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    Minecraft [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For March 2020! This Month's Theme is "User Interfaces"!

    Minecraft [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For March 2020! This Month's Theme is "User Interfaces"!

    [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For March 2020! This Month's Theme is "User Interfaces"!

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Your monthly reminder that yes, there are suggestions that do get over 100 upvotes from the Minecraft Community. Truly crazy, innit?

    In this post are showcased all the suggestions for the past month that have achieved an upvote notoriety beyond 100, as well as the 10 closest stragglers that were just shy of making the choice 3-digit beauty mark.

    Heeeello Internet, welcome to Game Theory your monthly TMS report! A little bit fashionably late, but at least it's not the middle of the month this time.

    I've got a BIG announcement for you all...


    This is one of the coolest milestones we could've reached, because it shows that despite all the struggles this subreddit has gone through, we've overcome our obstacles and have emerged victorious. We're bigger and better than ever, and the ideas have gotten a lot better in quality.

    The MCS staff team is so proud of all of you guys, and we are very happy to be a part of this fantastic community. It's because of all of YOU that we are now at this remarkable number of subscribers, and we couldn't be more thankful. You guys are the best! :D

    Before we begin, I want to bring to everyone's attention something very important. Everyone who isn't living under a rock has heard about the COVID-19 situation already, so I won't bother explaining that.

    However, it is still imperative that you follow these rules in your daily lives until the pandemic is over:

    1. Wash your hands.

    2. Don't touch your face (it's hard not to, but it's healthier).

    3. Stay in your house unless it's an emergency or unless you need to go shopping, and even then, limit yourself to only one shopping day a week if you can.

    4. Keep a distance of at least 2 meters from other people (social distancing).

    5. Finally, never despair; all bad things come to an end someday. Hang in there and keep smiling! A smile is much more healthy than a frown, it's a proven scientific fact. :)

    I know you've heard all this before, but I think it's about time we started saying them too. We can beat back this thing, but we all need to stay safe, stay healthy, and be wise.

    Anyway, enough depressing stuff, let's focus now on the good parts.

    SO, without further ado, let's take a look at March, shall we? We have 98 suggestions that broke the 100+ mark. Not bad at all! 11 of those made it past 200+ upvotes (Super Luminous!), 6 reaching 300+ (Enlightened!), 2 reaching 400+ (Ascended!), 3 reaching 500+ (Legendary!), 5 reaching 600+ (Mythic!), 8 reaching 700+ (Godlike!), 8 reaching 800+ (Omnipotent!), 11 reaching beyond our normal naming conventions, with 5 reaching 900+, 3 reaching 1000+, 1 reaching 1100+, 1 reaching 1200+, and 1 reaching 1300+.

    Special congratulations go to /u/Internal_Recording for being MVP for the month of March thanks to their 1300+ post. Great work! :D

    And here's a look into what types of suggestions made it onto this list:

    • Mobs: 20
    • General: 4
    • Blocks & Items: 25
    • Plants & Food: 4
    • Terrain: 9
    • Structures: 8
    • Gameplay: 3
    • AI Behavior: 5
    • Advancement: 2
    • Weather: 0
    • Sounds: 3
    • Redstone: 1
    • Dimensions: 2
    • Bedrock Edition: 0
    • Java Edition: 0
    • Magic: 5
    • Combat: 2
    • User Interface: 2
    • Command: 1
    • Controls: 1
    • Achievement: 1

    Blocks and Items won out over all the others this time! Builders, represent! The latest snapshot has also added a ton of new blocks, so check that one out if you're interested. ;)

    THEME: User Interfaces

    This month's theme is...User Interfaces! The inventory, GUIs, and user interfaces haven't changed a lot over the years. Sure, there's been the addition of the recipe book and the off-hand, but otherwise, things have mostly remained the same. What sort of tweaks, QOL changes, or new additions would you like to see? Have fun brainstorming!



    Ahem, I already said that of course, but it's such a great milestone, that I felt the need to say it again. :)

    Anyway, we also have another new moderator! You've probably seen him around a few times, but please welcome /u/Pau_Fabregas to the team!

    Also, we've updated our implemented suggestions catalog with some new ideas that got implemented (including blue campfires, one of the most highly-requested features for the Nether Update). Check 'em out!

    We're also currently doing some work on our Discord server (some reorganizing of channels, mostly) if you're interested in joining us. We have lots of great brainstormers over there, and we're a very friendly bunch, so come and join us if you feel like doing some live chatting!

