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    Minecraft Rename 'Rabbits Hide' to 'Hide', So other small mobs can drop them.

    Minecraft Rename 'Rabbits Hide' to 'Hide', So other small mobs can drop them.

    Rename 'Rabbits Hide' to 'Hide', So other small mobs can drop them.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 07:04 AM PST

    Rename 'Rabbits Hide' to 'Hide', So other small mobs can drop them.

    Exactly what the title says. Rabbits hide would be in great demand as they would be used to make bundles in the new 1.17 update, so why make not make them easier to acquire?

    Concept Image for Hide. I made it so that it matches the texture color of Bundles.

    Hide can also be dyed/redyed like wool to change the color of the bundle made from them. If Shulker boxes can have colors, then why not bundles?

    A List of Mobs that could drop Hide include:

    Rabbits (regular/according to breed)

    Bats (brown/black)

    Phantoms (blue/cyan)

    Foxes (orange)

    Endermites/Silverfish (Purple, Grey/Light grey/White)

    Vexes (Grey/Light grey/White)

    Feedback site suggestion of this post. It is currently awaiting approval, so you can visit this page after 2-3 days and vote on it if you like the idea.

    submitted by /u/lightninglynx2
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    I have a small idea that could make some of Minecraft a little cooler, if not functional

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 11:43 PM PST

    I just had an idea while thinking of other zombie movies. What if when uploading a skin to use in Minecraft Java, you also had an option of uploading a duplicate that would be a "zombified" version? That way when you got killed by a zombie a zombie that looks like your character could spawn where you died. I think it would be a neat little feature, although it doesn't have much functionality

    submitted by /u/GreenBean825
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    Ladders should be able to hang in mid air

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:30 AM PST

    I think that ladders should not require a block behind them to support it, but instead it should have the function of a vine. u could break the blocks behind the ladder and it would float. also u would not require commands such as blockset and stuff

    submitted by /u/LocalCertain
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    The Y coordinate "0" starts at sea-level in the new update

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 08:24 AM PST

    The reason I say this is because, in the new update, caves look like they are going to get a lot deeper, and so, why say "I'm at Y level 16" when you can say "I'm 68 blocks underground", Appearing as "#,-68,#", I think this would be a great addition, Even better, it could be an option in settings to do Y=0 is bedrock or Y=0 is sea level


    -You can see how below the surface you are

    -If the caves are getting deeper, I don't want sea level to be 135 or something


    -Can be hard to read

    -People might convert back to old bedrock Y=0 level

    submitted by /u/I2HasADonut555
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    Dyed Bundles

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 08:48 AM PST

    I feel as though a lot of people are underestimating the usefulness of Bundles. A lot of people think that it's just an early game Shulker Box, but that's not the point of them. Shulker Boxes primary use is to store large quantities of similar items as to be better organized and store more items. The purpose of Bundles is to help declutter your inventory of the random items you collect over your Minecraft journey. They are not the perfect solution to the inventory management issue but they're not meant to be. They tackle only one of several issues with inventory management. Now, on to dyed Bundles. The primary incentive for Bundles into store a quantity of random and different items that you collect. If you have and use several different bundles in your inventory then it would be slightly frustrating to have to look through each and every one looking for the right item. You could rename them, but that doesn't solve the issue of scanning over every single bundle looking for a specific item. The ability to dye Bundles would make it so you could see that bundle and instantly know, "Oh, there must be leftover blocks in there," or, "Oh, I have some spare redstone blocks in there," rather then digging through numerous chests in your base looking for just one or two spare items.

    submitted by /u/DisturbedWaffles2019
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    There needs to be a "not enough detail" rule.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:56 AM PST

    Seriously. Posting "I think X would be cool please add it" without adding details or any sort of convincing argument as to why you think X should be added is not a suggestion.

    Conciseness of that magnitude should be exclusive to the comments.

    submitted by /u/MulberryBlaze
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    Acquired Software! achievement

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 04:58 AM PST

    Whenever you get iron, you get a "Acquired Hardware!" achievement. Since gold is a soft metal, you should get the "Acquired Software!" achievement.

    submitted by /u/V4iO-EU-W
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    Advancement - Ore Enthusiast

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:51 AM PST

    "Ore Enthusiast" would be a Goal Achievement on the same tree as "Acquire Hardware", "Isn't It Iron Pick", and "Diamonds!". It would basically involve mining at least one of every type of ore; coal, iron, gold, copper, lapis lazuli, redstone, emerald, diamond, Nether quartz, Nether gold, and Ancient Debris. This would encourage exploration, give a reward for finding ores besides iron, diamond, and Ancient Debris, and would be a good incentive for players to try and find rarer ores like emerald. The issue I will address is that there are already advancements for iron, diamonds, and Ancient Debris, and some players may think those are the only ores that require a reward upon obtaining. "Ore Enthusiast" would be more of a fun advancement along the lines of "A Furious Cocktail" or "How Did We Get Here?" as well as represent gradual progression throughout the game.

    submitted by /u/NerdWithAKeyboard
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    spears (with images)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 06:36 AM PST

    spears (with images)

