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    Minecraft Add "natural structures"

    Minecraft Add "natural structures"

    Add "natural structures"

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    I really wish the biome system was enriched with rare natural structures, like natural wonders and stuff. Not only would it make exploring the map a really enjoyable thing, it could also inspire people to do awesome builds and stuff. To top it off, it'd be picturesque like hell!


    We could have clearings in forests, small areas where the game purposefully leaves trees out.

    Atolls could be interesting to see, especially for vanilla survival challenges. Just a large circle of tropical islands with coral on the exterior, and volcanic stuff in the middle.

    "Big" rivers. Compare the rivers we have in Minecraft with rivers like the Mississippi or the Danube. Wouldn't that be cool? You could build huge bridges and stuff.

    Big mountains. I'm not talking about our current mountain biomes, I'm talking mountains that look like the Matterhorn. Big, pointy and snowy.

    Canyons, in the mesa, with below-sea-level stuff.

    Volcanoes, i.e. big mountains that have a round crevice at the top. Bonus points if there are multiple types, like the Fujiyama, the Kilimanjaro or the Puy-de-Dôme.

    More lakes, as far as my experience tells, Minecraft lakes are really rare, and quite small. If we could have lakes like the ones you see in a typical summer camp it'd be neat.

    EDIT: I see y'all seem to like this idea but I'm way too tech-clumsy (and lazy, ngl) to post this on the website. Y'all can add it if you want, I was just here to give my two cents

    submitted by /u/PepeLePierre
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    Add crimson and warped boats but make them regular boats

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    I think that crimson and warped should have a boat variant with the color of the wood like the other woods have. These boats would be exactly the same as overworld boats except for color. I would personally like blue and red boats.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Dragon egg should give off light

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    If the egg gave off light it would make it feel more magical, like it has power contained within. I know its just supposed to be a trophy, but the egg giving off light would give it more of a "special" feel.
    Of course, the REAL reason i want this is so that dragon egg lamps actually work. https://i.imgur.com/t5Zp4mZ.png

    submitted by /u/BrightRedLeftNut
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    Give all waterloggable blocks an 'encased' state

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Whterloggable blocks should have an 'encased' state, where they are frozen in ice. This would work with either normal or frosted ice.

    submitted by /u/flufferwings
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    If you're near an explosion, all sounds will be muted and fade in as seconds passes.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    This idea is heavily inspired by Crossout.

    Instead of a ringing sound which can hurt someone; it's better if it's a muted sound as it still creates an "illusion" of a ringing sound, the sounds will fade in after a few seconds and it can be turned off via settings.

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    If you rename raw food to something then cook it, it should say “cooked [whatever you named the raw food]”

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    This is more of a joke but I thought it would be cute. So say I renamed raw pork chops to "Bacon" and then cooked it. It will say "Cooked Bacon" when it comes out of the furnace. Not a huge change just a little something that I think would make the game cuter.

    submitted by /u/DragonSlasher07
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    A hidden advancement (hidden in a way similar to "How did we get here?") for surviving in Hardcore mode for the 365 in-game days.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    Advancement automatically unlocks when world becomes 365 in-game days old, but only if: 1) This is a Hardcore world; 2) Player is not in Spectator mode; 3) Player never used a cheat for changing game mode.

    Yes, to get this advancement you would need to spend in your hardcore world 120 hours of real life time, but... if you would skip every single in-game night in bed, you would cut this time to 60 hours. And this, I believe, would already make getting this achievment a cakewalk for, say, Ph1lza :-)

    submitted by /u/Arventur1996
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    Zombified Piglins Should have their arms up like normal zombies.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    Every type of zombie has their arms up including the soon to be extinct zombie pigmen. However, the zombified piglin should include having the arms up to be consistent.

    submitted by /u/MrPancake6000
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    Naming a sheep '_jeb' should award an Achievement titled: "Sheep of a different color."

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    "So....why do you want the advancement to be called that?"

    Because every time I see it, I think of 1939's The Wizard of Oz. In which, while visiting the Emerald City Dorthy asks, "What kind of a horse is that?!" to which the carriage driver responds, "He's the horse of a different color you've heard tell about! Ha ha!"

