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    Minecraft Illagers should also have a diversity of cultures varying from biome to biome, like Villagers after 1.14 do.

    Minecraft Illagers should also have a diversity of cultures varying from biome to biome, like Villagers after 1.14 do.

    Illagers should also have a diversity of cultures varying from biome to biome, like Villagers after 1.14 do.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    There are examples of Illager culture variants:

    -Illager Empire: "Standard" Illagers as they are already in the game at present. Live in Woodland Mansions, their patrols also can spawn in plains, savannas and forests(exept jungles and taigas).

    -Desert clans: Those Illagers look kind of like archetypal "desert bandits", exept that their Vindicators still wield axes and not scimitars. Their patrols can spawn in deserts and badlands.

    -Jungle clans: Illagers who visually resemble conquistadors. Their patrols can spawn in jungles and swamps.

    -Taiga clans: Those Illagers have archetypal "barbaric" look (wear unmanufactured animal skins as clothing, have longer hair e.t.c.). Their patrols can spawn in taigas.

    -Snowy clans: Wear warm clothes (captain obvious). Their patrols can spawn in all snowy biomes.

    How raids would work: If you kill patrol captain, raid would start only if you enter a village in the biome corresponding to slain patrol captain's culture and would consist of Illagers of this culture.

    Example: You had defeated a patrol of the Snowy clan Illagers in snowy tundra and get Bad Omen. Now, if you go to the tundra village, the raid consisting of Snowy clans Illagers would start. But if you go to the taiga and find a village there, nothing would happen, even if you still have a Bad Omen. Although Illager Empire would be an exeption to this rule - if you get a Bad Omen after killing one of their patrol's captains, the raid of Imperial Illagers would start in any biome's village if you enter it.

    Edit: Included u/Eggs-official 's idea in my post. Also, a bit of grammar.

    submitted by /u/Arventur1996
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    Give /kill a "reason" option

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    It would be nice to be able give a reason when you use "/kill" like when you do "/kick" or "/ban", rather than just saying "fell out of the world" when the command is executed.

    So the format would be: " /kill @.a <reason/nbt> "

    It would help for making custom death messages for data packs.

    For example:

    "/kill @.p was sawed in half by stonecutter " and it would display in chat as "Allyhaundra was sawed in half by stonecutter"

    Or with a selector:

    "/kill @.p was killed by @.s staring too hard" and it would display in chat as "Allyhaundra was killed by Dinnerbone staring too hard"

    submitted by /u/allyhaundra
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    Crafting nether forge with 7 nether brick blocks and magma block.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    That would be a cool way for smelting items in the nether instead of bringing the boring regular furnace from the overworld. This furnace would smelt like the regular furnace, except that he would smelt nethrrack to nether bricks ×2 faster.

    submitted by /u/FlamingArax47
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    Totems of Undying should be held by Evokers riding on Ravagers in the last stages of a raid in Hardcore Mode.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Since Evokers drop Totems of Undying, it only makes sense for them to hold the Totem when raids get really tough, like the bonus stage in a max level raid to add a layer of difficulty to raids in hardcore

    submitted by /u/IshtGamez
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    New Item: Fool's Gold

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    I thought it was pretty cool to see in Java Edition how Piglins sort of admire or examine a gold ingot before dropping their bartering item - but what if that behavior could be a little more suspenseful?Fool's Gold could be crafted with 4 glowstone dust and 4 nether quartz in a shapeless recipe. It could look like gold, but a little paler or duller. Barter with the Piglins and they'll examine the "gold" - half of the time, they'll see through your tricks and attack you as a pack. The other half of the time they'll be "fooled" by the fake and toss you something more valuable from the loot table.

    submitted by /u/Dilliac
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    Moving a slime/honey block with redstone dust/components on them should move the dust/components as well

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    title says it all. place redstone on honey/slime move honey/slime and redstone moves too. this would allow for more complicated flying machines

    submitted by /u/SARankDirector
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    Enchanted dispenser

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    To craft a dispenser, you need a bow. Everyone knows that. What if, when the bow is enchanted, the dispenser gets enchanted as well? Example: Craft it with a bow with flames and the arrows that it will shoot will be in flames, or infinity and if you shoot ARROWS with it, they will return in the dispenser, like with a normal bow. (Note that the infinity would not work with anything else.)

