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    Minecraft Make the hoe the optimal tool for the dried kelp block, sponge, etc

    Minecraft Make the hoe the optimal tool for the dried kelp block, sponge, etc

    Make the hoe the optimal tool for the dried kelp block, sponge, etc

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:11 AM PST

    I think the hoe should be the optimal block for breaking sponge, dried kelp, honeycomb block, and the hay block. This would give the all of these blocks, which are extremely tedius to mine, a better way to mine them. Also, it would make the different types of hoes useful (you would have more of a reason to make a diamond hoe than just "i want to look rich").

    submitted by /u/Buttered_TEA
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    Hoglin tusk

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:08 AM PST

    I really think that hoglins should drop their tusks sometimes. Its their main feature and no other mob has them. With the tusk and 2 sticks you can craft a spear wich you can trow it like a trident. Yet it does have a very low durability because otherwise it would be to op. Some piglins also use this weapon.

    submitted by /u/guusm15
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    Sandstone Bricks

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:53 AM PST

    It's simple. Bricks with the sandstone color. Their texture would look like regular bricks, except the color of the bricks would be that of sandstone, while keeping the white in between the bricks.

    The crafting recipe for a single sandstone brick could be a regular brick next to a block of sand in the crafting interface. Four sandstone bricks would craft into one block of sandstone bricks, just as with regular bricks.

    This would be a great building block to use in urban and suburban builds, as you see this sort of brick quite often in those settings.

    submitted by /u/Snare__
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    Red Glow For Cursed Items

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 09:27 PM PST

    To me it would make sense to add this feature, simply to show that it is cursed. I think it would look neat. And, with this being posted on Feb. 29, the monthly theme is still technically enchanting.

    Now this glow would still be red if it has a curse, even if there are other enchantments on it.

    That's pretty much it. I think it would look neat. And maybe when people look inside shipwrecks that they will just leave the fishing rod/Armour with the curse in the chest.

    submitted by /u/BradenStew
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    Add a minecart target with the target block

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:31 PM PST

    Title says it all. A target block inside a minecart that can move that when hit, it will send a redstone signal similar to the target block from the rail block that the minecart is standing on to for the next 5 sec. Would allow moving target and target that can have physics.

    submitted by /u/xXPumbaXx
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    Add zombie_village to the locate command

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:58 AM PST

    It currently considers all villages the same so there isn't any way to have a command find only zombie villages because it'll find normal ones aswell, and it is 2% chance for it to be a zombie one. Let's fix that.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Dyed Item Frames

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:36 AM PST

    Item frames are made out of leather in the middle, so why can't you dye them just like everything else made out of leather in Minecraft?

    There's some things in Minecraft that don't make sense at all and have no good explanation on why they are not added, this is why you should be able to dye, and mix colors into the middle of the item frame to have a better decoration block to hand your tools on instead of it being a dirty leather brown all the time.

    This will allow players to get more creative with item frames, a white dyed-background in an item frame can act as a plate which you can place on a table and have food settled in it.

    The possibilities are endless with just one simple new feature to an item.

    submitted by /u/Craftixal
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    Rosebushes should act like the sweet berry bushes

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:53 PM PST

    Rosebushes are bigger and taller than berry bushes but they still act like they don't exist. It only makes sense for Rosebushes to act the same with their thorns.

    submitted by /u/Planticious66
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    Magmapede (arthropod mob concept)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:48 AM PST


    Health points: 30 (15 hearts)

    Armor points: 2

    Attack strength:

    • Easy : 4 damage
    • Normal: 4 damage (inflicts burning for 6 seconds)
    • Hard: 6 damage (inflicts burning and poison at the same time for 8 seconds)

    Spawn zone: In the Nether, around the level of lava oceans, and lower. Mostly seen on magma beaches. Be careful when looking for Netherite.

    Appearance: It looks approximately like this:



    • They roll into a ball like roly polies when they have 6 HP or less, and will alert closer Magmapedes.
    • They are immune to fire damage, lava and poison.
    • As they're arthropods, they take the bonus damage when attacked with a "Bane of arthropods" enchanted item.
    • They drop Spider eyes and Magmapede scales, which can be used to craft a red scaly armor, that kinda looks like this https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c6/31/29/c6312978e61059cb7979b4cca47e3ef8.jpg
    • This armor is as strong as Iron, but less durable.

