• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers E Project [SMP] {Mature 21+} {Whitelisted} {1.16.2} {Survival} {Java}

    Minecraft Servers E Project [SMP] {Mature 21+} {Whitelisted} {1.16.2} {Survival} {Java}

    E Project [SMP] {Mature 21+} {Whitelisted} {1.16.2} {Survival} {Java}

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    Welcome to E Project

    About us:

    E Project is a built community of UK and EU friends, our server mostly consists of players in their 30's, which is why we set a 21+ age requirement to try to cater to a similar age maturity. We don't aim to be a big public populated server, but a consistent community to play together in our free time, especially afternoons, making new friends on the way. We promote a low-stress environment, helping one another in-game and out.

    The server is based in Falkenstein, Germany, we run the latest PaperMC with several tweaks to provide more default vanilla mechanic behavior.

    Friend referrals from the community are welcome if you wish to bring others along.

    Website: https://www.eproject.uk/

    LiveMap: map.eproject.uk

    Server Setup:

    ✅ Night Time cycle cannot be skipped. ✅ Phantoms are disabled - Bats drop membranes. ✅ Default world with Amplified Biomes at the border. ✅ /TPA to friends & /Home ✅ Live Map - Can add markers, we have custom icons. ✅ Toggleable auto fill hand. ✅ Lightning Fire Spread is disabled. ✅ MCMMO - With some OP aspects nerfed, mainly for score tracking. ✅ A library of heads for small block decoration. ✅ Item Frame Hopper filters. ✅ Shift-Click toggle visible/invisible item frames. ✅ Armor stand editor. ✅ Big Movable doors/drawbridges. ✅ Faster Minecart system. ✅ Secret Switch system for your hidden doors. ✅ Dragon drops Elytra. ✅ Shift Toggle Tree Felling & Vein Mining ✅ Creepers, Enderman, Ghasts, cannot pick up/damage blocks. ✅ Pet Protection. ✅ Sign Chest Protection. ✅ Mobs Head Drops. ✅ Vanilla player controlled trading. ✅ Optional Visual Improvement resource pack. 
    We do have some rules we require players to follow.
    1. Please speak English in public chats.
    2. No griefing or stealing.
    3. No harassment in the chat of any kind.
    4. Avoid being inappropriate in chat, most notably sexual comments, and media.
    5. No Cheating of any means to give an unfair advantage (Duplicating, X-Ray resource packs, map modification mods, obtaining seed, scripts of any kind, flying, ...).

    Interested to be apart of E Project?

    To apply, click here to fill in the form. Please keep an eye out for a friend request via Discord for an invitation to the community if successful.

    submitted by /u/BadContent
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    Super Happy Friends [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.16.1} {18+}{Hermitcraft-like}

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Presenting: Super Happy Friends!

    This minecraft SMP brings together all different play styles into a tight knit 18+ community.
    The server currently hosts a variety of public community farms including iron, general mobs, guardians and endermen to help you get on your feet.
    A large mall and growing shopping district are located conveniently across from the functional post office and bank.

    If you are interested in our rules and application as well as a gallery of server builds, please visit https://superhappyfriends.net/rules-info/

    We can't wait to meet you!

    submitted by /u/Mailian
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    Twisted MC Network [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {18+}{Java} {DynMap}{Custom Quests/Dungeons} {1.16.1}{Whitelist} {Long-Term Map} {Datapacks}

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    Server Details: Recently upgraded to 1.16.1 and purged a bunch of chunks that were unused to generate over 80% new terrain on the map. We are a growing community and running on all upgraded new hardware. Come check us out for yourself to see if it is a fit. We try to offer things for all players and are constantly adding new features and custom items and events!

