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    Minecraft New goat farms

    Minecraft New goat farms

    New goat farms

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 04:44 AM PDT

    The patch notes for the goat beta said that goats would ram trees

    What if the trees that goats ram have a chance to drop apples, sticks and saplings without breaking the leaf blocks

    This could allow you to have a tree and a goat in a pen and be able to efficiently farm apples and saplings aswell as the new goat horn items

    Also, to add more insensitive to this new feature, what if the rammed trees had a very very very small chance to drop a golden Apple.

    What do you think, I just love making farms with mobs

    submitted by /u/big_G_is_huge
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    Baby goats should have no horns

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    Baby goats in real life don't have horns, so it would just make sense that ones in Minecraft don't either.

    submitted by /u/Star1it_
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    Slimy Caves to replace slime chunks

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Currently in the game if you want to find slimes, you have to go to either a swamp or find a slime chunk which can be quite difficult to find at times. In my opinion, these slime chunks should be replaced with slimy caves where a good surplus of slimes and slime blocks can be found and collected. It would also be cool if slimes could get even bigger than usual in the Slimy Caves. There isn't currently a whole lot of lore/reason for slimes to exist in the general world of minecraft other than redstone contraptions, so I think that putting slimes in an atmosphere like the Slimy Caves would be an excellent idea!

    submitted by /u/itzjaymz
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    Goats should visibly lose a horn whenever dropping one

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    I genuinely really like the new dropping mechanic, but at the same time it feels weird to see it... disregarded? The idea is that the horn is knocked off due to the impact of the ram, yet they also clearly still have both horns after dropping it. Not only would this make more logical sense, but if goat horns are supposed to be a valuable tool, then it'd be a lot more balanced to only be able to get two per individual goat. As a bonus, if you hold both a slime ball and the horn, you can give the goat its horn(s) back.

    submitted by /u/Realshow
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    Asian inspired items

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    Minecraft has no definitive time or date, but it obviously has medieval aspects, so I'd like to see medieval Chinese blocks, like terracotta bricks and sliding paper doors and walls, and blocks that give bamboo more of a use than scaffolding, also more flower pots with different designs or colors, and maybe more ceramic blocks too

    submitted by /u/NuclearGlory03
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    Goat horns could call pets

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    When using a goat horn, the sound that plays when a raid starts plays. When a raid starts, the raiders are all called in, the raid leader who presumably called it is calling his allies into battle.

    When the player uses it, it should call your allies into battle, meaning your pets will unsit and tp to you, this works with tamable mobs like horses as well. Each horn will call in 1 pet at random unless they are in 20 blocks of you already, and you can name the horn to the pets name if you want to only call that pet to you.

    I think this would be a neat and appreciated feature.

    submitted by /u/The-Real-Radar
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    When an iron golem dies in a village, villagers place a poppy in the block it died to honor them, showing their love and respect

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    If the village golem dies inside of the village, when the next bell gathering happens (yes, bell gatherings are a part of the programmed behavior of the villagers), the villagers should go to the block where the last village golem died and one of them would place a poppy.
    (Maybe this could even be a special perk of the wanted Beekeeper/florist villager).

    I think this would be a very nice mechanic since it would show us more about the special link between the villagers and their golem. And how, even though they can just spawn a new one, they will never forget their previous golem and this one would remain forever honored.
    And it's also like the villagers, even though they can't attack, are giving back to the golem the love, care and respect the golem gave them by finally returning that precious poppy.

    And in case a beekeeper/florist villager isn't added, it doesn't matter, normal villagers should still have a space in their inventory where they stack poppies (you can say they obtained them from the golem or from farming them off-screen, it doesn't really matter that much).
    (For those who don't know, yes, villagers do have an inventory where they stack crops like potatoes and stuff).

    If more than 1 golem died after the last bell gathering, then at the next bell gathering the villagers would do these with all of the golems that died in order (they start with the one that died first).

    submitted by /u/TheDragonWarrior2284
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    Shooting the Warden’s “heart” area does more damage

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    The Warden is a tough mob to fight (from what we've seen of it) and we know it has over 84 health, which is assumed to be around 100 if rounded . This is a lot for a normal mob especially one with no arena like the dragon. Or special summon mechanics like wither. So to allow players with good strategy to have an easier time defeating the mob I believe that the core, when glowing, could be a weak spot for the creature.

    This could be achieved by creating noise to light the core, and then shoot it with a ranged weapon or perhaps a melee weapon. Dealing greater damage to the The Warden is a tough mob to fight (from what we've seen of it) and we know it has over 84 health, which is assumed to be around 100 if rounded . This is a lot for a normal mob especially one with no arena like the dragon. Or special summon mechanics like wither. So to allow players with good strategy to have an easier time defeating the mob I believe that the core, when glowing, could be a weak spot for the creature.

