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    Minecraft Underground Villages.

    Minecraft Underground Villages.

    Underground Villages.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 05:24 AM PDT

    Because why not? They could add these massive underground caverns that are filled with houses. They'd naturally spawn in extreme hills biomes where the terrain is mountainous and building on the surface is harder, so they were forced to go underground. They would, of course, be close to surface cave entrances, and would have enough light sources to keep the hostiles from spawning.

    They could even add a new villager type: the Miner, who trades ores, gems, ingots and sometimes even the rare tool for emeralds in exchange.

    Would even be cool if there were abandoned ones even deeper underground than the actual villages.

    Tell me what you think of this idea.

    submitted by /u/HamdanAA2000
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    Jungle temple traps should generate with poison tipped arrows instead of normal arrows.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    This simulates the stereotypical poison darts found in Jungle Temples. This would also make the jungle temple slightly harder, and make poison tipped arrows obtainable early game in small amounts.

    submitted by /u/bibizu
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    There should be a 10 - 25% chance for a small cobblestone base with a crafting table to spawn on the other side of a ruined portal

    Posted: 03 May 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    A small cobblestone base on the other side of a ruined portal will make the world look like there were more entities who traveled to the nether and gathered resources there.

    edit: thx so much for 120 upvotes this is the most I've ever gotten!

    submitted by /u/LavaNationYT
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    Warped and Crimson nylium should drop netherrack when mined without silk touch.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    For consistency. Currently their overworld counterparts (grass, podzol, mycelium, and blocks with vegetation in general) require a silk touch tool to be mined. This is already the case in Bedrock Edition.

    submitted by /u/Lok739
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    Baby villagers should sometimes play with cats

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    Maybe baby villagers could sometimes go up to cats and hold string in their hands. The cat would then start jumping and running around the baby villager and both the villager and cat will continue for a bit and then stop after a while

    submitted by /u/LavaNationYT
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    Have some of the flowers behave like sea pickles.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    I love the variety of flowers in the game but would love to be able to make denser beds. So tulips, for instance, would look much better if you could keep placing them on the same block, adding an additional flower each time, like sea pickles.

    submitted by /u/Cribsby_critter
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    Magma cubes should have a small chance to light the player on fire when they attack

    Posted: 03 May 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    I mean they're MAGMA cubes. Lava once it comes out of the ground is less hot than magma under the ground and it still sets you on fire so shouldn't a magma cube have a small chance of lighting you on fire?

    submitted by /u/LavaNationYT
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    Reference the "Rejected Ideas" list in rule 4

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    As of recently, a new tab has been added to this subreddit, listing all the different concepts that Mojang has rejected. These ideas, as well as the ideas on the FPS list, when posted, are removed. Why, then, is the Rejected Ideas list not mentioned in rule 4? Looking up at the top tabs and seeing the "Rejected Ideas" page isn't as obvious as having it be in rule 4.

    It wouldn't do a lot to help the subreddit, but adding the rejected ideas list to rule 4 alongside the FPS list would help to make this subreddit a bit more foolproof is all.

    submitted by /u/WhyIsThereAPotato
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    Chance for Multiple Babies When Breeding

    Posted: 03 May 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    There should be a chance when breeding mobs like Sheep, Cows, Pigs, etc. that multiple offspring spawn. It should be higher for the pig as they usually have multiple piglets. Animals like cows, sheep, and horses usually have 1 offspring but there is an occasional occurrence of multiple offspring.

    (I'm not sure if this is the right flair - if it's not, let me know and I will change it)

    submitted by /u/Apinity
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    Nether biome variants.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    The new 1.16 update got me really excited for the new Nether, new biomes, mobs, and whole lot more was added, but I think the current nether biomes are too monotone, they need different variants. Having different variants of already-existing Nether biomes would make the post-1.16 Nether even more interesting, so, here is a list of biome variants I propose for each Nether biome:

    Crimson/Warped forests or simply fungi forests

    • Regular fungi forests, simply the fungi forests we have right now.
    • Tall fungi forests, in this variant, huge fungi are significantly taller than their regular counterparts.
    • Fungi forest-hills, here, terrain is a lot more chaotic, with drastic differences in height. No structures generate here and in crimson forest-hills neither hoglins nor piglins spawn.
    • Nylium plains, as opposed to the fungi forest-hills, the terrain here is nearly flat, with huge fungi generating infrequently in this variant.

