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    Minecraft Wolves provide more assistance when tamed

    Minecraft Wolves provide more assistance when tamed

    Wolves provide more assistance when tamed

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    A tamed wolf can sense a hostile mob that's within close proximity and will alert player by growling and showing red eyes.

    First post of new Minecraft father(41) daughter(7) team, this was her idea and I think it's a sturdy suggestion.

    submitted by /u/omni_rancher
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    A way to record music: The Skulk Disc!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    I absolutely LOVE building noteblock tunes in Minecraft. It's so fun and interesting to listen to your creation that you built yourself and it stays just complex enough to be fun while simple enough to understand. However you usually have to stand right next to your machine to hear anything and that doesn't allow you to experience it while going about your daily chores in the game. I thought of an idea to record music: The Skulk Disc!

    Skulk discs can be very rarely obtained from those small rooms you find in the deep dark where the warden resides. They are a deep black but glow a faint blue just like the blocks they originate from. Here's how they're special.

    When you place a skulk disc in a jukebox, it will start listening for any noteblocks in a 50 block radius and remember the sound. It will only start "recording" once it hears the first noteblock and it will stop and pop out of the jukebox if there's more than a 10 second pause after it stops hearing noteblocks. The recording and stopping can be identified by a special sound the jukebox makes. Only noteblock sounds are recorded. Everything else is ignored.

    (The reason it listens in such a huge radius is because noteblock machines can get very big very quickly)

    Once it's recorded the tune, you get an Imprinted Skulk Disc that you can then name in an anvil based on your song creation.

    But what if you mess up the recording? Don't worry! You can clear the music on a Skulk Disc by washing it in a cauldron. You will be left with a blank disc again, waiting to record a new song.

    (Edit: Grammer)

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    Rivers and Forests Update

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    Rivers and Forests Update

    There are updates introducing all sorts of new biomes, which are fun and all. But in the end, most of the time most people will be in the regular temperate biomes building things. Given that, I'd say it would be effective to update those standard biomes.

    Note that pretty much everything I introduce is for aesthetics. My goal is that the world generation is improved in order for you to find nice spots where you really want to build your village. For some things I introduce I will mention applications, but those are only exemplary.

    Of course the update I talk about would also contain other, more exotic things, just like the cave update does improve mountains *and* introduces the deep dark.

    __ Rivers __

    (Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Blick_vom_L%C3%B6ns_Turm_HemmelsdorferSee_Ausfluss_aalbek.jpg)

    One major thing that I'd like to see updated is rivers (and to some degree also lakes). Right now, they seem to be somewhat off, and sometimes they even have segments that do not carry any water. They have a different color scheme than the adjacent biome, to a point where I'd say they should rather be a structure than a separate biome, using the color scheme and building blocks of a biome they are in.

    But in any case, I'd change them from simply being V-shaped, without any other shapes for river banks. One shape I picture is a little overhang.

    I would introduce two new things:

    - Mud: located along the river bank. Grass won't spread to mud, although plants can grow on it. Walking on mud is slightly slowed, making it interesting for defenses and parcours. It might be possible to create mud from dirt and water somehow. Note that mud would also perfectly fit in a swamp, which is especially relevant if they should decide to do the swamp update after the mountains and caves update.

    - Reed: A plant that grows along river beds. Like wheat it has to be planted in vicinity to water, but not necessarily directly adjacent. It can be planted in shallow water (one block deep). Reed grows to be three or four blocks high. It is dense enough for you to properly hide in it. I picture it to mostly resemble Phragmites australis. Potentially it can be processed into thatch, from which one can build thatch roof (as in https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/itfdyh/thatch_roof_wattle_daub_block_with_unique/).

    (Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/Phragmites_australis_-_NASA_Tracks_an_Environmental_Invader_%2848049936657%29.jp)

    __ Forests __

    (Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5b/Grib_skov.jpg/1024px-Grib_skov.jpg)

    What is currently called the forest biome in Minecraft looks more like something that I'd call woodland. Giant tree taiga looks far more like a true forest, but is not a temperate biome, and the height of the trees makes it hard to work with.

