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    Minecraft Remove the hints (read this post you’ll understand)

    Minecraft Remove the hints (read this post you’ll understand)

    Remove the hints (read this post you’ll understand)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    I'm sure you already experienced those unbearable tips/hints at the very beginning when you start a survival world in a new version. You see those 'find a tree', ´punch a log', and 'craft a wooden pick', like an advancement info...which never disappears until you do what you are requested to. And let me tell you that this system is really far from perfect. There is no way to remove it and even when the game is paused it is still there, covering the menu. Once I launched the game in 1.9 and the next time I launched it in 1.16, those tips were there again!!And the only way and could make it vanish was by finding a tree, crafting a wooden pick. And, you see, in this world I already had a diamond one so why would I want to craft a wooden pick ?! Anyway I had to. I'm not saying those should be totally removed (they help new players), but there should be at least a cross button at the top right to ignore the tutorial. Or an option or a game rule or I don't know what to remove this. Right now it FORCES you to do what it asks for or you have to keep it on screen for the rest of your life. What if I don't want to punch a tree log ? I mean I can clearly finish the game without punching any tree log: I can find wood in villages, mineshafts and other structures. I can also never craft any wooden pick and be just as good. Right now this system restricts liberty. It won't be a revolutionary change but...I think it should change. (Maybe this already exists but I have searched literally everywhere and found nothing)

    submitted by /u/Fire__King
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    Strider Armor

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Striders are great for getting around the Nether, but a problem with them is that they can be kind of frail. They have the same health as the player, but they can't regenerate health on their own, and there's nothing you can feed them to heal their health. It may not seem like a big deal, but eventually, that damage will pile up, and if your Strider kicks the bucket while out riding it, your probably not gonna be left in the best situation. So, to make your little meatball a little bit more survivable, there should be armor for them.

    The armor would look like a giant helmet, with holes for their string-hair. You can right-click a strider with strider armor to equip it and right-click it with a different set of strider armor to swap a strider's armor. It would come in five variants, with different armor strengths for each.

    Leather armor gives 3 armor points Gold armor gives 5 armor points Iron armor gives 7 armor points Diamond armor gives 11 armor points Netherite armor gives 13 armor points

    Bastions have a chance of containing leather, gold, and iron Strider armor. Fortresses have a chance of containing gold, iron, and diamond Strider armor, replacing horse armor in chest loot.(You have to make Netherite armor yourself)

    When a Strider spawns with a saddle, there's a 25 percent chance of it spawning with leather strider armor and a 12.5 percent chance of it spawning with gold strider armor.

    Adding strider armor would be helpful, because the Nether is a very dangerous place, and your strider will definitely get hurt quite a bit while exploring it. It can also help players personalize their striders and make them more unique. It would also make more sense to find strider armor in fortresses instead of horse armor, as I'm pretty sure no creature in the Nether has seen a horse in their entire lives.

    submitted by /u/Gamerbry
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    New Shield type/ 3 New Shield specific Enchantments

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    Heres what im thinking, and boy am i excited. New Shield: Circular shield (equivalent of a Minecraft circle) Crafted with 1 wooden plank in the centre, surrounded by 1 ingot on each side (excluding diagonal sides). This shield has less blocking capabilities, maybe like 120 degrees. Slightly less durability (i think the regular shield should be buffed first to like 400-450 durability and the circular shield could have 347), so you may be asking "why get a circular shield when you could get a regular shield, which is essentially better in all ways. Well its because of the enchantments that come along with them.

    But first, lets switch over to some other new Shield enchantments, currently there are no shield specific enchantments, that will change now, there is now 2 regular shield enchantments and 1 circular shield specific enchantment. Unbreaking can now be applied to shields through enchantment tables as well, instead of having to use a anvil and book.

    1st enchantments is Reflection which essentially is, when blocking with a shield all projectiles will be repelled off your shield with similar force to that of when they were fired, for example an arrow would be deflected back at the similar strength of what it was fired (depending on what level of enchantment) where as a ghasts fireball would deflect back with essentially infinite power. This enchantment stacks to 3 with each level increasing with power of reflection and speed of return time (level 1 will reflect with the same power as the incoming projectile (same speed as well), level 2 will add half the power onto the initial power (half more speed). and 3 will double the initial power (and double the speed )) ghasts speed of deflection will increase but the length will not. This enchantment can be applied to a shield through an enchanting table or anvil if you find the book.

