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    Minecraft A new achievement for getting all the music discs in Minecraft

    Minecraft A new achievement for getting all the music discs in Minecraft

    A new achievement for getting all the music discs in Minecraft

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    The new achievement would be called "For the Record" and it would be unlocked when getting all the music discs and putting them in a container. (chest, shulker box, etc.) so you would need them all at the same time to unlock it. The achievement would change if they added more discs so you have to get the newest disc. (for example, if you unlocked the achievement in 1.14, then changed to 1.16, you would have to get pigstep to re-unlock the achievement)

    submitted by /u/PotatoSacGamingYT
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    Golden Beetroot

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Now hear me out, this may sound stupid at first. We all know beetroot is one of the worst food sources in the game. But, what if there was an upgraded craft of it that produced benefits ? Placing 8 golden ingots around a beetroot (similar to golden apples) would create a golden beetroot. As beetroots in real life provide many health benefits such as increased exercise performance, golden beetroots could provide a 30 second speed boost. They will have the same hunger regen abilities as normal beetroots. Just a thought, the name sounds kind of stupid, but here

    submitted by /u/savitar07
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    Naming leather armor Jeb_ should make them fade colours.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    This is not suggested by me, but by my little brother who doesn't have enough karma to post anything. I think it's a little weird since this is an easter egg, not a feature and it shouldn't be logical to increase an easter egg onto multiple things? Also why would you dye your leather armour if you could have fricking disco armor.

    submitted by /u/JosSumma
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    Slush block

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 05:49 AM PDT

    Since the mountain update will come soon they should add slush blocks along with the deeper snow. It would be a light gray color that you can slip on like ice but its also a gravity block, and maybe some other unique property's.

    submitted by /u/crackhead5051
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    Beekeeper Villagers

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Right now, I feel that Bees/Honey hasn't got a lot of purpose right now, unless you're a Redstone engineer or whatever, so maybe have a new profession that lets you sell villagers honey and you can buy back the blocks or something

    submitted by /u/Do_You_Pineapple_Bro
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    Impaling should work on Drowned

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    This post is mostly for Java Edition, but it's ridiculous that Impaling, the only real damage-boosting enchant for the trident, doesn't even deal more damage to the most common water enemy because they're technically classified as undead and not aquatic.

    Make the trident a tiny bit more useful, please?

    submitted by /u/redditnatester
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    Bamboo doors and trapdoors

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:48 AM PDT

    That's pretty much it. They'd just be a cool edition especially if you're making a Japanese themed build. Don't know how I'd feel about bamboo blocks, slabs, or stairs

    submitted by /u/SpacexBanana
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    Wandering Trader trade overhaul based on xp

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    I think we can all agree that wandering traders don't have much use these days. Their trades are horrible and really expensive. I propose a rework to what the trades are and how much they cost.

    • Any given wandering trader will decide what items to sell based on how much experience they player who first clicks on them has.

    • At low levels of xp, they will only sell really common items in low quantities, and at higher levels of xp, they can sell rare things.

    • The max xp that a wandering trader will consider is 1000 levels.

    I also propose a system for the wandering traders to decide how to price their trades.

    • Every player will have a "wandering trader score", that will be visible to them every time they open a wandering trader's GUI.

    -The score ranges from -10 to 10.

    -At 0, wandering traders will have their base prices for all items, but at scores above 0, they will start to give discounts, and at scores below 0, they will start to increase their prices.

    -The score increases when you trade will wandering traders, and decreases when you kill them.

    • If your score is below 0, it will slowly increase every few in-game days until it goes back to 0.

    • At a score of 8 or above, wandering traders will start to spawn more frequently.

    • At a score of -8 or below, wandering traders will start to spawn less frequently.

    • At a score of -10, wandering traders will not spawn and any preexisting ones will run away from the player and not trade with them.

    • This system will not affect what items a trader sells, just how much they price it.

    -Wandering traders will still only sell items, never buy, and will still never restock.

    submitted by /u/GoblinGuy2
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    Dying with a totem of undying should display a message that says you DIDN’T die. “[player] wasn’t slain by zombie”, “[player] did not hit the ground too hard”, etc.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    When you use a totem of undying, your death message should instead state that you overcame whatever should've killed you.

    submitted by /u/Fireheart318s_Reddit
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    Every player who did damage to the Ender Dragon should get the "Free the End" achievement. (Multiplayer)

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    I noticed that when you are playing on a server, only the person who got the final hit on the Ender Dragon gets the advancement, even if other players contributed to the fight.

    If other nearby players did damage and the Ender Dragon is defeated, then all of them should receive "Free the End". This way you don't need to keep respawning the Ender Dragon for every player who wants the advancement.

    submitted by /u/PhysicsBonaFide
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    Eerie Ocean

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    A new biome idea!

