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    Minecraft A Trident should always be able to be found in an Ocean Monument.

    Minecraft A Trident should always be able to be found in an Ocean Monument.

    A Trident should always be able to be found in an Ocean Monument.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    Ocean Monuments are really cool, but they also lack a whole lot of loot. As it stand, the only reason you would go through an one is for sponges and access to a nice set of building blocks, which are very nice, but are kind of situational, and not really all that important (the gold is also nice, but gold's not that hard to get anyways). In addition (and more importantly, I think), tridents are an incredibly cool weapon, that you ultimately don't use very much because it's up to ridiculous RNG to obtain one. I think it would make tridents and Ocean Monuments more useful if you could get one (or maybe more) tridents in an ocean temple. It's also appropriate, thematically! Perhaps the gold room could be redesigned to put the trident on display in it.

    Edit: If you want to vote for it, vote for it here!

    submitted by /u/The_NecroMemer
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    The Light, IT BUUURNS!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    This would be simillar to "An Uneasy Alliance"

    You'll have to somehow bring The Warden from the Deep Dark all the way to the surface. And then kill it.

    Edit: changed it so it's not as confusing Edit 2: i'll put this on the feedback website soon

    submitted by /u/BOIO_Official
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    Axolotl sitting on your head.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    Axolotl sitting on your head.

    Tell me how this wouldn't be a feature that we would all want?
    There doesn't need to be a use, just like parrots on your shoulders.


    submitted by /u/SquidingTin
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    Updating Silk Touch

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    This is not the standard "Waahh, I want to pick up mob spawners to make insane farms", instead what I am proposing wouldn't be overpowered and would only provide buiding blocks.

    When Silk Touch is used to mine a spawner, it should drop the empty spawner cage. This means the spawner becomes useless and nothing more than a unique and rare building block. A similar thing would happen with the new Amethyst blocks, where when silk touched they lose their ability to grow crystals.

    submitted by /u/Flynt_Foxx
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    Clouds need a rework, now more than ever.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 05:24 AM PDT

    1.17 is shaping up to be a great update, but as I was watching Minecraft Live and the footage of the beautiful new mountainss, I couldn't help but notice one thing: the clouds were passing straight through the mountains. For many years, I've felt that clouds need a rework, but now It's absolutely essential.

    A have a few ideas in this matter. For starters, clouds should no longer clip through blocks. They should interact with blocks, parting around the mountain peaks. This would also eventually allow for improved cloud generation, even possibly something existing on clouds.

    As always, feedback is welcome.

    submitted by /u/tempestalphaprime
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    Reintroduce void fog for deep dark cave biome

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    Void fog would give better atmosphere and feel to the deep dark biome and also would have more spooky feel to it .

    submitted by /u/ThunderArena
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    Amethyst storage blocks on beacons produce beams only visible by telescope

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Basically the Amethyst storage block would either be semi-transparent or function as if it were semi-transparent.

    You place one down on a beacon, and it looks as if it's emitting nothing, but pull out your trusty telescope and you can see a vibrant beam of amethyst-hued light.

    Useful for players who want to keep a low profile or possibly mapmaking.

    Vote on the Feedback Site

    submitted by /u/RazeSpear
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    After your first raid, Illagers send assassins after you

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    Would be cool and add a but of lore to the Illager side. After your first raid, the Illagers would all now know that your on their enemies side and a great threat to Illager-kind. So now they will send an Illager assassin to come after you. It could be a new Illager, or one that already exists within the code. The assassin spawns randomly, and would often ambush you out of nowhere as long as your in the overworld.

    submitted by /u/Ze_Illusioner
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    Deep dark sea

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    I have no idea if this has been suggested before but seeing as the Glow Squid won, wouldn't it be cool if it could spawn inside of a deep dark underwater cave? (Located near or connected to a deep dark cave). If I understood it correctly, the squid will only glow like the endermen's eyes which would make it look similar to an angler fish swimming around in dark waters. Of course there should probably be something else inside of the deep dark sea or whatever it would be called. Perhaps a chest or two with something rare inside. The chests would of course be hard to find, due to the very low light level. This feels kinda boring however so does anyone else have any good ideas?

    submitted by /u/BIonty
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    Steel in the Cave and Climb Update

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Steel in the Cave and Climb Update

    We have at this time Netherite Armor who is an improved Diamond armor thanks to the Smith Table why not Steel Armor who will be an improved Iron armor.

