• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Pumpkings [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.16.2} {16+}

    Minecraft Servers Pumpkings [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.16.2} {16+}

    Pumpkings [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.16.2} {16+}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    Pumpkings was first established in june of this year and we're now looking for people who want to join us in our second season! :D

    We've learned a lot from our first season and are working to make this one even better!
    Our focus is on having a close-knit, friendly and mature community with a steady amount of people online through all timezones (server itself is based in Europe). We're a colorful bunch ranging from collage students to parents working full time so we have no pressure with you being active 24/7!

    A few things we can offer you on this server
    - A mushroom island center which is serving as our shopping district
    - Weekly dragon fights until we've unlocked all the gateways
    - Once we have things built up for it members will be hosting weekly PvP-events, lotteries and other fun events
    - Check out the Dynmap so you can plan out where you want to create your base and where others have theirs (Only accepted members are allowed to see the map)
    - The economy is trust based with the base currency being diamonds (Admins can see if anything has been stolen though)

    The only things we ask of you is to not do any cheaty things (like x-ray) or be a douche (stealing, griefing etc.). More detailed rules can be found on our discord!
    If you think this all sound like something for you feel free to apply in our discord at: https://discord.gg/RcxRP9h

    Curious what we did the first season? Have a look over here for some examples~ https://imgur.com/a/LVqjT3T

    Hoping to see you online soon and happy mining <3

    submitted by /u/Sekyla
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    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    This is a small vanilla server with a few vanilla tweaks. We started out as a small group of friends from Germany. We are in our mid 20s and have been enjoying Minecraft since our school years. We have always been keen on playing together and having fun in this virtual world. At this point in time, we have figured out, sharing this great experience with more people is even better, especially because not all of our school friends play Minecraft anymore.

    Living in a world not only by ourselves is a lot more enjoyable and fun! Seeing buildings grow and other things being built from other people is just a great feeling and gives so much joy.

    There are no set rules on where you have to be on the server, it would be cool if we are all closer together so we can see each other from time to time or build bigger projects together. We can always connect each other through the nether You have total freedom of everything as long as you respect the few rules that are stated on our discord server, like the use of common sense when doing something that could hurt someone else's feelings or builds. Play on the server so everyone can have the best possible vanilla experience and respect the spawn area, this is a community area.

    We have grown into a small european community with people from all over Europe atm. We have refreshed the world for 1.16. We welcome all new trustworthy members. We all have our own jobs and real life, but being active every now and then would be nice. Especially participation in community builds and events helps grow this community closer together! You can host your own events or build your big project ideas too.


    This is a vanilla server and there are no mods installed. We are running on papermc with a few little tweaks that visually don't change the vanilla gameplay but improve the multiplayer smoothness by a lot. Paper also helps me figure out lag issues a lot better, if there are any.

    We do everything in survival, no creative or other game modes. There will be no commands for items/levels/spawning etc. Literally the scoreboard command will be used, because we like to see how often someone dies when pressing tab. (This might changed once the arena and pvp tournaments are held 😬)

    We are testing out some data pack just to tweak vanilla experience a tiny bit. These are not final and might be changed in the future, depending on what the majority thinks is too much or needs to be added.

    Following Data packs are currently installed:

    Mob Heads have a chance of dropping on a kill (Reason: Fun)

    Player Heads will drop if killed by a player (Reason: Fun)

    The Enderdragon will drop an elytra (Reason: this helps the long marches through the end when it's been raided for thousands of blocks already)

    Shulkers drop 2 shells each (Reason: Same as above)

    XYZ and Time Display (Reason: Ability to show only the Coordinates and Direction instead of the whole F3 screen, which is overwhelmed by information and text)

    AFK Display (Reason: To see if someone is afk and not active)

    Multiplayer Sleep (Reason: Only 50% of the people online have to sleep to skip the night. We have changed this from 1 player sleep this week and it seems to be better this way)

    As with every decision, I as a server owner will ask my fellow members and debate on new data packs or community projects. I'd love for you to help me out with new community projects and ideas! This is not just about my ideas, we are all working in this world together! (At least in the Community area, your bases and farms are all private property 👌🏻)

    We are currently looking for people around Europe Timezone. Since this is a small server it's beneficial to have people online at around the same time.

    If you are interested come join our discord server and introduce yourself to us: https://discord.gg/ysNpqW7

    See you soon! TeCK

    submitted by /u/TeCK0808
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    BirbMC [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Greylist} {16+} {1.16.2} {LGBTQ+}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    BirbMC is a new semi-vanilla MC server (Java) that launched on June 13th! We are looking to grow our community of active and friendly players. We aim to keep the gameplay feel like vanilla, so our plugins are primarily QoL and administrative. Our staff are experienced moderators of large semi-vanilla MC servers. We even have our own developers that keep everything streamlined as well as enable us to provide additional capabilities to enrich the experience for our players.

