• Breaking News

    Minecraft Better transition when music stops (for example, when you start swimming, the music stops, since there's another soundtrack for water)

    Minecraft Better transition when music stops (for example, when you start swimming, the music stops, since there's another soundtrack for water)

    Better transition when music stops (for example, when you start swimming, the music stops, since there's another soundtrack for water)

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:07 AM PST

    I basically think it would be a good idea if it had a softer change between soundtracks

    submitted by /u/al3x_7788
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    While holding two tools, mining a block will use the one best for the block you're mining

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:13 AM PST

    If neither tool is the proper tool for the block, it defaults to the one in your main hand.

    Just a small QoL change that would make mining long tunnels in the overworld smoother.

    submitted by /u/MerlinGrandCaster
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    Give java edition an official tutorial world.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 02:38 AM PST

    In the options to create a single player worked in java, there should be a world type called "Tutorial."

    It places the player in survival mode in a custom world that shows them some of the many features of the game. Custom pop-up tips appear whenever they complete a task. It would look like a modernized version of the Legacy Tutorial.

    This is to solve that age old issue of having a new player on your multiplayer server and you must teach them everything while dodging mobs and phantoms.

    You can either have them do the tutorial themselves.

    Here's some ideas for "checkpoints" in the tutorial world

    "Press W, A, S, or D to move around"

    "Hold left click to destroy blocks. Try breaking a peice off that tree"

    "Press right click to place blocks"

    "You can also use right click to use special blocks. Right click that crafting table next to you"

    You get the idea

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    In Soul Sand Valley, there should spawn Strays instead of normal skeletons

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:32 AM PST

    The soul sand valley is a valley with a lot of soul sand, that makes you go slowly, so I think it makes sense that Strays spawn here, because they shoot you with slowness arrows

    submitted by /u/-Antonio1247God-
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    Golden Carrots should be used to cure Zombified Piglins into Regular Piglins

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:56 AM PST

    Zombie Villagers use golden apples to turn back into regular villagers, and since pigs like carrots, we can use golden carrots instead.

    submitted by /u/IshtGamez
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    Nether Biome Suggestion: Basalt Caverns!

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 10:29 AM PST

    Basalt Caverns


    Basalt Caverns is a very rare biome. It is a variant of the Soul Sand Valley, and can only generate completely surrounded by the normal biome. This means that the player will have to venture deep into the ghastly place that is the soul sand biome to find it.

    This biome generates with all the same blocks and features as the normal Soul Sand Valley, but with 2 additional features; Speleothem Forests, and Soul Gel Pools.

    Speleothem Forests


    Instead of Soul Soil, Basalt generates here in large amounts. Upon this basalt large numbers of Stalagmites generate, filling the environment with them. Gives a rather nice, spooky vibe in my opinion.

    Soul Gel Pools

    Small lakes of a substance called "Soul Gel" generate here. Soul Gel can be broken with any tool instantly, even just your fist. It behaves like a solid block when mined, but can be swum in like a liquid. See more here

    More Images

    submitted by /u/NethyIsTrue
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    Leaves should be able to be placed in pots like cacti

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 10:41 AM PST

    This should seriously be a thing. Maybe when the leaves are placed in a pot they should have 2d cross-shaped textures like flowers do along with the leaf models. Shearing the plant in this form could remove the cross texture and keep the 3d cactus-shaped model. I don't know if this should work with the wart variants.

    submitted by /u/Redmdy
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    Since fire now has a hitbox, creative mode players should be able to use "pick block" on it.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 07:41 PM PST

    I'm not suggesting a new fire item, but using pick block on a block of fire should give the player whatever object could make the fire. By default it could be a fire charge, but if they have flint and steel in their inventory it'd switch to that.

    submitted by /u/4P5mc
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    Goat horns

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 04:44 AM PST

    With the new goat mob that will be releasing there should be horns that can only be received after a kid goat grows to an adult (like scutes). The kid grows out of there current horns and drops them as they grow new ones. These horns can be crafted with shields to get spiked shields which do the damage of a stone sword.

    submitted by /u/TwstdPrtzl
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    Allow the use of Bonemeal on Weeping Vines to give them a 'rope-like' mechanic.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:05 AM PST

    For the longest time, players have wanted a rope-like object in the game-- something you can right click on and it will provide a climbable path downwards.

