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    Minecraft Like with the Buzzy Bees update, Mojang should do another Fundraiser for Axolotls.

    Minecraft Like with the Buzzy Bees update, Mojang should do another Fundraiser for Axolotls.

    Like with the Buzzy Bees update, Mojang should do another Fundraiser for Axolotls.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:53 AM PDT

    During the Buzzy Bees Update, Mojang held an ingame challenge where Mojang would donate $100,000 to WWF towards their conservation work if players placed 10 million bamboo blocks ingame, which was easily achieved.

    Axolotls are an endangered species that are pretty much extinct in the wild, so I think Mojang should host another of these challenges where the proceeds will go towards the protection of Axolotls.

    submitted by /u/JJFreshMemes
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    icicles as a stalactite variant

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Since we are getting stalactites in the caves and cliffs update, an ice variant as icicles would be cool.

    They could generate at the cave entrance of cold biomes or on overhangs when its snowing. I think it would cool to return to your house in a snowy biome to find that icicles formed along the underside of the roof.

    submitted by /u/World1_Lev1
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    Telescopes pointed at the night sky see lingering “Meteorite Dust” trails leading to Amethyst Geodes

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    This gives the telescope a unique purpose connected to another new feature, a purpose actually related to its real life usage: looking into space! This would also give some lore context to the rare and unique geode structures, and make them a little more accessible to the player by pointing them in the right direction. And it would also make the kind of bland minecraft sky a little more detailed and interesting

    submitted by /u/Frayed-0
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    Green fire on copper

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    Pretty simple just make fire green when on copper block. Fire is blue when on soul soil so why not green when on copper.

    I think it's copper oxide that burns green in real life pls correct me if I'm wrong.

    submitted by /u/songalong7
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    Mountains have an increased chance of Dripstone Caves

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    Like in real life dripstone caves form generally near the mountains. And it will give finally better mountains cave unlike the limited mountains cave we have actually.

    submitted by /u/EfficientProduct0
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    Display death message "(player) tried to cook themself" when a player dies by standing on a campfire

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    The telescope overlay texture should be square.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    It would fit the style of Minecraft more, as the current one is a circle, I also think that you should be able to see more through the texture.

    If you would like to see the concept I made, as well as a comparison between it and the current one, you can view that here.

    submitted by /u/Foxerbit
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    Rainbows ��

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:49 AM PDT

    Rainbows have been suggested before, but my implementation is slightly different to what has been suggested before. I think rainbows would be a nice addition to the game, and if implemented like this, could encourage exploration.

    • Rainbows have a chance of spawning during the day, immediately following rain stopping
    • Rainbows stay in the sky until the next sunset
    • the end of a rainbow will be the location of a naturally generated structure within a certain range of you
    • the game will prioritize structures located in chunks which haven't been generated yet
    • any naturally spawning structure in the overworld can be found using a rainbow. This includes strongholds

    I think it would be a cool way to encourage players to go exploring and possibly find structures they may have missed otherwise, and also it would just be a pleasant sight to look at.

    submitted by /u/SinisterPixel
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    One more cave biome: The Infested Cave

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    The Caves and Cliffs update will bring us lush caves, drip stone caves, a deep depths cave biome where the Warden will live, and the traditional caves.

    I think 1 more biome will make make the underground feel complete.

    The Infested Caves biome is a cave that has been infested by Arthropods. A lot of the stone in this biome is covered in cobwebs, creating a new block called webbed stone, with cobwebs sporadically scattered all over the cave. There will also huge chunks of silverfish blocks.

    Spiders and cave spiders will both naturally spawn at a higher rate in this biome, along with a few new Arthropods.

    A spider queen nest will spawn commonly in this biome. A spider queen is a massive spider that basically has the same skin as cave spiders except it has a more robust posterior, prominent fangs, longer legs, and is red. It is also the size of the ravager and has about 8 hearts. When it attacks, it deals poison II and it heals itself every time it lands an attack, so it basically has a life steal effect.

    Spider queens are hostile to ALL mobs because they are very keen on staying at full health. The nest itself is an area filled with cobwebs. Inside of the cobwebs you'll find dozens of tarantula eggs, you're going to want to break them quickly by shooting at them with arrows or cutting them with swords, because if they hatch, the baby spider queens will drain their mothers life and become mature spider queens.