    There are multiple obscure references to art and history through Minecraft. (Such as "So I've got that going for me." Referencing a line from Caddy Shack. )

    EDIT: Yes I goofed, it's 'jeb_' not '_jeb'.

    submitted by /u/DahWizEh
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    Biome Vote Idea: Mushroom Biome

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:45 AM PDT

    This biome has had a lack in variety and use for a while, so I wanted to add something! First a new natural element to the biome. I'd would propose instead of adding a new element, we update an existing one; the mushrooms themselves. The Giant Mushrooms could have the same function as the Giant Fungi in the nether, which is being a source of planks. Of course, we want different plank types, so the mushrooms themselves may have to change. We also may want a new mob, and I honestly wouldn't know what mob to put in, so that is for someone to figure out. And then a third addon would probably be maybe a white webbed looking material that could be a source of bonemeal BUT is only grown on Mycelium. Criticism welcomed.

    submitted by /u/Randinator9
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    Hellspawn 1.16

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    Okay, be honest, does anyone else want someone to make a Hellspawn world-type or datapack in Minecraft 1.16 that spawns you in the Nether? The new features look fun and engaging but there could be a whole different feel to minecraft in this way. We'd be able to gather wood, gold, all mob drops that spawn in fortresses, automate food production, but beyond that what about the overworld? I was thinking the portal system could be altered, like lighting a portal could only be possible IN the Nether and additionally 1 portal instance can exist at any one time. To make it even more interesting, portals only stay lit for a full minecraft day cycle and have a cooldown period of being unlightable for another cycle. Due to these rules, it'd be impossible to light a portal in the overworld, so you'd be stranded up there if you don't make it back in time before your portal closes. To make this more significant, a datapack might incorporate an air bubble system (similar to underwater) that deteriorates over time and eventually starts killing you and putting a red haze over your vision if you stay in the overworld for too long (incentivising that you HAVE to get back through your portal in time before it closes). Plus, maybe there could be some new enchants that extend this effect like respiration does. I'm excited to see what kinds of things people may do if they get stranded, like throwing everything they have into a chest and accepting death or just preparing accordingly with enough golden apples to last a day while they wait for a friend in the Nether to reignite the portal after cooldown. It really changes the way you approach mining or searching for the stronghold (the ultimate goal being to beat the ender dragon) since you'd need to narrow down what you want to focus on (while constantly checking the day cycle). Clocks would have a useful purpose and placing a lodestone at your portal and syncing a compass to it would be detrimental to returning home. Meaning if you don't time your portal to sunrise, you might not have all day to do what you want to do. In any case, thoughts? Am I the only one thinking this would be a hecking fun Hellspawn survival world?

    submitted by /u/Xerako
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    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    A brand new mob for savannas, deserts, mesas, and the like!

    They'd hop around their biomes, sometimes holding joeys (baby kangaroos) in their pouches.

    If they had a joey in their pouch or near them, they'd attack any nearby players by punching them.

    If they didn't have a joey near them, they'd only attack when attacked.

    When left without a parent, joey kangaroos follow a player, and upon growing up will not attack the player under any circumstances.

    When killed, they'd have a small chance of dropping a kangaroo pouch, which would act as a sort of early game shulker box, giving the player 5 storage slots when the item is used. They'd also more commonly drop leather.

    I think this could act as the perfect animal to spruce up the otherwise rather bland humid biomes.

    Let me know what you think! :D

    Edit: New post about this subject here.

    submitted by /u/TetrisToy
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    Allow the same recipe to have up to two different results (example image in post)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    It would be as simple as a second slot appearing for certain recipes. This way crafting building material could be much simpler and the same item could easily have multiple uses, such as beetroot giving both sugar and red dye. Image: https://i.redd.it/91ejcypi5op41.png

    submitted by /u/TheDayOfPi
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    magmablock underneath lava can made lava leap up

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Since we have magma underneath water,why not make lava lake or nether more realistic,even make volcano eruption come true in Minecraft? The magmablock has a small chance to spawn underneath lava, every 1 to 3 minutes,there is a chance that lava leaps up in the air then falls down, but the lava still remains the position. And the counting system can count the 16x16 area about how much the lava pool is and how many magmablock underneath this lava pool area,the more magmablocks underneath lava, the lager scale of lava leap up it will be, it aslo takes longer to make that if the lava pool is larger and deeper,so we wont worry about the particle effects broke our game. So we got the volcano eruption now,the lava pool is very large and deep,so it might takes a very small chance to make it leap up like real world eruption. I been keep posting this feature for two years,so if you likes it,plz thumps up for me :)

    submitted by /u/Hllsa
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    Piglin Miner and Piglin Mine

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Piglin mine is a structure resembling abandoned mineshaft but found in nether and consist of complete rail system, torches, minecart, with corridors made from crimson planks and fences.