    Feedback post: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360057783192-Magmapede-arthropod-mob-concept-

    It took them like a week to approve the post, so it probably went unnoticed, overshadowed by newer posts.

    submitted by /u/NekonataM
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    Iron Golem's texture should have Poppys instead of dandelions

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:23 PM PST

    Iron Golem's drop poppy's upon death, yet on their texture it's yellow obviously indicating dandelions?
    It's a simple change that makes sense, nothing special.

    submitted by /u/Craftixal
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    Wandering Traders should offer Village and Pillage Explorer Maps

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:24 PM PST

    Wandering Traders should have a 100% chance to include a Village and Pillage Explorer Map in their trades. This would be an Explorer Map with icons for both the nearest Pillager Outpost and the nearest Village.

    I feel this would give the Trader some more utility, as well as make it easier to experience the new gameplay elements introduced in Village and Pillage.

    submitted by /u/U2106_Later
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    Improved Pillager Outpost

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:23 AM PST

    The tents in pillager outpost and small and uninteresting. I Think Mojang should resigned the tent to look something like this.

    My proposed tent design:






    Current tent design in game: https://ibb.co/t3DdCCq

    The loot in tents should also be improved. They should add 2 armor stands in each tent. Each armor stand should have 2 random pieces of leather armor, and 2 random pieces of chain mail armor. Their should also be a 50% chance that 1 random piece of armor is iron instead of leather or chain mail.

    Mojang should also replace the pumpkin target with a normal target.

    Pumpkin Target: https://ibb.co/B2FdPmq

    Normal Target: https://ibb.co/yRYMSjL

    submitted by /u/andythelord
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    Arrows pierce through dropped items and will carry the item with it.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:59 AM PST

    Think about the popular idea of shooting an apple off someone's head, the apple will be pierced and the arrow will carry the apple to stick it on the tree which the person os standing in front of.

    This could also be applied to tridents, allowing loyalty tridents to retrieve items from afar.

    submitted by /u/itsSteelGage
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    Heat Haze

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:02 PM PST

    This happens only in hot biomes in the Overworld and in the Nether, in which the distance will distort and ripple/wave slowly in the heat of the day. This does not happen at night. In the Nether, heat haze occurs everywhere, and is very distorted and rapid. In the Nether, the heat haze distortion distance is far shorter than in the Overworld. A bed a few blocks away for example, will vividly appear to distort and ripple due to the intense heat. The End will not have heat haze. We already have ember-like particles in the Nether now, which is a start.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Mint Shrub - Decorative half leaf block and functional

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:25 PM PST

    Mint Shrub - A mint shrub is a half block sized bush similar to a leaf texture. It can be harvested by breaking the block with any item. It drops 1 to 3 mint leaves upon breaking. The bush can be picked up as a whole with shears. Mint leaves cannot be replanted. Mint grows on coarse dirt, dirt and farmland. Mint spreads to adjacent coarse dirt, dirt, and farmland blocks with light levels over 11. Mint has 4 growing stages. Mint leaves can be eaten to restore ½ heart, 0 hunger, and will provide 10 seconds of speed 1. Mint can be eaten while running.

    Will update with link to official feedback form once it's no longer in pending.

    submitted by /u/RocketTwitch
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    Legacy Enchants: Specific but fun

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:34 AM PST

    Legacy Enchants aren't normal enchants so they won't clog your enchanting table they will only be found on books in rare places. (maybe even in a new rare structure) Legacy Enchants will glow yellow to show that it's legacy, but what are some legacy enchantments?

    -Trailblazer (boots): when walking on grass it turns to path allowing you to always find your way back

    -Stick (boots): you can walk without walking off a block like you're crouching you can't run however.

    -Bashing (shield): if you run and then block your shield you can bounce foes away, this will deal no damage but could knock things off

    -Toughness (any): you take no damage from touching cactus's, berries and destroys webs by jumping on them

    -Deep Breaths (helmet): you get a extra 5 air bubbles

    -Rage (any): upon death of a pet you gain strength I for 10 seconds.

    comment down below any Legacy ideas:

    submitted by /u/devonthecreator
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    Combining Tipped Arrows

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:31 AM PST

    In Minecraft, you can only have a single effect on a tipped arrow and nothing else, you should be able to combine tipped arrows which will allow greater experiences in PVP, and will give greater use for tipped arrows because lets be honest, who really uses these in survival/creative on a day to day basis?