    I think this would add a lot of scary life to the caves and give people a reason to use bane of Arthropods!

    submitted by /u/wielderofFire1051
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    Yeti: a Warden of the Mountains.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Yetis would be a rare mob to find on mountains. This mob would be a bunch of diffrent mob mechanics combined into one amazing mob.


    Firstly, the yeti would attack any mob exept goats and is naturally neutral to players but can randomly agress if you get in 10 block range of them. And they would be nocturnal like a fox, sleeping in the day in caves and awake in the night. They can also jump like goats, where they will jump as if they had jump boost 5 and speed 5 (for that one jump), they would jump to get over cracks in the land or to attack. Unlike the warden, they are not blind, but can be distracted by sound unless they can see you (example: they can be distracted by snowballs when idle, aka not hostile). If shot by ranged attacks they will look where the shot came from but wont know where you are if you hide. They will disable your shield on hit, jump attacks can be blocked but will deal knockback. Lastly, hitting them in the air will deal double damage to them and will deal knockback.


    Health: 100hp (50 hearts)

    Speed: 150 blocks per minute at running speed

    Damage (normal mellee hit): 10 (5 hearts) on easy, 15 on normal and 20 on hard

    Damage (jump attack): 20hp on easy (insta kill), 30hp on normal and 45 on hard (less than warden)


    Snowballs: 3-6

    Ice: 1-3

    Raw Fish: 5-7

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    When you eat the new Glow Berries, you get the glowing effect

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    Ok. So the glow berries are really cool. And, you might even be able to eat them. If so, it only makes sense that eating it will make you as the player temporarily glow. (The same effect as spectral arrows). Maybe the glow berries could be used to make potions of glowing as well, and maybe even tipped arrows of glowing that last much longer than spectral arrows. Just a small suggestion that might be pretty cool :)

    submitted by /u/MWRazer
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    Rename Stone to Shale

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    It's a simple suggestion, but we already have four types of stone and more have been teased for 1.17. Having one just called 'Stone' doesn't really make much sense when we begin to clearly distinguish types of stone.

    The reason I suggest that it be called shale is because shale is the most common sedimentary rock in real life and exhibits the common gray texture seen ingame.

    From an educational perspective this can also help introduce younger players to geology and the general idea that not all stone is the same.

    It's noteworthy to mention that this has been done in the past with the original wood being renamed to oak and the original fish being renamed to cod with the addition of salmon.

    If you like this suggestion, please upvote it on the official feedback site: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360073607032-Rename-Stone-to-Shale

    submitted by /u/TheRedstoneRazor
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    Bundles should be able to dye

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    if you dye a Bundle it should change its colour to brown to the color of dye

    submitted by /u/MinecarftTime
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    If you look the sun with a telescope you take damage and have blindness temporaly.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    Logically, in real life if you watch the sun without telescope it's bad, but with a telescope if you watch it you can said bye bye to your eyes.

    submitted by /u/EfficientProduct0
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    An End update?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    We've gotten update for the sea, land, hell(nether), and now the end

    I'm not saying we change the ender dragon fight, maybe update the outside area like the cities. We can also add new plants and biomes to the end like a void fruit that teleports you to the surface if you fall in the void or a block that's at the end of the islands that falls down when you step on it like sand and gravel. We can also add a new mob or mobs because right now we only have 2: the enderman and shulker box

    So I just think we can add a little more variety to the end.

    submitted by /u/Evan_Pleavan2
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    Leather Armor in bonus chests

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    I think it'd be a nice addition to bonus chests due to them not being very strong but could be useful early game

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    1.18 "Time to Shine" update, AKA add all the other biome/mob vote options in a single update

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 08:25 PM PDT

    What it says on the tin, I think spending 1.18 on adding all the vote options that didn't get chosen, both the biomes and the mobs. We've been waiting for years as is for a few of the options, and the longer the wait is, the more and more frustrating later votes will become as we'd still be waiting for the results of previous votes, technically. Getting it all done in one go and cleaning the slate for future votes would be much appreciated.

    It would also be good to add in the first three mobs that didn't get voted for in the 1.13 update. While I know the devs said they'd be deleted forever, I think it's honestly a waste to do that, as there's a lot of good utility that can be used in those three mobs. Like perhaps the enchantment eating mob instead being made into a mob that does extra damage to a player for every enchantment they have on them. And with the other two mobs, the biomes/places they'd be encountered in are far, far better than when the vote was first proposed, thus making their additions that much more relevant to general gameplay compared to before.

