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    Minecraft Better glass pane / iron bar placing

    Minecraft Better glass pane / iron bar placing

    Better glass pane / iron bar placing

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    When placing glass panes or iron bars, other glass panes or iron bars will act as a full block, making you not have to click on the very thin part, but anywhere in that space. This would make placing glass panes or iron bars much easier for making large windows.

    submitted by /u/bossycarl
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    If a sign is broken with a silk touch tool, it will drop with NBT data

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    This would make it easier to move signs without re-typing. Additionally, the sign with NBT could be put with blank sign(s) to copy the data onto them (the sign with NBT would stay in the crafting table after crafting)

    submitted by /u/BiC_MC
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    Lighter and darker shades of nether wood

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    The new nether wood is super cool, but it doesn't offer as much build potential. Regular builds use many different types of wood, and it worked well because all of the wood was different shades of brown, but the new wood doesn't offer as much flexibility, since the whole build is just one shade of cyan or purple. my idea is that there could be lighter "birch" and a darker "spruce" variants of the already existing crimson/warped trees.

    the "spruce" variant would be taller, and the bark would look the same, except the purple bits would be black

    The "Birch" variant would have black bark, with either blue or red animated eyes in place of the dark spots on regular birch trees.

    The "trees' would occasionally spawn in crimson/warped forests alongside the regular trees. And bonemealing a crimson/warped fungus, will occasionally grow either the birch or spruce variant.

    submitted by /u/Orgasmatron-TheyThem
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    Soul Fire shouldn't damage Undead Mobs

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    As the title says, soulfire shouldn't burn undead mobs. Not only does it make sense lore-wise (soulfire is apparently fueled by the souls inside the soulsand/soil, "living" souls) but it prevents funky situations of Skeletons burning up by accident in the Soulsand Valley. Not too intimidating if they just keep setting themselves on fire isn't it? Basically, only the living (players, endermen, creepers, pigs, etc) would get damaged by it.

    This of course would extend to items, soulfire wouldn't burn most items as they are either inorganic or dead organic matter. Soulfire would only burn plant/fungi-based items(saplings, logs, seeds, potatos, mushrooms, nether warts, etc) as they are still alive despite being in your inventory.

    This way, not only would soulfire differentiate moee from regular fire, but have some cool features that could spice up gameplay.

    submitted by /u/Nimporian
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    Soul Speed lets you safely sprint through Soul Fire

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    With the enchantment you now can safely sprint through Soul Fire in addition to its current effect.

    It doesn't negate fire damage, it merely prevents Soul Fire (and just Soul Fire) from igniting the player as long as the player is sprinting.

    Like a coal walk, except it's fire and you're in hell.

    It's not revolutionary, but I think it'd complement the speed boost nicely.

    Vote on the Feedback Site

    submitted by /u/RazeSpear
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    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Mojang does an excellent job at introducing features, but at times they cut too close to overbalancing a feature to uselessness. Especially lately.

    Some notable examples include:

    • Java edition tridents: Too hard to find, have little durability (even with unbreaking), and are generally not worth the hassle (easily replaceable by crossbow/bow + Sword/Axe)

    • Soul Walker: Damages boots and is rare enough already (Frost Walker has the same principal as Soul Walker, why should there be a drawback if it's already rare?)

    • Java edition Combat: Self-explanatory. The cooldown sucks and the sweeping should've been added as an enchantment (Jeb is already working on this, so kudos to him).

    • Elytra durability: Damaged just by gliding around? The player already went through a ton of trouble to receive the item.

    • Netherite: It's just a small bump to diamond, and it's ridiculously hard to gather enough to create a full set of Netherite, much less gather the additional Netherite necessary for repair. Almost no casual player will think of putting in the time to mine the stuff as it is right now. (P.S., maybe lower the blast resistance of netherrack to make blast-mining a thing and give another use to TNT, lol.) (Or maybe add nether caves?)

    • Woodland mansion: Ridiculously rare, and the loot isn't worth it by the time you're far enough into the game to map one. It makes for a great house to settle in though.

    Minecraft is a utimately a sandbox game, and it should be treated as such. Mojang (much respect to them by the way) has had a bit too much of a "balancing-mindset" lately. Balancing is good, but this is too much in my opinion.

