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    Minecraft A new use for cauldrons and a fix for unbalanced food: You can make stew in cauldrons

    Minecraft A new use for cauldrons and a fix for unbalanced food: You can make stew in cauldrons

    A new use for cauldrons and a fix for unbalanced food: You can make stew in cauldrons

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    The Problem

    Stew in Minecraft is pretty unbalanced and seems like an afterthought. Rabbit stew restores less hunger and saturation than just eating the ingredients separately, and mushroom stew is OP if you find a mushroom biome because you don't even have to farm it - you can just take as much as you want from mooshrooms, and the only limit is how many bowls you have.

    Cauldrons don't really have enough uses that fit the medieval/adventuring/RPG aesthetic that Minecraft is going for.

    The Solution

    You can make stew in cauldrons. If a cauldron is on top of a lit campfire (edit: u/Sandolol says fire too), the water will start bubbling and you can right-click on it with ingredients to throw them in. each recipe has 4 ingredients and makes 2 servings, and the cauldron can hold 6 servings (or 3 of the same recipe). Then you can right-click on it with a bowl to take stew out.

    Rabbit stew has the same recipe as before, but it's worth making now because it has 2 servings.

    Mushroom stew is basically the same - it needs 2 of each kind of mushroom now, for 2 servings - but with a small change: You can't get it from mooshrooms anymore. It's just too OP to get it that easily.

    Instead there's another kind of stew that makes mooshrooms better than cows: Beef stew. It takes 1 beef, 2 mushrooms, and 1 baked potato, and restores 12 hunger and 15 saturation. So shearing and then killing mooshrooms gets you the beef and mushrooms.

    Other stew ideas:

    Chicken soup - Chicken, carrot, wheat, bonemeal. Restores 10 hunger and 12 saturation. It's a classic, we gotta have it.

    Gumbo - Chicken, salmon, pork, slimeball. Restores 12 hunger and 15 saturation. Gumbo in real life has tons of ingredients that don't exist in Minecraft, so this version has salmon instead of the shrimp, pork instead of the sausage, and the sauce is made with a slimeball since they're native to swamp biomes and gumbo is from Louisiana. It would give the biome more of a cultural element, especially since witch huts already have cauldrons.

    Edit: Ok so it looks like I was wrong about mushroom stew being OP. Maybe mooshrooms should still give you mushroom stew as long as it stays unstackable. Thanks to a lot of people but especially u/TheArcanist_ and u/TheIronLorde

    I know cauldrons have more uses on Bedrock (dyeing leather, tipping arrows in batches, holding lava) but not being able to actually cook anything in them stiill seems like a missed opportunity.

    From u/DrDeMello: Chovvder - Cod, milk, potato, wheat. Maybe it should restore 10 hunger and 12 saturation too?

    From u/_Callen: Dispensers should be able to put ingredients in.

    From u/Deku-is-Best-Boi: Apparently gumbo has either chicken and sausage or seafood in it, never both. How about this:

    Chicken & pork gumbo - Chicken, pork, wheat, slimeball. Restores 12 hunger and 15 saturation.

    Seafood gumbo - Salmon, cod, wheat, slimeball. Restores 10 hunger and 12 saturation.


    submitted by /u/truth14ful
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    The strength effect makes travelling in boats faster

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    Just what the title says. When using a boat to travel, the strength effect would make you faster. (I haven't decided on how much yet) I figured this would make sense because if the player is stronger, they are able to move the oars and paddle faster.

    Edit: people have pointed out that it should rather be haste and I agree.

    submitted by /u/Nolan_101
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    Ash - the Nethers counterpart to Snow

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    Since the Nether has ash particles floating about like snow, why not an Ash block? Ash has the texture of snow/gravel mixed in, and is a very dark grey, and progressively piles up in layers. Due to the fact that ash particles are so small, it takes a long time for ash to pile up, and it takes a day and a bit for a significant "ashfall" to pile up. This only happens in the volcanic basalt biomes. Ash is the Nethers counterpart to snow. You can craft 1 block into 4 ashballs and vce versa. Ashballs also cause 1 hearts of damage, but not to fire resistant mobs like blazes. Ash can be used as decoration, it will disappear if lava flows onto it.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Electric Eels: The Redstone Fish [LONG POST, TLDR AT BOTTOM]

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    I was going to make a cheap advancement post but thought about an idea I had that I've thought about for quite a while. Considering how a swamp update is on the way, I thought this might be an interesting concept to add.

    What is an electric eel?

    Electric Eels are mobs that spawn in swamps and jungles. They have 3 stages in their lives; baby, adult and giant.

