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    Minecraft Invisible players have a silhouette when in the rain

    Minecraft Invisible players have a silhouette when in the rain

    Invisible players have a silhouette when in the rain

    Posted: 04 May 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Title says it all. Players with invisibility would be slightly visible when under rain, as if the rain is falling on them and creating a silhouette.

    Additionally, players who stand still when its snowing can sometimes have snow accumulate on their head and shoulders, but only as a minor ambience effect.

    submitted by /u/MysticKoko
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    Petition to change the name from “Soul Sand Valley” to just “Soul Valley”

    Posted: 04 May 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    It just makes more sense! The theme of the biome isn't souls sand, but souls! And on the ground there isn't only soul sand, but also soul soil, so it doesn't make sense to me for it to be called like that.

    Let me know what you think in the comments. :P

    submitted by /u/itsValik
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    Educated bats

    Posted: 04 May 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Too often do we see bats commit suicide in caves. Mojang already has lava-avoiding pathfinding in the game, so would it really be too much to ask to make bats avoid lava?

    submitted by /u/Nal_Nation
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    People should be required to explain what an advancement teaches the player about the game when posting advancements.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    I think this would just be overall helpful.

    submitted by /u/SoupMayoMaker
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    All dyes should have unique item shapes

    Posted: 04 May 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    I love how most of the dyes in the game aren't just a simple oval shape, but have a certain abstract looking shape and texture. Some look sharp or round, some are thin, etc. It gives them each a unique feel and its an awesome feature.

    I think all dyes should have their own different shape. Currently, magenta, pink, light gray, and a few other colors just look like an oval.

    This was inspired from the vanilla tweaks resource pack.

    submitted by /u/Airesedium
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    What Frogs should Drop

    Posted: 04 May 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    So if we can all remember, back when we voted for which of three biomes should be updated first, Mountains won, but I believe they said the others would still get updated eventually, and a part of the update to the Swamp was adding Frogs, so here I am saying what I think they should drop once added:

    • Slime: For one, it'd make sense because frogs tend to be slimey, and Slimes already spawn in Swamps!

    • Lily Pads: Simple, it's a trope to see frogs sitting atop lily pads.

    (New Item Idea) - Frog Leg: Well, you killed a Frog, it'd make sense for it to be able to drop this.

    Now, what'd the Frog Leg be for? I was thinking two things.

    First, you could eat it raw or cook it, with raw essentially being Dry Kelp (and having a somewhat common chance to poison you.), and cooked being essentially Cooked Potatoes.

    And Second, you could use it in Brewing to get a Potion of Poison Touch, which poisons any mob which does damage to you! (And is referencing many poisonous Frogs, like the Dart Frog!) This potion can be buffed with Redstone and Glowstone to essentially buff the poison.

    Thanks for reading mate!

    submitted by /u/Rebuilds_Reddit
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    Ghast Pumpkin

    Posted: 04 May 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    It's basically a white Nether pumpkin. The seeds can be harvested from it just like the normal pumpkin.

    It can only grow on Soul Soil

    If you replace the sugar with any of the newly added Funghi, and the egg with a Netherwart in the crafting recipe, and replace the pumpkin with a ghast pumpkin, you can make a ghast pumpkin pie.

    When you eat it, it'll fill 4 hunger shanks, and you'll explode. Well, not really, you just take 2 hearts of damage. Entities in a radius of 6 blocks around you will be deprived of 3 hearts when you eat it, and the blocks in a radius of 6 blocks to the player will be destroyed, but only the ones ghasts can destroy.

    With a blue torch, they can be turned into Jack o Lanterns with blue light.

    Edit: SlushBucket03 suggested that it'll explode when you try to grow it in the overworld.

    Edit: by shifting and rightclicking you can throw it. In the best case, it won't damage you, but won't restore any hunger, and if thrown the wrong way, you'll get danaged and stay hungry.

    Fatmango54 suggested that if you put it on your head, ghasts should not attack you.

