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    Minecraft Meet the Scorpion the desert variant of the Spider!

    Minecraft Meet the Scorpion the desert variant of the Spider!

    Meet the Scorpion the desert variant of the Spider!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    I really like the edition of the Husk. A desert variation of the normal zombie all with different attributes. So why not the spider? Introducing the Scorpion! The scorpion is a desert mob that spawns in the desert at night. A formidable opponent for all that wander the desert.

    Scorpions have less HP than a regular spider but does more damage. Scorpions are also smaller in size to spiders but bigger than cave spiders. This mob does damage by its quick animated stinger. Once the player is hit by the scorpion a nausea debuff is given. This works much like how the husk gives its hunger debuff.

    There's also some behavioral differences with scorpions and spiders. For one scorpions are always agro to the player but within their short range. This range consist of a four block radius.

    Once killed scorpions drop 'Scorpion eyes' they're very similar to spider eyes and can entail into different ways of brewing.


    Scorpions have 14hp (x7) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (less than Spiders)


    Scorpion: https://imgur.com/a/Dl80qrP

    Scorpion w/ spider: https://imgur.com/a/zFb1QzQ

    Scorpion w/ husk: https://imgur.com/a/hhcKvix

    Model came from Minecraft LOTR wiki

    EDIT: The model is a similar representation of the mobs appearance

    submitted by /u/queefextraordinare
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    Bring back the multi-layered aspect back to the zombified piglin

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    Whatever your opinion of the old zombie pigman texture is, one advantage it did have was that the skull and the flesh were on different layers. For some reason, this was not carried over to the zombified piglin or the zoglin. I think that it would improve the looks of both of these mobs to have the flesh and the skeleton on different layers.

    Now, im not talking about bringing back the zombie pigman in any way.

    submitted by /u/Buttered_TEA
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    husks should have a chance to drop paper

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    since husks are basically mummies, and the drowned has some unique drops, I feel as if they should have a chance to drop paper 1 out of 15 times.

    submitted by /u/nicknamenderman68
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    Grindstones should be able to reset lodestone compasses to point back to Overworld world spawn

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    Basically it would remove the "enchant" of compasses that lead to lodestones

    submitted by /u/Ozoneraxi
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    Abandoned Campsites

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    Abandoned Campsites are small structures that can be found in forests. They are made up of four benches made of logs (of whatever tree type is near, eg: spruce for a taiga biome) As well as 1-2 Lanterns and a put-out fireplace in the centre. I got this idea from a video Mojang posted about a year ago now about the wandering trader. And it shows the trader and his Llama at a campsite. So I rebuilt the structure as best as I could in-game. which you can see here.

    I think these would be neat little additions as, as far as I'm aware forests don't have any structures that are unique to them and don't appear in other types of biomes. I believe this would be a very simple addition that could add a lot to the feel of the game and make the wandering traders feel more alive. Let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/Napstascott
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    Make Composters accept Rotten Flesh as compost

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    It makes sense that a block that is about organic materials composting would allow already composting flesh, plus it could give another purpose to rotten flesh aside from trading and eating

    submitted by /u/starfrd
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    Illagers should be able to do ... some actual pillaging

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    1) Pillagers, Evokers, Vindicators and Witches should have an ability of opening chests/barrels and taking from them, say, up to 4 stacks of most valuable items(this means, for example, that Illager would take from a chest torches rather than sticks).

    2)Vindicators, in addition, should have an ability to break and pick up wood-based blocks and should use it on any block that can be used as Villager job site (cartography tables, barrels e.t.c.)

    Items stolen by an Illager then can be retrieved by killing this Illager and picking them up as drops.

    submitted by /u/Arventur1996
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    Smelting Iron/Gold/Netherite tools and armor in a Blast Furnace should yield 1 iron/gold/netherite ingot each.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    Basically, it would be a way of reclaiming and repurposing iron, gold, and netherite that's been used before. It wouldn't be very efficient, as you'd only get 1 ingot back from each item, but it would be a nice way to recycle some old iron armor once you have diamond stuff or weapons/armor you'll never use because you got them from mob drops.

    Maybe also anything made from pure iron/gold/netherite, like weighted pressure plates, iron doors and trap doors, buckets, cauldrons, hoppers, iron bars, minecarts, rails, or shears. Anvils would yield 1 iron block when smelted (you'd lose most of the iron but reclaim a good amount of it)

    Either this system, or a recycling function where blast furnaces give you one iron/gold/netherite nugget for each ingot that went into crafting an item. Similarly, for Anvils you'd get 31 iron nuggets (27 from the iron blocks, 4 from the iron ingots).