    Discord: Please join discord before you will be accepted >>>Discord Link<<<

    IP: Given after application acceptance: >>>Apply Here<<<

    Server Pictures: Check Out Our Pictures

    Version: 1.16.1

    Gamemode: Survival - Hard Mode

    Server Location: Central Time Zone, US, Dedicated Server, 64GB RAM


    Twisted Vanilla is a LONG term map with no resets! Our community is looking for additional mature players who enjoy playing for the long haul and have fun with the game while being respectful to others. We appreciate that people have different play styles (lone wolf, team, or community builders), with varying play times and schedules, as well as individual strengths (redstone, terraforming, large builds, details, etc.) We strongly believe we are only as good as our community which is what makes the server stand out.

    We encourage participation in community builds, request feedback on how the server operates, and listen to our players suggestions to improve and enhance the gameplay.


    • Dynmap
    • Daily Quests for Unique Server Items
    • Custom Dungeons & Loot
    • Customized Items (Unique graphics) - (Ex Looting 3 Axe, Mending/Infinity Bow, Custom Amour Sets, Transparent Diamond Armor)
    • Long Term Server Achievement Goals (Millions of Mined stone, etc)
    • LONG term map - border will expand, but world will not reset
    • World Border: 10k each direction (20k world border)
    • Monthly Build contests with rewards
    • Community Market, Events, & Builds


    Custom Twisted Vanilla Re-settable Woodland Mansion

    Dungeon Gems & Custom Currency Items

    Player & Mob Head Drops

    Custom Crafting Recipes

    Customizable Armor Stands

    Anti Enderman Griefing

    2x Shulker Shells

    Dragon Drops Elytra - (Currently being reworked)

    Growing Phantoms

    One Player Sleep

    Statistic Tracking Scoreboards


    • Be mature and use common sense! If you break something, fix it, creeper hole, fix it, community farms, replant it. Don't yell in discord or spam chat.
    • Use judgement entering someone else's base, do not poke around in chests that are not yours or identified as public.
    • PvP - Dedicated areas or Mutual Consent
    • No Griefing/Stealing Period - You will be banned
    • Pranks are allowed, just know the difference between funny and destructive
    • X-Ray, hacking, duping and exploits will result in an immediate ban
    • Optifine, Schematics, Minimaps are allowed
    submitted by /u/jhvanis
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    HillcrestMC [SMP] {McMMO} {SilkSpawners} {Ranks}

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    Hillcrest Survival is an SMP server with PVP being toggleable by the player. I played minecraft alot back in 2015, and this game has had a profound impact on my gaming experience. I am attempting to recreate that fun, inclusive and relaxed environment I loved so much!

    Join us at HillcrestMC.apexmc.co version 1.16.1 Java edition

    Going to get straight to it though- Why should you join?

    • Rankup system, each with a kit, sethomes and various other commands.
    • First being Guest, last being Veteran.
    • The last rank has /fly.
    • McMMO
    • Jobs to help you earn your way up the ranks.
    • SlimeFun
    • Auctions
    • Pandas that mate and produce offspring
    • Staff are not given any special permissions and must play like the players (Including me!)
    • RTP for an easy start
    • PlayerShops
    • Small, fresh community
    • No donation ranks. We are strongly against the P2W mentality, hence the rankup system
    • KeepInventory true
    • PvP Arena with KeepInv off so it isnt boring PvP.
    • Minimal chat restrictions, however advertising and disrespect are strongly against the rules.
    • Active Staff and players

    Just a well made server that I put alot of effort into The staff and I hope to see you online! Thanks for taking your time to read up until this point 📷

    submitted by /u/colterhmc
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    Einherjar [Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{Java}{1.16.1}{Dynmap}

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:05 AM PDT


    Einherjar SMP is a survival server with a tight-knit, non-toxic community that has been up since march. The goal of the server is to have a fun community to play Minecraft with. Now I'm gonna be short so you don't have read an entire essay (if you want you could always read the website).