    Piglin Miner spawn inside piglin mine. Unlike their fellows out there, these guys are neutral and wield either gold or wooden pickaxe. They barter much more mining related stuff:

    Item Amount Chance
    Nether Quartz 3–35 20/424
    Iron Nugget 3–25 10/424
    Glowstone Dust 5-12 10/424
    Wooden Pickaxe 1 5/424
    Enchanted Book (Fortune III) 1 5/424
    Obsidian 1 1/424
    Crying Obsidian 1 1/424
    Gravel 1 1/424

    There are minecart with chest inside contain loots as follows:

    Item Amount Chance
    Rail 4–8 78.4%
    Torch 1–16 65.7%
    Porkchop 1–3 44.3%
    Crimson Fungus 1-4 31.6%
    Warped Fungus 1-2 31.6%
    Gold Nugget 3–5 31.6%
    Iron Nugget 3-5 31.6%
    Golden Pickaxe 1 7%
    Obsidian/Crying Obsidian 1 7%
    Netherite Scrap 1 1.4%

    If you break or open minecart with chest near them, they will attack you.

    submitted by /u/kudnalod
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    Honey caves and queen bees.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 04:37 AM PDT

    Honey caves would be a new structure rarely found in caves that generate queen bees.

    Honey caves

    Honey caves are a new structure that obviously spawn in caves. They have 6-7 bees inside them and spawn queen bees, which i will talk about later.

    These new structures generate hive air inside of them. When a player, spider or silverfish enter an area with hive air all nearby bees become aggresive towards the intruder.

    Bees will occasionally leave the hive to pollinate flowers. They will return to the cave or beenest depending on which is closer. If they choose the cave they will sit wait in it untill 3 more bees arrive. They will gather around somewhere near other honey blocks and start creating a honey block. Honey particles will be emitted from the spot they choose. It takes five minutes for them to finish the honey block. They will also create royal jelly if there is no queen.

    Similar to turtles, queen bees will remember where they were born and will stay in that area for the rest of their life.

    Hive air can be created by placing honeycomb blocks in a cave. If there are more then 10 honeycomb blocks that are all connected to eachother then all cave air near the honeycomb blocks will be converted into hive air in a radius of 2 blocks in all directions of a honeycomb block that is connected to it. The only way to not be met with hostility is to walk in holding a flower of some kind.

    Spawn conditions

    Honeys caves spawn in pretty rare situations.

    There must be atleast 4 beehives within 4 chucks of eachother. The area they settle in must have have cave air, be within 1 chunk of atleast 1 of the beehives and the settlement cannot go under y 30. An additional requiremnt is that the bees must have a path to the surface.

    Royal jelly

    Royal jelly is a new food and brewing item. It is found in honey caves in it's block form. The block can be broken down into 9 royal jelly. It's a bright yellow slime-like substance. It's raw form looks like a slime ball and can be eaten to restore 2 hunger and be used to brew a new potion. In it's block form royal jelly becomes to sticky to beenests, honeycomb blocks and honey blocks. Spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites can also become stuck in royal jelly block similar to being stuck in a cobweb.

    As i said before, a new potion is made from royal jelly. This potion, which i honestly can't think of a name for, turns baby bees into queen bees. They'll shake for the entirety of their time being a baby and turn into queen bees when they become an adult.

    Queen bees

    Queen bees are passive mobs that have 1 main use. They can breed really fast. Rather than having a 5 minute cooldown on breeding they have a 20 second one. They also have double the health of regular bees.

    They would look similar to regular bees but be longer and have bigger wings.

    Queen bees will be attacked by spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites. They will fly away from these mobs and players who've attacked them.

    Queen bee spawning

    Queens bees can spawn in 3 ways.

    The first way for them to spawn is just appearing in a honey cave naturally. The other is through a new baby bee becoming a queen.

    When a new bee is born either in or near an area with hive air they have a 50% chance to be viable for becoming a queen. If all requirments are met an adult bee will occasionally feed the new selected baby bee. To feed the new queen the adult bee will go near the baby and royal jelly block particles will be emitted from the baby. After growing up the new bee will officially become a queen.