    2nd enchantment is Absorption, this enchantments is once again similar to what its name suggests. When deflecting with a shield the number of hits on a shield will build up with increasing power. When ready the player can left click (or whatever button you use to attack) which will activate the enchantment, when the player's shield is next attacked the amount of hits will be converted back to the attacker with some great power, dealing damage and knock back (even to entities immune to knock back, obviously the knock back to them will be reduced significantly) projectiles do not build up the reflection energy. This enchantment stacks to 3 as well, each level increases the damage of the returning hit, as well as increasing the knock back. This enchantment can only be found as a treasure (through loot chests or villager trading).

    The final enchantment is known as Throwing, once more the name really gives away what this enchantment can do. The Throwing enchantment is unique to the circular shield only, with this enchantment you can use it as a normal shield, hold down right click to pull up your shield and block attacks, but if you hold down left click (or attack button) the shield would switch to the side of your arm (similar charge up time to that of a bow) when you release the shield it will be thrown from your hand to hit your target dealing 6 damage, thats right Captain America fans your cosplay will now become a whole lot better. If you throw the shield at the side of a block it will deflect off the block with the same angle of interaction (if it hits it at a 45 degree angle it will leave at a 45 degree angle), after the first rebound the next hit will send the shield straight back to you (its similar to loyalty but with slower return speeds). Once more the enchantment builds up to 3, each level increases the speed of return and the damage it deals (level 1 deals 6 damage, 2 is 7 and 3 is 8). This enchantment can only be found as a treasure (through loot chests or villager trading) I believe it should be very rare as its potential is quite extreme.

    A final few notes to take, Normal shields can only be enchanted with the Reflection and Absorption, where as the circular shield can be enchanted with all 3. Reflection and Absorption can not be applied to the same shield, just like Throwing and Absorption can not be applied to the same shield. Circular shields can also have banners applied to them but the bottoms and tops will be cut off leaving the centre. I look forward to seeing what others think about these ideas.

    submitted by /u/TheSignMaker
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    Some Suggestions on Rain, Clouds, and Snow.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    I'm open to critique. All of these ideas are small and I doubt it we will see them anytime soon, but I still want to express these ideas.

    First, the rain. Rain falls from above the clouds, which makes no sense. Rain should fall at the same level as the clouds in the sky; I don't like how rain is so sudden in the game. What if it drizzles before/after it rains?

    Now for the clouds. Clouds aren't just one layer, they are multiple. Some are further from the ground than others. Adding clouds higher up than others would look magical and give the game more realism, especially if the clouds' colors could change based on the sunlight and the sky. We don't get yellow or pink clouds when the sun rises/falls in this game and I'm not sure if it's possible, but I would be cool; This next one, again I'm not sure if this can be implemented in the game, but clouds should get bigger before it rains, combining with other clouds. Furthermore, clouds should get darker and less transparent when it does begin to rain; The sky turning gray when it rains is fine, but if the sky didn't change or became less saturated, it would be more realistic and lead to gorgeous visuals, especially during sunsets.

    Edit 1a: alright, I've been thinking about the clouds a lot, and I'm running into issues. Firstly, the snow biome. I'm not sure if you noticed, but during the snowy winter, it's cloudy. And with the sky being blue all day now, what do we do to keep the atmosphere as gray as possible.

    The clouds slow down and combine with each other the closer they are to the biome - the ones closer to the ground could be in smaller pieces than the ones above- they'll regain regular speed once they are out. This, however, has its issues. This, or maybe the addition of more clouds in general, could make clouds more obnoxious. For those who made their homes on mountaintops. I have no solution for this, not currently.

    Edit 1b: a solution. Moving the clouds up high instead of making rain lower, as suggested in a comment. This would solve not only the trouble those living on mountaintops, but would also make the gaps in clouds when it rains more unnoticeable.

    Finally, snow. Snow storms don't happen in Minecraft, which should be changed; Snow should pile up, in these heavy snow storms, slowly turning into snow blocks slab by slab; Maybe there can be a villager in snowy biomes whose job is to shovel the snow after the storms.

    submitted by /u/allisforgivenbutme
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    Biome Maps

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    In survival mode, there really isn't a good way to find a specific rare biome, and I think this should be changed.

