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    Minecraft Piglins are fooled by yellow leather... temporarily

    Minecraft Piglins are fooled by yellow leather... temporarily

    Piglins are fooled by yellow leather... temporarily

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    If the player wears yellow dyed leather armour, Piglins will not attack them. However, bartering with a Piglin or coming too close to a Piglin (6 blocks) will cause it to realize you're not actually wearing gold and immediately start attacking you.

    Feedback site link: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360060912171-Wearing-yellow-dyed-leather-armor-fools-Piglins-but-only-temporarily

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    If a mob head is on soul sand, it can produce the mob's sounds.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    The creeper head would make a hissing sound if you walk close to it.

    It would be a nice feature for messing with friends or making sound effects in adventure maps.

    submitted by /u/MyScondAccount
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    Composters shouldn't generate on top of the farms, instead they should generate next to them

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    With the composters on top of the farms, the villagers end up standing on top of the composters, falling off, and trampling there farmland. I think I will take an issue with farmers trampling their own farms because the farms are designed that way. Please, generate the composters next to the farms instead of on top so this problem wouldn't happen? If next to them is ugly then somewhere else. Literally anywhere other than on top! Anywhere is better than on top!

    submitted by /u/Asadefa
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    More Music in the Nether!

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    Since the Nether update is coming around soon, I think it would be an excellent addition for there to be more exclusive Nether music! Maybe there could be a somber track for the Soul Sand Valleys, and a more hopeful track in the Netherwart Forests. I think it would be fitting since the Nether is becoming much more alive.

    submitted by /u/Dicemuan
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    Villagers know about houses

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Sounds weird, but basically villagers used to keep track in their data of where each house and door was. Now since 1.14, they no longer keep track of where each door is and they keep track of where their bed and their job block is, however for some reason they also no longer keep track of houses. This means they read nothing more than just a bed and job block floating above the ground and essentially cannot see the house. This leads to them getting killed easily as they attempt to walk into walls to get to their bed. I suggest we re-add their concept of houses to help prevent villagers dying.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Fix that rabbits are constantly hurting themselves by fall damage.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    They jump over 4 block high edges, resulting in hurting themselves.

    submitted by /u/drmeds_
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    Birds of prey

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    I think hawks, falcons and eagles would be a nice addition to Minecraft. They would attack chickens and parrots. It would be cool to see soaring hawks high above the ground. Eagles would be larger than hawks and falcons. There would be bald eagles and gold. Falcons would be fast birds that dive at high speed in the air to catch the prey. They can be tamed with meat. They will defend the player from everything except creppers. They are neutral so if the player attacks a raptor this one will become aggressive. You can also find a hawk, eagle or falcon nest. However, if the player approaches or will attack the chicks will be attacked. After death they drop 2-3 feathers and 4 XP

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Neonek675
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    Minecarts should preserve their momentum when tracks end in the air.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 10:58 PM PDT

    Right now, if a track a minecart is on ends and the next block under it is air, it just drops like a stone. I think it'd be cool if minecarts could keep their momentum and we could construct things like jumps in the air between tracks

    submitted by /u/ciras
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    Tweaks to mob AI and a new option: "Advanced Monster AI"

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    Minecraft has become an amazing game with the addition of the new mobs, foxes, bees, piglins, and hoglins, that feel "alive" in the game. However, many of the other mobs don't feel so "alive" and so I propose a few tweaks to passive mob AI and a new option, "Advanced Monster AI", that would make monsters more dangerous but feel more "alive". Here are my suggestions (I also borrowed some ideas from others, I don't have the links)

    Passive Mobs:

    Farm animals (chickens, cows, pigs, sheep) as well as llamas: Usually stick together in herds of 3-6, protecting their young, and at night lay down under a tree or some shade to "sleep"

    Horses, mules, and donkeys: Kick backwards when they feel threatened, though not all the time. Their damage is dependent on their strength attribute, with stronger animals dealing more damage

    Fish: Swim in cohesive schools, occasionally "feeding" on sea grass/ sea plants

    Squid: Beaching doesn't instantly kill them, and they can occasionally attack fish

    Rabbit: Nibble on grass rarely, and they can be hunted by untamed wolves and foxes

    Bats: At the very least, make them drop something.

    Wolves: Move and hunt sheep in packs of 3-7, howl at night.

    Polar bears: Can be found "fishing" near bodies of water and can be seen holding said fish in their mouths.