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    Slimes should get bigger while in water for several seconds

    Posted: 04 May 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    Trust me as a kid I thought they could, but reality is often dissapointing. Slimes that are small size should get to normal size in 30 seconds and normal to large in 1 minute.

    submitted by /u/Nightfall-memer
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    Bee Banner

    Posted: 04 May 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    We've gotten a new banner with every update, pretty much, and it's usually themed around that update. We got the illager banner in 1.14 and the Piglin banner in 1.16. It would make a lot of sense to have a bee or honey themed banner!

    submitted by /u/SlushBucket03
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    Adding a brewing ingredient that removes the particles in exchange for shorter lasting effects

    Posted: 04 May 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    My point is mainly because of the Invisibilty Potion. If I play with friends, it is kinda sad that you can see eachother through the potion particles. I think Milk would be a fitting ingredient because it "mitigates" the potion effects, if you have better suggestions for the ingredient, please let me know :)

    submitted by /u/l_au_l
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    The Crier, an illager that demands emeralds or else summons a raid

    Posted: 04 May 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    The Crier is an illager who looks like a Vindicator but holds a scroll in both hands and looks at it always. When the player has bad omen and they visit a village, instead of a raid starting, a Crier will spawn. The Crier walks to the town square and then stops moving. The Crier will demand emeralds (random number between 20-40). Villagers will occasionally drop 1-3 emeralds to the Crier, who will pick them up. The player can drop emeralds to or "trade" the emeralds to the Crier themselves. If the Crier receives the full demand, he will walk off and despawn once out of sight. If the Crier is attacked by the player or a tamed wolf (before or after payment), killed by the player or a tamed wolf (before or after payment), or has a full Minecraft day go by without receiving the full demand, they will walk off and despawn (If they were killed they act as if they despawn). The difference for this despawn is that once they despawn, a raid starts. Iron Golems don't actually attack the Crier. If the Crier is killed by anything besides the player or a tamed wolf, a new one will spawn and take the old one's place. The Crier can pick up emeralds while they are walking to or away from the town square, but they don't count towards the total. A sound plays when the Crier first spawns, when they arrive at the town square, and when they despawn (the despawn sound also plays when killed by a player or tamed wolf).

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Improve the pathfinding of raid mobs

    Posted: 04 May 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    Something that happens way too much to me is that raid mobs will spawn in caves and travel deep into the cave system, making raids more into a game of hide and seek. Something else that happens, though not as common, is raid mobs will just stay where they spawn and not run straight towards the village. My suggestion is to have raid mobs always spawn at a certain Y level, perhaps the same one as the well, and have them always run straight towards the village.

    submitted by /u/AgathorKahn
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    Pillagers demanding Emeralds

    Posted: 04 May 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    To me the Pillagers don't feel real enough. They are similar to Villagers, who have their own community but all they do is mindlessly attack the player and villages, just like a zombie or skeleton would do. I think that when those groups of pillagers come to you they should demand you pay them a sum of emeralds about 2-5 using a menu (similar to the wandering trader or villager trading ones.) You could select to refuse to pay them, or pay later. Refusing would lead to them attacking you and you fighting each other, and paying later would give you a time limit (maybe 5 minutes or so) to quickly get your emeralds and pay them. When they spawn you wouldn't be able to ignore them because they would walk up to you and trigger the menu.

    submitted by /u/JabbaTheBassist
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    Add pig Latin as a language option.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    This could count as something from the fps but I dknt think so, I think minecrafts some languages are fun like pirate and cat (I dont play java so I dont know if this is already a thing) and I think there should be more funny languages to spice up the game from time to time so I suggest pig Latin. Also while we're at it why doesn't bedrock have the fun languages?

    submitted by /u/Spikygamer
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    Magnetic Fruit

    Posted: 04 May 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Magnetic Fruit resembles a dark grey version of Chorus Fruit. It is crafted with a netherite ingot and 4 chorus fruit, which crafts 4 Magnetic Fruit. Magnetic Fruit can be eaten normally and it acts like chorus fruit, but it can be used on a lodestone while crouching to set the fruit (the entire stack gets set) to that lodestone. Then, eating the Magnetic Fruit teleports the player to that lodestone, or the nearest available space.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    New death animations for some mobs

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    Every mob in the game (mostly) has the same death animation, whether it's just disappearing or flipping on their side and getting a red tint.

    It would make sense if skeletons burst into a pile of bones when killed, spiders legs could curl up like they do in real life, zombies head could come off and creepers could dissolve into dust, slimes could explode into slime particles..and each could have their own new sounds too.

    This would just make the game feel a bit more immersive, and I can't imagine it being too hard to work in.

    submitted by /u/alwayskingtommen
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    A new overworld boss battle

    Posted: 04 May 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    Minecraft has two bosses: the Ender Dragon and the Wither. I am not counting the three elder guardians because in a 60,000,000 by 60,000,000 world there would be thousands of them, making it a not really hard to find boss. Also they are too easy to kill. In my eyes, a boss has a health bar and the need of a strategy to kill them, and not just mindless punching or shooting with a bow.