    Main Features:

    • Vanilla like server
    • Anti griefing plugins
    • Active Admins
    • A few datapacks to enhance the game.
    • Solid community of active players
    • No World resets
    • 1-player sleep
    • A Dynmap
    • Shopping district located at 750 -400

    If you want to join go to our discord and we will whitelist you from there. Any questions you can DM me. Hope to see you on!

    submitted by /u/REALtojona
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    InteraCrafT [SMP] {Java 1.16.2} {Emeralds Economy} {Land Claim} {Interactive Structures} {No Ads, Votes, Microtransaction} {Mature} {Pro Free Speech, No Censorship}

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    InteraCrafT is now updated to 1.16.2 Are you looking for a fun server? If so, come join us today!




    IP Address:


    The only rule set in bedrock is: No Cheating / Hacking / Exploit as it just goes againt the very purpose of playing a game. Otherwise, you are free to say whatever you want and play however you want.  

    The server is pro free speech and against censorship, you will not be kicked or silenced for unpopular opinions! However, due to the nature of certain subject it is primarily meant for mature peoples! If you are distressed by ideas or opinions that challenge your ideology, please refrain from joining as the right to free speech is not a right not to be offended.


    InteraCrafT does NOT feature any form of advertisement or microtransaction. Keep your credit card in your pocket, this server is not made for profit! If you wish to contribute to the growth of the server, forget about donations too. Help us instead by giving your ideas, your time by playing or simply by inviting your friends.


    InteraCrafT DO however feature the following:


    • Hard mode difficulty.


    • First join kit to help you survive, no others kits afterward.


    • Added a thirst mechanic for realism. (Also serve as a soft anti-afk)


    • Gravestone chest lasting 10 minutes in case of death.


    • Individually toggleable PvP status On/Off


    • 8000 x 8000 overworld with the spawn at 0,0.


    • Fire and explosion blocks damage disabled in the overworld.


    • 4000 x 4000 Nether which was reset for 1.16 version.


    • Explosion blocks damage enabled in the nether.


    • Unlimited End dimenssion.


    • All gateways to outer island generated in the End.


    • Elytra are modified for infinite flight to be the main form of transportation.


    • Posibility of having land claimed simply by request. (no need to mess with golden shovel or diamond block)


    • Home teleport and respawn point set with your bed.


    • Fastforward the night if most players sleep.


    • Emeralds based economy with custom trades, no fake money or signs boxing to buy/sell.


    • Interactive structures full of surprises to explore.


    • Shops with better prices and special items in the wild.


    • Special items like first aid kit, parachute, screaming diamond, and more.


    • Mobs heads selection area.


    • Possibility to exchange regular blocks and emeralds for decorative mini-blocks.


    • Ability to capture passive mobs by throwing eggs. (also work with villagers)


    • New and logical crafting recipes added for convenience.


    • Bottling your Exp with glass bottle and enchanting table.


    • Ability to buy permanent access to an adjustable enchanting room.


    • Permanently set your chat color with a book.


    • Redstone friendly admin, can test your project for server compatibility.


    • Button for heal, feed, day, night, weather and a enderchest provided at the spawn.


    • Minigames seamlessly integrated on the map. Spleef, Nought and crosses, Connect 4, parkour and more to come.


    • In-game real time skin change for fun and easy roleplaying.


    • Ability to sit on stairs with signs like chairs.


    • Non players characters. (NPC)


    And much more to come! Hopefully we will see you in game soon.


    submitted by /u/ViralPsychosis
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    DawnCraft [Semi-vanilla][SMP]{1.16.2}{Hermitcraft-like}{Whitelist}

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    DawnCraft - a small classic vanilla SMP server like Hermitcraft!

    This is a small server with only about 10 total active players. We are really looking for more players to help expand our community and stay. We have 37 people on the Discord server from the time of this post. Normally, there is at least one person on, but sometimes we can have 4 or 5 people on at once! There is a shopping district with around 10 shops and we're looking for more. Come help us expand and make the server a better place!

