun, so I came up with a mechanic that would make it more... tolerable. The amount of damage it deals is proportional to the number of empty armour slots you have. So, with full armour, it deals a paltry 1 damage in 10 seconds, allowing you to safely use it as an elytra lift. It makes sense because it should only damage exposed skin.
    8. And of course, it can be bottled and put in a bucket.
      1. Bottled retaw can be consumed to give a short levitation effect. However, it will also instantly deal damage. It is NOT a potion, and doesn't have a splash or lingering variant.
    9. It probably has an ice variant, but I'm fresh out of ideas.
    10. Behaviour in the Nether: Since it is the anti-water, it either vaporises like water does in the Nether, or freezes instead. However, as I said in #9, I have no idea what Retaw (or Jafem) ice would be like.

    You may or may not have noticed, but I haven't mentioned its colour throughout this post. This is because I myself am not completely decided on which colour would be best. There are 2 colours that seem to fit best:

    1. Purple, to fit the theme of the End.
    2. Black, which also fits the theme of the End, if done well. If we go ahead with black, I have a cool idea for it. Source blocks of retaw actively make the region around it darker, by emitting a light level of 4 or so.
      1. This would be especially useful in mob farms.

    BTW, you have to be a nitwit to not be able to figure out how the name "Retaw" came about, but "Jafem" is perhaps a bit harder. See if you can figure it out!


    Retaw or Jafem is a liquid that generates at the bottom of End Islands. Their most noticeable characteristic is that they flow upwards. In most cases, their properties are identical to water.


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    submitted by /u/RazorNemesis
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    Netherite armor shouldn't be just a better version of diamond armor.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:09 AM PST

    Diamond armor has always been one of the most iconic things in Minecraft, it shouldn't be replaced by some netherite that easily, this genuinely makes me feel sad.
    Also, it would be much more interesting if netherite armor was useful exclusively in Nether in one way or another, for example - first 5 seconds in lava would do no harm, explosion resistance and etc.
    Or simply make it less enchantable, heavier and stuff like that - some important things that would make players switch to diamond armor from time to time.

    submitted by /u/aneckdope
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    The Nether Catacombs

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:31 PM PST

    A large, 1 level tall structure that spawns underground with many rooms and pathways.

    The entrance would spawn high above the structure itself. It would be mainly made of red nether brick, basalt and obsidian. The main enemy found in it would be wither skeletons and other undead mobs. Inside each catacomb is a main chamber, which contains most of (not all) the loot.

    chest would be partially hidden and skulls could be found lying around the catacombs. In the main chamber, tomb-like structures will hold the chests and some soul sand.

    submitted by /u/SolarSilencer
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    Brown mooshrooms that are hit with a wither skull should be milkable for suspicious stew

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:45 AM PST

    This is a quality-of-life feature that simply makes sense.

    • If a mob dies to a wither, it will drop a wither rose.
    • If a brown mooshroom is fed a wither rose, it will produce suspicious stew with the Wither effect when it is next milked.

    Therefore, if a brown mooshroom is attacked by a wither, it should get the wither rose as its milk effect.

    submitted by /u/haykam821
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    A Netherite version of the Turtle Shell, that grants Fire Resistance instead of (or in addition to) Water Breathing.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:40 PM PST

    This might be a bit OP, but I like that the Turtle Shell is situationally useful, and since Netherite already makes it easier to not get screwed by lava, adding a more specialized version that gives you a few extra seconds seems both reasonable and useful. Also, even though Turtle Shells are weaker than diamond armor, they are arguably more difficult to obtain, so it feels bad to see them become less useful.

    submitted by /u/Norm_Standart
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    The new nethet wood need 6 sided variants like their overworld counterparts.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:08 PM PST

    The overworld wood has a variant with bark on all 6 sides. The new nether wood should have this as well. Small change that would make detailing a bit better.

    submitted by /u/ItsDaCreeper
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    Move nether bedrock ceiling to the world height with "the waste" between

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:58 PM PST

    The nether bedrock ceiling currently sits at half of the nether's total possible height (~128). You can place blocks above it all the way up to ~256 assuming you break through

    I think that the bedrock ceiling at ~128 should be a mix of basalt and bedrock so you can mine through it at certain parts and gain access to "the waste": a bleak and desolate landscape.

    The ultimate bedrock ceiling at ~256 would be like the current one you can't break through and you'd die above it.

    submitted by /u/ThePhotoshopGod
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    Netherite armor makes swimming in water slower/not possible

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:19 AM PST

    Since the Netherite armor is the new META I think it should be balanced by making you sink in water while wearing it. Full Netherite armor would make a player completely sink and unable to swim up. Only in the water though, lava swimming would still be fine since Nethertite comes from Nether and floats on lava after all.

    submitted by /u/Ante13
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    Instead of Netherite being better than Diamond, Overworld tools should be useless in the Nether and new Nether tiers of tools should be created

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:10 AM PST

    From what we now know, Nether will have a new stronger tier than Diamond.

    While I am happy about that, I believe Nether should have equivalents of every (maybe excluding gold as it could maybe be able to be found naturally generating?) Overworld tool and armor set, similarly to what players could experience in the Aether mod. The Aether mod had a progression system in which Overworld tools were made completely obsolete which forced players to start the whole conquest again starting from nothing.

    Blocks brought back from Nether to Overworld would not need Nether tools anymore, it would only work in the Nether.

    Some ideas:

    Wood -> Nylied Tools (crafted from Crimson/Warped planks)

    Stone -> Netherrack Tools (self-explanatory)

    Iron -> Molten Tools (would require a steel-like ore found next to lava oceans)

    Gold -> Golden Tools (could be stronger in the Nether?)

