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    Minecraft Illagers arrive to a raid on boats if the village is near an ocean

    Minecraft Illagers arrive to a raid on boats if the village is near an ocean

    Illagers arrive to a raid on boats if the village is near an ocean

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    If you trigger a raid on a village that has an ocean within 25 blocks of it, illagers will occasianally come in on 2-man boats controlled by a captain

    The captains will move the boats towards their target, whether that be an iron golem, villager or player and will dismount the boat when they get close to dry land. The second passanger also dismounts with the captain.

    The second passanger can be a vindicator, evoker or pillager.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    There's a Magma Cube, there's a normal Slime, so why not adding an ice slime?

    It's a mob that spawns in glaciers, icespike biomes and the snowy mountains.

    It has about the same spawnrate as a normal slime

    It drops when killed an icey ball, which has a whitish blueish slimeball texture.

    The icey ball can be stored better by combining 9 icey balls that make an icey block.

    The icey block gives a slowness effect to both players and NPCs who stand on it, except for Strays.

    Now Idk about which variation would be better, so I'll post them both.

    Variation 1: the icey balls can be crafted into icey wands with two sticks. It creates when rightclicked an icey cloud that gives mobs that walk into it a slowness effect. Nether mobs that are based on fire such as Zombiefied Piglins, Magma Cubes and blazes also take damage. The player can get it too, if you don't look out. Rightclicking a water source block will freeze it, and the ice can be mined.

    Variation 2: the icey slime block freezes any water source block that touches it.

    Edit: HomesliceLeader suggested to make them drop some ice blocks as well. And they suggested to craft Icey Balls with water, to make some soft easily breakable block that gets replaced with a water source block when broken.

    SnowBallEarth43 suggested to make them spawn at night in deserts, but then the deserts need to be patched so Snow Golems don't die in deserts at night. And that they would melt in warmer biomes and create a water source block. And in the Nether, they'd melt 2x faster and create steam upon death. In humid biomes, they'll emit steam particles while slowly melting.

    CriticalPrime9 suggested that the slime should constantly have a frost walker enchantment.

    CosmicLightning suggested to mix an icey ball with a slime ball in the crafting bench to create a hardened slime ball. Rightclicking a slime block with the hardened slime ball will harden the side you rightclick on, not sticky.

    Iron_Squid suggested to make them just drop blue ice.

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    Mining infested block with silk touch should not remove the silverfish inside

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    Transport silverfish is very painful, so now I can carry a stack of infested block and keep my silverfish. I don't know why this not applied before. I don't like how the silverfish cease from existence when their nest pick up by an enchanted pickaxe.

    submitted by /u/kudnalod
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    Piglins should drink Fire Resistance Potions when they are set on fire

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    As we all know, despite being Nether mobs, Piglins and Hoglins aren't immune to fire damage. This presents a big problem as they are surrounded by fire hazards constantly.

    That's why I think that at least Piglins should drink fire resistance potions when they are set on fire like Witches. Not only does this fix the issue but they are implied to already have them (its one of their barters), so it just makes sense for them to actually use them. Even if they are planned to have fire resistance it would be nice for them to do this to make them different from all Nether mobs.

    submitted by /u/Nimporian
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    Villager Cultures

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Vote for me on the suggestions forum!

    The link is here.

    Villagers from different villages are oftenly one and the same. I think that they should start with different "cultures" and "Identities".

    Cultures affect what villagers give you discounts for and breed with.

    I am using "Minecraft Seasons" as a time measurement, which is exactly 31 hours.

    A "Minecraft Year" is 124 hours.

    Cultures change nothing except for villager AI. No buildings are changed.

    Part 1 - Cultures

    Villages have NBT tags for Cultures. The placeholder cultures are:

    "Rural Community" - The villagers right now. They are modeled after early American rural societies and give discounts during "The Harvest".

    "The Harvest" is a random time period marked by 110% increased growing of crops in the village and happens once per minecraft season.

    During "The Harvest", villagers will give you one free item from the first tier of trading if you have traded with them. (The cheapest items.)

    "The Harvest" lasts for one day.

    "Port Community" - The villagers near oceans or seas. They will breed with bread, but will preferably breed with fish.

    Villagers are able to use boats for around 15 - 30 seconds and will do so sparingly. Only Fishers will ride boats and may offer other villagers boats, but mechanically this only serves to give an illusion of productivity.

