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    Minecraft [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For April 2020! This Month's Theme is "Structures"!

    Minecraft [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For April 2020! This Month's Theme is "Structures"!

    [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For April 2020! This Month's Theme is "Structures"!

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    Your monthly reminder that yes, there are suggestions that do get over 100 upvotes from the Minecraft Community. Truly crazy, innit?

    In this post are showcased all the suggestions for the past month that have achieved an upvote notoriety beyond 100, as well as the 10 closest stragglers that were just shy of making the choice 3-digit beauty mark.

    Heeeello Internet, welcome to Game Theory your monthly TMS report! And what a TMS report it is! It's quite possibly our biggest one ever, as you'll soon see.

    When I saw the TMS bot showing up in our mod-mail with a 7-part list, I thought there was a mistake. Nope! All of these posts are from this month, and all of them check out. Clearly April was a very busy month for all of us, but considering the situation around the world, I guess we all had a little extra free time, huh?

    And speaking of which, before we continue, here's a few pointers that we should still follow for all our sakes and safety (and for the last one, our sanity) until the COVID-19 pandemic is over:

    1. Wash your hands.

    2. Don't touch your face (it's hard not to, I know, but it's healthier).

    3. Stay in your house unless it's an emergency or unless you need to go shopping, and even then, limit yourself to only one shopping day a week if you can.

    4. Keep a distance of at least 2 meters from other people (social distancing).

    5. Finally, never despair; all bad things come to an end someday, and there's a light at the end of every dark tunnel. Hang in there and keep smiling! A smile is much healthier than a frown, it's a proven scientific fact. :)

    SO, without further ado, let's take a look at April...shall we...? Am I reading this right? I am? Well...damn. We have 371 suggestions that broke the 100+ mark. I think that's a new record for us, I'm impressed! 58 of those made it past 200+ upvotes (Super Luminous!), 27 reaching 300+ (Enlightened!), 21 reaching 400+ (Ascended!), 7 reaching 500+ (Legendary!), 3 reaching 600+ (Mythic!), 9 reaching 700+ (Godlike!), 5 reaching 800+ (Omnipotent!), 57 reaching beyond our normal naming conventions, with 2 reaching 900+, 6 reaching 1000+, 3 reaching 1100+, 3 reaching 1200+, 8 reaching 1300+, 8 reaching 1400+, 3 reaching 1500+, 3 reaching 1600+, 3 reaching 1700+, 5 reaching 1800+, 1 reaching 1900+, 2 reaching 2000+, 1 reaching 2100+, 1 reaching 2200+, 2 reaching 2300+, 2 reaching 2400+, 1 reaching 2600+, 1 reaching 2800+, 1 reaching 2900+, and one MASSIVE one reaching 3000+.

    (We might need to get some more names soon, I think...)

    Special congratulations go to /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods for being MVP for the month of April thanks to their 3000+ post. Awesome! :D

    And here's a look into what types of suggestions made it onto this list:

    • Blocks & Items: 76
    • Mobs: 65
    • Structures: 38
    • AI Behavior: 36
    • General: 25
    • Magic: 18
    • Terrain: 16
    • Gameplay: 16
    • Plants & Food: 11
    • Sounds: 9
    • Achievement: 9
    • User Interface: 8
    • Advancement: 8
    • Weather: 6
    • Redstone: 6
    • Dimensions: 6
    • Combat: 4
    • Command: 3
    • Java Edition: 3
    • Monthly Theme: 3
    • Controls: 2

    Looks like Blocks and Items once again beat all the others, with Mobs as a very close second. You guys really love your blocks, eh? Well, good for you, since chains have been a highly-requested block/item for the game for years now, and 1.16 has finally added them (and in the latest snapshot, 20w18a, they are now waterloggable too). Never say never!

    THEME: Structures

    This month's theme is...Structures! Structures are a very important piece of Minecraft's gameplay, encompassing a vast portion of its exploration side and terrain. However, some of them have been with us since the very dawn of the game itself, and are in desperate need of upgrades/updates, while others are still locked away in our heads, waiting for us to reach in and share them with each other and Mojang. So go forth MCS, and let your imagination run wild! What sort of structures would you like to see added or updated, and in what way? We'd love to hear all about them!



