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    Minecraft Wardens should be stunned with Fireworks

    Minecraft Wardens should be stunned with Fireworks

    Wardens should be stunned with Fireworks

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    Like a quiet place, it'd be cool and a good way to get out of a situation where the warden overwhelms you

    submitted by /u/Anntentennae
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    A way to prevent copper blocks from tarnishing

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    The copper block can look great for building, and so is its green / tarnished variant. However there should be a way to keep a copper block's natural color , or an easy way to clean/polish tarnished Copper blocks back to normal.

    submitted by /u/saladvtenno
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    Lightning rods should give a redstone signal when struck

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Just the title, really. I think it makes sense, and should be added. As a bonus, I think they should give a signal higher than 15, because its lightning and is supposed to have a lot of electricity

    submitted by /u/TwinkyOctopus
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    Wandering Traders should offer random bundles

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    The wandering trader is kind of useless so adding a sort of dice roll mechanic to their trading would make interacting with them more interesting

    submitted by /u/CaprioPeter
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    The newly-voted Glow Squid should spray glowing ink to apply the glowing status to any mob that disturbs it.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    The concept is in the title.

    Standard squids have a behavior where, when attacked, they spray a cloud of ink and dart away from the aggressor mob. This behavior makes no sense in the dark abyss where the glow-squid is found, because the water is already inky black down there. Instead, a squirt of ink from a glow squid should glow, applying the glowing status effect to anybody who draws near. This is actually a behavior that occurs in some real-world deep sea shrimp!

    This allows the mob to live up to its concept without requiring a dynamic lighting overhaul to accommodate one mob, and has applications in base security, hunting for mobs underwater, and adds a possible new 'hazard' to PvP environments!

    submitted by /u/Pachycephalosauria
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    If a Lush Cave generates underneath a Mushroom Island it should become a Shrumal Cave

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Basically any greenery, flowers, or plant life gets replaced with mycelium and mushrooms

    submitted by /u/MCjossic
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    Naming a enderman Gary makes him shorter

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Gary is the enderman that's gonna be in SSB, but he isn't even represented in game! This needs to be changed!

    submitted by /u/jonny066
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    Wearing leather armor should make the new Warden mob less likely to notice you.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Leather armor doesn't really have a use at the moment other than cosmetics. I suggest that wearing leather armor would make the Warden less likely to notice you, as it "sees" using vibrations, and leather would dampen the sound of footsteps. It could even extend to weaken the redstone signal given off by the Sculk Sensor in response to player movement!

    submitted by /u/Milo55545
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    Dyeable bundles.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    Bundles should be dyeable like skulker shells it will assist in organizing your inventory. Idea by u/MrOzone2020

    submitted by /u/The_Juice14
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    Giving a Warden an Eye of Ender will let it see, and make it neutral.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    It's probably just scared because it's not used to having people in it's caves.

    submitted by /u/Okibdoki
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    Glowink - Not like the other posts, I promise!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    You've all probably heard it before - glowsquid drop dye, dynamic lighting for leather armor, yada yada. This one's a little different though!

    It still drops Dye, but no dynamic lighting tendencies. If used on Leather Armor, the armor will glow neon. Like spider or enderman eyes. So your friends can see you in the dark, or just to be fūñķį.

    You could also use it on banners, to make them glow in the same way! You could have glowy shields, by transferring the banner knto the shield!

    Anyways, thats besides the point of this post. What I'm here to tell you about is what I call Neon Blocks.

    They're blocks! But glow! They don't emmit any real light, but you can see them in the dark!

    Not infinite, but there are quite a few possibilities. First, they introduce a new chiseled-concrete sort of block when de-activated. Second, you could use them as some sort of path in the dark! Or neon signs for gas stations! Or demonic glowing red eyes!

    To craft, you put 8 redstone lamps around a Glowink. Like redstone lamps, they can be turned on or off. BUT!!!

    They can be dyed! Any color of the rainbow (or minecraft dyes.) I'm no good at making textures, but here's what it'd probably look like this.


    submitted by /u/Jely710
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    The new lightning rods should give out a redstone signal

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    It could give another use to this new block and doesn't seem like that much of a stretch

    submitted by /u/CrimsonHam1
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    Glow Squid Hypnosis Effect; or a way to keep Glow Squid from getting killed by Axolotls

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    When a glow squid is attacked by a player, an Axolotl or Drowned comes close to them, or a Guardian targets them, a Glow Squid should put a hypnosis effect on them. This effect neutralizes the mob, making it passive until the effect lifts. It also makes their eyes glow blue like in the Glow Squid video. On players this effect puts a blue swirling aura overlay on your screen and reduces your attack speed considerably, like mining fatigue.

