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    Minecraft Piercing affects shulkers

    Minecraft Piercing affects shulkers

    Piercing affects shulkers

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    With piercing on crossbow you have chance to hit through shulker shell. Chance increases for 20% by every level.

    submitted by /u/HellLow616
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    Iron golems get increasingly more mossy

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    I think it would be an interesting graphical choice if Iron Golems would get more mossy the more they are in the world. For example, when a new golem is built, it will have no vines. After 10-20 in-game days perhaps it starts getting a little vine growth. Another 10-20 days adds more moss and vines. This could continue until it is almost complete covered. I don't think it would have any functional effect, but if the player does not like it, the could use shears to clip off the excess plants, recieving 1 or 2 vines.

    submitted by /u/Meemesfourdayz
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    Entities named with a Nametag should drop their Nametag upon death. And Re-Naming mobs should make them drop their previous Nametag.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Name tags aren't exactly the easiest item to collect. And if your anything like me you have probably lost many Nametags by naming a random animal or enemy by accident. So I think you should be able to get your Nametag back by killing the mob that has it. This way you won't destroy a whole nametag. Also while Re-Naming a mob you loose the previous Nametag by replacing it with another. So I think it would make sense that you get the old one back when renaming it. Or alternatively you could right click the mob with shears to get the Nametag back or sneak and right click to get it back if it's a sheep or a snowman.

    submitted by /u/LiamLaw015
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    You can place a lava bucket on a strider's head to keep them warm

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    As a little detail, you can shift-click a lava bucket onto a strider's head. This causes a 3D lava bucket model to appear on their head. This prevents them from becoming cold, but also means they can't be ridden.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    When an Anvil gets used up, the item should go to your inventory instead of dropping

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    When an Anvil gets all used up, the item you got from the Anvil should go to your inventory instead of dropping.

    feedback site post: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360071204012-Items-going-in-your-inventory-instead-of-dropping-when-Anvil-breaks

    submitted by /u/GreenclawTehWolf
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    Fletcher table should be used to make tipped arrows

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    I think that all of the villager work stations should also have some use to the player. Like the smithing table is now used to upgrade diamond gear. I think it would be useful if the fletchers table was used to create the tipped arrows.

    It would still use the lingering potion and it should work like the brewing stand's blaze powder slot. You put in a lingering potion and then below a little bar it says the effect, then you put arrows in the input slot and they process for a couple seconds and go into an output slot.

    It would work like a furnace where you can input the potion from the side with a hopper and the arrows from the top. The finished tipped arrows would be able to be sucked out of the bottom.

    submitted by /u/Derepic
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    make the color of the moss on mossy cobblestone dependant on biome

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    the current mossy cobblestone texture by jappa blends in quite nicely with the color of the grass in plains biomes, i realized it would be neat if the color also changed dependant on the biome you placed it in. (this also applies for mossy stone brick as well)

    submitted by /u/sucywaffle
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    New Nether Biome: the Petrified Forest.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    So I was looking at the new Polished Basalt blocks and it struck me, that they look and act similar to logs. They are oreinted in a particular way, plus they have "rings" on two oppisite sides, and smoother texture along the outside. It got me thinking, what if I built a forest out of stone? What if the game had some sort of forest of stone? And then I had this idea for a new biome that would fit perfectly in the new Nether.

    The one thing that ties the new additions to the Nether together is how dynamic and alive they make the dimension now feel. Wheras before it was a continuous cavernous expanse of the same terrain, we now have variation. But not just any variation, each part seems to tell a story, as a part of the forces that shape the very terrain of the Nether itself. Soul Sand Valleys are the final resting place of countless souls, and the decayed bodies of some monstrous creatures, with only vague bones left behind. Basalt Deltas are the result of immense volcanic activity pouring out and cooling into pillars of rock. You can even still see pools of lava and magma interspersed as it is still cooling. The pillars that stretch from the ceiling and down show the ancient lava flows who's heat source dried up and cooled into basalt right where they once flowed. The forests, both Warped and Crimson, show that even in the midst of all this, bizarre forms of life sprout and thrive in the hellish environment, as the Oasis of the Nether.