    We have some vanilla tweaks. Like Dragon drops Elytra and Double Shulker Shells so that everyone can get shulker boxes and elytra, and we also have single-player sleep and mob and player heads like Hermitcraft. FireTick is off as well, because no one likes that. We even have a Dynmap of the server to help out on navigation.

    Make sure you read the rules and FAQ in the Discord before joining, be considerate of other people, and bring your friends to play on this amazing server! People of all ages are welcome and anyone who doesn't like playing by the rules will be banned without warning.

    Join The Discord if you're interested: https://discord.gg/gywnNWJ

    submitted by /u/nikoflame
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    SoraTech [Semi-vanilla] {1.16.1} {Carpet Mod} {Technical Server} {16+}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    Hey there. I run a technical server and we are looking for a few new members. I get the question of "how long has the server been going?" a lot so I'll just answer it here: We have been going since early march. However, the server was at first a non-technical hermitcraft-like smp. We changed our style about 2 months ago.

    We are a bit different from other technical servers in that we use many of the additional carpet mod features. We currently have the following features enabled:

    • - Dragon egg block breaking
    • - Silverfish drop gravel
    • - Husks drop sand
    • - Renewable coral
    • - Stackable shulker boxes
    • - Respawning shulkers
    • - Ctrl Q fix
    • - Dispensers place blocks
    • - Auto crafting dropper
    • - Renewable sponges
    • - Missing tools
    • - Hopper counters
    • - Cactus rotation tool as well as accurate block placement protocol for tweakaroo mod
    • - Movable block entities

    You can find some screenshots of different locations on the server here:


    We are currently working on a handful of projects including a wither skeleton farm perimeter, spawn chunks perimeter, clearing main end island, nether hub/main storage, and massive trading hall. If you join, you can work on these, or pick up any other project you'd like to.

    We have few rules:

    • Treat others the way you want to be treated; no griefing, obviously.
    • Duping is allowed for a few items: Dragon eggs, elytra, and gravity blocks (for now. Since we have the renewable option for sand, we will stop duping that when a farm is built for it). Shulker shells are not allowed to be duped anymore as we have a farm design ready to be built.

    We have a few long term goals such as collecting every item in a large amount, collecting all the mobs with a dinnerbone nametag, mob head collecting, farming all the mobs, and anything else you'd want to work toward.

    Feel free to message me here on reddit if you want to join, or you can add me on discord at Majin#9245

    submitted by /u/Otinusu
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    Kingdoms of Exilus [SMP] {Towny} {Dynmap} {Whitelist} {Kingdoms} {Politics} {GreyRP} {1.15.2}

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Kingdoms of Exilus [SMP] {Towny} {Dynmap} {Whitelist} {Kingdoms} {Politics} {GreyRP} {1.15.2}

    A rogue in an unknown land, you don't know who or what is waiting right around the corner.

    It's a dangerous thing to be on your own. Can you best the wilderness and the brigands waiting in the shadows? Or will you swear allegiance to a kingdom in exchange for safety and safe trade? Choose your leaders carefully: peaceful diplomats, wandering merchants, or powerful tyrants. Engage in politics and, if you play your cards wrong, go to war. Gather other rogues and create your own kingdom. Create a name for yourself in the server's lore library. In this fantasy medieval land, the possibilities are endless.

    Many kingdoms here in Exilus seek the legendary relics that bestow the owner with the power to become the High King of Exilus. Rule over the other kingdoms by enforcing your will and collecting your taxes. Claiming the throne can be a heady thing, but watch your back - other kingdoms can assemble to challenge your rule or assemble more relics and take over. Conquer the portal and spawner relics and run a monopoly on resources...if you're feeling lucky.

    If ruling isn't your thing, maybe a trade is - join the legendary merchants of Adstris or serve food and drinks in the hobbit tavern at Periannath. Fight against tyranny and encourage trade and cooperation with the Kingdom of Renessa. Objectively preserve the history of Exilus and its current and former kingdoms within the Grand Library of Atlantis. For the players that desire all manner of farming, building, and exploring, you can make your home with the viking kingdoms of Midgard and The Lost Einherjar or with the innovators of The Crusaders of the Obsidian Prysm. Find your calling with the Kingdoms of Exilus!

