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    Minecraft How to improve strongholds (with images)

    Minecraft How to improve strongholds (with images)

    How to improve strongholds (with images)

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    Link to feedback site post: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360059491752-Make-strongholds-feel-more-like-strongholds

    With every update, we're getting to Minecraft the devs seem to be adding more and more ways to take down enemies, get loot and treasure and a bunch of ways to make the game easier. However, I can't really recall when the last time was when the game was made harder. As a result of this, the end and especially the stronghold feels unbalanced and I believe could use some works to rebalance it.

    The strongholds are supposed to be the end game. Well near end game at least. So they should feel like it. I think the biggest way we could make the strongholds better are with some extra rooms to make it feel like a proper stronghold. For those who don't know, a stronghold is meant to be a fortified area so let's make the stronghold feel like one! Here are some of the changes I'd like to see:


    Strongholds should be larger (1.5 - 2x the size) and eyes of ender should naturally lead you to an "entrance" (The entrance is just a mock-up of what I think the entrance could be like. I don't actually expect Mojang to put armour stands with arms at the trance. of a stronghold) of the stronghold that will be on the opposite side from the portal itself. Making it harder to get to. Strongholds should. also be much deeper, having up to 5 floors plus dungeons. The portal. of which should be on the lowest floor (not including dungeons)


    Make them much larger and have them underneath the stronghold. And have a max of 3 dungeons per stronghold. These dungeons should have a rare chance of spawning with a zombie or skeleton head lying around in one of the cells. However, these dungeons are infested with plenty of mobs. Zombies and skeletons especially spawn here with each cell having a 50% chance of housing one. These dungeons also have no light, meaning you'll have to make light yourself. One cell in each dungeon will house a chest that contains some loot, mainly consisting of emeralds and iron, I also chose to make this mock-up have a dark oak floor as I felt it looked nicer but they could also be stone bricks.


    These are large hallway like rooms that are 5 blocks wide and 10-15 blocks long. And will have armour stands lined up against the walls that can spawn with any pieces of chainmail, gold or iron armour. These rooms house zombies and skeletons that have iron chestplates, helmets, zombies also spawn with iron swords. At the end of the room is a nearly broken anvil (1-2 uses away from being broken)

    Towers / Storage rooms

    Towers are... well towers. they have a large winding spiral staircase leading up to them and they are a 7 x 7 room with chests and barrels with gold nuggets and ingots in them. They also have a 50% chance of having a spider spawner attached to the roof of the tower that causes spiders to drop onto the player. And are filled with cobwebs.


    Libraries remain largely the same but now have vindicators and zombie villagers with iron axes inside of them. They also have a small chance of spawning with an evoker inside that does not drop a totem of undying and instead drops a random enchanted book when killed. EDIT: Evokers and Vindicators would not respawn


    Laboratories are large stone brick square rooms that contain broken nether portals. These portals have 3-5 blocks obsidian blocks missing from them. the area around the nether portal is also "infected" with netherrack and nether bricks. Blazes and wither skeletons have a small chance of spawning here. These rooms also have brewing stands and a chest that has nether wart and empty bottles. (1-2) There is only 1 laboratory per stronghold EDIT: blazes and Wither Skeletons would not respawn


    Hallways can be kept largely the same but now the chance of creepers spawning in them is higher, especially around chests. meaning you'll have to lure them away if you want to get the loot out of them.


    Strongholds should get harder the closer you get to the end portal so here's what I propose. The closer you are to the end portal the more endermen spawn. This not only clues you in on where to go but also adds to the challenge. These endermen spawn angry and will attack you as soon as you come across them.

    I also think that exploration in strongholds should be rewarded so perhaps there's a rare chance one or two of these rooms may contain an eye of ender in case you run out or didn't bring enough.


    I think making these changes could really improve the current strongholds. Make them larger challenges and have them feel more rewarding as you use all of your knowledge of different enemies to get your way through, having you face off against a bunch of different mobs. Not to mention none of these changes are huge. I haven't added any new block or new mob, it's just making them more grand.

    I'm not really sure how the end portal room could be changed as it is already very iconic and changing it may be risky but I honestly think the end portal is fine as is but let me know what you think and any suggestions you may have. :)

    submitted by /u/Napstascott
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    There should be small structures in the End outer islands made out of whatever blocks Endermen picked up.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    Endermen are curious creatures. They have their own secret meeting point somewhere in the nether, travel to the overworld, and bring the dimension's blocks to their own dimension. They will build random structures out of them, such as a dirt patch, a netherrack structure shaped like an incomplete nether portal, etc. It's going to be a waste of curiosity if they just pick up the block from the overworld and then nether and relocate them somewhere.