    Weeping Vines present the perfect opportunity to add something like this. What I propose is that the player should have the ability to use bonemeal on Weeping Vines, and when this was done, the vine would grow downward and provide the rope-like object that players have wanted for the longest time.

    I would provide a feedback link, but the previous two times I attempted to add this to the feedback site, the post simply disappeared before being approved.

    submitted by /u/camocat9
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    Endermen stalkers

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:26 AM PST

    Those would be Endermen that randomly start following you and stare at everything you do. If you get too far from them they will teleport to you. They will also try to interact with you, like taking a nearby ore block and giving it to you, or giving you food if you start starving. There could be a more "creepy" version of the stalker spawning specially at night, they will stare at you from afar and teleport if you try to get close to them, if you get too far they will teleport to continue staring at you, if you look at them for too much they will teleport near you and attack like normal endermen.

    submitted by /u/Ioan15
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    Forest Strider Enchantment for Leggings

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 05:04 AM PST

    Here's my plan: in order to make travel a tad more difficult, all plants at least two blocks tall will slow you just a tiny bit. Maybe add a few more small features that have already been suggested, like putting thorns on rosebushes and weeping vines (although not as many as the sweet berry bush; yikes).

    But never fear! This enchantment allows you to stride though all of that. It has three levels, and each decreases the speed penalty and damage for moving through plants. Levels II and III also give you a slight speed/jump boost while standing on leaf blocks (as long as they have the "natural" tag, which already exists - you can't place a leaf block to jump over a ravine). This makes you better at heroically leaping from tree to tree, which we all love doing.

    I like this enchantment primarily because it's a special mechanic for leggings - so far helmet and boots have gotten all of the love. It also gives players who spend a lot of time in the jungle an equivalent to aqua affinity or depth strider to reach for. It has an elven feel to it, isn't too flashy, and fits in well to vanilla.

    Could also be called bushstrider or forestwalk.

    submitted by /u/orendorff
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    Pillager Stragglers

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 02:51 PM PST

    Stragglers are a new type of Pillager, though they don't actually spawn in raids. Instead, they'll only spawn near villages where a raid has already occurred and been defeated. Their spawn rate is relatively rare, only having about 5% chance to spawn. They behave more erratically than other Pillagers. They walk in strange patterns, they move quicker, they swing their weapons even if nothing's in front of them.

    In terms of their attacks, they're most similar to the Vindicator, being that they have their arms crossed until they see the player, and they begin to swing their weapons. The most common weapons for a Straggler are, well, not weapons. They use things like shovels, hoes, and even sticks. It's very rare for them to be seen with a sword or an axe. They have a chance of dropping these weapons, although they'll mostly drop miscellaneous items like string, bottles, bones, grass, etc.

    The reason why I feel these guys should be added is because it could tell a nice little story. A band of Pillagers has been defeated, and the few survivors are scattered about the outskirts of the village, their minds unstable due to what they saw when their band of Pillagers was defeated.

    Feedback on these guys in the comments would be awesome.

    submitted by /u/StyrofoamNickel
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    Deep Nether

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 10:09 AM PST

    I have had the idea of the "deep nether" as a kind of endgame mechanics for a long time now.

    The deep nether consists of an infinite number of levels. To get to the next level you have to set up a portal in the current level. The first portal has to be built in the nether itsef. (Maybe from crying obsidian?)

    The deeper you go into the deep nether the stronger the opponents become, maybe you get more and more firedamage over time, maybe ghasts are getting bigger and bigger, dealing more damage. As a reward, you will find even better equipment, valuable resources, etc. on every new level, which you need to survive the monsters at the next one.

