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    Minecraft a chance to find fortress from ruined portal loot

    Minecraft a chance to find fortress from ruined portal loot

    a chance to find fortress from ruined portal loot

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    so basically, I think there should be a chance that you find a compass connected to a load stone hidden in a nearby nether fortress(the load stone spawn under the lava well, making it the best way to find one ,since they are harder to find and more likely to get buried under netherrack.

    how ever am not sure how rare or common thus should be.

    Also wow this idea have been approved really quickly by mojang , here is the link please upvote here if you like the idea or if you want mojang to hear your opinion about it if it gets there interest : https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360072116052-a-way-to-find-nether-fortresses-through-ruined-portal-loot

    submitted by /u/Nziom
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    Improvement to soups/stews

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    At the moment soups/stews (Mushroom, rabbit, beetroot) are pretty useless as a food item. This improvement would change that.

    Soups would exclusively give a new effect called "Fullness". Fullness would act as an opposite to hunger, meaning that the food bar drains much slower then it normally would.

    Beetroot soup would give Fullness I and will decrease how fast the food bar drains by 1.5

    Mushroom stew would give Fullness II and would decrease how fast the food bar drains by 2

    Rabbit stew would give Fullness III and would decrease how fast the food bar drains by 3

    Other changes:

    Note: This would not increase how much saturation these soups give off (Although if this update were to be made rabbit stew will give more saturation as eating the food items gives more hunger bars then eating the stew itself)

    submitted by /u/SnowyOranges
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    Baby villagers trust you more than ever when transformed from baby zombie villagers.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    Currently, baby zombie villagers server no purpose as they cant be transformed into villagers and are just a rare baby villager. This is where my idea comes into play. When a baby zombie villager is transformed, it becomes a baby villager with a special nbt tag. The baby villager will give they player a cookie or poppy every so often but rarely as to not be farmable. When the baby villager grows up, it will permanently give you discounts, as after a while villager deals go back to normal. I think this makes sense because as a child, your most impressionable. (Before you say it, there is nothing wrong with putting something realistic in minecraft unless it makes the game worse to play.) If the villager is attacked by the player, it will loose half as much reputation as normal and it will alert any nearby iron golems or villagers that it was fine, so golems don't attack you and villagers give you regular deals. (unless the villager is killed of course.)

    Let me know what you think and of any mistakes I've missed.

    submitted by /u/Pengwin0
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    Soul Jack o' Lanterns

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    Soul Jack o' Lanterns

    The idea of soul fire jack o' lanterns was heavily suggested on the "main" Minecraft subreddit during the development of the Nether Update, and I support it strongly.

    I have three reasons why they should be added.

    Firstly, for parity/coherenty. We have soul campfires, lanterns, and torches, so it only makes sense that we should have jack o' lanterns as well.

    Next, for builders. Not only would it be a good decorative block, with design ideas out there ranging from blue jack o' lanterns to ghostly white pumpkins, but it could also breathe life back into its regular cousin, which, let's admit, isn't used very much in builds.

    Finally, this would be a relatively simple feature to implement. There is no limit to how many different blocks that can be added in Minecraft, and this one would be just a retextured jack o' lantern, using some code they've already written for other soul items. I don't know much about coding process, and I know the piglin brute is said to be the last addition to the Nether Update, but if developers see this soon and agree, we could even see them in 1.16.2.


    By u/ JJgun2019 on the Minecraft subreddit. Not promoting anything, just giving credit.

    By u/ kodabeer on the Minecraft subreddit.

    submitted by /u/SquashImportant6189
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    “Oh the places you’ll go”

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    In villages, houses should have paintings.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    These would, of course, be inside the house, on its walls. I think this change would give villages a little more character.

    I don't think they should affect villagers in any way, but maybe they could look at the painting for a few seconds before going to bed? Lemme know what you think.

    I also have an idea for banners hanging outside some houses, but that probably needs an image, so it's a suggestion for another time.

    As always, thanks for reading! :D

    submitted by /u/RazorNemesis
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    Add "ways to find a nether fortress faster " or something like that at the fps list

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    So ive seen enough post bout fortresses being rare and need to add new ways to find them idrk why people said its rare i always saw 1 near my portal or not that far u just need to explore besides thats the point of the new update "explore for biomes and stuff" so it basically applies to old features such as fortresses and this is just a suggestion if u dont agree leave this post be or downvote if its rlly rlly bad again just a suggestion

    submitted by /u/ihavenoname213
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    Make cats stay near the village

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Now I'm no AI expert so I don't know if this is possible or whatever, but it always makes me said when I stay in a village too long and the cats wander off. I get that they are timid scared of you, but I think some AI should be in place to keep them at least somewhat in the village so they don't get lost.

