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    Minecraft The lightning rod should give a redstone output.

    Minecraft The lightning rod should give a redstone output.

    The lightning rod should give a redstone output.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    Not sure what it could be used for but if lightning strikes the rod it should give an output.

    submitted by /u/stinkyfart23
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    Frostwalker Enchantment Boots Should Keep Players From Falling Through the Upcoming Powder Snow (Snowier Snow)

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    Powder Snow is one of the features to come in the Cliffs and Caves Update and I think this is going to cause a lot of problems and obstacles. A solution to this would be an item that a player should wear, but instead of implementing a new item, we should look at what we already have which is the Frostwalker Boots. We already have Boats which is easier to obtain and makes Frostwalker Boots quite useless so I made this suggestion because I think it would give Frostwalker Boots a better purpose and many players would actually want and need to use it when exploring Snowy Biomes including the new Mountains. A Player wearing Boots with Frostwalker Enchantment should be able to walk through Deep Powder Snow without sinking into it.

    If you liked my idea and want to see it ingame, click this blue text and upvote my suggestion in the official Minecraft Feedback Site!

    Thanks for reading my suggestion, Have a Nice day!

    submitted by /u/HoveringPigs
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    Bundles should get a present/Santa bag texture on Christmas.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Bundles should get a similar treatment to chests on Christmas with the present texture. Maybe a small presents or Santa's sack.

    submitted by /u/The_Moldy_Baguette
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    Arrows inside bundles are automatically fired without the need to take them out of it

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    With the addition of bundles on 1.17, I thought it would be the perfect time to finally add a "quiver" type item to minecraft (sorry if there are quivers in the fps list, but I think this is different because it revolves about the new bundles, and not a quiver itself). The ability to shoot arrows that are inside bundles without having to take them out would incentive people to use tipped arrows and spectral arrows, since a bundle can carry 2 stacks of items. In my opinion, the other types of arrows are very unappreciated and underused because you can't use them with infinity, but with this ability to compact up to 2 whole stacks on one single slot, I thing that people would use these arrows more. Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/peanutist
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    The Northern Lights in 1.17

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    They should add the Northern lights along with the Caves & Cliffs update as a weather feature. They should only be visible every 6 days in the Mountain and snow biome. It would be cool if they could vary in colors and appearance when they occur such as maybe in one night, it'll be red/pink or blue/green. I think it would add a nice amount of immersion to the game.

    submitted by /u/Slightlybiggerboi
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    Copper should corrode differently in different biomes

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    If the copper block is in a dry biome like desert or mesa, it's corroding time will decrease by 25% from normal corrosion rate and if it's in a humid biome like jungle or swamp, the corrosion rate will increase by upto 25%. In frozen biomes like ice ice spikes, corrosion rate will be reduced to 85% and in the the nether and the end corrosion would cease to exist.

    submitted by /u/Qzimyion
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    Music should annoy the Warden and axolotls should dance

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    Axolotls should dance to music cause it's cute, also the Warden should be extremely annoyed by it and try to break the jukebox.

    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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    Glow Squid drop: Fluorescent Sac. Make any block glow in the dark!

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    Since Glow Squids are in the game, and eh... not everybody is happy about it (*Cough* *Cough* Twitter *Cough*), I've came up with a neat idea that might bring some appeal to the people who don't like the Glow Squid, and make the Glow Squid voters even happier.

    I call this item the Fluorescent Sac.

    The Fluorescent Sac looks kind of like an normal Ink Sac, but it has the same glowy colors that the Glow Squid possesses. Glow Squids will drop 0-1 of these upon death, and +1 more for each level of looting.

    But what does it do??

    Imagine this: If you hold the Fluorescent Sac in your hand and right click any block, it consumes the Sac, and makes the block fluorescent, causing it to glow in the dark just like Enderman's eyes and Glow Squids do! No matter how dark it is, this block will stick out from the darkness.