    Here's a list of what blocks that an Enderman can pick up:

    • Cactus
    • Clay
    • Coarse Dirt
    • Dirt
    • Flowers (short)***
    • Crimson and Warped Fungi‌
    • Crimson and Warped Roots‌
    • Grass Block
    • Gravel
    • Melon**
    • Mushrooms
    • Mycelium
    • Netherrack [until 1.16]
      • Endermen do not pick up netherrack in Bedrock Edition.
    • Crimson and Warped Nylium
    • Podzol
    • Pumpkins**
    • Red Sand
    • Sand
    • TNT*

    *Note: there won't be any structures involving TNT because it's a manufactured block. There will only be structures with TNT if they stole yours.

    **Note 2: Pumpkin & melon structures might not be found/only found in dirt/grass block patches because as far as I'm concerned, they can't be placed if there are no grass underneath, except if you carve the pumpkin. Tell me if I'm wrong. Nevermind, I'm wrong. Thanks u/beta_vulgaris04 !

    ***Note 3: Flowers can only be found in dirt/grass block patches.

    Sorry if it's long because of the list.

    submitted by /u/8bit95
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    Respawn anchors explosion should vary depending on how charged it is

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    I think the respawn anchor should behave differently when its charged by different levels.

    If it has one charge, it should be smaller explosion(still bigger than tnt). If it has two charges, the explosion will be a bit larger. If it has three charges, the explosion is quite big. If it has four, the explosion is very big.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Iron + Basalt = Fool's Netherite

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    The Netherite Block has an amazing texture, however one downside to the block is that it is ridiculously expensive. It would be beneficial to builders to include a "Fool's Netherite" block that has a similar texture to Netherite. (maybe not identical, but roughly similar, maybe it has some imperfections)

    It would be simply crafted by taking a block of Basalt and surrounding it with Iron Ingots.

    submitted by /u/Gametron13
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    Make parrots easier to transport, and harder to accidentally get off your shoulder

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    parrots were a great addition to the game, i love parrots, but one issue i have with them is that they ALWAYS fall off my shoulder when im exploring, this is because if you jump with a parrot on your shoulder it comes off, which is quite annoying, due to jumping being fundamental for exploration. a change to this could be that you have to press shift+spacebar to get it off, just to make it harder to accidentally do.

    submitted by /u/Byrocynical
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    Wandering Warriors: the Nether version of the wandering trader

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    This would be the piglin equivalent of the wandering trader. They'd look similar to wandering traders, but also look like they just got out of a bad fight, with scars, a tattered cloak and even some bandages. Unlike regular piglins, they'd be neutral by default, and hunt regular piglins.

    Why are they the wandering warrior? Simple. They have a larger inventory than most mobs, and collect anything their enemies drop. If you barter with them after they collected something, they'd have a chance of giving you an item to help you deal with the mob they just fought. If not, they'd have a chance of giving you a more valuable item, at the cost of having a lower spawn rate than wandering traders.

    If you like this idea, remember to vote for it on the feedback website. Any feedback is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Realshow
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    Crying Beacons

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    For years now people have wanted a way to disable mob spawning without spamming your base with lights or just living on a mushroom island. Some have suggested beacons can, others suggested campfires, some have thought about an "invisible light source" (this wouldn't solve the problem of atmospheric lighting, but would mean you don't need torch spam), and I'm sure there are many others.

    With the addition of Crying Obsidian, I propose a new, second Beacon type crafted with it (in place of the regular Obsidian) that has a separate function to the regular Beacon - it disables mob spawning within its radius. Unlike regular Beacons, it wouldn't have a GUI because the effect wouldn't really be customizable - except through adding more blocks to the base, which would increase its radius.

    Note to the moderators: I have checked the FPS list and found that Beacons and Campfires being able to disable spawns was on it. I would consider this a somewhat separate idea, but if you ask me to remove it I'll do it happily.

    submitted by /u/Coomow
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    Tridents with loyalty enchantment work with dispensers too.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    If a dispenser shoots a trident enchanted with loyalty it should come back to the dispenser. This would make contraptions using the target block more applicable.

    submitted by /u/Jason_parkour
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    Cobalt, a new mineral with special functionality

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    Cobalt is an ore found from Y levels 42-5. It is a deep blue in color, somewhat darker than lapis. It can be mined with an iron pickaxe or better, and drops cobalt powder. It's slightly less rare than diamonds.