    What I picture is something with elements of both. As the name "forest" is already used for an existing biome, for my concept I will use the term "deep forest" instead. A possible layout of this biome:

    1. There is a new block type which represents typical forest ground, made up out of dead leaves. A possible name would be "ground litter". Possible uses would be that it can be used as a burning fuel and that it improves the speed at which mushrooms spawn.
    2. The biome has trees that are slightly higher than regular oaks, but not too high. Certainly less high than in the giant tree taiga. Note that by no means I want to replicate one of the realistically sized trees from some mods - it should be possible to harvest the wood in the deep forest without too much hassle. One possibility for a particular tree would be beeches. Those might have a straight trunk, darkish grey-green bark and light green leaves, appearing somewhat like in the picture above.
    3. Dense fern. Right now, in clusters of fern, you can clearly make out the single plants. I'd like there to be a dense undergrowth. For that, a new fern would be introduced which overlaps with the adjacent block, thus possibly creating such a dense undergrowth.
    4. Moss, in the form as something that grows over other blocks, like vines do. Possibly slightly cushioning you in terms of fall damage. I have some hopes that moss is already an implemeted feature, as we see something like that in the short video of the lush cave biome, but I wanted to mention it in here specifically.

    __ Thicket __

    (Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/Mecklenburger-Schweiz-30-04-2008-128.jpg)

    Thickets would be a sort of pseudo-mini-biome, or ecotone (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecotone), which in some instances separates plains from forests. It has some sort of shrubbery, which entirely consists of leaf blocks, somewhat like the shrubs found in jungle biomes.

    It also should have another block that somewhat resembles a leaf block, the thorn block. This one resembles some plant like blackthorn, and grows about four blocks high.

    Those thorn blocks can obviously be used as a sort of defense. Compared to the cactus, they have the advantage of not breaking when right next to each. Therefore they should do less damage than cacti. This allows a type of defense that was actually used in the real world, hedgelaying (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedgelaying).

    Another reason to add this is that in the real world, thickets are excellent breeding grounds for birds and all sorts of animals, with wholesome farming employing those in order to have birds eat insects on fields, instead of using chemical insecticides. Given that Mojang seems to incorporate threatened species like pandas and axolotls, I think this also might be an environmentalistic aspect they'd want to emphasize.

    __ Other notes __

    I left out new critters in this because I didn't want to ask for any specific ones in here. Of course it would be nice if some where introduced, and there are some obvious choices. For example: deer, ducks, cranes/storchs, forest birds (like the blue jay or woodpeckers). I'm sure anybody can come up with far more of those. I simply don't want them to be the emphasis here.

    I also left out some other ideas I had for the respective biomes, mostly because those other ideas are only something I see as possible additions than as something I'd really want there to be. Those include Scilla (a forest flower in the shape of a blue star, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scilla) and Allium Ursinum (also known as wild garlic, has a flower in the shape of a white star, leaves are edible, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allium_ursinum) as plants which would look very nice as a groundcover in the deep forest biome (look at https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/Riis_Skov_%28maj%29_05.JPG). Note that allium ursinum is named after bears (ursa) because they like to dig them up for eating, and if Minecraft would also introduce bears, it would be a fun feature if they did exactly that.

    Reed can be *somewhat* substituted with sugar cane or bamboo, but not close enough for my taste. Mud can be substituted with a dark brown block like soul sand, but I'd like it to spawn naturally. Coarse dirt would be another substitute, but again not close enough for my taste.

    Edit: Another possible feature I thought about is that when a river meets the ocean, it might form a wide estuary. In the area right after the river mouth in the ocan, the water is more shallow and the ground is covered in river soil (especially mud).

    Edit: Another thing I'd like to see in rivers are submerged rivers plants that indicate the flow direction (as rivers don't have an actual direction, they are simply in some way indicative of the general axis of that river - but in any case, this plant grows horizontally instead of vertically like the existing kelp) like a pondweed (see https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bd/Potamogeton_pectinatus_190812.JPG/1920px-Potamogeton_pectinatus_190812.JPG).

    Edit: One thing I'd like to mention is that I am used to european forests, and therefore I will mostly bring up plants typical for europe. I'd really like people from other continents to give some input about what would be typical for their area. I recommend a small selection of the most iconic specimen.

    Edit: Also there should be sometimes larger clay deposits at the side of a river. With the cave update introducing veins, this could be similar, that is deposits being like a vein. My basic reason asking for this is that in Minecraft gathering clay is a tedious task, with it usually being in small amounts here and there and under water. Something like that is fine for a rare resource, but clay should be abundant. In history it has been basically THE standard material for building houses. Like thatch, this would work very well with the wattle-and-daub as presented in https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/itfdyh/thatch_roof_wattle_daub_block_with_unique/.

    submitted by /u/Ksorkrax
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    Big fossils!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 04:48 AM PDT

    Huge, rare fossils! Basically an idea to expand the fossil system we have already to match the new archaeology mechanics.