    To get to the next level you have to survive and find certain blocks with which to build the portals.

    submitted by /u/doske94
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    Lava transitions

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 12:04 PM PST

    In the overworld the water often changes colour depending on biomes (at least in bedrock edition) and has a transition into the new colour. For example, when entering a swamp the water will slowly change to become murkier and darker. I believe the same should happen to lava in order to create less of a stark contrast in biomes like the soul sand valley. I think this change would be nice and could amount to some really cool creations.

    Thanks for reading and please leave your opinion below!

    submitted by /u/crabbyink
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    Wolf's should walk to bone block

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:17 AM PST

    Wolf's should walk to bone block's and sniff for a second and move on.

    submitted by /u/11thmog
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    A small idea for Netherite Elytra.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:27 AM PST

    I don't think everything needs a Netherite version, but I think it would be interesting if combining an undamaged Elytra with a Netherite Ingot could craft Netherite Lined Elytra. It would be more durable, and when burned in lava or fire (or when it runs out of durability) the Elytra part would burn up/break and it would need to be repaired with 1 Phantom Membrane and 1 Netherite Scrap, probably in a crafting table or a Smithing Table.

    submitted by /u/CouldBeSteve
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    Eccentric mountain Gnomes & their types.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 09:43 AM PST

    With new features like goats on the horizon, they would be left feeling a little bit devoid without a symbiotic companion mob exclusive to the mountains since features often are best presented in pairs. Gnomes are a 1 block high parallel race to villagers & piglins that talk in their own squeaky language amongst themselves, being rare wilderness spawns or part of mushroom roofed fairy circle villages.

    • Accomodating for size, gnome fairy circles have small abode constructions with only a single spruce trap-door for a entrance they are able to use and little single pane windows. It is a calm area where monster spawns are halted within a radius and gnomes about their business pop in and out of existance (by their innate magical ability) rather than work & sleep at sunrise & sunset.

    A key feature of Gnomes mechanically is that they wear colored caps obscuring their faces beyond their little bulbous noses poking through related to their personality patterns, of which for the purpose of the suggestion are explained below and relate to some described European folklore archetypes, whether they are a fairy, a person, a spirit or anysuch in-between is left to be interpreted by the player.

    Cap Colors

    • Brown-cap Gnomes are neutral but friendly mobs; they have a interest in food items, a player might be richly rewarded in placing down a cake with a higher tier selection of bartering goods per slice; this food exchange happens until the gnome is full and starts a animation to pop out of existance. More classically inspired by friendly gnome archetypes or ones where offerings are left to appease them, great friends with goats taking rides upon their backs.

    • Green-cap Gnomes love material wealth, and will pick up dropped wealth items and open player chests in search of it, leaving a bartered item in its positional place; having nuggets & stolen goods beaten out of them when chased and hit if a player can catch up with their speed. These are inspired by legends of Leprechauns legendary wealth & to extent, greed and spawn in the wild only in daylight dissapearing at sunset.

    • Red-cap Gnomes only spawn rarely in dark mountainous conditions and will attack on sight & influence surrounding goats into aggrevating upon the player & allowing it to use a goat as a mount; for unknown reasons they are expelled from fairy circles and cannot follow the player inside, dissapearing in morning daybreak. Inspired by the evil spirits of the same "Redcap" name said to patrol dark places like old castles & moors in British Folklore.

    Obtaining your own fantastical Gnomish cap

    A physical item copy of the cap that gnomes wear is a magically unique item able to be also worn on the player which will physically alter them to be only 1 block high & gain a degree of control over guiding pigs in saddles due to their mystic nature.

    While the cap isn't very strong in armor it can be repaired using wool & dyed for player-customization. Friendly & most common brown-cap gnomes never have a percentage chance of dropping their caps and neither drop experience, whilst red & green caps chances are very low for how rare they are. There are seperate aquisition methods that can be accessed however.

