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    Minecraft Big, tilting magma block and obsidian spikes that stick out of the nether lava ocean

    Minecraft Big, tilting magma block and obsidian spikes that stick out of the nether lava ocean

    Big, tilting magma block and obsidian spikes that stick out of the nether lava ocean

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    (image example, only one spike)


    Big, tilting obsidian and magma block spikes that generate in groups sticking out of the lava in the nether would be really cool to stumble across. Not only would they serve as an obstacle if lava boats were to be added, but they would look intimidating as well as being a dangerous-to-get-hands-on source of obsidian in the nether (because they're surrounded by hot lava, and you have to look out for the magma blocks).

    The spikes would consist mostly of obsidian, with magma blocks sprinkled here and there.

    submitted by /u/RedditRedditReddit64
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    When in a Soul Sand Valley, Ghast fireballs should have Soul Fire on them.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 12:45 AM PDT

    Not the explosions, they already do that, I mean the animation for them flying through the air towards you. I think it would be neat.

    submitted by /u/AngooseTheC00t
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    Meadow Biomes

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    • Meadows are are a relatively small, rare biome similar to plains.

    • They have brightly coloured grass (lighter then Jungles, more bright then forests and plains). The colour is somewhat similar to the old Alpha grass, but a little bit more saturated.

    • Sheep, and horses spawn here frequently.

    • No hostile mobs spawn here, much like Mushroom Islands.

    • Oak and birch trees can occasionally generate here.

    • No flowers other then dandelions can generate here.

    • Occasionally, bales of hay may spawn here and will always face the same direction.

    • Meadow Wells may generate here occasionally. They have a 1x1 hole filled with water. Occasionally there is a chest at the bottom which may contain a few emeralds, rarely gold ingots, iron ingots, or very rarely diamond(s).

    • Meadows can generate with huts that have 1 or 2 Villagers in them. These huts have a small garden with a composter. Villagers in these huts may have better trades then is possible with Villagers found in Villages. They offer the same items though, but at a cheaper price. Prices will not/barely change with Hero of the Village, as they do not live in a Village to begin with, and their prices are already very cheap. Their prices will only be cheaper if they are a farmer. If their composter is removed and replaced with a new Job Site, their trades will be that of a regular Villager.

    I think this is useful as it would make an aesthetically pleasing and safe home for players as hostile mobs will not spawn, it has a unique and appealing colour of grass, and the Villagers that may spawn there offer good trades.

    This is kind of just some fluid ideas rather then 1 solid idea.

    Edit: Other ideas. May contradict or replace previous ones:

    • u/RazorNemesis suggests: Shepherds instead of/along with farmers may spawn there in huts.

    • u/cyanmagentacyan suggests: Maybe new goathearder Villagers which don't normally spawn in Villages. I suggest their job station isn't craftable. This would give players another reason to seek out meadows.

    • u/cyanmagentacyan suggests: Call them Alpine Meadows and make them spawn near mountain biomes.

    • u/cyanmagentacyan suggests crocus flowers that are exclusive to this biome.

    submitted by /u/CouldBeSteve
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    Soul Soil should be able to be ignited on all sides

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Normal fire is able to be on any side of a block, so why can't soul fire have the same treatment?

    submitted by /u/RinseMyRocket
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    You can grow fungi with 3x3 stems by using 9 fungi.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    Dark Oak, Jungle, and spruce trees can all be grown with 2x2 trunks by using 4 saplings. Since fungi can generate with 3x3 stems, you should have to use 9 fungi to grow a fungus with a 3x3 stem. Currently 3x3 fungi will grow randomly whenever a small fungus is bonemealed, which can be annoying.

    submitted by /u/CouldBeSteve
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    Observers should be able to detect firework bursts

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Since we can shoot firework rockets from dispensers both vertically and horizontally it would be a great idea for observers to have the ability to detect firework bursts. This could be an incredible addition regarding mostly redstone but also sending really long redstone signal. Moreover i could also see being used as a mean of communication. That'll be all

    submitted by /u/Blackangel466
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    Saplings planted on sand in a hot biome should become dead bushes.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    I made a post on r/crappymcsuggestions about this, but people seemed to think it would be a good idea, so here goes.

    Dead bushes are unrenewable, which seems kinda odd considering the number of things that are (i.e. iron farms, gold farms, etc). I suggest that by attempting to plant a sapling on sand, terracotta or other blocks which can naturally generate dead bushes, it turns them into a dead bush. This would make them renewable, as saplings are renewable, and would also allow for simplified auto stick grinders. Sure, these things aren't as useful as iron or gold, but it seems strange something like this is unobtainable unless you have a ready supply of naturally-generated dead bushes. Considering Mojang's current goal of making otherwise useless things have purpose (splash water bottles hurt endermen, dead bushes drop sticks, etc.) it makes sense that they should make it renewable.

    This should only happen in hot biomes, however, (deserts, mesa, savanna, etc,) as it makes sense that tying to plant a sapling in this environment would cause it to 'dry out'. You would still be able to on dirt and grass, so you can still grow trees in these biomes, but a sapling wouldn't survive on these blocks so would naturally die.

