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    Minecraft Change the cobweb breaking sound

    Minecraft Change the cobweb breaking sound

    Change the cobweb breaking sound

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    It's weird that a cobweb makes a stone sound while being broken. Even if you can't make it have an uniqe sound just make it have the wool sound. Would make much more sense.

    submitted by /u/y3aboi
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    Playful dogs

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    Tamed dogs should be able to rollover similar to pandas.

    submitted by /u/Casual_SovietBear
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    Totems of undying should give you levitation if you are dying to the void

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:37 PM PDT

    When falling into the void in the end without an elytra you really can't do anything and a totem of undying does next to nothing to save you if it gave you levitation for enough time to make it roughly ten to fifteen blocks above the top of an island then you could have a chance to survive and not lose all of your gear

    submitted by /u/Alech_M
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    New enchantment: Decapitation

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    The Decapitation enchantment is used to higher the chances of a mob dropping his head. It's have 3 levels and each one higher the chances of getting a head by 3%. It can only be applied on swords.

    Currently the only way of obtaining a mob head in survival is to wait that a charged creeper kill a mob in his explosion, which is very unlikely. We can also use a trident with the enchantment Channeling on it to force a lighting strikes to spawn and charge the creeper. But a tridents is super duper rare to get.

    The Decapitation enchantment cannot be obtain on the enchanting table or be trade by villagers. But you have to find it loot chests (similar to Frost Walker).

    You can find it in Desert Pyramid, Pillagers outpost etc.

    I think this enchantment would be very useful to get large quantities of mob head (particularly wither skull). But not to op as it can be only found in loot chests.

    Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/Jad_Bghiel
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    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    Bison would be found in plains and savannahs. They would be somewhat peaceful. They would graze on grass, flowers and ferns and would have babies. If you go 8 blocks close to the babies (5 block crouching), they would charge at you, dealing 10hp and after would have a cooldown of 3 seconds and would begin ramming the player with its head dealing 3 damage every 1.5 seconds. If you shield up while a bison is rushing you, like a ravager, they will get stunned and would deal heavy damage too your shield. Bison can be bred with grass or ferns which can be obtained using a shear, they, unlike other animals, have a 10 minute breeding cooldown due to being massive animals. When killed they will drop 2-4 Bison which can be eaten raw for 2.5 hunger points or cooked for 5.0 hunger points (half a hunger bar), they will also drop 2-5 leather. The bison itself would have 45hp

    Bison Meat:

    4 second eat time

    Half Hunger Bar Restored (10)

    Half saturation bar restored (10)

    Lore: Bison would be a wild ravager. This would give some indication where ravagers came from, they were tooken from their families at a young age and were weaponized. This can be proven by their size, for they should be the same size of a unarmoured ravager.


    •Bison will scare nearby animals away and will charge wolves

    •wolves should try and eat bison babies

    •if a bison crosses paths with a evoker, the evoker should turn the bison to a ravager (if the evoker kills the ravager)

    •if a bison sees a illager they will either run or charge, it depends on how many bison there are and how many illagers there are

    •if you wear red leather armor, bison will just run at you immediately with red eyes

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Bottled Shulker Shots

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    Shulker Bullets are a nuisance, but what if we could harness their power?

    By right clicking on a shulker bullet with an empty bottle, you could capture it. This could be used in a variety of ways.

    Use #1: Throwing

    By throwing a bottled bullet, the bottle will spawn a bullet at the impact location and will attack the nearest entity.

    Use #2: Shulker Boxes

    By shift-right clicking a bottled bullet on a shulker box, the bullet will "possess" the box, and it will follow the player.

    Use #3: Shulker Platforms

    By crafting one bullet with one shulker shell, you will keep the bottle and will gain one Shulker Platform. This is a directional block that is the top of a shulker box, with a bullet underneath. Right clicking it will push it in one direction 3 blocks for 100 ticks, and then it will retract. Shift right clicking it with more bullets will increase the distance pushed.