    • Villager nitwits dressed in full Gnome-like clothing that spawn in fairy circle villages time to time can be convinced to abandon their adoptive gnome colony by offering 5-10 emeralds to buy the cap off thier head as a non-violent way to obtain it & summarily the nitwit will too throw the cap out on the ground then magic themselves out of existance.

    How would it improve the game

    I think gnomes would be valuable on account that they're a un-relatable mystery, which can fit into Minecraft's very loose frame of lore, game-world and place. On most accounts Gnomes are treated kindly and the player is rewarded with some benefits to it such as a fairy circle to seek some refuge, a friendly community to barter with & their ethereal nature of popping in and out of existance mean they can't be easily exploited either; encouraging players to engage with the appropriate type of gnome the right way.

    In every other case, they're a fresh challenge due to their size, hitbox and behaviours to keep players on their toes. Greencaps may be victim to player ingenuity in using redstone trapped chests etc. etc.

    thanks for reading. 
    submitted by /u/fantasticfwoosh
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    End Dwelling

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 04:27 PM PST

    So far, we've only got one outer end structure. But endermen clearly don't live there - they treat the cities more like relics of their once-magnificent past, like ancient castles. I suggest a sadder, more pathetic home for the defeated endermen after the Invasion War of 1.9.

    End dwellings are small, very organic structures made of end stone brick and pur-pur. They resemble shells or corals (I'll attach pictures when I've got the time). Inside, there are a few chests containing chorus fruit or end loot, and an enderchest. There is a mantelpiece, under which is a small fire.

    Each dwelling is occupied by a few endermen, who own a family shulker. The shulker is passive, attacking only when it or it's family is attacked, and the endermen behave the same.

    Basically, there'd be enderman houses, with minimal loot, which display the fallen state of the endermen for players to heartlessly pillage.

    submitted by /u/orendorff
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    The game should take any screenshots taken in a world by a player and display them in the credits to show how far the player has come.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:28 PM PST

    It would show all of the screenshots taken in the world as a slideshow in the credits.

    submitted by /u/ligmaenigma
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    Slime Shields and Honey Shields

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:26 PM PST

    Crafting a shield with a slime or honey block will make it into either a Slime Shield or a Honey Shield. These are normal shields, but instead of blocking projectiles, they deflect them. How far it's deflected depends on how far away the projectile was launched from, just like falling on slime or honey blocks.

    Edit: Everyone said they were the same so I thought honey had the bounciness of slime. Apparently this is wrong.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Mob Idea: Stranded Soul

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 09:23 AM PST

    (I will write it like it already exists because I don't want to use "would" and "should"). It is a neutral mob that is spawning only in Soul Sand Valley in Nether. It is transparent. When you are closer than 2 blocks to it, it will come into you and it will enter your body, giving you certain effect. If you attack it it will attack you too and will no longer enter your body. Every stranded soul has different aura around it and effect that will it give depends on it's aura colour. It will despawn in 2 minutes if it don't find body to possess.

    Blue: Speed

    Green: Jump Boost

    Yellow: Feed 3 hunger bars

    Orange: Fire resistance

    Red: Damage 2 hearts

    Pink: Regeneration

    Black: Wither effect (decay)

    Dark Green: Poison

    Gray: Slowness

    White: Nothing

    Yellow and Red are instant. Black lasts for 10 seconds. Every other positive effect lasts for 1 minute. Every other negative effect lasts for half a minute.

    submitted by /u/ElPapo131
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    biome ideas

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 11:29 AM PST

    abbysal ocean are the deepest part of the ocean there will be no light down there

    tropical island will have jungle trees palm trees coral reefs around it

    oasis found in deserts the oasis will have a huge lake/river surrounded by palm trees

    farmlands found ibetween prairie and rivers crops grow much faster than any other biome you dont need water near the crops to grow bee/hivewill spawn the must here

    basalt flats huge flats of basalts near lava oceans

    charred forest/grassland basically burnt version of these biomes

    ash forest the best way i can describe it is like the upside down from the tv show stranger things

    submitted by /u/UlfurGaming
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    An Upgrade... To Upgrades!