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Iron_Squid
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    Campfires become blue when placed over soulsand/soil

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    A simple aesthetic change

    submitted by /u/Sim-Jong-Un
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    Curse of detonation

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    Want to go out with a bang... literally? This armor enchantment when used will cause an explosion the size of a creepers explosion after the player is killed giving some damage to the killer, mobs, and/or nearby players (could be a fun addition especially for pvp servers)

    • This enchantment would not have any levels

    • It is only exclusive to chest plate armor (including leather)

    • The stronger the armor the more powerful the explosion is (leather being the least powerful and netherite being the most powerful)

    submitted by /u/LostWifiSignal
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    Kelp, Sugar Cane, And Cactus Can Be Stacked Like Scaffolding

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:22 AM PDT

    It would be a helpful feature if sugar cane and kelp and cactus could be stacked up very high from the bottom block like scaffolding can. It would make sense, and It would be helpful.

    That's pretty much it

    Also, I can't really remember if bamboo already works this way, but if it doesn't, then it would be nice for bamboo to work like this as well.

    submitted by /u/BradenStew
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    Nether Radiator: a beacon/conduit for the nether.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    In the Nether, you can't place use beacons due to there being a ceiling and you can't use a conduit because there is no water.

    The Nether Radiator functions very similarly to a conduit or beacon: when you have the correct formation, it will activate and give buffs to everyone in a certain distance.


    4 Netherite Blocks in the corners (expensive, I know, but I think the buffs make up for the cost), a nether star in the middle, and 4 blaze rods on the edges.


    To Activate, a cage of crying obsidian must be made: Imagine a 3x3 solid block of crying obsidian, place the Nether Radiator in the center, and then remove all the middle blocks on each side so that all faces of the Radiator are visible.

    Then, all a player has to do to activate it would be to light the top of the Radiator with a flint and steel or fire charge. A powering up sound will be played, and the Nether Radiator will change texture to signify activation. The top of the Radiator will remain lit with Soul Fire.


    Buffs are received in a 100x100x100 cube with the Radiator in the center (50 blocks in each direction)

    With Normal Armor:

    • Fire Resistance
    • Speed II
    • Regeneration I

    With Full Gold Armor (added to or upgraded from those above):

    • Haste
    • Regeneration II
    • Speed III
    • Armor durability does not go down
    • Only Gold Weapons damage you (i.e. piglins still do, but wither skeletons cannot)

    With Full Netherite Armor (added to or upgraded from those above):

    • Haste II
    • All Attacks inflict Wither I on opponents (including players and mobs)

    Three final clarifications:

    1. The Nether Radiator can only be lit with Soul Fire in the Nether, as lighting in the overworld will make a normal fire. (With commands, you could activate this in other dimensions as well by setting it on Soul fire)
    2. If the Soul Fire is put out, the Radiator ceases to function.
    3. The Gold Armor Immunity only applies to melee attacks (zombies, piglins, other players) and not other forms of damage (explosions like Ghast or Wither, fall damage, potion effects)

    All in all, I think this Radiator would make for some pretty interesting PvP arenas.

    I had originally planned for the item to be named the Nether Reactor Core, after the long lost block, but the mods took it down, so now it is named the Nether Radiator. Not as cool of a name, so if you guys have a better name, please comment a suggestion.

    submitted by /u/bibizu
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    Piglins should offer level VI enchants on gold tools

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    Gold armor got a use in 1.16 but gold tools sadly didn't.

    What if you could get sharpness VI on a golden sword and efficiency VI on a golden pick axe or shovel? They still wouldn't have an good use when you get them but we're getting there.

    Fortune IV would be available making it excellent for getting coal, and flint.

    Knockback III and fireaspect III only on the sword would add variety to combat that is desperately needed.

    Axe enchant from planned combat update IV so you would now have another combat tool to get an advantage adding more variety.

    Silk touch II would be incredibly rare and reduce your pickaxe to 1 durability but you could pick up chests with items inside, spawners but nerfed versions, maybe fire but no cake.

    Auto smelt I this would be an axe enchant that turns trees into charcoal, cooks kelp, and turns cacti into dye. No point in having this on a golden pickaxe.

    No better version of unbreaking because gold should stay fragile, but these enchants might get special names to avoid confusion.

    submitted by /u/DaveTheMinecrafter
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    Nether Fortress Overhaul - Revised

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    This is a repost of my original Nether Fortress Rework post - there are some revisions I want to make.

    In Minecraft, we see Nether Fortresses all the time. They are essential to 100%'ing the game.

    Have we ever considered how monotonous they are?

    You walk on the bridges, you find blaze spawners. It's just long corridors. We don't even know why they exist.

    I present:

    The Nether Fortress Overhaul

    I. CHAPTER = Architecture

    The Nether Fortress architecture is bland and unadmirable. I don't mean beautiful, I mean in terms of practicality.

