• Breaking News

    Minecraft Since Copper is now available in Minecraft can we have green flames.

    Minecraft Since Copper is now available in Minecraft can we have green flames.

    Since Copper is now available in Minecraft can we have green flames.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    Starting a fight between two wardens will give you the "He started it!" achivement

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    I was thinking, since wardens can't really see and will attack anything that makes noise, they shouldn't be able to be neutral against other wardens...so my guessing is that the warden will be a rare encounter and if the player can find AND cause two wardens to fight each other (Because they also make noise) he will get this achievement...and it can be under the mining achivement tab because they live in really deep caves. Also the fact that wardens are strong it will make challenging to lure towards a second one.....(or potentially using a lead)

    submitted by /u/AceFireskull
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    Right-clicking a Spider with a Skeleton spawn egg turns it into a Spider Jockey

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    Apply this to all other mobs with Jockey variants as well (Cave Spider Jockeys, Strider Jockeys, etc)

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    Crystals from Geodes should redirect Beacon Lasers.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    Crystals should be able to redirect beacon lasers so you could make horizontal lasers or downward beacon lasers.

    • You could have a secret red-stone contraption point a beacon laser to a wall map. Thus having secret areas while still knowing where they are.

    • You could make a "Laser" Fence with red beacons.

    • If a beacon laser hits a target block, the target block activates. Thus making "fiber" cables.

    Feedback Website Link| https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360073645731-Crystals-from-Geodes-should-redirect-Beacon-Lasers-

    submitted by /u/TheGallantRobot
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    Bats need a Use.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    They are the mostly useless mob in the game. They don't drop anything at all. They could drop bat wings for potions. Maybe you could make strong night vision potions with them. They need something they are completely useless.

    submitted by /u/IHaveGoodHairline
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    Potion Recipe Book

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Potion Recipe Book

    In versions prior to 1.16, novice players had no way of knowing about the existence of portals to the Nether directly from the game. For this reason, the developers decided to add broken portals all over the world.

    On the other hand, a similar case occurs with potions: the players have no direct way of knowing the recipe for them, and with this book this would be solved, in addition to encouraging exploration. This plus some slight improvements and changes to the witch houses will make this important part of the game as potions consistent.

    Representation and images:

    Oh, look! A Witch Hut!


    I wonder what's inside that chest

    (Witch's chest has nether related items, because that's how she manage to make potions. She had to go to the nether in the first place)

    A Magic Book?

    Recipe Book (Representation: Strength Potion Recipe made with a mysterious item)

    submitted by /u/Kezk_
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    The ability to remove saddles from striders non lethally

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    Unlike some other suggestions, this isn't an awesome and unique new feature, just something to help players who don't want to kill a strider they are riding. This could also be applied to pigs, and it could function similar to horse inventories.

    submitted by /u/CarelessStruggle
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    The creepers who spawn in the cave should be gray.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    The creepers who spawn in the cave should be gray.

    Logically Creepers are like chameleon, they are green in the outside world because greens is the color who appear more, since in the cave grays is everywhere they should be gray like that.

    Note : Here it's just an example, Mojang can make a better creeper cave skin than that.


    submitted by /u/EfficientProduct0
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    The warden should be the ONLY mob in the Deep Dark

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    I've heard a few suggestions for new mobs in the Deep Dark, but I think it should be the Warden's territory, as if all the other mobs are terrified of the Warden. This would add to the sense of terror and mystery surrounding the Wardens, which Mojang is clearly going for.

    submitted by /u/andmurr
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    Wardens should attack all mobs

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    in real life, animals with poor eyesight are startled by any sounds and attack anything that moves. So, it would be pretty cool if a Warden were to hear all mobs and attack them all. This would be cool to watch, realistic, and it would be helpful for the player to getaway.

    submitted by /u/Minecraft_Warrior
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    New Gamerules