    Advanced Monster AI (option in pregame settings): (just my ideas, so let me know your thoughts in the comments

    Enderman: Removes blocks it can move to get to its target, and also attempts to crouch to get to targets hiding under 2-block gaps (someone else suggested crawling endermen)

    Spiders & Cave Spiders: Instead of remaining right side up, even when climbing walls, they should have separate animations for changing orientation when on walls/ceilings. Also able to climb on ceilings (if they are made up of specific blocks)

    Blazes: Take cover when recharging and have some (though not full) control over their aim

    Creepers: If other monsters are nearby, and the creeper sees the player going into cover, it detonates to destroy that cover

    Witches: Splash helpful potions on monsters that it sees are attacking the player (or potions of harming if the monsters are undead)

    Skeletons & Strays: Add an animation while spawning to make it seem like they crawl out of the ground. This does not apply to mob spawners. Also, skeletons should keep at a range and retreat if a player gets too close to get a clearer shot, making them slightly harder to kill.

    Zombies, husks, zombie villagers, and Drowned: Like skeletons, add an animation of them crawling out of the ground while spawning (also does not apply to mob spawners). Zombies and variants also should inflict a special effect, similar to wither, but longer lasting, much less potent (but still deadly), and can't be removed with milk. Undead mobs that can burn (excluding phantoms) seek shelter in sunlight and do not come out unless a player is extremely close (2-4 blocks away)

    Vindicators: Add a small animation after an attack to make its attack less awkward (right now, it just pulls out its axe, runs at you, hits you hard, and just stands there with its arms crossed for two seconds before attacking again

    Pillagers: Move to cover when they reload.

    Slimes and Magma cubes: Immune to fall damage and their knockback is increased.

    Wither: Loses one of its heads after taking a set amount of damage (but the other two continue to fire). Also increases the rate of blue skulls and fully employs its multi-targeting abilities (i.e. if it senses a target is low on health, only one head fires at it, while the others concentrate on other targets). The abilities of the JE wither (regen) and the BE wither (wither skeletons) could also be combined, though this would have to be nerfed significantly to limit mob farming (maybe edit the loot tables so that wither skeletons spawned from withers would not drop skulls)

    Ender Dragon: "Searches" for the attacking player when the dragon is low on health, attacking more frequently as its health decreases.

    Let me know in the comments what you guys think

    submitted by /u/electrocuter666
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    Stained Sea Lanterns

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:24 AM PDT

    So I saw this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/fwixgq/this_is_why_we_need_colored_lights/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf And I got the idea of stained sea lanterns. They would be stained like just like glass. The black dye won't do anything, maybe dim the light.

    submitted by /u/Shcnit
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    Remove the straps on dyed leather armour

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    I know this'll be controversial and I understand some people won't like it. Downvote if you want to or don't appreciate this idea.

    On dyed leather armor, there are still browns straps across the top of the helmet, across the knees, and on the bottom of the boots. They are unnoticeable upon normal leather armour but on dyed they stand out bright as day and ruin the look. I say either we remove these straps OR make it so they change colour the same as the other armour bits.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Beacons prevent Phantom spawning within a certain radius

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    Phantoms are one of the most widely complained-about mobs, in my experience, and for good reason. Up until their addition, there was always a way to completely prevent mob spawns in a given area: such as torches for zombies/creepers/etc.

    However, with phantoms, there is currently no way whatsoever to permanently prevent spawns in a given area. It's as if torches burned out over time- it quickly becomes an annoyance.

    Beacons preventing spawns would both make thematic sense (as a giant pillar of light wouldn't really be something night mobs would want to be anywhere near) and fill this gap. Their difficulty of obtaining would also make sure people still used the original method of sleeping to prevent spawns, and it would also encourage the creation of outposts for long explorations, as carrying a beacon on you would be both immensely risky and not very effective.

    submitted by /u/elementgermanium
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    Allow stairs to behave as powered blocks on the solid side

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Pretty simple: it would be neat to be able to make "partially-powered" blocks using upside-down stairs that only transmit/receive power on their solid side. For example, a stair with powered dust on top could output power to a repeater connected to the solid side but not one connected to the "stair" side.

    Link to a screenshot of two examples: https://i.imgur.com/jqs9YKy.png

    submitted by /u/rustmonk
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    Make Hoglins with babies less aggressive and more territorial

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    So I was thinking about ways to make hoglins a little more interesting than "they attack on sight," and had the idea that hoglins within a certain number of blocks of a baby hoglins will stop being aggressive on sight, and only attack if the player gets within a certain range of them or the baby. This would add a bit more varied behavior to hoglins. Of course, they could still spawn without children and be aggressive on sight. Not sure how good of an idea this is, but I think it could be interesting.

    submitted by /u/ShadowGoat128134
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    Something for crossbows ( a new mechanic )

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    So here is an idea I had and I want more feedback on it. Many people want like a harpoon enchantment for the crossbow and i think I have something similar to it. ( I had to repost this so sorry for people who already saw this )

    - '''Chained arrows'''' They would be crafted with the new item 'chain' and the regular arrow. they can be stacked up to 16 and , it takes longer to load them into a crassbow.

