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    Minecraft The goat horn should be used to sit and and unsit a large amount of cats/dogs

    Minecraft The goat horn should be used to sit and and unsit a large amount of cats/dogs

    The goat horn should be used to sit and and unsit a large amount of cats/dogs

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 07:17 AM PST

    Basically what the title says. Having large amounts of animals can be incredibly difficult to control. If you could use the goat horn to mass sit and unsit all your animals then managing animal hordes can be a lot less tedious.

    submitted by /u/wielderofFire1051
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    Customizable enchantment glows.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 07:50 AM PST

    Amethyst dust: crafted from two amethyst shards in any positon in the crafting table. Can be combined with any dye to create dyed dust.

    Rainbow dust can be created by combining amethyst dust with red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple dyes.

    Dyed dust can be applied to any enchanted item to change the color of that item's enchantment glow. This process can be done via the criminally-underutilized smithing table.

    Note: rainbow dust causes the enchantment glow to slowly cycle through all colors. Also, undyed amethyst dust can be used to make your item's enchantment glow invisible.

    When I say any enchanted item can be altered, I mean any enchanted item. Want an enchanted golden apple that glows lime? Okay. Want your netherite gear to glow orange? Okay. How about a rainbow enchanted book? Sure.

    (I was considering using lapis instead of amethyst, but lapis is already used to make blue dye, so I decided to go with amethyst instead.)

    submitted by /u/MulberryBlaze
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    Change ban rules in bedrock.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 09:56 PM PST

    Bedrock bans should not ban you from single player, or realms/servers hosted by yourself, and be appealable. I understand its hard to moderate minecraft with such a small team but in my opinion if you can't moderate properly with your team size just remove the feature as server side moderation was good enough.

    I really hope you listen to this mojang/Microsoft as many members of our community are outraged by this, as unjust bans can cause members of our community to not be able to enjoy the beutiful game you have created.

    Thanks for spending the time reading this post mojang, and I hope you really take this into consideration as the problem right now is very serious.

    One again thank you, Deluxemonster6

    submitted by /u/DeluxeMonster6
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    Passive/neutral mobs don't attacked named mobs. (ie. Untamed cat won't attack a named bunny).

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 07:47 AM PST

    It's kind of a pain since cats can spawn anywhere in a Village, so cats finding your pet rabbits or chickens is a pain. This forces players to seperate Villages and areas where untameable pet chickens or rabbits far enough apart that cats won't spawn.

    Obviously these animals (bunnies and chickens) can't actually be tamed, but, look at them. They're cute. Basically as long as they're named (sheeps, bunnies, chickens, etc.) will not be attacked by wild foxes, wolves, cats, and ocelots.

    Hostile mobs do ignore this rule, so naming a Villager won't effect anything; zombies, Illagers, and Ravagers will still attack them, as they're hostile.

    EDIT: Removed Witches from the list of mobs that attack Villagers, added foxes to the list of passive mobs that attack other mobs.

    submitted by /u/SteveBeingObnoxious
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    When you click Lodestone bearing its name, compass should be named as its name.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 06:28 AM PST

    For example, suppose you got a lodestone and name it "Country Road". Then you placed it in your survival base whatever. You clicked the lodestone with a compass. Normally compass will bear its name as a lodestone compass? but in this case, compass will follow its lodestone name. In my suggestion, by doing so, you can get a lodestone compass "Country Road". Same mechanism with named banner, and map.

    submitted by /u/Hide_on_Push
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    Make enchanted netherite shine red

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 07:31 AM PST

    Pretty much what the title says: make enchanted netherite shine red instead of the typical purple-ish color you get with everything else, because personally I think enchanted netherite looks quite ugly as it currently is.

    submitted by /u/youhaveenteredcomedy
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    Magma blocks should have the lava dripping particle affect

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:31 AM PST

    This is pretty self explanatory really. When you place a magma block on a ceiling it should have the same particle affect as lava dripping so you don't have to put lava above your ceiling and you can use a less risky way.besides, magma blocks have lava coursing through them and so it would only make sense if this were the case.

    submitted by /u/beanmAn11
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    Using bookshelves as storage

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 10:00 AM PST

    Pressing the use button on book shelves should open 5 slots of bookshelf space in these 5 spaces you should only be able to place enchanted books, normal books and books and quills

    submitted by /u/spookyink2570
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    When holding down right-click to eat or something, when you finish that action, it shouldn't automatically go to the next action.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 12:46 PM PST

    For example, if you are eating berries, it shouldn't automatically move on to the next possible action, such as placing berries on the ground. Instead, if you continue to hold down, it won't do anything, and to commence the next action, you have to right-click again.