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    /gamerule maxHealth (Hearts) - Changes the maximum hearts of health of players. [Default = 10]
    /gamerule naturalRegeneration Slow/Normal/Fast - Changes how fast a player naturally regenerates their health when taking damage or if they do at all. As of now, it can only be disabled [Default = Normal]
    /gamerule dayDuration (Minutes) - Change the duration of a Minecraft day. [Default = 20]
    /gamerule spawnRate Animals/Monsters/(Mob) Off/Low/Normal/High - Change the spawn rate of animals, monsters, or a specific mob or disable them. [Default = Normal]
    /gamerule chestLoot Basic/Normal/Powerful - Change how powerful loot in naturally generated chests are. [Default = Normal]
    /gamerule monsterViewRange Small/Normal/Big - Change how many blocks away a monster has to be from a player before they target them.
    /gamerule waterNether True/False - Change whether water evaporates in the nether or not. [Default = False]
    /gamerule fireSpread Slow/Normal/Fast - Change how fast fire can spread. Can only be disabled as of now. [Default = Normal]
    /gamerule explosionRadius Small/Medium/Big - Change the radius of explosions from TNT, creepers, and beds outside the overworld.
    /gamerule keepInventory clear - An already existing command but doing "clear" would make a player's items vanish rather than drop.

    submitted by /u/PieCreeper
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    New Spider: The Mossdoor Spider!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    New Spider: The Mossdoor Spider!

    Mossdoor Spider

    A player is wandering the Lush Caves, enjoying the beauty of the overgrown caverns. They are about to turn back… wait. That wall wasn't there before, was it? No, definitely not, as that is the way they came from. Is this an elaborate troll from a friend? Must be, as they go to mine out the wall. Suddenly, the wall comes to life and attacks them, taking a chunk of their health and opening up to show them the face of a spider! They try to hit it, but it has put it's abnormally large legs in front of it, blocking the blow. This player has just been attacked by a Mossdoor Spider.


    Mossdoor Spiders are slightly larger than normal Spiders, with grey and green colored chitin, with oversized front legs shaped like shields, that are as tall as two blocks. Their front legs function as both a disguise and a large shield, and the placement of their eyes has four in the front and two on either side of their face. This is so they can see even when their forelegs are in front of them.

    Spawning and Behavior

    They are slightly more common than witches, and only spawn in Lush Caves. When they spawn, their first objective is to find a small space. When they reach it, they will put their forelegs into the space, changing their forearms color to whatever matches the blocks they hide next to. When hiding, mobs will think the spider is a wall and will not attempt to walk through it. When a player gets close enough, they become hostile and lunge towards the player in an effort to get the first strike. If they are discovered through other means, (projectile from player, fire getting too close, water or lava pushing them etc.) they will still be hostile, but keep their front legs up and charge the player. If a player approaches them from behind, they will try to turn around and set their disguise up before the player sees them.

    When they charge the player, they will hold their forelegs in front of them, which will act as a shield and block attacks from that side, as well as deflect any arrows shot their way. When lunging, they will pull their legs back, exposing their face, and try to bite the player. Like a Vindicator, they need to recover between lunges, and during this time they will leave themselves exposed. They will, however, recover immediately after receiving damage, as well as naturally recover a little faster than a Vindicator. They can have their front legs "disabled" for a moment with an axe the same way players can lose their ability to use their shield if struck with an axe, though they will no longer need to recover for a time if this happens. They are terrified of fire and will run away if they see it.

    Attack, Health and Drops.

    Their lunge does 4-5-7 damage on Easy-Normal-Hard mode, and they have twenty-two points of health.

    They drop:

    Name Chance Amount How
    Exp orb 100% 7 Killed by player or their pet
    String 100% 1-3 Killed by anything
    Herbal Fang 100% 1 Killed by anything
    Spider Eye 75% 1-2 Killed by anything

    Herbal Fang

    Herbal Fangs can be used in a furnace to make Green dye, if the player cannot find a desert. However, their main use comes in potions. If you mix it into an awkward potion, you will get a Potion of Herbal Healing. A Potion of Herbal Healing will give the player Resistance I, Regeneration II, and Weakness II for one minute and thirty seconds. If you mix it with redstone, it will be increase to four minutes, and mixing it with glowstone will increase it's effect to Resistance II, Regeneration V, and Weakness IV, but shorten the time to forty-five seconds.


    Let it be known I am bad at building, yet horrible when drawing. For that reason, I made it in Minecraft. This is just to give you an idea about how it will look, and if it does get in the game, I hope it gets a better texture. I did not build the legs on the left side so you could see it's face.

    Mossdoor Spider from the right.

    Mossdoor Spider from the front.

