• Breaking News

    Minecraft Wardens should be able to sense the presence of the player even when they are invisible.

    Minecraft Wardens should be able to sense the presence of the player even when they are invisible.

    Wardens should be able to sense the presence of the player even when they are invisible.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:31 AM PDT

    Wardens are naturally blind creatures, so using invisibility is a bit counterintuitive. But this is where things get scary. Wardens are blind, but they can still hear you. When they do, they should attack the player regardless of being invisible or not. This will make the Warden a heck of a lot scarier. What is even scarier is the fact that this is what I think Mojang is going to do to the Warden!

    Do I regret asking for a buff for the warden? No, I regret nothing.

    submitted by /u/_Yemm_
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    Telescopes may occasionally be found in Pillager Outposts

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Since they are or seem to resemble watchtowers.

    Vote on the Feedback Site

    submitted by /u/RazeSpear
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    Wardens should fight endermen if they encounter them, but an enderman will never fight back, only flee

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    Endermen hate being looked at. A Warden... Uh... Can't do that. Wardens hate sound. Endermen do alot of that. Wardens will attack endermen, resulting in the enderman fleeing, not wanting to hurt a creature it sees as "respectful" or whatever the equivalent is

    submitted by /u/IWishIWasSuperKai64
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    Wardens should attack all mobs except creepers

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:35 AM PDT

    Wardens are mobs cursed with blindness. This makes them unable to know who is a player or who is any other mob. Everytime a zombie groans, gets hurt or walks near it, it should get alerted and kill it. This goes for mobs like skeletons snd spiders too. But, instead of attacking, they run away giving the Warden the image as something even the monsters fear. The Warden will eventually lose interest in the mobs if they get far enough.

    Creepers, on the other hand, will not be affected as they make no sound except when they blow up, at which point, they are already dead.

    The mobs will try to keep their distance from the Warden too.

    submitted by /u/DarshilGoel
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    Depths Meter

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 01:52 AM PDT

    Depths Meter

    Depths meter is an item that perfectly fits to the cave update. It is quite obvious how it works, the Y level is shown on the black screen. It works just like a clock or compass, you can just have it in inventory (or you can put it in the item frame) to see the Y level. It should be made of copper, as the new ore needs some new recipes. Some people may consider it useless, because it is simple to just press F3 to check the coordinates, but this feels like cheating for me, and it takes a lot of screen space.


    submitted by /u/Jacob_Poland
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    Flame arrows should light up nether portals

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    It would make sense if flame arrows could light up nether portals. It would also save an inventory spot if you don't take your lighter with you.

    submitted by /u/sk8rboi997
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    Other mobs should have hearing like the Warden, and have their vision limited to a FoV in front of their eyes.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    It's a little odd that all mobs can see 360 degrees around them, and more stealth mechanics would be somewhat welcome I think.

    So basically, mobs will all have their vision limited to a range in front of their faces (maybe wider for things like spiders), but will use a hearing mechanic like the warden to detect things behind them (and now through walls to a limited extent).

    However, unlike the warden they won't 100% depend on their hearing, and since they're not massively OP it won't be strictly necessary to sneak around them, but the option will be there.

    Some mobs, like spiders, will have better hearing than others.

    It would also make some sense for certain mobs to keep their current vision, like ghasts, as they would be too easy to avoid if you could just sneak past them (alternatively, their hearing could be just put through the roof so they hear even sneaking, or using a bow; to avoid being heard you would have to literally stand still).

    And as well, many atmospheric/passive mobs having hearing would be mechanically pointless and just waste processing power, like, what are fish going to be using hearing for? Or sheep? It's not like they have anything to hear and run away from (or towards).

    But the hostile mobs for sure should be able to hear.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Crabman
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    Soundless potion? Prototype name

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    Most things in minecraft have a counter potion, so i think minecraft should add a potion that makes you being silenced and dont agro wardens if you walk around, i was thinking about a recipe and i think an awkward potion with the new amethyst will be a good recipe for this potion

    submitted by /u/Tzetzi-swag
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    1.17: Climbing Pick

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Caves & Cliffs seems like the best time to introduce a new feature to the pickaxe, to help with the vast deep cave systems and high reading cliffs: a climbing pickaxe.

    I think you could really go multiple ways with this item. Either make it it's own separate item, maybe crafted similar to a pickaxe but utilizing something from goats, maybe their horns. I say this not just to give more use to goats but because they are very good climbers.