    You will get "Negative-minor" gossip if you break one of their boats.

    "Industrial Zone" - Villagers which mainly rely on production due to an easy food source. They breed with any food, but they consume 10% more food. Industrial villagers have higher prices for all items but they have more trades available from the current trade pool and will exhaust them slower.

    "Production Rush" is an event where no villagers will trade with you until they trade with another villager. This lasts for three days, and at the end, villagers who have not traded with other villagers will increase their prices until the next Production Rush.

    "Feudal-esque" - This is based off of Feudalism, but there is no leader. The leader/king-figure is supposedly "Far away" as to not create any new mobs or jobs.

    These villagers will eat any "processed" foods (ie: Bread), meaning any foods that need crafting or cooking.

    All villagers in "Feudal-esque" societies will be able to breed once per minecraft day, even after immediately spawning a child villager.

    "Besieged Village" - This village is in a zone where many mobs kill other villagers, meaning Iron Golems spawn more often.

    In these villages, Iron Golems only drop 1 iron max to prevent early game spawning.

    Villagers breed with only root plants, such as Carrots and Beetroots.

    These names are all placeholders and instead could be named differently or not named at all.

    Wandering Trader Interactions

    Wandering Traders act as a random culture.

    Wandering Traders will cause Major-Negative or Minor-Positive gossip based on if the Trader is the same or different cultures.

    Part 2 - Integration

    Village Cultures are entirely based on the village itself.

    The only time different cultures interact is if you force villagers out of their village and into a new one.

    Villagers will change cultures into the village they reside in, but for the first 3 days in the foreign village, the villagers will not be able to trade or breed until they settle into a new culture.

    Villagers who meet outside of any village will all convert randomly, but will prioritize cultures that breed with bread for convenience of breeders.

    Part 3. Pillagers

    To add depth to pillagers, they will be a more "Revolutionary" or "Rebel" type instead of just being unchill.

    Pillagers can have any of the above cultures with "Anti-" added as an NBT tag for culture, and they will scout closer to villages that have the culture they oppose. However, this adds almost nothing in terms of AI that Pillagers oppose.

    Pillagers with different "Anti-cultures" will treat each other as one in the same, but they will prioritize different villagers based on culture.

    submitted by /u/Duytune
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    Phantoms should disintegrate in sunlight

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    Phantoms are considered "undead." Like other undead creatures they burn in sunlight. I feel this is unimaginative and boring. Plus, it can be exploited to have Phantoms drop their membrane without the player really doing anything as they can just sleep and allow them to burn.

    If a Phantom makes contact with sunlight, it'll shriek in pain and be incinerated into ashes within 5 seconds. If it does die due to sunlight, it will NOT drop its membrane.

    I'm going to be including this mechanic in an upcoming datapack that enhances Hardcore gameplay. You can see how it might work in the actual game here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/fmkkoo/disintegrating_phantoms_116_enhanced_hardcore/

    submitted by /u/Gametron13
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    Throwing an infested block in fire, lava, cactus, etc. awakens nearby silverfish

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    What the title says. You destroy the block, you kill the silverfish, which should awaken others.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Make flowers grow more like flowers IRL

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I believe some of the more beautiful biomes are the flower forest and it's variants. Seeing the ground covered in many colors is lovely when you come out of a dark forest, desert, or other dark or plain looking biomes. However, the way flowers appear on the ground are a tad unrealistic in that there is only up to one flower every square meter of terrain. In reality, flowers can be much more tightly packed.

    Consider the IRL poppy plant, which ideally grows around 70 flowers per square meter!

    My suggestion is to make flowers act similar to turtle eggs and sea pickles in that they can spawn and grow in clusters/patches on a single block. This will make the flower biomes even more beautiful and make decorating with flowers have several times more variety!

    submitted by /u/Synchron99
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    Mobs Should Have Natural Regen When Playing in Hardcore and/or Hard Mode

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    This will make the game harder which will improve the survival aspect.

    At the moment no mob has natural regen except for witches, Wither Boss and the Ender Dragon. This makes them easy to beat without much of a challenge. If they could heal it would make the game much for intense.

    When you accidentally hit your pet you could feed them to instantly heal them but in case you have no food they should still have a slow regen ability.

