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    Minecraft [ADR] Flutterflies: An adorable ambient mob for the flower forest! (Mechanics could be adapted for the moobloom!)

    Minecraft [ADR] Flutterflies: An adorable ambient mob for the flower forest! (Mechanics could be adapted for the moobloom!)

    [ADR] Flutterflies: An adorable ambient mob for the flower forest! (Mechanics could be adapted for the moobloom!)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    [ADR] Flutterflies: An adorable ambient mob for the flower forest! (Mechanics could be adapted for the moobloom!)

    Flutterflies are little insects with an appearance similar to a mini-flower, that serve as ambience mobs for the flower forest biome. They do so by flying around in fairly large groups, and make happy, giggling sounds, attempting to make the player feel happy when around them and making the flower forest a peaceful, almost fairyland-like biome.



    They also have multiple mechanics to make them more interesting.

    1. They help in pollinating flowers, and will have a higher chance of doing so near beehives. This will "expand the flower forest" to other biomes, but it would be limited for obvious reasons.
    2. They will often go to flowers and suck nectar. In doing so, their colour changes to match the colour of the flower.
    3. At night (apart from new moon nights), they will curl up into flowers and go to sleep. If the flower is broken, they come out and flutter away to try and find another flower to sleep in.
    4. During new moon nights, they stay awake and will all start glowing in one colour, making it a truly luminous sight. This is my way of implementing fireflies into the game.
    5. Lastly, they help injured bees (ones that have lost their stinger). They heal the bees so that they wouldn't die, but the bees will also not regrow their stingers.

    They drop the dye obtained from the last flower they sucked nectar from, or alternatively, the flower itself.

    Summary Infographic

    This post is part of the Ambience Done Right (ADR) series of ambience related posts I'm making, since vanilla ambience mobs are trash even at providing ambience. With this series, I'm hoping to kinda create a gold standard for future ambient mobs and mob suggestions to follow, if I may say so myself. Be sure to like, comment, subscribe and break your device by hitting the notification bell!

    On a tangent, the mobs that imo provide most ambience are desert rabbits and villagers, which, ironically aren't even ambient mobs. On the other hand, "true" ambient mobs like polar bears and pandas just vibe and barely provide ambience.


    Brainstormed on r/MC_Brainstorming and the MCS Discord server.

    Credits to u/lordhugo02 for the model, u/mystickoko for the infographic and u/martijndebakker and u/punchwood5786 for helping me brainstorm this. I'm forgetting someone, but for obvious reasons, I can't remember who. If you're seeing this, I appreciate it, mate!

    Btw, for anyone who cares, you can look at how the design developed on r/mcsuggestionassets.


    submitted by /u/RazorNemesis
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    Purified water - a way to make cauldrons more useful and improve brewing

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Cauldrons in Minecraft don't have that many uses, at least on Java Edition. I mean, why bother putting water in the cauldron to get three bottles when you can just fill infinite bottles with the same water source? I came up with a simple idea to make cauldrons more useful. Putting a campfire under a cauldron and filling it with water would make some bubble particles appear inside. After a few seconds, the water will change to have a clean, light blue color - that will be the purified water. You would then be able to fill three bottles with the purifed water. Potions brewed with purified water will have 'Pure' before their name (e.g. 'Pure Potion of Strength', 'Pure Splash Potion of Weakness'). The pure potions would have both duration and effect strength increased by 20%. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/TheArcanist_
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    How Glow Squids Should Be Implemented (A Repost)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:28 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, just before I start just be aware that this is a post I made like a month ago. I'm reposting it now because with the mob vote I thought it was quite topical and has a better opportunity to be seen now. I hope this isn't a problem for anyone :)

    As many of you may know, in the spinoff game, Minecraft Earth, there is an exclusive mob called the Glow Squid . The mob is mostly ambient and doesn't do much in Minecraft Earth, but I am suggesting giving it a great purpose for in the base game.

