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    Minecraft Salvaging III: an enchantment for swords and axes

    Minecraft Salvaging III: an enchantment for swords and axes

    Salvaging III: an enchantment for swords and axes

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 02:44 AM PST

    Is it? Could it be? Oh my God it is! The first REAL post with the monthly theme flair!

    Salvaging is an enchantment that increases the amount of xp you get per orb when you equip that item. So, it is essentially looting, but it affects xp instead.

    I couldn't think of what figures to add so these are placeholder values, but I think an increment of 10% per level would be good.


    This was originally an idea for potions I came up with 2 months ago for a larger post, but since potions aren't the monthly theme...


    Thanks for reading, and remember not to make the wet pillow angry!

    submitted by /u/RazorNemesis
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    We need more food !

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 02:52 PM PST

    There should be cooking books hidden inside some of the chests in the manors,temples,shipswrecks... they could teach us how to make cakes,pies and other stuff i also think we should have more fruits and vegetables - it would be great if we could also make cheese,butter,sauce and more :) i know Minecraft isn't a food simulator and everything i said sounds really dumb but we've been eating the same steaks for a whole decade and i think we should have more variety

    submitted by /u/MemeGenie_7
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    The Salvager

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 10:33 AM PST

    The Salvager is a pillager who wields nothing but a book and quill. Here's how they will work:

    Phase I

    Whenever they see a dropped weapon (that their comrades use) they'll try to get to it and pick it up. After they've picked it up they will start reading the book they normally wield and hold the picked up item in their other hand. After 5 seconds the item they picked up will become enchanted with a random level 1-2 enchant (For the respective tool. Crossbow or axe enchant). The Salvager now has this item in their inventory, but it wont drop when they're killed. The Salvager can't enchant another item until this item is gone and a 30 second cooldown is over. They must have an empty inventory to pick up another item.

    Phase II

    The Salvager will now try to find another pillager who has an unenchanted weapon, this weapon must be of the same type as the one in the Salvager's inventory. After this the target pillager and the Salvager will exchange weapons and the Salvager will now have an unenchanted weapon in their inventory, the Salvager will also receive a 30 second enchantment cooldown. Once the cooldown is over the Salvager will enchant the weapon and try to find another pillager to exchange weapons with. This starts a long chain of enchanting weapons.


    If the Salvager is in close proximity to a player or iron golem they'll try to run to other pillagers within a 48 block radius, if there are none the Salvager will just run away from the attacker.

    Items enchanted by the Salvager wont be dropped when the wielder is killed.

    These guys have a small chance to spawn in a raid, having a 5% chance to spawn instead of a regular pillager.

    submitted by /u/Mighty_V
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    Glass Slabs

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 02:22 PM PST

    Glass Slabs need to be added to Minecraft, how hard would it be for them to be implemented? If you had the ability to split a normal glass block into a slab, not only would it look better in certain places, but it would save you tons of resources.

    submitted by /u/thelegendtwentee7
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    Add a flair about visual suggestion

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:31 AM PST

    About texture changes, model changes etc.

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Nether Update Wither Skeleton horses, Drowned Zombie horses & more

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 05:18 PM PST

    Give the Drowned a small chance to appear with an Drowned variant of the Zombie Horse to ride under the ocean and attack a nearby unsuspecting player. If a Zombie Horse is in water just like a normal zombie, it will turn into its Drowned variant.

    Undead horses will have an 8% chance of spawning with a skeleton or a zombie riding it. If a stray is riding the horse, the horse will be stray themed. If a husk is riding the zombie horse, it will be husk themed.

    This also applies to Wither Skeletons if they are outside of the fortress, they also have a chance of spawning with a Wither Skeleton themed horse. Instead of sinking like a Skeleton Horse, Wither Skeleton Horses have an ability that enables players to swim unharmed on lava oceans.
    A perfect addition for the Nether Update

    Instead of directly going to the player, skeletons riding a horse will circle the player waiting for a chance to approach. When that chance comes, one of them will attack the player in succession. Kind of like strafing, but much more dangerous.

    In the Nether, there is an extra structure inside fortresses where the Wither Skeleton horses are stored. When Wither Skeletons nearby this structure detect a player, they will jump on the horse and ride towards you to attack directly. They will track you down up to 64 blocks away or until you are too far away from the Fortress.

    There is a 1/100 chance of seeing a room with an unfinished Wither Boss with missing soul sand or missing heads. There is also other rooms in the fortress like a Woodland Mansion with skeleton themed decoration and banners.

