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    Minecraft If you fall into water from a higher distance, it will create a louder and deeper splash sound.

    Minecraft If you fall into water from a higher distance, it will create a louder and deeper splash sound.

    If you fall into water from a higher distance, it will create a louder and deeper splash sound.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:16 AM PDT

    Basically, falling from a greater distance into water will make a louder and more deeper water splash sound. It'll also create more water particles for realism.

    submitted by /u/AUserObviously
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    Ghast should drop Pigstep if killed by a Piglin with their crossbow.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    This would be a impractical way to get the PigStep as you can get it from Bastions but it be like the Nether equivalent of Creepers Being killed by Skeletons and dropping Music Disc, this time there will be more fire and explosions.

    submitted by /u/PickledPopo
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    Make the boat crafting recipe consistent across Java and Bedrock

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    For those of you who don't know, Bedrock's boat recipe requires a wooden shovel, whereas Java's doesn't. So this would simply either add the shovel for Java, or remove it for Bedrock

    submitted by /u/goombaherpes
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    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    Driftwood would be a rare type of wood unlike other variants.

    OBTAINING: Driftwood logs and planks would be found in abundance near Buried Treasure and Shipwrecks would be now primarily made out of them. Shards of driftwood and rarely a driftwood log would show up on the shore, Using 4 Driftwood Shards you could make a single Driftwood Log. They would also generate as dead trees on the shores of the Coves, more on that later.

    USES: Driftwood is a naturally buoyant material, and near completely water-proof. You could make boats out of this material that are much faster and stronger against the tides, allowing it to stay afloat above the pulling of underwater magma blocks and oddly beefier towards the Guardians. Not to mention about 20% faster than it's regular counterparts. And just for fun Driftwood boats would be ignored by the ravaging Shoalers from u/FearlessOpiliones post. You could also use your old, worn turtle shell helmet and about 3 driftwood logs to make a glorious Gill Glider. Gill Gliders would bring the water breathing and strength of your Turtle Shell to the flexibility and sturdiness of Driftwood together, allowing you to practically glide through water as if you were using an elytra mid-air! And for Driftwood's final use, is that you could make Tools out of the stuff! These new Driftwood tools would be like an Efficiency 5 Haste 2 Netherite Pickaxe to your pesky submerged blocks. However, you could only make Axes, Pickaxes, Hoes, and Shovels from your now treasured Driftwood.

    GENERATION: As said before Driftwood would now generate near Buried Treasure and would make up Shipwrecks. Driftwood shards would not generate with the world around you but rather spawn infrequently on sand beside an ocean type biome (Not including Frozen Ocean). Coves, Coves would spawn as moderately small islands with characteristics of a miniature Jungle having parrots, and ocelots but strangely no pandas. In fact bamboo has been entirely replaced on this island with thin dead stalks of the Driftwood trees. Driftwood trees would grow nearly exactly like bamboo the only exception is that it gives you Driftwood instead of bamboo (obviously) and that Driftwood Trees require natural light to grow. making your drab underground bases inferior without the farms of Driftwood existing. Coves would be WAY more common than actual jungles just to point it out.

    thank you for coming to my ted talk

    submitted by /u/Deplizz78
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    When a player destroys a Lodestone...

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    The compass tracking that Lodestone now tracks that player if it is in their inventory.

    Could be a double edged sword, and could be a sort of trap, if combined with a curse of binding

    submitted by /u/AlexAtHome
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    Make maps smaller than 128x128 with shears! 64x64, 32x32, and 16x16 size maps would be super useful for pixel art!

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    Currently, the smallest possible map size is 128x128 blocks. If you wanted to make a 32x32 sprite, you'd need to place a 4x4 square per pixel, to a total of 16,384 blocks! That's a lot! If you use shears to make maps even smaller, it'll save a lot of time and resources!

    submitted by /u/SuperAwkwardDork
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    Items like diamond/emerald blocks dig up in archaeology sites should have the old textures

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    This could not only be a fun Easter egg, but it could also let creative builders use the old block textures

    submitted by /u/kittykitkatkatkit8
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    Making minecarts better

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    Ya know I had some ideas but have no idea on how to write them out, sooooo here we go... Basically minecarts kinda poo poo, especially early game, 5 iron on cart then a bunch more in rails and late game blue ice with a boat is far better, the only real use for them is Redstone and minecraft is supposed to suit a vast array of playstyles so here are some ideas, maybe on inclines you don't need rails, of course it won't be as fast but you can still push them down so say you can get a chest minecraft and push it down into the mine and then you can push minecarts along but at a decrease to speed, so you push chest cart into your mine and mine for a bit , come back and fill up the chest but now you have to slowly push it back up to the surface, making there a motive to get rails and also you should be able to connect minecraft together for a trail of minecraft. Finally I believe you should be able to place rails on stairs, slabs etc for a different inclines. Those my thoughts, Enjoy, Or else...

    submitted by /u/unusedname_00
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    A use for the bats

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    Bats have always needed a use. It's practically begigng at this point, given the caves update. So here is my idea....