    Baby Eels are tiny, only 10 pixels long and 2 pixels thick (for comparison, one block is 16x16 pixels). They have 5 hitpoints and swim very slowly.

    Adult Eels are bigger, at 2 blocks long and 8 pixels thick. They have 20 hitpoints and swim about as fast as Steve walks.

    Giant Eels are colossal at 4 blocks long and 1 block thick. They have 40 hitpoints and swim about as fast as Steve walks.

    Baby Eels take 10 ingame days to grow into Adult Eels, which grow into Giant Eels over 30 ingame days (it's a little fast, but this is a world where sheep grow to market size in 3 days).

    Ok, cool. What do they do?

    \there is a tl:dr at the bottom, this is going to be long*

    1. Behaviour

    Electric Eels are llama-neutral mobs. Meaning if the player attacks them, they attack back once... and sort of just vibe after that. Except this isn't just a little ball of hard spit. This is an electric shock, or a redstone shock in Minecraft terms. Different size classes of eels do different amounts of damage: Baby Eels do 2 hearts of damage, Adult Eels do 4 hearts of damage and Giant Eels do 7 hearts of damage. This damage is doubled if you are wearing Chainmail, Iron, Gold or Netherite Armour, or holding anything that has got to do with metal in your hand or offhand, meaning an Adult Eel could potentially leave you on 2 hearts and Giant Eels will kill you. All electric eels will retaliate if you attack them, and adult and giant eels will attack you if you try to scoop them up with a bucket (why would you try to store a 4m by 1m monster in 1 cubic metre of water? you honestly deserve that). However, Baby Eels will not attack you if you scoop one up in a bucket. This has a practical use for later.

    "but that doesn't fit with mojangs vision! what purpose does it serve?"

    Don't mess with nature, and metal conducts electricity. Electric Eels are way more dangerous than their derpy face looks. Because unlike sharks, electric eels actually kill and injure people on a regular basis. Besides, they don't actively hunt you down and try to kill you, so whats the big deal? And the baby eel part is fine, since aquarium collectors do it all the time, and electric eels aren't endangered from the aquarium trade, though it's not like Minecraft Players are gonna go to the Amazon to catch baby eels, at least not without proper training.

    If you played as a clownfish, a salmon or a cod maybe this wouldn't fit so well though, since they do actively hunt down and kill cod, salmon and tropical fish. They attack like foxes, slowly sneaking up and lunging at the right moment. Only adult and giant eels do this, and it's pretty fun to watch.

    If you're a sociopath and kills one of these (somehow) you get.... redstone. 0-1 redstone, to be precise, and only Giant Eels drop them. Adult and Baby eels don't drop anything. You could make a redstone farm out of this, but why? Just go mining, damn it.

    Oh, and before people try to use drowning after an unnecessarily complicated and expensive process, they don't suffocate on land, only wriggling around without moving or taking damage. If you're complaining this isn't accurate to real life, you're right, but it still takes a terribly long time to suffocate them on land. However these eels will also surface every 10 minutes to breathe air, since they do that in real life. Just a neat detail. If you want to keep these in a tank, you don't need to give him breathing space for convenience sake though. Though you need to do this in real life, I doubt 99.99% of Minecraft Players will ever keep an electric eel, much less even come across one for sale (and I think the 0.01% are educated enough to keep one).

    2. Breeding

    Yes, you can breed electric eels. This isn't what they do in real life, but it works. Adult and Giant Eels can breed using any kind of fish except pufferfish. When successful, they can spawn anywhere from 2-7 eggs, which hatch into baby eels in 3 ingame days. The eggs are similar to a turtle egg cluster and can be mined with a Silk Touch Pickaxe. I'm not going to crash someone's game by spawning 3,000 baby eels after the eggs hatch.

    3. Redstone

    This is probably the only reason Mojang would consider this suggestion: their practical uses. Adult and Giant Electric Eels can be used to send out a random redstone signal through certain means. This can be done through the use of a conductor. Crafted using 1 redstone surrounded by 8 iron ingots, this block can be used to take redstone signals from eels. It is a full block. When any part of an eel is in a 5 block radius of any surface of the conductor in contact with water, it has a 10% chance to release an redstone signal. This can be increased by adding more eels. The frequency of the signal can be adjusted on the conductor in a clocklike fashion. The frequency can be changed from once every tick to once every 12 ticks. This can be changed by right clicking on the block. The strength of the signal is 20 blocks (more than levers, redstone blocks and torches). Eels will not affect any redstone dust that is not directly in contact with a conductor. Conductors will also not work with a dry eel on land, or if the surface of the conductor is not in contact with a body of water with an eel inside.

    Here's the TLDR for everything after "What do they do" (which is probably written by someone on a train on a phone). If you want to know why anything is the way it is just go up and read the wall of text.