    In the latter idea, you'd be getting one ninth of your investment back, which might be a more balanced system.

    submitted by /u/4DimensionalToilet
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    Increase the likelihood of music to play when fishing.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    Fishing is meant to be a soothing activity. It would be a nice touch if one of C418's masterpieces played more often whenever you were casting a rod into open water.

    submitted by /u/kaladinner
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    Illager Horn

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    Isn't it wierd that when a raid starts you hear a horn being blown? The Illager Horn should be a rare drop from Ravagers or Raid Captains. When clicked on it produces a similar horn sound that is slightly higher pitched to indicate it has been usen be a player. If combined with a potion, the horn will look like it is filled with that respective potion. The horn will affect entities within a small radius with a short dose of the respective potion effect. Once blown, the horn will need to be refilled. This is similar to ringing a bell and having raid mobs near by get the glowing effect.

    If it is used when you are on a team via command blocks it will affect your team only.

    Another possible option for filling up the horn would be to allow cauldrons to hold potions in them. The horn could be dunked (right clicked) into the cauldron and filled up.

    submitted by /u/Hufflestuff33
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    Golden fungi?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    This is pretty self explanatory. I think the nether needs something similar to golden apples because both dimensions have plants and both dimensions have gold. It would only make sense if golden fungi existed since mojang is trying to make the nether more habitable. Maybe even a golden chorus fruit would be a nice addition.

    submitted by /u/metalmint
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    Quiet fishing

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Fishing is supposed to be relaxing. Now every time we cast the line into the water there's an almighty splash. Nice to have an subtle splash when the fish bites and the bobber dips below the surface but currently the sound effects are overkill and just plain annoying.

    submitted by /u/qodnfnwih
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    If you craft TNT with shears, you create a shortened TNT which exposes instantly when it is ignite (by redstone or flint and steel).

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    Shears are not consumed during the craft (or maybe -1 durability/craft).

    submitted by /u/Venatorem
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    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    since we are improving the nether i think that there should be some kind of a crazy scary mob which lives in the lava oceans. so why not lava giants? they will be big enough so only the top part of their body will be visible. and if provoked they should throw actual fire at the player.

    submitted by /u/Only1Way
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    Tamed cats can attack

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Of course, cats shouldn't be the next wolf, they should still not be able to attack aggressive or large mobs like zombies, skeletons, and others.

    They way this would work is that if you attack small entities like a chicken, a rabbit, or even silverfish, the cat will attack them too.

    This is a really short post but that's because it's a really small feature that maybe wouldn't be that useful in the long run but it would definitely make sense. Just because this feature is seemingly useless, that doesn't mean it shouldn't be implemented.

    submitted by /u/Bluemycool320
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    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 04:05 AM PDT

    Remember the fun that could be had with old boats? We could build water coasters and boat elevators, we could launch off cliffs over waterfalls just for the fun of it. Yes they were flimsy... But they were so much fun.

    I propose to keep the new boats but introduce rafts! The rafts would be made simply from logs and string and have no paddles.

    The raft would have the same mechanics as old boats. If readers are too young to remember the old style boats were less secure, would break more easily and were faster. You could turn your head 360 degrees whilst the boat was moving. The old boats had drift which gave the feeling of reacting to the flow of the water. And of course these rafts would be perfect for water parks builds.

    Someone developed a mod for rafts but I'm not sure if it incorporates the old boat mechanics. However I have provided an image of this to show how I would imagine the appearance of the raft.


    submitted by /u/qodnfnwih
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    Unique Biomes (World Generation Overhaul)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    World generation is not varied enough to make your map feel unique and exciting to explore. Each forest you discover feels exactly like the last forest you discovered, and for a game with a big emphasis on exploration, that's not good.

    What I propose is an overhaul of Minecraft's world generation. This update would change how biomes generate, and introduce dozens of variations to pre-existing animals, trees, monsters, etc. to make each biome completely unique.

    Biomes would generate based on a 9x9 pattern (see below), which would depend on proximity to oceans and mountain ranges. The flora and fauna that spawn would vary on which category it falls under (I.E. cactus would only generate in dry and hot biomes).

    Cold Temperate Hot

    Each biome would also have one of several different terrain types, with land generating to have either gradually sloping dune-like hills, rough and varied hills, smooth and flat terrain, etc. Species of plants and mobs would then be randomly chosen to spawn within said biomes.

    One biome might have gradually sloping hills covered in thick forests of silver birch trees, English oak trees, and blue spruce trees, with pink pigs, brown chickens, and black jumping spiders. Another might have rough and varied hills consisting entirely of white spruce trees, with brown pigs, white chickens, and gray poisonous spiders.