    Change The "Bat" to "Skulk Bat"

    i know it seems like a weird idea. Just head me out. They already did a similar thing with zombie pigmens in 1.16 and villagers in 1.14, and I feel like if you change it up to have a use no one is gonna miss it.

    So here is my idea:

    A bad that uses echolocation like the Warden. When it hears a noise, it immediatly runs away. You could tame it with the glow berries you find in the Lush Caves. Any further ideas would be appreciated. Thank you!

    Edit: u/The-0ther-0ne suugest that when you tame them, they fly towards sounds. This could be extremelt useful in preventing ranged combat, and I think bats should have hgih HP because of that.

    submitted by /u/KrazyKazooKnight
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    Add a Carpenter’s Table, and a subsequent Carpenter/Lumberjack villager

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    I'm not entirely sure if this idea has been suggested before, or not. So forgive me if this is a repost or an idea already shut down by Mojang.

    Seeing as we now have designated items, such as the Stonecutter, Loom, Grindstone, and the specialty furnaces- the Smoker and the Blast Furnace -and seeing how these items are the job sites for villagers, perhaps it would be good to continue this trend and add another block/villager job. It could be called the Carpenter's Table, or some other derivative, and would allow for the creation of wood-based objects at much more efficient rates (e.g. 1:1 block:stair ratio instead of the usual 6:4 we all know). For large-scale survival builders, such blocks would help increase efficiency, and, who knows, could usher in the adding of proper furniture to the game (though this is ultimately a secondary effect that I personally don't find entirely necessary). This block, as the title suggests, would also be the job site for a new villager career type- the Carpenter/Woodworker/Lumberjack. Trades they offer could include ones that buy wood from you (be it planks, logs, or fully barked wood, or stripped variants of the latter two), selling you axes, in this case perhaps with a rare enchantment such as silk touch or higher-level efficiency (for a higher price), as well as other services such as de-barking, turning logs into barked wood, or providing building materials and/or saplings, including the rarer varieties of sapling, depending on world generation. Creation of such a block and career could also act as a way to usher in new types of wood, should Mojang be interested in doing so.

    As someone who frequently underestimates the amount of wood he needs in his projects, such an item would be a boon to my creativity as I would have to go on less frequent trips to collect resources, which could be dangerous depending on the situation I'm in.

    submitted by /u/That_Polish_Guy_927
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    Fishing gives bundles.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    The idea is that you can get bundles from fishing. The bundles will give you different items depending on the biome, the structure, the Y coordinate you fish in.


    1. Biome bundles:
    • Living bundle(Fished from jungle and lush caves): Gives foliage related blocks like leaves, vines, saplings etc. and a potion of sustainability which speeds up the growth of crops around you.
    • Common bundle(Can be fished from any biome):Gives flint, bones, string, gunpowder, instant health potions, gold and iron nuggets and rarely enderpearls.
    • Scarab bundle(Can be fished from deserts and badlands):Gives emeralds, lapis, gold ingots, diamonds(rare) and very rarely enchanted golden apples and a gilded fishing rod which gives luck effect when fishing.
    • Mycelium bundle(Can be fished from mooshroom biome):Gives mushrooms, suspicious stews.
    • Soggy bundle(Can be fished from oceans):Gives prismarine crystals and shards, all the three types of fishes, books, turtle helmet(rare),coral related blocks, enchanted books with water related enchants.
    • Frozen bundle(Can be fished from frozen biomes): Gives ice of all kinds, snowballs, frost waker book and a new frozen fish block which contains a fish frozen in the ice block

    2.Structure bundles:

    • Illager bundle(Fished from any structure related to illagers): Gives crossbows, arrows, iron axes, diamonds and if fished with a gilded fishing rod you can have a chance to get a vex staff(Summons vexes to fight for you but consumes a lot of xp and has a 1 minute cooldown and is very rare) .
    • Crystalized bundles(From geodes): Gives crystals and stuff related to them
    • The bundle of wishing well(Fished from desert wells only first time): Gives you enchantments books, potions, bottle o' chants and a four leafed clover which can be use to brew a luck potions.
    • The cursed bundle of wishing well(Fishing from wishing wells from which you have already fished from): gives cursed enchantments, withered four leafed clover and will give you a "bad luck" status effect for 2 hours.
    • The dead man's bundle(fished from shipwrecks): Gives you empty maps, telescopes, buried treasure, woodland mansion and ocean monument maps and even maps to the rarest biomes in minecraft(rarely). And you can also get a pirate hat if you fish during spooktober.
    submitted by /u/Qzimyion
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    Something that tells you which music is playing

