• Breaking News

    Minecraft A trident should not behave in an inexplicably different manner in the hands of a drowned.

    Minecraft A trident should not behave in an inexplicably different manner in the hands of a drowned.

    A trident should not behave in an inexplicably different manner in the hands of a drowned.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    When a player throws a trident, they just lose it. Sure, they can get it back, but for the time it's thrown they don't have it. They only ever have one trident. Yet drowned can throw a trident and keep it in their hands at the same time. Drowned's tridents should behave as loyalty tridents, so they don't lose their weapons, but they shouldn't have an infinite supply of tridents.

    submitted by /u/deengley
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    Can we *please* stop saying "this is minecraft, everything floats" as an argument in support of literally anything which has been challenged as unrealistic, illogical, or nonsensical?

    Posted: 08 May 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    If you've been on this sub for a while, you've probably been in or seen a conversation like this:

     Person A: "We should add X!" Person B: "I don't think that makes sense because Y." Person A: "Minecraft has dragons and creepers, it's not like real life smh" (mentioning neither X nor Y) 

    It's natural to use this response to support ideas because minecraft is a game, and one of the great things about games is that not everything has to be a simulation of reality. But that doesn't mean games shouldn't have logic or consistency, because it tends to make the gameworld much more immersive when the pieces fit together in a glorious pattern, even if that pattern doesn't align with Earth's.

    Here are some examples:

     Some guy: "I don't think this suggestion makes a lot of sense because X." Correct response: "X may be true in the real world, but minecraft has different physical rules than Earth and it's okay for some things to be different." Correct response: "Maybe, but feature A (which already exists ingame) also violates X, so it's consistent with other implemented features." Incorrect response: "Minecraft exhibits properties which do not or cannot exist in the real universe. Therefore, nothing needs to make sense, remain consistent or follow any logical structure" 

    Notice that the latter statement doesn't even mention the matter at hand! It's a generic response to any concern that a suggested feature isn't consistent or realistic, and regardless of whether you're right, it stifles argument and kills debate. This sub is intended to share, discuss, and promote good features for a beautiful game. These kind of automatic responses are counterproductive to our purpose.

    Okay, you've heard my [meta] rant of the month. I will now return to suggesting overcomplicated features and trying to think of a way to farm poisonous potatoes. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/orendorff
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    Iron Golems stun Zombie Villagers instead of killing them

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    It seems kind of weird they'd defend the villager to the end but then kill it without hesitation upon its zombification. Iron Golems should instead hit a zombie villager in a way that knocks them back but doesn't deal damage and instead stuns them. When stunned, a zombie villager tilts its head down, has its arms by its side, cannot move, jump, swim, tread water, wade, or attack, and doesn't scare off villagers. Upon being stunned, zombie villagers remain stunned for 2 minutes. When only 10 seconds are left before the ZV isn't stunned anymore, villagers begin to fear it again.

    Edit: This only works for zombie villagers that came from villagers, natural zombie villagers are still just normal zombies.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Bat Caves

    Posted: 08 May 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    A unique cave type in the caves of hilly biomes (e.g. Extreme Hills, Savanna Plateu) that is a long cave filled with bats on the ceiling and maybe a loot chest at the end of the cave.

    Even though bats don't attack the player, the screaming and flying of hundereds of bats will be noisy and scary tbh. I think this may add a "feature" both bats and the caves.

    submitted by /u/Ekinxcann
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    Lily pads should place based on facing direction.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Currently the orientation of lily pads is determined based on where it is placed rather than how the player is facing when placing them. I think this should be changed so that the player can determine the direction of their lily pads.

    submitted by /u/WalrusofYourDreams
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    More entity selectors

    Posted: 08 May 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    So, entity selectors. If you don't know about them, go here: click here There's .@e, .@a, .@s and .@p (ignore the dots, reddit replaces .@e with u/e)

    Pretty cool, right? Yeah, they're pretty cool. But there's a problem. There's 3 filters for players, and 1 for entities. But usually, in most datapacks/commandblock creations, you'll want to target, for example, all hostile entities.

