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    Minecraft Warped & Crimson reeds. A source of paper in the nether.

    Minecraft Warped & Crimson reeds. A source of paper in the nether.

    Warped & Crimson reeds. A source of paper in the nether.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:06 AM PST

    The nether, in my eyes, lacks one thing to be truly thriveable. Paper.

    So, warped and crimson reeds seem like a good idea.

    They would grow on either netherrack or soulsand adjacent to lava, fire, or magma blocks. Or on magma blocks.

    submitted by /u/Pasta-hobo
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    Make it so that villages aren't cut up by terrain

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:09 AM PST

    So I've noticed that quite a lot of villages get cut up by terrain and villagers are getting separated from the rest of the village and often are Finnished off by mobs.

    It is often very awkward and time consuming to connect the paths back up

    My suggestion is that villages spawn, well lighted, and with paths that dig through the terrain or have paths that don't spawn with drops and have bridges going down to the bottom.

    Edit:also make caves not spawn under villages, maybe villages only spawn in ideal spots

    submitted by /u/Redd1tRat
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    dispensers should be able to put music disks into jukeboxes

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:44 AM PST

    pretty simple, and would make for some pretty interesting jukeboxes

    submitted by /u/camfox643
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    Planks should give more buttons than one

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:04 PM PST

    I think it's outrageous that one plank gives you only one button. I'd say it should give 9 buttons at or if thats too much then 4 could be fine as well.

    submitted by /u/realcornman
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    Llamas will protect Sheep from wild Wolves. (Also Llamas can kick)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:06 AM PST

    It's rather upsetting when a wolf wanders into your base and manages to find a way into your sheep pen, killing all of them. (same with Ocelots vs Chickens, but this is about Llamas)

    But today I learned that farmers in the U.S. sometimes use guard llamas to protect their livestock (mainly sheep in this case) from predators like coyotes and wolves. Yes. Guard Llamas. And they work really well too. Llamas have pack quite a kick. Enough to down coyotes and wolves that threaten their sheep friends.

    So I propose that if a wild wolf starts hunting nearby sheep, any nearby llamas will run over to protect the sheep from the predator.

    I also propose that Llamas gain the ability to kick to help them do this. The kick deals 3 damage (1.5 hearts) and has a bit of knockback. They'd really only do this to wild wolves that are in their "I'm hunting sheep" mode, or to the player if they attacked it at least twice as a sort of "get off me!" attack. (but only the one you attacked will kick.)

    Upon being kicked, wild Wolves would flee away from the llama and the sheep it was hunting, (just like Creepers fleeing from Ocelots) and become afraid of that llama, making sure not to wander near (because if it does, all nearby llamas will spit on it.) This fear effect would last 3 in-game days, so that the game doesn't need to permanently keep track of what random wolf is afraid of what llama.

    submitted by /u/Swordkirby9999
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    Villager Prisoners in Jail Cells at Illager Mansions

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:03 AM PST

    Details \/
    Villager Prisoners would be found in the jail cells at Illager Mansions.
    They would have a special dark oak type texture and look a little worn down.
    These special villagers would follow you if you click on them and stop following if you click on them again.
    They can get a job from a normal job block.
    Once they get a job they will look healthy and not be able to follow the player.
    If they lose their job block they will still be healthy and not be able to follow the player.

    Reasons \/
    I think this would be a worth while addition since they are no dark oak villagers. I also think this because the jail cells at illager mansions are not exciting because there is no loot or prisoners.

    Link \/


    submitted by /u/Eisenkark
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    Axolotls should not be able to be bred with tropical fish, let me explain

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:36 AM PST

    In pop culture there are lots of misnomers and misconceptions surrounding animals and these misconceptions and misnomers can be harmful. This is because people can unintentionally mistreat animals kept as pets (an example of this is that goldfish, that can live for 15 years, are believed to only live a few weeks or months).