    Wither Skeleton horse mockup
    Credits to u/blackdragon6547 for the original image. I upgraded the idea into something more massive for the upcoming updates.

    submitted by /u/Cipheroid_
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    In some desert pyramids, there should be a sphinx who offers odd trades but will attack you if you turn down its offerings.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:49 PM PST

    The Sphinx would work like a Wandering Trader, but it would not automatically involve emeralds as part of the trade. Instead, it mainly would perform pure barter, asking for relatively common items (ingots, coal, torches, or a tool, for example) in exchange for pretty much anything that can be found in the Overworld.

    Now, if you never interact with the Sphinx, it will leave you alone. It always starts out passive, trawling about at the speed of a spider but frequently turning to look at you. Otherwise it does nothing but pick up items unless you propose a trade by right-clicking on it.

    This is pretty much where the 'riddle' part comes in. You can never be sure you have the right items to trade unless you've been there before.

    The downside here would be if you propose a trade but don't actually trade anything. The sphinx takes this as an insult or a refusal to answer its riddle. It will turn hostile and will attack you until one of you dies or you flee the confines of the pyramid and stay away for some amount of time.

    Statwise its hostile speed becomes equal to a chasing baby zombie. It would have 30 health points, and can throw potions like a witch (but with a wider random selection including nausea, blindness, bad omen, etc). Its melee attack--if it gets close enough--would have damage equal to a creeper explosion.

    (If it's possible, include the following) If a player dies in the pyramid and leaves items behind, the sphinx will clean it all up and add those items to its list of offerings. Or if a player voluntarily drops an item inside the pyramid, the sphinx will eventually hoover those up too. The implication here is the sphinx is offering items left behind from previous "rude visitors" it has slain.

    The Sphinx could have a inventory capacity of a double-wide chest, but would start out as half-full of random rare items as its initial trades (so once generated, a given Sphinx's trades will not change unless it picks up additional items). From among this inventory list, six trade options would be generated along with corresponding requests for items that are both common and not already in its inventory list. The Sphinx may also offer two separate items to trade for the same thing (example: sticks for a nautilus shell, or sticks for zombie head). The trades don't have to make sense--the Sphinx just likes to have people to talk to as long as they don't get rude.

    If you manage to kill a sphinx, it could drop gunpowder, a random potion it can throw, a random pick from its inventory of trade items, or a glass bottle.

    A possible hidden feature: if you propose a trade but drop in any mob head as your offering instead of its list of requested items, the Sphinx will offer a random other mob head as its offering--but if you don't complete the trade it will still attack.

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    Cancel Ability/Nullify Potion

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:14 PM PST

    • Weird name I know but I think it could be very handy. Maybe a different name, nullify. Or etc.
    • Potion: CAP
    • Duration: 1:00 minute, redstone increases its duration by 1:00 minute. Max 3:00 minutes.
    • Amplifier: level 1 stops all except enderman, creeper, ghast, and husk. Level 2 stops all except the enderdragon and wither. Glowstone adds amplifier level.
    • Forms:
    • Drinkable: No
    • Splashable: Yes
    • Lingering: Yes
    • It's function:
    • It will cancel that mobs unique/special affect ability for the * lotted time. No more creeper explosions. No more shulker * levitation, arrows still happen obviously. Enderman can't teleport. Overrides Potion if in water. Ghasts won't shoot fireballs. Good luck trying to throw this potion on them though. Players are not affected by the potion.
    • Obtaining: By adding a diamond to the brewing stand with slowness potion. The diamond than changes the potion by heat and it's chemical properties that allows it to become a cap/nullify potion.
    • This could be very useful for moving mobs to where you want them without you dying or them dying. This could also be useful for defense strategy against mobs while trying to fight off the enderdragon. It could also be used in mapmaking.
    submitted by /u/CosmicLightning
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    "Break" command for functions

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 11:26 AM PST

    So in regular programming you usually have some sort of "break" functionality to functions/scripts which immediately exits the function/script the command in ran in. How about adding similar functionality to Minecraft function?

    I imagine this command to be something like /break (/ added for clarity), a quite simple syntax. Running the command within a function would immediately stop running the function and, if executed from another function, return to the parent function.

    Additionally, if further complexity and flexibility wish to be added, perhaps an argument for how far in a chain of functions to break could work. This would be something like /break (<self>|<root>|<all>) with self only breaking the function the command is executed in, root breaking all functions down to the function first executed (whether it'd be from in-game by a player or command block, or from a tag like #minecraft:tick or #minecraft:load), and all breaking every single function under the function the command is executed in.

