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    Minecraft Add shooting stars

    Minecraft Add shooting stars

    Add shooting stars

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    Just a simple change I'm proposing: The night sky in Minecraft already has the moon and all the pretty twinkling stars. Watching the stars slowly move across the dark night sky can be quite peaceful. Why not add something even more pretty? Occasionally, a little shooting star can be seen streaking a ways across the sky. No real purpose for this addition per se, but just a small visual change to make the night sky in Minecraft even better.

    submitted by /u/Dague-Pirate-Dad
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    When using fire resistance you shouldn't catch fire

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    Why would you catch fire when you're literally immune to fire? Just doesn't make sense

    submitted by /u/ShinyStache
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    Crafting interface in the creative mode inventory

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    In survival you have access to a 2x2 crafting area. What if you had a more versatile version of that in the creative inventory?

    Sometimes when you want to craft something like a banner or a firework etc, it can be quite frustrating to have to find the crafting block in the inventory and place it down.

    What if, instead of this you could simply press a crafting icon in the inventory, a GUI appears allowing you to select a crafting block (crafting table by default) and craft items from there.

    I think this would be a lot simpler and more easy to use compared with the current method.

    submitted by /u/Alienguy500
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    Enchanted books (in the galactic alphabet) can be read and displayed in a lectern

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    So obviously the enchanting language is in the galactic alphabet, but they are still books. Books can be opened, even if you don't understand what it says.

    A short poem about every enchantment could be written in the galactic alphabet, and books with multiple enchantments have multiple pages with this. Reading them doesn't do anything, it's just a nice detail, and an opportunity to try translating the words into something understandable.

    This would be a really cool touch, and also allow for displaying cool books. I saw a screenshot of someone on my server who got like 7-8 enchantments on a single book from fishing. That's definitely worth displaying as a trophy on a lectern.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Make the chain block like a log.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    What I mean by that is make it so that it can be placed sideways, coming out of a wall. This could make for some very interesting decorations.

    submitted by /u/Chalcko_
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    There should be an Xp centred mob

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    (All credit to u/RazorNemesis who came up with the idea)

    The mob would be found in caves, and glow with the colour of Xp, like some kind of glow worm or leech.

    They steal Xp from the player and store it to be released in the form of Xp orbs.

    The levels you would gain from killing it would be equivalent to the amount they stole from the player - and more - as they would spawn with Xp already in them.

    What's cool about this is that you would be able to, for the first time, store a large amount of Xp at your own base by moving the mob and letting it steal Xp allowing you to kill it and gain the Xp back again, acting as Xp banks. Plus, it would make caves more interesting.

    I hope something similar is added because there's never been a way to store Xp and a mob like this would therefore be unique, useful and game-changing.

    submitted by /u/69420epicgamer42069
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    Upgrading your Gear - Smithing Table & Combat Ideas with Concept Art (kinda long post)

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    So, it's no secret that smithing table lacks features right now. Its only purpose is making netherite gear, and that's about it. I know mojang has planned to add much more to this, but i thought it'd be nice to share my idea.

    - Upgrading your gear

    What does that mean?

    Upgrading your gear is a way to implement upgrades to your gear while knowing what you are upgrading. This is completely different than enchanting; You can choose what to upgrade (for example, sword damage or attack speed) using the same material of your gear, and these upgrades are very small compared to enchantments.

    How does it work?

    You can implement upgrades to whatever your tool offers. Each tool has different aspects:

    (+) = ideas by me or new features already existing in combat snapshots

    What you can upgrade:

    Swords Axes Pickaxes Shovels
    Attack Damage Attack Damage Mining Speed Mining Speed
    Attack Speed (+) Attack Speed (+) Durability Durability
    Attack Reach (+) Shield Stun (+) Fortune
    Durability Mining Speed

    Bows Shields Hoes
    Draw Speed (+) Thorns (+) Mining Speed
    Arrow Damage Durability Durability
    Arrow Speed (+) Knockback Resistance (+) Fortune

    Helmet Chestplate Leggings Boots
    Protection Protection Protection Protection
    Kinetic Protection (+) Thorns Thorns Fall protection
    Durability Durability Durability Durability
    Knockback Resistance (+) Knockback Resistance (+) Knockback Resistance (+) Knockback resistance (+)

    Everything listed here can be upgraded through smithing table.

    New ways to mess with your gear

    (+) Attack Speed: Determines how long the attack cooldown is. This was already a thing, however you couldn't mess with it before.