    Nether wastes

    • Regular Nether wastes, identical to the current Nether wastes.
    • Mushroom Nether wastes, terrain generates pretty much the same as it does in it's regular counterpart, aside from the huge mushrooms scattered throughout this variant.
    • Modified Nether wastes, similar to the regular Nether wastes, but the terrain is amplified and patches of soulsand are way more common.

    Soulsand valley

    • Regular soulsand valley, exactly same as the current one.
    • Pile of bones, this rare variant is essentially a huge pile of bone blocks, as if it were a mass grave for the ancient creatures that used to roam the Nether. neither fortresses nor bastions generate here, and the only mob that spawns here is the skeleton.
    • Warped soulsand valley, an uncommon variant in which warped roots generate, instead of crimson roots.

    Basalt delta's

    • Regular basalt delta's, well....you get the pattern.
    • Volcanic craters, enormous craters filled with blackstone and magma blocks, lava lakes also generate.
    submitted by /u/Vsauce666
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    I think it would be very cool for fishing rods to activate target blocks and observers

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    This would give more variety for players. Give people ability to set up traps for players who are fishing and other areas, but mainly intended for map makers. I:e observer sees things, kinda makes sense it should observe the fishing bobble. And target block is a target, and this way you could practice long distance casting. EDIT: In creative mode target block could have an nbt tag that tells it what can/can't power it.

    submitted by /u/CosmicLightning
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    Fire enchantment for fishing rod. All fish you get are already cooked

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    The title

    submitted by /u/SpaceDude57
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    Ascended enchantments- a way to improve curses in Minecraft

    Posted: 03 May 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Ever since they were added to Java Edition in 1.11, the curses of binding and vanishing have been frequently discussed. Many ideas have previously been put onto this subreddit to add new curses, but first there's the question of how to make curses more interesting. At the moment, there's not really a good reason for a player to be involved with curses, since most of the time you don't need cursed items due to having similar items without curses (for example, ignoring a diamond chestplate with curse of binding and protection IV because you already have a diamond chestplate with just Protection IV.)

    What about getting more powerful enchantments than usual on cursed gear? Allow me to explain; as it currently stands, in regular survival mode, there are a vast amount of restriction as to what enchantments can hold what on them. You can't have Protection V since the maximum is Protection IV, and you can't have both Protection and Fire protection on the same piece of equipment, since they are mutually exclusive enchantments. This makes sense from a game design standpoint; after all, restrictionless enchantments would be overpowered. But what if you could get these kinds of enchantments, but at a heavy price?

    How curses should work is that they spawn as part of dungeon loot with otherwise impossible enchantments, at the cost of it simultaneously being cursed. For example, while in a dungeon you might come across a Diamond Chestplate with both Protection III and Fire Protection II, but it also has a Curse of Binding. This gives the player an interesting choice; do they want to have the extra enchantment power at the cost of not being able to swap to a more needed set of armor in a later scenario? After all, if he's in a room with a bunch of creepers, he won't be able to resist blast damage without a Blast Protection chestplate, since he doesn't have access to one. However, the ascended enchantments on the cursed item might make it worth it in the right scenario. In addition, this then would still be balanced, since it both adds and takes away power. Minecraft is a game involving a lot of creativity, considering we have things like redstone, which is used to make the most optimal machines possible, and building, to make an optimal house. With that said, trying to get players to decide how to set up their characters just adds more depth to the strategy and creativity of Minecraft as a game.

    submitted by /u/WhyIsThereAPotato
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    The archipelago option

    Posted: 03 May 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    A world generation type that has instead of just large landmasses with multiple biomes, has tons of small islands with different biomes. It would be great for someone who wants to build underwater or give themselves a challenge to build smaller.

    submitted by /u/The_Hivalian_Empire
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    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    In Minecraft today, all terrain Generation only goes above sea level, except for the occasional caves or ravines.