    With the new 3d biome cave generation, I was wondering if it would be possible to generate huge fossils, randomly in predetermined structures. A huge, ancient snake fossil would be the way to go here. One chunk for a head, one for ribcage, one for tail, with the ribcage amount being a random number and twisting in random directions. This would add a really cool extra sense of wonder to mining to find these very rare ancient massive creatures.

    submitted by /u/pepesalvia123
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    /gamerule applyGravity

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    Wanna make sand castles out of sand? well lets make it happen!

    Note: it doesnt make you float or mobs float or water or falling blocks float but will stop sand, gravel, powdered concrete from falling.

    By typing /gamerule applyGravity false wont make sand fall no matter what you break it or place blocks in it, it wouldnt fall for example building a pyramid out of sand floating out in the air wont make sand fall.

    Applying gravity again wont still fall but breaking it will fell since the gravity is now applied.


    /gamerule applyGravity false

    covers a ravine with sand without falling

    /gamerule applyGravity true

    waits for a guy to break a dead bush

    guy breaks the bush

    falls to the ground


    Typed /gamerule applyGravity false

    builds a london bridge out of gravel

    /gamerule applyGravity true

    stays put and dont fall

    submitted by /u/Memex21
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    Wet Sand ��

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    I read about a command for disable blocks gravity, to be able to make sand castles. Then it occurred to me that the sand can get wet as in reality, it would get a little darker and harden, and obviously, dont be able to fall.

    Could naturaly appears in the deep oceans and can be dried like a sponge (or transformed in another item).

    PD: its my first suggestion and i learning english happy Hallowen!

    submitted by /u/Fabri13_
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    Warden drop - "Sculk Antenna" [reupload]

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Warden drop - "Sculk Antenna" [reupload]

    -I fixed and added new things to the suggestion, including a link to minecraft feedback-

    In yesterday's Q&A, one of the developers said they are still not sure if the warden will have a drop at all, because they want players to ran from it as it was a natural disaster rather than fighting it, but they said they might add a trophy drop for defeating it after all.

    While getting its head or heart as a trophy souds nice, I thinks the warden is too human like to have its head presented as a trophy, like the ender dragon, and the idea of getting its heart, while sounds cool, isn't very different from the head in the reason I don't find it suitable as a drop.

    In consideration of the warden's power, I think it would be a shame for it to not have a useful drop. I think the idea I came up with will solve the problem the developers are worried about, which is that the presence of a useful drop will make the warden a target for fighting and farming.

    Here is my idea: "Sculk Antennas". The antenna like thingis on the sides of its head will drop upon its death. When the player puts them in his head slot, they will appear on the sides of his head, much like on the warden itself.

    (sorry for my poor editing skills)

    The \"Sculk Antenna\" as an item

    The antennas on the player

    While wearing them, the player is granted the "Vibrations Detection" status effect, which works in a samiliar way to night vision effect, allowing the player to wander in complete dark without any light source. Maybe the range of the effects will be smaller than night vision, like a mix of darkness and night vision. The player can now explor the new caves without using torches at all. Maybe mobs won't spawn around the player because of a new "Scary Aura" status effect.

    An alternative idea for the "Vibrations Detection" status effect is that the player can now detect the direction in which sound come from by looking at sound particles coming toward him from a direction. The idea was suggested by u/Legoman1342 .

    The status effects

    I thinks this drop is fair, since the warden is so strong and players are not suppose to fight him in the first place, so the drop is just QoL kinda thing. Even if it won't have a drop people will still fight it, so why not add a drop anyways. This also give place to the headlight a lot of players want in game. It is also relevant to Yesterday's interview, so if this post becomes popular maybe the developers will see it and add it right away (or more like put it as a high priority).

    Tell me what you think, and don't forget to upvote if you like the idea!

    p.s- Not sure which flair fits, so I put items.