    The obvious downside to this command would be that it could only be executed from a function, severely limiting its use and practicality, as well as creating the question of what would happen is the command wasn't executed from a function.

    I feel like I'm saying "function" too much, so I'll stop. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/thinker227
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    White sand and white sand beaches

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 02:26 AM PST

    (rather small suggestion) There would be a very small chance (say, 1/64) that a white sand beach would generate in place of a regular one White sand would be an even lighter variant of sand, would also have all the variants (sandstone, cut sandstone, chiseled sandstone, stairs, slabs, etc.) and the chiseled white sandstone would carry pattern of the End, Endermen and the Ender Dragon, in a similar vein the regular and red chiseled sandstone have patterns of Creeper and Wither respectively

    submitted by /u/Chanderule
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    New Enchantment: Energy Boost

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:02 PM PST

    Swift would be an enchantment that would affect leggings. It would reduce hunger taken by actions by 10%, 25%, and finally 50%. This would allow players to get to place to place easier, as you wouldn't need to worry about running out of stamina as easily.


    Energy Boost I: Hunger loss reduced by 10%

    Energy Boost II: Hunger loss reduced by 25%

    Energy Boost III: Hunger loss reduced by 50%

    submitted by /u/Epiclander
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    Update Steve and Alex texture to fit the style of other mobs like zombies.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:04 AM PST

    Both of the textures are outdated and honestly I didn't expect it to not get updated early or at all.

    Even if both are changed, you don't need to worry veterans as the change is like pretty unnoticeable like how zombies change.

    Thank you for reading this post. :)

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:42 PM PST

    In every village, there will be one Mad Scientist. They never leave their house and the other villagers avoid here.

    Occasionally, a Cyborg will spawn in the MS's house. There will only ever be 2 Cyborgs at once. The Cyborg looks just like an ordinary villager, only they have a red right eye instead of a normal one. There are also other differences. They have 35 health instead of 20. They don't trade or go to meetings. When attacked, they will become hostile and fire lasers (arrows that look like red stained glass panes not connected to anything) at the attacker. Upon death by zombie, husk, or zombie villager, they die instead of turning. Zombies don't target them normally. All illagers except Vindicators run from them. They drop 0-4 iron ingots and 0-1 red stained glass pane. They also protect the mad scientist from zombies and attackers.

    Going into the MS's house, you can find a redstone repeater like panel on a table. This is the Robotic Panel. It produces a red redstone effect. Interact with it to turn it off. When turned off, any Cyborgs within 50 blocks stop being loyal to the MS and treat them like other villagers. Their red eye also changes to cyan. If you give them a gold ingot, their eye turns lime and they become loyal to you, meaning you "tamed" them. When tamed, they follow you but you can tell them to stop and stay. They also protect and defend you. However, if you visit the MS house again after taming, you'll notice the RP is giving a green redstone effect. If you interact with it again, the Cyborg will go to neutral again.

    NOTE: Cyborgs will become neutral and unloyal when the RP is broken. It has to be placed in the world. It is dropped by explosions, water, and lava. It is destroyed by cactus. If the block it's placed on is destroyed, it'll drop. It doesn't work across dimensions. So you have to protect it from damage to keep the Cyborg tamed to you. How do you do this? Up to you. Do you bury it? Do you put it high in the sky? Do you put it at bedrock level? Do you teleport far away, place it, and return? Up to you.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Mixable Potions (Potions with multiple effects)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:23 PM PST

    Just a quick idea really, just a way to mix two potions together to add another effect to one potion. For example: brewing strength into a 3 speed potions makes 1 speed-strength. This wouldn't make 3 because than it would be easy to duplicate unless with each attempt diluted it a bit to lessen the effects. Like from strength 2 to strength 1 or less time.