    Use #4: Shulker Drone

    By placing four shulker platform in the corners of the crafting grid and a shulker box in the middle, you will gain a placeable companion: the Shulker Drone! It will have the combined ability of the past three ideas. If you jump on top of it, it will push you upward 2 blocks. It will follow you with 18 storage slots. It even could be loaded with bullets to shoot at mobs! Attacking it will turn it back into an item.

    submitted by /u/TerraGamer9384
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    Locked chests

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    With chests there is primarily, the normal chest, and the trapped chest. With the trapped chest it sends out a redstone signal when opened and thats about it.

    So why not add a mechanic, so that, when a redstone signal is going into the trapped chest, or into a adjacent block, it prevents the chest from being opened, and from items flowing into it(like a hopper lock)

    This will allow for some level of theft prevention and more compact redstone sorting systems.

    submitted by /u/C0OLDUG27
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    Should minecraft have portable music?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    I think you be able to have like a portable juke box which is active while you do stuff like mine fight build ect and also being able to choose which disc you want to play I know I would love this anyone else

    submitted by /u/pixerler2point0
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    New drop for the elder guardian

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    Make it drop its own eye when you kill it,it would act as sort of a laser weapon and have a range of about 3 chunks, the higher you focus the beam on a player or a mob the more damage it does, shields and glass can reflect the beam

    it would be an interesting new weapon and drop for the elder guardian since you have to go through the hassle to fight it

    the ammunition would be its own durability, and it only can be repaired using prismarine shards

    submitted by /u/ihateredditlmao
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    Add Hammer

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    So, you know how Java is making the combat more tactical based? Well I thought about a Meele Weapon that charges when left click is being holded, like a Meele bow.

    To craft it, you would need 1 stick, 2 Planks and 4 Wood for a wooden Hammer, the stone Hammer would require a stick, 2 cobblestone and 4 Stone, the Iron Hammee a Stick, 2 Iron Nuggets and 4 Iron ingots and the diamond Hammer 1 Stick, 2 Diamond Blocks and 4 diamonds, Because it would be stronger than an axe when fully charged.

    Wooden Hammer: 3 Hearts

    Stone Hammer: 4 Hearts

    Iron Hammer: 5 Hearts

    Diamond Hammer: 6,5 Hearts

    Netherite Hammer: 8 Hearts

    (no armor damage*) And would hit a 2x2 area, would take 2.5 Second to fully Charge

    submitted by /u/GuyDudeThing69
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    Make sweeping edge not effect pets

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    As of now wolfs in combat are useless cause they get hurt accidentally from sweeping edge a lot. Additional, parrots die super easily to sweeping edge. allowing pets to be immune to it would make it so I can actually have my pets follow me instead of always sitting in the house.

    submitted by /u/leverage180
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    Various cakes types

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    Various cakes types

    I dont now of anybody alse made this, but i thot that is was a nice idea to add more cake types.

    just a few ideas.

    chocolate cakes. instead of milk you use cacoa beans

    berry cakes. instead of milk you use sweet berrys

    apple pies. instead of milk you use apples

    the original cake in now named whipped cream cake.

    also i like the idea u/TheUltraFusion who sayse that it would be nice that it will be able to stack cakes on eachothers. A lot of credits to him. He inspired mine idea. i think if you can stack it like a wedding cake, upon 5 layers. with mine idea you can make a lot of different cakes.

    have a nice day and also read the post of u/TheUltraFusion


    original cake recipe

    submitted by /u/KHANZY
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    Make it possible for mending and infinity to coexist if there are no other enchantments on the bow

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    This would be handy for people who use bows to harvest chorus flowers, and I don't think it would be too powerful because the damage output of a bow without power and/or flame is a lot lower.

    submitted by /u/MerlinGrandCaster
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    A good work-around for unusual terrain formations.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    This is mainly for ocean floors.

    I still think there's not enough life in places like the ocean. Oceans are supposed to have caves and weird rock formations on the floor. Not everything is flat, with the occasional rifts. There should be more obstacles to swim around.

    If generating these formations as regular terrain is difficult, then why not use structures? From the player's perspective, it wouldn't look too bad if the structures looked natural. They might not notice a thing.

    The hard-coded nature of structures can allow for deliberate shapes and sizes to blend the structure into the terrain. Materials composing the structure can also be controlled. Structures don't have to look like buildings like monuments and outposts.