    I propose this: every wandering trader will have one biome map trade. This makes sense because wandering traders roam the lands, so they would presumably encounter different biomes. The price of the map would depend on how rare the biome is. Each trader would have exactly 1 biome map trade, and the more common biomes show up more often. This would not only be a way to find rare biomes and blocks, it would also give a use to wandering traders.

    Each biome map will lead to the closest corresponding biome to the origin of the world (0,0).

    submitted by /u/GoblinGuy2
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    If a ghast or a blaze throws a fireball at you and it hits a furnace, blast furnace or smoker, it instantly cooks everything in it (or some of it so that its not op)

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    This could be modified but I think the concept is pretty cool, even if it would rarely happen.

    submitted by /u/DALLAVID
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    In Creative Mode, breaking a block with the corresponding tool should allow the player to instamine it.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    A player in Creative Mode has a set rate at which they can break blocks. Although the block is broken instantly, there is still a delay between blocks broken while holding left click, which can make the task of clearing our larger areas very time-consuming. Meanwhile, using a sufficiently efficient tool in Survival can instantly break certain blocks without that delay.

    The delay exists to give Creative players better control over how much they destroy, and removing that limit would cause a lot of accidents. As a way to give Creative players that same jnstamining capability without risk of accidents, I believe that a player in Creative should be able to use a certain tool to instamine its corresponding materials (using a pickaxe in stone, a shovel on dirt, etc).

    Taking the idea one step further, perhaps one type of tool would be unable to destroy blocks of another type (like how the player cannot destroy blocks with a sword), to give the players better control over the instamining.

    submitted by /u/Alabaster115
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    The easel

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    The easel would allow you to create your own paintings! First, you have to get a canvas. A canvas can be made like this:

    Stick Paper Stick

    Paper Leather Paper

    Stick Paper Stick

    Once you have your canvas, you need to make the easel to put it on:

    Stick Plank Stick

    Stick Plank Stick

    Stick Nothing Stick

    The easel is two blocks tall and one block wide. Right-click it to open the GUI and make a painting.

    To paint, put the canvas on the canvas slot on the easel. Then put your pallet in the pallet slot. A pallet can be crafted like this:

    Plank Plank Plank

    Plank Nothing Plank

    Nothing Nothing Nothing

    Right-click while holding the pallet to insert your dyes. Put a dye into your crafting grid to get 16 dye spots. The pallet can hold 5 dyes at once.

    When everything you need is in the easel, you can start painting! Pick a canvas size and a grid of that size will appear. Each pixel will use a dye spot. When you are done, take the painting off the easel and set it in an area with at least 10 light levels. After five minutes it will dry out and you can use it like any other painting.

    submitted by /u/Stau1137
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    Sleeping next to a cosy campfire

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    You can now sleep next to campfires (by right-clicking on it with your bare hand), but to be able to do that, there must not be any block directly above the campfire (obstructing it from the moonlight). Though unlike beds, you cannot set your respawn point in campfires. When you sleep in the campfire, you will be looking at the night sky (directly above you). Also when you go to sleep on a moonless night, you will not be disturbed by anything while sleeping. But, if there is a visible moon in the sky, there is a 20% chance you will be awoken by the howl of a wolf. And if there is a full moon on the night sky, there is an 80% chance you will be awoken by the howl of a wolf.

    submitted by /u/Nallib04
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    petition to make the offhand more useful

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    i mean we can hold shields and arrows and some other not so useful things, imagine how much easier it would've been if he could hold food and tools and so many other things, not only it looks cool but its also very useful and easy to be able to hold stuff with your offhand

    submitted by /u/chemistrybeans
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    Soul Beacon, to buff the normal beacon buffs

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    A Soul Beacon is a ridiculously expensive beacon that requires netherite blocks to use. It's crafted with a piece of soul soil instead of a nether star, but as you know netherite is even harder to get, so this is still fairly balanced. Range/effect duration is double that of regular beacons. The beam of a soul beacon looks like the galactic alphabet letters of an enchantment table, but of course in the form of a beam going up.

    The Soul Beacon does NOT give any buffs, but makes any that you do have stronger in some way. Basically, it makes beacons and a few other potion effects much more useful, but not actually a higher level. This may seem too expensive, but it's definitely worth it if you have several beacons nearby, it only takes one soul beacon to strengthen the others.