    Another option is to make it an addition to a pickaxe. Currently, pickaxes don't have a left click option (or L2, I play bedrock so when I say "left click" I mean L2) so this could be an option with that. You could make use of the smithing table again by adding a pickaxe and goat horn/goat item to upgrade it into a climbing pickaxe.

    Last option is make it an enchant that does not work with Fortunate III or Silk Touch I. Could just be "Climbing I" or possibly a second option for faster climbing.

    How I see it working is again, by utilizing L2 (whatever it is on PC/XBOX) to pick a block either in front of you or 3 blocks up. It cannot be used with ceiling blocks above you or floor blocks below you. Once you're on, you can continue to left click onto the blocks as begin climbing a like a ladder. The pick does not work on gravity effected blocks, and any block besides stone variants/nether/end it will have a couple seconds of holding. Once the pickaxe has been in for too long, the block will break, sending you back down.

    I feel coding this could be a pain, but when I think of "caves" or "cliffs" I automatically think of something like this, and I'm honestly surprised they didn't show anything like it in the showcase.

    Let me know what you think or what should be changed.

    submitted by /u/jlozier891
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    Axolotls should yawn sometimes.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    Axolotls are being added, and if you haven't seen or heard of one, then you are the enemy. Axolotls also have the cutest yawn in the world, search it up, I dare you. A small change to their texture so that they "yawn" would be cute, but to add to this effect they should be both staying still and looking at the player. Also, add a few bubble particles when they do so. All to add to their ever increasing cuteness.

    Down with the squid overlords, rise of the Council of the Axolotl.

    submitted by /u/_Yemm_
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    Wardens will attack Skeletons because their bones rattling irritates them

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    Look, I don't know. All you need to know about this concept is written in the title. Enough said.

    Edit: I intend for this to apply to other noisy mobs, I just didn't mention that in the title.

    Edit 2: Thanks for all the upvotes! I didn't think this idea would get that much attention.

    submitted by /u/RealSnqwy
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    Bedrock needs an F3 menu

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    Mojang has been saying for years that they eventually want to reach parity between the 2 versions. There still some big things missing like education edition on Java, good redstone on bedrock, combat, cross multiplayer (I can dream), etc. But one big thing that keeps getting overlooked is the F3 menu. In bedrock edition, using coordinates is considered cheating and will disable achievements. This isn't really fair and shouldn't be the case. I think the bedrock edition should get an option in the pause menu that says "Open Debug Menu" and it brings up the same f3 menu Java has had for a decade. No cheats, no disabling it. It's that simple.

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    Make it so water fills one side of glass panes.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    It's hella annoying to have to look at the water just floating there with a void between it and the glass. But when the glass pane is waterlogged it flows from both sides.

    submitted by /u/Turtle_Master_69
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    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    If implemented it will add a new golem that can shoot down any mob with its crossbow arm,The Scarecrow.

    Summoning:First you would palce one wooden plank,a hay bale with two wooden planks on either side,a carved pumpkin,and a hay bale on top.

    Appearance:The scarecrow would be four blocks tall with fence legs,blue leather pants as "jeans" red leather tunic as a shirt,a pumpkin head and a hay hay like the farmers one. One hand would be an iron hoe and the other would have a crossbow on it which is how it attacks.

    Attacks:When the scare crow spots and enemy it will first ready its crossbow then fire at the enemy,and if you drop tipped arrows near a scarecrow and it will use them untill it runs out returning to using regular arrows. While you can pick up the regular arrows that the scarecrow fires,but you can pick up tipped arrows he picked up and it would also have a slash attack where it would swing its hoe hand at any hostile mobs,it would also have fifty hp.

    Loot:If you kill a scarecrow it will drop from most to least common, three to nine wheat,three to nine sticks,four to five arrows,aa heavily damaged crossbow,iron how,Heavily damaged blue pants,Heavily danged red tunic, and they will always drop one Cornflower.

    Other:Every time you hit a scarecrow it will sound like creaking wood and the sound a zombie makes breaking a door. If you use a pair of shears on a scarecrow it will reveal its sack head with two black dots for eyes and a stiched smile. Hostile scarecrow will sometimes spawn near pillager out posts and walk around the structure,guarding it form the players. If a scarecrow is near any fully grown crops it will harvest them and leave them at any near by chest,it would also replant the crop. If any mobs trample farm land near a scarecrow it will walk over to the farm land and till it,but if it had crops on it the scare crow will hit the mob once then will the land and replant the crop.(your idea here)

    If you have any questions or suggestions,please let me know in the comments.

    submitted by /u/slenderender64
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    Telescopes should allow for waypoint creation

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    Currently I just see telescopes as a fun gimmick without any useful applications. Since a telescope is used for navigation, maybe it could allow for some sort of marking of waypoints. Either by binding them to Lodestones or just arbitrary blocks. I don't think the waypoints should be visible from anywhere in the world since that would completely invalidate the use of a compass. But it would be pretty cool if they could highlight one or more specific locations while you are in the area.