    This is useful for making flashy builds in case you want something to glow in the dark (Such as a neon sign made with fluorescent concrete), it's useful for map makers who want to make a parkour challenge in the dark where only the glowing blocks are visible, or you can use it as a landmarker and make a trail and easily find your way home at night. Imagine the possibilities!

    Side notes/ extras:

    • No, a fluorescent block WON'T emit a light source. It will only glow in the dark like the original Glow Squid does.
    • If a fluorescent block is mined or destroyed, it will turn back into a normal block.
    • If a Fluorescent Sac is shot out of a dispenser, and block the Sac hits will become Fluorescent and the Sac will be destroyed.
    • You can apply the Fluorescent Sac to your armour, causing it to glow in the dark! Just combine the armour and the sac at a crafting or smithing table. If you want to turn the armour back to normal, just throw it in a cauldron.
    • If the Fluorescent Sac is used on a Sheep, it's wool becomes fluorescent.

    What do you guys think? Feedback is appreciated ^^

    submitted by /u/Shadowbonnie5
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    The next update should be "The Farming And Charming Update"

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Minecraft needs a farming update pretty badly. I feel as if everything in the game is getting updated but the farming aspects are being left out. I think a variety of different crops and growth patterns should be added to farming to make it a more interesting experience. Watering cans and other types of farming tools could also be added to make farming more interesting. But farming isn't the only thing that has been ignored for a long time. Enchanting and brewing are two very interesting parts of the game, however they always feel like there could be more to it. There could be more magic based mobs and even some magic based weapons. Finding a witches hut in the middle of the swamp dosent seem so interesting anymore. Adding a witches tower or even warlocks could make the game seem a little more magical. The witches tower could be a tower in the dark oak forest or even in the swamp that has a base at the bottom and a spiral staircase going to the top where you can find a witch and some loot. Maybe you could even find a new type of crafting table up there that can be used to make magic weapons. Since witches are pretty boring nowadays and them only having a tiny little witches hut with a cauldron and a mushroom I feel like alot of people would love this addition. It would make a very empty part of the game feel acknowledged and improved. As for the farming side of the update I feel like that too would make many people happy.

    submitted by /u/LiamLaw015
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    Glow Squids Should Be Larger than Normal Squids

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    The Glowsquids won the mob vote in Minecraft Live 2020. I've always wanted them to be ingame vanilla as they would be an interesting and luminous atmospheric mob for the deep sea regions of the Oceans of Minecraft. However, a lot of people have been complaining about them just going to be a useless mob retexture with nothing else unique about them from normal squids other than texture. Though they do have a lot of potential and there's a bundle of great ideas to make them more unique from normal squids, I suggest an idea that does not require them to drop anything or do anything complicated, that is, to make them larger than normal squids. But why and how does it make sense for them to become larger?:

    • Deep Sea Gigantism: They mentioned that the Glowsquids are going to spawn in darker parts of the ocean. The darkest parts of the Minecraft Oceans are Underwater Ravines, Caves, and the Deep Sea Floor. All of these biomes are located in lower and deeper altitudes of the ocean. In real life, there's what many zoologists call Deep Sea Gigantism. It's the tendency of vertebrate organisms in the Deep Sea, to become larger in size than species in the shallower parts of the sea. Glow squids are invertebrates and they spawn in the Darker Deeper parts of the Ocean, so it would make sense for them to be larger than normal squids. But how about Glowsquids in smaller spaces of the deep sea such as Underwater caves and Ravines? Well they did mention that there's going to be generation changes to caves, and showed us larger caves in Minecraft Live 2020. Let's just hope that these changes includes Underwater caves and ravines. If not, then Glowsquids could instead vary in size (which would also be very interesting).