    I'm sure some people will think this is pointless, but it makes sense to me.

    Link to original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/crappymcsuggestions/comments/fhqctd/saplings_planted_on_sand_should_turn_into_dead/

    submitted by /u/AlisterSinclair2002
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    Detecting the quantity of bees in a nest or hive

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    I've seen other posts mentioning that we should be able to see the contents of nests or hives in your hotbar. It would be useful, but I don't think that's necessarily the only solution.

    Since bees are unable to exit their home when a comparator is placed in front of the door, this location is useless for a honey or honeycomb farm because the bees are unable to visit flowers. We ought to be at least able to read a signal strength correlating to the number of bees within the hive out of the front for this reason. It would make automating the population of hives a relatively simple task, and taking a fullness reading on the fly would only require 1 comparator and 3 redstone dust to accomplish with no risk of escapebees.

    submitted by /u/Viridis_Coy
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    Skeleton horses should be able to step up blocks while sinking

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Right now, riding skeleton horses underwater is a little slow at times because in order to move up a slope, you have to wait for skelly to sink all the way down onto the block below it before you can then walk back up.

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    New Loot from Piglin Bartering

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    I have put together a list of things that I think should be added as loot from Piglin bartering.

    Wither Roses - The Wither Rose is way to hard to obtain for its functionality; you have to spawn in the Wither to get it, and it isn't even that great of an item. It would make a lot of sense if there was a lesser, easier way of obtaining it.

    Gunpowder - Gunpowder is a somewhat useful item, especially compared to some of the things you can receive from Piglins currently. Instead of getting some crappy gravel, it would be nice to get some gunpowder. It is also a Nether-related item, because it drops from Ghasts.

    Coal - Similar to what I said for gunpowder, it would be nice for there to be more somewhat useful items in the loot tables. Coal is a Nether-related item, because it drops from Wither Skeletons.

    Blaze Powder - This would be an awesome thing to get from a Piglin early to mid game. Instead of having to fight blazes, you could test your luck with Piglin bartering, and see if you could obtain a substantial amount.

    Iron Ingots - Receiving a couple of iron ingots for one gold ingot doesn't seem that bad of a trade. Also, iron ingots are in the Nether (inside fortress chests), therefore it would be a plausible thing for Piglins to have.

    Netherite Scraps - Okay, this is obviously the best thing you'll be able to get from Piglin bartering, therefore it would be very rare. This would give way more reason to actually barter with Piglins. Currently, I don't see much of an incentive to actually barter with them.

    Bottle O' Enchanting - Getting some extra XP would be great. Just another nice thing to recieve for your gold ingots.

    Ghast Tears - Ghast tears are surprisingly hard to get. First you have to find the Ghast, then kill it, then hope that it drops a tear, then hope the tear doesn't fall in lava. Yeah, adding another method of obtaining them seems pretty reasonable.

    Nether Wart - If you haven't found a fortress yet, and you need to start brewing potions, you can try your luck trading with Piglins. Nether Warts only have two ways to be obtained; growing in a fortress, or in a fortress chest. For being such a useful item to the game, they shouldn't be limited to Nether Fortresses.

    All of these items are designed to be plausibly obtained by Piglins. They are all Nether-related items, and are very reasonable trades. Here is an image of all the items together:


    P.S. - If you have ideas for other items to be added to Piglin bartering, please leave them below!

    submitted by /u/Trioxide__
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    Ore block textures have a random number of ore chunks on each face, for a more natural visual distribution

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    See image for texture examples

    Simply put, each ore block in the game will randomly have a different quantity of its ore displayed on each of the six sides of the block. This would make ore distribution in the world look more natural and would often make ore blocks harder to spot (you may only see a single blue diamond facing out of a stone wall).

    This would not alter the quantity of ore that can be obtained from these blocks; the change is purely visual.

    Ideally, the effect would be completely randomised with various ore chunks appearing in dozens or hundreds of combinations, but more simply there may only be six textures per ore type randomly applied to a side of any given block.

    submitted by /u/foomandoonian
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    Blunt Arrows

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    Blunt Arrow Idea: Can be crafted with a wood button, a stick, and a feather. It is an arrow that adds extra Knockback, can be tipped with potions. tell me what you think ;)

    Maybe could be added in a combat update?

    Anyway, its just a suggestion ;)

    submitted by /u/RealFuriouspotato
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    Wandering traders should run away from players with the Bad Omen effect.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    Maybe they could go invisible, or not trade.

    submitted by /u/thegamergeeks
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    Breeding squid using fish

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    You would be able to breed squid with any fish except pufferfish, producing a baby squid (I know squid have eggs IRL but bees don't have live birth either)

    submitted by /u/MerlinGrandCaster
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    Boiling enchant

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Auto cook fish, simple enough.