    Please stop by! We have a greylist so anybody can come look around before applying! :)

    Our server address is play.birbmc.com


    • Custom Advancements
    • Dynmap
    • Dedicated Server (more info below)
    • Periodic Community Events
    • Stats Page

    ScreenshotsServer Showcase

    General Info

    • Server Address/IP: play.birbmc.com
    • Server Locale: East Coast (Canada)
    • Game Play Type: Semi-Vanilla Survival on Hard Difficulty
    • Version: 1.16.2

    Server Specs

    • Intel i7-7700K - 4c/ 8t - 4.2GHz/ 4.5GHz
    • 64GB DDR4 2133MHz
    • 2x450GB SSD NVMe Soft RAID
    • More info at https://birbmc.com/specs

    Come gib sed

    submitted by /u/BirbMC
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    Broken Worlds RP [Vanilla] {1.12.2} {Roleplay} {Custom Fantasy Races} {Custom Models} {Unique Skills} {Narrative} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    This is a role-playing server. Our players work together and form communities to tell immersive stories. Nebelloren is the 4th world in its series and our server has been around for over 8 years.

    We have had an exciting update for BWRP where we released two new classes: The Alchemist and The Doctor, 368 Custom Brewery recipes, 48 Resource Nodes, over 100 custom mobs, and a library of custom models.

    Two factions flee their homeland in the wake of undead hordes that were destroying everything in their paths. Setting them selves adrift upon the waves, they have found a strange land in the mists where they seek to reestablish their societies.

    Races and Factions

    • The Imeris Entente
      Comprised of the proud Dwarven clans of Votha, the star-gazing high-elves called Caeli, humans recently returned from Hell called The Lambent Front and more recently the mysterious Myriad; constructs who woke from what seems to be centuries long slumbers upon the arrival of newcomers on Nebelloren. The seat of their power is Parravon, a feudal city built in the northern fjords from which they base their operations in this new land

    • The Wildchoir
      Made up of the comfort-loving halfling Cuthaill, the plant-like elven Kihai, the spiritual and wise orcish Hjen and the traditionalist monster-hunting human Endless Spears, the Wildchoir prides itself on becoming one with nature. Having been driven from their first settlement on Nebelloren due to the risk of upsetting the strange forces of a malevolent forest, and driven from their home on the high reaching Savannah Plateau, The Wildchoir has taken refuge near Parravon and is working together with the Imeris Entente to reestablish a foothold on Nebelloren.

    The World

    A huge custom-made map, populated with over 100 wildlife mobs unique to our server, gorgeous biomes, and dotted with strange ruins and interesting vistas! Our Storytellers and Community Moderators provide support for personalized crafting and plot. Mechanical combat abilities and profession based classes with their own abilities are available!


    On this server, you will be playing a character of your own design! Think of a backstory, which can be as detailed, or as sparse, as you want. What are your characters interests? How do they talk and act? Are they brave or cowardly? All these little nuances will add up to create a truly memorable character.

    You can be any profession you wish, from 10mechanical professions such as blacksmiths, doctors, and alchemists, to roleplay-based professions, such as cobbler, explorers, cheesemakers. Our team of Storytellers and Community Moderators will do their best to allow each player to form their own stories and make their own experiences.

    How To Join

    • Join our Discord server, via in the join tab of our website. (Our website is under construction for the update) Information on each of the races can be found there as well!

    • Read our Rules.

    • Fill in our short application

    • Get whitelisted, download the modpack, and play!