    The Nether Fortress has outwards facing spikes of Netherbricks or similar materials to convey oppression. Usually, Nether Fortresses convery a tone which isn't a solid wall - the outwards spikes convey a feeling of hostility instead of a feeling of tenacity.

    Inside of the Fortress, there will be a throne room. Other than a brief lore reference on monarchism and who built it, these will just be filled with small amounts of gold, but the Greed Effect is what will cause a swarm of mobs. The gold is minuscule enough, but will always add up to 108 gold ingots, which is a reference to the quest people must overcome to reach Nirvana in Buddhism.

    Inside of the fortress, the long hallways will have tall roofs and jagged tops, similar to Gothic Cathedrals.

    All of this is to denote hostile architecture and a sense of thinking about what happens.

    II. CHAPTER = Nether Fortress Unique Mobs

    Similar to the Wither Skeletons, the Nether Fortresses aren't really worth your time unless there are specific mobs there.

    Although blazes and Wither Skeletons exist, they are a little more monotonous and can be countered both easily. (Blazes are easily trappable and W.S. share the same problem as Endermen.

    II.i = Waymakers

    The Waymakers are what I can only describe as Endermen who have been corrupted with fire. Imagine:
    Edgy Enderman.

    Waymakers are orange and yellow, and their limbs are detached similar to that of a Blaze.

    Waymakers will always be found in Special Rooms, shown in Chapter 3. The Waymakers are able to operate only stone buttons, and rooms they are in always have 3 high door frames.

    Waymakers are always passive unless you attempt to enter their room.

    Unlike Endermen, they will always teleport you to them.

    Endermen in the Nether will be converted to Waymakers after a long enough stay.


    In the fortresses, there will be room editions. These rooms will contain the aformentioned Waymakers and will contribute a little bit to lore.

    III.i = Furnace Room

    Furnace Rooms are medium sized rooms with furnaces in them and a sparse amount of coal, along with bones.

    The Furnace room will have Gold and Netherquartz ore stacked up near the corners. There will be no ingots here.

    (Lore Contribution: Realistically, theorists could think anything about this. The whole idea is to provide space and to let them think it out.

    Expectations: Theories about how the Nether was basically Australia and the past-builders were sent to do menial work, the Nether was used as a safe smelting production facility, etc.

    This is open to ideas from anyone, there is no canonical purpose)

    III.ii = Transport Room

    Transport Rooms will always be open and have rails in it leading outwards. These will always be regular.

    These point in the direction of other fortresses as if they used to connect to them.

    (Lore Contribution:

    Expected theories: The fortresses were able to sell goods, but eventually stopped due to hostile mobs.

    There is no canonical thought for this.)

    III.iii = Study

    Studies will have lecterns and several stairs arranged in a way to look like chairs. These will have 0-2 enchanted books or regular books that will usually contain level one enchants.

    (Lore Contribution:
    Expected theories: The fortresses were military academies.

    What I thought while making this:
    Why do they even have nether warts here if they can't make potions?)

    IV. CHAPTER = Greed

    Inside of these fortresses, any gold or precious ores on the floor will give you the Greed effect, which forces a laughing face over the screen similar to the Elder Guardian's Mining Fatigue effect. Everyone in the fortress, including mobs, will get the Greed effect.

    The Greed effect highlights all dropped precious materials, and all mobs will attempt to pathfind towards the ingots and players with the Greed effect.

    This is especially bad in the Throne Room.

    During the Greed effect, mobs will consume the materials upon successful pathfinding, giving them Strength 2 for 5s.

    If you pick up ores, they will swarm you.

    The Greed Effect lasts as long as you are in this fortress.

    V. CHAPTER = Piglin Reactions

    Piglins are revolted by Fortresses as they feel intimidated. They will stay clear of about 50 blocks from a Fortress.

    However, in high enough numbers, Piglins will instead go to the Fortress and attempt to "Raid" it, meaning they will slaughter all mobs nearby and break blocks if they are in the way. After a Piglin death or killing 10 mobs in the fortress, they will leave.

    Waymakers will actively avoid Piglins.

    Piglin Raids, no matter how good they sound, are dangerous. Piglins attack YOU if you are in the Fortress.

    Piglins don't get the Greed effect until they touch an ingot. In that case, they will turn on other Piglins and slowly start to corrupt into a Zombified Piglin.