    Example of how this could be used:

    1. Mark a location underground to be able to return to it from the surface.
    2. Using two waypoints mark out perfectly straight lines between three locations
    3. Mark a block on a skybase and find the location of this block on the surface.

    I of course realize that this can all be accomplished using coordinates. I use them myself very often due to the lack of a better method, but in general it seems a bit like a "meta" feature. Something that is in the background and not directly conceived to help a survival-player. Implementing it this way would also not "force" players to use this feature but introduce it in a non-intrusive way that does not deviate too much from the current Minecraft experience.

    Idea: Since amethysts are used to create the telescope, the waypoint markers could be visualized as differently coloured crystals.

    submitted by /u/Leandrodon
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    Florats - Flowery Rats of the Lush Caves!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    Florats - Flowery Rats of the Lush Caves!

    I love the ambiance of the Lush Caves, and I'd like to add to that with the addition of this mob:

    The Florat

    A Florat.

    The Florat is a mob that floats around in the Lush Caves using the dandelion fluff around its neck. However, it's not just an another ambiance mob. It can be led around and bred with glowberries, and its scruff grows flowers on it over time, taking around as long as it takes for a baby Florat to mature to bloom. These flowers, once in full bloom, can be sheared to give the player anywhere from 2-5 random short flowers.

    Although they are intended to be farmed for their flowers, they are neutral in nature, and, if provoked, in a similar way to wolves or zombie piglins, will attack the player as a pack, swooping down to deal small but exponential amounts of damage. Upon dying, a Florat can drop 1-3 flowers (if its scruff is in bloom), 1-2 glowberries, and very rarely, a rabbit's foot.

    Overall, these mobs would add both ambiance and a sense of reward to the new Lush Caves biome, and provide a unique challenge if you attempt to fight them.

    - - -


    - - -

    A Florat in flight.

    A smiling Florat.

    Concept Art.

    - - -

    Thank you for reading, and if you like, you can check out this post on the official Minecraft feedback page!

    submitted by /u/sundewskies
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    Sweet Berry Bushes in Plant Pots

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    I just discovered you can't put them in Flower Pots, and I'm not at all sure why. They are quite a pretty item and if Cactus can go in a pot, I see no reason why Berries shouldn't be able to.

    submitted by /u/Bryzerse
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    New Swamp Biome Variation, Strange Swamp

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Variations of biomes (such as forests, cold biomes, etc) make Minecraft more vibrant, and while Swamps will be updated eventually, I was pondering over potential variations to the Swamp, and I think I've come up with one.

    Biome (Strange Swamp):

    The Strange Swamp has clumps of large and small land masses, lakes, and puddles, with both trees and large mushrooms dotting the landscapes. Witch Huts and Swamp Ruins spawn here.

    Now with the basic description of what the biome would look like let's take a look at some of the biomes features.


    A new tree type known as Rotting Oak Tree spawns here, this tree has strange dull grey leaves and a grey wood type known as Rotting Oak Wood. This wood cannot be used for signs, wood tools, doors, slabs, shields, and fences. However they can be used in crafting Planks that act as temporary trap blocks that break when a player steps on them. Logs have a stripped variant.

    These grey leaves have a chance of dropping Rotting Apples, which restores only 1 hunger and gives the hunger status effect for 10 seconds.

    Willow Trees, a tree type that is the minecraft equivalent to Willow Trees.


    Bouncy Slimes

    A Blue variation of slime that is immune to arrows. Bouncy Slimes also deal considerable knockback on hit.


    - Small (2) (3) (4)

    - Medium (5) (7) (9)

    -Large (18) (21) (24)


    - Small (4) (6) (8)

    - Medium (10) (11) (12)

    - Large (15) (18) (20)

    Drops Blue Slime Balls that make Blue Slime Blocks that bounce even higher than regular Slime Blocks.

    Fungified Husks

    A variant of Zombie that releases toxic spores that deal Poison 2 for 6 seconds upon taking damage.

    Drops Mushrooms and Rotten Flesh.


    An underwater predator with a sail on it's back that surfaces the water in wait of prey, will only attack non undead entities when they are in the water. It's sail will break lily pads to get to its prey, and will attempt to break boats to damage the player. Appearances are similar to that of a crocodile.