    Glow squids will spawn close to the bottom of deep ocean biomes. They will glow, similar to how a spiders eyes glow, but besides that are normal squids. They could be a light source, but I'm not sure how well that would work with it moving around. The main attraction of the Glow Squid, besides adding ambience to the sea floor, is it's brand new drop, luminous ink sacs.

    Luminous ink sacs would look like a normal ink sac but with the colour scheme of a Glow Squid. When placed in an item frame, it can act as a light source. The main thing luminous ink sacs would be used for is creating luminous dyes. Mixing the luminous ink sacs with any colour of dye would create a luminous version of this dye. Any block, such as wool, concrete, glass or terracotta, would become a light source when dyed with this.

    This would be useful to builders, or pixel artists, as they would not need to light up their builds with ugly torches, and could really have a wide range of uses. Because of all this, I think glow squids, and their luminous ink sacs, should be added to the main version of the game!

    submitted by /u/GabelDaGoob
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    If the Moobloom wins, there should be multiple variants of it

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    The moobloom is my favorite mob out of the three but currently there is nothing special about it, making a moobloom variant for every, or at least some more flowers would make them more interesting and more people would vote for it instead of a new enemy which could be annoying or a squid that looks cool but is even more useless than the moobloom

    submitted by /u/minebird023
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    There should be an achievement for surviving 1000 Minecraft days, and it should be called: “A Notable Adventure”

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Credit To LuketheNotable for the inspiration for this.

    Go check out his 1000 days series here:


    submitted by /u/DarkNugget76
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    Wolves should howl when they see you die

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Idk if this is a common idea it didn't appear in the FPS list so I would assume not.


    Wolves have no emotion, even when tamed. Maybe they could add something like whimper.ogg for wolves where when they see you die. Maybe a variant for hardcore mode maybe?

    submitted by /u/TheWindowsPro98
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    Pillager and illager trading system

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    We should be able to trade with them, and become allies with pillagers, enemies with villagers. They would take a different gem to trade; Amethyst(I hope I spelled that correctly). This gemstone would only be avaliable with piglin trading, and would let you trade with pillagers. This would add another route to minecraft, making it a grander game.

    submitted by /u/attemptnumber58
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    If the glowsquid wins, you should be able to use it's dye

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    You should be able to use it's dye to make leather armor and horse armor glow and give off a little bit of light, bonus points if this glow scared off a certain mob, like how creepers run from ocelots.

    submitted by /u/BoSlapHorseman
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    a way to get custom heads in survival mode

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    changing the name of any mob head using an anvil should allow players to get custom player heads. this way players can obtain custom heads in survival without cheating.

    submitted by /u/LOL_NameLessDude_LOL
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    Minecon Votes should be about which to add FIRST, not which won’t be trashed.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    Many people care deeply about this year's options and have cared about the losing options every single year. Most of these were pretty great !

    I can understand that adding everything at once would be too much, and that the votes are an interesting player participation thing. So why not make us vote for what to add first, but eventually add everything ?

    Minecraft is the top selling game of all time, I'm pretty sure they could hire a few more devs if adding those mobs is stretching it ! If they fall back on the "the engine is so old" excuse, I know there are plenty of modders who would love to rewrite it, and some of them already have started doing so (thinking mostly about Sodium/Phosphor/Lithium right now)

    What do y'all say ?

    submitted by /u/AmyLucyRose
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    Bring consistency to halfslabs hardness

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    This isn't as bad as it was in beta, You literally had to break wooden slabs with a pickaxe but it's still annoying when doing massive projects, I can imagine anyone in the technical community who has dealt with this will agree.

    I'm working on a wither skeleton farm, and I have to spawn proof the perimeter. I want to use an insta-minable slab, so if I change my mind in the future, I set up a haste II beacon, and go to town.

    This is where the problem comes in. Halfslabs are inconsistent.

    Stone halfslabs cannot be insta-mined with haste II eff V. Quartz slabs can't be insta-mined with haste II eff V, despite quartz being so malleable, you don't even need haste.