    VI. CHAPTER = Conclusion

    These updates will surely make the Nether Fortress feel like what it should be:



    >Having a definite backstory, but no canonical one. (No canon backstory, it's left for people to decide)

    >Dangerous, and more for exploring rather than farming.

    >Farms still possible, just a little more dangerous.

    >Interconnected with other backstories

    submitted by /u/Duytune
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    Status Effects when leveling a Villager to Master trader

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    There's quite different motivations to level up villagers depending on their trades, so we see plenty of Master Librarians or Farmers but other professions are barely used, or some Professions are only leveled once.

    A good way to motivate players to level up all professions several times could be to give players a special Status Effect related to that profession, as if Villagers are teaching something to the player as a way to thank them for so much trade

    This Effects will be only given once per Master villager, so players would have to level many of them if they want to get the effects many times, but effects must be strong/special enough so players are really motivated to get them. To exploit it, players will have to come up with creative ways to fast level-up and later "disposal" of villagers

    This Effects will all last for 1.5 hours to resemble Bad Omen and Hero of the Village and to compensate for how hard are they to get. I imagine that players will "prepare" themselves before getting an Effect to get the most of it, e.g piling up a good amount of Armor and Lapiz before getting and Armorer effect, getting a Fisherman effect right before going into AFK fishing, Fletcher before killing the Dragon, etc

    I am leaving some Effects empty because I can't come up with any good ideas for them and I also didn't thought about new names for them, so I'm just using the professions for now. Feedback is welcome

    - Armorer: Armor get +2 Enchantability points (e.g Diamond from 10 to 12). Better Enchantments!

    - Butcher:

    - Cartographer: x2 Map revealing distance (from 128 to 256 blocks). Map making time!

    - Cleric: spawns a rabbit next to the player. Level up 2 clerics and you got a rabbit farm!

    - Farmer:

    - Fisherman: Fishing time halved. Stacks up with Rain, sky exposure stays the same

    - Fletcher: Normal speed movement while using a Bow. Let me show you it's features!

    - Leatherworker: Leather Armor is not counted when under the Invisibility effects

    - Librarian: Treasure enchantments available in the Enchanting Table, but not Curses. Mix with Armorer/Toolsmith/Weaponsmith for even better results!

    - Mason:

    - Shepherd:

    - Toolsmith: Tools get +2 Enchantability points (e.g Diamond from 10 to 12).

    - Weaponsmith: Weapons get +2 Enchantability points (e.g Diamond from 10 to 12)

    Bonus: New Achievement: Player gets every Profession Status at the same time

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/parishiIt0n
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    when your in 3rd person the camera should be able to go through glass

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    i think i would be harmless and nice addition since you can see through glass.

    submitted by /u/banjo_ben
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    Campfire Variations

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    Campfires could use some variations, currently we have one (and only one) that has mini oak wood logs stacked on top of eachother, so I suggest that we could craft different campfires with different wood types that comes with different designs.

    Let's say you decided to craft a campfire with jungle wood logs, instead of the usual mini four-oak-logs its twelve mini jungle wood logs surrounding the fire with eight of them that has their top half cutoff, so it looked like a fiery fortress with four sentries sticking out. But if you were to craft it with birch wood logs, then you could get four (or five) mini birch wood logs diagonally balanced off of eachother. The others is up to your imagination.

    Campfires crafted from crimson stems and warped stems could have more unique and demonic designs so that they stand out more than their overworld variants. And since there is soul fire, maybe you could replace wood logs and coals with soul soils and bones in the crafting grid, and instead of a campfire you'll get a bonfire. (I know this is a fps, but I can't help myself with the name)

    Its weird that buttons and pressure plates has their own variations while campfires does not, don't you think?

    What do you think of this idea? Do you think it's good or bad? If so, give me your thoughts in the comments. (If you want to post this to the official feedback site as long as you have credit to me, I will gladly appreciate your help)

    submitted by /u/DoctorAdvery
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    Dogs play fetch with bones!

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:51 AM PDT


    • The player can throw bones like a snowball (same stats as snowball)
    • Dogs that are not sitting, and that are tamed to the player that threw the bone will chase it down
    • Dogs will bring the bone back to the player, and drop it at their feet (could hold it in their mouthes, similarly to foxes)

    It's a simple change, but one that I really think would be simple to implement!

    submitted by /u/imasuma
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    Silver ore and a use for the fletching table

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Silver ore:

    Spawn rate: it will have the same rate of spawning as iron ore.

    Main uses:

    A-silver arrows:

    1: how to craft: 1 silver ingot and a maximum of 12 arrows in the fletching table, that we'll get into later.