    submitted by /u/BrokenWorldsST
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    NotHermitCraft [Vanilla] {SMP} {Whitelist} {Economy} {1.16.3} {Discord} {HermitCraft Inspired}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    • Server Name: NotHermitCraft
    • Server Location: London, England
    • Server Address: (Whitelist)
    • Version: 1.16.3
    • Game Play Type/s: [Vanilla][SMP]
    • Description: NotHermitCraft started in November 2019 when a bunch of HermitCraft fans came together to make a server inspired by the series. We had a quick Season 0 to make sure it all worked (it did), and we've been running Season 1 since March 2020. We have a shopping district and a new Tuscan inspired communal village area we've just started building since a chunk error on updating to 1.16.3 completely reset our spawn, all of which is on a central island. Surrounding it is a public industrial district, mesa mining area, a games district, as well as individual player bases, separated by oceans. We have a network of nether portals on the nether roof we use to get around mainly. We do have a diamond economy but we're not really that bothered about being 'rich' other than for the memes, it's just a good way to minimise the grind. We do have some Corps but they're mainly for fun. We have some really creative and fun players from the UK, USA, and Canada. There's a wide range of backgrounds and ages from kids to adults in their 30's - men, women, and non-binary, abled, and disabled. We also have great Discord banter and vibes, often playing together on voice chat. There's about 25 of us, half of which are core, the other half are pretty casual. We're looking for more people to come and hang out, build cool stuff, and have a good time. We're not planning on resetting any time soon, so this would be best for players who want to join an established server and group of people, we're all very welcoming. We have had players leave the server and you'd be fine to take over one of their bases if you preferred, or live in the new spawn village, or of course just starting your own base fresh. If you're interested in joining please check out our Discord and there's instructions on how to fill out an application, the members will check it out and get back to you asap.
    • Rules: In-Game
    1. No swearing or you have to put a diamond in the Swore Jar - we want the server to be wholesome af.
    2. Be cool to one another.
    3. No griefing, hacking, x-raying, duping, glitching etc.
    4. No 'adult' content / discussion etc since there are younger players around.
    • Datapacks: [MoreHeads] [Playerheads] [1PlayerSleep] [CustomizableArmorStands][AFK display] [anti enderman grief] [chunk loaders] [coordinates hud] [count mob deaths] [double shulkers] [durability ping] [item averages] [larger phantoms] [silence mobs] [track stats] [wandering traders w/ heads]
    • Plugins: None
    • Owner/Admins/Moderators: goldenwillowtree, pyeeet, zac_the_boss
    • Discord: https://discord.gg/WnXf6d
    submitted by /u/petegiblin
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    Softslayer [SMP] {Semi-Vanilla} {1.16.3} {Whitelist} {Community} {No PvP}{Discord} {Hermitcraft-like}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Info: Well where do I start... SoftSlayer has been around for about 9 years now, with a pretty dedicated community that still plays a bunch of games together (obviously including Minecraft). Our server is small and pretty simple, it's a mostly vanilla atmosphere with a few things added like /home and /warps. Everyone is friendly and helpful with most things needed. PvP is disabled (we have a custom PvP arena to scratch your PvP itch), griefing is not allowed (mods will rollback if you get griefed) and you can lock your chests.

    Rules: Just the basics here, no hacking, no overly vulgar/racist/homophobic chat, no griefing. Pretty much basic rules.

    Whitelist: Join our discord server to apply for our whitelist! Discord link: https://discord.gg/qNSMbEE We hope to see you around!
    IP: softslayer.com

    submitted by /u/JasonKal
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    Super Vanilla Anarchy [Anarchy] {Cutting Edge: Immediate Updates} {Pure Vanilla } {No Hacks}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    Welcome to Super Vanilla Anarchy!

    Super Vanilla Anarchy takes the best part of an Anarchy server and shapes it into a fun and friendly environment! Super Vanilla Anarchy does NOT run paper/spigot and is purely vanilla. Perfect if you want to grab a few friends of yours and play on a server together.


    1. No Hacking
    2. No racism/targeted attacks

    Super Vanilla Anarchy does not have any gimmicks and provides a true-to-vanilla minecraft experience. The server has just celebrated it's first birthday, and has been up for a little over a year.

    IP ADDRESS: anarchy.mc.frs-host.net:25569

    DISCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/Xk2KAGy

    DM me for any questions regarding the server :)


    submitted by /u/zhangalston69
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    Eternal SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.16.3} {Discord} {Season 1}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    • Server Name: Eternal SMP
    • Server Location: Montreal, Canada
    • Server Address: (Whitelist)
    • Version: 1.16.3
    • Game Play Type/s: [Vanilla][SMP]

    • Description: Welcome to Eternal SMP! A new server with an old server vibe, experienced staff and a fun, drama-free community. A fully vanilla style SMP with as few plugins as possible, only to highlight the fun of the game, not to take away from it. Join our discord server via the link, and apply today!

    • Rules: In-Game

    1. No griefing, stealing of anything destructive. Harmless pranks are fine, but make sure the person being pranked has fun with it.
    2. No hacking, meaning x-raying, duping, glitching etc.
    3. Do not use other players farms without their explicit permission. Public farms will be marked as such.
    4. No spam/advertising in the in-game chat.
    5. Build atleast 500 blocks away from 0,0.
    6. Keep a distance from eachothers bases, if you build close to someone (closer than 150 blocks), ask for their permission.

    • Datapacks: [MoreHeads] [Playerheads] [1PlayerSleep] [CustomizableArmorStands]
    • Plugins: [SuperVanish] [CoreProtect] [OpenInv] [ProtcolLib]
    • Owner/Admins/Moderators: Kiwiparfume, LewisHerald, HerEternalReign, Ninje, Lordvaderkush, Pryxes, Noodlelike
    • Discord: https://discord.gg/m6WMsnR
    submitted by /u/NinjeAssassin
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    CubedMC [SMP] [PVE] {Towny} {Economy} {No PVP} {1.16.1}

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    💢 Server IP: CubedMC.org 💢

    You have arrived at our trading post! It's time to settle in the world of CubedMC!

