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    Minecraft A new game mode that changes the objective of your worlds: Gather

    Minecraft A new game mode that changes the objective of your worlds: Gather

    A new game mode that changes the objective of your worlds: Gather

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 04:16 AM PST

    It's been a while now since we've had a new game mode that changes how you play Minecraft, with Hardcore and Adventure mode essentially being variants of survival.

    Gather mode (name is still a WIP) would change the objective of the game while still feeling like Minecraft. Unlike what currently exists, this mode would give players a definitive but humungous goal - collect at least one of every item and block possible. It would still play like a normal survival game at its core, but each time you mine, find or craft a new block or item it gets added to a progress grid - kind of like a gigantic bingo card with a meter at the top to track how you're going.

    This mode would require players to truly explore every crevice of their world and experience all of what Minecraft has to offer in order to fill out their grids and would work well in both survival and multiplayer settings. For more variation and faster games, maybe a smaller grid option with only 16 randomly chosen blocks or items could be made available.

    It's possible to create something similar with an a huge advancement pack, but that would limit bedrock players and wouldn't work as well as proper integration could. There are endless possibilities for how to play in this mode, like racing with friends to see who can get everything first or trying or coming up with new strategies to fill out chunks of your grid as fast as possible.

    Edit: some people are suggesting that this should be added instead as an extension to achievements/advancements which I agree would work just as well as long as they can find a way to implement it for both Java and bedrock. A block/item tracking grid could even work in the statistics page.

    submitted by /u/Mitchdawg27
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    In the 25th of December, bundle's texture should change to a christmas sock.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 06:21 AM PST

    This would be very cool for roleplaying and all that stuff, and you could put them in an item frame and put presents in them.

    submitted by /u/Guillesahu07
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    Copper should oxidize at different rates depending on how many air blocks its exposed to

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 12:41 AM PST

    If a copper block is surrounded on all 6 sides with regular blocks and therefor not exposed to any air blocks it doesn't oxidize at all. If it's surrounded on 5 sides with regular blocks and only touching 1 air block it does oxidize but at an extremely slow rate. The rate of oxidation continues to get faster and faster the more air blocks it's exposed to reaching maximum oxidation speed when it's air blocks on all 6 sides. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/BigGuyBillWilson
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    When crystal block is placed below noteblock, the noteblock should sound like crystal.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 02:39 AM PST

    I think this is really cool addition. Crystal sounds can be used in christmas songs or they can be combinated with gold block sound to make a cool door bell sound.

    submitted by /u/PanKoty147
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    Beacon beams can shine through tinted glass, and the beam becomes near invisible when they do so

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 04:53 AM PST

    The beam would be either completely invisible or near fully transparent

    submitted by /u/Minerdomera
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    You should be able to Right-Click a copper block to wax it.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 02:31 AM PST

    Because the process is too tideous as of right now:

    Mine the ore, smelt the ore, craft the block, place the block, wait 15 days, break the block, wax the block, place again.

    submitted by /u/ZhisBoiZep
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    Husks should drop copper.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 02:04 PM PST

    As zombies drop iron and drowned drop gold, it would make a lot of sense. It would also be a very Vanilla way to make copper renewable.

    submitted by /u/KirbyBWCH
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    Rusty Iron Golem

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 06:10 AM PST

    Like a normal Iron Golem, but with slightly lower stats and a rusty and worn appearance. It would be a hostile mob that spawns in abandoned villages.

    submitted by /u/Zerbkeik
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    Splash water bottles should take copper blocks up one stage in the oxidation process

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 05:17 AM PST

    I say it should be splash water bottles only because just placing it in water would be way too quick and easy. It makes sense for water to make it oxidize faster, and splash water bottles at least take up resources (gunpowder, glass, and a little bit of time). I think any non-waxed copper blocks that are touched by the area of effect for the splash water bottle should go up one stage. This wouldn't be very game-breaking since you'd need a lot of splash bottles to get a significant amount of fully oxidized copper.

    submitted by /u/nowthenight
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    Tuff and Calcite should be craftable using Andesite/Diorite and Amethyst Shards

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 01:05 PM PST

    Tuff and Calcite are both nice-looking blocks that builders would likely enjoy using but currently you can only obtain a relatively small and finite amount of them from a rare structure.

    My suggestion is that they can be crafted. Tuff could be made using Andesite and Amethyst Shards while Calcite could be made using Diorite and Amethyst Shards. Having the blocks require amethyst shards to craft would ensure that players would still need to find an Amethyst Geode in order to gain access to crafting them, and would also give farming amethyst another use.

    submitted by /u/Cavinator1
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    Just a silly idea...