    Currently, Blast Furnaces simply smelt ores at twice the rate of the normal furnace (and consume fuel at an equally faster rate).

    This is nice, but not super unique or complex. What if Furnace can be used to make Steel ore too like real life for example you need a new item call the enriched Iron :

    Enriched Iron = 4 Coals + 5 Irons

    After in the Blast Furnace you use a lava bucket who will be the fuel you need to use for have steel with the enriched iron.

    Steel will take 2X more time to cook unlike Iron.

    After that you need a smith table to improve your iron weapons, tools or armors.

    Ex : Iron Sword + 1 Steel ingot = Steel Sword

    Iron Chestplate + 1 Steel ingot = Steel Chestplate


    Advantage of Steel :

    - Steel will be more strong in durability and strenght than iron but less strong than diamond.

    - +1 Knockback Resistance (Knowing Steel is more heavy than Iron)

    - +1 Arrow Resistance

    Sometimes when you create a new minecraft world you can if you are lucky find diamonds in the first days but sometimes you can be unlucky in a minecraft world and find diamond much later even if you will mine a lot. Steel will be considered too like an alternative to diamond, if the player can't find diamond yet, if he want to go to dangerous place and don't want to have diamond because for him it will take a lot of time to find diamonds or if he don't want to lose his diamond gear or netherite gear, the steel will be useful for these situations.

    submitted by /u/EfficientProduct0
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    If this update is full of contrasts, then fire & ice caves would be great.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Ice caves would generate under cold biomes, they would be full of different ice blocks. New variant of stalagmites (icicles) and a new stone variant would be cool. There would be new type of danger - cracked ice. It would break under player, if we stand on it for too long.

    Fire caves should generate deep. They would be full of lava, magma blocks and maybe new stone variant. New block (ash) that would behave like gravel/sand (affectes by gravity). Here a new hostile mob would be grear, maybe some fire elemental or something.

    Both caves could also have some unique plants/decorations, too.

    submitted by /u/Jacob_Poland
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    Mineshaft Exits.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    Underground mineshafts should have some sort of exit to the surface otherwise how were they made in the first place?

    I propose either a regular exit or a abandoned/caved in exit that randomly generated connecting caves to the surface.

    Perhaps a minecart track leading down into it? Perhaps slightly broken?

    That's basically the whole suggestion. I'm sure people below can expand.

    submitted by /u/Rogocraft
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    Copper: The Trinket Ore

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Currently copper is shown to make three things at Minecraft Live:

    1: Decoration blocks that oxidize into a green color

    2: A lightning rod

    3: A telescope

    These are pretty limited niches, and a lot of players will probably ignore copper once they've found one vein. This idea will expand upon one of the things that copper already makes, the telescope.

    Copper will have the use of crafting trinkets. This is a new niche that no other ore has, and it makes copper more useful. Trinkets are items that give you passive abilities, (that aren't just potion effects or enchantments.)

    It also comes with a new inventory slot, specifically for trinkets. We already have an item that can be put in here, that's the telescope.

    I currently find that having to hold the telescope in your hand to be a little too tedious, so there can be a new button to toggle on the trinket, and toggle it off. It's like a zoom key, but it's more versatile because the trinket slot can house different items than just the telescope.

    Here are some random examples of what trinkets could be, in no particular order:

    A trinket that allows you to open your ender chest inventory from anywhere with a key press.

    A trinket that increases your item and experience pick up range

    A trinket that makes you immune to all positive and negative status effects.

    A trinket that converts all experience gained into restoring your hunger bar instead of your exp bar.

    A trinket that increases a builder's reach for building and breaking blocks.