    Part 1: Behaviour

    - Electric Eels attack you only if you attack them

    • Damage is amplified if you're wearing or holding metal
    • Giant eels kill you if you're doing that
    • Adult and Giant eels attack you if you try to scoop them up
    • Baby eels can be scooped up (but still attack if you hit them)

    - Electric Eels attack and kill cod, salmon and tropical fish

    - Giant eels drop 0-1 redstone. Baby and adult eels drop nothing.

    - They don't suffocate on land

    - Every few minutes they come up to breathe

    • You don't need to give them air space in a tank

    Part 2: Breeding

    - Feed 2 giant or adult eels cod salmon or tropical fish

    - Spawn in 2-7 eggs in a cluster (like turtles)

    • Can be mined with Silk Touch

    - 3 ingame days to hatch

    - Baby Eels come out

    Part 3: Redstone

    - Adult and Giant eels release a random redstone signal

    • 10% chance, increased by adding more eels

    - Signal can be picked up by a conductor

    • Crafted with 8 iron and 1 redstone
    • Pick up signals from eels within a 5 block radius on a surface
    • Frequency ranges from 1 to 12 ticks, adjusted by right clicking block
    • Signal strength is 20 blocks

    If you have any queries, read the wall of text before asking. It's probably there.

    Here's a list of pros and cons of adding this suggestion:


    • Electric Eels are cool
    • More fish mobs other than generic fish
    • A new redstone component could be interesting and allow for more contraptions


    • Mojang may not like animal exploitation
    • Mojang may not like animal retaliation
    • Mojang may see this as encouraging kids to go out and buy an electric eel

    Well that's all I can think of. I don't mean to come off as that guy but for those sorting in new, I do hope you help me bring this to the front so others can see it, I spent quite a bit of effort on it. And anyways, who doesn't want a cool 4 block long peaceful pet? Since you'll probably never get your hands on one in real life, might as well get one in Minecraft.

    Oh, and before I forget, here's a model of one. I didn't make one for the baby eel and the giant eel but here's just so you get the basic idea. I might add additional models later on, but here's the adult eel first: https://imgur.com/a/49tq6uz

    Thanks for reading!

    Edit 1: Added chainmail to the metal armour list, forgot about it in first draft.

    submitted by /u/wet_breadlord
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    Some Baby Mobs should get their own models

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Example: Baby Chickens are literally just the normal Chicken but with a big head. Normal Chicks are yellow and don't have the sack.

    Some mobs would benefit from a new baby model since some are hard to look at.

    This mod is a good representation of what I'm referring to.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Mudkip_420
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    Only skeletons can spawn on bone blocks

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    It's would make it easier for skeletons only farms and would just be something cool that I think would make a nice addition to the game

    submitted by /u/RudolphusRedNose
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    Iton Golems should stay within the village borders

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    This applies to the golems that spawn in the village. Iron golems always leave their post, they want to protect the villagers but they insist on traveling to other ends of the map. I think Iron golems should stick to the village and if they touch the end they shouldnt be able to go any further beyond that point.

    submitted by /u/409_ggloryboyy
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    Dog whistle (summon your dogs)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    The dog whistle is a new item crafted with 2 Iron ingots side by side, and an iron nugget below one of them, it is a useful item that lets you bring your dog to you no matter where you are.

    Here's how it works, when holding it, right click, upon doing so, you're dogs will immediately stand if they are sitting and teleport around you, this only works for your dogs, and if you name the dog whistle the same name as one of your dogs, it will only bring that dog.

    submitted by /u/The-Real-Radar
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    Tridents are too common on bedrock, and too rare on java. We should find a middle ground for both versions

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    Tridents in bedrock: More common than coal ore

    Tridents in Java: Nonexistent

    This is a major problem and needs to be fixed. In bedrock, I know a person who is a COMPLETE NOOB and he already has TWELVE tridents. He hasn't even found diamonds.

    Now, let's talk about me in my Java world. I have worked on this world for years. I even have a full chest of Elytra Wings. Can you guess how many tridents I have? That's right, none.

    We should find some middle ground between the two, and apply this to both versions. I really shouldn't have to build a farm just to get one item.

    submitted by /u/Tovitik
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    Nitwit Villagers should have expanded A.I.s

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Since they have no job, nitwits should have a variety of behaviors to make them feel more lively.

    Playing with kids, chasing cats, riding iron golems, playing in sand and dirt, spinning in circles to get dizzy, and bugging other villagers.

