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    Minecraft [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For October 2020! This Month's Theme is "Exploration"!

    Minecraft [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For October 2020! This Month's Theme is "Exploration"!

    [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions For October 2020! This Month's Theme is "Exploration"!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:28 AM PST

    Your monthly reminder that yes, there are suggestions that do get over 200 upvotes from the Minecraft Community. Truly crazy, innit?

    In this post are showcased all the suggestions for the past month that have achieved an upvote notoriety beyond 200, as well as the 10 closest stragglers that were just shy of making the mark.

    Welcome to the October 2020 TMS report! To your surprise (to add a second shock after Halloween), we're on time with the TMS this month (at least from my timezone) - we've come prepared this time. Hopefully this will mean we can be on time for subsequent TMS reports.

    And a milestone to celebrate - we've also managed to reach a whopping 250K subreddit members this month! All the hype around 1.17 has significantly boosted our member count, and I'm sure it'll continue to increase rapidly.

    Also, perhaps a new face here; I (u/solar_powered_noob42) will be writing the TMS for this month. Let's hope this goes well :)

    We've seen a lot of suggestions about the upcoming Caves and Cliffs Update this month. Let's take a look at the month of October! This month we have 159 awesome suggestions that made it to the 3 digits, with 39 reaching 200+, 18 reaching 300+ (Luminous!), 17 reaching 400+ (Super Luminous!), 7 reaching 500+ (Brilliant!), 8 reaching 600+ (Fabulous!), 3 reaching 700+ (Enlightened!), 9 reaching 800+ (Grand!), 11 reaching from 1000+ -- 1500+ (Ascended!) , 14 reaching from 1600+ -- 2000+ (Legendary!) , 15 reaching from 2100+ -- 2500+ (Mythic!), 10 reaching from 2600+ -- 3000+ (Omnipotent!), 5 reaching from 3100+ -- 3500+ (Omnipotent+!), 2 reaching from 3600+ -- 4000+ (Omnipotent++), and finally 1 reaching an outstanding 4000+ (G.O.A.T.!)!

    And here's a look at what type of suggestions made it onto the list:

    • Mobs: 31
    • Blocks & Items: 30
    • Terrain: 16
    • AI Behavior: 12
    • General: 11
    • Structures: 10
    • Gameplay: 10
    • Sounds: 8
    • Advancement: 7
    • Magic: 6
    • Redstone :5
    • Combat: 4
    • Monthly Theme: 3
    • Plants & Food: 2
    • Dimensions: 2
    • Weather: 1
    • User Interface: 1
    • Command: 0
    • Controls: 0
    • Bedrock Edition: 0
    • Java Edition: 0
    • Achievement: 0

    It seems that Mobs and Blocks And Items beat out all the others once again, with no posts about Command, Controls, Bedrock Edition, Java Edition, and Achievement (surprisingly, when compared to Advancement). Terrain has jumped up significantly, likely because of all the suggestions about mountains and caves this month.

    THEME: Exploration

    Since last month, we've seen an increase in posts about biomes and terrain changes. Could there be interesting places to explore? Should there be new ways to navigate? What new blocks and items could you gain from improved exploration?

    Monthly Challenges November 2020

    1. Make a high quality post (+25 points /per)
    2. Get a constructive comment with 10 upvotes on a monthly theme post (+10 points /per)
    3. Collaborate and credit at least 2 other people after brainstorming and building your monthly theme post (+20 points once)

    Steps to participate:

    • Your post must be in r/minecraftsuggestions and you must be in the MCS Discord

    • Make sure your post has the monthly theme flair

    • Copy the link to your post and put in the Discord channel "monthly-workshop" (this is what many of you may have forgot) and make sure to say that you are submitting the post to the Monthly Challenges

    • Must be posted within the correct month

    Special Mentions

    Congrats to u/RazorNemesis (also a fellow moderator) for being MVP of the month of October thanks to their 4200+ post!

    The underrated post of the month goes to the Death breath plant post by u/Edmord17. This post contains amazing models, great usage of formatting and is very well thought out.

    What's also worth mentioning here is the Florat post by u/sundewskies. Because of the amazing artwork included (as well as models), we've decided to give it the High Quality Post flair.