    How to lead a successful life on CubedMC:

    💢 💸 Earn money:

    • 🌿 Farm Crops: Grow crops and sell them to the server for some in-game money.
    • 📜 Do Jobs and Quests: Select from jobs like Lumberjack, Miner, Builder, Digger, Farmer, Hunter, Fisherman, and More!
    • 💰 Set up Shops: Make your own chest shops to sell goods to other players
    • 🏛️ Run Towns: Become the Mayor of a community, or join and help expand an existing community!

    💢 🛡️ Get reputation/tiers:

    • Purchase ranks and reputation with in-game money
    • Each reputation rank/tier gives you extra commands and abilities to use on CubedMC
    • Each rank/tier also comes with a unique chat tag to show off your reputation!
    • Level up to 12 in-game ranks/tiers to unlock abilities like marriage, nametags, particle trails, sethomes, /fix, /heal, spawner conversions, drills, land claims, and much much more!

    💢 📚 Improve your skills:

    • Increase your McMMO power level to unlock special abilities by performing tasks!
    • Level up abilities like Acrobatics, Alchemy, Archery, Axes, Excavation, Fishing, Herbalism, Mining, Repair, Salvage, Smelting, Swords, Taming, Unarmed and Woodcutting!
    • Unlock skills like Dodge, Roll, Catalysis, SkillShot, Daze, , ArmorImpact, GreenThumb, Disarm, Deflect, and more!

    💢 ➕ Do more things:

    • 💍 Marriages with partner perks like heal, gifting, marriage homes and marriage chat.
    • 🎆 Special abilities that go beyond Minecraft enchantments.
    • Become a member of a tight-knit and mature community!

    Features, but not limited to:

    • Towny
    • Free Ranks
    • MCMMO
    • Player Shops
    • Jobs
    • Economy
    • Pets
    • And so much more!


    1. No griefing
    2. No cheating
    3. No macros/automated scripts
    4. Be respectful to other players
    5. Keep the server appropriate
    6. No player traps
    submitted by /u/tquo
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    BareBonesMP [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.16.3}{JAVA}{Whitelist}{Discord}{No Resets}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    BareBones SMP - Est. 2019 (Been running since April 25th, 2019)



    • Fully Dedicated 24-7 Up-time with No Lag!
    • Long term Overworld, no RESETS!
    • Active, Community Based Server with Events, Builds, And More!
    • Discord Oriented, with cross-chat between Discord and In-Game Chat!
    • Strictly Vanilla Gameplay- Everything obtained and made in Vanilla Survival!
    • Dynmap, Mob/Player Heads, and Percentage Sleeping for QoL!
    • Frequent Updates and Maintenance to allow smooth gameplay and updates to new Minecraft Versions!
    • NO PAY TO WIN ASPECTS! Everything Built, Gathered, Earned in Vanilla.

    Server Rules:

    • Do not grief or steal from other members.
    • Do not threaten other community members.
    • Do not harass or bully other community members
    • Do not use client-side mods that give unfair advantages(Contact staff if unsure if your mod is allowed or not.)
    • Do put the keyword andesite along with your answer for "What is your favorite thing about minecraft?" in your whitelist application.
    • Absolutely no hacking, xray resource packs, or hacked clients on our servers.
    • Do not advertise, spam, or intentionally lag/crash our servers.
    • Do not abuse known Minecraft exploits. This includes but not limited to duping, zero ticking, etc. Going above the nether roof is allowed, ask if you're unsure.

    All applications are checked frequently, and you will get an instant reply most times. Join our discord for faster updates

    Whitelist Application (Join Discord or Reply Below to Apply)

    In-Game Name:


    Discord Tag: (Ex: name#1234)

    Where did you find out about us?:

    Why are you interested in joining?:

    What is your favorite thing about minecraft?:

    Do you agree to our server's rules?:

    submitted by /u/nomanasendhelp
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    Duck SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.16.3}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Duck SMP is a new 98% vanilla whitelist survival Minecraft server opened on 7th August 2020. We are currently a small group of players. We welcome all countries. There is no age limit but 12 and above is recommended as you are allowed to swear in chat etc. We are looking to expand are player base even more so we can make an even more awesome server!

    We have tried to keep the server as vanilla as possible with the exception of having /trigger spawn! The data packs and plugins are purely to enhance the vanilla feel. There is NO admin shops or Essentials economy so use in-game items for currency. (Most players use diamonds)

    Staff do not cheat and play a survival like everyone else. No one has permission to game mode apart from me and I also play legit. We will NOT hand out items or give you any advantages over other players to keep the server 100% fair. There are no warps or set homes. Use the nether hub to get around the server.