    Important: Here is a link to the suggestion on Minecraft Feedback - https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360074307951-1-17-Caves-Cliffs-Warden-drop-idea-Sculk-Antennas (it will take some time to get approved)

    submitted by /u/friendbutinelvish
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    Cave Paintings

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    With the caves and cliffs update maybe there should be cave paintings which generate at cave entrances. Knowing that some people don't like the current archeology system maybe this could be a better way to introduce that extra lore to the game.

    submitted by /u/vGustaf-K
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    There would be a new type of paintings.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    There should be a new type of paintings. Or.. not really paintings. This would be a painting frame. Right clicking on this frame would open your collection of minecraft screenshots. And it would be possible to put those screenshots in the frame. So you can make your own paintings.

    submitted by /u/Jaeger_Venda_08
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    Fatal poison potions

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    There's a hidden effect in the game called fatal poison that works like poison but can kill you. Since poisonous potatoes are useless and, well poisonous the potions should be made with it to give them an use.

    submitted by /u/stonks12345678
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    Copper Whistle item

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    with copper being added in the next update I thought that it would be a good idea to add whistles into the game, The Whistles could have many different uses but the main use I came up with is to make all of your pets sit/stand, this could help when breeding large amounts of them, It could also help when trying to make your pet stop attacking something like other players. this idea came to me when watching a video of someone making a dog army in survival

    submitted by /u/Dueldarkz
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    We should be able to create paths on dirt blocks

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    I'm playing Minecraft right now and just realized for some reason we aren't able to do this... Why?

    submitted by /u/Chub-bop
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    Arrows in bundles are useable when in your off-hand

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Ever since bundles were announced at Minecraft Live, I've been thinking about arrow bundles, or just putting arrows in your bundles, and the arrows will be useable when in your off-hand. It would be useful for people who put Mending on their bows and for people using crossbows.

    Basically a quiver feature.

    submitted by /u/SilverAC2
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    how about underground villages, or villagers? perhaps warriors villagers (or maybe even pillagers)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    More underground civilization life to explore!

    submitted by /u/idoxThePogger
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    Sculk sensor don't detect walking on wool...

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    I think it would be really cool if the sculk sensor would not detect foot steps on the wool block!

    submitted by /u/BananaTheGamerYt
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    Volcanic caves

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    I think this would be a great addition to the underground caves and here is why. 1.It would have a more accessible way of getting magma in the over world 2.it could bundle up the different types of volcanic rock such as andesite,obsidian and even maybe basalt 3.it could have obsidian walls so obsidian isn't only a block formed when lava touches water 4.it has new mob potential 5.we could probably add a new volcanic rock into it (maybe limestone) and 5. Bc there's even more fear that lava or magma is gonna be just around the corner

    submitted by /u/beanmAn11
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    Instead of orienting previously "useless" items as preventing "annoyances", they should give new, unique features.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    Do you realize what mojang is doing with implementing previously unused armor? They're making these kinds of armor to prevent "annoyances". For example, gold armor makes previously hostile piglins neutral, and leather boots let you walk on top of powdered snow that would have sunk you in.

    The thing is, these "inconveniences" weren't implemented before the armor buff. So when you traverse the nether with gold boots or the mountains with leather boots, you don't feel as if these armor pieces actually added anything, they just made the situation simmilar to before but now with even worse armor.

    I think that the new armor should be oriented towards making new benefits that players didn't have before.

    For example, the suggested "combine glow ink with leather cap for optifine-like lighting" is a good example of this because when players wear the leather cap, they don't feel as if they returned the situation from bad to decent, they turned it from decent to great.

    The elytra right now is also a good example, as when players use it, they feel like they're experiencing something new and novel, in exchange for armor.

    Likewise, leather boots being able to remove hearable sound from walking enhances the user experience instead of removing a newly added inconvenience.

    I think this is the key for mojang to get people really on-board with the new armor buffs.

    submitted by /u/HermitFan99999
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    An option to change the vertical render distance.

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    When you are changing your render distance to 8 it will change how far you can see up and how far you can see in front of tou to 8 chunks,but with an option like that you could have 2 sliders,1 for horizontal render distance and 1 for vertical render distance.

    So that means that if you change your vertical render distance to 16 and horizontal render distance to 8 you could see more chunks up than you can see in front of you.

    submitted by /u/Elp_Adom
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    Thank you for your service

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Have any rideable animal die after at least 10 days of being tamed by you.

    submitted by /u/syrupninja25
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    Cold Rainforest Biome (Beech Forest)

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    I've been doing a lot of brainstorming for Minecraft for years now. Most of my ideas have gone through tons of renovations at this point to fit more in to Minecraft's aesthetic. One of my ideas, both one of my earliest and what I imagine to be my "tamest" idea, is the Beech Forest.