    Finally, we have the winner of last month's Monthly Challenges (Theme: Cave Mobs). Last month's challenges were:

    1. Get a monthly theme post to 100+ upvotes. Share your post around and get support! (+25 & +5 for every 100 upvotes more, only valid for one post per person)
    2. Get a monthly theme post to 20+ comments. Start a discussion and be active with your comments section! (+10 /post)
    3. Include at least one piece of handmade visuals in a monthly theme post. Showcase your suggestion with visuals, it really helps! (+15 /post)

    The winner is u/ThatOneKirbyMain2568 who has gained 30 points, from these two absolutely brilliant posts (once again, including models):

    1. An Underwater Cave Mob - The Celary Plant
    2. The Gulper - A Beast that Dwells in the Depths of Ocean Caves

    Superb work to all who have been mentioned here!

    Sidenote: We've noticed most, if not all of the monthly theme submissions were amazing in quality (in fact, all of the above posts were actually monthly theme posts), however they didn't get quite the recognition they deserve in comparison to other posts. Make sure to give monthly theme submissions some love too!


    Moderator Applications:

    We're currently shorthanded on subreddit moderators. If you think you have what it takes to become a moderator here, apply through this form and we'll have a look through your application :)

    (Note that you must be in our Discord if you wish to become a moderator, as it is what we use to communicate with other moderators and discuss our plans for MCS)

    This month's wiki changes:


    • Glowing ink/dye, dropped by glow squid, used to craft glow stick/coloured lamps etc.
    • "Stealth" enchantment/potion or feather falling/slow falling reduces/cancels player noise, making it harder to be noticed by the Warden


    We've also updated and corrected the subreddit wiki index, since we realised it was rather outdated.

    And now, for another reminder for everyone, please read over the FPS list before making any suggestions, just to be sure that your idea hasn't already been covered.


    ♦ Beautiful Suggestions 200 and Beyond ♦

    If there was a suggestion that was missed, please let us know below. Despite our best efforts, we haven't yet reached infallible perfection just yet (we're still trying, impossible as it might be), so some mistakes are still within the realm of possibility.

    And here are the 10 honorable ones:

    All Monthly Suggestion Posts are cataloged on the subreddit's TMS Catalog Wikipage.

    Finally, you can see some suggestions that have actually been implemented on the Successful Suggestions Wikipage! Maybe one of these will make it on there someday! If you have a suggestion that actually has been implemented in some form or another, please let us know so that we can update the list. Thanks!

    Note: The comments are not for posing ideas unless they pertain to the feedback theme. If an idea crops up in a discussion, then that's fine, but for posting a suggestion for the community and the developers, that is what the "submit" button at the top right is for.

    Until next time folks, have a fantastic day/night, and take care! :D

    submitted by /u/solar_powered_noob42
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    The Puppeteer: A mob that is two mobs.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 02:48 AM PST

    The Puppeteer would be a new type of Illager that uses a puppet to attack you instead of itself. The puppet would look like an Illager with a wooden texture that has a wooden sword that deals poison damage. He will also have strings that are connected to the Puppeteer. The puppet itself will have 25 Hearts, but will take x4 damage to fire. The puppeteer would only have 6 hearts and cannot conduct any attacks itself.

    The puppet can only move up to 2 blocks away if the puppeteer is at the same elevation, however the puppeteer would try to find higher ground whenever possible. The higher the puppeteer is, the wider range of movement the puppet has. For instance if the puppeteer was 10 blocks higher than the puppet, the puppet could move up to 5 blocks away from the central point of the puppeteer.


    The puppet would only drop wood planks, sticks, and string. If you are able to kill the puppeteer before you kill the puppet, the puppet will also be killed, but instead will drop a puppet as an item that you can use.

    With the puppet item you can use it like the puppeteer, which could come in handy if you find yourself surrounded by mobs and have to pillar up or if you want to do a surprise attack from above.

    I think this would be a fun unique mob that adds new strategy to combat.

    submitted by /u/Pf_Farnsworth
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    Oak doors in strongholds should be replaced with spruce doors

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 02:14 AM PST

    I find it weird that strongholds have oak doors, they don't really seem to fit the environment. I suggest that the oak doors get replaced with the spruce doors to match the style, considering it's a dark and mysterious place.

    submitted by /u/AUserObviously
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    The Prismaray - Underwater Mount!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 10:16 AM PST

    The Prismaray is an underwater mob, and spawns very rarely near the surface of the water, gliding about peacefully. It is a neutral mob, and will attack you only if you attack it. They're actually quite big, about 2x the size of a Phantom. But, where does the mount part come in?