    I think this proposed biome fits into this paradigm, adding another event in the narrative of the Nether: What happens if the hellish environment gets too hellish for those warped or crimson forests to survive? Buried in a volcanic eruption, destroyed in a soul fire blaze gone out of control... something catastrophic happened and all that was left was the petrified remains of the forest, transmuted into stone. I give you the Petrified Forest.

    Here you can view a mockup I made of what this biome might look like

    One route that could be taken in the creation of this biome could be the addition of two new blocks, a "petrified wart" and "petrified stem" but I will make the case that these are not nececary, and the petrified forest could be composed of two already existing Nether blocks that were introduced in the latest update. This would eliminate the need to do extra work creating new block types for this biome since it uses already existing assets.

    The stems of petrified fungi, both standing and fallen, are composed of Polished Basalt. The caps could be composed of Blackstone. I think the Polished Basalt works not only visually for this purppose, but it makes some sense. The extreme heat and pressure, and possibly even supernatural forces of the Nether itself that petrified the forest, caused the stems to transmute into stone, but also to melt and become "polished" by erosion. That same process would result in a different material for the caps, which are less dense than the stems, yeilding Blackstone.

    Most of the giant petrified fungus are stripped of their caps, being little more than petrified stems. Interspersed throughout the tops of the intact petrified fungi, underneath the blackstone that forms the cap, occasionally blocks of coal would generate. These would be in the same sorts of positions as Shroomlights generate in normal giant warped fungi, but much rarer (since a single block is worth a lot of coal, having them be common would be a little unbalanced) The reason for this is that it makes sense that coal would form from organic matter that has been "petrified" by heat and pressure, as well as giving the player another source of coal in the Nether. With the stems of giant fungi being useful as wood, and Blackstone being a substitute of cobblestone, surviving, or even starting in the Nether as a fun challenge is more viable than ever. This gives the player another accessible source of coal.

    I considered the idea that maybe glowstone could replace the Shroomlights, but I think it fits the theme better if the Petrified forest is dimly lit, only by occasional pools of lava. Given it's theme I think a desolate feeling is appropriate. To add to this it might look nice to have a similar particle effect to the Basalt Delta biome, but turned down just a bit with the frequency of particles. So that the eerie feeling is there, but the air looks more still than the ash filled air near the active eruptions and basalt collumns.

    The way that the "trees" generate would be different from just taking the generation in the Warped and Crimson forests, there would be several smaller "stump" variants only a few blocks tall, and versions that are huge and stretch extremely tall. Two other generated structures aside from the normal "trees" be fallen petrified fungi, and fallen logs. Pretty self explanatory, these just generate laying down, to look as if they have collapsed.

    The ground would be netherrack, with patches of gravel and regular basalt.

    Another possibility that crossed my mind was what if the player wanted to grow petrified trees of their own? Obviously you could just mine the materials and build them. But maybe if you put a Fungus (the small ones, the item) in a furnace, it smelts into a Petrified Fungus, and that can be used to grow petrified trees. This might be a silly idea, how is a petrified, dead fungus going to grow? Magic or something is the obvious answer, we are dealing with another dimension after all. You be the judge, but that is an idea if you want to make the "trees" farmable.

    submitted by /u/Sarr_Cat
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    Brute Force

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    Obtained from killing a Piglin Brute

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Alpha Hoglin

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    The Alpha Hoglin would be the Piglin Brute equivelent. They would spawn once when a pack of hoglins surpasses 7 members. The Alpha Hoglin would have a potential to spawn every 30 minutes if the first Alpha has died. The alpha hoglin should have 3 abilities: Attack: does 8 damage (4 hearts), this is his normal attack Charge: All Hoglins around him will immediatly aid him and charge at the player with speed 1 and maybe strength 1 (if your on hard mode) for 3,4,5 seconds depending on difficulty. Roar: Deals 4 damage and gives the player weakness and slowness for 5,6 or 7 seconds depending on difficulty, he does this every 20 seconds The Alpha himself has 40hp (double the player but less then the Piglin Brute) and would be Somewhat Neutral like a Polar Bear, if you get 6 blocks close to him, his pack or his young, he will use his charge ability. He should be 1.5 blocks wide and tall and 3 blocks long. He will not attack you if his pack is attacking you, if you hit one of them though he will charge.