    What Sets It Apart

    Cobalt cannot be made into armor and tools, but it can be used to reinforce those things. Placing any piece of armor, weapon, or tool in the smithing table and adding 1-8 cobalt powder will result in Enduring items. Aside from a neat blue enchantment-like glint, these items gain a higher durability cap. They will not be fixed with cobalt powder, though. One eighth of the item's original durability is added for each piece of cobalt. For example, 4 cobalt powder will raise an iron pickaxe's max durability to 375, and 8 cobalt powder will raise it to 500, doubling it. However, this feature cannot be used more than once on an individual item.

    Extra Stuff

    Cobalt powder can be crafted into blue dye. It can also be crafted into a block, like other minerals.

    I hope the people of the subreddit like this post, as it is my first post here. If you have any tweaks you would like me to add, let me know!

    submitted by /u/LordOfAllEggs
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    Warped Wart Crop

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    This is a suggestion that adds a blue version of the nether wart crop.

    • They will be found in the Nether Fortresses.

    • You can brew them into Twisted Water Bottles which is a new base for potions.

      • Example recipes that use Twisted Water Bottles as base:
      • Chorus Fruit -> Chorus Sickness ( causes random teleportation)
      • Rotten Flesh -> Hunger
      • Golden Carrot -> Blindness
      • Phantom Membrane -> Heavy Weight (causes you to fall faster)
      • Magma Cream -> Fever (sets you on fire)
      • Bone/Wither Skull -> Wither
    • They can be obtained from bartering.

    • Can be crafted into Warped Wart blocks.

    • Can grow hanging below Soul Sand.

    These are my ideas for a potential Warped Wart crop. Please tell me your connstructive opinions in the comments, thanks!

    submitted by /u/emercraft573
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    The respawn anchor shouldn't lose its charge when you mine it.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Say you place it down and want to move it? Too bad, die 4 times or waste the glowstone.

    Edit: heroder55 suggested only with silk touch.

    submitted by /u/Okibdoki
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    When completing a group of advancements, the game should reward you with a banner of the respective icon, which you can use as a decorative trophy to display in your base. (concept image included)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    EDIT: Meant to say "advancement trees" instead of 'group of...'

    Example concept for how the banners might look: https://i.imgur.com/vMN6Qp8.png

    But why?

    There's 5 advancement trees in the game, and completing them isn't really a priority for most survival players (unless you're naturally a completionist).... for most, there's no point in completing them since we don't get anything in return that says "I did this".

    I really think having a trophy-like item for players to pick-up and place somewhere would be really nice.... and won't take up much time to develop (i think).

    submitted by /u/zestyclosetutor3
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    Combined Armor!

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    Ever wanted to look good and have decent defense?

    Look no further than this post!

    By combining Leather Armor and the corresponding piece of Chainmail Armor in the Smithing Table you will get Combined Armor! (I'm open to suggestions for a better name)

    Combined Armor has the same stats (Armor and Durability) as Iron Armor, and like Iron and Chainmail Armor, can be repaired by using Iron Ingots.

    "Why would you want to make this instead of Iron?", I hear you ask.

    Remember that Leather Armor was an ingredient?

    Combined Armor can be dyed!.


    Combine Leather and Chainmail Armor in the Smithing Table to get Combined Armor, which is basically dyeable Iron Armor.


    submitted by /u/pamafa3
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    Semi-Brand New Mobs, Exclusive to Sunken Ships

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    At the moment, sunken ships feel pretty. Barren, y'know? I feel as if they could be more exciting to find if there were actually mobs inside, outside of a few fish and maybe a dolphin. What about mobs that spawn exclusively in sunken ships? What if all sunken ships were pirate ships, and the members of the ship died, still lingering around the ship? Since the general concept of "people dying in water" is already taken, with the Drowned, they will just be makeshift variants of Drowned. For convenience, we'll call this group as a whole the "Drowned Pirate".

    The basic/regular version of the Drowned Pirate is the Drowned Lackey. Its basically just a regular Drowned, but they're wearing typical pirate garb. Lackeys drop Rotten Flesh, and 1 in every 5 will drop a Gold Ingot. Every sunken ship would have 2 - 5 Lackeys.