    I think it would be a nice idea to add valleys as a biome variant of the badlands (mesa) and desert as this is already seen in quite a few places in the real world like death valley or the Turpan Depression. It would add that extra layer of depth that I think minecraft World Generation is currently lacking.

    In those valleys you could have interesting rock forms, and there could be waterfalls going down into these valleys/canyons that eventually turn into small rivers.

    These valleys/canyons could go down to Y30-40, and could go down in steps of 5-10 blocks, or just be a steep cliff going down.

    submitted by /u/MastarMastar
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    Golden fruit, a quick way to get home!

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    The golden fruit is, like said in the title, a fun and quick way to get home. Eating the fruit will teleport you to where your spawn point is.

    The fruit is crafted by using five chorus fruit (in the four corners and the center) and 4 golden ingots (in the top, bottom, and two side slots)

    I feel like it fits in the game, as it isn't too hard craft, but definitely more of an end game item, with all of the chorus fruit. Although, I can see why it would be a horrible idea, as it does kind of take away from the adventure part of the game. Any suggestions are welcome!

    submitted by /u/ImA_JuiceBox
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    A cute pet mechanic

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Maybe if a cat or dog has been sitting for too long on a comfy surface (carpet, bed, wool, etc.), it should lay down and start sleeping

    submitted by /u/Coondogg369
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    If two slimes or magma cubes of the same size jump into each other, they combine into a slime/cube one size larger.

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    It's really sad to me that there's no way to get slimes of any size other than 0, 1, and 3 in survival. This would only work with unnamed, unaggravated mobs, so it'd be difficult to farm up a massive slime and kite it to someone's base to grief.

    submitted by /u/Aunexium
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    /noclip command

    Posted: 03 May 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    A very simple command, typing it in will toggle noclip allowing someone to go through everything.

    I think it would be pretty useful for tight builds and redstone.

    Syntax: /noclip [entity] [true/false (if left empty will just toggle it)]

    submitted by /u/SirbaconI
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    Dungeons should fit the mobs they are spawning

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Dungeons are pretty plain and are always exactly the same despite the mobs they are spawning. There should be varying loot and blocks depending on the mob spawner. For example, a skeleton dungeon could have some bone blocks sticking out the floor, and zombie dungeons could have more mossy cobblestone or maybe some slime blocks. Also, the loot could be different. In a skeleton dungeon, there could be more bones, arrows, and bow related stuff. In a zombie dungeon, there could be some broken armor or tools since zombies sometimes hold tools or weapons. A spider dungeon could have string and some food since in real life spiders like to annoy people by going in their food. Tell me what you think in the comments :)

    submitted by /u/LavaNationYT
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    Fletching Table Functionality Idea

    Posted: 03 May 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    My idea for the fletching table's use, is that it should be used to make special arrow types. I envision the interface like a stone cutter, but there are 2 slots on the left. One for arrows, and the other for an ingrediant. Each ingrediant can convert 8 arrows into a special type. Here are some of my ideas:

    TNT - Explosive Arrows (They blow up, obviously)
    Glowstone Block - Spectral Arrows
    Magma Cream - Flaming Arrows (Like having flame or shooting through lava, but it's the arrow)
    Lingering Potion - Tipped Arrows
    Iron Ingot - Extra Damage Arrows (Deals 1 extra heart of damage)
    Eye Of Ender - Ender Arrows (basically a long range enderpearl)
    Firework Rocket - Long Distance Arrows (They don't care about gravity as much)
    Obsidian - Piercing Arrows (Can hit up to 3 mobs)
    Slime Ball - Bouncing Arrows (Can bounce off of walls, not mobs though)
    Lead - Teathered Arrows (After firing, a line [as though it is a leashed mob] goes out from the player, and it disappears when it hits an entity, but if it hits a block you can click to bring the arrow back, like it has loyalty, would turn back to an ordinary arrow)