    Buffed buffs

    Speed: liquid and midair movement speed increases

    Jump boost: gives slow falling too

    Strength: boosts bow damage (half as much as physical damage is boosted)

    Resistance: knockback resistance equal to level

    Regeneration: restores hunger too (aka saturation)

    Haste: charges/loads ranged weapons quicker

    Invisibility: hides your armor too

    Night vision: non player mobs have the glowing effect to be seen through walls

    Absorption: regardless of your armor rating, absorption hearts act like you have FULL armor (making them protect unarmored players more than their normal hearts)

    Fire resistance: 40% damage reduction taken from undead mobs

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Reworking the Power enchantment

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    Currently, the Power enchantment for bows is pretty uninteresting, simply increasing the amount of damage dealt (much like Sharpness for melee weapons). I suggest that, instead of increasing damage directly, Power should instead increase the speed of the arrow.

    Arrows are already programmed to do more damage the faster they're moving, so this would have the same overall effect; however, it would also allow the projectile to be shot further. This could result in some interesting new combat mechanics.

    submitted by /u/misterblue28
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    When a knockback weapon makes a player hit a wall, the player should take a bit of extra damage from hitting the wall

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    Like when you are flying with elytra and hit a wall, the faster you're going, the more damage you're gonna take. With knockback it wouldn't be too much (certainly not as much as a fall would do, or knockback would loose its sense of existence, which is mainly throwing people off high places). But still, enough to make it worth it in PvP battles that maybe don't have a void or any high places, but do have walls surrounding the players.

    (Of course, the higher the knockback effect is, the faster the hit player goes. Ergo, the more damage he takes from hitting the wall)

    submitted by /u/TheDragonWarrior2284
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    The Stone People

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    • Wide, stony bodies. The Minecraft counterpart of dwarves.
    • They live in caves. They are very rare finds, silently standing embedded into the caves' walls.
      • To awaken it, give it an item. This will instigate their curiosity, and they will disassemble the item, and give the ingredients back to the player. Random recipe is chosen in the case of multiple recipes.
    • Considered undead. Will burn up in sunlight.
    • They are neutral mobs. They will only attacked if attacked. Unless they are paid:
      • Mercenaries. Their preferred form of payment are iron ingots and iron blocks. Not only will they forgive, but they will also fight for you.
        • 1 ingot = 1 full day of fighting
        • 1 block = 9 full days of fighting
    • They will automatically heal if they pick up blocks made of stone, using up those blocks. It's their way of absorbing the stone.
    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    Polished Netherack

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    A polished version of netherack. Deep blood red color with the same polish as the other polished blocks. Stairs, slabs, and walls would also look incredible as well.

    submitted by /u/Schrutey
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    Spiders are able to breed, forming spider eggs

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 08:05 PM PDT

    Each spider can have their own little nest in a cave, where they are able to protect their eggs. I'm also thinking a spider queen can be added that stays at the nest. :)

    submitted by /u/FluffalBoy
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    The Wandering Illager

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    He will have a chance of spawning after a raid happens as well as near outposts, woodland mansions, and villages

    Here is some story with some facts about him:

    This Illager wanders the land doing trades, however Unlike a Villager he will defend himself against Anyone who Attacks Him, as well as mobs like creepers, zombies or skeletons. He has better trades than a Wandering Trader but instead of wanting Emeralds, He wants Lapiz. He rides donkeys instead of liamas unlike the Wandering Trader. Unlike most Illagers he will not attack Villagers on sight except the Wandering Trader. When he is going to attack, he gains strength 1 and resistance 1 for a minute. His weapon of choice is an iron sword.

    Image of the Mob: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/iiew3p/the_wandering_illager/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    submitted by /u/D4NG3RX
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    new shield enchant

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    my idea is a new shield enchant (i chose to name it reversal) that would act like thorns for armor. that's it. i don't get why it hasn't gotten added yet, because it's a quite obvious idea.

    submitted by /u/dogsareawesome1
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    There should be different types of weapons with the same stats as the swords but with specific enchants

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    I had this idea when I saw an art of a scythe art in minecraft. It gave me a few ideas of new weapons, because we have a lot of tools but only one real weapon, which is pretty sad (in my opinion). So what I thought was :