    My Reasons

    1. The idea of a mimic mob would be a way to keep players on their toes when exploring caves(other than creepers).
    2. A mob using a shield would force players to play differently as they could no longer just swing their sword at a baddy.
    3. Herbal Fangs would be a new way to get resistance.
    4. Spiders need love right now. They have not seen a major change since the addition of a new AI in the 1.8 snapshots. Other mobs, like the zombie and skeleton, already have three variants. Spiders need an update in the form of their new brother(or sister).
    submitted by /u/WardenWatcher
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    Both obsidian versions should be used to make purple fire.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:23 AM PDT

    It would make sense since the nether portal is purple and is made by setting an obsidian frame on fire. It would also correspond with the color of both versions. In addition to this, the purple fire would better fit in the end environment (at least on the top of those obsidian towers or what it is)

    submitted by /u/Bobor77
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    A Use For Leather

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    So golden armour got a use. I don't think I've ever made leather armour in my 11 years of Minecraft.

    Warden and Skulk Preventers

    So, what if leather damped the sounds you made. Like, it wouldn't completely stop the sound, it's just you have to be a lot closer to the sound detecting thing for it to hear.

    Edit: Leather armour

    submitted by /u/Mr_Mudkip_420
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    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    I feel with the new caves and cliffs update, there should be mesa canyons since the increased height limit has been pretty much confirmed, i think that you should be able to just be walking along what seems to be a flat mesa to find a giant canyon in the ground, i imagine the top would have to be flush with the rest of the terrain since well yeah, but i feel this could add a bit of extra to minecraft. And before you say "minecraft already has canyons in mesa biomes" no those are not canyones they are not dents in the ground with rivers they are high stacks of clay with a flat sandy bottom with a few lakes they are called mesa biomes because they are mesa's.

    submitted by /u/Fantastic_Air2013
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    The deep dark caves should have low ceiling and be potentially made of hard blocks

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    The Warden is a cool and scary mob, but think about it. What players would do is tower up and kill it like the iron golem. What if instead the ceiling was low? If players need to tower up, they need to break first, which gives time for the warden to reach them. Even better, if the ceiling was made of hard blocks, it will take even more time to break. Also in my opinion, it might give a scarier feel if done right. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Haboux
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    A few ideas I have for creeper variants

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    I think it's time for the most iconic mob in the game to get a few variants. I won't be adding any variants that remove that iconic light green texture from them so no chameleon creepers, I think those might be fps anyway. I also think that creepers that are hard to see would be infuriating anyway, isn't their complete silence bad enough? I hope to make them visually interesting and maybe funny, they will all have unique mechanics as well

    I'm sorry if this is a little long

    Slimy Creeper

    A creeper covered in translucent slime that spawns in swamp biomes

    • slightly slower than a normal creeper
    • drops gunpowder and slimeballs on death
    • leaves a trail of slime behind them that slows entities down (no you can't harvest it)
    • It's explosion does half damage but covers the area around it in sticky slime
    • Creepers that get touched by a large slime turn into slimy creepers

    Snowy Creeper

    A creeper covered in powdery snow that spawns in cold biomes

    • has a constant shivering animation
    • you can see it's breath every now and then with a little particle effect
    • skin is ever so slightly paler
    • It explodes like normal, but it has a 1 in 10 chance of sneezing and exploding instantly
    • drops gunpowder and snowballs
    • creepers will turn into snowy creepers if they are in cold biomes too long or if it snows and will return to normal in warmer biomes
    • have a sad/worried expression on their face

    Prickly Creeper

    A creeper that had an unfortunate encounter with a cactus, they will spawn in deserts and badlands

    • Prickly creepers are covered in thorns
    • they hiss in pain occasionally
    • their explosions fling thorns everywhere that damage on contact
    • if the thorns miss they'll land on the ground, stepping on them will damage you again
    • will explode even in you run out of range (the thorns will get you anyway)
    • creepers that bump into a cactus will become a prickly creeper
    • drops gunpowder and thorns on death
    • Thorns can be placed by players to set traps

    Beehive creepers

    A creeper that has a beehive on its head, they will spawn in any warm forest biome

    • won't be able to see you and will detect players by sound
    • they'll have trouble finding players who are crouching
    • all their hisses will be muffled
    • might accidentally walk off cliffs or into lava
    • hitting them might spawn 2 to 4 angry bees
    • bees that spot them will follow them around and attack players who harm them
    • drops honeycomb and gunpowder on death
    • you can shear them to get the hive and turn them back into normal creepers