    Imagine that: in just a single month, we've gotten to another (albeit smaller) milestone for our community! If we keep up this explosive rate of growth, we may just reach 200K by the end of the year. Now ain't that exciting? ;)

    Unfortunately, we also have some sad news to report to you this month. /u/RockHopperSSM has decided to step down as a member of staff due to personal reasons. He has been with us for quite a while, and during that time he has shown himself to be not only a great moderator, but also a great friend. Please join us in wishing him well in all his future endeavors.


    In other news, we're still doing some work on our Discord server (some reorganizing of channels, mostly) if you're interested in joining us. We have lots of great brainstormers over there, and we're a very friendly bunch, so come and join us if you feel like doing some live chatting!

    And finally, here's your monthly reminder to please read the FPS list before making an idea, just to be sure your idea isn't already on there.

    Carry on, suggesters!

    Feedback Posts

    In this section, we are putting links to any major feedback posts that we've put up regarding key features in the upcoming 1.16 Nether Update. Because development won't last forever, this section of the TMS is, for the most part, temporary, until the next update starts to roll out. But for now, here are our current major feedback posts for 1.16:

    1. Netherite Feedback

    2. Piglin/Hoglin Feedback

    3. Strider Feedback and Changes

    4. Nether Structures Feedback and Changes

    <>If there was a suggestion that was missed, please let us know below. Despite our best efforts, we haven't yet reached infallible perfection just yet (we're still trying, impossible as it might be), so some mistakes are still within the realm of possibility.<>

    (Continued in comments below.)

    submitted by /u/GreasyTroll4
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    Animals should huddle together in the rain and lay down at night

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    I think it'd be really cool to be out wandering beneath the stars and come across a bunch of sleeping sheep 😊

    submitted by /u/Minecraft_Chica
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    Glass Panes should connect to all doors

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Glass Panes should connect to all doors. This would make doors in windows look good and would be really good for all builders.

    Edit: or the panes next to the door connect to the edge, so basicly a t-pane with t offset to edge of the block

    submitted by /u/City-scraper
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    Striders should be warm when on Magma.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    They shouldn't move insanely fast on Magma blocks, but they should atleast be warm on it.

    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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    New strider jockey!

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    This new strider jockey-wither skeleton(or just skeleton) with bow on strider

    I believe that this would create a bit of difficulty in moving through the lava, because at the moment, while riding on the strider, only ghasts and sometimes zombified piglins on striders can pose a threat.

    It also turned out that skeletons can use warped fungi on stick to speed up.A novice who sees this will understand how to ride striders-you need to use warped fungi on stick.

    submitted by /u/KnightOnHorse
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    Forest Biomes needs Ambience

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    When I visit the Forest to get more wood, I notice that there's something missing, the wild sounds of the nature. Mobs are already enough, what we need is ambience. Forest Ambience would make these biomes lively, eerie and mysterious just as they're supposed to be. So I've come up with a list of ambience sounds for Forest Biomes divided into two groups, Day and Night. Also divided into three types, Loops, Loop Additions, and Rare Loop Additions



     ~Bird Chirping (though not too loud that it would become annoying) 

    Loop Additions-

    ~Leaves Rustling ~Woodpeckers pecking ~Apple hitting the ground after falling from a tree 

    Rare Loop Additions-

    ~Unknown Animal call from distance

    ~Unknown Animal roar from distance

    ~Tree falls to the ground



    ~Crickets Chirping (not too loud that it'd become annoying)

    Loop Additions-

    ~Owl screeching

    ~Leaves Rustling

    ~Wind howling

    Rare Loop Additions-

    ~Wolf howl

    ~Fox call

    ~Unknown Animal call

    ~Unknown Animal roar

    There are a few exceptions for some biomes.

    • Woodpecker, Owl, Wolf, and Fox calls ambience won't be heard in the Jungle.

      • Falling Apple will only be heard in Oak, Birch, and Dark Forests.

    NOTE: Before you remind me about ''The animals mentioned are not even in Minecraft'', Look and Listen to the Current Minecraft ambience sounds. Cave Ambience has Angelic Noises but there aren't any angels in Minecraft, Train Engine and Aeroplane sounds yet the two doesn't exist in Minecraft, and the ''Cave 19'' which doesn't sound like any existing mob in Minecraft. Ocean Ambience has Whale Noises even if there are no whales in Minecraft, Earth Crackling noises even if there aren't earthquakes or any geological events in Minecraft, and mysterious Animal Noises that doesn't sound like any mob in the Oceans of Minecraft. They only have one purpose which is to make these place more lively, eerily mysterious and fun to explore, and to leave you wondering if there are secrets deep within these places that Mojang hasn't revealed yet, perhaps there might actually be whales in the Oceans of Minecraft. I guess that makes it two purposes.