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    Sometimes i'll just hear a really good song and spend hours looking for it, so what if we had a little box in the top left of the screen like in Smash ( https://i.imgur.com/vpOx3Wi.jpg ) or maybe we could just see it in the subtitles ? Idk i just think it'd be neat

    submitted by /u/MemeGenie_7
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    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    This little mob would spawn at night in taiga, mushroom islands and jungles. It would light up and stay in massive groups of them. They would add a lot of atmosphere, and also a bit of scariness because they would stop blinking when hostile mobs are near. So basically they are a symbol of peace when they are flashing. Fireflies will have spawn eggs and you can catch them in a bottle, making a new source of holding light. Just imagine your in a taiga forest and these fireflies guide the way, and then they stop flashing and you hear bones rattling.

    submitted by /u/GeckioGaming
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    Passive yet hostile mobs

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    I like to think of the video where mojang explained how the ecosystem of Minecraft works. One of the things they brought up was how certain mobs interact in the wild. For instance, wolfs attacking sheep or cats attacking chickens. What if we had mobs that have more protective purposes? My example is the donkey. What if it were repurposed to actually defend other passive mobs? I like this idea for a start but I'm not sure what to add in order to make a better case. A wild shot in the dark would be glow squids. What if they turn hostile to players attacking normal squids?

    These are just examples of what I think could be more interactive mobs. What if a donkey was more useful? Keep it in a field with sheep and if a wolf comes near, the donkey chases it off. I was hoping the ever creative community could help form this idea a little better. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Dinckleburgg
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    Comparators should be able to read and give off a power if an entity is inside a minecart

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    A comparator could give off a redstone signal reading from minecart. It would give off power if an entity is inside a minecart.

    You could use this for automated minecart tracks and transporting jobs from e.g. a villager breeder, since they might not get in instantly into it. Then the minecart would go off, leaving you without one.

    Thought this would be a cool addition.

    submitted by /u/Cant_find-a_username
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    Guardian temples should have more loot

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    Right now all they have is 8 gold blocks which I guess was a lot but now with gold being so easy to find in the nether, it isn't worth as much. This is why I think there should be some kind of treasure room with chests and maybe a few heart of the seas or something.

    submitted by /u/Abe_rah_ham_liyn_con
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    Harder Hard difficulty.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    (note: this is to make the hard difficulty harder, not to add a new difficulty)

    What I really like about the hard difficulty of Minecraft is that it adds new features (death of hunger, zombies breaking doors, potion effect spiders).

    I want more.

    1. When you hit an animal (cow, pig, sheep) that's in a group, the whole group will run away.
    2. When a skeleton accidentally shoots a different mob, that mob will continue trying to kill the player instead of trying to attack the skeleton.
    3. Spiders get potion effects, why shouldn't the zombies as well? Give zombies potion effects.
    4. Mobs that burn during the day have a slightly bigger chance to spawn with a hat on, leaving them wandering during the day unharmed.
    5. Give the mobs netherite armor. Make it never drop. Really rare ofc.
    6. Spiders can do a little more knockback on a player with netherite armor.
    7. Air depletes faster.
    8. 1/20 poison potions thrown by the witch can give the player the Withering effect.

    joke: turn all bunnies into ravagers

    this would be cool kthx

    submitted by /u/Stefananananan
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    Baby Axolotls

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    It would be soo nice if minecraft had baby axolotls. Im not sure if mojang will add baby axolotls or already had baby axolotls but these tiny creatures will be even more cuter :D

    submitted by /u/Memex21
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    Local Water Levels in Overworld

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    They already confirmed local water levels in the Caves and Cliffs Update but what if they didn't just generate underground?

    You could have Plateaus (Besides Savannas) that generate with water that could create better looking naturally generated waterfalls

    submitted by /u/AlexAtHome
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    Weather should be using particles instead (or at least-- make it an option)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Self-explanatory, 1.16 shows how Mojang improved and that this is possible to do without encountering the same issues that we've had when void fog was still a thing which is what led to its removal in the first place.

    By doing this: the transition between different weathers would look more polished or weather in general would look nicer, this'd also allow them to differentiate both "rain" and "thunderstorm" from each other than just one having a thunder every now and then.

    It'll be optional of course for those with low-medium end PCs.

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Nether portals with blocks of netherite in their corners should have a shorter cooldown time

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    It could be something like 10% faster per block up to 40% for all four. The portal could also glow more brightly (+1 light level per netherite block), and there could be an advancement for maxing out a portal. This would create a more reasonable goal for players who want to collect netherite in the late game.

    submitted by /u/JustinTimeCuber
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