    (+) Attack Reach: Determines how far away you can attack. This is already a thing in combat snapshot, however you couldn't mess with it before.

    (+) Shield Stun: Determines how long you can stun a shield. This is already a thing, however you could only mess with it in the combat snapshot.

    (+) Draw Speed: Determines how fast you can shoot an arrow. This was only a thing with crossbows.

    (+) Arrow Speed: Determines how fast your arrow travels through air.

    (+) Thorns for Shield: Determines how much of the damage you can reflect. This was only a thing with armour. Upon dealing damage with thorns, your shield will take a massive damage.

    (+) Knockback Resistance for Shield: Determines how much knockback you take from explosions. This was only a thing with 1.16's netherite armour.

    (+) Kinetic Protection: Determines how much damage you take upon hitting a block with elytra at high speed.

    (+) Knockback Resistance: Determines how much knockback you take from any type of damage. This was only a thing with 1.16's Netherite armour, and you couldn't mess with it.

    Smithing table:

    https://imgur.com/a/MKdedaP (my idea on how smithing table could look)

    https://imgur.com/a/Cv5ro7A (smithing table on use)

    So in the smithing table, there are two slots on the left. On the bottom one, you place down the tool you prefer to upgrade, and on the top one, you place down the material the tool is made of. (for example, if you wish to upgrade a diamond sword, you have to use diamonds). You can use up to 3 at once.

    At the right, there are two options. Top one, you can choose which piece of your gear you wanna upgrade: (Note, this is gonna be a looooong list.)


    Sword head (+1 Attack Damage, +0.5 Attack Reach)

    Sword handle (+0.3 Attack speed, +10% Durability)

    Netherite Upgrade (exclusive to diamond tier)


    Axe head (+1 Attack damage, +1s Shield stun, +10% Mining speed)

    Axe handle (+0.3 Attack speed, +10% Durability)

    Netherite Upgrade (exclusive to diamond tier)


    Pickaxe head (+7% Mining speed, fortune)

    Pickaxe handle (+10% Durability, +3% Mining speed)

    Netherite Upgrade (exclusive to diamond tier)


    Shovel head (+10% Mining speed)

    Shovel handle (+5% Mining speed, +10% durability)

    Netherite Upgrade (exclusive to diamond tier)


    Bow handle (+5 Arrow damage, +10% Durability)

    String (+30% Arrow speed, +50% Draw speed, +10% Durability)


    Shield panel (Thorns, +10% Durability, +2 Knockback resistance)

    Handle (+10% Durability)


    Hoe head (+10% Mining speed, Fortune)

    Hoe handle (+10% Durability, +5% Mining speed)

    Netherite Upgrade (exclusive to diamond tier)


    For armour pieces, each upgrade is seperate.

    Helmet: Protection (+1 armour), Kinetic protection (+2 less dmg upon hitting with elytra), Durability (+10%), Knockback resistance (+1), Netherite Upgrade (exclusive to diamond tier)

    Chestplate: Protection (+1 armour), Thorns (+1 damage on each hit), Durability (+10%), Knockback resistance (+1), Netherite Upgrade (exclusive to diamond tier)

    Leggings: Protection (+1 armour), Thorns (+1 damage on each hit), Durability (+10%), Knockback resistance (+1), Netherite Upgrade (exclusive to diamond tier)

    Boots: Protection (+1 armour), Fall Protection (+2 less dmg upon falling), Durability (+10%), Knockback resistance (+1), Netherite Upgrade (exclusive to diamond tier)

    All these upgrades are seperated into two; Minor buff and major buff. Everything represented up there was in major buffs. Minor buffs are half of major buffs.

    There are also negative effects. Negative effects are basically the opposite of minor buffs.

    Bottom one, you can choose how many of the materials you wanna use; From 1 to 3. It will determine how will your upgrade turn out.

    If you use 1 for one upgrade: 50% chance of negative effect, 40% chance of minor bonus, 10% chance of major bonus.

    If you use 2 for one upgrade: 25% chance of negative effect, 50% chance of minor bonus, 25% chance of major bonus.

    If you use 3 for one upgrade: 10% chance of negative effect, 30% chance of minor bonus, 60% chance of major bonus.

    TL;DR: You place down your gear on the bottom slot, and the materials on top. From right, you choose the upgrade you want and how much of the materials you want to use. After you're sure, you click the small button with a hammer on it. For upgrading your diamond tools to netherite, you only have to use one netherite ingot.