    Discord: https://discord.gg/YZCMnJw

    Whitelist application: https://forms.gle/oFgqJrkyGeoL6og46

    Server information

    Host location: Germany

    Memory: 6GB Dedicated server

    Version 1.16.3 (PaperMC)

    Difficulty: Hard

    Pictures of spawn and player bases so far:






    Why should you choose us?

    Fresh 1.16.1 map created 7th Aug 2020

    Super smooth server good connection for most players with little to no lag

    Completely fair server with 0 paid ranks.

    No cheating/item spawning or handouts from the staff team

    A growing tight-knit community

    Warm and welcoming players

    The server runs 24/7 365

    Community projects

    A good range of shops in our shopping district


    No hacked clients

    No stealing (This includes chests that are not locked!)

    No griefing

    Keep the toxicity to a minimum

    Data packs:

    Spawn (/trigger spawn)

    Armour statues

    More advancements (https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/blazeandcave-s-advancements-pack-1-12/)

    HUD coordinates

    Death coordinates

    Anti-Enderman griefing



    1 Player sleep

    Wandering traders (Trades decorative head blocks)


    BlockLocker (Lock your chests and containers)

    CoreProtect (Rollback griefers and also check for inactive users)

    DeadSouls (When you die you drop a "soul" that stores all your items and 90% of your XP)

    ShulkerBackpacks (You can right-click shulkers in your inventory or in a chest instead of placing it down)

    submitted by /u/kacsa510
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    The Mystic Chicken [PVE] {1.16.3} {McMMO} {Dynmap} {Discord} {Survival}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    A chicken themed survival server with hostile chickens and other custom mobs!

    We are a English speaking server with a diverse and friendly adult community.

    We use discord for communication, and it is usually active.

    We have a no tolerance policy for griefing, hacking or just being rude to people.

    If you are looking for a good server to build and chat with people we are the server for you!

    Here's a list of the main plugins we're running:

    McMMO, Jobs, MythicMobs, Shops, PlayerShops, Dynmap, CratesPlus, GriefPrevention, LWC + MORE!

    server ip: play.mysticchicken.com

    discord: discord.mystcchicken.com


    [01] No Drama. No Alt Accounts.

    [02] Optifine & Shaders is the only allowed mods.

    [03] No theft or griefing - claimed or not.

    [04] Anything x-ray related will result in a ban!

    [05] No large Auto Sorters or chunk loaders allowed.

    [06] No anti-afk/afk machines or lag devices.

    [07] No 1x1 holes or towers, or use of exploits. This includes building on top of the nether!

    [08] No excessive swearing or offensive language.

    [09] Respect all players: Bullying is not allowed.

    [10] Respect all staff: Do not argue with staff members.

    [11] No chat spam, no excessive CAPS, or spam TP requests.

    [12] No asking for promotions, OP, WorldEdit or items from staff.

    [13] No large animal/monster farms.

    [14] Mob farms are not to exceed 100 entities/mobs/animals.

    [15] Do not build within 100 blocks of another player.

    [16] Do not advertise other servers, including names or links.

    [17] No player traps or killing machines.

    [18] All cheating and hacking will result in a server ban!

    submitted by /u/zappa2510
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    WeekendsMC [Semi-Vanilla] {1.16.3} {Whitelisted} {Discord} {Hermitcraft-Inspired}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    Hello! I am Max and I run the new minecraft server 'WeekendsMC' It is inspired by hermitcraft and launched yesterday! Enjoy :)!


    • Afk display
    • Armour statues
    • Coordinates hud
    • Double shulker shells
    • Dragon drops
    • More mob heads
    • Multiplayer sleep
    • Nether portal coords
    • Silence mobs
    • Wandering trades


    Discord: https://discord.gg/FTcUnxn

    submitted by /u/MyLifeAsMax
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    Server26 [SMP] {Small} {No Teleport} {1.16.2} {18+} {Dynmap} {GriefPrevention} {Player Shops} {No Resets} {+5 Years}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    We are a longstanding SMP with currently ~8 active players and we are looking for more! A few players have been there since the early days, others since last year, and a few joined only recently.

    • Overview

      Our main guideline to leave the "meta" of pure Vanilla survival as unaltered as possible (for a public server).

      The only 3 plugins that interfere with this are:

      GriefPrevention, a sleep voting plugin, and player item shops for trading. That means as many features from other plugins you know from other servers are absent by design and won't be added. There are two ranks "new" and "player", they do not give any benefits. You can not buy "power" for real money here and we have no adminshops. Everything on the map was build and farmed in survival.