    Why we should have spears:

    spears would be another option diverting from the classic progression. currently, we have the choice between, axes and swords. I think adding another option would be a great addition to the game, but I wasn't sure if there was a good way to implement a spear. I think I have come up with something. now, spears are on the fps list but I think this is a unique enough version of it, and I wouldn't be able to suggest any new weapons if I perfectly followed everything there.

    how spears are different from swords:

    a main difference between these and swords, is the attack has an animation that takes time. It has increases range, but the time it takes to hit you takes longer the farther you are away. the spear would have an attack cool-down between swords, and axes, on the axe side. you can not do jump crits with the spear. now as it stands this is a pretty weak weapon, but there is one thing that makes it strong. it can do string attacks. what does this mean? after every charged hit this stun icon with appear next to the cool-down icon. the stun lasts (slightly) longer than the cool down. In this time, if you hit them again it will deal more damage, more armor piercing damage. each successful combo hit is stronger than the last. the spear can also be thrown, but not as far as the trident can. also spears are a two handed weapon so you cant use an offhand.

    the combo/stun symbol

    How it affects the trident:

    The trident would be changed to working like a spear in melee. On the melee side the trident would be worse than a maxed netherite spear, but in range the trident would be far better. The trident also has more unique exclusive enchantments.


    The spear would have, a damage enchantment, and one to make the attack animation shorter, aside from durability enchantments. the damage one would not affect ranged combat


    Wood spear

    Stone spear

    Iron spear

    Diamond spear

    Netherite spear

    so that's about it. hope you enjoyed. Edit: removed loyalty as an enchantment

    submitted by /u/catfeesh124
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    Feather fall should make your steps and fall immune to the skulk sensor

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 03:16 PM PST

    Basically the title, thoughts?

    submitted by /u/MADH95
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    "Heigh Ho!" advancement.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 12:47 AM PST

    Discover every cave type.

    Mojang devs have confirmed that biomes are three dimensional and that many more cave variations will be coming, meaning a cool advancement challenge would be to discover every cave variant. This is similar to the "Adventuring Time" advancement, except this would be relevant to 1.17.

    The name "Heigh Ho" is a reference to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, as the dwarfs work in diamond mines.

    submitted by /u/LockeSimm
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    Shift right-clicking a lectern with an empty hand should pick up the book without the interface

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 12:00 PM PST

    Just a small QOL change that would make it slightly easier to use a lectern.

    submitted by /u/Ookidablobida
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    Spyglass lets you see names of entities.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:31 AM PST

    Looking at a named entity should make its name pop up somewhere above the entity or on the side of the screen.

    submitted by /u/TheBlueBluedoggy
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    Pillaged/Trapped Villages

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 12:55 PM PST


    Usually whenever I would load up a world I could find a regular village in about 2-7 Minutes. This can allow for an easy start to the player as they are able to find a Blacksmith and get Iron Materials right off the bat, and may be able to go to the Nether. One Idea I have for players to be able to explore more of the Overworld, or provide more danger for the player is through Pillaged/Trapped Villages.


    The way this would work is that whenever a world is generated these villages will have the appearance of the ruins of a village that had recently been killed off. There would be less loot in the chests a normal village would have. There would be Ominous Banners placed around the village as well.

    Whenever the player would enter the village it could either be a Pillaged Village or a Trapped One, similar to how a skeleton horse can be a skeleton trapped if the player is near. If the village is pillaged the well in the village will start to drain leading down towards a room that has all the stolen loot from the village called the Raid Storage Area.


    If the village is trapped, an event called "Ambush" would be triggered. Bells would start to ring and then cause a Boss Bar to appear at the top showing "Pillager Ambush" depending on the amount of loot that is generated in the Raid Storage Area determines the difficulty of the Ambush. After the pillagers are defeated rather than the well draining, an explosion will open up the Raid Storage Room.


    The loot generated is determined wether it is a Pillaged Village, or a Trapped Village. If it is a Pillaged Village you are more likely to see food items rather than any weapons, iron, obsidian, or any tools. With the Trapped village its vice versa.

    Extra: -Players are more likely to see trapped villages if they have ever gotten the Bad Omen Enchant. -Players who have the Bad Omen Enchant currently will always be attacked with an ambush whenever going into one of these villages.

    submitted by /u/LavaMountain001
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    Add a unique death message for falling on, and getting hit by pointed dripstone

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 01:18 PM PST

    Currently, the death messages are just reused. I think that this unique way for dyeing deserves and equally unique name. I propose that we add the death message "Player was skewered" for getting killed by dripstone spikes.

    submitted by /u/TheTagOfHash_
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    Please add mining bedrock / passing bedrock to the fps list.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 06:18 AM PST

    The sole purpose of bedrock is to prevent the player from digging into the void. "Two layers of bedrock," the idea that a lot of people keep suggesting, is ridiculous. The developers will obviously just include the deep dark above the bedrock layer.

    submitted by /u/MulberryBlaze
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    End Update

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:50 AM PST

    Mojang needs to add biomes to the end. Example: Ender Forest or Ender wastes or something. New mobs and blocks and items as well! IDK BUT MORE BIOMES. If we can make an update as powerful as 1.16 after 1.17 it would be amazing! And each biome has their own kind of end city with different shoulders and elytra

    submitted by /u/LocalCertain
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    Alternative ideas to make rabbit hide more accessible (not another "leather scrap" suggestion)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 01:47 PM PST

    I've played around with bundles in survival mode enough to warm up to them. They are pretty useful in many miscellaneous situations. The only gripe I still have is that getting the resources to make them is an absurdly grindy task. Here are two of my ideas to tweak rabbits so that bundles can be much easier to actually obtain:

    Suggestion A - TL;DR: Goat-like breeding.

