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    Minecraft Pigs should have ears that match Piglin's ears

    Minecraft Pigs should have ears that match Piglin's ears

    Pigs should have ears that match Piglin's ears

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Currently in game, when a pig transforms into a zombified Piglin, they suddenly grow ears. While I don't think pigs not having ears is game breaking in any way, I think that it would keep some continuity of pig-based mobs having ears, now that the majority do.

    submitted by /u/Ghomaghity
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    You should be able to fix an anvil in an anvil with an anvil.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 01:23 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/ohlookmars
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    Pigs will look at you when you have gold ingots or gold equipment

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    When you hold gold up to a pig, they will look at the gold for a few seconds, then go back to normal. Small, but fun change. Adds a bit of lore to the game too

    submitted by /u/Jackalope5053
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    Enchantment of Inversion

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    Honestly, late game lots of players in my server don't wear their level-30 armor just because the aesthetic doesn't look good, causing them to go back in a spike and die as much as they did early-game.

    Sometimes, I want to wear all my armor except for a helmet for aesthetic choices as well.

    This behavior is way too out of hand, but armor just doesn't feel right aesthetically when you're just trying to show people around your town.

    My idea for this is Inversion, an Enchantment.

    Inversion causes a piece of armor to appear invisible as if it was not on your body. However, when you are hurt, it flashes back to visibility for 3 seconds. For balance reasons, when you are Invisible, Inversion will invert itself and instead the armor piece will appear Visible. This is so you can't invis ambush others.

    Inversion armor will not appear invisible on armor stands.

    All people with Night Vision can see Inversion armor.

    Inversion II will make it so that the armor flashes to visibility for only .5 seconds when you are hurt.When you are invisible, however, Inversion armor will still remain visible.

    With Inversion II, people with Night Vision cannot see your armor.

    Inversion I and II can be applied with an Enchantment Table for level 30 enchants for Helmets, and can be applied with an anvil with the rest of the armor.

    Inversion cannot be applied to Elytras.

    (Suggested by u/BeautifulWindow)

    submitted by /u/Duytune
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    Gilko: Cute Passive Mob for the (Relatively Safe) Warped Forests to Decrease Enderman Spawn Rates

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:16 PM PDT


    So a Gilko (as I imagine it) is a cute and quirky amphibious-looking reptilian Nether-dwelling passive mob that calls the Warped Forest its home. Its appearance is highly reminiscent of axolotls (link for reference: https://cdn.prod.www.spiegel.de/images/62829e6f-0001-0004-0000-000000156454_w1005_r1.33_fpx39.95_fpy50.jpg), but Gilkos are much bigger, are colored similarly to warped wart, and have dark blue speckles across its body.

    They don't do too much aside from wander around and look cute, but they shouldn't be underestimated. The stalks coming out the sides of their heads house venom, which Gilkos release in the form of a brief cloud of noxious gas whenever they're frightened by an attacking player or entity. One blast of the stuff could do a significant amount of damage if taken head-on!

    How do they make this venom? Some might say it comes from its assumed usual diet of warped fungus and warped roots, but really it comes from the Gilko's favorite food, the food used to breed it: Pufferfish. While Gilkos aren't prone to leaving the Nether very often, when a few random strangers come in from another dimension, every once in a while they have with them a Pufferfish or two, which, upon tasting, the Gilkos find absolutely delicious (and give a little more use to the fish in-game)!

    . . . Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/HikariFaith
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    Two wooden swords should make a crossed swords pattern on banners. ⚔️

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    As the title suggests, it makes making war-themed banners easier.

    submitted by /u/The_Moldy_Baguette
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    When Silverfish are killed they should have a chance of dropping Iron nuggets.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Maybe it can drop gold nuggets as a rare bonus?

    submitted by /u/kairon156
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    An enderman idea

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    Endermen have a a small chance (1 in 1024) to spawn with a block from another dimension

    This would contribute to the idea that they can teleport between worlds

    Also this would expand the amount of blocks that they can pick up this would include, soul sand, end stone, logs, ice(will just turn into steam in nether if spawns), and on super rare occasions(1 in a million) with melons, pumpkins, and maybe ores.

