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    Minecraft It should take half the time to break slabs than it takes to break full blocks

    Minecraft It should take half the time to break slabs than it takes to break full blocks

    It should take half the time to break slabs than it takes to break full blocks

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    The same would apply for stairs, walls etc. For example stairs would take 3/4 of the time to break than a regular block. Walls maybe 1/2 the time like slabs. This could also work with glass panes where the would take less time to break than regular glass blocks.

    submitted by /u/Scratch9898
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    When you bonemeal a dirt block that is next to grass, the dirt block should convert to a grass block.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    This would make the new nylium feature in the nether more intuitive for new players.

    submitted by /u/cardboard55
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    Piglin Ships: Adding more to the Nether's Oceans

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    The Nether Update was a great update. It breathed new life into the Nether by adding new biomes, mobs, and much much more. However, there is one thing that wasn't updated then that I still think should be. And no, it's not Nether Fortresses. I'm talking about the Nether's Lava Oceans.

    Currently, the Lava Oceans are still as boring and treacherous as they were before. Sure, there's Striders, but those provide not new features into the Lava Oceans, but simply an easy way to cross them.

    That's why we need Piglin Ships.
    Piglin Ships would be one way to give a reason to explore the Lava Oceans aside from getting from one coast to the other. These Piglin Ships would spawn more rarely than Bastion Remnants but make up for that by having far better loot. They would have Lodestones, plenty of gold, and even singular Netherite Ingots on occasion, though very rarely.

    Why should Piglin Ships be added?
    Well, like I've said, the Lava Oceans of the Nether are very bland. They serve no purpose other than a barrier which can be crossed very easily. Piglin Ships would give far more purpose to Lava Oceans other than being simply a weak barrier.

    submitted by /u/Tomdaninja
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    When getting an item that is the last of its stack, the 'plop' sound effect you hear when you pick items up will be slightly different

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    Basically, this would indicate that you have reached a full stack of a certain item/s, and also allows you to know when you have a stack of something without checking your inventory.

    This would not happen on creative more, only survival and adventure, and it could be turned on and off in the settings menu.

    submitted by /u/cucumbertree666
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    Food Idea: The Lemon

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    The lemon is, well, a lemon, and can be obtained from trees on islands in a tropical ocean or beaches. The lemon is different from other foods in that the first 32 times you consume it, you only gain half a hunger bar and receive 3 seconds of nausea due to its sourness. After that, you build up a tolderance and receive 3 hunger bars and lots of saturation. Once you build a tolerance to lemons, you receive the advancement "Sour Dedication." It's worth it to eat lemons to build up a tolderance since they are extremely easy to obtain and can be an excellent food source.

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    Snowgolems should go under cover while it is raining.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    Ok, SnowGolems should go under cover while it is raining. They should go under trees or in caves.

    submitted by /u/Lone_Wolf_2021
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    Ruined houses

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 01:24 AM PDT

    Just an extension to my pet collar suggestion

    Whenever you go exploring there will be a small chance that you will find a ruined house all broken down and covered in cobwebs and vines.

    When you look inside you will see a red bed, a crafting table, a furnace, a chest, and a single untamed wolf.

    The contents of the chest would be a few pieces of meat, wood, sticks, maybe some iron, and a collar

    submitted by /u/TACOTONY02
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    Ability to equip chests to striders

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    This would be similar to donkeys, mules and llamas.

    They would have a little chest on both sides of their body. It could carry a full 15 slots like a donkey or it could carry 3/6/9/12 depending on the strider.

    This would add a strider inventory that also allows you to un-equip a saddle from a strider.

    submitted by /u/jujucat222
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    Wandering Piglin

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    We all know and love our good friend the Wandering Trader, right? Okay, Maybe not. I actually posted this as a joke on r/shittymcsuggestions but as mentioned by some, this could be a valid addition if they did it right.

    So, Here is a true suggestion with far more balanced barters that would be worth your time.

    Bartering with the Wandering Piglin would be just like bartering with Piglins. Here are the trades.