    Leaving emeralds around may just lead you to encounter nitwits taking them and showing them off to other villagers. These are just some ideas of what they they could do to feel more lively

    The official suggestion on Minecraft suggestions is here if you want to support it!

    submitted by /u/GreyWastelander
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    Iron Bells

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    The iron bell would be a new block like the bell, but when it is used, villagers would gather in the area around it. Additionally, it would temporarily force employed villagers to work if their job site is near the bell that was used.

    u/Kherzhakhov suggested being able to get it from villager trading.

    submitted by /u/JanTheWallpaperMan
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    Give Illagers more animations during their free time

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    It would be fun to see Illagers use their time outside of raiding. It would in no way allow the player to interact with them, they'll remain hostile, but it would be still fun to watch.

    Pillagers gamble over sticks, meat or emeralsds using sheets of paper as cards

    Evokers do some magic modification on Ravagers in a pen, or on Iron Golems

    Vindicators bring Evokers and Pillagers potions

    Witches work on a brewing stand or pat a black cat

    what do you guys think of that suggestion?

    Edit: Pillagers also practice Crossbowing on the Target Blocks. And Evokers also read books.

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    An Apple Tree

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    When combining an Oak Sapling and an Apple should get you an Apple Tree Sapling. When it is fully grown, the Apples have a chance of falling off. Also, to get the Apples off of the leaves when the tree is fully grown, left click to get an apple.

    submitted by /u/ComAidanOfficial
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    Glowing negates Invisibility

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    The Glowing effect should negate the invisibility effect (and vice versa), this would give spectral arrows an actual use, even if niche, and it does make sense. If you're hit with a spectral arrow while invisible, both effects are removed, and, if you're hit with invisibility while glowing, the same will happen.

    submitted by /u/The-Real-Radar
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    Soul Fire Lights should be placeable under water.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    People spent the whole of quarantine being productive, Ive been trying to find a use for soul fire lights.

    I've talked about them so much my auto correct picks them up whenever I type "s" and their only use is scaring piglins, and you can just be neutral to them with some gold. Maybe if they were placeable under water, they'd have more of a reason to be made.

    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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    Escaping from the nether alive should give you the advancement "to hell and back".

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    To be more specific, you have to stay in the nether for 1 hour at least, and return with full hearts.

    submitted by /u/LawlTHOR
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    Adding an ender eye to a beacon gives you a "security camera"

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Beacons are somewhat useless currently, that is for how hard you have to work to make one fully upgraded. Most things it offers can be obtained another way.

    Since they're supposed to help you protect an area, this would help you do that. Adding an eye of ender to the "payment" slot will use one of the two possible power slots for the beacon, granting an effect called omniscience.

    To any player that has placed an ender eye into that beacon, you can crouch with an empty hand (while in range of the beacon) and you will be placed into a spectator mode like state. You can't attack or move out of the range, but you're able to explore within the area (while "you" are invisible). When you're done, you stop crouching. This does NOT protect your body, so the best way to use this is to be safe inside your house and use it to look outside for any monsters or players. This is basically astral projection.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Add Native American Mythology Mash-Up

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    There are Mash-Ups by Minecraft about various different cultures, called the Egyptian Mythology or Greek Mythology and so on...
    But we never recognized the Native Americans that have a wild culture that can go well with the Mythology theme.


    Cheif, Woman , Man, Totem Pole, Thunderbird, Seal, Buffalo, etc...

    submitted by /u/ThoughtCow
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    XP Charge Enchantment

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    Something cool I think would be using XP to charge a more powerful attack on your sword. I think it could have other mechanics too so it could be used in other ways. Just a thought I had.

    submitted by /u/TimeHoax
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    make it so we can *lavalog* some blocks

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    mostly stone-based blocks and the nether wood types, bc they can't burn, it would help a lot for builders and map makers

    submitted by /u/Natzival
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    Limit the Spawn of ONE specific mob

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    I mainly play Minecraft to build custom villages and towns - one problem I constantly run into is the amount of Iron Golems that spawn. I seriously hate the amount of Iron Golems almost equivalent to my villagers, spawning due to my villager population. My idea is a command that either stops the spawning of one certain mob at all times, or alternatively assign a custom mob cap to one specific mob - can apply to any mobs. Hate creepers? Turn off their spawn with a command.

    submitted by /u/IBigfootHavePiss
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    Trading for Tridents

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Tridents would be sold by master-level fisherman villagers, for similar price as the enchanted diamond gear that toolsmiths/armorsmiths/weaponsmiths sell.

    In players' hands, I don't think tridents are stronger/more useful than diamond gear; as it stands they're pretty gimmicky and their rarity is unwarranted. Plus, this would have the added benefit of giving master-level fishermen an actually useful trade since right now just they buy rare fish and sell boats...

    submitted by /u/BeamMeUpBiscotti
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