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    Minecraft New Biome concept: The Obsidian Islands

    Minecraft New Biome concept: The Obsidian Islands

    New Biome concept: The Obsidian Islands

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    The End actually has different biomes - but they all look the same. So here is a suggestion - The Obsidian Islands.

    They generate in a spherical to elliptical shape and have spikes on the bottom and sides. From the name, they are made of obsidian, and have small deposits of crying obsidian on the bottom. You will also find huge "cracks" filled with a green semi-transparent material that run throughout the surface in rivers.

    Instead of generating End Cities, they generate End Ruins. They are ruined end stone structures that dot the landscape and are more common than End Cities. Shulkers spawn inside them, and as an added challenge, Endermen deal a bit more damage, probably from "grief" that their home was wrecked.

    In terms of loot, you won't find much valuables, topping off at eh diamond armor and potions. But you will rarely find a Cracked Elytra Piece. By combining 7 of them, you will craft a Cracked Elytra. Combining it with 32 phantom membranes in a Smithing Table, you will create a regular Elytra.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Da_Chicken303
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    When Anvils drop from far enough up into a certain block, it should break the block

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    I think it would be fun and interesting if Anvils smashed blocks when they fell on them. The block wouldn't drop, but it would be a cool game mechanic if anvils crushed blocks when they fell. It could maybe be a mapmaking thing?

    submitted by /u/obvioussponge06
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    Illager docks.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 02:28 AM PDT

    Illagers have to get their supplies from somewhere right?

    And the illager docks are where those supplies come from.

    Illager docks

    Illager docks spawn on beaches. They will never spawn within 500 blocks of an outpost.

    They have a chance spawn to with a ship that's loaded with dark oak logs and 1-3 dark trees around the main building, aswell as pillagers and a single supplier, which is a new mob.

    They look like this.


    Docks spawn with a cartography table, fletcher's table and a chest. This chest can have any farmable vegetables (carrots, potatoes etc.) Apples, bread, dark oak saplings, dark oak logs, arrows and rarely tipped arrows.


    Suppliers are supportive illager mobs and will run away from iron golems and players. They spawn during raids at wave 6-7.

    Suppliers have 9 hearts of health.

    They buff each of the illagers in a unique way. With the exception of evokers.

    They give pillagers poison tipped and harming tipped arrows. Pillagers who've been buffed like this will never drop a loaded crossbow.

    They give vindicators sharpness II enchanted axes. This will make the vindicator drop their current axe.

    They put amor onto ravagers. This is equvilent to a player wearing chainmail armor.

    Suppliers have a limit on the amount of illagers they can buff. The limit for pillagers is 2, the limit for vindicators is 3 and the limit for ravagers is 1.

    Once the supplier has used up all his buffs he becomes aggressive and attacks with a stone axe.

    When giving an illager a buff, suppliers and the selected illager will stand still close together for 2 seconds, then the green particles that appear over villagers when they get a job will appear above the buffed illager.


    Item Amount Chance
    Dark oak log 1- 4 70%
    Dark oak sapling 1 - 2 57%
    Arrows 2 - 3 40%
    Emeralds 1 40%
    Sharpness II iron axe 1 35%
    Ravager armor 1 20%
    Tipped arrows of poison/harming 1 - 2 5%

    Ravager armor would be a new item which can be smelted down into 1 iron ingot. Or if for whatever reason you choose, be given to a ravager, this function is mainly there for creative mode. This will not "tame" the ravager or make it neutral in any way shape or form, it will still want you dead.

    Side notes

    Suppliers won't be attacked by johny vindicators.

    Only 1 supplier spawn's per wave or illager dock.

    The suppliers have toolbelts with tools on their jackets. It's just not visible with the angle of the screenshot. Also i would have prefered to add some sort of headwear that looks similar to fletcher villagers but i used and retextured a vindicator which doesn't have or need an outer head layer.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Nether wastes should have a nether version of the dead bush.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Would really emphasize the fact that they're "wastes".

    submitted by /u/DropTheBombuMan
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    Give Salmon the Ability to Swim Upcurrent

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Inspired partially by u/Da_Chicken303's river idea.