    I had to make a imgur for this post so I hope people like the idea.

    The Eerie Ocean is a somewhat rare biome. It spawns with bones representing a giant squid or fallen whales or just small creatures that look weird, like that 3 eyed fish from subnautica. The floor of this biome is made up of "Eerie Turf." A block similar to nether wart blocks but a little darker with the same texture. It has a 12.5 percent chance to drop 1 bone meal when broken and can be crafted with 2 nether wart and 2 coarse dirt.

    Drowned spawn more in this biome and more on Eerie Turf so essentially a flooded graveyard. Sunken Ships and Ruins are more common as well as a new structure: Treasure Chests. They spawn with some gold and rarely a skull within them.

    This biome brings two new mobs: The Skeletal Pirate and the Skelewags.

    The Skeletal Pirate is essentially a melee water skeleton that has a cool hat and rarely spawns with different boots, but they normal don't have any. They drop 2-3 bones and 0-1 gold nuggets, they only spawn on Eerie Turf. Skelewags are a group of 4 entities. A Captain Skeletal Pirate wearing a pirate hat and with a neat hook and 2 basic lackeys, oh and their super cool unique boat. The captain drops his hat which allows you to not be noticed by pirates unless your within 6 blocks, it has the durability of a leather hat, and rarely his hook. Basically a cooler looking iron sword. His pals drop basic bones. The boat is called the Skull Sailer and can hold 3 people and is a little bit bigger, hooray! These guys spawn pretty rarely though, maybe a 3.5 percent chance to show up.

    Also two new items: the Pirate Pattern and the Swordfish

    The Pirate Pattern drops when you defeat the captain and works on banners, basic yet cool. The Swordfish is another new mob and I don't know why I didn't mention it. It's essentially a fish that fights you if you attack it, when food fights back, a food fight. It does 4 damage so it's pretty strong. You can bucket it and it will de-aggro. These things spawn in lukewarm and warm oceans as well as the Eerie Ocean. When killed, you have a 96.5 percent chance to get a Dull Swordfish which you can consume for 1.5 hunger or cook for 3 hunger, or you can get a Swordfish, a weapon with the damage of a stone sword and durability of a gold sword. When it breaks, you get a Dull Swordfish, or you can just pop it into the crafting grid to dull it, you can't cook it unless it's dull though. Cats don't like swordfish with the, sword. You also have a 12 percent chance to catch one while fishing, then a 5 percent chance for it to be a sharpened one. They cannot be repaired or enchanted.

    Woah, photos of the biome? Neat!

    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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    Magma Cream bounces on lava

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    I'm sure by now you guys are aware of the Netherite bug/apparent parity issue(?) on Bedrock. If you're not, instead of simply floating in lava, the items bounce around like a ball. This... obviously shouldn't be kept, but I honestly really like the idea of an item that bounces like this. Magma cream is already what magma cubes are made of, and they're fireproof, so it'd make sense the cream item would be fireproof too. Plus, it's not like this would break anything.

    submitted by /u/Realshow
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    Collector, the multi-dimension vacuum hopper!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    I think to continue the wonderful saga of dispensor, dropper, hopper, and observer, there should be a collector! And as stated in the title, its quite similar to the hopper, with a few new traits. Function wise, it collects. Say you threw an item on the ground, it would pick it up and store it. Heres the catch however. The collector collects any item within a one block radius, and it only does that in one direction. So if it was facing up, it wouldn't pick up items from below, or on any of the sides. Just any items above it. It can't carry items on its own from collector to collector, since it collects not dispenses. Think of it like a vacuum! It would be extremely useful in some scenarios, including item elevators. It would be able to pick up an item floating up, then have it be collected by a hopper and off into whatever wacky creation you have on the other side! Theres alot more that can be done with this concept, and I really think it'd be a nice addition. You can do fun things like have bubbles float into the block when underwater, like magma blocks, or have little air particles! Maybe even none at all, your choice :)

    Its merely a concept, and some things can be changed, but you get the overall base idea. Think of it like a reverse dispenser, maybe the appearance could be similar to that of a dispenser? But maybe a gaping hole on one side. Who knows, not me! Thanks for reading, -Devsyy

    submitted by /u/Ir1shLad
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    The Necromancer

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    A necromancer is an idea suggested quite a bit. However, this is my take on the necromancer.


    • Cloaked Skeleton, carries a staff(enchanted, wooden, oak staff)

    • Purple particles swirl around it

    • About two times the height of a skeleton and 1.5 times the width.

    • Glowing eyes(like most necromancer skins)

    • Chance for the bones to be chipped and/or yellowed by time

    • Chance for the necromancer to have other distinguishing features, e.g. a bandage wrapped around their head.