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    A new painting of a piglin holding gold in front of a nether portal with, a flint and steel in his of hand

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:43 AM PDT

    This would be a nice addition to the game, cause people who find a ruined portal can realise, hey that's the portal from the painting and figure out from there. And it can also hint at that the Piglins like gold.

    submitted by /u/11thmog
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    Villager + Iron Golem behaviour

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Make villagers help iron golems in certain ways and make iron golems seem more of a living thing than a object Blacksmith could use iron to patch up an iron golem Iron golems get more mossy in jungles Iron golems should have a idle groan like a ravager Baby villagers should ride on iron golems Iron golems should sleep when there's no hostile creatures Villagers should put a rose where a golem dies Cats should climb and sleep on iron golems when theyre asleep Villagers should refuse to trade with players who killed a village iron golem (not a player spawned)

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Option to turn off censorship

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    In Java edition you can freely name items and chat with profanity. In Bedrock any profanity will be censored out. I understand the Bedrock edition has a young audience compared to Java edition so to get the best of both worlds I propose there should be an option in chat settings that disabled profanity censorship.

    submitted by /u/HollowTree734
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    Tropical Biome

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Sailing around in a boat, the land that you see just doesnt feel like islands. I think a tropical biome could add a lot. I imagine two sub-biomes: tropical coast and tropical forest.

    Tropical coast would manifest either as small, self contained islands within ocean biomes, or as a transition from tropical forest or jungle to ocean. They would render as wide beaches, favourite home to turtles, with patches of grass starting at least 6 blocks from water. In the grass would grow plantain trees or coconut trees.

    Plantain trees would sometimes grow a Banana Bunch block which, when broken, would split into 3-5 bananas. Bananas will restore the same hunger as apples with a bit more saturation. They could leave behind a Banana peel after being eaten (what could it be used for, fertilizer?).

    Coconut trees would sometimes grow a coconut block. If the coconut block is not connected to a leaf block it will fall with gravity and cause damage like an anvil. This can be used with pistons to create traps. It has a very long harvest time but is much faster with an axe. When destroyed it drops 1-2 coconut flesh and 1-2 coconut shells. The flesh is worse than an apple for hunger and saturation. The shells can be used to make armour that is worse than leather. A note block placed on a coconut can make some clip clop sounds. The shells could also be used as fuel similar to a stick.

    Tropical forest may contain coconut, plantain, and jungle trees, bamboo, and watermelon. I imagine less vines and leaf blocks on the ground, and no 2x2 jungle trees. It should serve as a nice transition from jungle to tropical coast or as the centerpiece in larger ocean bound tropical islands.

    Gorrillas may inhabit the tropical forest. The gorillas should come in 3 variants: silverback, normal (female), and baby. The baby will grow into a silverback 10% of the time. To be bred, a silverback and normal gorilla must be given a banana each. Silverbacks are fast and aggressive unless the player holds a banana. Silverbacks are also aggressive to zombies, and skeletons. The normal gorillas are neutral but will fight back when attacked. They drop xp and 0-1 banana peels as loot.

    I think this is a good idea as it adds more fruit in an interesting way and a unique environment that blends nicely into a few existing environments. I think gorillas are a great idea because we identify with them as being like us, and they would be a powerful ally or dangerous opponent depending on how we interact.

    submitted by /u/SpawnOfNyx
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    The Hyperion Tree

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    Hyperion IRL is the largest known tree reaching a colossal 115.85 metres tall and in minecraft it'll be the same. Hyperion is a redwood tree which is on the FPS list but for this idea to work it must be a Redwood.

    Now Hyperion would just be a single tree that stands at around 100 blocks and at the base would have a 10 block diameter. The tree tapers in as it goes up and at halfway it is lined with branches. The wood of the hyperion is red and the leaves are similar to spruce but thinner and greener.