    • Massive-sized Animals are really elegant, fascinating, and jaw-dropping to come across and watch: Coming across beasts in the Oceans such as Whales or Manta Rays, gives us this awesome feeling of fear and fascination combined, and it would be great to experience this in Minecraft. Glow squids are mostly about aesthetics and giving atmosphere to the empty depths of the ocean, and making them larger-sized will help them fulfill this purpose even better. Who wouldn't want to come across such peaceful, graceful, and elegant beast when exploring the Oceans in search for ocean monuments and other treasures?

    Thanks for reading my suggestion, I wish you a Great and Luminous Day!

    submitted by /u/HoveringPigs
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    The telescope has different view-filters, based on the lens used in the recipe.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    The telescope is a single item, with a single item id. However, a given telescope may have different "effects" altering your view (these would be tags akin to enchantments), depending on the crystal used to craft the lens.

    • Glass Pane: Just a boring old telescope that lets you zoom in. Optionally, Stained Glass Panes let you apply a color filter over the world.

    • Amethyst: Lets you view mob healthbars.

    • Nether Quartz: Will let you view which blocks are powered by a Redstone Signal or not.

    • Emerald: Views blocks with light level >= 10 as 16. Views blocks with light level < 10 as though light level = 0.

    • Lapis: Singles out mobs holding enchanted items with a glowstone-like effect.

    • Diamond: Which blocks are being listened to by a Sculk Sensor.

    Edit: More scopes!

    • Glowstone: Night Vision

    • Prismarine: Mineral-vision.

    submitted by /u/MagicJuggler
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    Craft one honeycomb with eight copper blocks to make “Waxed Copper” that locks the age that it currently has

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    I"m thinking copper has, say 8 age stages. You can mine the copper at the stage you want and take it to a crafting table and add honeycomb to it to prevent it from aging any further. It would make for both great building because you can choose to always have your buildings in a "half worn" state. it would also make for really cool automation because you could have a grid of copper blocks that somehow break after being aged a certain number of times for you to them craft into waxed copper.

    submitted by /u/_abridged
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    Capacity - A little enchantment to make bundle bags carry more!

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    I almost love the Bundle Bag as much as the entire rest of the Cave Update and that's not a joke. The edge to all of the recent updates adding so many amazing stuff is that your inventory slots would fill up really quickly and it was awfully annoying. But these little baggies bring this golden age of Minecraft updates full circle!

    So what I want to suggest today is a simple treasure enchantment that would allow you to fit more items in there. And its simply called... Capacity!

    Teir I = 10 more items (74 total) Teir II = 20 more items (84 total) Teir III = 30 more items (94 total)

    And because this is a treasure enchantment, you wouldn't get it from enchantment table. That would be a bit unbalanced. But perhaps you'd get an enchanted book for it from a Villager Librarian. Or have another special way to obtain the enchantment that is exclusive to the Underground. The same way Soul Speed is only obtainable in the Nether.

    Theres another incentive to go exploring the cave. Complementing this helpful little item with a bit of extra storage space overall. How about it?

    submitted by /u/Axoladdy
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    Ideas to make the Glow Squid more than just a reskin!

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    • Spawns in underwater caves/underground lakes

      • Perhaps in a special bioluminescent cave biome?
    • Sprays neon ink when attacked that applies the Glowing status effect

    • Drops Glow Squid Ink Sacs that could be used for something like Glowing Potions, or glowing dye that makes glow-in-the-dark or neon blocks

      • Maybe combine the glowing dye with regular dye to make colored dye that makes the block it's used on glow (glass, terracotta, wool, etc)?

    Here's a fun mock up image I made to share!

    I'd like to hear your ideas too!

    submitted by /u/B217
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    Telescope scope should be a square instead of a circle

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    It's minecraft why the lens of the telescope should be round when even the sun is a square

    submitted by /u/MajorTomSKU
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    Candles should be dyable

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 04:46 AM PDT

    In the warden trailer we saw candles,they looked pretty need already but if we can dye them they would look even more awasome

    submitted by /u/xNielsSwitch
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    Archeology: Finding fossils and skeletons

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    When hearing about archaeology in Minecraft I immediately think of fossils. I think it would be cool if you could find fossils of extinct creatures, and possibly even restore them. However, I don't think that Minecraft should turn into a Jurassic park simulator by bringing all kinds of dinosaurs alive.

