• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers TrekCraft [SMP] {Towny} {McMMO} {Mythic Mobs} {Community} {Economy} {1.15.2} {Events} {Auctions} {LWC}

    Minecraft Servers TrekCraft [SMP] {Towny} {McMMO} {Mythic Mobs} {Community} {Economy} {1.15.2} {Events} {Auctions} {LWC}

    TrekCraft [SMP] {Towny} {McMMO} {Mythic Mobs} {Community} {Economy} {1.15.2} {Events} {Auctions} {LWC}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:14 AM PST

    TrekCraft is not an ordinary server. Here at TC we have a growing community that takes part in events every week and staff that will help you through any situation. We have a large number of game-enhancing plugins, including Towny, McMMO, Mythic Mobs with great custom bosses, chest shops, crates, auctions and auction house, quests, treasure hunts, etc! These plugins help players have the best experience, whether it's having fun with friends or getting down to business by having the best town. Our staff also hosts events like trivia and drop parties (all with items obtained legitimately) and competitions!

    We're family friendly, so keep the chat appropriate for children: no swearing, or discussion of inappropriate behavior allowed.

    When you find yourself on TrekCraft you feel like you are part of the family, and that's exactly what we want you to feel.

    We're a no raiding, no griefing server. We rarely have a problem, but in the event of grief, our staff will happily roll it back for you. We allow pvp in the wilds and arena, but almost all our pvp is friendly and agreed upon. Almost all towns have pvp turned off within their borders, and we've got a great friendly community that will gladly help new players get started or old ones find what they need. :)

    You can see our full rules at: http://trekcraft.ca/forums/m/37099730/viewthread/26376805-towny-rulesor at /warp rules once you're on the server.

    We are fully EULA compliant: our great ranks are obtained through in-game events, contests, treasure hunts and voting.

    Take time today and come join us at mc.TrekCraft.net You can also visit our website at http://www.trekcraft.ca/home or view our server trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGH0tEKlqYA&t=2s

    submitted by /u/Momshroom
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    [WANTED] [VANILLA] {fresh 1.14 server}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 05:11 AM PST

    Hi i'm Ragnarr, i'm 16 years old and have been playing minecraft for about 5 or 6 years now i'm very active when it comes to playing minecraft. i want to play with people on a fresh new vanilla server with only like a few plugins on 1.14 minecraft if there is anyone who has a server or can make a server wich i can play on message me on reddit or add me on discord ragier916#0215 or snapchat Ragnarr4 and we can play together and beat the enderdragon and have a fun and special time my goals are to build an amazing village and maybe a shopping mall or something. i also want for people to help me build the village and live in it with me

    Plugins: one player sleep enderdragon drops elytra double shulker shells

    if you can add or have these plugins in the server it would be awesome it makes the game so much easyer if you know what i mean haha😄

    please message me if you have any questions or have a server i can join i can almost istantly respont most of the time.

    the reason i want to play on 1.14 is because i have a few things i wanna build but cant make on 1.15 or one of the new snapshots of 1.16.

    submitted by /u/ragier916
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    LazyChunk [SMP][Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{EU}{1.15.2}{hermitcraft-like}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 10:12 AM PST

    Hey guys, let's talk about LazyChunk (contact info at the bottom)!

    LazyChunk is a semi-technical server aiming to unite builders and technical farmers alike! It runs 24/7 on a private root server with dedicated hardware.

    The community is very friendly, laid-back and looking forward to meeting new players to join our adventure! Whether you are interested in building big farms and selling stuff in the central district, or just like playing survival and creating huge builds - LazyChunk might be the place for you!

    First of all though, why LazyChunk?

    There is a wide variety of hermitcraft-like servers out there, so why should you join LazyChunk?