    So on and so forth. Remember these ideas are for showing the possibilities of what trinkets can do, not actual suggestions. If you're worried about having all these trinkets clog your inventory, bundles and shulker boxes solve that problem.

    You could also have trinkets be used as loot for certain archeology digs, or even structure loot.

    I mainly focused on copper in this post, but you can technically make amethyst the trinket ore instead, since it doesn't have a (known) niche either.

    So what do you think of my suggestion? Do you think there's anything that should be added onto this? Does copper, or amethyst, fit with this idea more?

    submitted by /u/Punchwood5786
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    Slime caves

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    Due to the new Minecraft update 1.17. new caves are added. Now slimes spawn in slime chunks. These chunks are difficult to find and you often need to use an extension tool. In these new slime caves only slimes spawn and the slime chunks will be removed. These slime caves are small and are present in normal cave systems and contain a slime spawner. This also removes the irritation of slimes spawning in your base.

    submitted by /u/Jim_Wal
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    Caves and Cliffs: Pigeons

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    With the upcoming caves and cliffs update, we need a mob that can live within the cliffs: The Pigeon. Pigeons would add atmosphere as well as a cool game mechanic: the ability to transport an item by air. You might make one your pet, just like a parrot, by feeding them seeds.

    submitted by /u/Minesikes
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    Noteblocks should hold the tone as long as it is powered.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    A simple change making the creation of noteblock music easier.

    submitted by /u/NorseKSPnerd
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    End update

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    The ends is really boring, so I have some ideas for improving it without getting too mod idea.

    Also fun fact: the end has less features than caves. Anyway, let's start.

    Key Features:

    New biomes (a forest is a must)

    Start in the outer islands instead of the boss battle

    Special structures that teleports you to the Ender Dragon battle (they are at all cardinal directions to the dragon battle)

    New ores (Endersteel or anything else)

    More mobs (Enderman vive mobs and food sources)

    New plants (food)

    DISCLAIMER: Read this before you downvote: This is just an idea, if you don't want some features, it's OK, but don't yell at me pls

    submitted by /u/TheMcStrider
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    Digging up unique strong tools/ weapons in archeology

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    I think that you should have a very rare chance to dig up a tool or weapon at dig sites or even a combinable item that makes a sword strong like a jewelled sword

    Amethyst should be able to be made into a necklace that gives special enchantments for example night vision to fit the theme of caves or water breathing but over time it will lose durability and eventually can't be used so to "recharge" it you will need to place it inside a geode or something like that so that it's not op

    submitted by /u/lordcedry87
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    Underground/Cave Music

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    This one is very self-explanatory.

    I love Minecraft's OST to death. Every time new music has been introduced, I get super excited. So, I propose to you all, Underground/Cave music!

    This would be similar to the Nether's music system. There would be pieces that are exclusive to each biome, and other pieces for either the rest of the underground, or would have a chance of playing even in the biomes with exclusive music. For example, there would be a few tracks that play wherever you are underground. If you are in a biome however, that biome-exclusive track would be added to the pool of tracks that could randomly be picked.

    We've all (I'd assume) wanted a Cave update for so long, and caves don't have much ambience other than those nostalgic creepy sounds. This would make the experience a lot more fulfilling.

    And an extra thing before sending this suggestion into the pool of suggestions: Maybe we could see another music disc? After listening to Pigstep so much, I'd think a good chunk of us would want another disc (not saying Pigstep aged poorly; in fact, it aged like fine wine). This disc could maybe be found in the Archaeology sites, or maybe a new structure underground!

    So what do you all think? I would love to see this, especially after seeing the Nether and Underwater getting treated well. The main inspiration of this post would have to be that wild-west-sounding track when the Warden was shown off. I hope that's a piece we could see in-game, as we don't have any wild-west-sounding compositions!

    submitted by /u/BeeKay64
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    Improve Glowsquid

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Im literally sad that some players called the glowsquid useless, if there is a chance of improving the glowsquid i think they should add glowinks and use it to make glowing leather armor or its mob behaviors to make it more a bit cool and cute and useful instead of just glowing like endermen's eyes and drop 7 ink sacs or prismarine

    submitted by /u/Memex21
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    Cloud Changes

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Here's some ways to make clouds cooler.

