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    Minecraft Right-Clicking a Regular Piston with a Slimeball automatically turns it into a Sticky Piston

    Minecraft Right-Clicking a Regular Piston with a Slimeball automatically turns it into a Sticky Piston

    Right-Clicking a Regular Piston with a Slimeball automatically turns it into a Sticky Piston

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    I mean, although it sounds useless, it would make sense and would save the hassle of having to pick up a piston then putting it into a crafting space with a slimeball to do the same thing. From the texture, it looks like the slime was just slapped onto the piston anyway.

    You could also add functionality to do it vise versa, where right clicking a sticky piston converts it into a regular piston, but also choose whether or not to return the slime ball as well.

    I've also added the feedback link if you agree with this idea: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360060799271-Right-Clicking-a-Regular-Piston-with-a-Slimeball-Should-automatically-turn-it-into-a-Sticky-Piston-

    submitted by /u/JJFreshMemes
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    In the second phase the Wither loses one of its heads

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    I think this would be well fitting for the boss fight and give it more of a sense of progression. Maybe it's two heads fire faster to make up for it dunno sounds very promising.

    submitted by /u/queefextraordinare
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    Villagers should till their farms if they accidentally trample farmland

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    Villagers should store every block of farmland that they should be farming with. And if one gets trampled, they should till it. Villagers accidentally trample farmland, and if they don't till it again, how are their farms supposed to work? It only makes sense for villagers to make sure all their farmland is properly tilled every so often.

    submitted by /u/Asadefa
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    Loyalty tridents shouldn't get sucked

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    They should teleport back if thrown in the end instead of the void sucking them out of existence. I don't know why but I think of void like a black hole sucking things in and destroying them so bear with me.

    submitted by /u/Asadefa
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    /damage command

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    /damage would make custom maps easier. For example. /damage <target entity> <amount> <type>. The purpose of type would be, for example, fire, to simulate fire damage so the game can automatically handle fire resistance or armor with fire protection. Currently the only way to manually damage players is with effect instant damage. /damage would make simulating damage much easier by being able to specify the exact amount and type of damage to handle specific damage blocking enchantments or effects. Custom map makers would love this.

    submitted by /u/Asadefa
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    Give zombies the ability to crouch & crawl

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    Imagine how terrifying it would be to be stuck in a cave, barricaded yourself with cobble spamming, then the zombies start squirming their way through the one hole you forgot

    submitted by /u/Minecraft_Chica
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    Quartz blocks and Lapis blocks should be as strong as stone, not weaker.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Quartz and Lapis are both rock. Quartz in real life is actually what makes up most rocks, and is actually pretty tough. but in Minecraft they are weaker than regular stone. They take less long to mine, and are less blast proof. Same goes for Lapis blocks.

    See those materials in real life and you'll understand. Srsly.

    submitted by /u/Asadefa
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    Make the warped roots/crimson roots/nether sprouts into new crop types

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    In the warped and crimson forests, there are three decorative plants that serve very little use. They add nice variation to the biomes, but I believe that they can have a much-needed mechanical use as well.

    These plants should be somewhat similar to tall grass in the overworld. They drop themselves when broken with shears, but normally they drop spores. Spores can be planted on tilled soul soil (giving that block a use as well) placed near to either lava or magma blocks, mirroring farmland next to water. Each of these plants grows 7 stages. At the sixth stage, the new crops drop edible vegetables and more spores, which could be called Nether Bulbs. On the seventh stage, however, the crops would only drop spores. This encourages more attentive farming; Players would actually have to tend their crops to get food. I believe the added difficulty is fitting for the Nether.

    Alternatively, the Nether Sprouts could be crafted with 8 Nether Wart Blocks to produce 8 Warped Wart Blocks, since they don't have a crafting recipe yet.

    submitted by /u/AaronMerson
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    Potion Flasks

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    For quite a while, options in Minecraft have been a very specific use case of item. You only use defensive potions for the wither, and pretty much never use offensive ones, now that sweeping edge is a thing.

    For offensive potions, we now have tipped arrows. This allows an effective use of damaging effects, though it's locked behind a rather expensive system, which I personally love, by the way. Moving on, I think an equally useful addition to the game would be something that allows for better use of defensive, or status, potions.

    Enter: The Flask. This would be an enchantable item you can only craft after finding a base component in either one of the new Nether biomes, or maybe in an end city. It's designed to be a quality of life improvement mid to late game, when potions are easy to come by, but inventory is limited.

    The Flask would, by default, hold 3 charges of whatever potion was brewed into it. It could allow enchants that upgraded potion effect/duration/or number of charges.

    I think this would be a very balanced change that would make status potions actually viable, instead of something you only keep around when fighting a wither, or swimming in lava.

    Now, I know people are fond of just saying they should increase potions stacking to 3, which is a much simpler fix, and one that's easier for players to immediately understand. However, I think The Flask solves the problem in two ways.