    Hyperion's are extremely rare and even villagers sell maps leading to them. Even rarer some Hyperions are dungeons. These dungeon hyperions are similar to the modded battle tower. Each floor of the Hyperion gets harder and harder with more and more mobs and various traps and tricks getting more frequent as you ascend. Arthropods are prevalent here in the dungeon hyperion.

    At the top of the tree is a boss: "The Thread Tyrant".

    HP: 250 6/8/10 melee attack (Inflicts poison 1 for 6/8/10 seconds) Defence: 5

    This is a massive red spider with green eyes. It can walk on air as if it's treading on fine webbing. It spits bubbles of sticky poison and clumps of cobweb at the player spewing faster, further and harder the less HP it has.

    When it loses 50 HP it spawns a bunch of arthropods spawning more arthropods at a time the less HP it has.

    Once it reaches 125 HP it'll begin charging at the player trying to fling them off the tree.

    At 25 HP the Thread Tyrant's defense jumps to 10nand it only charges at the player as a last ditch effort to slay them.

    Upon death it drops a lot of spider eyes, string, cobwebs, slime balls and the "Tree Trunks".

    The tree trunks(Pun most certainly intended) are leggings made of redwood. When worn these will:

    Gives same defense as iron leggings Allow the player to climb up of blocks like ladders. If the blocks are made of wood then the climbing is faster and if the blocks are logs then the climbing is even faster. Blocks with different sides will have different climbing speed i.e piston face and piston cobblestone

    Removes the movement penalty from walking backwards. Allows the ability to sprint sideways and backwards..

    submitted by /u/Centurypong
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    Chains are now in Minecraft! Why not allow chains to connect minecarts together?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    The idea is simple, allow minecarts to be connected together via chains. Why? this would make redstone facilities SO much better & it would also actually give us a reason to use the furnace minecart since it would mean that it could easily haul a lot of minecarts and it would also be a lot more convenient than having to put coal on the furnace minecart then jumping infront of the cart you have infront of it.

    submitted by /u/AVGwar
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    Furnaces Smelt Faster in the Nether and Slower un The End.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    The Nether is really hot. The End is based on space which is extremely cold. The title really sums it up.

    submitted by /u/MrMangoBerry1
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    Burning a log should have achance to drop charcoal

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    When a log burns by fire it should have a 15% chance to drop 1 charcoal, it just doesn't make sense that if you put a log in a furnace it will always give 1 charcoal but then if you take the same log and burn it with a flint and steel it just disappears.

    submitted by /u/KidFriendlyArsonist
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    Wither Skeletons should spawn in Soul Sand Valleys

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Even before the Nether update, I was always puzzled as to why Skeletons of all overworld mobs spawn in the Nether. I could understand Endermen being there, it kinda makes sense that they somehow teleport in, but I never understood what made Skeletons so special.

    Part of the appeal of visiting the Nether (at least for me), is getting to see all the unique mobs the dimension has to offer. So it's kinda disappointing and underwhelming that one of the brand new biomes introduced in the Nether update is populated mostly by a common overworld mob that we're already well acquainted with.

    Replacing them with Wither Skeletons would be a better fit in my opinion. You need Wither Skulls to spawn the wither, along with soul sand, so it makes sense the two would be found in the same place. It would contribute to the creepy atmosphere of the biome as well.

    They don't have to be the sword wielding ones. A new Bow wielding variant could be introduced. They'd deal more damage than regular Skeletons, but less of them spawn to balance it out. Maybe on harder difficulties the arrows could inflict the wither effect, although even on hard that sounds unfair. If not that, then maybe a new reskin of Skeletons could be introduced that spawn exclusively in Soul Sand Valleys (kind of like Strays- Zombies already have two extra variants so I see no reason why Skeletons can't as well).

    Do you agree? Or am I the only one who'd like to see something like this?

    submitted by /u/wittyusername64
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    Netherite Armor should not lose durability from standing in fire or lava

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    EDIT: I actually didn't know that this was implemented, but I feel like it could be expanded to mobs as well, like blaze fireballs. Thanks to u/mcupdatewanter for letting me know!

    As we know, Netherite items are immune to being burnt in fire or lava in item form.

    So why not make the armor not lose durability points from standing in fire and lava? This would not prevent you from taking damage from fire or lava, as the armor does not completely encase you, but would make sense and would let your Netherite armor have better survivability, particularly in the Nether.