    Well, Prismarays can be tamed. It works like a horse, where you sit- or, lay, in this case- on it until it likes you. (Has anyone questioned that behavior before? Seems odd.) They control like a horse, except can move both horizontally and vertically. They can't go straight up, though, only being able to look up/down 45*. Also, you don't really sit on Prismarays. You lay down on them, holding on to their backs.

    First off, they can deflect any Tridents from drowned. It's not going to be useful too often, but can help you out sometimes. Second, they can jump! By gathering some momentum underwater, you can jump up and out of the water. You'll go about 5 blocks up, and will then be able to glide as if you were using an elytra. You could divebomb onto a mob, as going straight down into the water will put you into a torpedo-like state.

    Don't get beached though! While they don't breathe, they dislike the land and, henceforth you. At least, for a few days. If you beach your Prismaray, they will not allow you to ride them for 2-3 in-game days.

    They can be bred, too! The babies are just slightly bigger than turtle babies. So small!

    But wait, there's more! You know how Conduits are made of Prismarine, right..? You see where I'm going with this. Living Conduits!

    Using a Conduit on a Prismaray will make it's face and tummy very glowy. Oh, it's tail will also gain a whole new look! Conduit Prismarays go faster, jump higher (up to 15 blocks!), glide longer, and give off the Prismarine Power buff. Prismarine Power is basically a weaker version of Conduit Power, giving you only increased breath time and 75% increased underwater mining speed. It's still good, considering you can ride it!

    This is my first time making a model for my posts, so mind any mistakes. I like it though!

    That's about it. Do you like the Prismaray? Cause, I do! It's on the Minecraft Feedback Page; right here! It may still be pending approval, so if it doesn't work, please try again later.

    u/Matinja8 suggested decorating them with carpets like Llamas, and I adore that idea!

    submitted by /u/Jely710
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    Killing a slime or magma cube with looting should make it split into more slimes or magma cubes.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 04:15 AM PST

    Basically just the title. I don't know if the flair should be mobs or magic but this feels like it's more the mob's properties instead of the enchantment's so mobs it is!

    Normally when you're early-ish game you'll head over to a swamp and kill a bunch of slimes to get some slimeballs if you need them. If you wanted fire resistance you'd probably go to the nether, find a few magma cubes, and kill them for magma cream. But there's two pretty big problems with this; even if you have some decent enchants, you need quite a lot of these mobs to get any reasonable amount of their drops, and both mobs are really annoying to find early game.

    But what if you could force them to spawn more of themselves?

    Obviously the main reason you'd want this is if you were manually killing the mobs, you'd get quite a bit more drops since more mobs end up spawning. But there's also the point that if you're not well prepared then you could easily get swarmed.

    Now, having anything above iron armour would probably save you but if you found yourself unprepared in a basalt delta, with huge magma cubes diving off the upper platforms to get you, using a looting 3 sword, you might be in quite a bit of trouble. Not to mention running into 3 or 4 large slimes, then killing them only to have them split into 7 or more medium slimes, and backing up into a pack of creepers, would be pretty annoying.

    So I don't know, but I feel like it just fits. If looting makes one chicken drop 4 chickens, then couldn't it make slimes split into more slimes?

    submitted by /u/officialcyan
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    Gunpowder and Glowstone dust as placeable items

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 03:53 AM PST

    The idea is that gunpowder would be placeable on the ground and up blocks like redstone and it would basically react a little like it meaning you could like the gunpowder on fire and it would go along the line maybe leading to TNT and as it goes possibly dealing damage to entities standing on a line of dust that is currently alight, you could think of it like the wick of a candle.