    "Common Barters" (60% chance) - 3-10 Crimson Nylium - 3-10 Warped Nylium - 3-10 Soul Soil - 3-10 Blackstone

    "Uncommon Barters" (30% chance) - 5-12 Coal - Any Gold Armor Piece/Tool - 3-5 Gunpowder - 1-2 Ghast Tears - Warped Fungus on a Stick

    "Rare Barters" (10% chance) - Any Enchanted Gold Armor Piece/Tool - 1 Blaze Powder - Crossbow (Can be Enchanted)

    This would effectively allow players to trade gold for items that may not be available near there nether portal(s). Also with the addition of a blaze powder trade. You can now beat the game without killing a single blaze or entering a Fortress with enough grinding and patience. Of course it would not be a reliable source since he doesn't stick around forever and would not be a speedrun friendly strategy by any stretch of the imagination.

    Other features to note: - Wandering Piglin would carry two striders with him - Wandering Piglin would drop a Warped Fungus on a Stick upon death - Wandering Piglin Striders have a rare chance to drop a saddle upon death - Wandering Piglin will not trade with any player who is not wearing a piece of gold armor

    I hope this is a good idea and everyone enjoys it. If I get enough good feedback, I might send this the Minecraft Feedback page.

    submitted by /u/AidenGamingYT
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    I have one simple, but very logical!

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    Craft: Slab + Slab = Full Block

    And now with the stonecutter functions it would be even better 👍🏻

    submitted by /u/sebasbazo
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    Grindstones should remove custom names on items.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    Right now, when an item is renamed to something else in an anvil, there is no way to change it back. Even if you rename it again to the default name of the item, the name will still be italicized as though it's still a custom name.

    Since grindstones remove any enchantment from an item, it would also make sense if it would remove any custom name as well.

    submitted by /u/Yah-ThnPat-Thn
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    Zombies turn into husks when suffocated in sand/gravel.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    Also, Husks should have a special attribute to them that makes them worth killing, like drowned zombies. Since zombies can drown, it only makes sense that they would be able to "drown"(suffocate) in gravity affected blocks.

    submitted by /u/Im_JuJu
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    Let Evokers use Totems of Undying (please read thoroughly)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    Okay hear me out, we all know evokers have totems of undying and to me it's just a little odd how they never use the darn thing despite literally owning it but you could immediately counter me by saying "oh that's because they don't have it equipped" and you'd be correct but for how good the totem of undying is, it's pretty easy to obtain since evokers aren't that difficult to deal with. An item that can cheat death is easier to obtain than fake wings that make you go zoom, well that's odd innit?

    "But that would make the evokers overpowered!!"

    I hear ya, I hear ya but I could easily make a comparison with the witch being able to heal itself with potions, however healing and reviving are two totally different things and I agree that it would definitely make things harder, BUT that's the point since it's pretty obvious that evokers are the biggest bad of all the illagers and they're basically the "boss"... why not let them actually be the boss and if you don't want them to use their totems all the time make it so that they only have a 25-50% chance of using the totem on hard difficulty and when you finally kill them they still drop a totem to reward you for your troubles.


    Let the evokers have a 25-50% chance to use their totems of undying in only hard difficulty and even if they do they still drop a totem when killed.

    That's all & goodbye~ wololooo

    submitted by /u/AVGwar
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    When a wolf kills a sheep, it takes the meat in its mouth like a fox and eats it

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    It's strange that a wolf kills a sheep for food, then doesn't take the food.

    If a wild wolf kills a sheep, it takes the mutton for itself in its mouth like a fox holds items, and then eats the mutton. This only works for wild wolves, not tamed.

    This also works for foxes and chickens.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    The warped forest should have goo spitting spiders so that the warped forest has at least one unique and interesting enemy.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    I feel like the warped forests are one of the most underwhelming additions in the new nether update, but that's got nothing to do with how they look. It's to do with the fact that there's literally no reason to ever go there as there is literally nothing unique about it. The only mobs that spawn there are Endermen which can be farmed much more effectively in the end and make absolutely no sense being there.