    For the admins, I'm not sure if this counts because the common suggestions mentioned it for ores/clay, but fishing is different. So idk, remove if you feel.

    submitted by /u/penguin13790
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    Ghost ships

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    Ships that spawn on top of the ocean. The sails would be somewhat damaged. There would be skeletons and zombies on the ship while they are on the ship they don't burn in the daylight. Depending on the location there would be the skeleton and zombie variants. At the bottom level of the ship you can find stuff like ingots, emeralds, rotten flesh, bones, and maybe some enchanted items.

    Let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/VideoGameManiac2018
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    Rename soul speed to soul walker.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    It just sounds beter in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/UriealedX
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    Silverfish should be more than just a minor annoyance when mining under Mountains biomes.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Currently, infested stone can generate in Mountain biomes. The silverfish end up just being a minor annoyance without much downside as you'd only really hit them during stripmines where they'd not be able to do much nor give much. One solution perhaps would be to increase the amount of silverfish that could be in 1 block, such that you could mine 1 block and around 3 silverfish come out from one block and break the other infested stones, so that it isn't just an easy swing of the sword to clear everything out.

    submitted by /u/Pikachu62999328
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    Wet Sponge Blocks should Hydrate Farmland

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    Could be super useful in redstone farms, as there would be no risk of water leaking into the circuitry. Would also be useful in compact farms, as the water would not have to be walled in.

    Would maybe have a shorter range than actual water, so that it's not too overpowered.

    A possible add on, maybe dry sponge blocks would suck the water out of farmland

    submitted by /u/TheNakedFig
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    Huge Mushrooms should be able to be found in the Nether.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    The Nether is getting a huge overhaul with the addition of some new biomes. Warped and Crimson Forests are two of them. And you know what they both have in common? They are both fungal, containing tons of fungi in their areas. You know what's also fungal, and can be found in the nether? Mushrooms.

    The addition of Huge Mushrooms to the nether would make sense because of two things. It sticks to the fungal theme of the two other biomes, and doesn't even need it's own biome. They could just be found randomly across the other biomes. The second reason is because it would also help achieve something Mojang wants to do for the Nether; livability. I know we have Hoglins, but another obtainable food source (mushroom stew, assuming the new wood types can be crafted into bowls) shouldn't hurt (while mushroom stew would become more easily obtainable, cooked porkshops would restore more hunger and drop in larger quantities per Hoglin).

    I think this would be the perfect opportunity for Mojang to add huge mushrooms, and it would add more to the lands of the nether without overshadowing the new biomes.

    If you agree with this idea, I posted it onto the feedback website if you'd like to vote for it

    submitted by /u/JJFreshMemes
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    Soil Soil underwater will also make an updraft.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    Simply because Soul Soil has a nicer, less grim texture that can work in more situations. Soul Sand may still make an updraft and there would be no difference between the 2 they make other then the appearance of the block in the ground.

    submitted by /u/CouldBeSteve
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    Small fix for scaffoldings

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    The idea of this post was quite simple. As i played minecraft i found an exploit that you can use with the scaffoldings

    The first is contact with lava. You can dry out the lava lakes IMMENDIANTELY with that, that makes no sense, this is from bamboo and strings!if it has contact with lava, it should just be instant burned.

    The other thing is just same thing with water, instead of drying it out, it should just be in water (maybe a new possibility to move scaffoldings under water pressure?)

    Literally scaffoldings now is just better and cheapier sponges, that should be changed, because now sponges are just bad in the eyes of scaffoldings

    submitted by /u/ArcerPL
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    Captured Villages

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    Just like Zombie Villages, these are considered normal villages aswell. However they're different. Instead of villagers, you'll see illagers running around (illagers can open doors but only in Captured Villages). Instead of normal animals you'll see ravagers.

    If you dig or explore you'll find the villagers are imprisoned in the caves and mines around the village and that the normal scarecrows seen around outposts are there (occasionally having a villager head instead of a pumpkin). There is no iron golems that spawn.

    Instead of a gold bell, you'll find an Emerald Bell. This is a silver bell with green jewels encrusted in the sides. Ringing this bell will immediately start a raid there. More illagers will spawn and all the illagers already there will run to the bell (aka you). Due to the amount of illagers, this is harder than a normal raid. There are also 3-6 waves instead of 1-5.

    Being the raid will stop illagers spawning and turn it into a normal Village. The villagers connected to the mines will have their leads snap and they can go. Iron golems will spawn. Freeing them nets three things. Hero Of The Village || which is HotV but with better discounts and also will always auto-reapply anytime you are near the village, the advancement "True Hero", and the Emerald Bell, it will stay and always summon a raid when rung. Even outside villages. It needs an iron pickaxe or higher to mine, and also isn't minable (will just be destroyed but gets replaced after the chunk is unloaded due to you moving far away) unless you have rung it and freed the Captured Village.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Cauldrons are a neglected/wasted opportunity

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    I'm sure it's an ongoing sentiment, but cauldrons are so underdeveloped. You should be able to auto refill from a source block or hopper with buckets of water. You should also have a minecart with cauldron that dumps the water with an activator rail. Theres so many things to make this mostly useless decoration a useful object.

    submitted by /u/PZombley
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