    • LazyChunk features a perfectly integrated parallel redstone-server. You can seemlessly switch between the SMP server and the redstone world with short commands!
    • The redstone server allows you to use a variety of quality-of-life commands including (restricted) worldedit access, creative mode, teleports and homes to collaborate on elaborate redstone mechanisms with your peers!
    • 99.9% uptime and good performance, a running average of 19.9 TPS on a linux system
    • Laid-back community with some really cool people (although currently acitvity is at it's all-time low)
    • Well maintained, managed by scripts which I write myself inluding twice-a-day world backups and a daily scheduled restart at 6:00 AM CET
    • Various quality-of-life tweaks to gameplay while fully retaining the vanilla experience (More detail further down at "gameplay info")
    • Running the latest Paper Spigot for maximum performance
    • Many items are able to be traded for with diamonds through (no-plugin) player-shops in the central district (All enchanted books, firework rockets and more)

    About LazyChunk & the technicalities

    Since November 02 2019 LazyChunk is live. It started off as an idea, creating a community of people who are interested in playing a hermitcraft-like server with no due date. I always felt anxious playing on a semi-technical server because I was scared that after spending many hours on building farms etc the server owner could at any moment decide to drop the server and my precious time would have gone to waste.

    With LazyChunk this won't happen. The server is already paid for a year in advance and I don't plan on letting it run out as long as there is interest!

    The server runs on a private root server and is online 24/7, has a custom, twice-a-day, backup-script and a daily scheduled restart at 6am CET all written by me.

    Server info

    • Server Location: EU/GER
    • Mc Version: 1.15.2
    • Server: Paper Spigot
    • [Whitelisted]
    • 10 GB dedicated RAM (Main Server) / 4 GB dedicated RAM (Redstone Server)
    • Dedicated CPU (intel Xeon Gold 6230)

    Gameplay/Plugin info

    The gameplay is generally vanilla, any plugins installed do not disturb vanilla gameplay:

    • SinglePlayerSleep [One player sleeping is enough to skip the night; any user can cancel this!] {probably going to be replaced by a datapack}
    • ArmorStandEdit datapack
    • DropHeads datapack
    • PVP is globally disabled, I will however enable specific areas such as player-built arenas if there are people interested in that.

    Other plugins

    • WorldGuard [And WorldEdit as its dependency]
    • EssentialsX
    • CoreProtect

    Server rules

    • No griefing
    • No cheating
    • No stealing
    • No duping

    Any infriction of these 1st-level rules will result in a permanent ban!


    Message me on discord for a short chat before I invite you to the LazyChunk Discord (The 0 in 0ti is a zero!). > 0ti#5205

    submitted by /u/FrAX_
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    Java Survival [Semi-Vanilla] {SMP} {1.15.2} {No Whitelist}

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:07 PM PST

    Java Survival SMP Server

    Server Address = mc.javasurvival.com

    Java Survival is a multiplayer server dedicated to providing a legit, vanilla Minecraft experience! We've only got a handful of plugins installed purely for moderation purposes. Every block you see has been mined and placed by hand. Staff don't teleport or cheat. Everything is as close to vanilla as possible!

    We have a Discord server: https://discord.gg/NAs8nQw

    Server goals

    We will always strive to:

    1. Be your primary Minecraft home - By providing a 24/7, up-to-date vanilla Minecraft experience with longevity - We'll be around for a while and we plan to stick to the same map for as long as possible.

    2. Champion our community - We value our players. Java Survival exists for the community, not for the staff.

    3. Provide a legitimate gameplay experience - We will never abuse teleport commands, spawn items or install plugins that affect the vanilla experience and we take cheating seriously.

    We have simple rules

    • No excessively offensive language
    • No cheating - We take this one extra seriously
    • No griefing
    • Keep build claims reasonable and don't build too close to others without permission!
    • Be respectful

    Server specs

    Intel i7-4790K (4GHz)

    16GB DDR3 1333MHz RAM

    We are hosted on a dedicated server located in Montreal, Canada.