    Same goes for Glowstone dust it would be a placeable item but instead of being used for lighting TNT it could be used to light up a place obviously giving off a lower light level than a full Glowstone block. The dust could also be somehow placed on ceilings to create a somewhat spotlight!

    submitted by /u/Entity_333
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    An idea to stop people easily killing the warden:

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    I've seen people joke about how they can just either dig a tunnel and attack it (like you would with an enderman), or build a small tower and keep shooting at it (similar to how you might kill an iron golem). Here is an idea to prevent this from happening and make people run away like they should do: 1. Give the warden the ability to climb walls like spiders can. This means people can't build towers because the warden will follow them up there. 2. Allow the warden to break blocks if it needs to get to its prey. This means people can't dig a tunnel because the warden can then follow them.

    submitted by /u/ProfuseComet986
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    When a snow golem is created with powdered snow, It should create a frost effect around it that slows down entities.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 03:33 AM PST

    It's just a small change, but if a snow golem is made with powdered snow it could have a slightly different skin, sort of like a brown mooshroom, and create that frost effect on player screens when nearby. It would also be cool if it could slow down mobs/entities/players around it, which could perhaps make them actually useful against mobs, but probably not, It could also be used to create an eerie atmosphere where players move slowly without soulsand.

    submitted by /u/Eri_Berri
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    Filled Cauldron - Transport the Big Boyes of the Sea!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 10:16 AM PST

    It's simple, really. Mining a cauldron that's filled with water will give you a Filled Cauldron.

    You can use it the same way that you use a bucket, except Filled Cauldrons are used on Dolphins, Turtles, Squids, and Glow Squids.

    I've always wanted to make a Dolphin Aquarium, but it's so hard to transport them. I feel this would be a good way to do this.

    It'll also allow you to easily transport Glow Squids, when they get added - I mean, they're begging to be put in an aquarium, we need a way to transport them!

    Minecraft Feedback It may still be pending approval, so if it doesn't work, please try again later.

    submitted by /u/Jely710
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    An update to walls and fences

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:15 PM PST

    It's probably not a new idea for people to be able to place fences and walls sideways like end rods and chains(which for some reason can only be placed like that in java). I'm open for opinions.

    submitted by /u/soundwavesuperior69
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    Sticky pistons should be able to be made with a honey bottle like slime balls are used.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 05:45 AM PST

    Slimes are inconvenient unless you happen to spawn near an area where they spawn. Bees take a while to set up, but are worth not having to run all over the map looking for a swamp.

    submitted by /u/ATX_Adventure
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    Nether Shipwrecks

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 08:32 AM PST

    As there are in the overworld and the oceans it has, there should be shipwrecks in the lava oceans of the Nether.

    Ever since the nether update there has been a heavily suggested, if not confirmed species (piglins) with intelligent minds. It would only be logical for piglins to use boats to cross the lava lakes, since they are not resistant to burning in lava.

    The boats would be similar in size and build to the ones in the overworld, but with obvious modifications to adapt in the Nether, such as being made of the two fire resistant wood types in the nether and with a change in the loot table in the treasure chests, along with other minor changes to make them blend in more comfortably.

    I personally think this would make the Nether even more alive, putting the final touch on the grand piece that the nether update was.

    I'd love to hear your feedback and ideas, along with specifics, this is truly just a suggestion and idea, there's a lot that could be fleshed out.

    Thank you for your time and reading!

    submitted by /u/thybyronian
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    Spider pods, spider venom milking, permanent potion effects on armor, details inside...

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:22 PM PST

    Because spiders have been seen in harder difficulties to permanently have a potion effect. Maybe you could kill a cave spider, or normal spider, and the spider pod could be used to make permanent potion effects on either yourself or on items. Maybe with a necklace item then you could wear the potion effect, at the cost of losing your chest plate armor, or maybe leather or gold could have permanent potion effects. This would cause a difficult yet interesting gameplay perspective, where some players would be tanks due to their great enchanted armor, and other players could be wearing weaker armor that gives them great effects, greater than enchantments, and permanently, but at the cost of short-term defense. However, instead of allowing for armor to be smeared with a spider pod with infused potion effects, maybe you could capture a spider and throw a potion on it, this would allow for these spiders, who can already take in various effects and reproduce them (probably from an internal organ) maybe these spiders could then take the thrown potion, absorb the effects of the potion, and subconsciously begin to produce it regularly. Allowing for players to pinch the potion off its fangs, allowing for potion effects to be reusable and mass-produced. (Maybe a player could squeeze the potion effect into a bottle or the player could allow the spider to bite them, giving them the potion.) [Note: I don't know if this has been thought before, also, this idea fits with the lore of Minecraft because other mobs such as the mooshrooms allow for suspicious stews.)

    submitted by /u/PeaseedMustardrace
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    Spirit Caskets! - New Decoration Blocks for Archaeology

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:14 PM PST

    Spirit Caskets! - New Decoration Blocks for Archaeology

    Archaeology has the potential to be really awesome. But instead of doing that through loot, how about we do it through decoration blocks?