    I just feel like whenever I'm in a village i either have to tame all the cats or they vanish into the distance and neither is exactly feel good when I'm just there to rob them of all their carrots. Let them stay in the village generally so they could still be the villager's cats.

    Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.

    submitted by /u/Emotive-Sneeze
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    Dolphins should lift drowning players up to the surface

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Dolphins have been known for saving drowning people in real life more than a few times, so this is not such an unrealistic suggestion. If a player has the dolphin's grace effect applied (or maybe if they have recently fed a dolphin fish?) and begins to drown, then any nearby dolphins should swim over to the player and propel them up to the surface faster than usual.

    This would make it worthwhile to swim with the dolphins rather than just slaughter them all - plus it adds an extra use to dolphins since after you have searched the one or two nearby shipwrecks there isn't any point in feeding them more fish (as you'll be directed to locations you've already visited).

    submitted by /u/VeronalPasta
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    Magma cubes should take damage in water

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    As simple as that. May be wrong flair correct me please.

    submitted by /u/JuDg3_Jacob
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    Double Underground Height (For Cave update ?)

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Hello, so my idea is simple, as the game is right now the "underground" of Minecraft (or the below sea level) is 63. I think, if a cave update was to be done, it would be nice to have an underground twice as deep (from 0 to ~126 (or more), of course the global max altitude would be increased (512?) to compensate the loss of height. I think it would be really nice, mostly for people that love to build underground and are limited by the small scale of it (63 block of height is not much to build anything "grandiose".

    Ps: I don't know if this was already proposed, if so ignore this post lol.

    submitted by /u/Enaross
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    More minecarts!

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Let's be honest, lately with elytras and the hype of a possible cave update, rails and minecarts have room for improvement, so let's add more, and of course if you have any ideas, leave them in the comments and I might edit them into post!

    Target block minecarts- Mumbos duck shooting machine would be cooler. minecarts wouldnt break when hit by arrows Anymore but the target carts power the block under the rail based on how close the arrow was to the bullseye so we can get cool point scoring

    composter carts- i really wanted the composter to help plants grow around it. If we got that then a composter minecart can go around your farms and help them grow, that would be awesome

    Dropper and dispenser minecarts- the blocks in these can be placed directionally and when they go over an activator rail, it would shoot out an arrow or something or drop an item. It wouldnt be able to place water or lava though

    Now this would be kinda weird but- If we got a crafting table cart maybe we should get all the workstations like lecturn, cauldron, cartography table, smithing table and more. Im not sure but i dont think it would be too hard since they can overlay the features or something. The lecturn would be kinda cool and the rest would be mostly useless but fill in continuity

    minecarts with bells- by SquashImportant6189. They ring when going over an activator rail

    submitted by /u/Universeturkey
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    Bookshelves that hold books and other book related items. Bookshelves start off empty but fill up when more books are added.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    Works like a chest but holds specifically books, enchanted books, signed books, and books with quills. Bookshelves start with none at all, but as more are added to the shelves, the more decorated with books the shelves become

    submitted by /u/OverlordWailord
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    Lake of Souls

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    In the Nether, soul sand valleys will rarely have lakes of a new liquid, called Liquidized Souls.


    •Liquidized Souls is a light turquoise liquid that emits a light level of 15. •Does not burn anything •Instantly starts drowning all non undead (ignores breath meter. To resist this, you can use fire resistance and waterbreathing combined. •Soul speed reduces damage and allows you to move faster in it. •Unaffected by frost walker •Flows just like water

    Death inside Liquidized Souls

    Instead of just dying normally inside Liquidized Souls, when your health reaches zero you're resurrected with new items replacing anything that wasn't netherite with Spectral variants.

    Spectral amor has no model but has an enchanted "shine" to still be visible. It only protects against magical damage, having a durability of iron (again, no armor rating though). The weapons and tools will be equivalent to iron but with a durability of 150. Sure, it sucks to lose your stuff, but if this were lava you'd lose everything anyway. Netherite will just float to the surface though. While wearing Spectral Armor, you're completely immune to the effects of Liquidized Souls. You can turn off the harmful effects of it by a gamerule, perhaps by /gamerule soul_drowning false

    Why this should be added

    People have been wanting new liquids. And while it's probably on the FPS list, I hope this is a unique enough idea. We could use this for a lot of builds, since it's like water that doesn't make everything darker. Making huge builds, especially underwater, can be a huge pain since minecraft is so dark. More light sources and liquids would help add new ways to build.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Sails Update

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    My last post (https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/i32rh2/rails_and_sails_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) was my idea for a rails and sails update, but I only covered rails so here's the sails part

    This update introduces:

    Motor: Motors can be attached to your boat and will speed them up, they can be crafted by putting iron in an n shape, then placing magma in the middle and redstone on the bottom

    Sailboats: Sailboats are boats that can fit 4 people in them, and are crafted by placing wood in a boat pattern, a boat in the middle, and a sail above the boat

    Submarine: Submarines allow you to explore the depths of the ocean, but at a cost. Sailboats would need to be charged after 2 minutes with a redstone block. Submarines are crafted with iron in an H shaped pattern with a magma block on the bottom and an ender pearl on top

    So that's it, hope you enjoyed!