    The third way is through the potion i mentioned before. If a queen bee is made this way and is not near a honey cave or hive air it will wonder aimlessly until it comes within 20 blocks of hive air.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Colored feathers - recipe for elytra patterns

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    A lot of people have suggested dyed elytras, but I think something else should be used for different types of elytra.

    I think it would be cool if elytras could have the same patterns as the 5 types of parrots - red, dark blue, light blue, green and grey.

    These can be crafted with a standard elytra and 2 colored feathers, coming in all 5 colors.

    I would say that the feathers could drop from parrots, but killing them is cruel. So, I think they should be sold exclusively by the wandering trader (which gives this otherwise useless mob a purpose).

    Of course, this can be expanded to more patterns later.

    submitted by /u/andmurr
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    The Potion of Silence

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    I've posted this before, but I haven't heard anything from the game devs, so I'm gonna post it again.

    As the name suggests, this potion would make the user completely silent for up to 4 minutes.(same length as slow falling, so it is not overpowered) the way it would be crafted would be using a Feather, since they're soft, and softer movements mean quieter (usually) I'm thinking the brewing recipe would go somewhat like this: Nether Wart > Feather > Glowstone/Redstone

    The potion effect of Silence I would make the the user's sound of footsteps, chest opening and closing, doors opening and closing etc. 50% quieter, Silence II would make the user completely silent. Useful for roleplayers who want to have an assassin in their roleplay. That's pretty much it. I mean and then the other potion stuff like Splash and Lingering.

    Feedback Site

    AND! You can open chests near Piglins and they won't get angry, since they won't hear it!

    Also, the potion color would be black.

    submitted by /u/CJPsalm139
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    f5 mode through glass (i guess)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    f5 mode shouldn't be stopped by glass as it is transparent

    yea that's pretty much it

    submitted by /u/Vap0r_offi
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    Rework the Smithing Table to not be a copy of the Anvil

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Currently, the Smithing table is literally just an anvil. It even has the exact same slots as an anvil does.

    Upgrading tools is the job of an anvil. An anvil should be the workbench used to turn diamond into Netherite. Not only does that make sense, but it allows the Smithing table to have a better purpose.

    My main idea for what the Smithing table can be is literally just an expanded crafting table used to primarily create weapons. Rather than a 3x3 space, the smithing table will be 5x5. This will allow the creation of many more weapons or tools, but that is just my idea. The smithing table has so much potential, I just don't want it to be an anvil.

    A smithing table should be for the creation of new weapons and tools. An anvil is for upgrading those weapons and tools. See what I mean?

    submitted by /u/proNoscoper420
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    Buffing Turtle Helmet

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 02:13 AM PDT

    I propose that the turtle helmet should receive a buff. As of right now its in a weird limbo state where it's not good for late game gear but also very time consuming to obtain in the early game when one can wear an iron helmet instead. Even as an early piece of equipment to help explore underwater, 10 seconds is not much time at all to explore deep underwater. Perhaps the water breathing buff should be increased? Maybe doubled to 20 seconds? I do know that Respiration 3 can be applied to it but that does come at the downside of not wearing a diamond helmet and now, not wearing a netherite helmet. There is also the conduit of course, which makes the only upside to the Turtle Helmet completely obsolete.

    submitted by /u/SilverSlayer03
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    Netherite Bookbags

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Netherite Bookbags would be crafted with a shulker box and 8 netherite and it would be useful in ensuring that your items would be saved if you die in lava. Just like other netherite items, the bookbag wouldn't burn in lava. This would allow the box and every item inside to survive if the player was to fall in lava. The bag would only hold 9 items and you could only have one in your inventory at a time so that it wouldn't be too broken.

    submitted by /u/SergeantDonut99
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    Piglins will "harvest" gold from gold ore

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    If a Piglin sees a nether gold ore block, it will walk up to it, and start patting it with its hands. After a couple of seconds, the block will turn into normal netherrack and the Piglin will be holding a gold ingot. While not happening naturally, this also occurs with normal gold ore, only netherrack in the behavior is replaced with smooth stone.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Phantoms shouldn’t be the result of insomnia, they should be insomnia themselves

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    Phantoms should spawn randomly depending on your difficulty and keep you from sleeping, if you sleep a lot there's more chance of them spawning. They should give a status effect called insomnia to the player when they spawn. This forces players to face the night until all the phantoms are killed.

    submitted by /u/pr0megia
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