    That adds a lot of commands, and complicates them, because you need to add more selectors. On top of that, since the game needs to loop all entities to check if they match the selector. It usually doesn't slow the game down too much, but doing it too much is a problem (especially if your selectors are very wide), and the perfectionist in me hates it.

    Now, if you press f3, you can see the amount of mobs in each mob cap (https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Spawn#Java_Edition_mob_cap). This probably means that, in the code, those are all separated. It might not, but that would be very inefficient and slow the game down, so I'm assuming they are. This means it wouldn't be too hard to add selectors for those. Therefore, this is my suggestion:

    Add selectors for each type of mob cap

    • .@m for monsters
    • .@c for creatures
    • .@amb for ambient (or b if it needs to be one letter)
    • .@w for water creatures
    • .@f for water ambient (fish)
    • .@i for misc

    These would therefore make it a lot easier to make certain things: you want to make a peaceful area?

    simply do /kill .@m[r=10] in a repeating command block, instead of needing a bunch of commands!

    Want to make a fountain of fish? Simply do /tp .@f ~ ~ ~

    All in all, these should be easy to implement, faster and better selectors

    To read more about mobs and mob caps: click here

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/SekoiaTree
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    More reasonable generation of bodies of water

    Posted: 08 May 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    In my personal opinion, minecraft water can be found anywhere, and on top of that the ways it spawns in is really... meh....

    My suggestion(s) is/are the following...


    These should we way wider, longer and deeper, it would encourage more people to use water transports or at least to make a bridge that is worthy of that name (seeing as most rivers are really small, a brige over them is really not necessary or if there is one, they're often very small or they're too big)


    There should be more of these in flat areas, but not the small hole ones or those connected to rivers/oceans, i mean actual lakes/ponds isolated from any other water source. These could range from various widths and depths, making them much more pretty to have around and have a better decorarion aesthetic


    These should have a lot larger sand/gravel cover and be relatively flat compared to the terrain around them, once again, it would look prettier and be more handy for building a base/setting up a base/outpost.


    I dont know if im the only one that is affected by this, but water in deserts is everywhere. And thats not right now is it? Make them way rarer and have some types of bodies of water not even spawn there.


    Pretty sure this has been suggested countless times here, all it would take is to make the pre-existing waterfalls a lot larger and maybe make them dig into the mountain they're in to give a sence of erosion!

    submitted by /u/Tostas300
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    Soul Fire is not a general Nether theme, it's exclusive to soul-related stuff.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    I see a lot of posts like "make a blackstone furnace that burns with soul fire" and "make it so when you smelt netherite/use stems as fuel the furnace burns with soul fire" Soul Fire is themed around, you guessed it, souls. Blackstone, Netherite and Fungal Wood have nothing to do with Soul Fire at all besides existing in the same dimension. THE ONLY THING THAT CONNECTS THEM IS EXISTING IN THE SAME DIMENSION. That's like... Saying furnaces should puke water when smelting iron because water and iron are both exclusive to the Overworld. Here's a furnace-burning-with-soul-fire idea that works: add Soul Glass smelted from Soul Sand and the furnace burns with soul fire when smelting it. I mean, I don't want soul glass myself, but at least it's acceptable. Also, what's with that furnace obsession? Be original.

    submitted by /u/CyberKitten05
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    New Land Formation (Tide Pools) With New Mobs (Sea Urchins, Crabs and Herons)

    Posted: 08 May 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    Note: This is an edited version of my previous post which is now removed.

    Biome - Tide Pool

    These small biomes only spawn in beaches and have a rough/rocky formation. They harbour life to many small creatures in small pools. The pool sizes can range from 1 - 10 blocks in diameter.

    Some corals, coral blocks, seagrass, tropical fish and very rarely sponges can spawn here.


    New Mobs

    Sea Urchins

    Dark and spiky creatures who are half the size of a block. These are sorta like the berry bushes of the ocean. If you step on them then you'll get hurt so it could, in theory, be used as protection in the ocean. They can also be eaten to replenish the same hunger and saturation as the berries but also has a 10% chance of giving you poison for a few seconds.

    Found in oceans and tide pools.