    Thank you for reading, hope this is of good use.

    submitted by /u/Randomguyioi
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    Caves and ores should occasionally be found made of granite, andesite and diorite

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    The Caves and Cliffs update is an effort to make caves more varied, and I think an easy way to do this would be by letting ores or caves be made of any type of stone. This wouldn't have to be a new biome, regular caves simply wouldn't always have to spawn made out of stone. The ores would probably have to be separate blocks, though.

    submitted by /u/Realshow
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    Zombie Horses in Zombie Villages

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Currently the Zombie Horse is unused so lets fix that. I think Zombie Horses should spawn in the Zombie Villages Stables instead of normal Horses. I'd assume they would be exactly like the Skeleton in terms of use (like ride them underwater). This is just a little small idea that would give some reward for finding a Zombie Village.

    submitted by /u/MCThumpbacker
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    Pottery shards should be biome exclusive, based on ancient civilizations found in that biome

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    In jungles, you find Mayan and Aztec art styles
    In deserts, you find hieroglyphics and Arabic art styles
    In coastal areas, you find Greek and Phoenician art styles
    The list could go on and on...

    Also there should still be some generic shards found in all biomes

    submitted by /u/KrispyKangaroo96
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    Making more info in the mob vote videos

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    If this suggestion doesn't really belong here, mods feel free to remove it but, onto the idea.
    I think there's a little issue with the mob vote videos, and that's the info in them. I believe they should up the amount of info on a mob we get in those little animations. The Moobloom I heard was suppose to add a new flower, and were going to have different variants apparently, which were not said in the short video or its description. The Glow Squid had the whole "Its distracting!!" part, funny but it may of caused confusion if that was a legitimate feature or not, plus there was barely any info apart from "it glows" The Iceologer was pretty basic already so it was fine.

    I think it should be remembered that most people aren't looking into their vote a lot, just the short video and or of coarse their friends views.

    So TL:DR, Provide clearer info on what the biome/mob vote brings and does in the short animation videos.

    submitted by /u/YoshiCrew
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    An "All In One" World Generation Option

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    So Minecraft has a lot of content, everyone here knows that. The problem with Minecraft having so much content is that so many people will play the game for years and still not see everything it has to offer. I propose a solution to this in the form of an "All In One" option when generating a new world.

    The way it would work is basically it would generate one giant landmass containing every biome, and every structure meaning you can find every piece of in game content within a controllable amount of space, instead of having to travel for hours through countless plains and desert biomes just to find the elusive woodland mansion, or maybe an unfortunate stronghold spawn.

    It could be highly customizable as well, so say you go to generate a world, you would have a range of sizes for your landmass to be, and maybe if you went into futher generation options you could even choose which biomes you want to include or exclude.

    This would be perfect for a finite world option, but what would be even cooler is having a giant landmass with everything you could need, a mushroom island biome off the shore of said landmass, and all around the land, every kind of ocean available, obviously placed in realistic locations, and then perhaps a couple thousand blocks or so out could be where the old school generation picks up, just to keep infinite worlds.

    Regardless I think this would be awesome, and for players who like to really build a story while they adventure around, it would make that so much more interesting, you have basically your own continent to build your story on.

    EDIT: I'm aware that ocean generation is currently impossible to modify since its hard-coded into the game, but if any of the incredibly talented people on this sub were going to try to make a generation mod like this, or if there are any currently available, LET ME KNOW

    submitted by /u/4chan_crusader
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    The Deep Dark Caves have Echos

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    This would be a really cool effect and would make the caves feel less of a normal cave retexture. The echo would pretty much take any sound and will echo it. This includes music from jukeboxes, block breaking, walking, running, jumping, fall damage,etc.

    Honestly this would make it so spooky!

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Be able to throw ink sacs that cause the blind effect

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    duration of course should be short (~2s?), may even be able to have a chance of blinding (40%) or if this is an already existing mechanic, only blind if the head is hit by the projectile.

    submitted by /u/Qirol
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    You should take damage if you look directly at the sun through a telescope

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    Like when you're drowning, you take damage until you die. If you look directly at the sun through a telescope you are hurting yourself. Like with starvation or standing in a fire or suffocating in sand, staring at the sun through a telescope should be avoided.

    submitted by /u/n4rwhal_
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