    -You can shot someone and deal the damage of the normal arrow, and after that you can reel them in towards you by right clicking the crossbow OR you can shoot at a block and reel yourself in to that position by again clicking the right mouse button on that crossbow( if it is the air you will be hanging and after a while the chain will break and you will lose your chained arrow ) .

    -The chained arrow would only have the reach of 5-6 blocks in any direction. This action would take double the durabillity of the crossbow.


    chain would be crafted with iron and iron nuggets ( the chain on its own would function as a leash that cannot be broken, so if you 'chain' an enity and go to far the chain would just pull it back and wouldn't break )


    please share this post so I can see how many people would like to see this in game

    submitted by /u/Knezzo
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    Wrong tool type should increase digging speed a little bit

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    I know that you don't use a shovel on stone, or a pickaxe on wood, but there should be a slight boost from using wrong tools, but for still using tools at all. Dirt should be dug slightly faster with a pickaxe over bare hands, as a pickaxe is better than nothing, even if the optimal tool is a shovel, for example.

    submitted by /u/Asadefa
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    Temporary block

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    This block would be super cheap and be used for building. When placed, it would act like a normal solid block but it would disappear after a shot time.

    This would be useful for when you want to build overhangs and lust need something there for a minute to place your real block against.

    It would work like decaying leaves.

    Also could be good for traps.

    submitted by /u/ToughButtons
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    Netherite-coated shulker boxes(concept)

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    I recently had an idea that Mohjang/Microsoft/The devs may want to consider implimenting into the game: A fireproof shulker box. This shulker box could be crafted by surrounding a single shulker box(Regardless of color) with 8 netherite, giving the box a hard, fire-proof exterior. The reason I insist that the box require 8 Netherite Ingots is because netherite is meant to be an endgame material, and gaining a shulker box that can withstand fire and lava would prove to be an invaluable reward for an extremely skilled and dedicated player. It would also make it so that players would have to choose between the safety of items that netherite can't effect, and the armor and weapons that could be upgraded. However, if the player were to die in lava without any of their precious non-netherite coated items outside of the box, those would be incinerated immediately. And not to mention, while the Netherite coat WOULD stop the box and the items inside from burning, it still wouldn't prevent the box from despawning in the event that the player spends far too much time trying to locate and acquire the box. I'm honestly trying to make the idea as balanced and logical as I can so the developers do take the idea into consideration at the very least, but I feel as though it probably won't happen because it's "too over powered."

    However, I do have a few recommendations for how the box could be balanced if the idea of a fireproof shulker box is too overpowered:
    -Make it expensive: I already talked about this slightly, but coming by 8 netherite ingots is incredibly difficult. However, if the team would rather make it more expensive in order to make it a little less overpowered, then perhaps a better idea would be to first surround 2 shulker shells with 8 netherite ingots, producing Netherite-coated shells that could then be used to craft a netherite-coated shulker box.

    -Give it a lower carrying capacity: If the ability to carry a bunch of items without worrying that they'll burn is too generous, then perhaps giving the netherite-coated shulker box a smaller carrying capacity than the regular shulker box could be the way to go. Doing such would force players to pick and choose what items they want to keep safe.

    -Fireproof≠despawn proof: As I mentioned earlier, just because the box is fireproof, doesn't make it immune to despawning. This would punish players who think the netherite-coated shulker box means their items are invincible, and leave them lying around for too long.

    -A temporary coating: Perhaps a better solution would be an inexpensive temporary coating over the box. Each time the player drops the box into a fire, or lava, the box loses some of the coat, and then when the coat runs out, it returns to a normal shulker box.

    And final thing I'd like to mention is that when crafting the netherite-coated shulker box, the box itself would need to be empty. That is if this idea is considered and implemented, and goes with the idea of surrounding the Shulker box itself with netherite rather than the individual shells.

    Anyways, thank you for reading this article, and I hope that this idea is at the very least considered by the Minecraft team.


    submitted by /u/firebyte27
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    Red mushrooms can be brewed into a nausea potion

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    So you can make fermented spider eyes with brown mushrooms. But Idk what to do with red mushrooms other than mushroom stew. And the nausea potion can be turned into tipped nausea arrows for pvp.

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    Dispensing nametags

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    Like how dispensers can use shears, flint and steel, e.t.c, they should also be able to dispense a nametag on to a mob to name them. This would be useful for mob farms, adventure maps, e.t.c.

    Minecraft Feedback post: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360047656631-Dispensers-Can-Name-Entities

    submitted by /u/0Kelvins
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    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    It's an effect. It works the opposite of insomnia, and makes phantoms actively avoid you. It is only obtainable via beacons.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Sweeping Edge Resistance for Chainmail Armor

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:08 AM PDT

    Considering that chainmail armor is one of the less used armors, adding a sweeping edge resistance to the armor would be a good thing in my opinion.

    It would work like toughness or knockback resistance for diamond and netherite armor, but it will reduce or cancel the sweeping edge damage that the player recieves instead.