    Pretty self-explanatory. These mobs breed by themselves depending and spawn in any ocean biomes but more in coral reefs or tide pools. They can come in several different shapes, sizes and colours and can be eaten by crabs.

    Can be picked up by buckets.


    I've seen many suggestions about crabs so I won't ramble on about them too much. Pretty much they're neutral, scuttle away from any land animal, small and have 2 variants. They can be cooked and eaten (3 hunger bars) and have a natural predator, Herons.

    The normal crab (orange) is found on beaches, tide pools and oceans.

    Blue crabs are found in lakes, rivers and tide pools.

    Both can be picked up by buckets and have 3 hearts of health.


    Passive birds who live on beaches and near lakes/rivers. They mainly eat crabs but can also be fed fish (untameable though) and have whatever amount of hearts the vultures would.

    They can be used as a fishing alternative. If fed fish, they will fly out into the ocean and come back with a random item (same chances of normal fishing). However, they won't do it again until a few minutes have passed to prevent excessive fishing.

    submitted by /u/Internal_Recording
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    Display number of bees in a bee hive (like shulker boxes)

    Posted: 08 May 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    It could be really useful, to have the number of bees displayed when hovering bee hive

    submitted by /u/ItsMeKaZeRr
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    Farming Update

    Posted: 08 May 2020 03:59 AM PDT

    At some point I think it would be cool to have a farming update, it could add new crops ( barley, lettuce etc.), fertilizers other then bone meal, maybe instead of putting down a water source to water your crops there could be different tiers of irrigation systems. It could also be a combo update with new foods, to give a use to the crops. There could be a cooking with blockheads style kitchen that you could use to make new food with the new crops. Also more farm animals for the new foods could be nice.

    submitted by /u/Dog8463
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    The bottom texture of soul campfires should be soul soil, not coal.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 12:24 AM PDT

    Taking a look at the bottom texture of a soul campfire reveals a terrifying truth - that it is coal and not soul soil.

    This suggestion is simple: We need to fix this mistake since it doesn't make sense you know.

    submitted by /u/Da_Chicken303
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    A new pickaxe enchantment, Scrapping.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Basically, we have no way to revert many blocks into their basic materials, example: Quartz blocks, Prismarine, etc. that are made out of (ex) Quartz, but cannot be reverted back to it.

    That is the job os the Scrapping enchantment. The effect of each level is shown bellow.

    It works differently on valuable and normal blocks, can turn Iron and Gold ores directly into ingots and it is possible to pair up with fortune.

    Level Iron/Gold ore returns % chance to revert % of normal blocks returned resources % of valuable block returned resources
    1 1 ingot 50% (75-ish paired with fortune) 50-75% (75-90% paired with fortune) 100% (9)
    2 1-2 ingots 75% (90-ish paired with fortune) 50-100% (75-100% paired with fortune) 100% (9)
    3 1-3 ingots 100% 75-100% (85-100% paired with fortune) 100% (9)

    You propably noticed that normal and valuable block variants exist. I suggest that, but is obviously not neccecary, the valuable blocks revert to 8 of the original items when used in a crafting table. Basically when you craft an Iron block, it costs 9 iron, but turning it back returns 8, unless paired with a scrapping pickaxe. Valuable blocks are: Diamond, Emerald, Lapis, Iron, Redstone and... coal. Propably also netherite, but I have yet to touch the snapshots.

    Now... I propably should have said it earlier, but the reason this is so usefull is simply put, redstone. Observers are so Quartz expensive that are nearly impossible to mass produce, but are as (if not more) important than repeaters. Being able to get Quartz blocks from masons is a very usefull thing for builders, but for the redstone community, raw quartz is a very big grind.

    Finally, Level 3 Scraping paired with efficiency 5 in a diamond tool insta-mines resource blocks, and quartz, prismarine etc. making it less of a time sink.

    That is all, basically.

    submitted by /u/LmQ37
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    An End Ore

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    The End has great loot. Full durability enchanted gear, shulker shells, and elytra. Then you get your shulker box, elytra, and armor and you never go back. And why would you? What else is there? A second elytra? The End is in dire need of something that should be in every aspect of the game: an ore to mine. A desirable resource that requires braving near-void cliffs would have to be quite worth it, though.