    Small things to point out

    - You can't upgrade the same piece more than once. (For example, you can upgrade both sword head and handle, however you can't upgrade sword head more than once)

    - You can remove upgrades/downgrades altogether through grindstone, however you will not gain any experience, and your gear will take a 10% damage in durability. If the gear's durability is already below 10%, it will set its durability to 1.

    - Upgrades are hidden when hovered over in inventory, and you can hold shift to see them.

    - Bow upgrades could be moved to fletching table, but i just wanted to get this idea out. Any feedback is appreciated.

    This is the end of my long post. Tell me what you think.

    submitted by /u/-Sparkist-
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    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    Barrels in villages currently are just for villagers' job site. They should have 'fishermen' loots inside them (such as fishes, fishing rods etc.)

    That's it

    submitted by /u/La_Paperbag
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    Meta: Regarding the recent influx in low quality advancement/achievement posts.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    Hi folks. This isn't really towards the moderators, but maybe, more towards the general community of r/minecraftsuggestions. I thought I should squeeze out a word or two, especially with the heated discussion on the MCS Discord (sorry folks in the Discord for not notifying you about this post). This probably won't get too much attention, but it had to be said IMO.

    Recently, there's a sharp increase in posts, probably due to the Nether Update. What was 100K or so members last month has suddenly became.. 126K members - a massive jump in members. But at the same time, I'm noticing a lot of low quality posts; or posts that don't go with the rules. And mainly, those include achievement/advancement posts. Many of you folks don't seem to notice these two entries on the FPS list (rule 4):

    Using advancements to slip Easter eggs/memes/etc. into suggestions (Easter eggs and memes are against the rules regardless, and advancement posts including such things will be removed)

    Advancement/achievement posts that are not about progressing through the game or teaching players about game mechanics/features

    Now, you maybe thinking, "But what about "How Did We Get Here" and "Serious Dedication"? You don't know anything, noob!" Well first of all, I am u/solar_powered_noob42, so thanks by calling me by my nickname. And also, gimme a chance to explain. "Serious Dedication" encourages you to do a big farming project; using up 1561 durability of your tool to do something productive at least. "How Did We Get Here" teaches you all the effects in Minecraft, including the lesser known ones (such as Dolphin's Grace.)

    Also I might add that there's another few type of advancement I'm not a big fan of

    • Adv./achievements that are simply random "Do [action] [number] times" - anyone could do that with that substitution method.
    • Adv./achievements that are stupidly complex; more complex than How Did We Get Here - no one would want to complete absurdly time-consuming tasks.

    If the first two statements from the FPS list didn't exist, you could literally suggest anything to be an advancement or achievement. Let's see what I can come up with without considering those rules:

    • New day, new beginning - Wake up from a bed
    • It's going downhill - Literally go down some stairs
    • The Opening - Open a... door.
    • I don't know what to call this advancement - Throw 29348752937493 diamonds into lava
    • Aww Man - Get blown up by a creeper
    • End of story, except not really - Close your PC from your anger
    • Aww Man 2: Electric Boogaloo - Close your PC so hard that it gets shattered into pieces.

    ...all right, I probably said enough. You get the idea. None of these are signs of game progression or discovery of new features. By this rate, I could probably make an advancement generator on Scratch.

    Hopefully, I've said enough. I guess the TL;DR would be to please, refrain from making low-quality, rule breaking advancement/achievement posts, and also, check up with the rules of this sub. Well, some of you do make some pretty neat, understandable and interesting ones, but now that's the minority. Once again, this probably won't gain too much traction, but I feel it had to be said in one way or another.

    Friendly criticism welcome, and thanks for reading, folks.

    submitted by /u/solar_powered_noob42
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    It's Alive!

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Bring a hoglin through a portal and transform it into a zoglin.

    submitted by /u/LordOfAllEggs
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    Parrots need better AI.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Parrots suck, and when people comment on how much they suck, they're told they should continue to suck because they're "ambient mobs". Whatever. If they're ambient mobs, they should at least be good ambient mobs. Parrots don't add ambience to jungles, they just fly around painfully slowly near the forest floor and look really dopey; that's not ambience, that's just a really awkward and useless mob.

    Parrots need better AI or they may as well not exist at all.

    Instead of slowly flying around at about the same speed as turtles, seriously, they're only a little faster, they should fly quickly from tree-to-tree.