    I was thinking about being able to find a fossil of a Coelacanth. An old fish species long thought to be extinct, who actually is still alive today, but is endangered. If this were added you could save the coelacanth from in-game extinction by restoring their fossils and releasing them in the oceans. Maybe you could then get an achievement or buff or something. Since Minecraft is raising awareness for lesser-known and endangered species and also adds archeology to Minecraft, this seems like a very appropriate addition to the game.

    Another thing that seems like a cool addition for archeology in Minecraft is a chance to find parts of the skeletons of mobs(Head, body, arms legs). You can collect these parts and display them on some sort of armor stands. This could be a skeleton of a creeper for example but also maybe the skeletons of mobs that didn't make it into the game from the mob votes.

    submitted by /u/axoNNNessj
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    Let's Talk About The Warden

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Warden is a scary mob. As a quick recap, this thing two hits you in netherite, meaning a possible one shot in iron armor. This guy is deep underground. His whole thing is that he can take all the damage in the world and smash Majora's moon without doing as much as bruising his hand. He is, however, easy to evade. I have talked with a few friends about the warden and I have a list of possible ways the warden could be tweaked. Some ideas may have been mentioned here, but I thought of them on my own time.

    • keep the things that trigger the Skulk plants and the warden consistent because of how similar the plants and the warden's "antlers" look.

    • on the opposite end of keeping the warden consistent with the plant, wool should remain the number one weakness. Maybe it'd be a stretch to say carpets since they are thinner than a wool block, but that'd be another possibility. Wool could be used to silence footsteps so you can make a safe path for you to at least walk on, but maybe not a sprint.

    • wardens should be hostile towards other mobs or mobs intentionally avoid the warden. Imagine this: you are dodging the warden so well, it could be called art. Then, a zombie hits you, applying that knockback feature, forcing you to make a thud against the stone when you land. Boom, warden is mad and not at the zombie since in this scenario, the warden doesn't attack other mobs.

    • sound severity. The warden should take certain sounds more seriously than others. If two sounds play in quick succession of eachother. The severity of the sounds could be determined maybe by the volume of the sound or maybe the source. To code this, I'd say give each sound a value, the higher the value, to more priority it has to the warden. If a block has a priority value of 1 or 0, the warden would ignore it. This is to avoid it going to stuff like water flow or lava popping.

    • More stealth options. Invisibility won't do anything against a blind mob. Due to the power of this mob, it wouldn't hurt to have a few extra stealth options especially considering how you just can't find some things in Minecraft worlds sometimes.

    • making the warden more of a warden. "Wardens" keep people or things from going into and out of an area. If you get caught by a warden, running away should be an option. To keep the warden from following you, I would say make the warden stop from leaving the deep dark if it hasn't been hit by its invader. I specified that last part because that means you couldn't hit a warden, leave, hit again, leave, rinse and repeat until it keels over. This would also keep you from being unprepared to face a warden because somehow it wandered a biome or two away.

    • more of a warning. Maybe make all music cut out when in the deep dark. This will signify you're in the deep dark and will make it easier to hear the heartbeat of the warden

    There are other possibilities and I'm not saying I won't play the game if one of these isn't done. These are just things I'd like to see the warden do. If one or more is too op, that's fine, I'm sure the brilliant minds at Mojang can balance it out. Also, if you have any comments, feel free to comment. If you have any ideas yourself, comment or make your own post. Hope you all like these ideas as much as I do.

    submitted by /u/Foxino_Viola
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    Wardens will get confused and aggressive if they hear too many sounds at once, and if they are near an explosion then their hearing will be disabled for a few seconds and they will be unable to locate the player.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    Wardens, as seen in the trailer for the 1.17 update, are extremely difficult to kill and one must try to sneak past them in order to, well, not die.