    • Small purple particle trail

    • If you look closely you can spot various potions hanging on a belt

    The necromancer would have 100 health points, or 50 hearts. For context, players have 20 health points, or 10 hearts, and elder guardians have 80 health points, or 40 hearts. Remember, this is a mini-boss


    • Necromancers would very rarely spawn, however they would have a slightly higher chance to spawn in swamps.

    • Necromancers would pathfind to the nearest player in 100 blocks. However, they move quite slowly until they are 50 blocks away, and at that point use regular speed.

    The Crypt:

    • Since the necromancers are so rare, the crypt is the best way to find one.

    • The crypt will be fairly large, and zombies and skeletons will have an increased spawn rate due to it being a grave yard.

    • The crypt will generate in a dungeon fashion. Each room will have a pathway to the next room, slowly spiralling into the middle. As you get farther in the crypt, you encounter harder challenges. Of course, people can pillar up and go to the middle, but they would lose the sweet loot inside the chests.
    • The design of the crypt will be something similar to Tango Tek's graveyard inside the Decked Out minigame.

    • I will call each room "easy", "medium", or "hard". There will be around 2-3 easy rooms, around 5 medium rooms, and 2-3 hard rooms.-Easy rooms will have 2-3 zombies, 1-2 skeletons, and 0-1 spiders.

    -Medium rooms will have 1-2(rare to have 2) spawners of zombie/skeleton/spider.

    -Hard rooms will have at least 10 zombies and 10 skeletons, as well as a redstone trap that leads into a pitfall(zombies/skeletons can't walk into it, not sure how it could be made, but probably iron doors). The hard room may also contain stone pressure plates with tnt under them.

    -One of the hard rooms will contain the necromancer, and I will go into more detail on that.(1/2 chance for each room to have a chest)
    -There will also be "special" rooms which have a different design to them. A common variation is to have mycelium covering the ground with mushrooms as well. Uncommonly, the room will have dispensers w/ harming/poison arrows hooked up to tripwires. Sometimes, the room will extend upwards into a tower, with 9-11 skeletons at the top of it. Rarely, the room will have a 2 wide pitfall trap with pressure plates. Very rarely, there will be a room with 0-3 Evokers, 1-4 Witches, 4-5 Pillagers, and 3-5 Vindicators. This room will have loot similar to the End City loot.

    -Loot Tables:
    • 30%- any type of seeds(:P)
    • 20%- bones
    • 15%- cobwebs/string
    • 15%- rotten flesh
    • 10%- spider eye
    • 10%- dirt/coarse dirt/podzol
    As you can see, not very good loot.
    Medium:Dungeon loot, but a higher chance to get dirt/coarse dirt/podzol, seeds, iron, and
    • 30% - Around fully enchanted iron and around half enchanted diamond
    • 25% - Full durability shovel
    • 25% - Iron/Gold
    • 15% - Enchanted Golden Apple
    • 5% - Totem of Undying
    Plus the dungeon loot mentioned before.
    Boss Fight:
    Now onto the juicy part.
    • It's important to note that shooting arrows at the necromancer will result in them being shot
    back at you. The arrow will dissolve into purple particles and reappear facing you.
    • The necromancer has many attacks:
    - Raises an army of 10-15 skeletons/zombies/spiders
    - If there is a fossil within 20 blocks of the necromancer, the necromancer can raise a Wild
    + The wild beast has 15 hearts/30 health points
    + The wild beast is a wolf with dark fur, and sharp teeth. The beast can hook onto you

    with its claws/teeth and do damage until you shake it off(by running/jumping)
    - The necromancer can direct a fireball at you with its wooden staff. This would be the
    equivalent of a ghast fireball.
    - The necromancer can throw potions at you and drink potions itself(like a witch).
    - The necromancer can strike its staff on the ground, causing you to be thrown upwards by
    a shockwave. This will deal enough damage to kill an unarmored player(including fall
    - The necromancer has gaps after each attack, which is your time to strike. Blocking the
    attack with a shield and striking after yields favorable results.
    - The necromancer can also go in melee, and hit you with the staff. The necromancer
    attacks fast, holding the staff like a quarterstaff. After a flurry of attacks, the necromancer
    stops to catch his breath. This will take double the time of a regular gap.

    - Once the necromancer is below half health, its strategy changes.
    + It stops being so confrontational and starts to only shoot fireballs and raising
    + Each attack is less powerful, as the necromancer is losing energy.
    + The gaps are longer, so this is your chance to end the fight.
    + If you kill the necromancer, it falls down and its bones dissolve into the ground.
    - If the necromancer kills a player, it raises them as the undead. The player's screen would
    fade to black, then you spectate the zombie instead of seeing the normal death screen.
    The buttons would remain there.
    • The necromancer would drop bones, rotten flesh, and maybe a spider eye(who knows what
    he was using that for)
    • The necromancer would always drop his staff.
    The Necromancer's Staff:
    • The staff can shoot a fireball on left click.
    • When you right click a player/mob, it causes a shockwave to push them up into the air. The
    range would be 1.25x the range of a sword.