    What it could be used for:

    1. Lighting TNT and possibly make a cannon out of it
    2. Make traps that don't run out of arrows
    submitted by /u/Golbarde1043
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    When you fish with the "fire aspect" enchantment you get cooked fish.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    And the trash you catch is replaced with charcoal. It also includes fire damage when you throw the fishing rod at mobs or players.

    submitted by /u/Barrios_ball
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    Ice Boats

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Not what you think where it's a new boat. There are a lot of structures by the civilization before you, and it would work perfectly if there were boats frozen inside ice blocks in cold biomes. The boat can't be ridden or used since it is fully inside the ice block, and you can mine the block to "free" the boat.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    enchantment glint scales with strength and amount of enchantments

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    Enchantment glint scales with strength and amount of enchantments so you can tell the difference between low-level and high-level tools and armor on mobs and other players so you know whether a fight is worth it.

    link to Minecraft suggestions:


    submitted by /u/nebulous63
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    Piglin and other mob interactions

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    To make the game more interesting I think the mobs should interact with each other more. All we have on the base of interaction right now are things like 'wolves hunting foxes' or 'zombies eat villagers'.

    I think there should be many different interactions between all mobs because it would make the world seem a lot more alive, but for now, piglins are a good place to start.

    I have a few different ideas for these interactions.

    1. Piglins could be attacked by Zombie Piglins and run away from them. However, if the Piglin is in a group with 3 or more other piglins they will fight back.
    2. Piglins could be afraid of normal pigs. That would be funny and useful in some situations. I could ride a pig into battle with a saddle to fight them or they could be used in mob farms.
    3. Piglins could fight Illagers. Along with hating the player unless they are wearing gold, it makes sense for them to fight those guys. This could be a fun way to make skirmishes in creative mode between mobs and would be useful for creating maps. Because they fight Illagers, they could also attack normal Villagers (or at least the Butcher villagers).
    4. Other random interactions could work too. Maybe Piglins are afraid of Silverfish? Maybe they attack normal overworld zombies? There's a lot of ways to make them more interesting, but so far all they have interesting is that they attack wither skeletons and sometimes hoglins.

    These would be fun to watch and make the world feel a lot less dead. Right now the player has full control over the world even in survival. Even these small little things make the game a lot more fun to play.

    submitted by /u/proNoscoper420
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    A New Structure in Plains and Forest Biomes

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    Let's be honest. Plains and forest biomes are really lame. The only interesting thing you might find in a plains biome is a village. And those aren't even in forests. So I propose a structure added to these biomes to make them more interesting.

    This structure would be a Fortress. Fortresses would come in various sizes (though in all size variants the height would remain at 12 blocks, (making room for three floors), the smallest being 9x9 blocks, while the biggest being as large as 20x20. They wouldn't be too common; you might find one or two Fortresses for every 8 plains/forests.

    These structures would be made of stone brick and all its variants, maybe with some oak log support beams dotted through. They would look similar to Medieval castles, though much smaller of course. None of the interior would be lit up, save for rooms where the sunlight could get in through tall, narrow windows. Inside, there would be a randomly generated assortment of rooms, similar to Ocean Monuments and Woodland Mansions. The different rooms would include:

    1) Soldiers' Quarters, a medium-sized room mostly taken up by beds stacked on top of one another. These would generate with a chest inside, containing various bits and bobs of leather and iron armor as well as iron swords and shields, which would occasionally come with low-level enchantments.

    2) The Kitchens, which would be another medium-sized room with a few smokers inside, additionally generating with a chest containing some rotten flesh, bread, and poisonous potatoes, as well as maybe a few other unspoiled crops.

    3) The Dining Hall, a large room lined with tables and benches, with some item frames on the tables containing various different types of food.

    4) The Laboratory, a medium-sized room containing a brewing stand, a cauldron, and some barrels with various potion ingredients and already brewed potions in them. Netherwart could also be found in this room (without soulsand of course, so as to preserve the need to go to the Nether to grow more). There would also be some countertops in these rooms made of smooth stone slabs.

    5) The Dungeons, which would spawn under the Fortress (without going outside of the boundaries of the Fortress on the surface), containing a few small prison cells with iron bars. There would be various mobs trapped inside of these cells.

    6) A Tower, which would be 3x3 and generate on the roof of the Fortress and reach 5 blocks above the roof. There would be a ladder to the top, which would have a chest containing some bows and arrows (occasionally enchanted).

    7) The Battleroom, a medium-sized room with mapmaking supplies in a chest and a cartography table inside. There would also be a table and some chairs surrounding it.