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 10:23 AM PST

    It would be great to see the Warden being able to dance to the 'ward' music disc! d:

    Just a thought...

    submitted by /u/Ferds_2006
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    Chorus and Sugarcane in Flower Pots

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 12:40 AM PST

    Putting a chorus flower and sugarcane in a flower pot would look really cool I think, especially if the chorus had end stone in the pot.


    submitted by /u/LoZ_Player
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    Using a grindstone on oxidized copper blocks should remove a stage of oxidation.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 06:35 AM PST

    It's going to be tedious to make a lot of oxidized copper blocks for a build, especially if you wait to long and it goes past the stage you want.

    So, what would you do about it? Just grind it off in the grindstone. You might think that would make the copper block smaller, but stripped logs already stay the same size when you "remove" the bark.

    submitted by /u/Okibdoki
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    Pet wolves guide you to where you died.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 06:44 AM PST

    This one is kinda self explanatory. If you have a dog and you die, the dog could guide you back to all of your items.

    submitted by /u/Ninjabutz
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    Attach spyglass to crossbows to make a scope!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 12:29 AM PST

    since crossbows are a more accurate version of bows, we should be able to use the spyglass to snipe enemies. Otherwise, the spyglass doesn't have much of a use in the game.

    submitted by /u/dankdannyk
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    Copper Tarnishing: the colors of copper and its patina (also preserving, cleaning, and distressing copper)

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 11:49 AM PST

    Copper Tarnishing: the colors of copper and its patina (also preserving, cleaning, and distressing copper)

    Since a lot of the 1.17 textures are still in development, and copper is confirmed one of them, this is my take on copper weathering. I made my own copper blocks to show off the range of colors copper takes on. They would probably look terrible the way they are because I didn't try tessellating them but you get the idea.

    I made these blocks and wrote most of this suggestion before the first 1.17 snapshot came out. Copper weathering looks much better now but I didnt want to do all this for nothing so here are my blocks

    I originally made these blocks after seeing the copper blocks shown at Minecraft Live. I wanted to try to incorporate mainly these features:

    1. brand new copper is pink
    2. copper turns really dark as it ages
    3. patina comes in a range of blues and greens

    I made 8 block states and I numbered them from 0 to 7. The copper gets increasingly weathered from left to right.


    In this system, copper goes through 4 stages: shiny copper (1), antique copper (3), blue patina (5), and verdigris (7). The other 4 block states in between are for the transition from one stage to the next.

    Blocks 0 and 7 are special. Block 0 is the first state with zero tarnish and is the transition from brand new copper to regular shiny copper. Block 7 is the final state, it is completely covered in verdigris and it is stable and won't change color anymore

    Copper blocks

    Shiny Copper

    Raw copper naturally has a pink color and it is really apparent in freshly cleaned copper. So when you place brand new copper blocks, it should look like block 0, pink and shiny with zero tarnish. This is copper in its cleanest and shiniest form. It doesn't stay this pristine for long so unless there is a way to preserve copper at each state, you will have to keep cleaning the copper and put in the work maintaining it. (The first snapshot just came out lol you can use honeycomb)

    Immediately after placing/cleaning, copper begins to oxidize and change color. So after a day or two (in game), the copper will transition to state 1. This is the reddish orange color of copper that everyone is familiar with. You don't have to wait long to get it. Block 1 is much more stable so your copper builds will be able to last in its shiny copper glory for several moons. You should be able to play Minecraft all day without your copper turning green in one sitting, or changing every time you look at it. Shiny copper blocks stay shiny for about 8 lunar cycles (64 days) or 21hr 20min in real life.

    Antique Copper

    After this period it will start turning into antique copper (block 3). This is copper that has been exposed for many weeks, and it shows its age in its color. Copper naturally gets duller and darker as its surface oxidizes, almost turning black.

    Block 2 is the transition between shiny and antique copper. It has dark patches that represents the black patina that forms on copper in real life. This transition is more gradual than block 0 to block 1. So when block 2 starts appearing, you know that its starting to undergo a transformation that will take around 16 days (in game). In block 3, the dark brown color has taken over the block completely.

    It will stay as antique copper for around 10 lunar cycles (80 days) or 26 hours 40 min in real life. During this period you have plenty of time to decide if you want to clean your copper so it goes back to the shiny copper it once was. Or you can live with this copper until it starts developing patina.