    This could be achieved by creating noise to light the core, and then shoot it with a ranged weapon or perhaps a melee weapon. Dealing greater damage to the foe.

    submitted by /u/Rat_boi_slim
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    A new mob idea. (very long)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    I know the nether update has came out but I had this idea for a new piglin mob called the piglin outcast, a very peaceful version of the piglins who don't attack players, even when threatened, they don't get attacked by iron golems and can chat and trade with villagers, firstly when your in the nether and find a piglin outcast, you can give him at least one gold ingot and he'll join you, if you want, you can save him from being stranded in the nether and bring him to a village, then he'll have some green particles around him, showing that he has joined the village and he will award you. Like villagers, they have professions once they join a village. They can also breed once their in the same conditions as when a villager breeds and the babies can play with the normal baby villagers. Like normal piglins, they can use weapons and armor to protect the villagers, but they don't drop those weapons and armor when killed. This was a very long post but what do you think?

    submitted by /u/KKBros405
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    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    With the new caves and cliffs update I think it would be really cool to have hidden ice ravines where you could fall into them from walking on powdered snow. You could see fossils in the walls and personally you could also have ice caves. Ice caves are just the same as current caves but with a four to five block thick wall of ice surrounding it.

    submitted by /u/Bandage_Bacon2
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    Decorate the area around an explosion

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Decorate the area around an explosion

    Explosions have a chance of modifying blocks around the crater.

    Possibly, this depends on the cause of the explosion. A wither explosion yields soul sans, while creepers and tnt summon more overworld-like blocks. End crystals could get their own touch too, also making it possible to obtain end materials before going there.



    I am working on a Spigot Plugin to implement this, leave a comment if interested 🤗

    submitted by /u/jeengbe
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    Add mud

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    Mud would be in the swamp biome. When you walk on it, it will pull you in (like the new 1.17 snow) and will slow you down. You could pick it up using bucket, and then place it. It will act like water or just be a block idk. Also if pigs are near it they will play in it!

    submitted by /u/Seriously_nobody
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    When an egg despawns, there should be a chance for a baby chicken to hatch from it

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Nowadays, Minecraft is trying very hard to avoid spreading misinformation about animals to children. I'm suggesting a more "realistic" alternative way of reproduction for chickens instead of Love Mode and throwing eggs.

    The idea is pretty straightforward, it's basically what I stated in the title. I'm not sure yet about the exact chance, maybe 1/8 (same as by throwing).

    This would cause a few complications so here are my solutions for them:

    • It only applies to eggs lain by chickens. If a player or a dropper drops an egg, it will despawn.

    • If a chicken can't despawn, (this happens when they're closed in using fences) it only lays eggs if fed regularly (with seeds, obviously). If it isn't fed for a full Minecraft day, it won't lay eggs.

    I think this is not that different from Love Mode and could be balanced. I'm aware that this is a mechanic which has been this way for very long but look what they've done to Zombie Pigmen? So, overall, I think this idea can be balanced and fits the current mindset of the developers.

    If you have further suggestions or noticed goofs/exploits for this idea, leave them in the comments! :)

    EDIT: I didn't state but only imply that this should be instead of Love Mode.

    EDIT #2: There could be some visual representation of a 'hungry' chicken. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/OneThee
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    Copper oxidation

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    A copper block should not oxidise when surrounded by solid blocks it can only oxidise when there is an air besides it.

    submitted by /u/No_name-69
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    bone blocks should be crafted into 9 bones not bone meal

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    title says it all title says it all

    submitted by /u/icantthinkofth23
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    red nether fortress

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    a nether fortress would have a 1/100 chance of being a red nether fortress

    submitted by /u/icantthinkofth23
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    Piglins should have a chance to spawn with Netherite swords.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Considering the "lore" for Ancient Debris is that the Piglins mined away all the Netherite a loooong time ago, it would make sense if this could be seen occasionally in a select few Piglins still wielding what amounts to ancient heirlooms.

    They shouldn't drop them of course, as that would make getting netherite swords much too easy through automatic farms, but they should use them in combat if they have one.

    submitted by /u/Uncommonality
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    Pillagers Shouldn't Sink in Powder Snow

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    They appear to be wearing leather boots and professionally travel all biomes. It makes sense!

    submitted by /u/SquashImportant6189
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    boss themes

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    Usually in other games, the bosses have their own theme, and it would be interesting if the ender dragon and whiter their own themes, it would give a lot more epic emotion, making the battle more memorable, (I like the minecraft music, but calm themes don't combine much with battle)

    The music would start only when you meet the mob, and end when you beat it

    Even though it's something simple, music can change completely the feeling of anything, it doesn't need to be a super orchestra, I think something like pokémon does it's enough

    there's a guy on youtube who made a wither theme, I think some like this would be cool what u guys think about?

    submitted by /u/vader_milgrau
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    Some ideas for brushes in the new update

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    I was thinking about brushes, and how for now, as far as we know, they are only used for archeology.