    The Ender Dragon should also have a natural regen ability. The only way it currently regens is from the end crystals but it is very easy to destroy them and makes the rest of the Boss fight too easy.

    submitted by /u/Internal_Recording
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    Respawn Anchors keep their charges when mined with Silk Touch.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    Currently whenever mined, a Respawn Anchor will lose all of its charges, meaning you're just wasting Glowstone. This shouldn't be the case. If mined with silk touch, it will keep its charges in item form and still have them when placed again. If mined without silk touch, then it will drop 1 Glowstone Dust for every charge.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Smite and bane can be put on bows

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Expand Invisibility Effect + Make Invisible:1b tag work on ALL mobs!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    There's an 'issue' with some mobs like Shulkers where, when having the invisibility effect, still show the inside head. Mapmakers often use Shulkers as a hitbox for models etc. Spiders show their eyes still. Sheep had still shown their wool when invisible (Now they just get temporarily sheered/have their wool turned off while invisible)

    However, in 2012, Dinnerbone claimed this was a feature, here in this bug ticket.

    I think we should revisit this. With Item Frames getting the Invisible:1b tag to make them completely invisible, I think the same should be done for all mobs. The Invisible:1b tag should make entire mobs invisible, even their overlays like Spider's eyes, Shulker's head, Armorstand's items/armor.

    And, to Dinnerbone's point, I think the Invisibility effect should be made more fun. Stuff like a Creeper's face still showing or making a Creeper have a camouflage effect when having the invisibility effect would be cool.
    Armorstands currently show their items/armor equipped even with the Invisible:1b tag on. This functionality should be switched with the Invisibility effect, and make it so Armorstands with the tag don't show items they have equipped. Though I do know this could break a lot of maps, so Armorstands may be left untouched.

    All of these features could add a ton to the game both in vanilla with the expanded Invisibility effect, and for mapmakers with the Invisible:1b tag. Really hope the devs consider adding this in the new snapshots! I understand that there may be problems with the engine and invisibility and that's why this isn't already a feature so it could be tough to implement.

    If you have any ideas as to how the Invisibility Effect could change certain mobs, please let me know in the comments!

    submitted by /u/PHNTYM
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    Enchantment Rarity Determined by Library Size for Villagers

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    It would make sense for Librarian villagers to offer higher level Enchanted books relative to the number of bookshelves within the bounding box of the village. This would mean that Treasure Enchantments could only be obtained if the village had a large enough library. This make sense because the amount of information you have is equal to the number of books you have read or by what you have been taught.

    This would help Nerf the villager Ebook Farms without taking away from overall game play.

    Please comment what you think an appropriate scale would be.

    submitted by /u/Silvergiant22
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    Doors should connect to glass panes or iron bars.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Doors should connect to glass panes and iron bars so you don't have the ugly gap in between.

    submitted by /u/LiamLaw015
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    Spiders can't climb glass

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    This would be better for a number of reasons.

    1.) No spiders obscuring the view outside of the windows.

    2.) Real world spiders cannot or have difficulty climbing glass.

    3.) It would make it so you didn't need to build an ugly outer lip to your buildings.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    The Wither will lose one of its heads on the left or right when in second phase

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    How does that sound? I think it would be a nice addition with Iron golems breaking when losing health overtime I think this battle-damage would be cool and add a since of progression to the boss fight of course this might cause the battle to be easier and I don't want to take away the fun of the fight so in the Withers second phase after a head is taken out maybe the other two heads left can shoot more out at a time I dunno hoped this helped out!

    submitted by /u/TheJakester04
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    Dark oak biome revamp

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    I like the idea of have dark crowded forests with huge mushrooms but in my opinion dark oak biomes need a revamp. First off some additional shrubbery on the ground like in jungle biomes would make it look more dense and lush. Next I really think there should be some major difference between tree shapes (this goes for all biomes) like some have branches and others have roots I think it would make this biome a lot more pretty. I also think the giant mushrooms could use some serious work maybe have some difference in night and make the stems bigger and maybe even bend over to one side a bit. One feature I think would really suit this biome is more variety in mushrooms maybe add a couple new types one thing I think would be cool is some glowing mushrooms to light up the forest a bit they wouldn't be that bright but it would be nice to have even a little bit of light. One thing that would get affected is mushroom stew since there would be new varieties of mushrooms the way to fix this is by making the crafting recipe any two types different types of mushrooms and a bowl. Sorry if this is long but I really think that dark oak biomes need some changes.

    submitted by /u/Misty_Shimmer
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    What goes up...