    At the very least, they should fly faster, and untamed parrots should attempt to fly, maybe, 5-10 blocks above any dirt, stone, or grass Blocks (even if there's other blocks like leaves in between). That'll keep them looking less dopey when they're flying and keep them in the trees.

    submitted by /u/AmISteve
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    Mixing up the ores a bit.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Let's face it, while mining may be exciting and adventurous at first, it gets boring after a while. Seeing the same Redstone, Diamond, Gold, Iron, ETC ores for hours just gets dull. That's why I suggest that small, little touches should be added to ores to make mining just a bit more interesting.

    ORE CLUSTERS - Boulders of ore that vary in size and shape. They give you lots of ore when fully mined, but are rare(not exceedingly so, however). Ore Clusters can also be found in the Nether, containing gold or quartz Ore. A block of Ancient Debris can rarely be found in the center of the boulder.

    GEODES - Dark, sparkling blocks that give 1-10 of a random mineral when broken(except iron/gold). It also gives a random amount of EXP when mined, ranging from 1-20. They are much rarer than Ore Clusters, making finding them an exciting find. And don't worry treasure collectors, you can pick these bad boys up with a Silk Touch pickaxe.

    CYSTS - The icky, demented counterpart to Geodes that are only found in the Nether. They appear as a fleshy, diseased looking block. Breaking them drops 1-10 gold nuggets or nether quartz, and 1-20 EXP points. Just like Geodes, they are very rare, and just like Geodes, they can be picked up with Silk Touch. Just remember to clean your pickaxe afterward.

    MIXED VEINS - Just like normal ore veins, but with two types of ore mixed into them instead of just one! They aren't too rare, so don't be surprised to see one or two of them while on a long mining trip. Mixed veins can generate in the Nether as well.

    PRISMARINE ORE - Bluish, greenish ore that only generates near Ocean Monuments. Drops 1-2 Prismarine Shards when broken. It isn't sprinkled all over the place, so you still have an incentive to mine the stuff from the monument itself. Think of it as more of a sign that you're near an ocean monument while mining.

    PRISMARINE CRYSTAL ORE - Pearly, glowing ore that only generates near Ocean Monuments. It's rarer than Prismarine Ore and drops 1 Prismarine Crystal when broken.


    submitted by /u/DapperWrap95
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    Mossy Blackstone Bricks, with crimson/twisted moss depending on whether it is in a Crimson Forest or Twisted Forest

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    There could be two unique blocks, Crimson Mossy Blackstone Bricks and Twisted Mossy Blackstone Bricks.

    Alternatively, there could be a single Mossy Blackstone Bricks block where the moss color changes depending on whether it is in a Crimson or Twisted forest.

    submitted by /u/Roelof1337
    [link] [comments]

    Add Maple Trees

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    It's going to be a new tree type that'll look like Oak with a slight reddish hue, and it'll generate in the Taiga and Snowy Tundra biomes. However, it's not going to be just another tree type. When you right click on the stripped Maple Log (specifically stripped) with a bucket, you get a bucket of sap. When you cmbine the bucket of sap with sugar and a glass bottle in the crafting grid, you get a bottle of Maple Syrup, which is pretty much retextured honey. But that's not all. Sometimes when you break Maple Leaves without shears you get a single maple leaf, similarly to when you get an apple if you break Oak Leaves without shears. With a maple leaf, you can combine it with paper on the crafting grid and get a Maple Leaf banner pattern.

    submitted by /u/McBruscar
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    Shelf Fungi

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    A new type of mushroom for the nether, it can be found growing on netherrack walls in crimson and warped forests, along with nether wastes. It drops itself (unless anyone has better ideas for drops). It's very useful for climbing walls, and is a bit harder than wood (ever try to break it in real life?). Mostly, it's just for decoration, but feel free to comment better ideas.

    Here's my example picture (sorry for the awful texturing).

    submitted by /u/EpicNecromancer
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    [META] add “netherite giving you fire resistance of any sort” to the FPS list

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    I've seen various posts dedicated to this and also ones that only mention it. The first wave hype has fallen however, and I still see those appear quite frequently.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    You should be able to preview a map from your inventory.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    It would work the same way as previewing the items inside a shulker box. You would be able to see the display of the map without the need of putting it in your hands, it would make exploration easier and safer.

    submitted by /u/CPB03
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    Breedable Squids

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Not much, maybe just an ability to breed squid using salmon or cod, same breeding rules as other animals.

    submitted by /u/YungDankGod
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    Petting dogs

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    This is a serious bug in the game first introduced in Beta 1.4, and I honestly can't believe that it hasn't been patched yet:

    You can't pet your dogs.