    The most common suggestions for an End ore are purpur and ender pearl ore. But purpur comes from chorus fruit, and why would you want to have to mine ender pearls from the ground? Well, let's look at some of the ender pearl's characteristics: they are green, have some relationship to quantum entanglement (teleportation), and a strange relationship with water (endermen take damage in water). Fun fact, there's a real world material that reflects these properties: Beryllium.

    We already have beryllium in the form of emeralds, but beryl crystals do more than look pretty. Quantum tunneling can be done at a macroscopic level with beryl. Plus, pearls have to come from somewhere. Beryllium ore would generate in large end islands probably pretty close to void level, and it has 3 key uses.

    1. Craftable ender pearls. If you're trying to kill as few endermen as possible, you can craft one beryl crystal with a snowball to make an ender pearl. This is completely impractical, but it's nice to have options.
    2. Teleportation waypoints. End gateways float mysteriously in the outer islands and share the entire end's latent connection to teleportation. If you craft 5 beryl crystals in a helmet shape over an ender crystal and 3 obsidian, you can get a waypoint. It sounds expensive, but this is for good reason. Some people just can't be bothered to walk through the nether every time they want to go somewhere. So, if you place a waypoint and surround it with any beacon-responsive blocks, it activates. Waypoints link to the nearest waypoint with the same activation block. Iron links to iron, emerald to emerald. If you have more than 2 of the same waypoint class the game selects a random one.
    3. Enchantment transfer. If you craft 8 beryl around an enchantment table, you get an entanglement table. They would have a GUI with three slots: one raised on the left for an enchanted item, one on the right for unenchanted items, and one in the bottom middle for more beryl crystal. Much like an enchantment table, beryl is fed into the table to transfer enchantments from one item to another. Beryl cost is dependent on the amount and level of enchantments. Moving mending or unbreaking to a new item would cost around 6 beryl, while bane of arthropods or curse of vanishing would only cost 1. If an item has curse of binding, its enchantments cannot be transferred.

    In conclusion, the End's new ore would focus heavily on quantum entanglement and allow you to teleport and transfer enchantments. Due to its ludicrous power, beryl crystals are required in large amounts to be useful, and are very rare and dangerous to come by. I believe it is a balanced way to implement much desired features and a new layer of endgame without power creeping or copping out.

    submitted by /u/Eggs-official
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    Soul Silt: A new block that spawns in the Soul Sand Valley.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    Soul Silt is a special block that will be very useful for Minigames, especially Parkour. Soul Silt has no Gravity and floats like most other blocks - until the player steps on it. The moment the player steps on it, the block falls. Soul Silt spawns in Small Patches that cover large holes (that sometimes lead to Lava) in the Soul Sand Valley. It looks like Soul Soil, but with tiny holes that look like faces, like Soul Sand, except the faces are smaller - making it distinguishable from Soul Soil unless the player is in a rush. It can also be Smelted to obtain Brown Nether Bricks, which are exactly what they sound like.

    submitted by /u/CyberKitten05
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    Posted: 08 May 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    I have already sent a post to add pelicans to Minecraft but I think other seabirds are also needed.

    Albatros is a new bird spawning only near the ocean. It has 10 hearts and will hunt for salmon, cod and squid. Sometimes it can also be reborn over the ocean. Albatrosses will be welded in large groups. You can breed them with raw fish. You also need a nest to breed them. Albatrosses' nests will appear in their colonies. Albatross's nest can be extracted with a silk touch. Instead, the player will receive sticks and feathers. Small albatross will become become adults after 20 minutes. You can speed up this process by giving him raw fish. After death, he drops 0-2 raw fish and 4-5 feathers.

    I don't know if everyone has seen the post from u / aightpokken which was called "Penguin Charity Event". This idea was really amazing. Traveling Albatrosses are also threatened with extinction so I think Mojang could work with WWF.

    That's all in this post. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Sweet_Holiday
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    Realistic light

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    when two light sources shine on the same spot the light level should add both light values together instead of just using the greater one. this will make it easer too light up buildings. #no-torch-spam

    submitted by /u/IknowRedstone
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    Striders have a smooth transition between the warm and cold forms.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    They should not change colors and start/stop shivering immediately. It's odd and really out of place.