    Basic Idea: This idea is pretty straight forward - whereas other fish lack the ability to swim upstream, salmon should be able to swim upcurrent, mirroring their real life behavior. This could be used to implement a flying-fish type concept, where the fish actually jump out of the water while moving upwards, again mirroring real-life behavior.

    Polar Bears: The upstream/jumping salmon idea provides a naturally gateway to spruce up polar bears - because polar bears generally live on ice floats and are pretty lackluster as of now, they could gain the ability to snatch jumping salmon out of the water, eating them immediately afterward.

    Overall, I feel like this would be a not-too-difficult quality of life change which would make polar bears interesting, and differentiate salmon from other varieties of fish. It would also make ice biomes more interesting, and create some cool opportunities with farms and the upstream mechanic.

    submitted by /u/minecraftjahseh
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    How to Improve Rivers

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    Minecraft Rivers are really lacking. And here is how I think that rivers should work.

    1. A source

    A river source (like a waterfall off a mountain) will be cool. For example, rivers could originate in mountain or snowy biomes because melting snow causes rivers to form.

    2) River Size

    Rivers should start off small, and then as they get closer to the end, larger, deeper and wider. This makes it seem more natural, and will lend itself for awesome cities and bridges.

    3) The End

    "Even the weariest river, leads somewhere safe to sea."

    Rivers should lead into oceans or larger river systems. This gives it a beginning and an end.

    4) Final Touches

    Add waterfalls when it goes off of cliffs with particle effects when it hits the water, add large lakes on the way, carve out valleys when it reaches mountains, and even change the blocks near rivers to be different shade, to give the impression of flooding.

    This will be an awesome feature to make Minecraft Rivers seem cooler and better.

    Edit: I just had a thought: Lava Rivers in the Nether

    submitted by /u/Da_Chicken303
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    Adult cows should be immune to any form of effects

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    Well, if the milk we collect from them has the ability to negate any life-threatening ailment (like wither) or magic we have on us (like levitation) when we drink it, it sure has enough powers to make the cows that store it immune to such effects.

    submitted by /u/ZephyrFlewAway
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    New Curse: Curse of Ceasing

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    New Curse: Curse of Ceasing

    The curse of ceasing would be a new curse that prevents an item or weapon's ability to have new enchantments added to it via an anvil. The curse wouldn't only be exclusive to weapons, for it can still be found on enchanted books, and the neighboring enchantments could still be added, just not any from other books or items. For instance, if you found an enchanted book with Sharpness II, Fire Aspect I and Curse of Ceasing, when applying that book to a sword, you will be granted the sword with Sharpness II and Fire Aspect I, but the curse would of course be there and no new enchantments can be added to the sword.

    But hey, you can still name it Dragon's Tooth

    submitted by /u/VolcanicDilemmaMC
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    Warped Forest - Too Big?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    I've been playing with my boyfriend a lot of the new snapshots and testing out the Nether we felt like Warped Forests were too big, considering that Fortresses cannot spawn there.
    Feel free to give your input, personally I like the new biomes a lot but I always feel gimped by their existence when looking for fortresses in new worlds. As such, perhaps making them either rarer or smaller could be a good idea?

    submitted by /u/Satanemme
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    Nether Brick Plant Pots

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    A nice simple addition much like their brick counterparts but a darker texture.

    submitted by /u/Canada_for_gold
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    Fruits From All Types Of Trees