    This also applies to over world blocks, not just the end and nether

    Leave ideas for other blocks that I missed in the comments

    submitted by /u/Percy_Jackson02
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    Smithing Table, Steel, Copper, and Statues

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    This may be overtly complex, but it's also perhaps the direction Minecraft is headed. I can't complain either way, just add my ideas to the mix.

    The Smithing table's current mechanic for working with Netherite is incredibly interesting, and I feel it can tie deeply into a variety of concepts, as well as creating a slightly longer progression to the game itself.

    Steel is not a commonly naturally occurring substance. You have to forge it by removing impurities from iron. Ergo, "upgrading" the iron. Normally this is done in a furnace, but for ease of use we'll make this a smithing table process. It's not like we can't condense pure iron with our bare hands, right? Here's the breakdown:

    • Iron is placed on a smithing table with new, naturally occurring Limestone, which generates the same as andesite, etc. But more commonly on mountain biomes.

    • the result is a steel ingot (or steel block should you use an iron block). Given Limestone's ease of access, there's no reason to make it simpler.

    • these Steel ingots can be used to make steel tools, replace the iron in a blasting furnace's recipe, can make sturdier minecarts, etc. Possibilities are endless.

    • one of the most important things about steel is it doesn't take well to being enchanted. This is a tool you make because you do not want to lose your slightly-stronger than diamond tools until you've managed to get mending and you can replace them with mending-diamond tools

    Another focus of steel is statues. A steel ingot combined with an armour stand creates a statue (either in the crafting table or in the smithing table) These statues are basically solidified versions of the armour stands, with arms and the same previous use of holding armour as well as holding equipment. Plus, shift clicking it with a mob head uses the mob head and turns the statue into a statue of that mob!

    The argument extends to stone statues, nether quartz statues, limestone statues, and so on

    TL;DR: Iron upgrades to steel, steel is durable but unenchantable. steel also makes statue. Statues exist as a new variant of decoration, and look pretty.

    submitted by /u/FourtyTwoBlu
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    We need to upgrade the birch forests... So maby a new Illager structure for Illusioners?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    Right now the birch forest is just boring. All it is is fields of birch trees which aren't that interesting, so what if we had something along the lines of a woodland mansion, but for the illusioner mob that is going to get added as a functional mob in game, right now it's just sitting around in commands.

    If your not familiar with the illusioner it is a illager like an evoker but it uses a bow, potions of blinding, and can make duplecates of its self.

    So why not add a tower or secret base for this magic warrior.

    submitted by /u/Waluinor
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    A nametag that prevents babies from growing up

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    I haven't decided on a name yet, but the idea is a different kind af nametag. This nametag will work as a normal nametag, except that it will prevent babies from becoming adults. It will be a rare item, like the normal variation, but they can't be obtained from villager trading.

    Edit: I see that a lot of you suggests a nametag easter egg, but I think a rarer version of the tag wouldn't be farmable from villagers, and therefore encourage exploration

    And I don't want all my baby animals to be named 'baby', 'forever young', etc.

    submitted by /u/_Blobfish123_
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    Making Underused Enchantments More Useful By Adding More Creatures

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    I will be specifically talking about combat enchantments (Sharpness, Smite etc.) that deal extra damage to a certain subset of mobs (Undead, water etc.).

    I've come up with a table that shows each of the enchantment with a Boss, Mini-boss and mobs that it can deal more damage to. I've written N/E for non-existent if there isn't a boss or mini-boss for that enchantment.