    Well, Thanks for reading my suggestion and I hope you have a great day!

    submitted by /u/HoveringPigs
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    Add a recipe book for brewing stands

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    Don't know if this has already been posted, but whatever.

    It is hard to intuit how to make potions, so I propose adding a recipe book like those of the crafting table and furnace to the brewing stand. The advantages of this are:

    1) It would help new players a lot. Trial and error is not the way to go with potions, because the ingredients are consumed with each potion. A recipe book would make the brewing process easier.

    2) It would be easy to implement. I am not completely sure about this, but it wouldn't require reworking game mechanics. It would be a simple and effective add-on.

    submitted by /u/WhyCalmsea
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    deamplified: new world generation type

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    I can't think of a good name for this world type, so I'm just going to call it deamplified. It would be an option you could pick before creating a world, and be sort of like the opposite of amplified worlds except different.

    Deamplified worlds would have smoother, more laid back slopes, longer and wider rivers, and flatter plains. It would be the perfect option for people who like to build in big open areas without having to flatten lots of land, but also don't want to play on a superflat world. Biomes would be bigger to complement the larger size of the terrain features, and caves/ravines would be less common.

    However this would not be like "realistic" terrain, since realistic terrain would not be fun to play on. It would be closer to a superflat world but with all the features of normal worlds like oceans and different biomes. Instead of just being flat, there would be rolling hills/ sand dunes with the occassional mountain range.

    submitted by /u/k00ji
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    Sweet berry bushes and flower pots

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:38 AM PDT

    I'd like it if was possible to put sweet berry bushes inside flower pots for decorative purposes.

    submitted by /u/v0sj3
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    Challenge Modes

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    So this is a bit of a weird one, I think.

    Some individuals have criticized Minecraft for making the survival aspect too easy—you can carry well over a hundred steaks in two inventory slots and you can skip the night—AKA "the part where the survival is"—pretty easily. Sure, it's possible to artificially prevent yourself from doing these things, but I can see their issue.

    Of course, removing these features would cause a lot of backlash. Some people don't want to have to fight monsters every night or worry about hunger in survival. Now, oftentimes, a controversial suggestion comes with "maybe you could turn it off if you don't like it;" this is generally a sign that the suggestion is bad. But I'm gonna do it anyway.

    I propose that the game add "challenge modes" to the Create New World menu. These would appear either on the Create World screen (directly between the Game Mode and More World Options buttons) or on the More World Options screen (wherever a button can be fit) (the button might only appear when Game Mode is set to 'survival'. It'd take you to a screen with a set of options containing a list of challenge modes which can be individually toggled (think like a checklist; all would be off by default). Each one can be turned on to give a unique spin to the game, and they can be combined if just one isn't difficult enough.

    == Examples of Challenge Modes ==

    Here's a few examples of challenge modes.

    • Classic Adventure: I don't know how many people on this sub are old enough to remember, but the Adventure gamemode wasn't always this way. Back in the day, Adventure Mode took the notion of "appropriate tools" to its logical extreme—if you aren't using the appropriate tool for a block, then you couldn't break the block. It doesn't matter how long you spend wailing on that obsidian with your iron pick or punching that tree; it's not gonna budge.

      In Classic Adventure, you would start the game with nothing more than a wooden axe, shovel, and pick (note: in theory, you should only need the axe; however, you could wind up trapped if you were unlucky with your seed, so I'd say you should get the 3 main tools). You play the game as normal, but unless you have the right tool to break a block, it's not going anywhere.

    • Hardcore: OK, this one is a bit of a cheat, but this seems like a logical extension of the idea. Remove "Hardcore" from the Game Mode options and move it to the challenge modes screen, because that seems like the appropriate place for it. No changes to the gamemode are actually required.

    • Survivalist: This one might be on the trickier side to code, but it comes from one of the earlier criticisms of why the game is too easy to survive in. In Survivalist, food... doesn't stack. You can place ONE (1) steak, apple, or what-have-you in each slot of inventory, and that is all. Manage your hunger carefully: you don't have rations to last forever. This one might need a better name.