    This was fixed on the biome fog, so why is it taking so long to be fixed on the Strider?

    submitted by /u/Everedeck
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    End Ship Shipwrecks!

    Posted: 08 May 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    Similar to Normal Shipwrecks, these end shipwrecks can be found in the end dimension, and near Strongholds

    They'll contain loot, but most of it would be filled with tools with low durability, a couple Enderpearls, and/or a couple diamonds at best.

    submitted by /u/HeemiLheemey
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    New potion of Stealing Life

    Posted: 08 May 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Since bats are completely useless, I think it would be a good idea that by killing a bat we could get a new item: the vampire fang. This item could be used to prepare a life steal potion in the potions holder. The effect of the potion would make killing any mob regenerate a small percentage of life. What do you think of this idea? I would love to add this to Minecraft

    submitted by /u/CrisT98
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    If you die, your items will have the glowing effect until they despawn.

    Posted: 08 May 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    Basically it will have the glowing effect that can be seen though walls like the spectral arrows, so you don't have all you progress gone forever. If this sounds too op, maybe it could be an enchantment, or even a totem of undying-like thing(that's easier to get of course) and if you were holding upon death, it marks your items previously in your inventory.

    submitted by /u/nyancatdude
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    Make zombie horses available without cheats

    Posted: 08 May 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Zombies, Piglins, Zombified Piglins, husks, and zombie villigers should be able to pathfind to only a few of the horses in a radius,(but not donkeys or mules) and attack them, thus converting them into a zombie horse. This would vary on the difficulty (like villagers)

    Zombies, Piglins, Zombified Piglins, Zombie villagers and husks could ride them, but not at full speed, the same speed as a baby zombie, (sort of like how baby zombies mount other mobs on bedrock)

    Zombies would not need a saddle to ride them, but players would.

    They would be neutral (like endermen or wolves) and deal 2 hearts of damage per hit and have 10-20 hearts. However, they would be hostile to hoglins and zoglins.

    Zombie horses should burn in sunlight unless they are wearing a saddle or horse armour. And drop 2-5 rotten flesh,1-2 leather And anything they are wearing.

    You could also convert a zombie horse back into a regular horse when fed a golden apple and given weakness (which could maybe make them a bit faster/jump higher/have more health to make it worth it)?

    You could also get the 'zombie doctor' achievement when converting a zombie horse back into a regular horse.

    I just think that zombie horses would be a cool addition, whilst not changing the core aspect of the game.

    submitted by /u/Fork_the_derper
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    Penguin Charity Event

    Posted: 07 May 2020 09:21 PM PDT

    (As this mob appears on the FPS List, I came to the conclusion a full explanation would be needed. I tried to keep the post as concise as possible but there was a lot of information I wanted to cover. There is a TL;DR at the end if you don't want to read the entire post.)

    Why Penguins?:

    As a child, I loved penguins right away. They were instantly one of my favorite animals not only because of how cute they are but because they are smart and relatable. Right now a plethora of penguin species are labeled as vulnerable or endangered, which means these adorable creatures could be going away in the near future. This is why I think it's the perfect time to raise awareness by setting up a charity event with a set donation goal to add penguins as a permanent member of the Minecraft cast of mobs.

    Right now, you may be thinking that this idea has been done before (a lot) because it has. But after going through a lot of the submissions, I came to realize I might have a unique idea for this. Additionally, I thought this could also be an opportunity for a game like Minecraft to make yet another impact on the world around us, the best of both worlds.


    After getting this idea I got right to work brainstorming which penguin(s) would make the best addition to the game. Originally I thought it could be cool to have multiple penguin species that spawn in different biomes. Although the idea was cool I instantly had questions that, such as "How would different species interact?" or "What is the actual purpose of different species?" Although the first question was simple enough to answer, they wouldn't interact, I couldn't seem to answer the second one, so I decided to go with a single penguin species.