    Mojang has already started down this path with ceramic pots, but we can do better. To do so, I present spirit caskets, mob-themed blocks that can be found in archaeological sites.

    This image explains the important stuff about caskets. If you're too lazy to read the entire post, consider giving this a look!

    Obtaining & Appearance

    Spirit caskets can be found in archaeological dig sites. They can be broken and obtained with a pickaxe.

    Caskets can be made of different materials, such as stone, sandstone, terracotta, prismarine, and others. The material of a casket depends on where it was found. Here are some examples:

    • Stone caskets can be found in forests, plains, moutains etc.
    • Sandstone caskets can be found in deserts.
    • Terracotta caskets can be found in badlands/mesas.
    • Prismarine caskets can be found in sites near the ocean.

    They are also modeled after different mobs. For example, there are zombie caskets, squid caskets, llama caskets, etc. This also depends on the location of the site. Cat caskets are most likely to be found in deserts, and squid caskets are most likely to be found near oceans.


    Spirit caskets don't seem very interesting at first, just blocks with mob faces. However, the real magic comes in when you activate them with redstone.

    When activated, the face/markings on a casket light up a particular color (depends on the mob). This doesn't actually give off light, but it creates a see-in-the-dark texture similar to endermen eyes and the to-be-added glow squid. This is great for decoration purposes.

    In addition to that, spirit caskets make mob noises depending on what mob they're themed after. For example, a creeper casket will make creeper noises (great for pranking friends). This comes in handy if you want to create ambience in a given area through mob sounds.


    Overall, I think spirit caskets should be added for two main reasons:

    1. They add a lot to archaeological sites. I think this would be a great way to differentiate dig sites between biomes and dig sites within the same biome. In addition to variety, they also contribute to lore. How did mob spirits end up in these things? What magic drives caskets?
    2. They would be very useful for map makers. In addition to looking awesome and fitting well in ancient temple settings, the fact that these make noises would be great ambience-wise. Say you want to induce fear by having zombie and creeper noises without actually having to deal with the mobs themselves. These blocks would make doing something like that a lot easier.

    I hope you found the suggestion interesting enough to upvote! Tell me your thoughts. What do you like? What could be improved? I'd love to know!

    ok bai :)

    submitted by /u/ThatOneKirbyMain2568
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    Cave Bats should drop bat wings as a potion ingredient

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 11:24 AM PST

    With the cave update lurking over us, I think that cave bats should actually start to see a use now. We all know that sound/vibration is going to play a big part with the new Warden mob, so I propose that Mojang add a Potion of Quiet (or something along those lines).

    Killing cave bats could have a chance to drop bat wings, which can then be brewed into a Potion of Quiet that reduces the noises/ vibrations from movement, mining and other "noise making" actions. This would be very useful for both the Warden and possibly for player combat when you are trying to be stealthy around hostile players.

    I'm sorry if this idea has been expressed already, it just kind of popped into my head, have a nice day everyone!

    submitted by /u/Talimorph
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    [player] kicked the bucket (death message)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 11:24 AM PST

    Shows when a player dies from fall damage while holding an empty/water bucket.
    It's for when you fail blocking your fall with water bucket.

    submitted by /u/upalome
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    A dangerous ocean creature

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:11 AM PST

    The piglin brute and warden are additions that are big, bad and strong. They serve as a challenge for the player as Minecraft before lacked a difficulty curve with the wither and ender dragon creating sudden spikes in the game's progression.

    Now the ocean doesn't have any danger, yes guardians exist but they are only found with ocean monuments which themselves are quite rare and the drowned aren't even threats.

    So why not have a monster that lives in the oceans?

    I suggest an eel of sorts. The eel shall be given a name: The Lurker.

    The lurker would be a quick and deadly hunter, striking from blind spots to quickly damage the player.

    It uses its jaws to clamp onto some poor soul to be dragged back down into the abyss.

    This creature has a "pharyngeal jaw" which means it has a second set of jaws inside of its mouth. This second jaw is attached to a tendril (Think graboid from tremors). The lurker uses this to allow it to hide inside of crevices on the ocean floor while its tendril grabs unsuspecting fishes and players into the even bigger jaw. It may even capsize boats.