    Posted: 04 Mar 2020 04:49 PM PST

    20w10a is out! And what does that mean for Minecraft?

    Smithing Tables have functionality! And if you reacted similarly to me, you were probably disappointed :(

    But that's okay! Upgrading is in its early stages and there's room for growth. In my opinion, there's a lot of room for growth: here's my idea.

    (Edit: the post is meant to be a discussion on BUILDING ON the upgrade mechanic already is. I'd love to talk about what the Smithing table could be, but this is not the post for that. Mojang gave us Upgrading, let's take the chance to make it really cool instead of just wishing for another usage.)

    Imagine a system similar to a mix of brewing and enchanting. You place your weapon, tool, or armor in the upgrade slot. What comes next? A Smithing ingredient that helps boost your tools.

    For example: you want better vision in darkness for your helmet, but don't want to brew a ton of potions. Instead, smith some Glowstone onto your helmet and light up the night sky (although not as much as potions). These applications could be more general too. Add some more of the material as your tool (netherite ingots for netherite, diamond for diamond, etc) and you'll get a boost in base durability. Add a Rabbit's Foot to your tool and get a Fortune effect somewhere between no Fortune and Fortune I. The applications are endless. Scutes for better underwater breathing. Redstone for a bit of a "tracking missile" effect. Blaze Powder for Fire Resistance. Sweet Berries for a Thorns effect. Gunpowder for knockback. Of course, there would be a limited number of times a player could perform an upgrade - I'm thinking 3 times - and the price would increase each time.

    Maybe some of these don't make too much sense, but that's okau. Let's get creative, go wild! I think this expanded upgrade system could be a great feature for Minecraft, and now is the best time to flesh it out and submit it to Mojang.

    Tldr; the upgrade system introduced via Smithing table could be expanded into a new, interesting mechanic similar to brewing and enchanting that would be fun for Minecraft.

    submitted by /u/Fractured_Kneecap
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    In the door of destroyed citadel

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 02:50 PM PST

    The nether have only 1 type building inside, which is completely boring. Nether fortress, which are like labirynth and most of the time it's quite a treasure hunt, juat for free diamonds.

    Netherbrick can somehow be ugly if you are not in common with that block. So builders will probably be salivating themselfs on this idea.

    I came here to present the destroyed citadel! You say what the heck is that?! I say it's a new feature with good looking blocks!

    As you maybe remember there isn't a good black block in the nether, basalt in my opinion have quite ugly texture and about netherbrick, i said ealier, netherite block is way too expensive, don't tell me even about obsidian...

    So there's the ace of black blocks! The Soapstone (this is not a joke name, this actually exist), which in real life long time ago was made into bowls for example.

    Soapstone is like the 'cooler daniel' version of our good ol' netherbrick. It is resistant to explosion of ghast, so don't worry if you are low on materials and need a bridge to come back!

    The special feature is the mix crafting and enchant!

    It is called: Previous civilisation table (think off better name in the comments below, the best one will be added here!).

    What does it do? It allows you to make entire new craftings! However it will require a lot ender pearls and exp! Meaning that it's quite endgame feature, so it gives you a reason to go to the nether again!

    The example if crafting could be the pearl stopper, working like if the enderpearl you throwed is in it's range (it's 7x7x7 range) it will teleport you right on the pearl stopper, even when it hit the side of the end island.

    This is what i want to become true, to give you a reason to move your lazy butt to nether after you defeat enderdragon.

    The destroyed citadel is the sign that people were here and something destroyed it, giving to theorists some content.

    TL;DR: the new block and table to keep the game longer

    submitted by /u/ArcerPL
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