    Join us at mc.javasurvival.com

    submitted by /u/JavaSurvival
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    Rebel MC [SMP]{Quests}{mcMMO}{1.15.2}{Community} {Claims}{MobArena}{Kits}

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:33 PM PST

    Rebel MC is a 1.15.2 SMP server with quests, mcMMO, claiming, and more!

    Our community is friendly and always glad to see new players! The staff are always helpful!

    Rebel MC is a survival server with claims, player shops, quests, and mcMMO designed to keep your gameplay fun and interesting! Every Saturday we host a new and unique event with prizes included to keep the community thriving!

    Our priority is to maintain a healthy community with a fun and safe environment to ensure that players are getting the most out of their time on the server.

    ~Rebel MC Features~

    • Claiming
    • Mob Arenas
    • McMMO
    • Player Shops
    • Companions
    • Custom Enchants
    • Economy
    • Void Chest
    • Random Teleports to conveniently travel through the wild
    • Vote Crate
    • Custom Spawn
    • & much more!

    The server is roughly two months old with a custom spawn and custom player shops! Come on and join us!

    We recommend you join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/5sFjFG7

    Server IP: rebelminecraft.com


    • Disrespect, harassment, racism, sexim, etc. of any kind is not tolerated.
    • PVP is only permitted when all parties agree.
    • Spamming links, images, or text is not permitted.
    • Hack clients are forbidden.
    • Stealing and griefing are both forbidden.
    submitted by /u/SaucedLee
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    [Wanted][smp][pve] Looking for a hermitcraft like server that has recently reset.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:13 AM PST

    I'm looking for a server that has reset in the past 2 weeks. I'm 14 almost 15 and very mature. I love to build farms and mess around with redstone. I always try to build a unique base and try to decorate it as much as possible. I usually build futuristic themed builds. I have been playing Minecraft for almost 7 years now and only took 1 year off about 4 years ago. I'm active every day of the week for 4-6 hours usually unless something in school comes up. I have played on a couple of whitelisted servers before and never have been banned. I love to chat with other participate in the community and help others with builds.

    If u want to contact me here my discord SlyFryFrog#4119 Thank you for reading

    submitted by /u/SlyFryFrog
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    Random Minecraft: Randomized Crafting! [Semi-vanilla] {1.15.2} {Java} {Randomized Crafting}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:08 AM PST

    If you're looking to play some Minecraft survival with a funky twist, Random Minecraft is the place for you. This is a server running a CUSTOM PLUGIN to randomize crafting recipes every 30 seconds (with the results of smelting mixed in for a twist). If that sounds interesting to you, please check the server out!

    Rules, info, and updated IP are here (Please join for updates): https://discord.gg/TWECP6a

    If you don't use discord for whatever reason, here are the rules:


    - Don't spam, harass players, or be toxic in chat.

    - Respect other players builds, don't grief.

    IP is play.barkburn.com

    If you have a fun, simple gamemode idea, please share it in the discord! I'd love to make a new weird plugin for chaos.

    submitted by /u/Lokio27
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    Barty Realms [SMP] {Earth Map} {Towny} {mcMMO} {Achievements} {Economy} {Custom Plugins} {Jobs} {PlayerShops} {1.15.2}

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:41 AM PST

    IP Address: bartyrealms.com

    Discord: https://discord.bartyrealms.com/

    Website: https://bartyrealms.com/

    Have you ever wanted to play on a map of the Earth and create a town for all to gaze upon and be jealous? Check us out! Check out our dynmap and find a place to settle!

    Dynmap: https://bartyrealms.com/map2/

    Conquer the world — Alone or with others!

    BartyRealms is uniquely designed, full of content and has an amazing community!

    Are you tired of searching for the right server for you? Do you want to play on a server that is reliable, fun and has a strong community? Then you've come to the right place. BartyRealms is designed around fair and balanced gameplay, and values having fun more than anything else. The server is configured around what the player wants, with polling new features and making sure no changes are made that would inhibit player's ability to have fun.