    Examples of the copper each block was based on

    Patina Blocks

    Blue Patina

    After copper reaches its darkest, colors will start to emerge. When block 4 starts appearing, its next transformation is underway. Over the next 24 days (in game) antique copper decays into block 4 and then into block 5 (blue patina). Your copper build will be entirely blue for roughly 12 lunar cycles (96 days) or 32 hours in real life.


    This is its final stage of weathering. Blue patina will start turning green over the next 32 days. During this period there will be a beautiful mix of blocks 5, 6, and 7. After this your copper will have a solid layer of verdigris and will keep it forever.

    Adding up all the time I suggested it takes for block 0 to decay all the way to block 7, it would've taken roughly 104 hours and 40 minutes. If you played Minecraft for 4 hours a day everyday, it would take 26 days in real life, almost a month. Hopefully a lot of history happened in your world in that time. And hopefully you still remember what it was like when your copper structure was still pink and shiny, or when it was dark and antiquated, or when it turned bright blue.

    Examples of the patina each block was based on

    Preserving copper

    In the snapshot that came out, you can craft waxed copper in a crafting table with honeycomb. The problem I see with this is that if you build an entire structure with copper and let it tarnish to the stage you want, you have to tear it all down and wax each block at a crafting table and then reassemble your entire build? I think it would be easier to use honeycomb directly on the copper block and consume it in the process, similar to stripping logs with an axe.

    Also copper surrounded by blocks on all 6 sides should never tarnish. I think it'd be weird if you have a 4x4 cube of shiny copper and by the time the outer layer is completely green, you mine the copper and the inside turned green too. Unless the inside blocks were built with green blocks, it should've stayed with the amount of tarnish it had before it was encased.

    Cleaning copper

    Maybe after a long time you get bored with your unchanging fully aged copper, or maybe you want to see it restored to its former glory. When you clean copper blocks at any stage of weathering it should go back to block 0, its original clean and polished state. To clean copper I saw a lot of suggestions to use the new brush and I think its a good idea. I originally thought about using glowstone powder.

    Another idea is you could craft Thick Splash Potion to quickly clean copper in large sections at a time. You could still use the brush for fine cleaning. Thick potions are brewed with glowstone powder so I think its fitting that it results in polished copper. Also it would finally give it a use.

    Another way is to use normal splash water bottles (or brush) to restore copper to block 1. If you want to restore copper to its perfectly untarnished original block 0 state, you need to use glowstone powder on block 1 to polish it (like the honeycomb to wax it) or alternatively just use the thick splash potion.

    Distressing copper

    In real life, patina takes years, even decades to develop. But not everyone cares about the history of their copper build weathering over the course of their Minecraft life and just want to build something with the patina blocks. To speed up the process, the player could use blaze powder on copper to manually corrode the copper. Each blaze powder consumed makes a harsh noise and a chance to tarnish the block by one level. This is like fertilizing crops or feeding baby animals to make them grow faster.

    In real life, people use chemicals like ammonia to corrode copper quickly but there is nothing like that Minecraft, so I suggested blaze powder because its from the Nether like glowstone powder. It would also consume a lot of blaze powder per block so hopefully it doesn't make naturally weathered copper obsolete.

    Blaze powder will burn wax off copper first before it starts to tarnish it. You can convert all your waxed copper back to normal this way so don't end up with stacks of waxed copper with the wrong amount of weathering that you have to throw out.

    In short:

    • use honeycomb to stop weathering
    • use glowstone powder to remove tarnish
    • use blaze powder to remove wax and add tarnish

    Other ideas

    Having 8 variations of copper is a lot, thats as many variations as wood, so of course it could be simplified. I just wanted to explore all the options. Also copper doesnt tarnish in such a linear way in real life, I attempted to make it a linear process to fit it in with the game. There are multiple different chemical reactions that cause copper to change color. The speed of weathering and color of patina depends on the environment its in. This could be reflected in Minecraft too possibly:

    Copper turns blue or green depending on which biome its weathering in

    • Instead of waiting through 4 stages, you only have to wait through 3 (shiny > antique > patina) and the final color is biome dependent
    • You have to go out to the right biome to get the copper you want.
    • Make one color patina rarer than the other.