    In the most recent snapshot of 1.17 axolotls got introduced. My only complaint with the axolotls is that you can breed them with tropical fish. This is a problem as in real life axolotls can eat fish (and will try to eat them if they have the chance) but it is not healthy for them as they can get long-term health problems like malnutrition. This can be a problem because if children playing Minecraft want a axolotl and get one they may think that they should be fed fish and will feed them fish as they are more appealing option then creepy looking invertebrates. This has the result that the pet suffers.

    my suggestion is that axolotls should be fed with something which is healthy for them. here is a list of a couple of options which are better for breeding axolotls.

    1, Earthworms, can rarely drop as a item by plowing grass with a hoe or digging dirt and grass blocks with a shovel. could also be able to be placed in composters to improve rates.

    2,red mosquito larvae, can rarely drop as a item from fishing and by digging dirt and clay blocks next to water with a shovel.

    3, arthropod flesh, a unique drop from silverfish and cave spiders. When eaten gives the player nausea but gives as many hunger points as bread. could possibly also be acquired from plowing grass with a hoe and destroying leaves with a hoe.

    submitted by /u/RAW02theOcrassipes
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    Armor stands holding wheat or carrots should attract cows, sheep, & pigs

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:56 AM PST

    I figure this would be a clever add-on to the game. Tried this out the other day because all my livestock were crowding into a corner of my pen and was disappointed to find out that this doesn't work.

    submitted by /u/TulkasSpamsR2
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    Fletching Tables should make tipped arrows

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:46 AM PST

    Currently they are the only villager work station that doesnt have a use, but Mojang says they would like to give it one. Lingering potions are honestly too expensive for something that is only useful in certain situations. They're a cool concept, but not worth the effort. You can insert however many arrows and then a corresponding potion, or maybe just whatever ingredient would be needed for that potion

    submitted by /u/chrisb0302
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    Wrench (a new, very useful tool for building)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:30 AM PST

    Wrenches would be a new tool that allows you to rotate blocks. This would help builders who accidentally placed a block the wrong way and they have to fix it fast.

    Wrenches would be crafted with a stick and some copper ore. This would give a new use to copper.

    submitted by /u/GeckioGaming
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    Reinforced armor with chain mail

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:18 AM PST

    Chain mail is currently kinda useless. It's not a great set and you can't craft it. The only way to really get it in survival is finding it in chests or by trading with villagers.

    So here's my idea:

    Chainmail historically was often worn under armor as a second layer of protection. Why not add that to Minecraft?

    By crafting a chainmail armor piece (ex: chain chest plate with a netherite chest plate) on a smithing table, you could reinforce your armor, increasing your armor's max durability as well as its defense.

    submitted by /u/Ninjabutz
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    Netherite scraps should repair netherite armour and tools just like netherite ingots, just not as much.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:02 AM PST

    Maybe 30% less then ingots

    Edit: i now think it should repair 25% of what a netherite ingot would considering you need four to make a netherite ingot. Idea from u/maybenotmemes

    Edit 2: there are a lot of people making this idea better, so a new thing a couple people said is to have scraps be 20% of netherite ingots instead of 25% because of the lack of gold needed to make netherite ingots.

    submitted by /u/modomonstud
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    Smelting netherite

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:18 AM PST

    Smelting netherite tools or armor should make netherite scraps, so that it's possible to get some benefit from extra netherite gear found in bastions or from bartering, the same way gold and iron can be smelted for nuggets.

    submitted by /u/Mr-Dungeonmaster
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    Iron golems should try and put out fires in villages

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:57 AM PST

    They try to protect the village, but all it takes is a flint and steel and it all burns down

    So maybe the can hit the ground causing particles to fly up and put out the fire if it is out of reach

    Villages are all either on dirt or sand so this would actually make sense

    submitted by /u/lunarfrogg
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    [Magic] There should be a way to mix potions

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:57 AM PST

    Now, hear me out, I don't want it to just be gaining the effects of both potions

    First of all, you would need to do it in a cauldron, which could give it some use in brewing, which is why it was added in the first place

    I think that to make it balanced, there could be a few ways for it to go wrong, including gaining a negative effect, reducing the time or power of the effects, or straight up turning a positive potion into a negative one and vice versa

    There could maybe even be a chance for clouds of poison, harming, or wither to appear around the cauldron once you mix them.