    And finally, here's your monthly reminder to please read the FPS list before making an idea, just to be sure your idea isn't already on there.

    Carry on, suggesters!

    Feedback Posts

    In this section, we are putting links to any major feedback posts that we've put up regarding key features in the upcoming 1.16 Nether Update. Because development won't last forever, this section of the TMS is, for the most part, temporary, until the next update starts to roll out. But for now, here are our current major feedback posts for 1.16:

    1. Netherite Feedback

    2. Piglin/Hoglin Feedback

    3. Strider Feedback and Changes

    <>If there was a suggestion that was missed, please let us know below. Despite our best efforts, we haven't yet reached infallible perfection just yet (we're still trying, impossible as it might be), so some mistakes are still within the realm of possibility.<>

    Honorable 10 Suggestions:

    <> All Monthly Suggestion Posts are cataloged on the subreddit's TMS Catalog Wikipage.<>

    Note: The comments are not for posing ideas unless they pertain to the feedback theme. If an idea crops up in a discussion, then that's fine, but for posting a suggestion for the community and the developers, that is what the "submit" button at the top right is for.

    Also also, you can see some suggestions that have actually been implemented on the Successful Suggestions Wikipage! Maybe one of these will make it on there someday! If you have a suggestion that actually has been implemented in some form or another, please let us know so that we can update the list. Thanks!

    Until next time folks, have a fantastic day/night, and take care! :D

    submitted by /u/GreasyTroll4
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    Add gold bars

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 04:36 AM PDT

    As I said in my r/Minecraft post (that got removed for some reason), I was using iron bars while decorating my base, and I thought, why isn't there gold bars.

    And seeing the importance that gold will have in the next update, I mean, there is even an nether gold ore, this could be a good oportunity of make them in-game.

    They could be used as decoration in Piglins structures (if there will be) as well since they are gold-related.

    Here is my take: Image

    submitted by /u/yiyoek
    [link] [comments]

    Soul Campfires should emit smoke particles with little sad faces on them, resembling the souls on the Soul Sand texture, instead of regular smoke

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    This could be a new way for players to create a spooky atmosphere.

    (Also, I'm not sure I put this in the right category)

    submitted by /u/_Alessandro
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    Make Tridents the reward for ocean temples

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    Currently, the ocean temples feel a little empty, with the only reward being some gold and sponges, and on java edition tridents are a rare weapon, but really are not fun to get, who likes grinding drowned. Making tridents obtainable after killing the 3 elder guardians would add a sort of quest to the game, similar to the way you get elytra. Creating or changing structures to have more extrinsic rewards would be a great addition.

    submitted by /u/Snowbates05
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    Make it so that gravel only naturally generates in the new Basalt Deltas biome.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    When I go into the nether wastes, I expect to see a lot of hot, burning/charred blocks and lava. However, when I see this, I just can't help but think:

    Why is this even here?

    Fortunately, in the new 20w15a snapshot, a new biome called the basalt delta was added to the nether, and what can I say about how gravel looks in this biome besides Wow, now that actually fits in the nether!

    Because gravel is important for making flint, which is essential to making flint and steel for escaping the nether, I believe this option would be much better than the alternative of removing gravel from the nether altogether (a sentiment I had up until now). I hope this idea is considered as it will definitely improve the aesthetic of the nether if it were added. Thanks!

    Vote for this idea suggested on the feedback site!

    submitted by /u/-C4-
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    Forged in Fire!

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    This achievement is rewarded when the player drops any Netherite Tool/Weapon/Armor in Lava/Fire.

    It should not be a hidden achievement as its purpose is to inform a player that Netherite gear won't be destroyed in Fire/Lava.

    submitted by /u/Toni303
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    Ability to put armor on while using a Crafting Table

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    The Crafting Table interface (and possibly Anvils, Smithing Tables, Grindstones, etc) should include armor and shield slots on the side, as shown here. This way, one could directly put on newly crafted armor while using a Crafting Table. This would be especially good if you have too many things in your inventory. Shift-clicking on the armor (in the big crafting slot) would put it on immediately (unless you have something on already, obviously).

    submitted by /u/gameo7
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    Regarding the new basalt delta biome, it would be cool if there is some kind of ash layer covering atop of blocks just like in those snowy biomes