    Enchantment Boss Mini-boss Mobs
    Sharpness Ender Dragon Raid + Woodland Mansion All mobs
    Smite Wither Boss N/E 9 mobs (excluding baby types and undead horses)
    Bane of Arthropods N/E N/E 2 mobs (excluding silverfish and endermites since they aren't commonly encountered)
    Impaling N/E Elder Guardian 6 mobs (excluding fishes and pufferfish)

    From this table, we can clearly see how useful each enchantment really is. I've ranked them in order from highest to lowest as well as a description of what can be done.

    1. Sharpness - Most useful. Obviously the best enchantment and pretty self-explanatory.
    2. Smite - Pretty useful. A mini-boss for this enchantment would be nice.
    3. Impaling - Kind of useful. An actual boss and a few more mobs could be a nice touch. But it's fine as it is since you're not going to be around ocean mobs all the time.
    4. Bane of Arthropods - Not really useful. I don't want to say it but it's a bit of a joke. It needs a boss and a mini-boss as well as some more mobs it could be used against. There's almost no point in getting it unless you want a spider farm.

    I'm not sure about what some of these new creatures could be but I think a Spider-Boss would be perfect as well as some more arachnid mobs for the Bane of Arthropods enchantment.

    I feel like it's better for you, the reader, to think about what these possible bosses, mini-bosses and mobs be.

    I understand you're supposed to keep to 1 suggestion per post but since my post is specifically "magic" and "mobs" linked together, I hope I can get a pardon.

    Also if I have made a mistake please let me know.

    submitted by /u/Internal_Recording
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    Slime farming and a new villager profession.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Slime farming

    Tiny slimes can be fed with brown and red mushrooms. If fed they become passive for a few minutes. they won't follow a player holding a mushroom if they are passive

    To reproduce, slimes will need to be fed mushrooms and be filled by like a cauldron. The fullness amount is identified by how dark the middle part is. When full, the slime will go somewhere preferably dark or in a swamp and make a slime puddle on the block they were standing on. This causes the slime to be shrunk and cannot be fed again, then gradually grow back over the course of 10 minutes. This slime puddle will grow into a tiny pure slime in 30 minutes. Pure slimes drop pure slime balls and will drop a few slime balls when they're fully grown out of the puddle stage. This state would last 20 minutes after which they'll become a regular slime.

    Pure slimes can also be harvested with bottles. This will give pure bottles of slime. This will cause the slime to shrink. I'll get onto the use of this later.

    You'll need a way to move slimes around though. And that's where these come in.

    Leather gloves

    Leather gloves would be a new piece of armor, they grant half an armor point. They increase unarmed melee damage by 1 heart. They go in the chestplate slot.

    Leather gloves can be upgraded by putting 2 bottles of honey combined with leather gloves. Doing this produces honey coated leather gloves. This grant's the ability to hold tiny slimes in the player's hands by using your fist on them, for a random amount of time between 5 - 8 seconds due to the slime attempting to escape.

    Honey coated leather have 2 enchantments. Grip and toss.

    Grip makes it harder for the slime to escaoe. It has 2 levels

    Level I: increases hold time ny 4 seconds.

    Level II: remove's the ability to escape.

    Toss givee the player the ability to throw slimes around. This wouldn't directly cause any damage. It has 3 levels

    Level I: slimes can be thrown 6 blocks.

    Level II: slimes can be thrown 10 blocks.

    Level III: slimes can be thrown 15 blocks.

    Pure slime balls

    Pure slime balls are used for crafting. They can replace slime balls in any regular recipe aswell as 2 new ones. They would be as follow's

    Slime coating. Which is crafted is crafted by putting 3 pure slime balls in a row.

    Slime coating has 2 uses.

    1: Improving chainmail armor. This achieved by combing any piece of chain armor with 2 slime coatings. Doing this with boots will cause the player to bounce when the fall. This would be half the strength of a slime block. Any other piece of armor including boots, will boost the defense by half an armor point, boost the durability and reduce kenetic damage taken. If the force is small enough to be fully blocked the player will bounce back. Everytime kinetic or fall damage is reduced the appropriate armor will take damage.