    • Eternal Night: The game starts at dawn, as normal. The game plays as normal. The sun sets as normal. Then midnight comes—and the sky stops. In Eternal Night, you have one day to prepare before the sun sets forever.

    == Implementation ==

    This suggestion comes with a suggestion for how challenge modes are to be implemented. Lucky you! If you don't care about my suggestions for under-the-hood, go ahead and skip this section.

    Note that I am not privy to Minecraft's code base, and my knowledge of its more technical aspects such as commands and data packs has fallen behind over the years (I was on a long-term hiatus when data packs were added).

    Basically, internally, challenge modes would use the data pack interface that Mojang has already implemented into the game. Somewhere in .minecraft there would be a directory called challenge/, which would include data packs implementing each challenge mode. When the game is launched (or when the world creation screen is opened; programmers' choice, really), the game should read this folder and make a list of each data pack, including additional metadata like description, category, conditions for when it can be used (two data packs might be mutually exclusive), and possibly even parametric options (imagine being able to create a Hardcore world with 3 lives instead of one).

    When the world is created, each selected challenge mode's corresponding data pack is loaded into the world's savefile, or alternatively, the save includes a short file pointing to the data pack (in the former case, a world will maintain whichever version of the data pack was available when it was created, and won't implement changes made to it after world creation; in the latter, it would dynamically load the data pack when the world is opened, allowing updates to apply to old worlds. Each method has its benefits and drawbacks; I leave it to the developers to determine which is preferable).

    One of the many benefits to this scheme is that it would allow new challenge modes to be created with relative ease (and without worrying about their effect on the game's code, since all data on the encapsulated in the data packs). Even further, since modes are loaded dynamically, they wouldn't even have to be implemented by Mojang! The community could create new challenge mode files in the form of data packs (with the appropriate extra metadata), which people could download and add to the challenges/ folder. Then (after quickly restarting their client), these new modes would be included in the menu for their use (arguably, this suggests that maybe "challenge modes" should be implemented as a subset of a more general feature—perhaps as a subsection of a "data packs" list on world creation).

    I am fairly certain this would be relatively easy to implement; data packs are already in the game, and adding new GUI buttons is relatively trivial; however, note that some of the suggested challenge modes may not be possible to implement using data packs as they currently are. I argue that, if this is the case, it should be seen as a limitation of data packs to be expanded upon, rather than as an issue with this suggestion.

    == Conclusion == This suggestion describes a feature which should be relatively easy to implement, as it builds largely on already-extant portions of the Minecraft codebase, while at the same time allowing considerable more variety to the playing experience, with new challenges for veteran players, different play styles for new players to explore, and additional opportunities for community engagement.

    If you have any ideas for other challenge modes which I didn't think of, you should suggest them below!

    submitted by /u/omegasome
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    New advancement: Taxi!

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Lure a strider with warped fungus and saddle it.

    submitted by /u/The_Moldy_Baguette
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    You should be able to craft blocks out of 2 slabs

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    It's easy to make slabs out of blocks, but impossible to do the opposite. I think it would be a little "quality of life"-feature, with a very simple recipe: two slabs stacked on top of eachother in the crafting grid

    submitted by /u/SaamFryl
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    More than 1 flower should be able to be placed on one block

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    My thought is that Flowers (up to four) should be able to be placed in one block, like sea pickles. The reasoning is so that you can put more detail in builds. In reality, it would be tough to make something look nice if you could only place 1 flower per square meter. Obviously the sound and placement would be different from a sea pickle.

    submitted by /u/cardboard55
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    When you are in a flower field, wind should blow petals and the plants should sway slightly

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    Doesn't really affect the plants nor does it destroy them, it's just for show

    submitted by /u/epic-yolo-swag
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    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    Shackles are a craftable item that can be used similarly to a lead, but on hostile mobs instead of passive mobs. Just like leads, you can attach them to fences. They are crafted with 2 chains and an iron ingot. They do not break as easily, but when they do break, they only drop a chain rather than the item itself.

    submitted by /u/videobob123
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    Nether Fortress Overhaul: Wither Fortresses & Nether Temple.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:29 AM PDT

    I think we can all agree that Nether Fortresses at the current moment suck, & are long overdue for an overhaul. My suggestion is this:
    Blaze's & Wither Skeletons don't make any sense being in the same structure. Wither's were just inserted to bring life back into Fortresses. That time has ended, & the Nether is in soar need of another Nether structure to beat.
    Remove blaze's from Fortresses, leaving only Withers, & put them into a new structure, Nether Temples. Seeing as how Wither's are the only thing left in Fortresses, they get renamed to Wither Fortresses.