    Take this into example, you're fighting someone in PVP, you quickly pull out a tipped arrow with the Spectral Effect AND Harming effect on the same arrow, you shoot at the player and said player gets damaged more than a normal arrow and is now glowing allowing for an easier shot and to know where they are, all because of the same tipped arrow.

    To prevent this from becoming overpowered, you will have a max combination of 3 for example:
    Tipped Arrow

    These tipped arrows should be rather expensive though, and can only be crafted via the Fletching Table (finally giving it a use after 2 and almost 3 major updates.)

    submitted by /u/Craftixal
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    Adding a use to Foxes [Upon making them tameable]

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:31 AM PST

    Obviously since foxes were implemented into the game, people have been asking about and fantasizing about taming them, which I get, they're adorable, but there isn't really a reason to tame them, or even really keep them around. With the farm mobs they bring uses: Cows give milk, leather, and beef, pigs give pork, sheep give mutton and wool, horses/donkeys give leather, and chickens give chicken, feathers, and eggs. Then you have dogs, cats, and parrots as special sort of companions/pets in the game, and they each do things. Your dog attacks skeletons/mobs that you hit, cats ward off creepers, and birds repeat noises and dance to music, all fun little things, the cats and dogs having the most useful qualities (not that the dancing bird isn't amazing). But, if foxes were tameable, what would they bring? Yes, they can hold items in their mouth, but this isn't exactly useful, and can mostly be seen as irritating or inconvenient. So what would you breed them for? Why would you want to tame them? Well, I suggest implementing a little sort of useful quality of their own (not that picking up items isn't adorable). We could put this picking up items trick into good use if we brought in the ability to tame foxes. Something I've thought of would be, upon taming a fox, they will now pick up items that you throw/drop. Maybe you're out of space in your inventory for that ONE item you really want, throw it and have your little pet fox carry it (You would right click on them to retrieve it), want to play some fetch? Throw and item for your fox friend to get. Shoot a mob and it drops something? Your little pal can run right over and grab it for you. I also suggest, due to their love of berries, that they can/will lead you to berry bushes that are close by, maybe you can even feed them some by tossing them to them. Yes it's small things, but just as useful as the dog's hunting, cat's warding off ability, and the bird's little dance moves and noises, and it finally would give a REASON to tame/want to tame a fox.

    submitted by /u/ugleigh_butt
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    Mechanic to reduce server lag from wandering bees

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:55 PM PST

    To reduce lag on servers from wandering bees, bees should take damage for every minecraft day (20 minutes) they are outside of a hive or nest. If a bee drops below a certain health threshold they should go back to a hive or nest to replenish their health. A bee's health should be restored when it enters a hive or nest. Over time, this should help reduce the number of wandering bees on servers that can add unnecessary lag. To help restore bees to the wild, if a hive does not have at least 1 bee enter the hive in 9 minecraft days (3 hours), there could be a 1% chance that a baby bee is generated inside the hive every minecraft day (20 minutes), but this mechanic would not exist for a nest.

    Will update with link to official feedback form once it's no longer in pending.

    submitted by /u/RocketTwitch
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    Talking about many things that involve ancient debris and netherite.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:49 AM PST

    Disclaimer: Apologies if there's a flair here that better suits this. I'm new to this subreddit so I'm kinda out of the loop

    This'll probably be a long post, but I think it's be worth reading. If you disagree, tell me why and I'd be happy to respond.

    Ancient debris is extremely difficult to find. While I completely understand the point, it just seems slightly unnecessary. Maybe it's just me getting unlucky, but I've gone through two unbreaking 3 diamond pics just to get around 6 ancient debris.

    Personally, I think it would be a good idea to have ancient debris able to spawn touching the air, so you could see it without having to mine. This could be valences by having ancient debris exposed to air only spawn in veins of one.

    Ancient debris and everything netherite looks slightly bland if I'm being truthful (except for the netherite block that thing is beautiful). I'd be ok with the tools staying the same, but I think the ancient debris block in general should get a revamp. It's difficult to see it as it blends in when using efficiency 5.