    So these are my ideas for creeper variants that mostly keep their iconic look add a few fun and funny mechanics, please share any criticism you have for my post and ideas

    submitted by /u/Chub-bop
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    Splashing villagers with weakness and having a zombie kill them should turn them into a zombie villager regardless of the difficulty.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    Turning villagers into zombie villagers can be risky if you're not on hard difficulty. I think splashing villagers with weakness should always turn them into a zombie villager regardless of the difficulty. This can be great for people not wanting to play on hard difficulty that want to do trading in their world.

    submitted by /u/Linux1810
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    Ancient debris should be more common in the Basalt Deltas.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    (If you don't feel like reading much right now, the bold text should explain it clearly enough).

    The main 2 reasons for this suggestion in my opinion are:

    Lore-wise: It has been officially stated by Mojang that ancient debris found by humans are just leftovers of mining made by piglins. And, it just happens to be that Basalt Deltas is the only biome where no piglins can be found at all (since there are no bastions in this biome, and piglins don't naturally generate in the basalt delta either).

    Gameplay-wise: This is also an important one, because unlike netherrack, basalt can't be insta-mined without haste (which can only be obtained in survival with a beacon), not even with a netherite pickaxe with Efficiency 5. So to compensate for all that extra time spent breaking blocks, ancient debris should be more common in this biome.

    My suggestions for this implementation:

    I'd say ancient debris in basalt deltas should be anywhere from 115% (2.15 times as much) to 190% (2.9 times as much) more common than in the other nether biomes (the exact figure is up to Mojang to decide).
    The maximum numbers of ancient debris' veins in Basalt Deltas should be 4, unlike the other biomes, in which the maximum number is 2.

    Thank you for your attention.

    If you wish for this to be a feature implemented into the game, you can vote for my suggestion in the official Minecraft feedback site by clicking on the following link: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360073727092-Ancient-debris-should-be-more-common-in-Basalt-Deltas.

    submitted by /u/TheDragonWarrior2284
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    Chandelier: a ceiling-mounted light source for fancy decoration

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Since the Caves & Cliffs update is supposedly introducing candles into the game, it might be a rather nice idea to introduce chandeliers, a purely decorative light source made from candles, shiny metal ingots (iron, gold, even maybe copper) and string (or even chains). Chandeliers can only be placed below a solid block, emit a light level of 15 and can be turned off with right click and reignited with a Flint and Steel. They would bring more decorative options to buildings and look very NICE.

    A few examples (missing copper)

    submitted by /u/Marcc_Zuccman
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    [Brainstorm] Next dimension portal should be in the woodland mansion

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    I think that it will be a long time before mojang ever considers adding more dimensions to minecraft. That cant stop me from wanting one though. Interdimensional travel is one of my favorite parts of the game. If they do implement a different dimension theres a few things to think about. Right now there is the nether and the end in addition to the overworld. There is a progression from overworld to nether to end. Any new dimension will have to fit into the context of that dimension somehow. In order to get to the end, you need to go mining and find diamonds*, construct a portal to hell and fight blazes in a nether fortress, then find the stronghold and open the portal. That's an interesting and cool progression especially as a singleplayer experience, and any other dimension should work in a similar way. The woodland mansion would be an excellent location for another dimensional portal. The process of using the portal could use nether materials, or not, as finding a woodland mansion is usually something that occurs after the player is sufficiently geared up.

    submitted by /u/8gH
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    Add (and remaster) the long removed Calm 4 as a music disc

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    The song is great honestly, not as ambiance (quite agitated for Minecraft ambience) but as a disc it would be not too out of place. Remastering it would also be a great idea since it seems to be quite "crude" when it comes to other parts of the Minecraft OST.

    submitted by /u/iamuselessnoob
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    Goats should be “milkable”

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    Goats should be able to be milked. Pretty simple. Or have their own milk called goat milk which could have its own effects. I haven't really fleshed this idea out much but it could be interesting?

    submitted by /u/A-Normal-Talking-Dog
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    "Copper wiring" can be used to buff Iron Golems

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    A new item called copper wiring can be used on Iron Golems to increase the conductivity of their circuits, improving their speed and strength by 15% each one used, but decreasing their maximum health by 7.5% due to the wires being a weakness if cut.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
    [link] [comments]