    This should fix that problem where if you are eating berries and you finish, you won't accidentally plant some on the ground. Or if you finish eating whilst holding a shield, the shield won't automatically trigger.

    submitted by /u/DarkPandaLord
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    Milk potions

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:52 AM PST

    Splash potions of milk are used to clear the effects of players or mobs. It's made by putting milk in a cauldron and filling empty bottles with it. With gunpowder or dragonbreath you can brew it into splash/Lingering Potions.

    submitted by /u/PheoniOfDeath
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    A cave dweller with anger issues: Rampager

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 01:54 AM PST

    A cave dweller with anger issues: Rampager

    Rampager is a cave only mob like the cave spider. Only spawns in underground and runs away from light because their eyes are sensitive.

    Rampager Model


    As I said before, they spawn underground in groups of one and avoid light. They are neutural and don't mind the player being around. They even run away from light so placing a torch makes it flee. So what's the matter? If there isn't any dark place for them to run and hide in, they go into a "grumpy mode". They roam around and try to find the player with their unibrown frowned. When they find the player they run up to them and stomp their feet on the ground to try to tell the players to remove the light sources. This makes a continuous stomping sound.

    Grumpy Rampager asking the player to remove the lights.

    If the player ignores them for 5 minutes or attacks them, they will go into the "trying to stay calm mode".

    Trying to stay calm animation

    After 2 seconds of this, the rampager starts to scream loudly and jumps on the player's head and starts punching it repeatedly until the player dies.

    Attacking the player (He doesn't seem to care though)

    The damage is like this (Every punch):

    Easy Normal Hard
    1 hp 2 hp 4 hp

    They have 40 hp so killing them might be tricky. But wearing an helmet significately reduces the damage they deal which wears off the helmet pretty quick. To get them off your head, you need to fall from a 5 block or more fall.

    I think this would make the player fear lighting up the caves because it's host might be angry about it. This doesn't make claiming the caves impossible, just a little harder.

    submitted by /u/knucklesthedead
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    New rails

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 08:25 AM PST

    I would love if you gave the rail system an upgrade. I think it's a bit sad that railroads are so inferior to elytras. I love playing with rail systems and intersections and I would love to see something like a high speed rail that could replace the super unrealistic ice boats and be a good alternative to elytras.

    submitted by /u/Leovik
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    What would you want In a potential Magic update? Here are just a few things I would add.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 10:48 AM PST

    First off, I know this is an FPS so I'm fine with this being removed. Anyways, what would you want In a potential magic update?

    I got this idea while watching a video about the Illagers, where it was mentioned that the evokers seem to have a lot of knowledge about magic, as they can directly summon entities to aid them In battle.

    that got me thinking, If Mojang decided to do a magic focused update, what would they add?

    In my opinion, It would probably focus on magic the player could use, staves, runes, etc. but also adding In other hostile and maybe neutral mobs that also have a grasp on magic, for instance, the unimplemented Illager, the Illusioner.

    Adding mobs focused on magic makes a lot of sense, but where would they spawn?

    I think they could add mobs for all three dimensions for Instance...

    Aside from the Illusioner, they could add another Illager or just a hostile mob that looks like one. Here's how I would make this mob:


    Name - Ice Reaver

    Abilities - Able to spawn Ice spikes to shoot towards the player which deals a few hearts of damage and Inflicts slowness as well as weakness.

    Name - Wizard

    Found In a large tower at random spots In the world, and Can sell you spells, staffs, and runes. If you aggro the wizard he will attack with a wide range of spells. Only a few wizards spawn naturally In the world.


    Name - Wither Witch

    Abilities - able to summon other wither skeletons to fight for them. These skeletons will be weaker than usual, to offset the amount that spawns.

    Name - Piglin Shaman

    Found In secluded areas of the Nether, guarded by a few piglins, Piglin Shama's would be the Nether's counterpart to the Overworlds wizard. Instead of being able to trade with them, you must barter with them by offering gold. You get a random magic-related drop, as well as a small chance to get ender pearls.


    I can't think of any designs right now for the end, but I would probably have them be located close to end cities or In new structures. I would also have them be hostile.

    As for what magic I would include, I would include summoning spells, Illusions, and a few offensive and defensive spells. I would try to make sure they aren't overpowered though. Summoning, for instance, would require a ritual with progressively more expensive materials required the stronger the mob you're summoning Is.