    It's clear that Mojang probably couldn't think of anything interesting to put there, so here's my idea.

    Mojang should add a new spider mob called "Warped spider" or "Goo spider" that are as big as regular spiders and are the same turquoise color as the rest of the warped forest, apart from their eyes and a big goo sac on their back which are both bright orange (like the warped fungus). They could sound different to regular spiders by sounding much more alien and bizarre.

    What makes them different is their goo spitting ability, when they initially spot the player they will chase the player for 3-5 blocks before stopping for 1.5 seconds to spit goo at the player before then chasing them again. These spiders will still be able to jump and climb but they will pause for 0.5 seconds after jumping. Their goo will deal 4 hearts (unarmoured) damage and apply the "Warped goo" debuff. This will make the player take twice as much damage and blur their vision as well as tinting it orange for 10 seconds by default. The warped goo projectile could be exactly the same as the Llama spit projectile except it would be orange.

    Killing a warped spider will give you string and a "Warped goo sac" which when used in brewing will give you a "Vulnerability potion" which gives the victim the warped goo debuff.

    submitted by /u/The_Sadorange
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    You should be able to place grass and tall on mossy stuff

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Putting grass and other nature stuff on mossy blocks like mossy cobble or mossy brocks for example would make for cool decoration like when a place has been abandoned for some time and grass grew through it

    submitted by /u/Applehh
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    Increase concrete explosion resistance

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Wood is more blast resistant than concrete. Hello? Concrete is concrete. It's almost rock hard. In real life it's used for bomb shelters to protect from blast. And wood is less easily destroyed than Minecraft concrete? I'm sorry, that needs to change.

    submitted by /u/Asadefa
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    You should have the ability to smelt soul sand into soul glass.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    Soul glass is a material that allows players to pass directly through the glass when they are wearing boots with any level of the soul speed enchantment.

    submitted by /u/Troobis_Is_Hot
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    Flammable blocks should catch fire immediately when they touch lava

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    I once placed a block of wood planks in a lava lake. It's top surface was exposed, but the other five sides were touching the lava. And it didn't catch on fire until a while. I don't think so. If a flammable block comes in contact with lava, it should ignite immediately.

    submitted by /u/Asadefa
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    Ground effect and Jet streams

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    For those of you that don't know what ground effect is, ground effect is when an aircraft is pushing air down producing lift but is close enough to the ground that the air bounces back up and produces more lift, I think this could be something revolutionary to get players to explore closer to the ground as well as open new opportunities for map makers. Secondly jet streams could be implemented for fast travel on servers similar to the jet streams to the north of the United States going east and the jet stream to the south going west (jet streams could possibly be implemented above the clouds)

    submitted by /u/Colone-space
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    Option to adjust keyboard/mouse cursor sensitivity on Bedrock edition

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    The sensitivity for the pause menu and inventory cursors should be adjustable to every player's needs. I often find myself moving past where I want to click because the cursor is too fast to be precise.

    submitted by /u/av4n_iv
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    You can place twisting vines in flower pots

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    It would be a nice little asthetic detail. Similar to how cacti just become tiny, the twisting vine in the pot would be smaller but look the same.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Reinforced concrete with iron bars

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    There should somehow be a way to place concrete with iron bars, to create reinforced concrete.

    submitted by /u/Asadefa
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    Minecraft- no Paid Emotes.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    I as a Fellow OG Minecrafter Prefer the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft way Beyond the Java Edition because I can play with every Platform- with STABLE Frames on the newest version- I was willing to ignore the Micro transactions for a long time but it has gone too far.

    I know this is Personal Preference- but I cannot be the Only person to dislike Emotes, I cannot Ignore those Pesky things they literally show up in your face on Mobile. This game has traveled a long road and I am just sad- Lets do a Poll:

    Share your Thoughts on Emotes and having to pay for them. Are they good or should they be Removed.

    submitted by /u/oke2032004
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