    Diamond -> Netherite Tools (as it is now)

    submitted by /u/AskMeAboutChildren
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    Potions of Fire Resistance should allow for minimal viewing distance inside lava.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:50 PM PST

    Fog should extend to about 1 or 2 blocks farther than breaking distance.

    submitted by /u/Genlems5Ever
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    A glowstone biome for the new nether update

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:38 PM PST

    With the new nether update coming out, I would recommend to implement a glowstone biome. You could add a new yellow stone for the ground, more glowstone everywhere and add gold ores and more blaze spawns. It wouldnt be hard to implement because there is everything in the game for it, except the new stone Block for the ground. This would add more variety to the nether. If you want to introduce more new Block etc., my idea would be liquid glowstone as a world generation. It could come from above or generate in small ponds. You also could implement glowstone flowers too, that give glowstone by destroying or work like berry bushes. If you want to go further with the idea of liquid glowstone, you could smelt the liquid glowstone together with the bucket and get new ingots from it, that could be used for new blocks etc. I dont have a knew mob in my head right now, but maybe there could be some glowstone bees.

    submitted by /u/Steray_4
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    Nether brick sound for normal bricks

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:07 PM PST

    The new nether brick sounds sound nice, But i think if you applied them to the normal ones also it would be cool rather than the old stone texture

    submitted by /u/Intellectual-Potato
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    Netherrite Doors

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:11 PM PST

    Netherrite doors could be crafted from 6 netherrite shards.
    These will act as blastproof doors that can only be activated by redstone, something the community has been wanting for years.

    Using netherrite makes more sense than obsidian now since obsidian cannot be pushed by pistons, while netherrite can, while retaining blast resistance all the same.

    submitted by /u/bushi_the_log
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    Warped Warts

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:56 PM PST

    So, we just got the warped wart block. Good right? Yes. Now let's add in the warts to match the block. Found in nether fortresses just like normal nether warts (which one could also rename to Crimson Warts if they wanted to), they have the same use in brewing as normal warts as well. Just a blue variant!

    Of course, you can use them to craft warped wart blocks, or... the Blue Nether Brick!!! *fanfare noise*. Blue Nether Brick, like Red Nether Brick, but blue! Comes in slab, stairs and wall for all your blue brick needs!

    submitted by /u/VoltMan261R
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    For the Nether udapte instead of Skeletons appearing in the soul sands valley why not Withers Skeletons.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 12:51 PM PST

    Why not a new possibilty to have Wither heads more easy, without go in the Nether for a long time like 14 days or go X time in the Nether to find 3.

    Knowing that it is difficult to find theme even in fortresses I think it could correct this problem.

    submitted by /u/Soft-Rent
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    More modified armor PLEASE

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:23 PM PST

    Netherite is a great addition. Not only did they make it so that it is hard to get, but it also does not replace diamonds, and instead works alongside them to make powerful equipment. That equipment is what I want to discuss, because beyond just being more powerful, it has modifiers that decrease knockback taken.


    Imagine, tons of different rare materials you can combine with diamonds to make different armor with different modifiers. Deal +0.25 damage when equipped. Increase speed by 5% when equipped. There are so many possibilities, so PLEASE MOJANG, do NOT stop at just Netherite. I have been so sick of seeing the exact same diamond armor everywhere. If these modifiers become a big thing, then people will actually be able to build their character the way that suits them, rather than being stuck in a linear progression. This would be absolutely massive for the game.

    submitted by /u/videobob123
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    Minecraft Hard Difficulty/Hardcore Knowing that there is a new ore to make protections and weapons in the Nether why not make it usable by Piglins and Whiters Skeletons.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:03 PM PST

    Knowing that there is a new ore to make protections and weapons in the Nether why not make it usable by Piglins and Whiters Skeletons.

    Knowing that there is a new ore to make protections and weapons in the Nether why not make it usable by Piglings and Whiters Skeletons.

    The Pigling and Wither Skeletons will have full Netherite armor as well as the weapon in hard mode.

    In normal mode they just have weapons in Netherite.

    submitted by /u/Soft-Rent
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    Combining a shulker box with 8 netherite will make it fireproof.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:59 PM PST

    As netherite tools don't burn in lava or fire and disappear, it would be cool to be able to "infuse" it into shulker boxes to protect your valuables.

    Of course, this is extremely valuable, thus the need for an immense amount of netherite.

    This change could change the texture of the affected shulker box to indicate it is fireproof or could simply be an "enchantment" sort of deal. (Will display fireproof as an attribute).

    submitted by /u/bibizu
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    Netherite boats please!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:40 PM PST

    Netherite floats on lava, we need to be able to make fireproof boats out of it.

    submitted by /u/spaz_chicken
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    New advancement for wasting a netherite hoe

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:25 PM PST

    The advancement would be a hidden advancement similar to the advancement"How did we get here?" and you would need to craft and fully use up a netherite hoe to earn the advancement.

    submitted by /u/xXNugget25Xx
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    Skeleton Turtle

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:27 PM PST

    The Skeleton Turtle should be a Nether version of the Sea Turtle. It would spawn in the lava oceans and unlike the overworld, undead mobs will actually defend their eggs from you if you try to damage them.

    Skeleton Turtles are mountable, which means you can sail across the lava with them. However, when riding them, the player will receive Hunger until they get off of it.

    Killing one would drop 2 bones.

    The skeleton turtles eggs have a blood-orange and blue texture. When they hatch, they will only drop bones and baby SkeleTurtles would spawn.

    I was trying to come up with a scute-type that would drop, but I'm not sure if what it could be useful towards.

    Let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/rawrians
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