    Moreover, as zombies are likely to wear chainmail armors, and as they tend to fight in hordes, it will add some challenge for the player, forcing him to use the crossbow instead of the sword since the sweeping edge is reduced by their armors.

    It would be pretty realistic since chainmail is designed to resist to sweeping blades in real life.

    It would be really useful for massive combats in multiplayer, and add a new choice of armor, instead of wearing netherite armor as a default option.

    submitted by /u/Maserim
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    Treasure Rod

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    The Treasure Rod resembles a fishing rod with a red bobber, a gold ball near the reel, and a maroon bit at the end of the line. When used, it looks like a fishing rod, but the line goes underwater and all the way to the bottom of the water. When the gold bit at the reel starts visibly sparkling, reel it in for treasure. Different items are obtained from different water.


    Clay, dirt, seeds, sand, gravel, flint, seagrass, tall grass, ferns, stone, andesite, coarse dirt, sticks, leaves

    Ponds and lakes

    Dirt, seeds (more commonly than rivers), stone, andesite, tall grass (MCtR), ferns (MCtR), sticks, leaves

    Village Wells

    Cobblestone, dirt, coarse dirt, stone, emeralds (rarely)

    Farm Water (the lines of water in between tilled dirt at village farms)

    Dirt, seeds, carrots, potatoes, bonemeal, Beetroots, beetroot seeds, pumpkins (rarely), pumpkin seeds (uncommonly), melons (rarely), melon slices (rarely), melon seeds (uncommonly)

    Desert Wells

    Sand, sandstone, dead bushes, sticks, cactus


    Sand, dirt, coarse dirt, gravel, clay, stone


    Sand, dirt, gravel (more commonly than beaches), clay, stone, andesite, raw cod, raw salmon, pufferfish (rarely), tropical fish (rarely), seagrass, Prismarine (rarely)

    Kelp Forests

    Sand, dirt, gravel (more commonly than beaches), clay, stone, andesite, raw cod (more commonly than oceans), raw salmon (more commonly than oceans), pufferfish (rarely), tropical fish (rarely), kelp

    Coral Reefs

    Sand, dirt, gravel, clay, stone, andesite, granite, raw cod (uncommonly), raw salmon (uncommonly), pufferfish, tropical fish, any coral, any coral block, any fan coral, any dead coral, and dead coral block, any dead fan coral

    Frozen Oceans

    Sand, dirt, gravel, clay, stone, andesite, granite, ice, packed ice, snowballs, snow, snow blocks, coarse dirt


    Dirt, coarse dirt, clay, stone, andesite, granite, seagrass (more commonly than anywhere else), glowstone dust (uncommonly; only after the player has visited the Nether), blaze powder (uncommonly; only after the player has killed at least one blaze), glass bottles (uncommonly), water bottles (uncommonly), awkward potions (uncommonly), thick potions (uncommonly), mundane potions (uncommonly), sugar (uncommonly), spider eyes (uncommonly), fermented spider eyes (uncommonly), ghast tears (uncommonly; only after the player has killed at least one ghast)

    Witch Cauldrons (cauldrons found inside witch huts)

    Glass bottles, water bottles, nether wart, awkward potions, mundane potions, thick potions, sugar, glowstone dust (only after the player has visited the nether), blaze powder (only after the player has killed a blaze), spider eyes, fermented spider eyes, brown mushrooms, red mushrooms, ghast tears (only after the player has killed a ghast)

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Bigger dungeons

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    I always liked dungeons but they have always just been so small and weak compared to other structures, what i think should happen is that we have mega dungeons alongside normal dungeons, kind of like a stronghold but its just a dungeon with diffrent spawners and rooms full of ore and rare blocks. How you would find the mega dungeons (name wip) is you would go into normal dungeons and there would be a 5% chance in the chests to spawn a dungeons map, kinda like buried treasure map but under the x is just the huge dungeon, it would have 3 floors and each one is more dangerous than the last, the first one has spiders and zombies and the reward is iron and gold the second floor would have cave spiders and skeletons with a 10% chance for a spider jockey to spawn, the reward would be redstone and diamond. The final floor you arrive and there is no mobs and no enemies so you think "oh i beat it that's cool" but then as you walk around the last floor you come into a giant empty room, and when you walk in the hole in the wall from which you came in fills up and you can't mine through it but then a giant spider with a normal sized skeleton riding it will attack you, the spider has 450 health and the skeleton has normal skeleton health, the spider can shoot cave spiders at you and the skeleton can raise more skeletons to overwhelm you. When you beat the boss your reward will be revealed on a secret room that has 2 netherite blocks and a chest with normal dungeon loot (minus the dungeon map of course)

    TL;DR: big boi dungeon with cool stuff

    submitted by /u/demonkiller2123
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