      Map: https://map.server26.net/

      Discord: https://server26.net/discord still small lets change that :)

    • No Warps, No /tpa, No /sethome

    • No McMMO or alike, No donation perks or any such frills

    • The world will never reset

    • Land claiming

    • Player trading via signs (No adminshops)

    • 50% sleep

    • All made in survival, including spawn area, etc

    • Lots of public farms.

      Rules:https://server26.net/rules TL;DR: Be reasonable and don't be a dick.

    • Community

      What you have read so far sounds like your cup of tea? Well then you may fit right in. Rules are laid back. We aim for a close knit community, have some events from time to time, and there is always something you can help with. Staff is usually available to help. Need help digging? Just died far away? No problem. We also have a Hermitcraft-like shop area for players using a trade shop plugin.

    • Gameplay

      This is supposed to feel like a vanilla server. Currency is diamonds. This is not enforced its just what everyone uses. No warps, you have to walk, or fly by elytra. You can focus on long term projects, take your time, because we NEVER RESET the map. Leave for months, pick right up where you left. In +5 years time we built a lot of farms and infrastructure. This makes it a lot easier to get going early in the game, especially for endgame players. But fear not, there is always need for expanding upon whats already there.

      The spawn city is protected. Areas there are released for community builds. Outside the city you can build your own base(s). You will get more claimblocks during play.

    • Specs & Plugins

      Hosted in Germany with 32GB Ram, an i7-4770 CPU, and 2TB storage. We do weekly Backups and run on paper. Regarding updates we don't always run the latest version but we plan to update to every major release eventually. In case an update brings a big change in world generation (e.g. 1.16) we delete chunks that have been loaded less than 3 minutes. Meaning someone likely just passed by while exploring.

      For land claiming we use GriefPrevention, which lets you protect areas you selected with a golden shovel. You can allow certain or all players to build and or access chests/buttons, on your claim. It also protects your claims and the worlds surface from creepers. Then there is also a chest shop plugin. You can use iron nuggest to create villager-like trades. You can do this anywhere, but its recommended to do this in the shopping area or your claim. Harbor is a plugin which skips the night, if 50% or more players are in bed. Lastly there is one that makes bad omen only available at pillager outposts, and one that lets you rotate Glazed Terracotta.

      Additionally we have some datapacks: Ghasts don't break blocks. Shulker respawn ~2 months after they were killed. You can silent mobs by naming them "silent" and undo this with "unsilent". Your 1st Enderdragon kill gets you an Elytra. You can craft Enchanted Golden Apples. Some recipes have been tweaked (bone blocks directly from bones, recolor glass,... )

    submitted by /u/lerokko
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    Builders Revival 2.0 [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.16.3}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Builder's Revival 2.0 - A Lovely SMP Server.


    • Server IP: mc.buildersrevival.net <-- Use this to log on!

    • Whitelist: whitelist.buildersrevival.net

    • Map: map.buildersrevival.net

    • Discord: discord.buildersrevival.net


    Welcome to Builders Revival! From the highest, windswept mountaintops to the dark depths of the sea, we invite you to explore our abundant survival world, or all the opportunities awaiting in Creative mode, in any way you like. You can play with others from our small, friendly and casual community of players, or go it alone. Start at the Great Spawn Tree, and let your story take shape.

    Builders Revival is a whitelisted survival Vanilla-like Minecraft server with a tight-knit community going back to 2013, previously known as Freebuilders.

    We're interested in players that are:

    • Mature: Preferably over 16, while the average age of the players are around early to late 20's, we have players from 16 up to 50+ y.o.

    • Sociable: Our server is community driven, and we'd like new players to join in community projects, help each other, and have fun together.

    • Ambitious and creative: We expect the player to build something that they can be proud of and not to leave half finished projects around.

    Server description

    • Semi-vanilla - some convenience data-packs & plugins (players drop their heads, a dynmap, /hat from essentials, /rtp for random teleportation etc).

    • Whitelisted - you must apply to join

    • 6000x6000 blocks pregenerated survival map, a super flat Creative world, and a Resource world.

    • Griefing, theft & other anti-social behaviour is disallowed. Player actions are logged for the sake of local rollback.

    • We have a ranking system, based on regular community challenges. Submissions made in the survival world will be awarded points, which can be used to unlock commands of your choosing from a pool.

    • We use Discord as our primary communication method, you can take a look yourself here

    • We are based in the EU, but have players from around the world.

    That's the guidebook. All that's left is to see for yourself.


    1. Griefing or stealing will result in a permanent ban.

    2. Be friendly in the chat--no advertising, swearing, or harassment. Hate speech in any form will not be tolerated. We want to be welcome to any and all types of players.

    3. Don't build one block towers or ruin landscapes. Damaging the environment for the sake of resources is to be done in the dedicated resource world or with prior consent.