    So, what would you like to see In a magic-related update? do you even want one at all?

    submitted by /u/IrishMoniv
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    New and Deadly Fungi; Destroying Angel

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 11:55 AM PST

    Destroying angel is actually a real-life mushroom that is very bad for you: as in, if you are able to see how cool it looks, then your probably already doomed.

    Destroying Angel would only spawn in dark oak forests, and would have the same texture as a red mushroom BUT with a black and white pallet. It would not create a "Giant" variant and would spawn in clusters. Multiple could spawn on a single block.

    Breaking it without a hoe will just leave poison I in its place for about 5 seconds before disappearing.

    Falling on it does 1 half heart of damage every second. It has a 100% chance of giving you poison when eaten, and would put you down to half a heart in 5.5 seconds. You can use Destroying Angel to make poison more toxic, and grows faster on soul soil/soul sand. Along with nether warts it spawns in nether fortresses. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Inevitable_Hedgehog7
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    Add a dog whistle that teleports your dog to you

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 12:23 PM PST

    As it stands right now, using an elytra to fly far away from your pets means that they won't teleport to you. Also, when you go through a nether portal your dog automatically sits down and stays in the nether until you push them through the portal. Combine these two things and having a dog is very annoying, hence the need for a reason to call them to you.

    submitted by /u/checkmate3141
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    Equine can deal damage while being tamed.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 09:48 AM PST

    When you try to tame a horse, you have a chance that the horse will refuse and jump into the air. However, in this feature, if you stand too close to the horse/mule/donkey you can get kicked. This could be a cool little easter egg or feature to make the game just a tad harder/realistic. Once tamed, equines (horse family) can no longer harm you. Kicks do 4 damage without armour. Must be 1 block away to get kicked.

    submitted by /u/_xX_epicgamer_Xx__
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    Sticks should do 1+ damage more than your fist

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 07:26 PM PST

    I think it would be cool to weaponize sticks. It would make gathering quick resources like animals easier. Also, I know it's pretty meaningless, but I think it players could possibly make it more useful.

    submitted by /u/TehNewbster
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    A new “plant/fungus” in the deep dark called void pods

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 07:27 AM PST

    The void pods are a bit like the sculk but in the form of big pods on the wall. The appearance of these pods will be as if they're infested with this black growth of darkness with what appears to be veins pulsing through it as well as tendrils spouting from the top.

    When you break the pods without silk touch you will get 1-3 void grains (yes that's what the stuff inside them is called) and eating one will restore 6 hunger points but also give you wither for 10 seconds unless you "purify" it in a cauldron of water which will prevent it from giving you wither.

    So this will also be a food source underground and cauldrons will get an extra use (since this update is also giving cauldrons more use)

    submitted by /u/beanmAn11
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    Add deer as a mob

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 09:02 AM PST

    Minecraft has forests everywhere but there's a distinct lack of life in them. Adding deer in forest biomes would allow players to hunt them for resources and they could also be tamed and bred just like cows for food and leather. Adding deer would also give wolves something to eat.

    submitted by /u/Ironfist79
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    When you left click a block with a pickaxe, it turns into a broken variant.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 12:51 PM PST

    I jut thought that every tool has a special feature, like hoe=farmland, axe=stripped wood, etc, so why doesn't the most important tool in the game have one?

    submitted by /u/Inevitable_Hedgehog7
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    Realm Owners should be able to say that they do not want their Realm moderated by Mojang/Microsoft.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2021 03:27 PM PST

    I am in a realm which is fairly chill, but many of us worry that we will be banned from Minecraft by Mojang. This is can become intrusion of privacy, and a reason for players to use servers rather than realms. What I am requesting is simple: the ability to reject moderation in favor of your own rules.

    submitted by /u/TerraGamer9384
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    New Enchantment: Cavalier

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 05:14 AM PST

    The Cavalier enchantment gives bonus damage to the tool that it is enchanted on, and more than Sharpness does. However, it only gives the damage bonus if the wielder is riding something, whether it be a horse, pig, or strider.

    submitted by /u/RomanFlour24
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    Name tagged hostile mobs remain even if you switch difficulty to peaceful, but won’t attack the player

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 12:52 PM PST

    Currently switching to peaceful despawns all hostile mobs, but I think mobs with the persistenceRequired tag shouldn't be affected (name tagged mobs, mobs that picked up items, endermen with blocks, zombies in igloo dungeons etc)

    Of course they shouldn't attack the player and stay passive, as they already are in creative mode

    submitted by /u/AL_O0
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