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    I think it would be nice if each tree (excluding the nether ones) dropped a fruit rarely as oak trees drop apples. all of them would restore the same amount of hunger as apples. maybe the golden versions of each fruit could give you different effects (e.g. golden bananas give you swiftness and absorption instead of regen and absorption etc.). here are the fruits from each tree

    oak: red apple

    dark oak: green apple

    spruce: blueberries these may drop from vines growing on the sides of the tree. thanks to u/TheOPWarrior208 for inspiring and helping me to develop the idea in the comments

    birch: pear

    acacia: mango

    jungle: banana

    palm: coconut (these were announced to be coming in the biome vote in 2018; they would probably grow on islands )

    please give me some ideas for buffs for golden fruits and if some should be changed (I'm not sure about peaches from spruce trees)

    submitted by /u/IFOUNDAHAZARD7
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    New Nether Mob: The Wraith

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    The Wraith is an undead mob that spawns in all Nether biomes. They spawn in groups of 3 to 4. It is a black, shadow-like ghost creature with two front arms that drag it along the Nether. It has no back limbs. The Wraith has a large mouth full of several bright teeth and two eyes that match the colour of the biome's fog it spawns in. There is a 0.2% chance that a Wraith will spawn with heterochromia (different colour eyes).

    They have a total of 15 hearts of health (30 hit-points). When a group of Wraiths spawn, they all work together to guard a 20 by 20 area. This is their territory. They won't leave their territory willingly unless they go to a Nether Fortress to find Nether Wart (I'll get onto that later). Wraiths will hiss at any Striders that wander too close to their territory, but won't attack. The Striders will then run away. If a player goes into their territory, all of the Wraiths will attack them. When attacking, they sink into the ground and jump up below the player's feet, biting them. This attack deals 3 hearts of damage in Easy and Normal difficulty and 4 hearts in Hard. Upon killing a Wraith, it will drop 2 to 4 Iron Nuggets (its teeth) and 0 to 1 Nether Wart (its food). If the player is holding Nether Wart, Wraiths will not attack them.

    Every 48000 to 72000 ticks, a group of Wraiths will go looking for Nether Wart. When they do this, they will not attack the player unless they are provoked. If they are in a Nether Fortress, Blazes will attack the Wraiths. They will fight back, but they never start the fight. Wraiths can extinguish Blazes to prevent them from attacking for a while. They will use this to their advantage when fighting Blazes. When they encounter Nether Wart, they will take any full-grown Nether Wart and replant the Nether Wart in its place. If the player plants Nether Wart, Wraiths may take that instead.

    To gain the trust of a group of Wraiths, the player must feed all of the individual Wraiths several pieces of Nether Wart. Once they have done that, all of the Wraiths will make a noise. All of the Wraiths in that group will be passive towards the player that gained their trust, and will extinguish them when they are on fire, giving the player Fire Resistance while they are in their territory. A group of Wraiths that trusts a player will only trust the player who gained their trust, and will not despawn.

    submitted by /u/GlopticalIllusion
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    Idle animations

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    Minecraft is great fun, but there is a static feeling to it. With flowing/smooth animations, minecraft could create a more a lively feeling to the biomes you explore in the game. The new mob the strider has probaly got the best animation I have seen in minecraft and it would be great to see this level of animation transfered to some of minecrafts moer stif mobs/plant life.

    submitted by /u/RingsYT
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    Cursed items no longer say which curse they have, they simply read, "cursed" -- except when a curse book is purchase from a villager. Additional curses should be added. More below.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    Curses are incredibly boring.

    Items found with them are either thrown away or disenchanted (at least by less casual players). Curses should be a side effect of either enchanting or using an anvil to create enchanted items, and there should be a method to remove curses, perhaps an enchantment for books that counteracts curses.

    This would increase the difficulty for enchanting, as it's become much easier over its lifespan, and would encourage the actual use of cursed items more often.