    Server rules can be found on the website.

    To apply to the whitelist, join the discord and check out the #peasants channel for the whitelist form. Once you're whitelisted, you can dive in and begin your story.

    See you soon, adventurer.

    Discord: https://discord.gg/3bsRmKs

    Kingdoms of Exilus Wiki - Check out our wiki for information on politics, server mechanics, rules, and more!

    submitted by /u/KingdomsofExilus
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    ChadCraft [Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{Hermitcraft-Like}{1.16.2}{15+}

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Greetings and welcome to ChadCraft. We are a group playing on a new Hermitcraft-style server where 10 or so people build and do grandiose things while also having times where we do silly, fun, and cool collaborative things. We are looking for mature, active, and friendly members to join our server who have skills in building and are able to take time and interact with other members of the server.

    If you have a bit of time and skill then come check us out. You can join through our Discord server at the moment, so if you're interested in joining and would also like to read more into the server, then go ahead and join the Discord: https://discord.gg/HtVEAgE

    submitted by /u/KajanHype
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    [Wanted] Some basic Minecraft fun, strictly just wanting [Vanilla]

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    Righty-o I've been away from minecraft since the last big update, I find myself with more free time and wanted to go back to an old favorite. However it seems nowadays there are so many mods and additional things that everyone likes to play with, don't get me wrong I quite enjoy mcmmo and a handful of others but, I'm wanting to play the game as it is with no extra bells and whistles.

    I don't care if it's a small server or a huge one, would prefer one without perma-death but I wouldn't terribly mind playing a hardcore mode if that's how I'll get my kicks. I like to stay away from anarchy, sure it can be fun every now and then to find someone you know in your house just helping themselves and then it's a fight but more often than not if it's anarchy every base gets built underground or it's just a massive pvp and there are already tyrants ruling it.

    So, vanilla no extras, preferably not hardcore, absolutely not anarchy (but not too strict on someone getting mugged or having something go missing)

    submitted by /u/Nilim22
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    SeveriaMC [Semi-vanilla] [Hub] {Nostalgia} {Silver Age} {Release 1.1} {Freebuild} {Towny} {Multiverse} {Discord}

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    Server IP: SeveriaMC.us.to:25597

    Server's gallery

    Discord Invite

    Dynmap Link

    About the server!

    We welcome you to SeveriaMC (Season 2), a 24/7 Survival, Silver Age, Release 1.1 server, with multiple worlds for events, fun, developing creativity and even anarchy! You need to use BetaCraft Launcher, as it fixes crashes and skins. There is no whitelist, you can join even right now! We have fun plugins, good community, and admins that are ready to help you and accept feedback like adding plugins, fixing bugs, criticism etc.!

    What's it about?

    It's about the most important thing in Minecraft; fun. You can suggest to admins to add/change something!


    We have multiple worlds, that have different playstyles, like: * normal, spawn world, on which you can build towns, buildings, gather resources, * creative, which is for building on creative mode and is used for building events (inventory doesn't transfer from survival to here and vice versa), * anarchy_world, which is an anarchy world with enabled TNT, PVP, fire spread (inventory transfers from main world to here), * og_world, an original Season 1 world, which was on Release 1.0.

    You can teleport to them by typing in the chat: /mv tp <world_name>.

    Events and plugins!

    We're hosting different building/fun events on creative mode world, that can be suggested by players themselves, for players to be rewarded for the most effort. There are many plugins, however, they aren't distracting that much from vanilla gameplay, like: * Rollback plugins, * LWC, * Blocks on Glass, * Multiverse, * Discord Chat Bot, * SimpleHat, * Essentials, * etc., etc.