    A rarer one is the Drowned Co-Captain, which is a tad stronger than a Drowned/Lackey. Furthermore, Co-Captains could spawn with a sword. Either full durability Gold Swords, mid durability Stone Swords, or barely any durability Iron Swords. Similar to the Lackeys, they wear typical pirate garb, but Co-Captains wear bandanas and have a gold teeth hanging from the bottom of their mouth. Only 1 in every 15 Co-Captains will drop their sword. They will also always drop a Gold Ingot, but 1 in every 10 will drop 2. 1 in 5 sunken ships will have 1 Co-Captain.

    The rarest, and toughest, is the Drowned Captain. The Captains deal about the same damage as an Endermen, and they always have an Enchanted Trident. The Trident always has very low durability, and is only found with either Riptide or Loyalty. The Captain wears extremely different clothing from Lackeys and Co-Captains, so you'll know when you find one. Every Captain will drop 3 Gold Ingots. 1 in every 10 Captains will drop 3 Iron Ingots. 1 in every 25 Captains will drop 2 Emeralds. 1 in 50 sunken ships will have 1 Captain.

    NOTES: - It's not listed on the Co-Captains and Captains, but of course they drop Rotten Flesh as well. - All Drowned Pirates spawn AT the ship. If a zombie dies near a sunken ship, it will not become a Drowned Pirate. It will become a regular Drowned. - If they're not big enough already, ships could be made bigger to fit more of these mobs.

    (P.S. I was completely unaware if the plural to "Drowned" was "Drowned" or "Drowneds", so I just used the former. Sorry if that's incorrect!)

    submitted by /u/Cerulean43
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    Water can be placed in the Nether if you're in creative

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Water can't be placed normally, but creative is supposed to allow creativity and doing whatever you want.

    This wouldn't even require much code as the same sort of thing works with command blocks. You cannot place or use them in survival.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Valley Ruins - A Structure for the Soul Sand Valley

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 11:19 AM PDT


    For a TL;DR, read the bolded text.

    The soul sand valley is kinda... there. There's no real reason to go to there. I mean, I guess if you wanted to farm ghast tears for whatever reason, you could do that. And if you wanted to collect mass amounts of soul sand there's that. Human railgun, anyone?

    And the risk? Well, there are ghasts all over that would love to blow up your stuff, so it's going to be more difficult to build there than anywhere else. Couple that with the most annoying mob in the game (I'm talking about skeletons, of course), and you have a biome that isn't exactly a great place to be in. It can be concluded that going to the soul sand valley is high risk, (very) little reward.

    The problem is that the soul sand valley lacks useful resources and unique features. This makes it (in my opinion) the worst of the four biomes in the Nether. Now, this post isn't going to fix that, but it is a step in the right direction. What I suggest is a new structure for the soul sand valley, one with unique rewards that could help to make the soul sand valley worth exploring.

    Redditors, in my first post in this subreddit, I present to ye the Valley Ruins.


    First things first, let's get into the structure of the structure. To keep things short, the Valley Ruins is a degraded tall tower that rests underground in the soul sand valley. The top looks more destroyed (lots of missing blocks); the structure remains more intact towards the base.

    Above the surface, there isn't much: just a few soul soil bricks sticking out of the ground guarded by a few wither skeletons. If you mine down however, what first seems like a mess of blocks gradually forms into a tower with rooms. At the bottom lies the basement of the tower, a large room lined with soul soil. That's is where you want to go. The basement contains chests guarded by gold-armored skeleton spawners.


    In summary, the chests contain valuables such as gold ingots, diamonds, enchanted books. They can also contain soul soil, soul soil bricks, and basalt, as well as blocks exclusive to the chests like hardened ash (the forms of which serve as building blocks). In the basement, 1-2 ancient debris sits in a corner.

    This, however, wouldn't be enough to make the tower worth a player's time. The stars of the show here are the charred items.

    Charred Items

    Within one of the chests of the basement is one of the two charred items. The charred tools have their unique bonuses that make them unique and worth seeking.

    The Soul Shield is an alternative to the normal shield, though not necessarily a replacement. The difference it that attacks are nullified through perfect blocking. You right click as an attack is about to hit and you block the attack like a shield would. This doesn't make it perfectly ideal for fending off multiple enemies and definitely requires more skill, but there are benefits. For one, the Soul Shield reflects all projectiles, which is a huge help against mobs like skeletons, ghasts, blazes, the ender dragon (kinda), etc. Perfect blocking also knocks back nearby enemies. But the interesting thing here is that when you perfect block, a special meter fills up. After three or so perfect blocks in succession, the user gains a boost in strength and speed for a few seconds.