    8) The Armory, a large room with many armor stands with leather and iron armor, which would be occasionally enchanted. The stands would also be holding swords, bows, and axes, with some more armor and weapons in chests.

    9) Hallways and Stairways, which would connect the rooms. The hallways would have red carpet lining the bottoms. In some hallway in the Fortress, there will be a ladder leading to the roof.

    Throughout the structure, occasional chests (not exclusive to any room) containing various valuables would generate. The loot in these would be about as good as that of a Dungeon or Desert Temple. There would be a chance of any of these rooms generating, although only one of each room would be in each structure (obviously there is not enough room for every room to generate in one Fortress), with the exception that there would be an Armory, hallways, stairways, and a Tower in every Fortress. As mentioned before, the entire structure would be dark, so players would have to fight mobs to traverse through the Fortress.

    Sorry for the essay, but I really think something should be added to plains and forests. Thanks if you read through the whole post, and please give any feedback on the idea. I am especially unsure about how common they should be. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Snare__
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    Horse update idea.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 04:06 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if the developers actually read this stuff, but I still wanted to make the suggestion, just in case.

    I've loved playing Minecraft off and on for nearly eight years now, and my favorite past time in this game has always been hopping on a single player world/ server and just exploring new lands. Eventually, becoming a traveling merchant of sorts between villages or player communities. Only really settling down in one town or another, just to have a central point to store my horses/ items for trade, or build a nice farmstead.

    I have never ended up using donkeys to pack mule my stuff because they were always too slow for my liking. And horses really didn't have that much utility outside of well, being faster. So, to get to the point, I think maybe horses should be expanded upon in some way, by being able to attach a cart to them, to better transport stuff along long journeys, and have the ability to attach plows to them, to help till large swaths of land for massive farming builds. Sorta like they did for the late 1830s.

    Maybe we could even add a cart that could transport multiple players on land so that a group of people can travel together with the same amount of effort as a couple people in a boat? Along with the ability to craft saddles... like you can with boats and leads.

    I mean, mules are ok, but caravaning a bunch of them are a pain, and I always felt horses didn't get the love they deserve. And if there's probably a mod for this out there, but I honestly haven't looked, and I just think this would be nice to have in the main game.


    I think horses should have:

    1. Carts to transport cargo and your friends around.
    2. An attachable plow to help with making wheat fields.
    3. Craftable saddles.
    submitted by /u/SkywardSword4537
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    Directly dumping a bucket of lava on soul sand causes the sand to turn into a glass block

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    Just as the title says, having a way to make glass if you start in the nether would be awesome. You can't use basalt to make furnaces and there's otherwise no cobble, the piglins must be making glass for their potions somehow.

    A lot of people are suggesting basalt become interchangeable with cobblestone for crafting. If that happens, all we're missing is accessible glass and you can essentially start in the nether and have mostly everything you need.

    submitted by /u/Zeliek
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    "Lava walking" - a new potion made from the strands of a strider!

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    so, striders are cool, i love riding them around in the lava lakes of the nether, but what if we could cut out the middle man and just run on it ourselves? introducing the "strider strand", it can be obtained from shearing a strider with a 10% chance of getting one, however, striders without their strider strands cannot float in lava, perhaps it was the sercret to their power of lava-walking?

    combining this strider strand with an awkward potion would give you "lava walker", a potion that allows you to walk on top of lava similar to the striders. this could be the nether's answer to "frost walker", as we have boats and frost walker on the overworld, why not have multiple forms of transport for the nether too? strider strands could probably have their own uses as well as potion brewing too, but this suggestion is for the potion, not the strider strand itself

    submitted by /u/Byrocynical
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    Enchantment for Shulker boxes that would stop them from despawning.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    A somewhat rare enchantment that you can't get from an enchantment table (only fishing, trading, ect.) that would cause the shulker box to become a solid block in the same place where the user died.

    submitted by /u/AneurysmicKidney
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    Reinforced crossbows.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Reinforced crossbows would be a new weapon that fires blaze rods. Also for any confused people, DOT is damage over time. (TL;DR at the end)


    Reinforced crossbows would be crafted like this. The bow in the center of the recipe is supposed to be a standered crossbow. The reason i used the bow instead of a crossbow is because of the limitations of bedrock addons.

    In addition to that recipe, you can also use gold to replace the iron. I'll explain the differences later.

    Strider hair and wire

    Strider hair is harvested by shearing a strider and you grt 1-3 strands of it. striders will regrow their hair by eating a piece of warped fungus. They can eat from the ground or by being fed by players.