    Additionally, curses are incredibly boring. There are two of them. There should be more curses; perhaps curses that involve bad luck (the opposite of Fortune perhaps), increase the spawning of mobs, i.e. "Curse of Arachnophobia" or "Curse of Necrophobia", which would increase spawning or attraction from arthropods and undead respectively, or perhaps something else entirely.

    submitted by /u/HyperDash
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    new advancement: RIP AND TEAR

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    RIP AND TEAR would be in the nether advancement tree and would branch off of the "a terrible fortress" advancement. It would require one thing: to kill five blazes using only your fists.

    submitted by /u/mcplayer11
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    Using a named chest whilst crafting Shulker Boxes should give you named Shulker Boxes.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    When crafting a Shulker Box, if a renamed chest is used (for example: "Redstone Supplies") the crafted shulker box should be named "Redstone Supplies" instead of "Shulker Box" when the player crafts it.

    submitted by /u/Flynt_Foxx
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    Customisable tools

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    When combining a wooden plank and any tool in a smithing table lets you customise your tool's stick. For example using birch wood would give you a birch variant stick on your tools. I can see myself using spruce or dark oak for a mahogony handle, I can see my sister using jungle for a pinkish hue to her bow or pickaxe. If we even wanted to we could add handles. Wool mixed with the tool would give it a handle like fabric wrapped around the base. These features can be used to either be purely cosmetic or if mojang really wants it can be used to have advantages such as swinging faster but being more likely to break or hitting harder but being slower. (Just examples) this can be useful to create more weapon diversity and to add more depth to minecrafts more bland weapon advancements.

    submitted by /u/IAMCOOLSTEVE
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    Zombie-Illager interactions

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    As the Illagers are an offshoot of Villagers, it's very strange that they're treated as "monsters", causing zombies to ignore them and fight alongside them. Zombies should attack pillagers and vice versa. To avoid making raids too easy, pillagers will never cause zombie reinforcements to spawn and will ignore zombies which aren't targeting them, avoiding a fight if possible. In a pinch, however, you can divert your zombie dungeon into a raid to help distract the enemy (although if you haven't got a wall this will have unintended consequences).

    Illagers can be infected. Zombie Illagers have a few different skins but all behave the same way. They can't use crossbows other than hitting you with them. Evokers can't be infected, simply dying instead.

    Now for something a little bit out there:

    If you cure a zombie pillager, it will become friendly and could even be capable of joining a village as a nitwit. It's skin might change slightly to signify the change - perhaps becoming more flesh-colored since it isn't spending all its time in those bloody dark forests all day. Friendly pillagers won't trade or despawn.

    This allows you to create a second level of defense against raids: Pillagers who are loyal to you will fight for the village they belong to against all manner of attackers (although they don't attack skeletons or spiders the way golems do). They're more agile than golems, so curing a few after a raid might be worth your time.

    Villagers could interact with these friendly pillagers in various ways - maybe they're bitter and grumble at them whenever they cross ways, but maybe they're kind and forgiving and give them flowers.

    This mechanic will replace the neat bug allowing you to break pillagers' crossbows.

    Other types of Illagers will stay hostile on curing.

    submitted by /u/orendorff
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    Hovering enchantment found in the End

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    Given that the overworld has ships with maps to buried treasure, there should be maps inside end ships to buried treasure in the end too. This is the way this enchantment will be obtained, I think this would make it fun and also make a bit of sense to be found in the end dimension.

    Hovering will produce a unique effect when falling. You can survive a fall that would kill a player WITHOUT feather falling, which is 22 blocks. If the fall is 22 blocks or less, you receive no damage at all, making it better than feather falling within no more than a 22 block fall. When falling more than that, you will take normal damage, and will probably die, which can be prevented by using water or a slow fall potion.

    This probably goes without saying, but this is exclusively available for boots, and it is mutually exclusive with feather falling as well.

    With hovering, you also float half a block above ground. You also float above liquids like water and lava. However in the case of the latter, if you take any damage or fall onto the surface of the liquid instead of walking onto it, you will sink down. This means for example if you're at water level ( y level 68?) and walk from land at level 68 to water at level 68, you'll float.

    When jumping with hovering, you also go up 1.5 blocks, or 2 blocks above ground including your natural hover. You will also receive the slow falling effect for 2 seconds. This will not make you able to survive any falls you shouldn't be able to, but it will make you able to cross a bit of a larger gap.

    When moving with hovering, you will slide a bit as if you were on ice. This is somewhat based off of hover boots in the Legend of Zelda games.