    That's all I got, sorry for the short post. Let me know what you think of it/what additions you could add in the comments!

    submitted by /u/Furious_101
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    Crossbow rockets should do terrain damage

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    This one is pretty simple and you can infer most of it from the title but if you are curious as to how this would work this what I have come up with.

    Rockets should do .3 explosive damage to terrain per firework star with a maximum of 2.1 damage or enough to break wood blocks and concrete but nothing higher.

    This allows the crossbow a nice artillery role, collapsing sand bridges or blasting holes in lighter structures like village homes or sandstone walls.

    You could also add an enchantment like Burst I and II which would cause knockback from the explosions and increase terrain damage by .5 and .7 respectively

    submitted by /u/sovietfoxes
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    Increasing jukeboxes' functionality.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    So jukeboxes are pretty cool, and it's fun being able to find music options within the game. Unfortunately, they're fairly lacking. Discs have to be inserted manually, they only play once at a time, and there's not much flexibility with them. As such, I think there could be some options for updating them:

    • Custom GUI: An interface that pops up whenever you select a jukebox, allowing you to better utilize the suggestions below. While a lot of the suggestions could be applied without a GUI, it would likely make it a lot easier and more usable.
    • Hopper Interaction: This could likely conflict with a lot of the below suggestions, but if none of them were applied, I think hopper interaction is a requirement at the very least. Bedrock already has this, and it's something that would be great to have ported over to Java. This would allow discs to automatically be inserted and played by using hoppers, as well as looped. I'm well aware that this is on the Frequently Posted Suggestions list, but I figured I should reiterate it, alongside the other suggestions.
    • Shuffling/Disc Storage: Would require a GUI as suggested above, but would be a great addition to the jukebox system. Basically, it would allow jukeboxes to carry multiple discs at once, and play them at different times. They could be played in order, or perhaps even shuffled.
    • Looping: I think this is one of the biggest suggestions I have. Discs can be a great way of setting a mood for something like a fight, event, or even just to listen to, but it's annoying when they cut off and you have to manually put it back in. Incorporating looping into jukeboxes is something that a lot of users would love to see added.

    Overall, jukeboxes are a great block, but I've rarely seen them used outside of being a novelty, basically with people trying to collect all the discs, but not often applying them during frequent gameplay. They could definitely do with some sprucing up, and I for one would love to see them get a bit more love.

    submitted by /u/Willbo_Waggins
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    Collector advancement for getting all mob-dropped items

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    You'd get it from getting every item that mobs can possibly drop including heads and discs

    submitted by /u/Yung-Egg-Yolk
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    Stop requesting gamerules for stuff that could be changed via in-game items.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Think of it, fix combat by having shortswords that can click fast, not a gamerule. Have feather falling not affect crop trampling. Do that, there are already too many gamerules. I know all of those examples have been listed, but that is why they are examples. The end of my essay.

    submitted by /u/brickbuilder876
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    Remove fortune/silk touch from and add looting/fire aspect to the axe enchantment list

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    This suggestion might already be posted for times these years. After the combat update, axes were reworked gained a high damage low attack speed feature which I liked a lot and I use axes as main weapons. However, axes are still inferior in combat compare to swords because of the enchantment difference. Though fortune and silk touch exist, these two enchantments give little help on axes after the nether update since hoes are now the designated tool for leaves. So my idea is to remove fortune/silk touch from the axe enchantment list and add looting/fire aspect to it in order to make axes more viable for combat, while enchanted hoes, instead of axes, should work on all plant-related blocks like pumpkins and melons.

    submitted by /u/L34eKomicU
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    about the witches hut..

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    So me and my friends where thinking what's the point of the witches hut in the later game. there isn't one other than witch farms and so I had an idea. There could be an enchanted book with a knew enchantment on it called magic protection. so all magic damage is lowered like poison harming dragons breath wither etc. But it could only be found in witches huts. not sure the percentage probably the same as the other protections 8% per level so magic protection I it would be 8% magic protection II would be 16% magic protection III would be 24% and magic protection IV would be 32%. Me and my friends thought of this ourselves haven't seen it done before.

    submitted by /u/sirios_guy
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    Different types of glass

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Rough Glass:made by putting glass through sand through a furnace or blast furnace once and would use the old glass texture.

    Treated Glass:made by putting rough glass through a furnace or blast furnace again and uses the modern glass texture.

    Smooth Glass:made by putting treated glass through a furnace or blast furnace and would look like modern glass but without the cracks in the corners.

    Cracked glass:made by putting any previous type of glass through an anvil and would appear as what glass looks like when being breaked,the more times you put it through the more cracked it will appier,but if you put it through too many times it will break.

    submitted by /u/slenderender64
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