    The Dashbone Boots look similar to netherite boots but can be identified by their purple streaks. When worn, they allow the user to quickly dash in any direction. As an added bonus, the player is immune to fire while dashing. There's not much else to this one.

    Closing Notes

    To keep this short, I'm not interested in votes; instead, tell me your thoughts about the post. What did you like? What did you dislike? What are your ideas for improvement? This being my first thread on this subreddit, I'm eager to know. I'd particularly like to a third charred item if I can come up with an idea for one.

    Thanks for reading. Have a good day.


    Change Log

    3/19/2020 - Removed netherite scraps from chests, replaced with blocks of ancient debris in the basement. - Skeletons are armed with gold armor instead of netherite armor.

    submitted by /u/ThatOneKirbyMain2568
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    The Respawn Anchor should be named the Soul Anchor

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Look, I love the Respawn Anchor, its a great block and provides a much requested function. But, maybe its just me, the name feels painfuly uninteresting. It just feels like its not an in-universe magic item but like a testname for a new function in a game.

    That's why I think it should be renamed the Soul Anchor. Not only does it fit with the whole soul theme part of the Nether has going on, but it makes it sound like a gizmo that keeps your soul in this dimension for it to be forcefully reborn there (basically, an in-universe magic item).

    And lastly, it sounds really cool.

    Edit: As others have pointed out, the name implies some relation to soulsand/soil. To adress this while keeping it, maybe the crafting recipe should need soulsand/soil at the center instead of glowstone

    submitted by /u/Nimporian
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    A custom gamemode/world type where you start in the nether, and work your way into the overworld.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    As title states. Since its possible to survive reasonably well in the nether now, considering you can get wooden tools from the trees/fungi, food from hoglins, mine gold ore with wooden tools, barter with piglins for obsidian with the gold you mined or find it in a fortress, and build a nether portal to go into the overworld. I think it could put an interesting twist on the survival experience, essentially playing the game back-to-front. I don't know how it could be determined, as if it was a custom gamemode you couldn't play it in hardcore, but if it was a different world type you could miss out on things like amplified worlds. Maybe it's own custom option you could tick upon generating a world?

    Additionally, it is technically possible to do this manually if u start a creative world, build a portal into the nether and then set your spawn there using a command, but that is a bit clunky.

    This could make gold very viable early game where, although lower durability, the fast mining speed and high abundance could make it super useful for starting out.

    The only problem i can think of, could be the player spawning in the nether wastes biome and meaning they have to break netherrack by hand to get to trees, but this could be remedied by forcing them to spawn in one of the nether forest biomes to make trees easy to get early on, and prevent getting stuck.

    Other suggestions that could make this work even better is the ability to craft furnaces in the nether, maybe through the use of basalt, so that you could viably cook your food with charcoal.

    submitted by /u/MrBl4ckskull
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    Crouching while placing fence posts will prevent them from connecting.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Crouching while placing fences will allow you to choose what posts connect and what posts don't connect. It would work alot like placing chests. This would also work with walls, iron bars and glass panes. This would be good for street barriers and having multiple fence posts next to each other without them connecting to blocks. I think builders would like this alot and it somthing that I've always thought should be in the game.

    submitted by /u/LiamLaw015
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    Impaling will also deal damage to mobs in cauldrons with water

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 04:15 AM PDT

    Since Impaling does this in regular water, it makes sense for it to deal more damage if the mob is in a water filled cauldron.

    Edit: 🦀🦀🦀🦀 NO MORE TITLE PROBLEMS 🦀🦀🦀🦀

    submitted by /u/LawnmowerKing
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    Nether Dragon Skeleton and Skull

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    A very long time ago Notch said he would be adding a new boss called the Red Dragon that would spawn underground or in the Nether (I can't remember which). Everyone was stoked for this but Jeb said they would most likely not be adding it to the game.

    This really upset many people so I've come up with a small idea; the Nether Dragon Skeleton:

    1. Generates only in the Nether (Wasteland or Soulsand biomes)
    2. Extremely rare
    3. Roughly the size of an Ender Dragon
    4. The Skull would be the most important --> It looks similar to the Ender Dragon but less blocky and a bit scarier. It would also have a large horn on the top of his mouth/nose area. You can mine this and wear it or put it up as a decor block showing it off pretty much just like a normal Ender Dragon head.