    Edit: I think there should also be a slight increase in movement speed, maybe 15% more in addition to what the ice sliding does. The ice effect doesn't change if you're hovering on ice, as you're ultimately not touching the surface. You would also receive a bit more knockback, which would only make sense. This could be mostly countered by wearing netherite armor, which if I'm not mistaken will reduce knockback.

    In general though, knockback isn't much to worry about aside from falling into lava or falling more than 22 blocks. It'll just be inconvenient and make it sometimes easier for people to knock you away so they can escape you. Although again, the increased knockback is gone if you have full netherite armor.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Decorative ores

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    This is my second suggestion how to make mining more interesting.
    Here is my first: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/frs6g4/little_ways_to_make_mining_more_interesting/

    You could find crystal ore (16 variatons, one for each color). This ore would be pretty common.
    This could lead to players having space problems in their inventory, but you could craft a crystal bag (made with a crystal and 8 leather) to store them.
    These crystals could be crafted into your armor to decorate it. This would also work with tools, enchanting tables and anvils (If an anvil is destroyed, the crystal would drop).

    submitted by /u/LolbitClone
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    Little ways to make mining more interesting

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    If someone is asked what a good way to make mining more interesting would be, they would say cave update. I want to post some ideas that are not that.

    My first suggestion would be little pockets of boiling water (new block, can be found naturally or created by placing magma blocks in water) or lava, sometimes hidden in blocks. If boiling water is used for potions, they have a slightly longer duration.

    submitted by /u/LolbitClone
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    It’s time to add another row to the player inventory.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    There are so many more items in the game now than there were 10 years ago. Shulker boxes help but it still feels like I'm spending all my time managing my inventory. One more row wouldn't make it that much harder to find what you're looking for in your inventory and realism is already a lost cause in Minecraft.

    submitted by /u/Ender_A_Wiggin
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    Improving Survival with Monster Raids

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    Defending your own base from a Pillager Raid is fun, but requires a lot of setup and only involves a few types of enemies. Since players should be able to up the stakes in their Survival world as they choose (and because my last two posts didn't light the world on fire), I'm shamelessly reintroducing my famous 30-upvote-winning idea: Altars!

    What does the Altar do?

    Brand it however you want, what matters is that I'm proposing an item that attracts powerful mobs at night. Obtainable early on, it could be toggled at will in order to summon raids towards where it was placed. This means that players who want a challenge could try to survive waves of aggressive foes, while others would never have to worry about it!

    How do the raids work?

    After sundown, players within the Altar's radius would activate a raid, using local difficulty to determine how hard it should be. But, instead of the usual Illagers, the player would be accosted by the classic nighttime hordes of Minecraft--Zombies, Skeletons, Creepers and the like! What's more, a "Raid" bar would appear, and monsters would invade with the intent of defeating every player inside the area! This means players are encouraged to build up as much as they can to outlast the creatures of the night! But be warned--under the Altar's influence, they'd come with some new tricks.

    New enemy behaviors

    Since this is an optional, self-imposed challenge, monsters wouldn't be as forgiving as usual. While I won't spend too much time on the specifics (check my earlier suggestion out for one possible approach), Mobs would need some way to breach the player's defenses--a two-block dirt wall won't cut it! Whether monsters could break blocks or use new movement abilities, players would need to take an active role in keeping enemies out, or die in the process! But! The higher the Raid level, the greater rewards one could claim from staving off the hordes! Whether it's rare drops, powerful treasures or new items entirely, risking your own base and personal safety would be well worth the effort.

    Bonus: New Enemies!

    A couple mobs tailor-made to attack your base would up the excitement considerably! Some ideas below:

    • Shades: Can phase through walls if uninterrupted for too long. Reduce light around them to level 7 or lower, using the darkness to spawn monsters within your walls! No real attacks though, so they're vulnerable when cornered.
    • Gargoyles: Powerful melee mobs with high health. Limited flight ability to scale walls and attack players. Large, slow targets, susceptible to ranged attacks.
    • Trolls: Fast and powerful, decent health. Uses heavy slam attack to damage and eventually break blocks, but no special movement abilities. Ineffective against sturdier builds.