    Easy (15), Normal (20), Hard (30)


    Easy (20), Normal (25), Hard (30)

    Drops: Leather, Raw Stalker, Stalker Sail.

    Raw Stalker restores 2.5 Hunger but has low saturation. It can be cooked in a furnace to make Cooked Stalker which restores 5 hunger, saturation remains the same.

    Stalker sails can be crafted with sticks and string to create a Sail Pole, which can be placed on boats, Sails have an animation that mimics wind. (Any other uses can be suggested if you like the concept of course)


    Mossy Golem-like Trees that rest in the water submerged during the night and roam during the day. This neutral mob attacks anything that destroys or strips logs in front of it. Deals moderate knockback on hit. Has a Birch and Rotten variant


    Easy (4), Normal (8), Hard (16)


    Easy (14), Normal (28), Hard (40)

    Drops Logs of the Roots wood type and Vines.


    This peaceful mob only spawns during the night on the water, floats stationary in the open waters. It's appearance is a transparent block similar to Slimes and burning with Soul Fire. Stalkers are afraid of Glights.

    Glight's cannot be killed but can be trapped in a Glass Bottle as a Bottle O'Glight for potion brewing and for a new Cauldron mechanic that will be explained later :)


    A new biome usually means new blocks right? Well here are a few a new swamp biome could introduce.

    • Rotten Logs and Stripped Rotten Logs
    • Dead Leaves (Rotten Saplings will drop when degrading, but they will not grow)
    • Rotten Planks

    Mud Block, a block that behaves similar to Ice and causes players to slide. Pigs will roll in Mud and have a muddy texture similar to their Minecraft Earth variation, when in water the pig will lose their texture.


    Other forms of Flora that this biome could introduce.

    Glow Shroom, a fungus that produces a light level of 8. Glow Shrooms can also be used in Cauldrons.

    Marsh Marigold, a yellow flower type that appears in Swamps.


    Swamp Ruins: This structure has multiple variations ranging from temple-like structures to small dungeon-esque spaces. This structure is made up of stone brick blocks. The larger more temple-like structures are filled with traps and puzzles with various rooms such as a great hall and bedrooms here and there.

    Loot that can be found in Swamp Ruins:

    Small (Bones, Rotten Flesh, Bread, Apples, Gold Ingots, Iron Nuggets, Arrows, Slime Balls)

    Medium (Bones, Bread, Apples, Golden Apples, Iron Ingots, Lapis Lazuli, Arrows, Melon Seeds, Flame 1, Sharpness 2, Channeling, Knockback 2, Loyalty 2, Fire Aspect 2, Lure 2, Luck of The Sea 3, Slime Balls, Music Discs)

    Large(Bread, Apples, Enchanted Golden Apples, Iron Ingots, Redstone, Emeralds, Infinity, Mending, Diamonds, Music Discs, String, Arrows, Raw Stalker, Slime Balls, Tipped Arrows)

    Miscellaneous Additions;

    These are additions that didn't really feel like they really fit anywhere else.

    Cauldron mechanic:

    Cauldrons are pretty useless apart from dyes, let's change that!

    This mechanic is essentially a way of getting items that cannot be crafted or found anywhere else. The Conjuring mechanic requires a Glight in order to be activated, in which a bubbling green effect will signify this. Once this happens you can throw certain objects (and in certain amounts) to conjure an item of some kind. After an item has been conjured the water level will lower and another Glight must be used.

    Items created using the Conjuring mechanic:

    Blow Fungus, a throwable explosive that spews out toxic spores which causes Nausea and Poison 1 for 8 seconds (Requires 1 Glow Shroom, 2 Gunpowder)

    Weeping Wood, a log with a weeping effect that rains downwards and in a 1 block radius around it, causes blindness for 5 seconds (Requires 5 Spider Eyes, 2 Ghast Tears, 1 log of any type)

    Feral Charm, causes Cats who wear it to become hostile to enemies (20 Rotten Flesh, 2 Magma Cream, 10 gold ingots)

    Slime Sprite, a slime pet that can be carried in a bucket (requires 8 Slime Balls, 8 Magma Creams, and 8 Blue Slime balls).

    The size changes depending on the amount of Slime Balls, ie) 12 slime balls each would create a medium Slime Sprite and 15 Slime balls each would create a large Slime Sprite.