    Different Types Of Clouds

    I think this would be super cool to have. Every cloud in MC is the same, variation is nice. (Isn't that what 1.17 is all about?)

    As an addition, it could be possible that Cumulonimbus clouds are swimmable in certain parts.

    Local Weather could be added, where rain only happens under clouds, and only in a certain vicinity, Cumulonimbis clouds would be the ones that rain.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Mudkip_420
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    Phantom rework, make battles more fast paced+add a phantom lair

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Phantoms are found to be annoying cause they force you to sleep and are boring to fight against

    Make them faster and more aggresive in order to make battles less boring, add some new attack, make them capable of chasing a player with an elytra in a high speed chase

    Add a phantom lair, a structure in which you will find a block/loot/boss defeating/getting which will make you immune to insomnia, in order to fix the complaint of players about it forcing you to sleep and adding challange (since those two groups of players seem to overlap allot, since adventure seekers that dont want to stop in order to sleep tend to also like challange)


    submitted by /u/danilomm06
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    Turning the Underground Lakes into their own ecosystem.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    I feel as if the new biomes and additions to the caves presented in the Minecraft Live all have great potential, the Deep Dark and the Lush Caves especially. However, while these 2 biomes both feel like they're filled with things living in them, the Underground Lakes comparatively feel very empty and desolate at the moment. I feel like adding a rare variant of them, that's filled with it's own unique items and mobs, would be a very nice addition that could spice up exploration of this location.

    One of the first additions that come to mind isn't a new mob, but rather, a new plant. I feel like a variant of Seagrass, that is colored similarly to the Glow Squid's glowy blue coloration, would fit quite nicely for the lakes. They would likely be animated similarly to the current Seagrass, but they move much more slowly than their oceanic counterparts. They would also let off light, although a very faint amount- a light level from 2 - 4 would befit them; faint enough to not be distracting, but still enough to be noticeable from above.

    The glowy seagrass would mostly serve as a decorative block, much like current Seagrass is. It can be planted on any full block under-water, but it'll only grow at low light levels, somewhat like Mushrooms. You can still feed it to Sea Turtles, but it could also potentially be used to breed Glow Squids, which would give them the unique use of being the first relatively easy method of renewable Ink Sacs / Black Dye.

    I feel like moving life within these cavernous lakes should be kept few and far between. The Glow Squid is already a relatively large mob, and is likely slated to spawn within these locals, so I would like to direct the attention to a much smaller mob- the Cave Fish. Cave Fish would be able to spawn rarely in the Underground Lakes, in shoals of 2 - 3. They're similar to Tropical Fish, in the sense that they can spawn in various different shapes and sizes. However, they would all feature the same coloration- a pale, fleshy pink as their main body color, with a darker rose-pink as the accent color for their fins and tails; so like the default coloration of the new Axolotl mob. Their eyes would either be a blue-ish white in color.

    Cave Fish act similarly to Tropical Fish in terms of AI, except for one main difference. They're attracted to light sources, slowly drifting towards blocks that are underwater with a high light level in order to investigate. They would, in turn, be attracted to Glow Squids if there are any in the area, peacefully swimming near and alongside the Glow Squid. They are also extremely skittish, getting dispersed and swimming away if a player swims towards them.

    Cave Fish would mostly serve as a second food source while underground. Killing them drops a new items, the Raw Cave Fish, similar to the other Fish mobs already in the game. Eating it in this state would restore 2 hunger (1 shank), and give 3 saturation. If cooked, however, it will restore 6 hunger (3 shanks) and 12 saturation, making them an excellent food source if you have nothing else while underground. This is naturally balanced out by their relatively low numbers and rarity.

    Cave Fish can be bucketed, as can all other fish mobs.