    Edit: Achievements https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/i3767q/rails_and_sails_achievements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    submitted by /u/Savin090_
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    Rails and Sails update

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    This update would update some of Minecraft's older blocks, minecarts and boats.

    For the rail part of the update it introduces;

    Sticky Rails: Sticky rails are crafted by using a similar crafting recipe to rails, but with slime, and let you travel up walls and ceilings

    Drill: A drill can be attached to a minecart, and will mine an iron pickaxes worth of blocks as long as it's connected to a minecart, but it cannot mien diamonds, gold or emeralds. Crafted by putting iron across the middle and top, with stone and the left and right of the bottom, and redstone in the middle of the bottom.

    Ender Chest Minecarts: Works similar to a chest minecart, but with and ender chest instead. Also introduces Smoker and Blast Furnace Minecarts

    Jump Rails: These are rails that look like an average rail but will turn push you up 5 blocks, and can connect with rails in the other direction, they are crafted in a similar pattern to rails but with TNT on the middle top row and middle bottom row. These would be very useful for rollercoasters

    Sails part: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/i333nk/sails_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    Edit: Removed turning rails

    Edit 2: Achievements https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/i3767q/rails_and_sails_achievements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    submitted by /u/Savin090_
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    Saddles should be stackable up to 16

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 01:32 AM PDT

    In many survival worlds I literally have several double chests filled just with saddles. This is incredibly annoying, and I would like to be able to stack them for compact storage.

    Also, I don't really see the disadvantage of this, as lack of stacking is usually designed to prevent items from being OP. For example, if mushroom stew was stackable, it would be an easy infinite food source from milking mooshroms that could replace the need for any other food. However, I don't really think saddles are "OP." Thus, make them stackable

    submitted by /u/Tovitik
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    Pre-colered beacons

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    Basically just a beacon crafted with stained glass that produces the same color beam in case you're too lazy to put the glass on top.

    submitted by /u/NuggieLord
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    Make bats spawn at night

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    As the title says, bats should spawn and fly around in the night skies.

    Also the bat hasn't really had a purpose in the game at all, so you could make it pollinate crops like the bees does.

    submitted by /u/Valdemeer
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    Beams and iron rods

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    End Rods are a great block, but there's one major issue with them. They glow. I'm not saying that this should be removed, mind you, but it can be pretty annoying using them in a build sometimes. For example, one of my projects right now is rebuilding a bastion, and since I'm trying to design it with the piglins' personality in mind, I decided to include a gym. End Rods were the only block that worked for the weight, and only because of the shape. Everything else just sticked out.

    As such, I propose two(?) new blocks: beams and iron rods. Beams would be the wooden rods, made using a single plank and stick, whereas iron rods would be made using an iron ingot and bar. That's... basically it. Not sure how much more I could really say about this.

    submitted by /u/Realshow
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    Reptile mobs in minecraft!

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    There should be a mob update where some reptiles should be considered to be added in the game. I think they'd be very cool to have and maybe some of them could be even be tamed.

    submitted by /u/zublife
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    Wandering trader camps

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    basicly what the name suggests.

    here are my ideas for the wandering trader camps:

    1. About 1-5 traders in the structure

    2. new kind of bed (sleeping bags)

    3. same amount of tents as number of traders

    4. campfire in the center of the camp with path blocks leading to it

    5. found in desert and plains biome

    6. pens for the llamas

    submitted by /u/FurretWalk1
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    Iron golems and tamed wolves

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    Tamed wolves shouldn't attack iron golems created by players if you accidentally punch golem (and iron golems shouldn't attack the player's dogs)

    submitted by /u/jokushkalovushkera
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    The Ender Dragon won't charge at the player until the player destroys an end crystal.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    Picture this, you've decided to slay the dragon. While the loading terrain screen is still on your screen, the dragon lunges at you. By the time you have control, your in the air, over the void. I have no problem with people loosing all of their things if they die, I just think dying should be the players fault. If you get hit off the island mid dragon fight, it was saveable by paying attention to the dragon and dodging the hit; on the obsidian platform however, You can't. This could be solved by making it so the player can only spawn inside of the end island, but I feel like this is more reasonable since there wouldn't need to be a change in world generation, just another, "if this then that" on the Ender Dragon AI.

    Let me know what you think in the comments.

    submitted by /u/Pengwin0
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