    I had two ideas for other ways that brushes could be used.

    1. If you left-click on a painting with a brush, it changes to another painting of the same size. This way, you don't have to constantly remove and replace paintings to get the one you want. This makes sense as a mechanic because it is kind of like a paintbrush.

    2. If you left-click on an item frame with a brush, and the item frame already has an item in it, the item frame will become invisible. This would be a good way to implement invisible item frames in survival. So for example, if you want it to look like there is a piece of paper on a block, you can put a paper in the item frame and make the item frame invisible and then just the paper is left. If an item is taken out of an invisible item frame, the item frame would become visible again so that you don't lose track of where you placed it.

    submitted by /u/AlbatrossReddit
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    Goats losing a horn after ramming a tree

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    I think it would be a lot more realistic if goats lost horns after rammin a tree. (I meant the texture of the goat)

    submitted by /u/Rzyszart
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    Goat horn functionality

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    Imagine if you could enchant the goat horn with the same enchantments you enchant a sword with. When blowing the goat horn, everyone in a 20 block radius gets the enchantments that the goat horn had, if they already had max enchantments, the goat horn would add another tier to them, after a while the affect would go away and the goat horn would need time to recharge like an enderpearl (but much longer) The goat horn has enough durability for around 8 uses and once broken will keep it's enchantments but become a "cracked" horn much like an elytra, it will then need to be combined with another goat horn to be repaired

    I think this would insentifise fighting in a group and would be useful against the stronger enemies that will most definitely arrive in 1.17

    Quick note: If the bearer of the horn dies whilst the effect is active, it will disappear

    submitted by /u/big_G_is_huge
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    Sticky Piston Recipe Uses Honey

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    I just realized that whilst you can use honey to make honey blocks which has a very similar function to slime blocks, you can't use honey for making sticky pistons.

    Sticky pistons are an integral part of redstone machineries. I don't find myself encountering slimes often enough to get slimeballs for a very basic sticky piston. This is especially true for the early game. I am aware that slime farms are a thing but sometimes you wanna get your hands on a couple of sticky pistons before the very tedious process of slime farming. (This includes finding a slime chunk [manually if you're trying to avoid tool assists as much as possible], clearing the area, setting up the grinding system, and then setting up the collection system). Even with tool assist to find slime chunks so that you can skip the grindy process of making flat places per chunk and separating them with fences/walls, you still have to light up the nearby cave systems to isolate slime spawning (and with the upcoming cave update, it gets even harder).

    So to cut this post short, I simply wish we could use honey instead of slimeball for sticky pistons. If that's too op, then I'd be fine if it required honeycomb or honey block instead of just a bottle. Bottom-line is, please make sticky pistons more accessible early into the game.

    submitted by /u/Yan-gi
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    Have less desert villages, and replace them with caravans.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    There are already too many villages as there are. Someone else in this subreddit mentioned that the deserts should be much bigger. However, instead of having many desert villages, reduce their generation and replace them with a caravan. This would sort of be like the wandering trader, but with multiple villagers and Camels or Donkeys that hold all of the loot! And when your < a 20 block radius from the caravan, there's a 10% chance they would fight to the death with you to protect their stuff. These caravans would have the typical villagers. But there will always be the caravan leader, this leader is the one with the most valuable goods, With these caravans, you could either:

    A) Give them something rare that they could possibly not have, like a map of a foreign distant land or a plant, and if they don't have that item and want it, in exchange, they would give you something worth your while. Like a totem of undying or a map to a woodland mansion. The caravan leader would be the most difficult to trade with. Because with the leader, you can't simply just trade items for emeralds with them. They are experienced in traveling, they have seen everything. You will have 3 chances to prove your worthiness with them, if you can show them something they have never seen before, they will give you something very rare and valuable. However, with that, they could also reject your item. If they reject your items 3 times, you can no longer trade with any member of the caravan. This a little similar to piglins in the nether when you give them gold.

    B) Simply trade with them for their valuables with emeralds. With the exception being the caravan leader.

    I think this would be really fun and different than to just see a village all the time with the same type of stuff. Idk I'm just throwing out ideas here.

    submitted by /u/Ronnybeans
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