    Glight Potions

    A Potion of Levitation, this allows you to fly up in the air for 30 seconds (Splash and Lingering variations included)

    Splash Potion O'Glight, thrown at undead enemies makes them friendly towards you and will attack things that attack you, undead enemies have a blue sparkling effect to signify this.

    Disclaimer: Mob Damage is without armor, as i didn't take that into consideration.

    I'm looking for constructive criticism on this as this is my first suggestion on this sub. If there's anything that was too confusing please tell me what it was so I may try and clear it up and fix the post! If there's anything you'd add to this or something you don't like lemme know! Balance fixes are also welcome!

    submitted by /u/singlepieceofcheddar
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    Reviving Fish because why not?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Fish + bucket of water + potion of instant health/ regeneration/ totem of undying will give you a fish in a bucket.

    If a fish is named, it will drop itself with that name also, and named tropical fish will store what kind of fish they were, unfortunately, as not to complicate things, unnamed tropical fish will spawn a random tropical fish.

    submitted by /u/The-Real-Radar
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    Crystal arrows

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    Alright, so we all know about the new crystals that are coming in the Cave Update. So what if, instead of them being just decorations and used fof blocks, we used them for combat reasons?

    My ideas for them:

    -Exclusive for the crossbows (more on that later down the post). -Would do more damage than a regular arrow. Possibly 2.5 hearts more than the regular arrow. -Since the crossbows have no damage boost enchantments, I think it would be nice to have something that could give them a damage boost. Since crystals would be kind of rare, this would be balanced when it comes to the bow's power enchantment.

    submitted by /u/iamuselessnoob
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    Endermen killed by Wardens should drop an unique item

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    I already posted this as a comment on another post, yet I feel this should get a separate one since it wasn't completely related to the post itself.

    There should be a new collectible item dropped when a Warden kills an Enderman, similar to the disks dropped by Creepers killed by Skeletons. I'm thinking of something decorative or that just is a fun item overall, as disks are.

    The blind Warden and the Enderman that attacks you when you look at him are two concepts that are on so opposite sides of the same spectum so it demands some way to toy with this dynamic.

    submitted by /u/pnsxntn
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    Zombie Dogs

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    Zombie Dogs

    Zombie dog will be an hostile mobs who appears the night. They are more fast than a baby zombie but will have half of the HP of a normal zombie, the player can kill them basically in three hits. Their attack will be more fast than a zombie but inflict less damage than a zombie. They appear in group of 2-4 the night near the zombies, they have more chance to appear in forest the night.


    Drop :

    1-2 Rotten flesh

    Zombie dog teeth : a medium rare new item, you can obtain who will be used for make potion of hunger II.

    A zombie dog can be cured for become a dog like a normal zombie, when you cure a zombie dog, the dog will becomes your best friend.

    submitted by /u/EfficientProduct0
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    Rage Enchantment

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    Rage would be an enchantment for swords. The enchantment would increase the damage the sword deals as the player's health decreases. This enchantment could save a player if they are on the verge of death from monsters. A sword with this enchantment would deal normal damage with full health but would deal lots of damage if the player is low on health.

    Each heart down would increase the damage the sword deals by 0.5.

    ❤️ 10/10 = +0 damage
    ❤️ 8/10 = +1 damage
    ❤️ 6/10 = +2 damage
    ❤️ 4/10 = +3 damage
    ❤️ 2/10 = +4 damage

    This enchantment would be incompatible with Sharpness to prevent the sword from being overpowered.

    submitted by /u/PieCreeper
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    Cave Biome Idea: Redstone Deposit

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Redstone Deposits are small biomes filled with redstone ore, and as a result, natural redstone ore can only be found here for now on. Redstone wire would be found dotted on the floor, as well as a new redstone plant block, Redstone Bulbs, and a new mob, the Redstone Bug

    The Redstone Bulb is a organic, natural redstone device. When it receives a signal from the wire, it sends surges across the ground that will give you a shock should you get hit by it, dealing 3 HP of armor piercing damage. Breaking it drops its seeds, planting them makes more Redstone Bulbs.

    No Redstone switches are found in the Redstone Deposits. However, the Redstone Bug, a passive arthropod, is a moving redstone switch. When it walks on redstone, it activates it, making this little guy useful for redstone machines, acting like a redstone RNG. Despite being passive, this little guy can screw you over, by unintentionally walking over the redstone wire connected to those bulbs I talked about. Redstone Bugs themselves drop redstone dust.

    Overall, a Redstone themed biome in Minecraft sounds like an awesome idea, especially for redstone enthusiasts like Mumbo Jumbo.

    submitted by /u/Ze_Illusioner
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