    Doing damage to the tendril will make it retract. If the tendril gets a hold of you the tendril will inflict blindness onto you and begin dragging you down. If you can strike it enough it'll let go and you'll be given a chance to escape.

    If you stray too close to a lurker's crevice it'll pop out to attack you directly. It'll use its tendril as a spacing tool to keep you within chomping distance.

    When trying to attack the lurker will pick 4 options.

    Option 1: will have it open its big jaw and back off before lunging forward. If it connects the Lurker takes a hold of what it hit and inflicts blindness and begins to drag the prey down. Players caught have less attack range. Just like the tendril, striking the lurker will loosen its hold. If it let's go the lurker will swim out of range before re-engaging.

    Option 2: Will make it do a Riptide dash. It'll do this dash a few times before picking another option.

    Option 3: Is a powerful roar that inflicts blindness for a few seconds. When roaring the Lurker can be interrupted which stuns it allowing for a few easy hits.

    Option 4: Is similar to the first with it opening its jaw but instead of lunging it shuts them quickly creating a cavitation bubble that travels forward. This bubble does immense damage and it's best to avoid it at all costs. The bubble will also disable shields.

    As the Lurker loses HP it'll attack faster and cycle through attacks more.

    When slain the Lurker will drop: Some fish and coral 1-6 Lurker Teeth: Which can be brewed into blindness potions 3% Whip Jaw: Acts similarly to the fishing rod but the pulling is changed by the direction you're moving I.e moving to the left pulls them to the left and moving to the right pulls them to the right. The whip can also grab items off of the floor or netherite items floating in lava.

    submitted by /u/Centurypong
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    Lava biomes

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:38 AM PST

    I was thinking about the Nether Update, and one aspect that has remained untouched were... the Nether Fortresses... but were not discussing those, were discussing the giant lava lakes. I think adding in biomes (and even underlava structures) to them would be cool. Basically, the lava ocean's floor would be covered in different blocks.

    - Blackstone ocean (Found in Basalt Delta biomes, put simply, the floor of the lava oceans is covered in Blackstone)

    - Gravel ocean (Found a little more randomly, lava ocean floor is covered in gravel)

    - A coral-like ocean (Not necessarily made of coral but perhaps a dark version of the Overworld's already existing coral reefs)

    In general, I think a Lava Update could be a cool idea

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    Statues in archaeology

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 04:57 AM PST

    I have always wished to have some decorations in my builds, that look like a statue and aren't bigger than two blocks. I tried using armor stands, but they don't look that good, they just look like sticks with clothes and a monster head. Now when we are going to have archeology that will allow us to make custom ancient pots, I think it's a great opportunity to add custom ancient statues.

    Finding and building

    In the archaeological sites, inside gravel and dirt, you would be able to find pieces of old statues. There would be four types of pieces: leg, arm, torso and head. You would place two legs on one block like when you place sea pickles. Then you would place the torso on the legs. And then two arms and head on the torso. And a stone Steve is standing in front of you!

    Random angles, poses

    Every piece, you find, would have it's own fixed angle. I don't know how to describe it because of my bad english. When you place an arm, some would look like the statue is waving, another would hang along the torso. Some legs would look like the statue is walking some would look like it's standing, some heads would look down, some would look in the left... The angles would be random. In the creative mode you could of course set the angle. But this feature would be maybe too difficult to implement.


    The statues would have a shape of Steve or Alex model, but they would have a texture of some stone or material. It would be amazing if they added marble, so every statue would have slightly different marble texture. But the statues could also be just made out of diorite, andesite, granite or sandstone or very rarely gold or even diamond. Maybe if you brush some soulsand in the nether, you could find quartz or blackstone pieces of statues.


    I think statues would be a great decoration for most of buildings that players create. I can imagine seeing quartz statues in ancient temples, granite statues in dark dungeons, blackstone statue pointing a direction in the middle of a forest, sandstone statue on a pillar, gold statues in churches or someone flexing with his full diamond statue. I think this would make the archaeology really popular!