    The first, some people, for whatever reason, think potions stacking is too strange. I can get behind that, this allows a reasonable distinction in size, while still taking up a single hotbar slot.

    The second, The Flask allows even more progression in the game, being another "unique" item/tool for a player's toolkit. In Minecraft, you have your armor, your standard tools and weapons, and more recently, your Elytra in a standard loadout. The Flask allows for another item in Steve's (and Alex's) arsenal.

    Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


    submitted by /u/IAMnotAthrowawayAMA
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    Sugar cane should be able to be put in flower pots

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    It's really surprising how Bamboo the relative of Sugar cane can be put in pots but not the OG reeds.

    submitted by /u/queefextraordinare
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    Datapacks should be able to change block hardness and blast resistance.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    What if I want to manually change the blast resistance and/or hardness of certain blocks without the trouble of mods? Why not be able to do it via datapack?

    submitted by /u/Asadefa
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    much people ask me to repost here my creation as mob suggestion, I make it as blaze replacement but came out it can be a cool new mob for soulsand valley biome

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    Baby Ghast

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Not much is know about the Ghast of where they come from. But these shy, lava immune creatures could use a refresh. But what I'm recommending is not changing the Ghast, but instead adding a Baby Ghast. Baby Ghast's would have the opposite personality from their Grownup Counterparts. The hide in the lava, and peek out at passing Players and Piglings. Being what they think of as "Playful" is quite deadly for us as they spit lava at anyone who passes by. This not only hits the player but creates a brief AOE pool of lava around the player (as if a bucket gets dropped and picked back up).

    It would look just like a smaller ghast, but be not capable of spitting exploding rocks like adult ghasts can, instead splitting lava. It would never fully exit the lava either until it matures into an adult.

    submitted by /u/Ev1dentFir3
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    Villagers and Rain

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Make villagers seek cover when it's raining, and go to sleep when there's a thunderstorm, as players can sleep during thunderstorms.

    submitted by /u/Ghajestis
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    Making iron blocks stronger

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Iron blocks currently have blast resistance equal to that of stone. That doesn't make sense, it should be stronger than stone. Maybe iron should have a blast resistance of that of end stone? To make it stronger and more realistic?

    submitted by /u/Asadefa
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    Have an optional configurable control to replace double tapping space to fly.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Just like you have the option of double tapping W or pressing a custom key to sprint, you should be able to press a key to enter/leave flying mode.

    It would remove the annoying double jump right before you fly. This would be helpful to, for instance, stay on ground level while flying.

    submitted by /u/Feapnest
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    "Framed" Glass and Glass Panes

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    Given that Mojang are against connected textures on glass, why not embrace the frames and make them look a little nicer? Framed glass would be made by surrounding 1 wooden plank with glass blocks or panes, the same as creating stained glass. This would replace the white border that glass currently has with a wooden texture. This would be very useful in a lot of builds, as the white border can be very jarring against the rest of the build.

    Obviously, this raises the issue of cluttering the creative menu. This can be "solved" in a few ways:

    • Leave the creative menu to be cluttered by having each colour of stained glass have 9 variants (no border variant, + 1 variant for each wood type)
    • Glass cannot be both framed and stained
    • Framed glass only has one colour, like a chest or a barrel. This would probably be slightly darker than a barrel, but that's more personal preference than anything.

    I'm not sure which of these would be the best option, as having every option available would be ideal but clutter is a big issue with this. At any rate, these blocks would be extremely useful whatever solution would be implemented

    submitted by /u/No_64
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    Clerics Should Sell Potions

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    The Cleric's workstation is literally a brewing stand so I think it makes perfect sense for him to sell potions.

    I've had a look at the Cleric's trades and came up with this.

    1. The first potion would be a random negative effect one and will appear once he has been levelled up to Journeyman. Each trade will give 20 XP to the Cleric.
    2. The second one would be a random positive effect one and appear at the Expert level. Each trade will give 30 XP to the Cleric. Both would be priced at 4 or 5 emeralds.
    3. Just like all his other trades (excl. his first one) it takes 12 trades before it gets disabled. The same thing should apply to the potions.
    submitted by /u/Internal_Recording
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    Netherite Block Deflects arrows

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    It's all in the title ;)

    Arrows Bounce and fall to the ground like for shields

    submitted by /u/Maserim
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    Enchanted golden apples should have some affect on horses

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    Rn, enchanted golden apples don't have much use in the vanilla, non PvP game. It would be cool if when you fed a horse one, one of its stats gets boosted. Eg, speed, jump, health. I think it's cool and a fair enough price to pay for it.

    submitted by /u/R005TA
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    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    Hedges will basically be the leaf version of walls in the game. To craft them, you need to put six leaves of the same species into a three-by-two area—like how walls are crafted—and you will be given six hedges.

    There are six types of hedges: oak hedges, spruce hedges, birch hedges, dark oak hedges, acacia hedges and jungle hedges—which are crafted with their respective leaf type.

    submitted by /u/DarkPandaLord
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