    After going through the list a few times, I settled on the Emperor Penguin. Although the Emperor Penguin is only near threatened, climate change is making it harder for them to find suitable breeding areas every year. They're projected to decline as much as 30% over the next three generations, so if we act now we can save them from going extinct! Additionally, the Emperor Penguin is quite well known, showing up in a plethora of movies and documentaries. With that, I got to work on modeling and texturing the Emperor Penguin. After a lot of testing a tweaking, I finished the model and texture. Here they are together.


    In real life, the Emperor Penguin lives in Antarctica. They form groups, called colonies, to protect themselves. They spend most of their time chilling out on large flats of ice and gliding through the cold water with great speeds. This makes the Frozen Ocean and Frozen Deep Ocean ideal for the penguin, they would spawn in groups of 5-10, using their numbers to protect themselves and their young. Since both Salmon and Cod spawn in this biome (beneath the ice) and a penguin's diet generally consists of fish, it makes the biome almost perfect for penguins.

    Polar bears also spawn in these biomes, which is unfortunate since penguins and polar bears never interact in real life. This is easily solved though. Since none of the Emperor Penguin's predators exist in-game, the polar bear could take their place. The interaction would not have polar bears actively hunting penguins, but instead, the penguins would run from the polar bear (similar to how creepers run from cats). Now that we have the biome sorted we can talk more about penguin behavior.


    Penguins would be neutral to the player. In real life penguins are quite territorial, however, they do not attack humans often and instead will make noise and flap their wings to warn you. In Minecraft, penguins would attack if provoked, but easily lose interest if the player backed away. As previously mentioned penguins would dive fish and run from polar bears, but that's only the tip of the iceberg. Diving for fish would be a mechanic similar to a Player fishing. The penguin would swim, and dive, at random, to grab an item from a set loot table. The loot table would look similar to the Fish and Junk categories from the fishing loot tables, but with pufferfish and tropical fish removed and the addition of stone buttons. If a penguin dives and receives a junk item it will drop it back into the ocean.

    Penguins would be able to use the stone buttons to build nests, if they have enough, and can be bred by the player with raw fish when an empty nest nearby. The player would be able to give a penguin stone buttons to speed up the process of building a nest, or it can happen naturally as the penguin dives for fish. When penguins are bred, they will lay an egg (much like turtles), which will hatch after a few day/night cycles. The player would be able to pick up penguin eggs with silk touch, however, this would provoke nearby penguins. Additionally, zombies and zombie piglins will try to crush penguin eggs, but all nearby penguins will defend them.

    Since killing an animal at-risk is not something that should be encouraged, the penguin would not drop anything upon being killed. This is in line with other at-risk or endangered mobs such as polar bears, dolphins, and bees. Lastly, I thought it would be fun if Penguins would dance to music. One of the most notorious movies with emperor penguins in it is Happy Feet. I think it would be a very cute interaction to include, and since parrots already have something similar it might be fun to see the two types of birds dancing together.

    Charity Event:

    Right now we are in the middle of a global pandemic, and not many people would be able to donate. For that reason, I'm not sure this is the right time for the event. But, we can still talk about what it would look like. Ideally, Mojang would design a shirt or plush for penguins in Minecraft where all profits would go to the WWF, and in addition, they would have a donation link for people who don't want the promotional item but still want to donate.


    • Penguins are adorable and at risk.
    • If Mojang were to hold a charity event, it would be a really big help to all endangered animals.
    • They would spawn in Frozen Ocean and Deep Frozen Ocean biomes.
    • They would dive for fish and be afraid of polar bears.
    • They would build nests when given stone buttons.
    • They can be bred with raw fish if a nest is nearby.
    • They would protect their eggs/young from players and hostile mobs.
    • Upon being killed they would drop nothing.
    • They would dance if music is being played nearby.
    submitted by /u/aightpokken
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    Underground Loot

    Posted: 08 May 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    I was thinking about the tiny caves that are just a pond of water and/or lava, and thought, why not give these purpose?

    So I propose a cave loot table to be added for the possibility of a random chest spawning in these.

    This loot would have random stone tools, cobble, a furnace occasionally, and possibly some ores (gold, lapis, redstone, diamond, iron) mixed in.

    There is nota huge purpose for this chest, but I think it would make exploring fun.

    submitted by /u/brickbuilder876
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