    2: being placed on blocks. This can be placed on all 6 faces of the block. The coated faces will act like a slime block.


    Jelly would a new food source obtained from slimes.

    They are made with sugar and pure slime bottles. Combing them will make sugary pure slime bottles. These can be cooked in a furnace or smoker. This will make jelly which can be eaten to restore 3.5 hunger bars.

    Slime handlers

    Slime handlers would be a new villager profession. They look like this. Their gloves change color depending on the biome they spawn in.

    They sell and buy these items.

    Tier What he get's Payment
    Novice 1 emerald 2 pure slime balls.
    Novice 3 brown mushrooms + 3 red mushrooms 2 emeralds
    Apprentice 2 pure slime balls + 4 emeralds 2 slime coatings.
    Apprentice 3 honey bottles 1 emerald.
    Journyman 2 emeralds leather gloves.
    Journyman 5 bottles of slime 2 emeralds
    Expert 7 emeralds honey coated leather gloves enchanted with grip/toss I.
    Expert 10 sugar 1 emerald
    Master 7 emeralds 1 bottle of slime jelly
    Master 20 emeralds honey coated leather gloves enchanted with grip II

    Side notes

    Villages would have small pens for 1-3 slimes

    Pure slimes can be bigger then their tiny form and do not have increased stats.

    Leather gloves have the same durability as leather boots.

    I have literally no idea what the job site for slime handlers could be. Any feedback on this would be helpful.

    Would have prefered to get an ingame screenshot of the slime handler but the skin wasn't correctly working because i couldn't figure it out.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Polar bears should be "buffed"

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    The polar bear is kinda useless in minecraft cuz its just..... there. So instead of being a helpless mob, they should have added traits. They should have a swimming animation for when they are in water, since real life polar bears are good swimmers. And to top it off, they should eat food like a fox eats/collects items.

    submitted by /u/BlueberryXXL
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    You should be able to launch yourself with riptide while a water-filled cauldron

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    I mean technically you ARE in water, so it should still work, and it would make a lot more sense.

    submitted by /u/LawnmowerKing
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    Nether lack of Pets

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    As far as we know the 1.16 update will make nether more liveable, but it's quite boring and nore dangerous without any 'teammate', since dogs can die here very fast (for example all those dogs dying in lava memes) and cats doesn't do much since we can't sleep in nether.

    There comes the mobs called "phoenix" and "weeper"!

    The phoenix stuff is very well known, so i will talk about that later, however weeper is nether cat i could say, this is beeing scared off basically everything like the overworld cats, however they don't need villagers, but they do spawn in soulsand valleys, they look like flying mass and we can hear it quite sad moaning or crying, but very silent, if you tame it, it becomes happier and give some happiness noises.

    It's wandering off the piglins and hoglins, since it's a 'soul related' mob and differently than the cat, like the dog it's controllable, so it will walk close to you, however to tame it you don't use food, this is a soul! You need to waste a soul soil to tame it, and to hreed it you use soul lanterns (turning it into normal lantern).

    The second one is highly known from myths, games etc. But well, minecraft can thing something out to change that, i mean i want just lava lake pet, since it's pretty empty still, even after the striders were added.

    What can i say about phoenix? It can fly that's for sure, but the special thing is as long as it's in nether it won't die, at least won't die forever, since it turns into ash that comes to your backpack (if you have space left, if you not you lost your pet), this is actually the instant focus from every mob on it (it doesn't attack back) since it can help you avoiding falling flamable items in lava, he sort them by how rare stuff is (elytra and diamond armor & tools for example).