    Features, but not limited to:

    • Earth Map
    • PlayerVaults
    • Achievements
    • Perks
    • Custom Prefixes
    • mcMMO 2.0
    • Server Store
    • Crates
    • Lottery
    • ChatReaction
    • Auctions
    • Cosmetics
    • Towny
    • Economy
    • Custom Plugins
    • And so much more!


    Our complete rules list can be found here: https://bartyrealms.com/rules/

    Here is a short summary of those rules.

    1. No cheat clients
    2. Helping others break rules is not allowed
    3. Exploiting bugs is not allowed
    4. No alternate accounts
    5. Stealing/raiding/griefing is not and never will be allowed
    6. Spam/toxicity/impersonation are not allowed
    7. No advertising, sharing personal information without consent, and you must use English in global chat
    8. Advertising other servers or websites is not allowed
    9. No AFK pools, real world trading, or kicking players out of your town to steal their items
    10. Claim blocking and destroying land around towns is not allowed
    11. Terraforming the map to the point where an area is now extremely ugly or unrecognizable is not allowed
    12. Please read our rules on the website, they are much more in depth and cover everything!
    submitted by /u/BartyRealms
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    Digital Jesuit [Semi-vanilla] [Hub] {Towny} {Whitelist} {1.12.2}

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:54 PM PST

    Come join the MC server that was created by Padre SJ!!

    Towny and pvp/nonpvp servers

    Weekly server events and active playerbase

    Toxic free environment and protection from stealing/griefing

    All you have to do to join is join the discord: https://discord.gg/X6umrwQ
    and then look in the #server-info channel and follow the simple steps to get whitelisted

    Server Network rules here: https://minecraft.digitaljesuit.com/
    Rules specific to individual servers are located on boards at spawn

    This is Minecraft 1.12.2
    Server Ip is minecraft.digitaljesuit.com
    You do have to join the discord to complete the automated whitelist process, takes less than 5 minutes to complete

    The three servers in our network

    Mc1: Towny with no pvp
    Mc2: Towny with pvp enabled
    Mc3: Towny with no pvp, chat is mostly Portuguese

    note: the server is secular and our only goals are to create a toxic-free fun experience for everybody

    submitted by /u/ThePagician
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    The Eternal Region Looking For Staff+ [Vanilla] {1.15.2} {Europe}

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:25 PM PST

    Hey everyone! We're an SMP Survival Whitelisted Server offering a great experience for all player's!

    We're also looking for staff!

    We offer:

    - A mature, friendly & active community to play with

    - A secure whitelisted enviorment

    - A professional & friendly staff base

    - A powerful server located in Europe with over 12GB of RAM

    If you're interested join our discord and apply today! https://discord.gg/PyhJ9F3

    The IP is: theeternalregion.my.pebble.host

    submitted by /u/pawelmoskala
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    Bridgeport [Anarchy][Semi-vanilla][Chaos]{Australian}{1.15.2}

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:30 AM PST


    There is a new Anarchy Minecraft server that is kept rough and updated. If you like Anarchy servers then this is for you and your friends (even if they don't own a Minecraft account). So why not join and check out a slow but growing Minecraft Anarchy community! Bridgeport used to be a survival Minecraft server but has since been redeveloped into an Anarchy Minecraft Server. Please come and join and have a play with some of the players or your friends. Join with the IP above!

    submitted by /u/Exorcist12
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    [Wanted] [Minigames]

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:03 PM PST

    I'm trying to find a certain minigame that I played way way long ago, I'm gonna do my best to describe it. It played like an asymmetrical game, one player plays as a mob/kit for some monster vs a few players in an attempt to kill them using that kit. I think, if I remember right, one was a vampire kit? I vaguely remember a map that had a street into a tunnel with a single house that you could explore. I couldn't make the 350 count before so uh my name is Tiktai. I play MC every now and then, mostly paintball and Turf War on Mineplex. Though if we end up finding that? ^ I remember it being fire so I'd definitely be playing the hell out of it. Please work this time.

    submitted by /u/AnyPercentFuckOff
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    Sunshire SMP [SMP] {Vanilla} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:55 PM PST

    Hey there! 👋

    What is Sunshire?