    Maybe there could be exclusive potions that you could only get through this method, like a potion of blindness or haste

    You could throw certain items into the mixture as well, like a golden carrot to decrease the chance of a gas cloud, a fermented spider eye to decrease the chance of an opposite effect, or even a golden apple to increase the chances of the potion becoming more powerful

    I think it would be a great addition to the brewing system, because it would make potion effects more unpredictable, which would be very useful in pvp. Imagine you are facing off against someone and it looks like you'll win, but all of a sudden they throw a potion of blindness which limits your sight and removes your ability to sprint

    Potions would become a staple of pvp and add a lot of strategy that wasn't there before

    If you have any ideas or feedback please let me know, because I want to improve my idea so that it could get in the game!

    submitted by /u/lunarfrogg
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    Increased copper ore in savannah plateaus.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:50 AM PST

    Similar to increased gold in badlands/mesa biomes, let's add increased copper in savannah plateaus.


    I think savannah plateaus are little bit unloved. There's nothing special in them, on them or about them and the only ore they contain is coal which is abundant everywhere else. With increased copper there is a reason to dig into them, build a base maybe or clear them out entirely. Up to the player but as for now they are largely ignored.

    submitted by /u/wholesome_cream
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    You should be able to shoot arrows through leaves.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:20 AM PST

    I think it would be a good idea if you could shoot arrows and have a 50% chance of the arrow going through a leaf block if it hits one. If this was added, I can see it being used for various shooting mini games.

    submitted by /u/Hairy_Potato_222
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    Bridges in Villages

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:32 AM PST

    This post was inspired by u/Redd1tRat

    Bridges would help Villagers go over big holes in the ground such as ravines,or those really small cliff-like things in the villageground (was that clear?) .It would be made out of the wood that is in the special biome. Ok i don't know how to put an image in here but imagine that it would have wooden fences from the underground to the point where the grass paths are. you would walk on stripped wood logs and on the sides of the bridges it would have also fences just to not fall down

    submitted by /u/Minecraft-Steve-64
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    One more ore for the caves and cliffs update

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:34 AM PST

    With the caves and cliffs update there only comes one new ore. Which is understandable, since there are already a lot of ores in the game. However, with the caves being much bigger and potentialy deeper in the new update. With only one new ore it may be a bit of a missed opertunity as well.

    So, what would that new ore be? Well, I always thought sulfur should be in the game. With sulfur players have an alternative way of getting gunpowder, instead of killing creepers or making a creeper farm. This will be very helpfull in the early-game where people don't have a creeper farm, but also in the late-game it will be nice to get gunpowder while mining. It will at least encourage players who are far in the game to go mining again.

    But, how will this work? You won't just get the gunpowder by mining the ore. Instead, like in real life, you will need to combine it with coal or charcoal and it will give you gunpowder. I don't know how much gunpowder it should give and how often the sulfur ore generates, but it should at least be worth to mining for it.

    submitted by /u/niekvdp
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    Enchantment Rework Ideas

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 08:56 AM PST

    Enchantments are a bit of a dull categroy in the game. Some enchantments are too powerful to be considered over others, while some are really really bad. So here are my suggestions for re-balancing enchantments.

    Power is a very easy enchantment to obtain from many sources. Enchanting a bow almost always gives you power 4. Not only that fishing can also give you the enchantment with ease.

    For how easy it is to get, its way to powerful, A power IV bow with full charge can 1 shot any mob with 10 hearts of health, Which means wither skeletons, zombies, skeletons, and creepers, and many others. Not to mention there is a 1/4 chance of a critical hit which does even more damage.

    I think the damage bonus should be halved, this would make it much much less powerful, as you would need 2 fully charged shots to kill most mobs.

    Sharpness (Bedrock only)

    Sharpness is much stronger in Bedrock, so what I suggest is to make it the same as Java (less bonus damage). The reason why is a sharpness V diamond sword and/or netherite axe can 1 shot (critical) any 10 heart mob, while sharpness is supposed convenient, this is simply way too powerful.