    With the amount of variation introduced in pre-existing mobs and plants, combined with the new world generation, exploration would feel fresh and exciting!

    submitted by /u/Daddy_Gibby
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    Releasing a crossbow with a firework in it at the ground near you launches the player into the air

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Sort of like a rocket jump. The explosion goes off and knocks people away, but you're on top of it, meaning you'd go up.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Campfire should be placed unlit

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    If you place a campfire it shouldn't be pre-lit but you should have to light it. This would make building with extinguished campfires way easier and would be more realistic.

    submitted by /u/IdlSaltyPopcorn
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    Since deserts are likely to get updated in the future, I'd like to share with you the direction I think this and other similar biomes (like tundras) should take, with a special focus on mobs.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    Encounters with mobs shouldn't be too common, to make sure these biomes still have a desolate and empty atmosphere. This should even extend to hostile mobs, but those will have a special catch.

    Biomes like deserts and tundras should be hard to explore, of course, but since adding overheating and freezing mechanics probably wouldn't be a good idea, we should instead up the difficulty by making the mobs more difficult, especially since you'll be encountering them less often now.

    Expect husks and strays to spawn in large caravans (hey, it all counts as a single encounter), and to have more health than they do now. Also expect new hostile mobs, like the scorpions that were suggested by u/queefextraordinare, to be introduced.

    There should also be weather events that cause certain hostile mobs to spawn, like a snowstorm that brings upon a horde of strays together with zombies wearing leather or iron armor and using iron weapons (Game of Thrones much?), or a sandstorm that allows hostile mobs to spawn in the middle of the day and reduces your field of view, thus making you more likely to run into them.

    submitted by /u/32624647
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    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    An enchantment for bows and crossbows. It has three levels. The enchantment increases the maximum range.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    You can wear the Ominous Banner on your head to "join" the illagers

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    If you have an Ominous Banner, you can put it on your head where it looks the same way as if a patrol captains was wearing it. While wearing the banner, villagers will run from you, iron golems and snow golems will attack you, and all illagers are peaceful to you. However, illagers attack you again if you break a block in the Woodland Mansion or Pillager Outpost, ring a village bell, attack an illager, make an iron or snow golem, or open a chest in a Woodland Mansion or Pillager Outpost. When walking around, you will slowly gain a patrol group when you walk around illagers. Every illager is stationed to a patrol group. Illagers not already following a captain will start walking behind you. Your group can be any amount from 0-6 illagers following you. Your group will attack any mob you attack and will also naturally kill villagers and iron golems. When a member of your patrol group kills a villager, they will go back to you and give you an emerald that they got from the villager. The same applies to iron golems, however you get an iron ingot instead. If you break the illager rules above, your group turns on you the same way any illager turns on you if you break rules. While on the side of the illagers (While wearing the banner and haven't broken rules close to the Ravager), you can also ride a Ravager the same way you ride a horse or pig. If you have only just the banner, it acts like a horse without a saddle, however if you have visited a Mansion or Outpost with the banner on or have a posse with you, the Ravager will act like a saddled horse.

    You get the advancement "Villainous" for wearing the Ominous Banner, the advancement "Where's The Party?" for obtaining a full 6 illager posse, and the advancement "Fear Facer" for riding a Ravager and being able to control it.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Boilish: the Tropical Fish of the Nether

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    Boilish are... well, the Nether's equivalent of tropical fish. They'd come in just as many colors and shapes as tropical fish, but to make them a bit more noticeable in the lava sea, they'd be a bit bigger. Unlike tropical fish, they'd be neutral mobs, and also another source of food. As in, an actually valid source of food, unlike tropical fish, though it wouldn't be cookable. The drop would also be fireproof, not only because the mob swims in lava anyway, but to make it easier to acquire.

    There would be three ways to get boilish. One, simply grab a strider and go boiling(?). Two, batter with a piglin and hope you get some juicy boilish. Three, don't actually go anywhere near any mobs, and instead just go.... boiling. I still don't know if that sounds right. Obviously, you wouldn't use a regular fishing rod... or a rod in general.

    Using basalt, you'd be able to create a "Lava Bait". It looks like a slab, but works kind of like a composter. You're able to fill it up with certain materials found in the Nether, such as rotten flesh, string, blaze powder, etc. Place it in the lava ocean, and over time, you'll see particles show up to nab a bite, like when you're fishing. Right click on the block in time, and you'll get your reward. As an added bonus, if you put in a traditional food item like bread, it'll actually work... and have a chance of spawning a purely hostile boilish that tries to attack you, who is noticeably poisoned. I think it'd be a funny touch.


    submitted by /u/Realshow
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