    Sunshire is currently composed of a close friend of mine and myself. We've always enjoyed playing survival together, but with only two people, that can get boring after some time.

    What are we looking for?

    We are currently looking for a few experienced players, preferably around the age of 18 (not required) to join us in creating a flourishing community where people can lay back and enjoy themselves! Both my friend and I are fairly experienced builders that enjoy aesthetically pleasing builds, so we ask that anyone who considers applying to make sure they have decent building skill, or are at least willing to put forth effort in their creations.


    Our rules are fairly common. Just don't do anything stupid and everything should be fine. Use common sense and don't be a bully.


    If you want to join us, PM this account with the answers to the following questions.

    • How old are you?
    • Do you have any experience with SMPs, and if so, please explain.
    • Where are you from?
    • Tell us a bit about yourself.
    submitted by /u/thatonesixersfan
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    [Wanted] [Minigames]

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:02 PM PST

    I'm trying to find a certain minigame that I played way way long ago, I'm gonna do my best to describe it. It played like an asymmetrical game, one player plays as a mob/kit for some monster vs a few players in an attempt to kill them using that kit. I think, if I remember right, one was a vampire kit? I vaguely remember a map that had a street into a tunnel with a single house that you could explore. I couldn't make the 350 count before so uh my name is Tiktai. I play MC every now and then, mostly paintball and Turf War on Mineplex. Though if we end up finding that? ^ I remember it being fire so I'd definitely be playing the hell out of it. Please work this time.

    submitted by /u/AnyPercentFuckOff
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    The Server of Win [SMP][Anarchy][Vanilla]{Randomomized Respawns}{13+}

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:19 PM PST

    • Server Name: The Bits of Win Official Server
    • Server Location: Canada East Coast
    • Server Address: bitsofwin.ggs.gg
    • Version: 1.15.2
    • Game Play Type/s: [SMP][Anarchy]

    • Description: The Server of Win is the official server of the Bits of Win Twitch Channel, where every game of Minecraft since January 2020 takes place. It provides a pure vanilla experience with a very high level of difficulty, done via the unique (as far as I can tell) random respawn system. How it works is that when you respawn after death you are instantly teleported to a random point within a 999,999 block radius of X: 0 / Z: 0. The upshot of this is that if you die, regardless of weather or not you've used a bed, you will start again with nothing hundreds of thousands of blocks away from where you died. The only things that carry over from life to life are your pets (assuming you hadn't left them sat somewhere before you died) and contents of your ender chests (Though getting back to the point where you can craft an ender chest again will take some considerable work on your part). The goal of this style of server is to add high stakes to your gameplay, encourage exploration of the overworld, as there may be a whole host of unique, player made builds out there to see, and rarify direct interaction with other human players, making every encounter from the friendly to the hostile that much more special. And of course, this is an anarchy server, meaning there are no rules against killing and robbing your fellow man once you manage to find them.

    • Rules: Don't be a toxic dickhead in chat.

    • Server Hardware: Hosted by GGServers - Intel i7-6700k / 1024 MB DDR4
    • Owner/Admins/Moderators: KFar1095
    submitted by /u/K-Far
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    32k anarchy [anarchy] {1.15.2} {chaos}

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:12 PM PST


    No bans

    No rules

    Cheat, steal, lie, pvp, do anything we dont care

    The server is running on 1.15.2

    We have usually 2-4 players online during its peek hours

    This server is running 24/7

    Some of the plugins we use are

    chatCo (used on 2b2t)

    Party chat ( also used on 2b2t in its early days)

    Old school kill (/kill for normal players so they can kill themselfs)