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    Cool little detail to add to this breathtaking biome

    submitted by /u/YolosoloMC
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    Blackstone Gold Ore should instead be iron ore that drops iron nuggets.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    One of Mojang's purposes for the Strider mob was that it explained how Piglins got string for their crossbows. How about we expand on that and explain how they get iron for their crossbows, or how they're able to give you iron nuggets from Bartering? A possible explanation could be that they travel to the new dangerous Delta biome and mine Blackstone iron ore. Similar to Nether Gold Ore, it would drop iron nuggets. This means you'll be able to progress and live in the Nether like the Overworld. And it wouldn't be OP because it'll only drop small amounts of iron.

    submitted by /u/Captainfour4
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    Smaller slimes will follow bigger slimes

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Kinda like how baby mobs follow their parents. This will only happen if they don't see the player. If contact is made they'll immediately swarm the player like usual. Maybe the sizes go in order of line?

    submitted by /u/queefextraordinare
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    New Nether Biome: The Hedge

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    The Hedge would be filled with a new type of tree, made of black wood, but without foliage, like it is dead or burned, with faces on it just like Soul Sand, and with new spikes that inflict the Wither effect. The biome would be absolutely covered with these trees and spikes, with would be big and imposing, giving a claustrophobic ambience.

    It would be intended to convey the message that this biome is dead and/or corrupted. Wither Skeletons could also spawn here.

    submitted by /u/Fofotron_Antoris
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    Soul Campfires and Soulfire Torches should look like they are made from charred wood

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Currently soulfire torches and soul campfires just look like their regular counterparts but with blue flames, making their wood look like charred wood (without changing the crafting recipe) would help them differentiate and could also make for some nice decoration.

    It would also fit nicely with most of the new Nether items' palettes.

    submitted by /u/Nimporian
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    With the inclusion of the Basalt Delta, how about a new mob to go with it?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    I was thinking of a Soot Cube, similar to Magma cubes and slimes that when slain they split up. However when they attack, you get blinded for a short duration (the smallest cubes cannot do this!). Makes sense because of the soot and ash found floating around the biome. When the last of the Soot Cubes are slain, they drop Gunpowder, and have a chance at dropping charcoal.

    Vote for it here: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360060954631-Ash-Cubes

    submitted by /u/MemeStudyEr
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    Magma cubes should have some knockback resistance, and armor should be reduced while jumping

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Magma cubes should have some amount of knockback resistance depending on their size. Small cubes could have no resistance, while large cubes could have around 50%, similar to the armor that they currently have. The new Basalt Deltas have lots of cliffs and ledges, and this would prevent you from being able to knock them off of one of these as easily.

    In addition, it might be interesting if Magma Cubes had reduced amount of armor while jumping, since their inner cores get exposed as the layers separate. This would mainly have an effect on large cubes, which spend more time in the air.

    submitted by /u/SonicwaveMC
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    Soul fire

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Minecraft now has soul fire, soul fire torches, soul fire lanterns, and now soul fire campfires. But they forgot about one thing! Soul fire Jack o Lanterns!

    submitted by /u/E_McPlant_C
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    Being able to access the off hand while crafting

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Self explanatory, it's a quality-of-life change I've been waiting for since 1.9 and it still hasn't been added. Cmon Mojang, you added pandas but can't do this simple thing?

    submitted by /u/OttoismyMotto
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    With Blackstone, Nether Fortresses could do with some more texture.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    Right now, Nether Fortresses look kind of bland, but I don't think so in the form of structure. I think so in the form of texture. Nether Fortresses are built exclusively of Nether Brick, which at the time made sense because it was the only available version of brick in the nether. But with the introduction of Blackstone and Blackstone Bricks, I think the Fortresses could do with a slight touchup on Texture if Mojang has no plans to change it drastically in this update. No new rooms have to be added if Mojang doesn't want to, it just needs some more block variety in my opinion. Even if it's a small addition, it would add slightly more variation to the Fortresses. All the other fortresses in the game are made of varying block palettes, so why not?

    This Album includes two small room changes to describe what I mean. https://imgur.com/a/FBd85J9

    submitted by /u/JJFreshMemes
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    Soul campfire should cook food 2x faster

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    In the newest snapshot, (snapshot 20w15a) there are new soul campfires. Since regular soul fire deals pretty much 2x damage when you step in it (compared to regular fire), it should probably cook food 2x faster. If that's a little OP, then maybe somewhere around 1.5x and 2x .

    submitted by /u/aRedditlover
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    Place a block of Wool beneath a Campfire to change the Smoke's Color.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    This would be useful for identifying different locations before you gain access to Beacons and Lodestones.