    This are only some ideas, if it were implemented there would probably need to be more types of arrows. (Although their isn't more types of tools for the smithing table to upgrades, so idk...)

    submitted by /u/ProfessorPi31415
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    Skerries (small islands made of rock)

    Posted: 03 May 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    To add variation in the oceans possibly there is a chance of a skerry generating. They should only generate in cold oceans and lukewarm oceans since in real life skerries are found mostly in the cold northern waters.

    Here is a link to a skerry: Skerry Image

    Skerries would resemble flat slabs of stone sticking out of waters or even resembling the tops of stone mountains. Here players would probably find some grass on the top. Rarely spruce trees. To add life cod would spawn frequently around skerries.

    Seagull, To give more interesting life seagulls could be seen flying around skerries. Seagulls will occasionally land. They would offer ambience to these lonely rocks. Seagull eggs which would resemble turtle cans can also be found on skerries. These eggs would hatch baby gulls and can be picked up by the player to eat. Touching eggs though may result in all nearby seagulls to attack the player.

    submitted by /u/dino_took_my_wallet
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    Wandering trader improvements

    Posted: 03 May 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    We've all experienced it; a wandering trader suddenly appears in your stripmine, your farm, a cave, or somewhere else where he shouldn't be. In my opinion he should spawn some fifty blocks away from you in the day time, and come walking towards you, only on ground level. That way he wouldn't spawn inside of your stripmine or anywhere else.

    He should also sell more useful items. Right now, the only trade that I find useful is the slimeball. Therefore I think the wandering trader should sell more items that you actually get from exploring and use, such as name tags and other useful items.

    submitted by /u/ShinyStache
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    More Crossbow Enchantments

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    So, I think that crossbows shouldn't get stuff like Power and Infinity, they should get enchantments that are more unique, if you get what I mean. Here are some ideas (feel free to suggest more):

    • Torpedo. The arrows (actually called bolts) can go through water without penalties.
    • Giant Slayer. Does more damage to monsters larger than the player (ravagers, elder guardians, ect., but not things like zombies and illagers).
    • Handheld. Can be held in only one hand (like bows).
    • Chains. The target, after being hit, can't move for a few seconds.
    • Ender Sight. Acts like a long-range ender pearl, but deals a bit of damage to the user.
    • Rage. Gives the user a short speed boost after being shot.
    • Explosion. Creates a small explosion of power 1-2 (TNT is 4).
    • Illager's Wrath. Makes illagers choose the target over other targets, even villagers and golems, for a few minutes.

    These are just suggestions (and the names suck). But I do think that crossbows should be made more unique, and be able to have some cool powers that the illagers have managed to master.

    submitted by /u/EpicNecromancer
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    Villagers you breed in Nether Biomes should have hidden skins

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    So I was playing Minecraft and I decided to boat some villagers to the Nether to see what happens and they just turned into the plains villagers which is kinda dissatisfying. But now that there's a Nether update coming AND different biomes coming with it why not have a unique skin for each villager that spawns there. I'm not saying that they should turn into mobs like Piglins that attack you and stuff just something entirely cosmetic. So in the waste they have Blaze related clothing, Endermen clothing in warped forests, Piglin clothes in the crimson forest, Ghast clothes in souls sand valleys and maybe a unique death look in the Basalt deltas maybe with grey skin and hoods with glowing red eyes. It'd be cooler if the villagers were actual half monster half human depending on the monsters that are in the biome they spawn in, but I wouldn't want to ruin the whole villager gimmick (unless Mojang wouldn't mind giving us cool monster villagers ;) ) But anyway I thought this would be a cool idea maybe you could do the same with the end dimension except with a shulker look instead because if this came to be we'd already have an enderman look idk. Just an idea I thought was cool.

    submitted by /u/MyKneesKindaHurt
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