    Wither Fortresses:

    Aesthetically redesigned with a Wither focus. Made of a variety of Blackstone Bricks, different themed rooms, soul torches aligning the walls, soul fires decoratively placed, etc. Structurely they become more labyrinthion in design. Wrapping around, & leading the player through winding hallways, up & down stairs to different levels, through different rooms, all in search of a throne room centrally located in the Fortress.
    New Wither types inhabit the Fortress. A new Wither Skeleton type, armed with a bow, joins the old one in randomly spawning all over the Fortress. Wither Champions spawn in certain rooms of the fortress. Providing a greater challenge, with more health, more damage (melee only), massive size (blocking off entire hallways), & a mining debuff when you're around him (so you have to go through him, run from him, or go around him through an adjacent hallway). Lastly is a miniboss, the Withered Necromancer, guarding the Throne room. Summoning Wither Skeletons to his aid, shielding them similarly to how the Wither Boss becomes shielded at half health (though far, far weaker), randomly applying various debuffs to players in the area, & launching explosive bolts of Withering.
    On beating the Withered Necromancer, he drops a Withered Key Fragment (more on this in a bit), & a black book. I'm not exactly sure what a Black Book would do. Maybe some exclusive, evil enchantments, that are oddly powerful, but come at a cost. Idk.


    Nether Temples:

    Mojang put in Striders to cross large bodies of lava, but they didn't give us anything to cross lava for. While I have several suggestions for stuff that Mojang should add to Lava Sea's, Nether Temples are my biggest suggestion.
    Spawning in Lava Sea's, at least 100 blocks away from any shore. These are the new home of Blazes. Bringing along with them is the old aesthetic of Nether Bricks, though with a larger variety of them, & a more decorative design.
    Structurely Nether Temples are similar to Ocean Monuments, but with a little more emphasis on verticality (because of Blazes flight ability).
    Applying a mining & building debuff, similar to Elder Guardians in Ocean Monuments, is the Hovering Inferno. Finally adding the mob into the game as the Nether Temples challenging mob type.
    The treasure room contains 8 gold blocks, just like Ocean Monuments, as well as an indestructible block hidden within the square of gold blocks, with a key hole.
    This is the use for the Withered Key. After crafting it into (using all sorts of items from the Nether: some Netherite Ingots, gold, blaze rods, etc.) a new item, you can use it on the indestructible block, opening a rift, & spawning a brand new nether boss.


    The Nether Boss:

    I'm not exactly sure what to call it. Not sure what it looks like (though I'm thinking of something similar looking to Groudon from Pokemon). Not sure how it fights, nor what it would drop. This is what I know:
    The Nether needs some sort of Endgame content to make it feel more complete. The game also needs more bosses in it. As well, I believe that the player should be pushed to do Wither Fortresses & Nether Temples with a greater goal in mind (though if a player isn't interested in fighting a Nether Boss, the inclusion of other incentives (black books; gold blocks) are still there).
    And if you're thinking of the Wither Boss as already existing for the Nether, The Wither Boss doesn't have to be fought in the Nether. So to me, it doesn't count as a Nether Boss.

    submitted by /u/TheWorstYear
    [link] [comments]

    Abandoned Camps

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:44 AM PDT

    Abandoned Camps are the only structures that generate in Oak and Birch Forests. They consist of 2-3 tents made of wool blocks and an unlit campfire in the center. The tents contain one bed, a loot chest, and carpets. Skeletons might also spawn inside tents.

    Click to see a photo of an Abandoned Camp

    submitted by /u/HoveringPigs
    [link] [comments]

    If hundreds of fire blocks are lit, the fire takes a life of its own

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    If a fire is lit, and there are more than 500-1000 fire blocks (depends on biome), the fire will start spreading on its own, and can only be stopped when the fuel runs out or on sand/concrete/stone blocks/metal/gem blocks. Maybe fire blocks could have an ability to "jump" river biomes if there are hundreds of them.