    Custom join messages ( makes custom join messages)

    Name color (changes the color and text for owner)

    Silk spawner (so you can mine spawners with a silk touch)

    There are more but they are for owner

    Join now at 32k.serv.gs

    Also join our discord https://discord.gg/eeZzfxb

    submitted by /u/LilUselessVert
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    Chizcraft Factions [SMP] [PvP] {Factions} {McMMO} {Economy} {AdvancedAchievements} {1.15.2}

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:38 PM PST

    Chizcraft FactionsLooking for a new server? Chizcraft Factions is for you! We offer a great variety of plugins to spice up factions to assist the pvp system and features that have been added. We have a discord https://discord.gg/FtffVy where you can connect and talk to staff & players. Rules are posted in discord as well as the server. Rules on raiding/griefing are pretty considerate and the raiding system is pretty unique. Do you have what it takes? Join ChizCraft Factions today @Chizcraft.net

    Server IP - Chizcraft.net

    submitted by /u/eatmychizz
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    Butterfrog Empire - Zeal [SMP] [PvP] [PvE] [Modded] {Dynmap} {discord} {North America} {EU} {no resets}

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:13 PM PST

    Server IP:

    Discord and Dynmap found at: discord.gg/HqanKZK

    NO whitelist! All you need to do is download the modpack at https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/butterfrog/files to join! You can also search "butterfrog" in the Twitch app.


    Some of the fun things you can do with the mods on this server:

    Tame and ride dragons Become a wizard Morph into mobs Control a colony, and wage wars
    Fly to space, planets, and build a station Build, and drive a car Travel to alternate dimensions Search for buried treasure
    Play musical instruments Claim some land, and build in a town Build a zoo, and tame animals Make a portal gun


    • No more overpowered people playing survival! The player experience is designed to keep mostly vanilla building functionality, with lots of modded exploration options. Mods are not designed to make players overpowered. You need to face difficult challenges to improve your abilities.


    • No more paying to win! This server does not have pay to win mechanics. Every new player starts with the ability to claim a few chunks of land. No annoying votifier, and no special paid items.


    • No more lag! The server is hosted on a fast internet connection with Shockbyte servers. This means nearly 24/7 uptime. The server is located in Northern USA/eastern Canada. This means ping times of less than 60ms for most of the USA, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, UK, and Ireland. The rest of the EU has below 80ms ping times. If you're doubtful, you can check out your ping based on your location here


    • No lengthy whitelist interview and wait times! Visit the server Discord at discord.gg/HqanKZK to review server guidelines, the current mod list! Simply paste the discord address into the "add server" tab, and you should have access. Admins respond fast. All players are welcome! You just need the server modpack.


    • No server resets! When there are new minecraft updates, the server owner simply trims the map edges (the places where nobody has built), which allows new content to spawn, and your builds and items stay intact!


    • We're a community who appreciates creative minds. You can see some examples of what is built on the server here. On the server, you can find fan-made works from Chrono Trigger, to ancient wonders such as the Lighthouse of Alexandria.



    This is a modded PvE/PvP minecraft server running on 1.12.2. Notable mods include: FTB Utilities, Galacticraft, Minecolonies, Twilight Forest, The Betweenlands, Thaumcraft, Ice and Fire, Immersive engineering, Dimensional Doors, ultimate car mod, chisel, and many more. Download the modpack, and you can join today!


    Server rules are listed on the Discord, and below:

    1. Be respectful. Follow the golden rule. This includes using respectful language. Chat spamming, racist, and sexist language are considered disrespectful. The default server language is English.

    2. Do not deface player builds, or take what is not yours. No griefing. Ask permission before you build right next to another player. If you are unsure about something, ask in chat. If you want a chest or item container to be open to the community, make sure you label it as such. In general, builds should be open for everyone to access and appreciate. If you don't want anyone to enter your home, or area, make sure you label it, and let people know.