    I think that's all, i guess second one wasn't creative but well, that's my concept and couldn't think of something better that is actually fitting this description

    submitted by /u/ArcerPL
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    Zombified piglins should be changed to “Ziglins”

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Zombified Piglins is just too much of a mouthful. Also the name would match the zoglins

    submitted by /u/Popstar_Rowlet_Rohan
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    A different take on revamping the Nether Fortress

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Updating the Nether fortress has been a common topic in this game's suggestions community, what, with the new Nether Update coming around. The problem is, though, a lot of people wind up running into the fallacy that a more detailed structure is inherently a better structure, and so their suggestions often boil down to "make it fancier."

    Of course, that's not to say that buildings can't benefit from added detail, but do you really think that this approach would really improve a structure meant to be old, run down, and foreboding? Would a more detailed, more colorful structure still be able to invoke the same atmosphere that the current Nether Fortress does? Probably not.

    But we can't just do nothing, right? The Nether Fortress as it is feels boring, simplistic, and doesn't feel like it has much purpose in the game's world.

    So let me come up with a compromise: why not instead of adding more detail to the structure - and thus compromising its overall aesthetic -, we come up with a larger, more complex structure whose individual components still follow the same menacinng, monotone, and minimalist style?

    For example, why not have the Fortress sit atop of a lost city's worth of densely-packed empty and ruined nether brick buildings, each not much different shape-wise from those underwater ruins (although maybe a bit more boxy), as if those bridges and were ramparts meant to protect that city from ghast attacks? Why not add towers connected to those bridges housing empty barracks, (mostly) empty storehouses, and an archer's perch (possibly with a blaze spawner) at the top? I'd imagine this would wind up looking a lot like u/k00ji's proposed redesign for the Nether Fortress, with the difference being that I'd be part of a larger "lost city" kind of structure.

    Now that I think about it, it also probably be a good idea to make sure that this new Nether Fortress generates in a somewhat flat area. We could make it into a mini-biome of sorts to get that effect.

    Hell, and while we're in the theme of upgrading the Nether Fortress to the status of a massive lost city, why not also add a few temple-like structures to it too? These wouldn't necessarily need to be connected to the Fortress, just close to it, and also surrounded by the same run-down buildings.

    submitted by /u/32624647
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    Make the sky turn red when the wither is summoned

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    Whenever a wither is spawned, everyone in a 15-20 chunk radius will observe the sky to be red.

    submitted by /u/Katsumey12
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    Iron Golems attack you if you attack village cats

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    It's a little detail that I think would be nice to see. The game implies that Iron Golems have a pretty calm disposition out of combat, spending time with their fellow villagers, gently wandering the town and handing flowers to the children, so it might be nice for them to care about the village's resident cats as well.

    I didn't see this posted nor did I see anything like it in the FPS list so if I screw up I'm sorry.

    submitted by /u/slean_clate
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    Enderlins & Enderhogs

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    Piglins that are in the end dimension will convert into Enderlins while Hoglins put in the end dimension will convert into Enderhogs. Enderlins will still have the ability to barter, but the loot is themed around the end dimension instead of the Nether. Enderhogs will gain the ability to teleport, though it will only be used during combat similar to how the Enderman uses teleportation during combat. Is anyone likely to run into them? No. However, anyone who tries to bring them there should know what they're getting themselves into.

    submitted by /u/DoubledNebula51
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    Realms Java Edition - Reset Nether

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Just as the title says, with the new update to the nether I think realms on Java should get an option to re-generate their Nether, similar to how it works on Xbox 360 perhaps, to give access to the new nether biomes and such. Maybe even just as a general option for when logging inti a world on single player as well. I do of course understand that this would also delete all previous structures made in the nether.

    submitted by /u/SilverSlayer03
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    More Armor Enchants

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    I know there are a decent amount of enchantments for the boots and helmet, but the chestplate and leggings are a bit underpowered. For the chestplate, maybe something that provides anti knockback, called Steadfast. For the leggings, I cant think of something off the top of my head. But you get the concept

    submitted by /u/Cringe_King1023
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