    The final mob I wish to suggest would be a neutral mob for this new local, a rather rare one at that. Given the glowy nature of this biome, I believe it'd only be fitting if this mob utilizes bioluminescence in this environment. I will simply be calling it the Cave Lurker to make writing about it easier, but cooler name suggestions would be nice.

    I feel like the Cave Lurker would be a unique, Minecraft-exclusive design, inspired off of the Angler Fish. A mob that's 1 block tall and 1.5 blocks wide, with a crooked, japing lower maw, an glowing appendage with a Cave Fish near the top of it's head, and a dark gray body that's lined with occasional glowing spots. It's body also appears to have the glowy seagrass from earlier, growing out of it in a few spots.

    Where as the new Axolotl is an aggressive predator, this new mob would adopt the strategy of sitting and waiting. It'd sit near the bottom of these Cave Lakes, hiding amongst the glowing Seagrass. It's appendage has a Cave Fish attached to it, which will occasionally wave around. In the dark, the Lurker will idle near the cave floor, waiting for pray to come close. Cave Fish seem to be naturally attracted to the Lurker if they are in close enough proximity, slowly drifting towards it. Once they get close enough, however, the Lurker snaps, killing the Cave Fish and grabbing the item it dropped to eat it.

    Lurkers will generally be uninterested in other mobs, players included, unless they decide to drift too close to one, where they will be bitten by the Cave Lurker. The Lurker will deals 3 and 1/2 hearts of damage; not too much to be an issue if you have armor, but still enough to cause a player to be wary. After attacking a player or mob, the Cave Lurker will retreat to the darkest location it can and wait there. If the player or mob in question actively hurts the Cave Lurker, however, it'll become hostile and will begin to actively attempt and kill the aggressor in question.

    Cave Lurkers are neutral mobs to player, but they're aggressive to things that aren't players. As mentioned earlier, they will attack and eat Cave Fish that come too close, but they'll also go after any mob that 'glows'. They'll attack Glow Squids and other Cave Lurkers, as to make sure that they have no competition for sources of food.

    There's one other thing that can set off the Lurker aside from being provoked, being high light levels. If the area surrounding the Cave Lurker is any brighter than it is (let's say, a light level above 6), the Cave Lurker will retreat the darkest block available. The only exception to this is if it's attacked by the player, or if there's another Cave Lurker / Glow Squid in the vicinity, where it will become hostile until the thing is dealt with, after which it'll retreat.

    Basic Recap for those who don't want to read all that above:

    -Glowing Seagrass that spawns in Underwater caves. Is a decorative plant, and can be fed to Glow Squids and Sea Turtles. Grows only in low light levels.

    -Glow Squids can be bred with Glowing Seagrass, making them the first easily renewable source of Ink Sacs / Black Dye.

    -Cave Fish mob that spawns rarely. Similar to Tropical Fish, and are a great source of food while underground. Attracted to the lights of the Glow Squid and the Cave Lurker, and scared of players.

    -Cave Lurker, a neutral mob based off of the Angler Fish. Waits near the bottom of the lakes to attract Cave Fish and eat them. Attacks other Cave Lurkers and Glow Squids. Nips at players if they come too close, and becomes hostile if attacked.

    I feel like these 3 mobs would have a very unique dynamic with each other, and make the Underwater Caves feel as lived in as the other new biomes for 1.17. The only thing I'm struggling to think of is an actual purpose to the Cave Lurker. The only thing I can imagine is a useful item it could potentially drop, but I have no ideas.

    I'm also unsure what flair to categorize this as, so forgive me there if I get it wrong.

    Any ideas / criticisms for anything in this suggestion are welcome.

    submitted by /u/TheBerriesBush
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    Amethyst blocks/panes that can be seen through with a Telescope

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    I think this could be a neat way to put some secrets around your world. Amethyst blocks and/or panes would be made with amethyst crystals. Normally they would be completely opaque, but when using the Telescope they'd become highly transluscent but not invisible.

    This mechanic could also be used in reverse, for example we could have blocks crafted with deep dark cave materials that would normally be invisible, but using a Telescope would reveal them.

    submitted by /u/Buster_therealone
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