    Bane of Arthropods

    This enchantment is not worthwhile for a few reasons, First of all the only major mob it effects is spiders, which are perfectly fine to deal with Sharpness, second of all It disables smite and sharpness, which are both really solid options.

    I do not have many ideas for this one, but one suggestion is making the player immune to cobwebs, forms of slowing down, and poison while holding the sword. All of these buffs make the enchantment Bane of Arthropods have a use, and that being dealing with strays (they give slowness), and also conquering cave spider spawners in mine-shafts. This would be worthwhile to carry along in a raid too, as it would help a lot when dealing with witches.

    Projectile Protection

    While this enchantment may have a use, its overshadowed by protection which already protects you from projectiles enough. The more dangerous things about projectiles is usually knockback.

    So what I suggest is when wearing projectile protection it should reduce your knockback from projectiles (Arrows, Tridents, Fireballs) by 15% per level, meaning just one piece of projectile protection IV could reduce knockback from projectiles by 60% which would be really handy in biomes like soul sand valley.

    I suggest a similar thing for Blast Protection

    Fire Protection

    This enchantment has some use in the nether, however you are still fine with just normal protection.

    In order to make it better, I suggest making it so that when wearing just one piece of fire protection IV, you are immune to fire, when wearing a additional piece with Fire Protection II, it should make you immune to lava/magma blocks as well. This would make it much much more viable in nether, and would also allow lava diving.

    Protection (Java)

    On java edition Armour is much weaker, this is because Armour will do more damage the stronger the attack is. "Toughness" still does not help enough.

    To prove this, a vindicator will do 1.5-2 hearts of damage with maxed out protection Armour on java
    While on bedrock it would do 0.5-1 heart of damage with maxed out protection Armour

    So my suggestion is that 1 protection IV Armour would increase toughness by 1-2 points.

    This may seem like it would make other enchantments unviable, however this would also buff other Armour as well. This would make having a combination of different enchantments on Armour viable.


    Knockback is not very helpful vs ranged mobs, so instead of it dealing knockback to ranged mobs, it should stun ranged mobs for a varying amount of seconds.


    This enchantment is very situational compared to multishot.

    So I would say to give it a damage buff of 1/2 heart per level. This would guarantee a 2 shot to any 10 health mob, making it much more viable for single target, (it would do anywhere form 5- 7.5 hearts of damage).

    Quick Charge
    Slightly reduce the reload buff


    The angle at which it shoots is way to high for long distance combat, so what I propose is that the angle between the arrows is greatly lowered.

    The center arrow should also deal 25% more damage, so its not completely useless in single target.

    The reason why we should not give it the shotgun effect, is because it could effect damage immunity in a bad way. (Players and mobs can only get damaged every half a tick)

    submitted by /u/NINJA_ALCH_69
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    Nothing much,just make the old pigman texture to be a rare variant to the new texture

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:08 AM PST

    Considering there are mobs with different variant textures,I think this would make sense.

    submitted by /u/Mr-Blues5
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    Blaze Blocks

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 09:43 AM PST

    Pretty simple idea- a block crafted out of 9 blaze powder. It would provide a new color to build pallets, and also could have a special feature: stable burning. Basically, it would burn infinitely like netherrack, but the fire could not spread, making it perfect for your fireplace in an inexplicably wooden house.

    submitted by /u/Mr-Dungeonmaster
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    There should be an item you can add to potions to increase splash radius

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:23 AM PST

    Redstone dust increases duration and glowstone increases strength, so maybe add a material that can increase the splash radius of splash potions. I'm not sure what this material could be, but it should be equally accessible as glowstone, redstone, and gunpowder.

    submitted by /u/hdday_yt
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    [Magic] Splashing a skeleton with a wither splash potion should turn it into a wither skeleton

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 10:19 AM PST

    Of course it's only in bedrock, and even the the potion is nearly impossible to find (you can only get it in witches huts) but it would be pretty fun to try and do

    submitted by /u/lunarfrogg
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