    It's pretty unorthodox, but I think it could work. And it doesn't have to be just for oceans, either.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    Add Totems of Undying saving the player from the void to the FPS list

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    It has been suggested SO many times. Please add it to the FPS list.

    submitted by /u/Rat_Of_A_Brat
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    Coffee Mug/Cup Texture and Crafting Recipe

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    Okay, I've seen quite a few posts and even videos about coffee to be added in Minecraft.

    I was thinking, that a coffee cup/mug should have the same design and texture the one used for the "JAVA EDITION" Flair for this subreddit.

    The Crafting Recipe for Coffee Mug (I'm going say "Mug" from now on) is that it takes three blocks of Quartz arranged in the Crafting Table they same way as a Bowl or a Bucket: two in the middle, one at the bottom. This gives you 4 Empty Mugs. To get actual, drinkable Coffee, there is a two stage process:

    Stage 1: In the Crafting Table, put an Empty Mug, in the bottom-center slot, "Coffee Beans" or "Coffee Powder"; whichever one you feel comfortable with, Sugar, and a bucket of Milk (you get back the empty Bucket) in any other slot, you get Cold Coffee.

    Stage 2: Put the Cold Coffee in a Smoker (AND ONLY THE SMOKER), wait for a bit and you get Warm Coffee.

    submitted by /u/S-K_215
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    Add bedrock bridging to java

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Idk why this is a bedrock only feature. It should be added in the 1.16 combat update.

    submitted by /u/MCJon6
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    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    A Jukepack (please tell me a better name) would be a portable jukebox. It would be crafted with a diamond and 8 leather. It can be put in your inventory to play music discs to yourself and yourself only or it can be put in offhand to make everyone nearby able to hear it.

    Putting in a disc is simple, you can put a disc in your hand and a jukepack in your offhand (or vice versa) too put a disc in or you can put the jukepack and the disc in a crafting grid. Under the name of the jukepack it will display the song its playing (like a enchantment). For anyone asking, no, there won't be a recipe for each different jukepack with a music disc inside, it would just be a hidden recipe.

    The Pack has 2000 durability and a upgraded version called a netherite jukepack, but it can only be found in the nether (sometimes with pigstep in it) and will instead have 3500 durability and can't burn in lava, it also will have a larger hearing range in your offhand, it can't be crafted and is only found in bastions. Each time you play a song the pack will loose a single durability. You unlock the pack recipe only when you find your first music disc, too make sure no random new player decides to make one without discs.

    If you find a jukepack you will get the achievement "DJ" or something. Also you can get the netherite jukepack from a piglin brute who will visibly dance to the song (a piglin hunting victory dance).

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Allow hoppers to pull music disks out of Jukeboxes if the song ended.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Automate a Jukebox, make songs loop. :D

    submitted by /u/MEEP_of_Faith
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    Original Dragon Egg Idea (I think) and New Dimension

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Ok so before I start, I know that this is a ton of things to add and it will probably never happen. I just wanted to share my idea. I haven't really thought of names of anything, so it might get a little confusing.

    So right now, the Dragon Egg is mostly for decoration. But my idea is, what if you could use the egg as some kind of key? like Eyes of Ender for an End Portal. You would have to find some kind of structure, and put the egg on a designated block, which would open a portal leading to a new dimension. This dimension would basically serve as an alternate overworld, with all new mobs, biomes, items, and Structures. You could craft tools and armor out of things possibly stronger than diamond, if you spend enough time here. Another boss mob could be waiting for you. Instead of just villages inhabited with villagers, why not have dwarfs or elves? It would be a whole new world for you to explore.

    (If you have any ideas for mobs, biomes, or items, feel free to put it in the comments.)

    submitted by /u/Broshan24
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    Suggestion: Redstone Slab

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    This one is a simple one.

    3 Redstone Blocks, side-by-side creates 6 Redstone slabs.

    2 Redstone slabs atop each other creates 1 Redstone Block.

    A Redstone slab powers the blocks adjacent to it, but not the block above or below it, depending on whether it is a top or bottom-facing slab.

    submitted by /u/MagicJuggler
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    A boots enchantment that counteracts levitation

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    The enchantment could make it so that you are unaffected by levitation but comes at the cost of increased fall damage. It can not be put on boots that already have feather falling and has a chance to spawn in end city chests.

    submitted by /u/Guacomle_anus69
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