    Copper tarnishes slower or faster depending on which biome its placed in

    • Some biomes might be so dry and arid that copper never forms patina, stops at antique

    Copper tarnishes faster in the rain

    • would be interesting because copper blocks on top would shield the copper blocks under them, and turn green faster then the rest of the build

    Copper ages even in chunks not loaded

    • I don't know if this is even possible, or if thats how they are already planning on doing it, but it would be awful if copper stops weathering just because you aren't near it. It would wreck the sense of history they talked about having in Minecraft Live because copper in different parts of your world will age at vastly different rates.
    • Copper in places you don't visit as often will stay shiny for much longer or might never turn green. Instead of coming back and feeling like a lot has changed, it will feel like you never left for very long and nothing changed, no history.
    • If copper somewhere takes too long to turn green, players might straight up build with weathered copper, defeating copper's unique purpose in your buildings having a history, it was already green when you first built it.
    • I should be able to leave some copper at a base and come back to it after 200 hours and the copper updates to the correct stage when I load the chunk, showing how long I was away.
    submitted by /u/n4rwhal_
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    Think twice before submitting a feature for realism, does it make the game better or is it just more work for the cpu?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 07:11 AM PST

    This is a subreddit that celebrates ideas and creativity, so I just wanna remind people to "think twice".

    Realism DOES make the game experience feel more immersive or cohesive most of the times. But, there's an extent where a feature, a mechanism, an extra piece of code, can be felt in a life time of gameplay.

    An extra feature could very well sound neat and interesting on paper, but ending up only being noticed the first time it was introduced and never again while the actual mechanism has always been ticking on and off or waiting for its signal the whole time.

    I'm NOT talking about flashiness or headline-worth, one wholesome moment seeing that extra feature going off might just absolutely made it worth. But would that moment ever come? How much computation does the game or the dev has to put in for that moment? And how would that moment actually feel like?

    Simply put, think about the "Is it worth it"?

    submitted by /u/Gon_ExplodeOnMyChair
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    Candles in flower pots

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 08:45 AM PST

    It's pretty simple, you could put candles in flower pots. Maybe they wouldn't be as tall as normal ones and thicker to fill in the whole pot.

    submitted by /u/Fishu572
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    Copper should turn green faster underwater

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 10:44 PM PST

    (I am under the impression that it will take about 50 Mc days for copper to turn green, and if this is already a thing or has already been suggested, I'm sorry). Not only is it more realistic for copper to turn green faster underwater, but people who build like I do will love the greener versions of copper for building, but not have much use for the orange-brown copper. Personally, I would rather not go afk overnight just for some green metal with little functional use, but I would love to incorporate it into my builds. Maybe it takes more like 20 days underwater?

    submitted by /u/BZZBBZ
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    You should be able to wax TNT

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 02:19 PM PST

    The title basically explains it- in the 1.17 snapshot, you are able to wax copper to stop it from changing. I'm not sure if waxing it would be the best way, maybe adding a sort of glass pane instead?

    But I think there should be some sort of decorative TNT that won't threaten to explode.

    submitted by /u/JCLICKER_YT
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    Spider Climbing Mechanics with Glazed Terracotta

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 07:21 AM PST

    Currently, there is a feature in the game that slime blocks moved by pistons do not pull Glazed Terracotta with them.

    I suggest that Spiders and Cave Spiders should not be able to climb on Glazed Terracotta either.

    submitted by /u/EntropyTheEternal
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    The new spyglasses should be added in the shipwreck loot table

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:40 PM PST

    I mean pirates and telescopes and traveling and many many lure I think it would be really cool

    submitted by /u/smartan01
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    Waterfalls should be added to the minecraft generation in the overworld

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 07:48 AM PST

    I know some time generation can create waterfalls, but i think waterfalls should be a thing that exist in world generation, some flowers around it, a little lake (and maybe something behind the waterfall)

    submitted by /u/spaker6554
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    Minecart speed varies with the material under the rail.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2020 03:19 PM PST

    Preface: I have a vauge memory of seeing this suggestion before, so I apologize if this was already suggested (it's not on the FPS list).

    The premise is that depending on what material is underneath the rail, the minecart will travel at different speeds.

    Any block makes up the lowest tier, with ×1 current speeds.

    Gravel would make the cart move ×1.5 the current speed.

    Blocks of Iron would make the cart move at ×2 the current speed.

    I'm sure there are some other blocks that would make sense in this situation, the idea is that the more you spend, the faster your rail will go. I think it's important that there are multiple tiers, as it will necessitate a cost-to-speed analysis.

    submitted by /u/AneurysmicKidney
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