    PS: Sorry for my bad English. If you find some error that makes the text less understandable, write it in the comments, please, so i can correct it. And I'm also sorry that it's so long. I wanted the people who read it to fully understand what I'm suggesting.

    submitted by /u/Kjuolsdeaf
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    We need a Loot Update

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    (TL;DR at the end) Update by update, Minecraft gets more structures. With more structures means more chests of loot. However, the loot is starting to feel the same. Rotten flesh, bones, arrows, iron, enchantment books, horse armor, you name it. The more structures that get added to Minecraft, the more common these items become. So I propose a Loot Update.

    We need more items that are exclusive to chests, whether they are junk items that prove useful to brewing, or more artifacts/tools that can assist you in gameplay.

    Some junk ideas could include things such as Rotten Apples, Worms (this is an optional item for fishing that is not required. It attracts fish, allowing for you to fish faster; can be used only once), and Rusty Iron Ingots. They don't have to be new either. Some items like eggs and spider eyes could be included.

    Some treasure ideas include maps that lead to structures apart from mansions and monuments, a new gemstone (e.g. topaz or ruby) for crafting new Redstone components and/or for trading with a new mob (e.g. goblins), and, just to throw in ideas, a decorative light source.

    If we don't get a loot update anytime soon, we'd be rich of emeralds, iron, and enchantment books. So, what do you all think? And what other junk/treasure/mediocre loot ideas do you have? Thank you for reading.

    TL;DR we need more loot for chests in structures like rotten apples and dungeon maps, otherwise we'd be rich in iron, emeralds, etc.

    submitted by /u/BeeKay64
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    Please, oh please, update the Spawner Dungeons.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 02:53 PM PST

    I know what I'm about to say is going to be slightly controversial, but I think spawner dungeons REALLY need an update. As far as I know, they are the oldest structure that is still in the game and they've barely changed since they were added. I mean, look at them! They're just a room made of cobblestone and mossy cobblestone with 1-2 chests and a spawner in the middle! That's it! There's no decoration, no extra rooms, nothing.

    Now, I know the idea of changing spawner dungeons has probably made some of you furious for one reason: Mob Farms. With their current design, Spawner Dungeons are kind of optimal for being converted into mob farms, which have almost become a staple of modern Minecraft. But just because we're updating them, it doesn't mean we need to completely remove that capability, we just need to make them a bit better than they currently are.

    Maybe add some nice pillars in the corners, a pedestal for the chest to stand on, maybe make the spawner be dangling from a chain attached to the ceiling, add in some stone bricks, etc. That's it! Done! Immediately, they no longer look like they're from beta Minecraft, and they can still be used for mob farms!

    Here is a concept for how they could look: Spawner Dungeon Concept

    submitted by /u/IAmTheBushman
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    The Warden should be able to climb blocks

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    One of my strategies when killing an iron golem for iron early game has always been making a block tower and firing down the arrows. The warden is supposed to be a mob you want to avoid rather than fight, and not easy to kill so to prevent you from just blocking up and raining down the arrows, it should be able to climb up the tower you've made. Has those massive strong limbs for a reason ;-)

    submitted by /u/Theverylowkey666
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    In The New Combat Update, The Axe Needs To Swing Slightly Slower

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 05:55 AM PST

    This might be a little early, but

    In case you don't know, the cooldown for hitting something again is 0.5 seconds, and a attack speed of 2 (I'm sure I will be corrected) would logically mean 2 times per second, right? That makes the sword useless, because even with a faster attack speed, it's capped by the cooldown. (I think the cooldown should be removed also). In case you've been under a rock, axes do more damage. But a attack speed of 1.9 doesn't seem too nerfed, and it would give the sword use.

    submitted by /u/A_Minecrafter1065
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    Unique trades for the different villager types

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:36 PM PST

    I feel like the "master" tier could use another trade (unlocks 2 instead of 1 trade). The extra trade would vary from biome to biome, but be from the same selection of items for every profession. For example, Desert villagers could have cactus, dead bush and sand as their new trade pool, and 1 of these would be selected regardless of the villagers profession. This way more blocks (and items) could be farmable, but it would require some work to get all of the trades. Other trades could be saplings, biome specific plants and blocks (lily pads/cocoa beans/podzol/mossy cobble/ice/snow), different flowers, etc.

    submitted by /u/_Blobfish123_
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    Dispensers sheering pumpkins!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 10:21 AM PST

    Dispensers can't sheer pumpkins. Since mojang made the jack o' lantern recipe so manual now, this would be a good fix to help craft them faster again.


    submitted by /u/4ChanIsBetterx420
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