    These forests are based off the beech forests of New Zealand. They're cool, wet, almost prehistoric looking forests, with ground covered in moss and fallen trees. As a biome in-game, I imagine it being thick, like a jungle, with the trees looking somewhat like a mix of spruce and jungle wood, with light, almost aquamarine green leaves. The ground will be clear of leaf blocks, but will have fallen logs, ferns (small, large, and extra large), and a new type of block, "moss". Moss would be similar to carpet and snow, and when removed would reveal "moist dirt". I'd like moss to be placed vertically as well as horizontally, but that might be asking for too much. I imagine small boulders would also occasionally spawn in these forests, covered in moss like the fallen logs and soil.

    Parrots could spawn here, as they would in the jungle, as would sheep. A unique mob in this biome is detailed below

    KIWIS! Similar to chickens in size and general behavior. They're passive, and spawn only at night, but are skittish and run away from the player in a somewhat goofy fashion. Due to their poor eyesight, they can only sense you within a three block radius, unless you crouch and move slowly. You can pacify kiwis using worms, which you get get by digging in moist soil, and are occasionally dropped by kiwis digging through the moss and soil. They don't follow you, they're more like foxes where they just don't run away from you. You can pen a few up and sometimes they'll dig up something useful, like a gold ingot, book of enchantment, or whatever else. You could breed them, too, with their eggs being a block of their own, almost the size of their own bodies. Killing a kiwi only drops worms, and their eggs are inedible, but could be used as a decoration if kept cold, or if you "sterilize it" somehow.

    (It's worth mentioning I developed the kiwi mob long before I heard of the kiwi mod. All similarities are coincidental).

    Another mob, that I don't advocate for as strongly even though I very much enjoy the idea, is the pelican spider. A much better name for a potential in-game mob is the assassin spider, which is what they are also called IRL. Assassin spiders are a very strange family of spiders native to many gondwanian environments, including New Zealand. Their anatomy is perfectly suited to hunting their preferred prey: other spiders. Their long neck-like cephalothorax and equally long chelicerae are perfect for putting space between the spider's prey and the ground. They hunt by following another spider's silk trail, and upon finding its quarry, catches it in its "jaws" and lifts it up off the ground, letting it succumb to the venom.

    In-game, these spiders would be neutral to the player (both at night and in day, unless attacked), but always aggressive towards spiders. Could potentially be tamed with spider eyes, or simply lead with them to provide some security for your base, but otherwise staying "wild". If you somehow anger one, like by accidentally hitting it, you could make it neutral again by feeding it spider eyes.

    Hope you like my ideas! I don't see any of these getting picked up but I love just getting my stuff out there.

    submitted by /u/Finncredibad
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    Varying chests?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    I'm very sure someone else mentioned that here before, but for those who didn't seen or forgot, I'll repeat.

    Chests NEED customization! Mojang kept the old chest texture even after the update of wood's texture. I assume it's just that authentic feeling of Vanilla (I have no explanation for old plank texture on wood signs) I know that this would be a major update, but we need a change.


    • Actual chests don't represent an actual type of wood. Just that strange texture.

    • We could craft chests with striped wood logs. No special efforts, just not screwing things up when you accidentally tap a log( very common pe problem) or right-clicking it..

    • Chest customization is not varied at all before beating the dragon, the only customizable chests being shulker boxes.


    • The texture is a classic and was a part of Minecraft for a long time.

    • Some would take a new recipe as being strange and unnatural.

    • Do we need customization at all?


    • Will the new chests be lava-proof if there would be warped and crimson chests?
    submitted by /u/Ragnaroknotok
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    Metal fences

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    You know, for a while now we have only had wooden and nether brick fences and I'm just tired of using iron bars stacked on each other. I don't care whether these fences are gonna be made of copper,iron or even gold.

    submitted by /u/beanmAn11
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    Vex shouldn’t be able to go through crying obsidian

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    This would be a cool and unique way to draw these creatures, and I was debating on wether it should be crying obsidian or soul sand and ultimately decided on the obsidian for balancing purposes

    submitted by /u/Greatnite
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    Water guns?

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    (Sorry if this applies under 'guns' on the not adding list, also change flair if needed)

    Water guns would be more of an item for more fun purposes than combat purposes. It does no damage/knockback (or minimal knockback). You craft it in a crafting table with an empty glass bottle on top, a crossbow in the middle, and something else next to, under, and in the bottom right corner of the crossbow (clay?). You can change the color of the base of the water gun by placing it in a crafting table with a dye. The gun can be filled up with water at any place where water is present, including cauldrons. If it's filled via cauldron, the water level goes down by one, like a glass bottle. When a mob/player is sprayed with the water gun, the 'dripping water' effect plays. This would be an extra item that would be fun for pranks and player built mini games

    submitted by /u/Dogcatwhatoof
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