    Strider hair is used to make strider wire, like this. The iron nuggets can be replaced with gold similar to different colored wood.

    Funcionality and stats

    Reinforced crossbow shoot blaze rods for ammo and they have have 2 unique qualities. They deal DOT and fall slower.

    Blaze rods fall 50% slower in the overworld and don't fall at all in the nether.

    The DOT is 1.5 hearts over the course of 3 seconds. The lingering deals 0.5 per second. The damage of the initial hit is 2.5 hearts of damage and will always deal the same amount unlike the other bows.

    The durability is double that of a regular crossbow. Gold reinforced crossbows get a 10% increase in durability.


    The first exclusive enchantment is Lingering.

    It has 3 levels and makes the DOT last longer. It's faily common.

    Level I: + 1 seconds of DOT

    Level II: + 2 second of DOT

    Level III: +4 seconds of DOT

    The next one is Trailing.

    It replaces the Xs that get emitted by fully charged arrows with falling flame particles that damage whatever they touch. It has 1 level and is a treasure enchantment.

    The damage of the flame particles would be 1 heart a second and they would last 3 seconds before burning out.

    Redstone uses

    Using a reinforced crossbow instead of a regular bow in the dispenser crafting recipe will give you a new dispensee. This new dispenser has perfect accuracy and can fire blaze rods but not arrows, they'll just get dropped.

    Flame particles can also trigger target blocks.

    Side notes

    All enchantment restrictions are carried over from the standard crossbow.

    Piercing cannot be applied to them.

    Gold reinforced crossbow are carried and used by piglins.

    Entities with natural fire resistence or potion fire resistence are immune to the fire parricles and DOT.

    TL;DR Reinforced crossbows are new weapons that use blaze rods for ammo. The blaze rods deal less damage but it's always the same, fall's slowly and applies a DOT to the target.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    An advancement where you defeat the wither but constantly flying with an elytra

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    Don't know if that's possible to do I just thought it would be a cool advancement

    submitted by /u/TheElectricalMirror
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    Piglins should attack illagers and villagers not wearing gold armour

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    The piglins seem very agressive towards things that dont wear gold armour. I think piglins should attack illagers and villagers that dont wear gold armour. This would be an interesting mechanic that wouldnt be harmful in any way because piglins can't live in the overworld so it wouldnt mess up anything. Considering raids in the nether however(you can trigger a raid in any dimension as far as I know), you could use piglins to attack the raiders and help you.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    The Lurker (lava ocean hostile mob)

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    My previous post about lava salamanders was removed, apparently for making a real animal hostile... I think.......

    So, I've come up with a better idea: The Lurker

    The Lurker is a hostile mob that spawns infrequently at the bottom of lava oceans. They are vaguely teardrop shaped, with a wide head tapering into a short tadpole-like tail, and a pair of stubby finlike arms at their sides. They are ashy grey in color, with bright orange light emitting from their eyes and mouth.

    The chance of a Lurker spawning in a chunk is rather infrequent, like Ghasts. There might be only a small handful out of dozens of chunks in any direction. They spend most of their time slowly patrolling the bottom of lava lakes and oceans. When they detect a player, be they riding a strider, or just floating in the lava body, the lurker pursues them, chomping away with a toothy orange maw.

    There are some things a player can do to avoid a lurker. Lurkers don't actually swim very fast, only a little faster than a mounted strider, so players can escape them using the strider speed boost. Plus, lurkers can't walk on land, just flop around like a fish. You can actually use that to your advantage, dragging them out of the lava with a fishing pole to kill them.

    Some final points: Lurkers take damage in water, and Striders naturally flee them despite them not being hostile to unmounted Striders.

    submitted by /u/Talenkauen
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    When elytra is on it also puts on a chest plate according to the helmet

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    When you put an elytra on it looks really ugly when you have a helmet, leggings, and boots on so it should have a chest plate to go with it and the material of the chest plate is the same as the helmet

    submitted by /u/GamingLikeCash
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    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Ride a strider

    submitted by /u/Tukish
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    Biome specific Ruins

    Posted: 28 Mar 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    The ocean makes all other biomes look so barren. The abundance of ruins would look so cool in the overworld (they would be rarer than oceans because oceans are a challenge to explore.)

    Having desert, ice, forest, and mountain ruins would be very cool. They wouldn't always have treausre to keep things balanced but it would still contribute to the world.

    submitted by /u/ShotgunTurtle816
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