    This has the potential to make a great resource, but at a cost of course, and gives players more options. A player could down 1 potion for multiple short effects or waste time drinking multiple potions for longer effects.

    submitted by /u/NegativeZ_
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    Dog commands with dyed bones

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 01:47 PM PST

    You should able to dye bones that each will give a tamed dog a specific function:

    (Blue) Sit: already a command but I thought I should mention it

    (Green) Follow: the dog always stays within TEN blocks of you unless it's blocked then it will teleport to you after a while

    (Orange) Roam: the dog freely walks around wherever it pleases

    (Yellow) Guard: right click to give xyz coordinates to a dog and any hostile mob or players that try to break any blocks within it will be attacked

    (Red) Attack: right click a specific mob for the dog to go after, can be any mob or player

    (Purple) Fetch: will retrieve any item you drop, it will even go after loot you dropped after dying if you give it the bone within TEN seconds and no mobs will go after it so it's mostly a safe option

    submitted by /u/RobloxLover369421
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    Change the subtitle for the Evoker's easter egg

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:38 PM PST

    For those not in the know, there's an easter egg with the Evoker where he will convert dyed sheep, as he makes the famous "wololo!" sound from Age of Empires. This is currently subtitled as "Evoker prepares charming". This is a valid caption, but it makes the reference very hard to understand for deaf players. Not exactly easy to tell it even is a reference when "preparing charming" is such a vague term.

    I, for one, say it should be "Evoker wololos". Sure, it is goofy as heck, but it would be a lot more clear it's a referential easter egg; that, and anyone not in the know has a term right there that they can easily look up for reference.

    submitted by /u/Camwood7
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    There should be a separate combat enchanting table/toggleable GUI within the current table for Efficiency and Silk Touch on axes or Unbreaking on swords/bows

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 12:32 PM PST

    The title really says it all. It feels like it's difficult to get efficiency on an axe without cycling through the enchantments several times, and it could also be useful for only getting unbreaking on a sword or bow. While it wouldn't be game-changing, it would certainly help people get a useful enchantment on an axe if they don't use it for combat (especially for Bedrock Edition, where axes don't even do more damage yet).

    submitted by /u/Egg_Juice
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    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 12:09 PM PST

    Gorgons (in Greek mythology, this was Medusa's species) is a hostile mob found in the deep forest. The Gorgon has 20 health and some level of slowness. The Gorgon has a Melee attack dealing 4 damage, and is able to use swords, axes, crossbows, and bows if they pick them up. Gorgons are slightly slower than a zombie, but move with cat speed on ice or soul sand. Gorgons can swim but don't have water breathing. Whenever a Gorgon is focusing on and going after a player, iron golem, or skeleton/stray/pillager/evoker that accidentally attacked them, they have a 2/5 chance every 8 seconds to give that entity that effect "Petrification", which means the player cannot move, swim, throw, shoot bows, jump, attack, or mine blocks. The effect lasts for 5 seconds, and is the opposite of levitation. If an entity has both levitation and Petrification, they will freeze in the air. Petrification causes the player to fall faster and sink to the bottom of water. The effect has two levels: Petrification and Petrification II. Petrification II has a rarer chance to be afflicted by Gorgons and the only difference is that it lasts 10 seconds instead of 5. Gorgons drop 1-4 ghast tears and 1-2 bones upon death, however they also drop 0-2 Stone Teeth aswell. 9 Stone Teeth can be combined to make a Smooth Stone block. 2 can be combined to make 1 Iron Nugget. Stone Teeth can also be brewed to make a potion/splash potion/lingering potion/tipped arrow of Petrification.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Idea: New Mechanic for the shield?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:26 AM PST

    Well, I was thinking about put an enchantment of the sword in the shield. Like knockback I or II and if you equip this shield in the right click if the enemies attack you when you'r protecting yourself with the shield, they get knockbacked. This only knockback the enemies, it doesn't make any damage.

    This effect affect to the players or enemies using any weapon except bow or axe.

    I had this idea while studying the romans and their fighting style in wars with vikings.

    Please tell me how to improve this idea! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/TheLeche22
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    Curse of disuse

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:37 AM PST

    This curse can be applied on any item that has a durability meter. Affected item will not seem to do anything when in players inventory, but when put into a container, it will after a short period of time start constantly losing its durability until it breaks.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Armors should have an overlay for each armor piece

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:35 AM PST

    Allow armors to have overlays to every body part, a small change but a pretty darn useful one for those who wants to mess with the textures and resource packs creators in general.

    I also would like to mention that the base model of boots, chestplates, shoulderplates and helmets should be reduced in size so they look a lot less weird (especially when wearing one armor piece like boots) and obtrusive and more polished (since I suggested overlays, they should be small and the overlays will be the slightly bigger one).

    Thank you for reading. :)

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Make fences stick to glass panes and viceversa!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 07:16 AM PST

    Putting fences to glass panes makes them stick to each other!

    submitted by /u/Denie7
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