    1. Be nice. Harassment or other antagonism has no place in this server.
    2. Where rules fail, common sense prevails. Staff will pass judgement following common sense as well (This includes loopholes within the rules).
    3. Profanity is not an issue as long as you follow rules 1 and 2.
    4. Spam in any way is forbidden.
    5. Advertising any other servers is forbidden.
    6. No griefing or altering others builds in any way without permission.
    7. No hacks, exploits, etc.
    8. PVP is not allowed without other player's consent.

    (Sidenote: We won't add every plugin you suggest but we will try to. But sometimes it is sometimes just impossible now.)

    submitted by /u/MBSTDF
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    MINE MANIA [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Core protect} {Discord} {Hermit craft}

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    Hello People Of The Internet I am just here Trying to invite you to our Semi-vanilla Paper Server.

    We are looking for Players who want to make friends and have fun on our server. It is a whitelist server so please leave you application in our discord or this page here and we will whitelist you. No age group as anyone can play Minecraft. We have a small But Friendly community which ensures that no cheating occurs in the server. Here is the discord link: https://discord.gg/eKxa84

    We Have a few plugins and data packs to find cheaters who are ruining the good game of Minecraft For example:

    1. Core Protect - Our Hero this plugin enables us to role back any damage done by the Baddies who are trying to ruin Minecraft
    2. Discord Srv - Literally the best communication plugin that enables us to chat with players on the server on discord.
    3. Just do /pl after joining the server 🙃🙃🙃

    SO cheers if you read all of these you are really determined and we are looking for players like you Please Join Our server Here is the Discord link: https://discord.gg/eKxa84

    submitted by /u/OK_idiot_3912
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    Into The Void SMP [Vanilla] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    1.16.2 Vanilla SMP!

    Hello all! My server "Into the Void" is looking to add a few more active everyday players! We are running the server like most SMPs, similar to Hermitcraft with shops, mini games district and all. The server has been active for almost two weeks now and we have got a decent start at SD!

    Data Packs: Multiplayer sleep Nether portal coords Coords HUD Double shulker shells AFK display More mob heads Player heads Wandering trader Hermitcraft Track stats Armor Statues

    Server is located in Norther America. Must be 15+ to join. DM me for access to the discord where you will be interviewed by myself or another admin!

    submitted by /u/ProzCrafts
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    Cornelion SMP [SMP]{1.16.2}{Hermitcraft-Like}{Whitelist}{Dynmap}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:57 PM PDT

    Cornelion SMP

    Our journey as Cornelion SMP started last years summer holiday but we had some issues and we closed the server but this year we are started again.We are small community now but we have big projects with your help we can do this . Join discord for more information , whitelist and IP . We are currently 15~ members and looking for active players.


    • AFK Display
    • Armour Statues
    • Coordinates Hud
    • Double Shulker Shells
    • More Mob Heads
    • Multiplayer Sleep
    • Nether Portal Voords
    • Player Head Drops
    • Real Time Clock
    • Silence Mobs
    • Spawning Spheres
    • Spectator Night Vision
    • Track Raw Statistics
    • Track Statistics
    • Villager Workstation Highligts
    • Wandering Trades
    • Universal Dyeing
    • Dropper to Dispenser

    Discord: https://discord.gg/7q4XxR4


    submitted by /u/GlipRand
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    BajaMC [SMP]{1.16.1}{Java}{Community Oriented}{Jobs}{Dungeons}{Discord}{Economy}{McMMO}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    IP: play.bajamc.com

    Website: store.bajamc.com

    Discord: discord.bajamc.com

    Server Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/JD4T68J

    Server Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeM9fDqPnm0&t=7s

    Server Info:


    Ryzen 9 3900x

    10GB RAM

    Hosted in Los Angeles (US West)

    What's new?

    We are close to releasing our new Japanese themed dungeon, screenshots can be found on our discord! We are also planning on updating to 1.16.2 whenever PaperMC is stable. We are currently a small and tight knit community always looking to grow, we are in the process of expanding and always welcoming new members to join us on this fun adventure.