    As a drawback, you cannot stack Wool and Haybales, so the colored Smoke will be visible from a smaller distance.

    submitted by /u/pamafa3
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    Tweaks to Quartz Brick

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    With new snapshot we got a new quartz block variant- quartz bricks. I'm genuinely happy we got this block, though it could use some extra stuff. 1. The dividing lines should be more visible. At the current point you barely need to get away from the block for them to blend in. 2. Slabs, stairs, maybe even walls would be an excellent addition to an already excellent block

    submitted by /u/BrightBoi128
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    Nether Fortresses should incorporate the new cracked nether brick variant.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    Why not? Nether fortresses are abandoned structures so it would make sense to have bits of cracked bricks here and there to give it a nice feel.

    submitted by /u/Everedeck
    [link] [comments]

    Possible new mobs for the Basalt Delta

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    Given the unique atmosphere of the Basalt Delta I want to suggest two mobs that can add to this dark environment

    The Ashen- This mob is a blaze variet, but due to the freezing ash it has been molded into something familiar, but unrecognizable.

    It's rods and head have been fused together with basalt giving it an awkward shape. Unlike it's Infernal cousin this blaze if afraid of the player and will flee when nearby. It can also fire an Ash breath that deals a bit of damage and can inflict blindness to help it escape.

    Shrill Ghast- A ghast that because of this biom has grayed and shrunken to a much smaller size. This ghast can no longer shoot fireballs, but instead has a petrifying sight.

    It will hunt down the player and if in sight will deal constant damage. It can sometimes charge and unleash a sight that can petrify the player for a moment. During this time it will maintain a close distance always staring face first just out of sword range.

    submitted by /u/Low-Ladder
    [link] [comments]

    Hot Streak

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Advancement: Take a ride through lava on a strider

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_CARTOON_PICS
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    Fair Trade and Nether been Here Before

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Fair Trade: Going up to a Piglin and Bartering with them, giving gold in exchange for a random item could earn you this achievement

    Nether Been here Before: Visiting every new Nether Biome could earn you this achievement.

    submitted by /u/hmru
    [link] [comments]

    Corn crops, that give a lot of hunger but low saturation.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Corn can be found in villages inside plains biomes.

    In real life, corn is often used as a cheap form of sweetener, corn syrup is indeed made with corn, for example. So corn can be crafted into sugar as well, 2 corn makes 1 sugar.

    It would be 2 blocks tall when fully grown, and can only be harvested with shears. This is because the corn can only be eaten when peeled, and though you can do it by hand in real life, I think shears make it interesting.

    Corn can be eaten raw, and it restores 2 hunger bars but offers no saturation, as sweet foods tend to give a lot of energy but it ends abruptly.

    When cooked you can't eat it yet, but adding a bucket of milk (closest thing to butter) will make it edible for 3.5 hunger and medium duration of saturation. I think this is balanced, since it also costs 3 iron from the bucket. Cooked beef will still offer more saturation than cooked corn.

    If you don't know what saturation is (not that I'd blame you, I didn't for a while either), it's like regeneration for your hunger bar. The more saturation you have, the longer you stay full.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
    [link] [comments]

    Overworld Invasion

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Hear me out, you can wear gold armour and live in harmony with the Piglins........or you could go against them.

    Upon raiding a Piglin Bastion (when they are added) the player would get a status effect called "Nether's Wrath". This effect would trigger an event called "Overworld Invasion" once the player came close to their spawn point in the Overworld. Much like a Pillager Raid, this event would have a boss bar at the top of the screen but unlike a raid, this event won't come in waves but rather an all out attack by the Piglins.

    Once the event start, an explosion will occur on a somewhat flat surface and it would spawn a Nether Portal and various armed Piglins will start coming through it. The Invasion mobs that would count towards the health bar are:

    • Armoured Piglins (mainly equipped with swords)
    • Mounted Piglins (mainly equipped with crossbows)

    Mounted Piglins would ride Hoglins and Ghasts into battle. If the Ghasts haven't fired a fire ball in a while, the Piglins will command it to fire one in a random direction forcing the player to participate in the battle to avoid any unnecessary damage to the area. Every Piglins during the Invasion are armed with potions such as (Regeneration, Strength and Speed). To retain its unzombiefied form, the Piglins must have a regeneration buff activate at all time before they turned into a Zombie. If they failed and got turn into zombies, they will remain hostile towards the player but they will lost the ability to use potions. If the player managed to defend against the Invasion, they will get the advancement called "Nether Overlord" and an effect call "Overlord". The effect will be explained in the comment.

    submitted by /u/InferiorBlitz
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