    Due to the high durability and strength of Netherite armor, this would be a minor change, but I think it would be a cool suggestion.

    submitted by /u/Chaosdragon23579
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    Piglins should be shown eating the pork from Hoglins.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    Ya know, since Piglins hunt the Hoglins for what I'm guessing is for food, maybe show them actually eating the meat. That also brings up another question. Wouldn't they cook the meat before they ate it.

    Yes and they would probably set down a campfire to cook stuff (maybe Piglin campsites could be a structure but I'm not getting into that right now.) To be more specific, a soul campfire.

    When the Piglins chow down on the Hoglin meat, they would actually regenerate health if they've been hurt. This mechanic of them eating food would make the Piglins a more advanced species of mobs.

    submitted by /u/LuckyBoi57
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    Make the Rarity system better.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    Currently, we only have four rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Epic. Not only do I not think that this is enough, I think that the system itself could be improved.

    First off, we should be able to set the rarity of advancements, to show how difficult they are to the player.

    Second, it is completely nonsensical for an enchanted item to automatically become rare. That isn't how it should work. Instead, I propose that those items which are enchanted have their text boldened, similar to how renaming italicizes the text.

    Third, the new rarities. I think that there should be some amount of consistency and predictability for the rarities. Therefore, I'm listing the definition of each rarity, and some examples of items in that rarity.

    • Common (white text): Something you could obtain on your first night, or which is easily farmable, such as wheat seeds, wood, stone tools, etc.
    • Uncommon (green): Something a little tough to find, but which you can get if you know where you're looking pretty easily, such as iron, gunpowder, bones, etc.
    • Rare (cyan): Something which can be pretty difficult to find, but isn't any sort of endgame item, such as obsidian, diamonds, an anvil, an enchanting table, etc.
    • Epic (pink): Very difficult to obtain, frequently requiring either lots of grinding or a lot of exploration, such as Pigstep, ancient debris, an enchanted golden apple, and a totem of undying.
    • Legendary (gold): Truly endgame items, such as a Beacon, uh...all I can think of is a beacon right now, but I'm sure there are other things.
    • Ultimate (purple): Yeah, this is just the dragon egg. There's only one, so it makes sense to have it take up the last rarity.
    • Creative-only (red): Yep. You can't get it in survival. ...
    submitted by /u/BlueManedHawk
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    Potion of Mesmerizing: An easier (but humane) way to move mobs.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    I've made this idea into a mod, but I got a couple of comments on the OG post telling me to make a post here.

    Here is the original post.

    Many mobs in this game that you would want to move around your world do not have an item that attracts them.

    For example, Villagers, there is currently no good way to move them, despite villagers being one of the mobs that you find yourself moving around the world the most.

    Now it makes sense that they are not attracted to an item, they aren't an animal, they won't blindly walk towards an emerald and they shouldn't.

    It also makes sense that they can't be attached to a lead... that gives off some vibes that Mojang would not want in their game.. and we can leave it at that.

    So I propose another solution, a new status effect called Mesmerizing.

    Any living entity that has the status effect Mesmerizing will cause all other non-hostile or angerable mobs within an 8 block radius to become mesmerized to them. When mesmerized mobs will follow the living entity as if they are a cow and the entity is holding wheat. This effect could be applied to any mob in the game including the player.

    While moving villagers could be the main use for this, the effect could be made more useful if the mesmerized behavior of mobs is put at a higher priority than their own self-preservation. Meaning that a villager will continue to follow you even if it is being attacked by a zombie, a zombified pigman will forget that it is angry at you, an iron golem will ignore hostile mobs. All just to follow you/the entity.

    Of course this would be an extremely powerful ability, the recipe for it should reflect such. I believe that this potion should not be extendable by glowstone meaning it could have a maximum duration of 3 minutes. My personal idea for a brewing recipe would be adding a honeycomb to a potion of regeneration. Although the honeycomb isn't expensive the ghast tear for the regen potion is. Plus this would give a better reason to farm bees.

    submitted by /u/GoldenPenisOfDeath
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