    4. No hacks or mods that give you advantage over other players: Duplicating, xray, etc Allowed Mods:

      • Inventory management
      • Minimap
      • Monster Spawn Highlighter
      • Optifine
      • Litematica
    5. Respect the players and the staff.

    6. Build at least 150 blocks away from others. We want to give everyone space to expand their builds.

    7. Don't build between level 70 - 90 in the nether, this is to be mostly kept free for paths and transportation.

    8. Use common sense, the base for any community or server.

    Whitelist Application: Apply for the whitelist by going to this link. Remember, this application is our only way to see your maturity, so please put some thought into the answers.

    submitted by /u/gharmonica
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    The Biosphere [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:12 AM PDT


    We are a small, usually empty server of about 50 players.
    If you are looking for a basic vanilla Minecraft server then this will probably suffice.
    There are some fun events whenever people want to do them.
    There's also a dynmap, which is always fun to have.

    For a full list of rules, you may click here.

    If you are interested, please join our discord and post your Minecraft username to be added to the whitelist.


    submitted by /u/Shougunner
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    Wasteland Minecraft Server [Vanilla] {1.16.3} {Custom Gamemode} {Guns} {Sandbox}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    Wasteland Minecraft Server [Vanilla] {1.16.3} {Custom Gamemode} {Sandbox} {Guns}

    This is a server that is a remake of Shotbow's Wasted with our own mechanics added into it

    You are lone soldier looting buildings to get gear to fight off other players! Kill people for money or do objectives for loot. Buy more guns or jetpacks at a shopkeeper! The sky is the limit! You can find e-chests with buildings inside of them to build a base with! Drive cars and mechs nothing is impossible in this Arma inspired sandbox!


    • IndependentIf you like to be with just friends or a lone wolf this is the way to go. In this faction is you against the world and survival will be tough. No one is trustworthy or your friend its kill or be killed. In this faction, you will always be shot on sight. Right now this is the only faction because there are not enough players. We will add more soon.

    The World

    A huge custom-made map, with many cities, towns, docks, a nuclear plant, a prison and a military base. Each location is unique and has different loot tables. Big cities have shopkeeps and banks to store your money.


    On this server, you will run around and loot chests by right or left-clicking them to instantly break them. Random loot will be in each chest and they consist of guns, ammo, attachments, forcefields, and more! You spawn with a weak pistol and some food. Your goal is to get as much gear as you can by killing other players or doing objectives like airdrops. You can kill players for money and buy better gear at a shopkeeper or save it in a bank. The sky is the limit as you can buy jetpacks and even nukes! You can also build bases using our build-in-a-box game mechanic that originated from the original wasted.

    How To Join

    • Join our Discord server, via https://discord.gg/eFgufXy
    • Read our Rules in the discord!
    • Join the server at and have fun!
    submitted by /u/Acetul
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    SMP for Content Creators [Semi-Vanilla] [PvP] [SMP] {Java} {Whitelist} {15-19}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Hello! My name is Cody and I'm going to be starting an SMP with a group of specific content creators. There are a few requirements that come with application but we are looking for around 10 players with a maximum of 15 is we have some amazing applicants. There will be interviews and trial games to test your dedication. The 10/15 of us will also stream and record content for other games such as Among Us. There will be server specific events on the discord with planned activities. Please read the rules and comment/DM me to apply!

    Rules: - Dont be rude and disrespectful. Start drama but check with the others that it's okay. - Please be comfortable on stream and have a good personality - Please have a slight bit of experience on other SMP servers, this is not a necessity but is preferred. - Have Discord! I cannot stress how important this is. - Ages between 15-19. There will be serious consequences for those to be found faking their age

    I hope to hear from you soon! The final list will be uploaded sometime in October!

    submitted by /u/CodyEden1
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    MCHaven [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.16.3} {Java}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    MCHaven is a small whitelisted semi-vanilla 1.16.3 survival server. We are a community driven group looking to engage new members as we grow the world which is presently just a couple of months old.

    While we have no specific age requirements we are aiming for mature persons who are looking to make a new home for themselves while they work on projects, be they builds or redstone contraptions alike. MCHaven offers features designed to improve the quality of vanilla minecraft while catering to many people all at once. We utilize one player sleep with a wakeup function, instant leaf decay, silk spawners, custom recipes and more.

    We have a small staff dedicated to making sure the server and player base are as happy and healthy as possible, the most important rule we have is that new members do no grief, cheat or steal. Please have a glance at our full rule and feature lists on our discord. To apply to be whitelisted join our discord at : https://discord.gg/UKKwJx8

    submitted by /u/mc-haven
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    World of Magic [Modded] {Magic} {1.12} {Grief Prevention} {PvP} {Hard}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    I have a home server of around a dozen or so people. We have people of all ages on the server.