    The only slabs that can be instamined that are affordable, are prismarine slabs, and they look AWFUL in the nether. There's only like 2 others I believe, and both of those also do not look good.

    This is a dumb "feature" that needs to be ironed out. If anything the halfslab variants of these blocks should have LESS hardness as opposed to more, if not that, make it equal.

    I'm just going to stick with stone halfslabs and if I have to change this ever I'll suffer. But, thing is, I shouldn't have to.

    submitted by /u/pCappo
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    Piglins should occasionally use fire resistance when on fire.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    They literally live in hell, where almost everyone else is immune to fire.

    To make matters worse, I'm coming along with my flame bow, fire aspect sword and lava bucket to kill them all and steal their possessions in their own home.

    If they have such an abundance of fire resistance potions to barter with when I'm looking for some soul speed, then surely they can put it to good use in combat or whenever there's an inevitable fire accident in literal hell.

    Don't give it to the brutes, they're tough enough.

    submitted by /u/wielderofFire1051
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    More decorative stone/cobblestone

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    I would like to see more stone variants like cracked mossy stone bricks and cobblestone, and maybe mossy stone. The existing decorative stone and cobblestone as well as the new ones should have their own stairs, slabs, and walls. I think it will make building overgrown/ruins builds a bit easier.

    submitted by /u/av4n_iv
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    Moobloom Flower Farming

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    You should be able to feed mooblooms flowers and they would grow them on their back, which could be sheared over and over like a sheep. This would be fantastic for dye and flower farms! Personally, if this was a moobloom feature I would vote moobloom hands down.

    submitted by /u/Velociraptor_65
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    Stronger interaction between sweeping edge, fire aspect and knockback.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    I'm sure many of the people in this sub have been keeping up with Jebs combat snapshots.

    Some of the recent changes those snapshots has introduced involves the sweeping edge enchantment. Sweeping edge has become somewhat more valuable in these snapshots because Jeb made it so that they could also be applied to axes. I imagine as a balance to the fact that the enchantment is now also applicable to the axe, Jeb also seriously nerfed the damage that mobs take due to being caught in a sweeping attack.

    I somewhat agree with this nerf. Axes do much more damage than swords so if sweeping edge is going to be applied to it then the damage it does needs to be reduced a bit. But at the same time, this diminishes the value sweeping edge would have on a sword, which does much less damage an axe.

    I think a good compromise between nerfing the enchantment for it to be balanced on axes while allowing it to be effective on a sword is to have sweeping edge interact with fire aspect and knockback.

    I don't know if you guys have tested this, but I recently learned this while farming my cows. When you have a sword with fire aspect, knockback and sweeping edge, if you swing at a horde of mobs, only the mob that receives a direct hit will be lit on fire and knocked back, but the mobs that are caught in the sweeping attack will not be lit on fire or be knocked back, they will simply take sweeping damage. (The cow that died from taking the direct hit dropped cook beef, the cow that died from the sweeping attack dropped raw beef.)

    I think it would be really cool if EVERY mob that was caught in the sweeping attack could be lit on fire and knocked back. Of course to keep this balanced we could reduce the intensity of the flame and knockback on the mobs that got caught in the sweeping attack while the mob that took the brunt of the blow takes the full effect.

    I think this would seriously enhance the value of all three of these enchantments and the sword and it would provide a balanced and different benefit to the high damage output of the axe. Aside from reducing the intensity of the fire and knockback effects that mobs caught in the sweeping attack would take, I also think this is balanced by the fact that it will take more effort to get 2 or all 3 of these enchantments on a single sword. Sure, I know it's very doable, I've done it before, but it's definitely harder than just getting sweeping edge on your axe.

    The knockback sweeping edge combination will allow for greater crowd control when you're surrounded, but of course it could hurt you if you're fighting ranged enemies. The fire aspect sweeping edge combination will give the extra gradual damage of fire aspect, but also introduce the potentially risky situation of lighting everyone around you on fire. Other things that balance fire aspect, like water and fire resistance, would of course also apply to this.