    This would add the ability to put Glow Squid in places they would otherwise be killed quicly. In also means you you could use them to neutralize certain mobs, giving them a purpose.

    Link to feedback site

    submitted by /u/NethyIsTrue
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    Clay Pots should be able to hold Tall Flowers

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    I assume Clay Pots will also be used for other means, such as storing certain materials or even cooking, but it would be a no brainer that they should also store Tall Flowers.

    submitted by /u/JJFreshMemes
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    Stalactites should fall when hit by an arrow, doing damage similar to that of an anvil.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    This would make combat inside the caves more hectic and dynamic.

    submitted by /u/Leandrodon
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    The Archeology Brush doesn't quite "mesh" with Vanilla

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    ... pun intended. But let me explain what I mean.

    First things first: WOW. I'm incredibly excited for Caves & Cliffs, it seems like Mojang have done PHENOMENAL work. Everything looks fantastic, and one feature that caught my eye was Archeology. But I also have some problems with it as it was presented in the trailer.

    The clay pot mechanics are super cool, they perfectly fit the game in my opinion. But not too sure about the brush.

    On one hand, it could make decorating even more interesting. On the other hand... it feels distinct from the rest of the game's more basic mining and block mechanics. It doesn't feel vanilla-y. I would've loved it as a mod, but as part of the base game, I think it should be adjusted to blend in better with the game's base mechanics.

    One feature already in the game that uses "archeology" is the underground fossils; maybe Dig Sites should have their own buried treasure. If you'd ask me how I'd change it, I might make the brush it's own tool, like a slow-mining silk touch pickaxe, that allows for archeology drops when used on excavation site blocks. Hopefully that makes sense.

    What do you think of the solution? How would you guys change the brush? Does it need changing?

    submitted by /u/is_not_robot
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    Beeswax for 1.17.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    Not only is it used to make candles, like the ones we saw teased alongside Warden, but it can also be used to prevent copper from oxidizing, which is a feature most builders have been hoping for since the reveal of the oxidation process itself

    submitted by /u/Drosder
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    Allow Players to Dye Bundles

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Simple as it sounds. It would allow people to color-code, like Shulker Boxes, and add a bit of personalization if you want to give a gift to someone since it looks like wrapping paper!

    submitted by /u/Gravity-15
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    Wardens should be hostile towards every mob in the game, even other Wardens

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    I'm not sure, they might already be; the reveal didn't go into the details.

    The reason I want this is because they're blind. They don't see who's who. They merely act in self-defense when they get startled... and they get startled easily.

    Systemzee's video, (He's a Minecraft youtuber) How Minecraft's Desert Well Should be Updated talked about a mob he made called the Trolleger that you can summon by tossing a totem of undying into a desert well (I'd highly suggest that video). The Trollager is hostile to every mob in the game, even other Trollagers.

    The Warden should have this feature. He's a mysterious, scary, blind monster. It just wouldn't make sense if he wasn't hostile to other hostile mobs like Illagers or Zombies.

    submitted by /u/ReadyPlayer12345
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    Soundproof Leather Boots

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    Like moccasins, leather shoes shouldn't make sound or trigger the vibrating plant thing. It should also not alert the Warden.

    submitted by /u/SirBlimp
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    The Warden will run at nearby jukeboxes that are playing music and will smash its hands into the jukebox until the music disc pops out.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    It would be a fun little feature, a good way to get it distracted for a little bit, and would add needed use to jukeboxes and music discs.

    submitted by /u/meme_backwards
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    Jukebox in a Minecart.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    I noticed that the jukebox range is kinda short, so it would be nice if it could be moveable via minecart using redstone. This would also be useful for any map makers who would want a music disc to play in a long section. This would definitely be a very situational feature.

    submitted by /u/UnchartedCHARTz
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    Vindicators can break down doors when named Johnny

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Its known that you can name a vindicator Jonny to make it agro at all other mobs, as a reference to the shining. But if it could also break down doors, it would be an even better reference to when he bust down the door in the movie.

    submitted by /u/pixxylixy
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    Wardens have such a smooth animation, why not add it to other mobs?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Wardens have such a cool walking animation. Mojang should add it to the Zombies, Spiders and Skeletons for example. Which are very "static" looking mobs. That should also be considered to Hoglins and most of the mobs.

    submitted by /u/rickyybrez
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