    This will make fire much more dangerous and make the player think twice before lighting a fire ingame. I think spruce trees should also be the most flammable of all trees in the game due to oils in the tree.

    Its kind of like infinite forest fires, but on a smaller scale. To help reduce lag, once fire blocks reach a certain number, or when you arent looking at them, fire blocks will be "deactivated", if there are more than lets say, 500 blocks of fire, the particles on the blocks are turned off. Only the nearest fire blocks will be functioning.

    High end consoles like the Switch should be able to handle this well.

    Realistic fires should be a World Option on Bedrock called "Realistic Fires". This also causes any iron/gold block to go red and damage entities on top when this happens.

    If you light a fire on snow/ice/water/top snow, it will emit steam particles, which can be turned off.

    This would be good for making minecraft harder.

    I mean, look at fire irl!

    This does not apply to campfire blocks.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
    [link] [comments]

    Increasing the Survivability of Villages

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    One of the biggest problem with villages that the Village and Pillage update did little to address is the inability of villages to survive on their own for more than a few nights. Even with the improvements to villager AI, zombies will often hunt them to extinction unless the player decides to intervene. I understand that the intention of illager raids was to encourage the player to intervene and save the village for a reward and I do not think changes to raids need to be made. However, I do not think that the player should have to constantly babysit villages in order for them to survive. So here are some possible changes they could make:

    Increase the rate villagers breed

    Currently villagers breed fairly slow and its almost never fast enough to replace villagers at the same rate that they die at.

    Buff Iron Golems

    Iron Golems are the only ones that prevent villagers from dying out (except the player if they choose to help), but they do a very poor job at protecting them. Here's how to make them better:

    • Increase their speed when they target an enemy. One of the biggest problems with iron golems is that they are too slow to kill much of the zombies that attack villagers.

    • Increase their damage. Iron Golems are meant to be good at crowd control, but they usually spend too much time attacking a single mob and are not able to adequately protect villagers.

    • Make their hitbox larger. This would allow them to hit more mobs at a time and be more effective at crowd control.

    • Lastly, change their AI so that golems protect a certain area of the village. Having two iron golems on one side of a village leaves another side completely unprotected. Assigning Golems to patrol a certain sector would make them much better.

    Other Ideas

    • Alert the player when there is a zombie siege occurring.

    -Zombie sieges pose a massive threat to villages and can easily wipe out a village in a single night. There isn't a way to tell if one is occurring unless you are in the village watching it happen. If you are outside of the village at the time and don't sleep, there's a good chance you'll find most or all the villagers dead. The worst part is that many players don't even know about this event.

    • Adding another golem type

    -This is just a fun idea I had that isn't really a serious suggestion. My idea for a new golem would be to add in a Gold Golem that focuses on attacking mobs from a distance, but is slower and rarer than an iron golem.

    submitted by /u/NormalWordsBut
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    Striders should have a better pathfinding

    Posted: 02 May 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    When we leave striders out of the lava they start shivering although they don't do anything for it. They just stay there and shiver while the lava is just a block away. And the point is basically this, they should try to go back in lava.

    submitted by /u/Ekinxcann
    [link] [comments]

    "Piglin hunts" in nether fortress

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:03 AM PDT

    It will be cool if you could find a group of piglins roaming through the fortress, including a piglin leader holding a piglin banner. This will surely add more life to the piglins.

    submitted by /u/jethestar
    [link] [comments]

    Show Coordinates should be a Video Option and not a World Option:

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Doesn't really make sense the way that it actually works... If you're in a server and this option is activated that basically forces the player to use something that they may not like or not even like to use, and in Faction Servers that's also a Big Problem if you're a Youtuber since you would basically be leaking your base location!

    Coordinates should be something that the player itself decides to use or not(like in Java Edition using the Debug Screen), it's an optional help for most players like many of the Video and Controls Configurations so it shouldn't be something that you need to activate every time you create a world or controlled by someone else

    submitted by /u/JoKrun83
    [link] [comments]

    Saw this and thought i'd share since it doesn't look like many people have seen it.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    Mob reaction when they hear something

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    When mobs like zombies, skeletons and creepers hear something, they'll find out where the sound came from It should be as loud as TNT

    submitted by /u/I_have_good_memes
    [link] [comments]