    Or cats, for that matter.

    The absence of this feature in the vanilla game is an extremely frustrating bug, as it prevents me from informing my dogs that they are a very good genderless-animal, yes they are.

    Expected behavior is that holding right click while looking directly at a pet with an empty hand should result in you petting them. Dogs should probably wag their tails when you do this.

    Pls fix.

    submitted by /u/omegasome
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    Chiseled End Stone Bricks!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    Texture: https://imgur.com/gallery/1qI38vz

    Chiseled End Stone Bricks Would Just Be A Nice Addition For End Builds

    submitted by /u/Ryrykingler
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    Named mobs drop nametag on death

    Posted: 01 May 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Nametags are rare loot items, and it's annoying to lose them when a cat or dog or villager dies, especially considering how weak they are. It'd be handy for survival, and make naming fragile mobs less of a gamble, if they dropped the nametag back on death. The tag would keep the same name, and could (optionally) include the cause of death message that would be printed if a pet or player had died.

    submitted by /u/orendorff
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    Easily accessible menu to replace naturally generated structures, or to add more.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Essentially, during world creation you should be able to select files that will generate new structures in the world you create.

    This could probably be done in a similar way to resource packs, where you just import a file and then you can select it from ingame and whatnot.

    These "prefabs" or whatever should create files from structure blocks, or some other way. Allowing you to use the builds you created in other worlds and have them naturally generate around a new world.

    Note: in this "menu" where you choose files, you should also be able to replace preexisting structures. Say you dislike the look of the dungeon. You can just go and replace it with a much better one that could even be more difficult, or say you dont like the look of a type of village house. You can replace that too.

    Although, it would probably be better if this wasnt available straight off the bat, since this could mess up the experience for new players if they try this our, but at the same time I doubt new players will really mess with that all straight off the bat.

    Basically what I'm asking is that we have a way to use structure blocks to add new structures to your next world generation.

    Also as a side note, it should be possible to use structure blocks to clone much bigger structures, if this is done. Since a few people will want to add big tuined castles and the like.

    Second side note: if its actuay pretty easy to import custom structures without having to use forge or mods then please let me know. It would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/AJ_Gaming125
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    The Coloring Table

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:28 PM PDT


    This would be a really handy thing to have. The same as stonecutters came in to minimize our losses in cutting stone, while also letting us chose the exact number of items we want to get… I think it's time for coloring!

    Currently, only wool and carpets work in a one-to-one ratio, while most other things require to be crafted in packs of 8, with a piece of dye in the middle. Not the most useful of things when you just need a few items.


    That's where the Coloring Table comes in! It would first require you to input a dye, out of the 16 different ones. Then, it would fill up a little bar of the input color, the same as a Brewing Stand which gets refilled in Blaze Powder. You would then be able to color anything with it while the bar isn't empty: glass, terracotta, white wool, and why not even FINALLY white concrete! Every time an item gets colored, the bar decreases by one pixel or two.

    Now, the color bar would only last for a few items, like about a dozen. 8-10 to stay in the crafting table's logic. If you need to color things massively, no problem, you could have several pieces of dye waiting in line in the dye slot, getting eaten as you shift-click through your stacks of blocks.

    Want to change color? Putting a different color in the dye slot instantly refills the bar with that new color (no matter the previous state of the bar), and the table is ready to use and color more things!


    The Coloring Table should also be compatible with Hoppers. We could have a top input for the blocks to color, and a side input for the dye. The colored blocks would then get output down at the bottom. This would allow for really cool coloring farms, where you can for example choose a color by the press of a button and the machine then colors your items for you.


    How about it also becomes a new job site block? We could get new villagers: Artists, who could sell you dyes and colored items, as well as buy dyes for emerald.


    I'm not 100% sure about that one, but I can also throw it in as well. The idea would be that the dyes that are obtained by mixing other dyes together could also be made with the table, by filling the bar with one of the colors and inputing the other dye like a block you'd want to dye, and it could give out ONE unit of the mixed dye, as it decreased the bar created by the former dye and used the latter entirely to make a new one.

    submitted by /u/Nouche_
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    Add Northern lights (Aurora Borealis)

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    I think it would be really cool to add northern lights to the snowy biome, but I think this phenomenon would have to be rare, like a 5% chance of spawning.

    submitted by /u/tomate-russo4165
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