    Key Features:

    • Custom village traders and our own in game currency (Baja Tokens) to get some cool stuff that's not typically in vanilla minecraft!
    • Dungeons (Speed run through our dungeons with a chance of grabbing loot with special items and survive while the environment and mobs aren't on your side)
    • Buy and sell your items in our Farmers Market
    • Jobs (Miner, Hunter, Brewer, Builder, Digger, Farmer, and more!)
    • Player Driven Economy
    • Rank Ups (Purchase ranks and perks with in game money)
    • Loot Chests
    • Grief/Raid Prevention
    • Backpacks
    • mcMMO / Health Bars
    • Random Teleport
    • Get paid for being on the server
    • Grief-recovery
    • Anti-lag
    • More Plugins to Come! We are constantly adding/changing plugins for the good of the server!


    1. Respect everyone, just be nice guys.
    2. No raiding / griefing
    3. Don't ask for anyone's age, real name, or where they live.
    4. No hacking, or xray, duping, or exploits. If you find an exploit please message a staff member and you will be rewarded for your good deed! (Optifine, Schematics, Minimaps are allowed!)
    submitted by /u/EvilGummieBear1
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    *NEW* ArkedHard Gaming Community {New} {semi-vanilla} {easygoing}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    ARKEDHARD Gaming Community!

    We are a NEW minecraft server, New to Minecraft hosting, but not game hosting!

    Survival, One Server, everything fresh. looking for a few people looking for a new Home Server! (Hosted with Apex)

    Not many mods yet, but willing to add them if we have players request. we have a Spawn and a Nether hub, but nothing much passed that. We also have Ark and Dark and light servers!

    check out our discord for all the info!


    submitted by /u/jesseRUMFpickel
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    Acoria MC [SMP] {Towny} {Economy} {McMMO} {1.16.1}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    ✨ Server IP: » play.acoriamc.net ✨

    Server Website: » https://acoriamc.net

    Discord: » http://discord.acoriamc.net

    Server Rules/Wiki: » https://wiki.acoriamc.net

    Current Version: » 1.16.1

    Greetings, Acoria MC welcomes you!

    We are a brand new server focused on creating a fun environment for players as well as building a community. Players can earn in-game ranks and receive special perks with each rank-up. Whether you enjoy mining, digging, hunting, or even building, there are many jobs to explore. Our goal main goal is to develop a server that takes into account player suggestions and getting everyone involved. Come join us today! We're looking forward to meeting you.


    • In-game ranks
    • Custom Items (Perks)
    • Player Driven Economy + Jobs
    • MCMMO
    • Player Warps
    • Chest Shops
    • Marriages
    • Boosts

    Basic Server Rules:

    1. Be Respectful
    2. No Griefing
    3. No Cheating/Hacking
    4. No TP Killing/Traps
    submitted by /u/impto
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    VexalMC [SMP] {Whitelist} {Active Staff} {Hermitcraft-Like} {Community Shopping District} {Active Discord} {1.16.1}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    IP: play.vexalmc.us
    Discord: Link

    Our Survival server released only a couple of weeks ago so our world is fairly new. We are looking for more active players to join the Survival community. If you wish to join the server, please join our discord and make an application in #apply. Everyone gets accepted so don't worry about not getting in.