    Tl;dr: New block that activates optional monster raids. Monsters would be more potent than usual, but the raids yield great rewards. Possibility of new enemies/drops. Exciting survival gameplay, but only for those who seek it out.


    submitted by /u/Kurt-Propane
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    Orc settlements

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    This idea is about adding another mob that can trade (orcs) and it could be the gateway to add much more.

    Features this could add: New biome- redwood forest (with new tree) New mobs- orcs (with variants), deer, and bears (black and brown) New weapons- spears, hammers, battle axes New items- amethyst (new ore), pelts, animal heads, spiked barricades (from Minecraft dungeons) New structures- orc settlements (villages)-watchtower and a few houses all in the settlement and a blacksmith also in the settlement

    Orcs Variants: (Can trade with orcs using amethyst)

    The guard: a type of orc that can spawn with a spear and some armor also has a chance to spawn with a bow if it spawns in a watchtower (will be a part of the settlement) it can not be traded with

    Blacksmith: can be traded/barded with, it can sell/buy the new weapons (spears hammers and battle axes) that's how you get them otherwise they are non craft-able

    Hunter: can be traded/barded with, this one will sell/buy pelts (bear, deer, wolf, fox) and animal heads (bear, deer, wolf, fox, and pig)

    Trading/ bartering: Since they added bartering with the piglins I think this is how they can make it more refined with the orcs (this idea does not apply to piglins). You would right click an orc with amethyst then it would make 1 grunt sound meaning it wants more so you would give him another then it would make 2 grunt sounds meaning it's ready to make a deal (you can give it more to get better stuff later on) so then it would cycle threw the items it has to trade with, then you would right click it again to pick the item it is holding so it will throw it to you. They barter like this with strangers so you would be able to properly trade with them once they trust you. The way you can tell they trust you is similar to the villager badges. They start out at level one with one pelt around their waist you barter with them to get to level two then they would have a pelt around their waist and a new pelt over one shoulder it is not until level three where they would have pelts over both shoulders and one around their waist that they trust you and will now trade with you (with a UI).

    Amethyst: The new ore that you would use to trade with orcs. It would be more common than diamond but less common than iron and gold.

    Pelts and animal heads: The charged creeper thing would not affect the animals that would only work for the mob heads that we have now. The way you would get animal heads and pelts is trading/bartering with the orcs or killing the mobs with a battle axe (has a small chance to drop). The animals you can get pelts from are bears (black and brown), deer, wolfs, and foxes. The animals you can get the heads from are bears(black and brown), deer, wolfs, foxes, pigs, and hoglins (you can sell hoglin heads for a lot of amethyst with the orcs because they have never seen them before). Also pelts can be placed on the ground like a bed and if they are big enough like the bear and deer ones you can sleep on them but it would not reset your spawn-point it will only skip the night.

    Orc settlements: They can spawn in Tyga, redwood forest, and spruce forest because that's where the animals that they like to hunt spawn (bears and deer and other). The settlement would spawn with a barrier of spiked barriers like the ones in Minecraft dungeons and the guards would be out front you would have to pay at least one of them with amethyst (one amethyst should be enough) to get in. The orcs would live in houses and sleep on pelts and what would register a place as an orc settlement is spiked barriers orcs and placed pelts. If you break their pelts or their barriers they will try to kill you and if you hit them they will try to kill you so don't mess with them.

    Also as an idea maybe the orcs and the illagers don't get along. This doesn't mean they like villagers either but they have enough to deal with so the orcs won't do anything to them because they are peaceful (and to an orc that's boring).

    But all of this is a suggestion I just think that it would make a very good addition to the game. Especially pelts how cool would it be to have a mobile bed that doesn't reset your spawn.

    submitted by /u/PresidentCabbage
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