    So that's my idea. What do you guys think? I'm open to feedback!

    submitted by /u/wielderofFire1051
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    Flying Whales and moving "bases"

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    I always thought the Minecraft sky was empty, and there is a severe lack of fantasy in the game as is (like there's no "Ahhhhhhhhh" moment, if very rarely) so I propose Flying Whales!

    Whales are generally very large (wouldn't quite fit well in Minecrafts "shallow" oceans) so the sky would be the next best thing, besides the already severe lack of any flying mobs (except phantoms, but they technically don't count) in the Minecraft overworld sky. There would be plenty of room to have whole pods of whales flying overhead the player and all other mobs.

    One use of whales I can think of (no, not lantern oil you friggin murderers) would be being able to tame them, and then being able to "saddle" them. As in, storage, smelting, and sleep. The tops of the Whales could hold chest storage of possible up to 2 double chests worth, and you can also be able to attach some kind of furnace or smoker, and even a bed, as to make a kind of "moving" base.

    These whales could also act as a safe haven from other mobs, excluding phantoms (as to not recreate a whole problem with safe havens, like mooshroom islands)

    In terms of steering or stopping, I think Whales could be steered, but they won't stop moving and would turn away from obstructions without player input, and the only way to properly "dock" a whale would probably be with the use of more than 1 lead, probably up to 4.

    This would add a new form of flying transport (higher maintenance than an elytra, with or without mending) and moving storage, like a mule, donkey, or llama.

    In terms of whales drops when killed? Maybe a piece of leather or some bones. Nothing worth killing a fantastic beast over.

    Oh, and taming the things.


    How about some honey bottles? Idk just a suggestion.

    submitted by /u/Randinator9
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    What about Werewolfs?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    I mean... Wouldn't it be creepy, or exciting to know, that you have to watch the moon constantly? Maybe you can also take out your moon clock to see, which moon phase the nightsky currently shows. And when the fullmoon says hello to you, some villagers, maybe your best Fletcher friend Gary, is transforming into a very hairy, scary Werewolf. Leave some comments please! :D

    submitted by /u/TitusTestes
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    Frozen Boats

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Frozen-Over Boats would be boats findable in icebergs. They would be rare especially because they can only be found in ice bergs. They would be pretty small and would be made out of spruce wood only. They would have 2 barrels and a chest. The barrels would have some food, iron nuggets, flint and maybe some sticks. The chest would hold iron tools, gold, iron ingots, compasses and some other stuff. Perhaps they would be able to give you a map to a igloo or maybe the iceologer could be incorperated in this entire thing. I think these would look cool and maybe when you find one you get the achivement "Titanic!". I was thinking of making the boat like the titanic but there is no iron related block other than iron block which is way too expensive.

    My build of the ship (please click and look through all pics)

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    The Merillager and The Cecaillager

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    These two would be new aquatic Illagers that spawn in oceans. They would be the only neutral Illagers, and would attack with their tails and tentacles. The Merillager would have straggly teal hair and a teal fish tail, and The Cecaillager would have dark red octopus tentacles and no hair. They could spawn carrying tridents, and attack when you dealt damage to them. You can also trade Nautilus shells and they´ll give you rare items in exchange. Nothing too special of an idea, just wanted to make a quick post. Please let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/Ardilla3000
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    Making Bottles O’ Enchanting useful

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    Currently, the enchanting bottle is one of the most useless items in the game. It serves little to do purpose despite having so much potential. Right now the only time they are used is when you find 1 and break it only to get 0.5% closer to the next level. I feel like this system can be built upon to make them actually useful.

    My idea is you can put regular bottles in the enchanting table and "enchant them" by putting 1 level in them. By breaking it you get 0.75 levels back. You can put as many as you want in an enchanting table (up to 64) and it will take that amount of levels and enchant all of them. Each bottle will have 0.75 levels stored in it. This could be a great way for players to store exp or even sell it and trade with it. Imagine paying 2 netherrite for 100 levels or something of that sort.

    But what about exploiting? Couldn't a player just get to level 1, fill a bottle, and repeat, making the difficulty of levelling up to higher levels irrelevant?