    Although there are several hundred people in our discord, I assure you our Survival server community is fairly small. We have no more than 20 players on at any given time. The only reason we have a whitelist on this server is to limit the number of bots/alts on the Survival realm.
    Hope to see you soon on the server!

    submitted by /u/Vaspei_
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    Revolution [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {Community-Oriented} {1.16.1} {Dynmap} {Discord}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    The Revolution server strives to provide a long-term good community of MC gamers without the feeling of superiority from staff. While staff does exist on our server, we want to be players ourselves and blend in with the player-base, only using our abilities when a problem occurs or it is needed. We hope to create a place where not only we can build together but also joke around together and make friends in and out of the server. Our community-based server aims and is a mature player base and are excited to welcome new players to the server

    Whitelist Application

    • IG name:

    • Age:

    • Identified Gender:

    • Where are you from:

    • How often will you be active?:

    • How long have you played Minecraft?:

    • Where did you hear about the server?:

    • Do you think you will stay and become a regular on the server?:

    • What are you looking for in a server?:

    • Do you have any questions about the server or its playerbase?:

    • Tell us about yourself:

    You will be given the IP and discord invite link through a private message on Reddit should your application be accepted. You can apply in the comments of in private messages.

    submitted by /u/ramus555
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    Welcome to BeeTime! [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {1.16.2} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    Welcome to BeeTime!

    • What is BeeTime?

    BeeTime is a friendly, growing vanilla Minecraft community. We allow no cheated items or abilities such as flight, teleportation (to a certain extent /spawn /home /wild) or land claiming. We use plugins to protect our players and deal with those who dare to bother. We try our best to involve our whole community and create something truly unique. We are looking for more dedicated friendly survival players to join us.

    • How do I join?

    We have a small whitelist application which all of our players have to fill. This application tries to prevent griefers, hackers, trolls from joining but also gives us a small introduction about the player.

    Please apply in our discord: discord.gg/5MWne9R

    submitted by /u/BeeTimeServer
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    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    MC ADAPTIVE 1.16.1

    SERVER IP: mc-adaptive.com


    Enjoy a custom, Unique Minecraft server that aims to keep you interested by bringing you new content and custom events weekly.

    Play SURVIVAL like you've never played before. Rank up to the top rank and unlock commands, KITS, Dungeons, and access to a Unique Hack and Slash Dimension, THE PASSAGE. Compete against your friends and other players for the top Balance and MCMMO levels.

    SERVER IP: mc-adaptive.comWEBSITE: https://mc-adaptive.com/Dungeons!

    • Fire Dungeon
    • Ice Dungeon
    • Iron Dungeon
    • Desert Dungeon
    • Mansion Dungeon
    • Sky Dungeon
    • Tropics Dungeon
    • Many more coming soon (Ender Dungeon, Castle Dungeon, Ocean Dungeon)


    • MCMMO, Kits, Jobs, Infernal Mobs, DUNGEONS!
    • Unique Enchanted items & Totems that give abilities!
    • Economy
    • Grief Protection!
    • Survival


    • Builder: $5,000'
    • Miner: $15,000'
    • Entrepreneur: $50,000'
    • Investor: $500,000'
    • Shareholder: $1,000,000'
    • Business-Owner: $3,000,000'
    • Business-Mogul: $5,000,000'
    • Executive: $10,000,000'
    • CFO: $20,000,000'
    • CEO: $30,000,000'
    • PRESIDENT: $50,000,000'
    • ILLUMINATI: $100,000,000'

    SERVER IP: mc-adaptive.com

    submitted by /u/adam_m17
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    UHC Gang [Hardcore] [Vanilla] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! I've recently started playing UHC(ultra hardcore) with some friends, and we've been having a blast! However, due to timezones and irl stuff, we don't have all that many players available when we want to start a game. So, in the spirit of having bigger teams and more players in general, I'd like to invite those interested to play with my friends and I on our server!

    Please comment on this post if you're interested and I'll pm you an invite to my UHC Discord server :)

    Some quick rules! 1) You must be at least 14 years old/not older than 19. Most of us are 15-17, so large age gaps are just uncomfy. 2) No homo/transphobia, sexism, racism, etc. will be tolerated (yes that includes slurs). 3) Have Discord! You should be comfortable with talking on voice chat for optimal communication :)

    Bonus points: you're plugin/command savvy :') and/or you play Hive Bedwars lmao

    Thank you for reading!!

    submitted by /u/daenysdreams
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