    If you slip up and have a warden coming after you at full speed, what do you do? Accept your deadly fate?


    You still have a chance to run away without becoming mincemeat! With the TNT that you had saved to excavate for diamonds, you blow up the area in front of the charging warden.

    For a second, you hear a terrible scream. The warden looks dazed and confused, and in the aftermath of the blast, you notice that its ears have started ringing uncontrollably. It faces its head in random directions, hoping to find and crush whoever blew it up in the first place. You want to watch for a moment to witness such a humorous fate befall the terrifying monster that you had been fighting before, but it starts to regain its composure.

    You run away. For a moment you think that you have finally escaped the guardian of the deep dark, but you couldn't be farther from the truth.

    The screams of the warden become louder and clearer before your ears.

    Terrified, and without nothing to do, you craft a few doors and pistons with whatever you had saved from mining.

    When the warden comes into your view, you make as much noise as an unfortunate miner in the quietest part of the world can make. It looks confused, but stills heads toward the source of the sound.

    You have an idea. You shoot your last few arrows behind the angry warden and it's confidence in your location dissipates faster than your blood pressure in that moment.

    It faces any direction it can to try and make out anything from this nonsense but gets frustrated and starts running in circles.

    You say farewell and build yourself out of the cave while the warden is still distracted by the noise.

    A close shave indeed.

    In moments like these, improvising is the best way out. It would be disappointing to do these things and have the warden after you like it never happened. That is why immersion inducing features like this would do magnitudes for the game's fun experience playing.

    Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/-C4-
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    Netherite gear glows red/orange when enchanted instead of the standard purple

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    This would solve the issue of the tools being hard to visually distinguish from enchanted stone, and would suggest to me that enchantment magic can be influenced by the dimension an item/material originates from (perhaps enchanted elytra could have a black shimmer, reminiscent of the void).

    submitted by /u/MerlinGrandCaster
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    lightning rods connect

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    Lighting rods connect together, only the topmost lightning rod has the little bulb thing. Purely an aesthetic difference, but it allows for more building options

    submitted by /u/ToxxicGlitter
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    Crystals act like a prism

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    If you put crystals above a beacon it will generate a rainbow beam, just like what you would get with colored glass but all coming from one beam.

    submitted by /u/ViC_tOr42
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    Glow Berries make you emit light

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    I suggest that Glow Berries could introduce a new status effect, illumination (different from the glowing inflicted by spectral arrows). This would make the player shed light and see clearly whether in the dark or deep underwater. This would encourage the player to continue to explore cave systems without needing to bring too many torches and would lower the amount of hassle involved, allowing for more spontaneous adventure. As a drawback however, detection rate of mobs would increase slightly even if you are partially covered, as the light seeps around corners (this would not apply to the Warden, of course).

    I think this would be a great addition to the caves and cliffs update, especially for mining or exploring, and would add reason to eat the subterranean berries.

    submitted by /u/david_this_isnt_weed
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    The Warden can't hear through Wool

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    At Minecraft Live, the new Warden and Skulk detector were shown to us. The skulk detector is a new block that reacts to sound (called "vibrations" on the show) by making sound and producing a redstone signal. The Warden is an agressive monster that can only detect things by sound.

    The Skulk detector can't hear sounds ("feel vibrations") if wool blocks are in the way, and this makes me think a few things:

    Does wool affect the Warden's sound detection?

    I think it should. If it prevents the skulk detectors from hearing ("feeling vobratioms"), then it should do the same for the Warden. The Warden and skulk detector are quite similar and are able to interact with each other, so this similarity would make sense.

    Though, it would make sense if especially loud sounds (like fireworks) would not be muffled.

    Does wool muffle sounds in general?

    Mojang did say "vibrations" and not sounds, but it would be cool to see certain things being muffled, or blocked by wool. Perhaps other blocks could do this too.

    submitted by /u/Simanalix
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