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Fly higher than the build limit using elytra and fireworks

    There could also be a co-responding second achievement called "...Must come down" that you get by dying from falling from the build limit or higher

    submitted by /u/Master_J_2003
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    Geodes as another way to get ores

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    Geodes are round, hollow rocks that can form with minerals inside. I was thinking that geodes could be a good way to introduce another way to find ores other than directly mining ore blocks.

    A geode could be found in multiple ways, although I have no idea which way would make most sense:
    -Random drop from mining stone/gravel
    -Found placed on cave floor (looking somewhat like turtle eggs)
    -As a drop from mobs underground

    Once you've collected a geode you would then have to crack it open to find out what's inside. This could also be implemented in a few different ways:
    -Directly crafting it in a bench (perhaps geode + pickaxe in crafting table)
    -Using an anvil (Geode + pickaxe in anvil)
    -Using smithing table (geode + pickaxe in anvil)
    -Dropping an anvil on it ( a bit more silly but placing the geode down like a turtle egg then smashing it)

    Geodes could contain many different cave items:
    -Rarer but bad drops (cobble, gravel, mossy cobble)
    -Common drops (coal, iron ore). Maybe make them drop multiple to make it worth opening the geode.
    -Uncommon (Lapis, redstone, iron nuggets) All dropping many of each due to the low individual value
    -Rare (Gold ore/nuggets)
    -Rarer (Diamonds, emeralds, or many iron/gold. Maybe some are somehow just stuffed with xp).

    I think geodes could make mining just a little bit more fun. Although there is the issue of them making inventory management more annoying because they'd take up an extra space or two while digging.

    submitted by /u/MsMinte
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    Ender arrow

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    The ender arrow would be an arrow used for homing into a target, it would be fairly expensive and would only be stackable up to 8. This reduces the ability for it to be used in combat seeing as it may be perceived as OP

    The ender arrow would essentially precalculate how far off the shot would miss, and if that shot it within 4 blocks, you can see the arrow teleport up to 4 blocks onto target with the opponent

    The ender arrow will also teleport back in front of you inventory if it misses for whatever reason, or if the shot you hit was a killing blow, but will be used up if it hits without killing. Additionally, an XP from the kill will be teleported to you immediately without having to walk over to the kill.

    It would be crafted one of two ways. 1 you replace a flint with an ender eye, and two you replace a stick with a blazerod and surround it with corus fruit

    Endermen find usage of this weapon very disrespectful, and using this weapon during the end fight will have a 1/50 chance to anger endermen within render distance. In my mind this probably works out to be around 1 enderman angry on the whole island every time you fire a bow but obviously I could be wrong in practice. I just want the odds to work out to be about 1 enderman angry per hit landed on the dragon

    They will lock on to end crystals but iron bars disrupt them from locking, so they can only lock onto exposed crystals

    submitted by /u/steakandwater
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    Obsidian glass

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    I thought that adding Obsidian glass would be a good idea. Here is how it's made:

    Smelting one Obsidian block will mak 1 Obdidian Glass block.

    The Obsidian glass has purple edges, and corners, the same purple that Obsidian is

    The Obsidian Glass can also be stained, but it will keep it's dark edges

    The Obsidian glass can't be destroyed through explosions, and Endermen can't pick it up either.

    What do you guys think of that suggestion?

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    Doors should connect to glass panes or iron bars.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Doors should connect to glass panes and iron bars so you don't have the ugly gap in between.

    submitted by /u/LiamLaw015
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    Tortoiseshell cat texture!!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    Aside from more dog textures available to people (like me) who don't have omnifine, I'd die to see a tortoiseshell textured kitty. They're just too precious to omit.

    submitted by /u/fiyerooo
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    Glowstone torches and lanterns (bright yellow in color

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Now that we have soul fire torches and lanterns, they should add glowstone torches and lanterns. The crafting recipe could be similar to a soulfire torch, with glowstone dust in place of soul soil. They'd be bright yellow, similar to star bottles in terraria

    submitted by /u/fostralian
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    Adding a redstone separate tick speed

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    Redstone should have a separate tick speed from the rest of the world...maybe, even have a way, for example a block that would vary the tick speed of a build when added to the circuit it is connected to...

    submitted by /u/Alex91563
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