    2: attributes: does twice as much damage as regular arrows, and makes a different sound when shot, can be tipped using potions.

    B-sword tipping:

    using the smithing table, any type of sword + 1 silver ingot, silver tipped swords do +1 more damage.

    The fletching table:

    Interface: Very similar to the smithing table's interface.

    Main uses:

    1-repairing bows/crossbows: you can repair bows using sticks, since sticks are so easy to get, you'll need to use alot of them, maybe half a stack, to fully repaire a bow/crossbow.

    2-making silver arrows: 1 silver ingot + a maximum of 12 arrows will get you silver tipped arrows.

    3-potion tipping: any kind of potion + a maximum of 8 arrows will get you potion tipped arrows.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/bubbdyhead
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    Make a variant of Enderman unique to the Nether akin to Husks/Strays/Drowned/Wither Skellies.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    It feels odd just having regular Enderman in all three dimensions, I think. If the Enderman are going to dominate an entire dimension and a biome in the Nether, I think we should give them a new gimmick with their newfound environment. It'd be cool to maybe see a return to the prerelease Enderman— green eyes and soot particles, all that jazz.

    I'm not a gameplay pro, but some ideas I think might be neat are:

    Nethermen, being more scavenger-like, can take a random non-hotbar item (not including armor/shield) from your inventory when you aren't looking at them. When this is done, they attempt to run away, but will not teleport unless shot. Melee will not provoke a port.

    Nethermen could walk on lava. No reason except it'd be kinda cool.

    Nethermen could spawn around generated "End Ruins" where, for example, failed End Portals generate in exclusively Warped Forests.

    I think it could add a lot more character to the Nether and Enderman, personally— that's all I can think of myself, though.

    submitted by /u/BrokenShaman
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    Water splash volume

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Very tiny complaint. But it would be nice if the "spoosh" sound that plays when jumping into/out of water would be moved to blocks from ambient/environment. I want to have ambience/environment at high volume for those delicious new nether ambient sounds but don't want my ears to explode every time i touch water. kthxbai

    submitted by /u/MsMinte
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    Bell Improvement

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    Simple idea, when you ring a bell not only does it make raiders glow, but allows you to see them through blocks. This would be useful for when the raiders are in places you wouldn't see the glow, like caves.

    submitted by /u/Ronnie-R15
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    Suggestion Contest: If you could add ONE food or type of food to minecraft, what would it be?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    (Mods: is this allowed/an acceptable use of the meta tag?)

    Rules: - Your post must suggest exactly one type of food. - No new, elaborate methods of crafting. The new food type should fit in with the existing foodstuffs.

    Comment links to your independent posts here and I'll put them up. I'll post my own suggestion once there are two others here.

    submitted by /u/orendorff
    [link] [comments]

    Better Nether Portal Linking

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    Connecting multiple nether portals to each other (either for the purpose of setting up fast travel, or just to allow nearby bases to each have their own unique portals) can be pretty sketchy and often requires checking co-ordinates, multiplying and/or dividing by 8, and building a portal at the resulting co-ordinates. This seems rather hack-y, and I feel there should be a more streamlined way to accomplish this, and what better time to address this issue than the Nether Update!

    The way nether portals currently function is this:
    >> Player enters portal
    >> Game checks for an active portal in the target dimension within 128 blocks
    >> If said portal exists, teleport player there; Else create new portal in nearest valid location.

    This works well enough so long as players' bases (or other points of interest to a quick travel system) are all at least 1,024 blocks away from each other -- but the fact that the Nether multiplies Overworld distance by 8 causes an imbalance under this system: Checking a 128 block radius of the Nether is equivalent to checking a 1,024 block radius of the Overworld. Therefore, if a player enters a portal within 1,024 blocks of an existing portal (highly probable to happen on a populated server), the game will most likely send them to the Nether side of the other portal rather than creating them a new one, and when the player returns to the overworld they will be far away from where they started, likely at another player's base.

    The simplest way to resolve this would be to change the check radius when entering a portal: When going from the overworld to the nether, check a 16 block radius, and when going from the nether to the overworld, check a 128 block radius. However, I feel like a more thorough re-thinking of the connection system would be more appropriate (especially because a 16-block radius seems rather small). I don't have a particular solution in mind, so please everyone brainstorm in the comments!

    submitted by /u/Flexico
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    Drowned Spawners

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    There should be naturally spawning spawners or dungeons underwater. The drowned that spawn from it would be occasionally holding tridents and nautilus shells.

    submitted by /u/bibektheboss
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