    Its magic based with heavy influence from RLcraft. The server is hard, you will die often. PvP is on to solve arguments over which magic mods are strongest. :D

    It also has plugins for land claim and anitgrief.

    Here is the mod pack which I keep up to date. Modpack

    There is link to discord on the modpack page with server IP in it as well.

    Server specs Dual Xeon 6 core E5-2643 v2 3.8ghz 72gigs ram minecraft instance installed on SSD Located in the New England area

    Server Rules: Follow the Golden rule of life.

    submitted by /u/Tango_Sucka
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    MineAU [PVP] {Factions} {McMMO} {Australian} {Obsidian Breaker} {Custom Enchantments}

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 11:45 PM PDT


    mc.playmineau.com | Melbourne, Australia

    MINEAU is a Minecraft server located in Melbourne, Australia, This means low pings for Australians!

    MINEAU Factions - Create a team, claim land, build a base and destroy your enemies in Factions and gain experience & level up with mcMMO! Join now!

    Enjoy an improved PvP experience and craft some unique custom enchants.

    Blow up obsidian and check it's durability with a stick!

    Not located in Australia? Don't worry, you will find the connection just as good, if not better than most of your local servers. Currently we are running a pretty beefy set up that will handle connections globally.

    No whitelist, anyone can join. 99.9% Uptime.

    Features: - Factions PvP - McMMO - Obsidian Breaker - Custom Enchantments

    Rules (Click Here)

    Server: mc.playmineau.com
    Discord: https://discord.gg/MkQudMg
    Website: www.playmineau.com

    submitted by /u/Holden_lbs
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    Noobcraft Legends [SMP] {1.16.3} {Supports Bedrock} {No Whitelist}

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 10:30 PM PDT

    Hey All! I created Noobcraft back in 2011. After passing the reigns to skilled admins when life got crazy, I decided to make a new server during the crazy times we live in.

    We use the usual protection plugins (lockette pro, luckperms, core protect, drivebackupv2), quality of life plugins (EssentialsX, Dynmap, SAML,Lumberjack), and we also have some plugins to make the play enjoyable (DragonDropElytra and Mobheads).

    The world is pre-generated and hosted personally by me on stable, dedicated, scalable hardware on a fast connection.

    We actively encourage a fun and supportive social atmosphere. If any of this sounds interesting, please come say hello!

    Rules: Don't be a d*** :)

    Server: legends.mcnoobs.info

    Dynmap: legends.mcnoobs.info:8123

    submitted by /u/MunkyBacon
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    ElixirMC [SMP] [Anarchy] [Hub] {Germany}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Welcome to ElixirMC!

    We offer two main gamemodes.

    1. Survival

    In survival, there is no real goal. You can build houses, fight mobs and PvP with friends. You are able to claim your wonderful builds so they don't get griefed. There are custom made features, for example custom enchantments, shops and much more!


    1. No racism or hate against targeted groups
    2. No Hacking/Cheating

    1. Anarchy

    There are no rules except for one in Anarchy. No Racism! There are no rules except for that, do whatever you want to do.

    The servers are based on Paper spigot and have been tested for good performance.

    I hope I convinced you to join our server!

    IP: ElixirMC.eu

    Discord: https://discord.gg/hE36UJX

    Version: 1.16.3

    If you have any more questions, pm me on Discord (Zetax#7434) or join the Discord server

    linked above! Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/ImZetax
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    CruxKraft [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Datapacks} {Discord} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    This is a Minecraft: Java Edition server!

    We are looking for a some more people to join our server!


    We are a group who all play minecraft, but we play other games too. We often hang out in the voice chat, so we're looking for someone who would like to join us there. There are a bunch of different people from many different countries, so you're welcome from anywhere. The server is hosted in Europe, so keep that in mind if you don't like a bit higher ping. We have events sometimes too.

    We are all 18+, so while we don't really have an age requirement, you should be okay with some use of mature language and stuff.


    We don't have a lot of rules;

    • Be respectful & considerate
    • Don't steal, grief or cheat
    • Only fight the enderdragon during the events

    We actually have an ender dragon fight planned for next saturday, just before which the end will be reset, so it will be ready for exploring!

    What is the server?

    The server chat is connected to our discord server, so you're required to join discord too, since that's where all the announcements are made.

    We usually have a dynmap, but it's down right now while waiting for it to update.

    We have some datapacks with some new mechanics, but nothing too major.

    The nether was reset when 1.16 released, so we have all the new biomes!

    If you you're interested in joining, you can PM me here on reddit with the following information:

    • Minecraft name
    • Age
    • Location (Country & timezone is fine)
    • When do you usually play
    • Why you're interested in joining
    • What do you like to do in minecraft
    • If you want, you can add any other information you want
    submitted by /u/Q-Nix_Potato
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