    Netherite should have better enchantment luck. I know by now it sounds like I'm harping on about "Make it easier!" but that's not my point. I think it goes for all of us that when you enchant an netherite sword (level 30 btw) only to get unbreaking 3 and nothing else is pretty sad. I've gone through three netherite swords, and none of them have had sharpness. Woohoo.

    To make bastions more interesting, an ancient scrap could spawn inside. Presumably, there would only be one ancient scrap, but it would be a nice reward.

    I wanted to mention one more thing that doesn't involve netherite but I feel like it's worth mentioning. The soul sand valley is insane, as in theres a good ten ghasts shooting my balls off as soon as I enter. I'm not necessarily saying need it but... actually that's exactly what I'm trying to say. Sure, keep the difficulty up, I'm love it, but for the love of god, those damn ghasts.

    Anyway, everyone's entitled to their own opinion and if you like ten ghasts shooting you then I'm not one to judge. Thanks for taking the time outta your day to read this.

    Edit: One more thing, netherite tools should be crafted with either a special crafting table or a smithing table.

    Also upvote nether gold ore

    submitted by /u/UltraViolet86
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    Global datapack folder

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:28 AM PST

    Hello, I would love to see in the newer versions of Minecraft a global datapack folder.

    As of now, the way you install a datapack is by going into a specific world and putting the datapack you want in there. If you wanted to install a datapack into all of your worlds, you'd have to manually put the datapack inside of all these worlds, and again when you create or download new ones.

    It would be convenient if there was a datapack folder in the .minecraft folder, so you can just place the datapack in that folder once, and it'll automatically be in all worlds. Of course, the option to install into specific worlds should remain.

    submitted by /u/Araraura
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    Hell Hens

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:07 AM PST

    Hell Hens are a form of chicken that spawn very rarely in bastions (however that's spelled). Just like Hoglins, the Hell Hens will be slaughtered when the community goes hungry

    Hell Hens lay eggs the same way turtles do, but rarely the eggs will be golden. Eggs can be picked up, and placed back down with a right click.

    Normal eggs simply hatch into more chickens over a long time, but rare golden eggs do not hatch. They are a valuable trade commodity which gives higher tier loot when traded, or instantly distracts a horde of piglins if they're fighting you and you place it down in front of a group

    The normal eggs can substitute chicken eggs in crafting recipes, but golden eggs can create a whole new selection of items including golden sponge cake, etc

    submitted by /u/steakandwater
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    Stonecuttee allows for custom bricks: brick size, shape, material and grout/mortar color

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:57 PM PST

    The stonecutter would gain a massive feature which allows it to use any stone block or similar block to make a brick.

    To note: netherrack would result in that dark pink color and nether brick would impart an even darker color. Prismarine would result in mottled turquoise, obsidian would result in dark purple and black. Sandstone, red sandstone, and every variety of concrete and hard clay would yield predictable results.

    Bricks come in multiple shapes:

    • Large brick: the large bricks present in vanilla stone bricks.

    • Fine brick: the finer bricks present in standard and nether brick.

    • Full paver: the single block style present in smooth stone.

    • Large paver: 2x2 square panels.

    • Fine paver: the fine grid present in Dark prismarine

    • Shingle: the staggered shape present in Prismarine brick.

    • Engraved column: the design present in Chiseled sandstone

    • 1x2 Split column: the wide, non staggered design present in smooth stone double slab

    • Fluted column: the roman style column design present in quartz pillar block

    • Smooth column: a rounded design similar to stripped logs

    • Corinthian pillar cap: a pillar cap in the iconic Corinthian style

    • Loose stone: a cobblestone type design

    A single unit of dye will stain the mortar of 8 brick blocks.

    This feature is a shoe in. We have no attainable limit for block IDs anymore and a robust engine that can handle this content. The blocks are inert and simple solid blocks that don't require anything except for artwork and a small amount of data. This would give the stone cutter, in polite terms, an absolute fuckton of utility and it would give this game a similar amount of customization options. For every player against this due to clutter reasons theres multiple players that would immediately find use of this feature and would extensively use it in their builds. I think feature clutter is a flimsy reason to deny us things like stained wood and colored bricks.

    submitted by /u/prosdod
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