    In the test snapshot on bedrock edition, breeding goats is much different that regular animal breeding. Instead of just one baby, they have somewhere around 3-5. Adding that behavior to rabbits could help in not having to wait for more to spawn, and this would make it much less tedious to farm rabbit hide.

    Suggestion B - TL;DR: Increase the drop rates of rabbit hide

    I actually looked up how often rabbits drop their hide after I had killed 3 to no avail. It turns out, they only have a 50% chance of dropping a single rabbit hide. On average, that's 8 rabbits to have to find, chase (which is also a pain) and kill. For a single bundle. In that time, I could already have a decent set-up, some iron armor, and maybe even hit diamonds. Instead I'm wandering through the snowy tundras wondering if all this work is even worth it. I think that an increase in the drop chance, increase the number of rabbit hide that can drop or even both would be great.

    submitted by /u/_DragonArmor_
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    Colour of wood tools match the colour of wood planks crafted from

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 05:09 AM PST

    I sometimes think that wood tools are boring, in the sense that even though they are crafted from different coloured planks, the tool is always the same colour. So I just had an idea that the colour of the wooden tool should match the colour of the planks they're coloured from.

    For example, wooden tools crafted from Crimson planks will be coloured red, while those from warped ones should be coloured blue.

    For wood tools crafted from different kinds of planks, the colour of the planks will mix.

    I think this change will add some more colour and realism into the game. I don't think this feature is really that important, but I think this will just be a nice aesthetic feature.

    submitted by /u/Nickwilde6978
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    Adobe Block. Crafting with Dirt and Wheat

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 09:54 AM PST

    (Adobe bricks have been requested before, but felt more negative toward the dirt block as a whole)

    Combine Dirt and Wheat (maybe add water?) to create Adobe blocks, slabs, stairs, and walls. Ideally with durability less than stone, but stronger than dirt.

    It could be a good early game block as well as add to desert villages.

    Pros: Increase use for Dirt and Wheat.

    submitted by /u/Hatter_AP
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    Huge Crimson Fungus and Huge Warped Fungus Nether Wart Leaves need to decay

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 12:17 PM PST

    They are just Nether trees, and when the wood is chopped down, the Nether wart blocks and warped wart blocks need to decay. If they do not decay, it's just going to be annoying to have floating wart blocks. Also, maybe the wart blocks can only be collected via shears, just like normal leaves.

    submitted by /u/Evening-Cash-4183
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    Bells should confuse Sculk Sensors

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 07:52 AM PST

    Currently, sculk sensors do not respond to bells ringing, which is weird for an object that detects vibrations/sound. I think that since bells are FRIGGIN LOUD, and sculk sensors are so sensitive to sound, they should emit a random frequency when connected to a comparator. This would be useful for making randomizers for redstone, as well as giving you another way to defuse/bypass sculk traps if you're creative enough.

    submitted by /u/ZentoZekto
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    Mud (and related blocks)... HEAR ME OUT

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:18 AM PST

    As for mud, Minecraft needs to add mud to where river beds meet dirt. This feature would have worked great with the aquatic update, but can still arrive and be biome specific. This would also work well with the cave update because of vibrations I'll discuss later. The generation would be similar to clay but its a wet mud between the dry dirt and water.

    Now you're likely thinking, why add Mud? What purpose does it serve? Well let me tell you what it could do. Mud is often sticky. We have blocks such as soul sand and soil soil but you can only get those in the nether. If you aren't able to venture out yet, you should be able to use this overworld equivalent! It'd be a little faster than soul sand, and also DAMPEN ALL VIBRATIONS. Because mud sticks to you it would dampen the sound and so sculk sensors and wardens would not hear you stepping on it and walking, but with a set back.

    Mud needs to have a water source block next to it or flowing water into it to remain, well, mud. It would be mined with shovel but if you place it where there is not water, it releases the black smoke particle and dries out.

    What would it dry out into? Hardened mud. This block looks similar to brown hardened clay but is useful. Putting hardened mud in a furnace yields soil. This soil can be tilled and It grows crops 2x faster than farm land cause its nutrient rich. Placing the mud itself as is in a furnace yields course dirt.

    submitted by /u/nnll9
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    Illagers can open wooden doors on hard mode.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:51 AM PST

    At one point illagers were able to open doors but it was removed for some reason and it makes no sense for the illagers to not be able to open doors. Makes sense for a pillager because he is holding a crossbow. But this should be hard mode only because on normal and easy mode the illagers could just open the door and kill the villager and this seems like a hard mode thing.

    submitted by /u/supermarioplush220
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