    3. Play fair. Use only approved server mods. If you find a bug, or exploit, report it to the admins. If you find a loose command block somewhere, let admins know. Do not use command blocks unless given permission from admins. Hacking is a bannable offense.

    4. Do not build near the spawn.

    5. If a player asks you not to attack, respect their wishes. While PvP is enabled on the server, there are also players who prefer PvE. We think both modes can be fun. Accidents will probably happen occasionally, but repeat offenses will be subject to admin disciplinary action. Admins are also expected to play fair if they are in survival mode and participating in PvP.

    6. Do not advertise other servers, or solicit outside services. It is OK to run your own in-game shop, or bank, however. Admins are not responsible for what happens with those shops or banks.

    7. If there is a conflict, you can present the issue on the discord under "admin requests". Admins will look at your issue, and help to resolve it. This includes conflicts between players (such as land ownership). You may also report other players in this same manner.

    8. Do not excessively label or abuse the Dynmap. Players are permitted to put labels on the dynmap, but they should limit labels to their home, or special locations. Admins can remove labels if they feel they are inappropriate.

    9. Follow all Minecraft/Mojang TOS.

    10. Players who do not follow these guidelines are subject to a ban. Bans may be appealed. Admins are not permitted to ban a player without first warning them and explaining what they did wrong (except in the case of breaking guideline 3, which can result in an instant ban). Admins determine how many warnings they give before a ban is issued. Admins may determine other behaviors not explicitly listed on these guidelines are inappropriate, and are subject to discipline. In the case where a player feels they have been unjustly treated by an admin, they may make an ultimate appeal to Timeherald (the server operator) on the Discord channel.

    submitted by /u/timeknight
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    Outset [SMP] {Snapshots} {1.16} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:33 PM PST


    A brand new world launching Monday, March 2nd 2020 at 4pm CST (world will be open starting at 3:30 CST of the same day). Apply before the world begins here: https://www.swashbucklecraft.com/apply

    Great community, experienced admins, and multiplayer sleep in the latest 1.16 snapshot!

    Apply, see rules, and get info here: https://www.swashbucklecraft.com

    submitted by /u/_F0RGE_
    [link] [comments]

    SlapMineNuts {Canadian} {Craftconomy} {Quests} {Discord}

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:02 PM PST

    Interested in playing fun, classic Minecraft with your friends?

    Want to make your survival experience more enjoyable?

    SlapMineNuts Semi-Vanilla Survival is for you!

    **Java Version 1.15.2**

    Integrated Economy with Admin Buy/Sell, Playershops!

    PVP Arena with Rewards!

    Survival Quests!

    Lootcrates! (On the way!)

    Weekly Events and Updates!

    Friendly and Small Active Community!

    Same Vanilla Survival Gameplay, Made Better!

    We also offer a dynamic Discord server with an on-demand administration and support.


    We can't wait to see you online!



    Keep Inventory: ON

    Mob-Griefing: OFF

    We can't wait to see you online!


    ChopTree2, Craftconomy3, Quests, Dynmap, GUIShop, SuperWarp, LandClaims, WorldGuard, EasyPrefix, Vault, WorldEdit, AutoMessage, Citizens, ActionHealth, ScoreboardStats, Shopkeepers, Holograms, QuickShop, LootCrates, CratesPlus

    Server IP: play.slapnuts.online


    submitted by /u/ZingerFlame
    [link] [comments]

    Small SMP server with some cool twists! [SMP]

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:45 AM PST

    Server IP is:

    Only rules are:

    Don't grief Don't spam Be respectful

    Basically the only rules for now, will add more if needed.

    Some of the twists:

    You are allowed to use spawners in your builds If proven you can get op items Also if proven you can get a personal end portal

    Thanks for reading this and hope to see you there!

    Edit: it's on 1.15.2 as of now but will update to 1.16 when it comes out.

    submitted by /u/_Shadowpuppet_
    [link] [comments]