    Well, yes. But the minimal amount of players that would know to do that tactic and Minecraft's need for a magic update anyways means it wouldn't be too much of an issue.

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    Bioluminescent stone variant block in caves and deep oceans

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    This suggestion is to add a variant of stone that is covered with bioluminescent creatures, that spawns in some but not all caves and deep oceans. These caves will mostly be found under ice spikes, dark and birch forests and swamps. The block can either be picked up using silk touch or their items can be harvested using a particular tool - perhaps the hoe?

    The glow effect only triggers when a player is close enough, aswell as in a chain reaction to nearby glowing blocks. When discovering one of these caves, it will suddenly burst into life, adding to the magical element. Also has potential for player detector

    This was an already existing idea but since the glow squid was announced as a possible addition to the game. The item harvested from these blocks will be the same as the glow squid's drop. For the name I suggest simply 'glow ink'

    This could be a great motive for the cave update (as it could lead into many directions) and it should hopefully give a very magical ambience to the affected caves.

    I think this idea has lots of appeal from aesthetic reasons alone, but I will list additional possibilities below

    • Colours could be dynamic - the most natural colour for these is a bluish green (see image: [imgur not working] ) but they could vary in or change colour, perhaps even in accordance with each other, to make the creatures look more alive
    • Could be farmed if the creatures were made to grow into adjacent blocks in certain conditions
    • Lots of possibilities for the glow ink, I liked the idea of glowing variants of existing blocks that I saw recently
    • Caves in cold biomes should have ice formations
    • When underwater they should slowly glow on and off - and interact with glow squids - since the player is not always going to be close in a deep ocean
    submitted by /u/FreitchetSleimwor
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    Fletcher's Tipped Arrows

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Fletcher villagers should only sell unharmful tipped arrows instead of all tipped arrows because they are peaceful mobs. If pillagers ever get the ability to trade, they should sell harmful tipped arrows.

    submitted by /u/SirBlimp
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    The chillager should drop a new totem: “The Totem Of Frost”

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    This totem is much different from the totem of undying. For starters instead of being a one time use, it can be constantly used at the cost of xp.

    The totem of frost while in the users hand will allow them to walk on water as if they had frost walker, and if they have frost walker and the totem the ice made will last longer. Plus they will be able to cool down even lava and walk on it turning it into magma blocks. The totem of frost will also decrease fire and lava damage, as well as negate whatever "snowier snow" does.

    submitted by /u/Greatnite
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    Giving lightning some practical uses

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Allow iron bars stacked vertically to act as lightning rods, increasing the probability of being struck the higher the top of the rod goes.

    1. Lightning only travels "downward" through rods. In order to funnel the lightning into a block, the rod must be attached to the top surface. Similarly, only single columns of iron bars will behave as lightning rods.

    2. If the lightning rods are connected directly to a dispenser, the dispenser immediately redirects the lightning out of the firing end when the lightning rod is struck.

    3. Redirected lightning, unlike normal lightning, travels in a straight beam and can travel in a horizontal fashion.

    4. Redirected lightning destroys blocks as if a charged creeper had exploded, and dissipates after a distance if no blocks are struck. This allows for limited automated excavation during thunderstorms.

    5. Lightning redirected by and upward facing dispenser rod destroys all the bars and the dispenser.

    6. Redirected lightning can be "chained" between lightning rods by redirecting from a dispenser into another rod. This allows its range to be renewed and its trajectory adjusted. It also allows multiple rods to be directed into the same terminus, allowing for a greater probability that lightning will be captured.

    7. Because lightning only travels downward through iron bars and redirected lightning only travels in straight beams, infinite loops cannot be created through chaining, as each link is necessarily at least one block lower than the previous link.

    This could also be expanded to include "supercharging" certain blocks. E.g., lightning funneled into a beacon would expand its radius for a short duration, and lightning funneled into a furnace would instantly smelt all the furnace's contents.

    submitted by /u/sidekickman
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