    I already pitched this at feedback.minecraft.net, but there only 1500 characters are allowed, so this subreddit allows me to explain it more in depth.

    I want the Giant mob to be implemented in the main game. It would be cool to make a path of destruction the giant has left behind. Alternatively, you can make a map and let it be sold by the cartographer. I think that path would lead to a massive cave, about the size of a ravine but less narrow. Alternatively, you can make a map and let it be sold by the cartographer. In there there would be an Altar from bedrock.

    There you could summon this boss by placing a T-shape (like The Wither or an Iron Golem) of a new block: the undead block. You craft it by putting a piece of crying obsidian in the middle, with 8 rotten flesh around the outside. On top of the T shape goes 1 single zombie head. A zombie will spawn, and if you don't bother it it will just act like a normal zombie. When you kill the zombie though, it will resurrect as a giant, the boss health bar appears, and you need to fight it.

    I don't really have any ideas on which attacks it should perform, but an army of zombies, or zombies with diamond armour that the Giant summons would be cool. After the fight is done, a chest appears at the Altar with the loot in it. I was thinking about enchanted books with God enchantments you can't get elsewhere. Do others have any ideas?

    Edit: paragraphs so it's easier to read.

    submitted by /u/RubyDupy
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    Placing bamboo on non-soil blocks should place a regular stalk

    Posted: 04 May 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    If bamboo is placed on any non-soil block, instead of showing up as the first growth stage it should appear as the regular stalk. It would not grow, or generate leaves on the top. It should also be able to be waterlogged when placed instead of breaking. There could be some kind of minor texture change to make it clearer that it isn't naturally growing- maybe a slight yellow-brown tinge?

    edit: player placed bamboo blocks would always be centered on the block

    submitted by /u/BlueberryBi
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    A Minecraft Ambience Update

    Posted: 04 May 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    I feel like an ambience update is really needed in Minecraft. I've seen many posts here talking about ambience and adding more personality to Minecraft, so why not just make it one update? I'll combine some other concepts I've seen floating around and add some of my own to overall improve the ambience of Minecraft.

    1. Animals gather in packs and lay down at night. Sheep, for example, would lay down with each other at night. All of the passive mobs need much more personality!

    2. When it's snowing, snow would lightly form on top of the player. This would be nothing more than an effect, not effecting anything else with the player.

    3. Swamp water has a different sound effect when you swim through it. Pretty basic, walking / swimming in swamp water will have different effects.

    4. When baby passive mobs aren't near an adult, they'll shiver. Also self-explanatory. They would shiver similar to how the Strider does when out of lava.

    5. When invisible in the rain, water will sprinkle off of them, creating a very light silhouette.

    These are just some of the many ideas that could be in an ambience update, which Minecraft really needs to increase the overall personality of the game!

    submitted by /u/Megalomatank030
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    Add an animation to stripping logs.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    Stripped wood is too easy to "make", only with one click of a button. This frustratingly annoys me and other players as you could be building and accidentally strip wood and waste wood. I suggest adding an animation which would be activated simply by holding the right mouse button. This will keep the accessibility of stripped wood without making people irritated with accidental clicks.

    submitted by /u/NoraDum
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    A rework/overhaul to Raids, to make them more goal oriented

    Posted: 04 May 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    Reworked Raids

    These new additions and changes would be a rework to raids, to make them more varied and have a main goal.

    Big Changes:

    • Town Hall: Villages now spawn with a Town Hall, which has a banner with a villager head icon on it in the center of the building (Heart of the Village). This is a large building with four beds, lots of chests, and a guard always stationed at the door. Inside is a crafting table and furnace, as well as two lamps hanging from the roof. In old villages, the largest building in the village receives a heart of the village.
    • Heart of the Village: A unique banner that is a villager version of the ominous banner. It is a target for Pillagers. If destroyed, the village guards and iron golems will attempt to kill the player to retrieve it. If retrieved, they return it to its place. If not, the villagers' speed decreases and their trades raise in price (In multiplayer, with other players. In singleplayer, they refuse to trade with the player). The Player is now marked as an enemy of the village (You also get this if you kill any of the villagers in the village). Villagers avoid trading with them, and Guards and Golems try to kill them when they enter the village. The only way to undo this is to return the banner to its spot in the town hall.
    • Raid Changes: Raids no longer are a number of waves, where the goal is to kill all the villagers. While that still is a main part of it, and raiders will kill villagers, their new goal is to get to the town hall and destroy the Heart of the Village. The Pillagers can destroy it by shooting it, Vindicators with their axes, Ravagers by slamming it, and Evokers with their snapping teeth spell. Witches cannot break these. The Raiders will try to get to the Heart of the Village and destroy it, but first kill any Village Guards or Iron Golems in their way, as well as Villagers if they are close enough. The spawn rates remain the same for each wave. If they haven't destroyed the banner by the last raid, the raid fails. This makes raids more of a challenge to stop, as you have a goal to keep the pillagers from getting. If the raid succeeds, the illagers take over the village and all the buildings become grey in colour. Pillagers, Vindicators, and Evokers now live in the village, and one of the buildings has a chance of becoming a witch hut and housing a witch. Stables now house Pillage Mounts (New mob below) and Ravagers. The Town Hall's Heart of the Village is replaced with an ominous banner, and the town hall becomes a Pillager Fortress. When the village is transformed, the villagers are all 'captured' in a room in the Fortress, excluding guards, who remain in their spots and attempt to keep fighting. Usually, though, the Pillager reinforcements will take them out. If they manage to destroy the Ominous Banner, the village is restored.. If they remain in there, the Pillagers will not attack them. The only way to restore the village is to destroy the ominous banner in the Pillager Fortress, which restores the village, and spawns back all the guards and Iron Golems that were there when the village was first loaded. The Illagers will all flee and despawn. You will get the Hero of the Village if you stop the original Raid or destroy the banner, and getting Hero of the Village erases being an enemy of the village.
    • Pillage Outposts now have better loot tables, and Vindicators have a small chance of spawning at them.
    • Village Guards - A new type of villager that will wear chainmail armour. These will spawn in a guardhouse, a new building in all villages. They have a 75% chance of having an iron sword, and 25% chance of having a crossbow. They work similarly to Iron Golems, in that they attack any hostile mobs near the village. All Illagers attack them as a priority to other villagers. Village Guards will leave the player alone as long as they don't attack them or any other villagers. Village Guards can be traded with for Chainmail armour, and have a 20% chance for their armour to drop (20% for helmet, 20% for chestplate, 20% for leggings, 20% for boots) when they die.
    • Guardhouse: A cobblestone (or sandstone) building that spawns in all villages. Size of the village only affects the size of the guardhouse. The guardhouse can have 1-10 guards, 1 guard for every 4 villagers. The guardhouse contains a barracks with a number of beds equal to the number of guards, and a watchtower with an archer post, and a ladder down to a dungeon, with two cells. There is a 25% chance of a zombie spawning inside, and 20% chance of a Vindicator spawning inside. If the mobs spawned in the cell, the Guards will not kill them, but if they escape, they will.

    Other new stuff

    • Water Raids - If a village is 25 blocks or less away from an ocean, then some of the pillagers in a raid will spawn in boats to raid the mainland. These boats are longer than crafted boats and seat three raiders (Two pillagers and a vindicator, usually). When the boats reach an adjacent block, they will break and the villagers will continue the attack. The reason for a new type of boat is because Mobs can't break boat and regular boats [Idea by u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon]
    • Pillage Mounts - A new mob that has a 5% chance of spawning with any Pillager or Vindicator that spawns in a raid or patrol. They act similarly to horses, but are faster. They will act be hostile to villagers and the player but can not attack, instead leading their Pillagers in range of enemies, or moving their Vindicators right up. These can not spawn at a Pillage Outpost.

    I'm not sure if this would be possible to add to the game, or if it's too outlandish, but I'd love to hear any feedback since this is my first time trying this. If you have any ideas I can add them here too.

    submitted by /u/SilverStrikeX
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    Why can we sleep the night away but not the day?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    I present you the NAP, it let's you sleep the day away just like you can with night. It would be extremely useful if you need to go creeper hunting for gunpowder or just anything night related in general.

    submitted by /u/ThyCrazyGamer
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    You can put a design on leather helmets and leather chestplates

    Posted: 04 May 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    You can put them in a loom to dye them. The design appears on the top of the helmet and for the chestplate it appears on the front, however the player can actually rotate it and put a design on the back instead of or with the front design.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Disabling or enabling structures

    Posted: 04 May 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    I wish there was more options about what do you want to appear in your world. Like for example, I like villages, but I don't like the vanilla churches, I don't like temples either, or dungeons, or strongholds. However, I do love burried treasures and sunk ships. So a set of options of what structures would I like in my world and what I wouldn't would be very helpful.

    I also would like an option to remove anything magic related (enchantments, potions, certain foods,etc). But that's just a personal preference.

    submitted by /u/justrainthoughts18
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