    The lore behind the Nether Dragon could be a terrifying beast that ruled the Nether and terrorised the Piglins.

    I think this would be a fun little addition as a reference to the Red Dragon that was never added.

    submitted by /u/Internal_Recording
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    Cocoa beans

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    Jungle leaves should have a chance of dropping cocoa beans.. this way if we get jungle saplings from a wondering trader we can get brown dye from the trees cause jungles are sometimes tens of thousands of blocks away from spawn.. Or brown dye could be crafted through adding yellow and black dye together maybe.

    submitted by /u/light_fury7
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    Hamsters - A New Pet Animal

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    My Hamster Model Concept: https://imgur.com/a/cdrOavk


    Minecraft already has almost all common pets as mobs: cats, dogs, parrots, and fish. Therefore, I find it strange that they haven't yet added small rodents, being one of the most popular pets in the world, to the game yet. In addition to being a cute companion, the hamster could also introduce a useful new mechanic to the game.


    Wild hamsters would spawn uncommonly in the plains and savanna, and rarely in deserts. They are normally found hiding in tall grass or plants. They can also spawn with 2-3 babies. If approached without sneaking, wild hamsters would run away from the player, similarly to ocelots and foxes. However, if you hold food and sneak, the hamster will not run away. This food can be used to either breed or tame them.

    Taming, Breeding, and Behavior

    Hamsters can be tamed using a new food: cheese. Cheese would be made from a bucket of milk in a crafting table. Once tamed, the hamster behaves similarly to cats and dogs, but with a few differences. Tamed hamsters follow the player by default, but can also be picked up, and told to sit and wander. Wandering is a new behavior that causes the hamster to act normally, but not go farther than 15-20 blocks from where it was told to wander. This way, you can keep the hamster in a cage or in your house without it being completely stationary. Hamsters can also be bred using seeds, creating 2-3 babies.

    Powering Redstone

    In addition to being a fun pet, the hamster could also be a welcome companion for redstone engineers. Firstly, you would need to craft a new object: the hamster wheel (No, it wouldn't be circular; don't worry). This wheel would be crafted by placing 4 iron ingots and 4 sticks around the center of the crafting grid, with 1 redstone dust in the middle. Once crafted, the wheel must be placed directly above a block, on a wall. Then, you must attach redstone to the block that the wheel is on. After the redstone is hooked up to the block, the tamed hamster can be picked up and placed on the wheel. Lastly, the hamster can be fed treats to give it energy for a few minutes. Treats would be made from wheat, seeds, and cheese. The signal produced by the wheel is repeating (e.g. makes a piston push and retract repeatedly). The more treats the hamster is given, the stronger the signal becomes, at the cost of time running.

    Please tell me other suggestions you may have to improve the idea in the comments. I'm not sure if it would be over or underpowered for what it takes to get a hamster, so that could also be discussed.

    (I have edited this post based on suggestions)

    submitted by /u/JanTheWallpaperMan
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    A New Ore: Pyrite

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    Probably done already, but here's my take on it:

    Pyrite would be an orange ore that vaguely resembles Gold, but slightly more orange. It is more common than gold in the overworld and spawns above the height that gold does. It would not spawn in the Nether.

    Pyrite Ore can be smelted into Pyrite Ingots, which are a slightly more orange shade than Gold ingots. These can be crafted into a Block of Pyrite, which is slightly more orange than a Gold Block, but takes the texture of an Iron Block(?). Pyrite Blocks cannot be used as beacon bases.

    Pyrite Ingots would have no use besides blocks by themselves, but they do have a purpose in the Nether. Bartering Pyrite with a Piglin will yield a 90% chance that they believe it's actually gold and will throw you an item. This will be determined while they inspect the ingot in their hand. If they deem it to be Pyrite, and thus fake, the Piglin you bartered with and all those around it will instantly aggro to you even if you're wearing gold armor. Successfully bartering a Piglin with Pyrite would give the advancement "Fool's Gold"


    -Pyrite is more common than gold, thus easier to obtain

    -You would get the same items from bartering as you would from gold, but at a cheaper price


    -Pyrite is unreliable for bartering, as it has a 10% chance to cause all nearby Piglins to aggro

    -Other than bartering, Pyrite is rather useless

    submitted by /u/AngooseTheC00t
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