    - Scythe

    Fire aspect enchant replaced by Poison enchant (inflicts poison effect)

    Sweeping edge enchant replaced by Beheading enchant (increases damage in the head)

    - Battle Hammer

    Sharpness enchant renamed Crusher enchant

    Fire aspect enchant replaced by Stunning enchant (affected creatures are unable to move for a short time)

    Sweeping edge enchant replaced by Smasher enchant (moving the camera while attacking gives the attack a knockback in the direction where the camera moves)

    - Spear

    Fire aspect enchant replaced by Long Blade enchant (increases the range of the attacks)

    Sweeping edge enchant replaced by Danger zone enchant (attacking multiple enemies at once increases the damage dealt)

    - Daggers

    Fire aspect enchant replaced by Vampire enchant (heals the player when the target is killed)

    Sweeping edge enchant replaced by Assassin enchant (gives a short speed boost to the player when a target is killed)

    Those are only what came to my mind, I don't really know if they would be OP or good or anything, but I think more weapons would be great regardless.

    submitted by /u/Carapuceau
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    Compactor device similar to the Composter

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    I know auto crafting is frowned upon by the developers but we should at least have a way to automatically make the block form of loose items, like iron ingots to iron blocks etc.

    The block could be called simply Compactor and made with a hopper + a piston or a hopper in the center and 4 piston on the sides in a + pattern (or even a hopper in the center and pistons all around or a combination of sticky pistons and pistons anyway you get the idea)

    It would work in a similar way to the Composter: input items that can be compacted, like again iron ingots, and spit out the block form when the appropriate number is reached.
    Like a hopper it could have 5 inventory slots so it could accept 5 compactable items at the time and similarly to the composter it would just do nothing if a non compactable item is inputted.

    Maybe it might be restricted to accept only the 9 to 1 items->block recipes instead of also accepting the 4 to 1 items which would still be a huge QoL improvement but I would prefer a general compactor.

    submitted by /u/Yrouel86
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    Make Smite and Bane compatible

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Bane of Arthropods adds 2.5 extra damage (1.25 hearts) per level for a maximum of 12.5 extra damage (6.25 hearts) at level 5, but only works on Spiders, Cave spiders, Bees, Silverfish, and Endermites. All it takes to one-hit any of them is a critical using an axe (stone or better) enchanted with Bane 1. Even with the slowness 4 that it puts on them for a maximum of 3.5 seconds at level 5, it's still unethical as a Sharpness 4 diamond sword with a strength 1 potion/beacon does enough damage to kill spiders in a farm.

    Seeing as how much better Smite is, being able to deal a maximum of 33.75 damage at level 5 on a netherite axe, it's almost always chosen over Bane because it applies to a much wider variety of undead mobs, which includes the wither boss. But what if they were compatible? Bane would be used more often due to being able to easily take care of more of those pesky mobs without having to switch swords.

    Obviously, they would both still be incompatible with Sharpness (too overpowered otherwise), but the inability to get both on the same item via an enchanting table would also help to balance it out, because it's more expensive at higher levels.

    Any other feedback on how this could be improved is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/XZombi3X
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    Enchanted ores: a way to justify making a golden pickaxe

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Golden tools have always been kinda disliked in the community. They work if you want something fast and efficient, but most people don't really use them unless they wanna take advantage of enchantments. The Nether Update did a great job making gold armor more useful, but tools are still kinda undesirable.

    I propose a subset of ores, called enchanted ores. They would look like regular ores, but the respective gemstones or metals would be in some way magical in nature that can only be mined by gold. Lapis, for instance, would be recategorized as an enchanted ore. Silver could be another, functioning like the other two metals, and being used to craft silver arrows, which function like an arrow with smite.

    submitted by /u/Realshow
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    The Sitting Stick

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    It would only be gotten through commands like the debug stick and when you right click on a block it would allow players to sit there. Right click again to disable. There is also another mode that lets the player lay down and use that block as a bed which you switch to with left click. All blocks that have either the sitting or laying function set to true would also be highlighted when holding the stick.

    submitted by /u/Wenoma
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    Add an enchantment named Soul Thief

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    When you kill a mob with a weapon enchated with Soul Thief the mob drop Soul xp (1 to 5 or 2 to 10, if level 2), that is basically xp but blue. Each xp orb heal half a heart.

    submitted by /u/Iam4leph
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