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    Minecraft Beaches in snowy and cold biomes generate with gravel instead of sand

    Minecraft Beaches in snowy and cold biomes generate with gravel instead of sand

    Beaches in snowy and cold biomes generate with gravel instead of sand

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 04:56 AM PST

    Cold beaches near or above the Arctic Circle in the real world often seem to form with gravel and/or darker-colored material more often than sand so maybe snowy tundras, snowy taigas, some taigas, etc. could generate with gravel beaches instead of using sand.

    Examples: (street view won't embed in reddit, open in a new tab)
    Point Barrow, Alaska (photo)
    Honningsvåg, Norway (street view)
    Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories (street view)
    Kugluktuk, Nunavut (street view)
    Pevek, Russia (street view)
    Dikson, Russia (photo)
    Longyearbyen, Svalbard (street view)
    Grise Fiord, Nunavut (street view)

    So in conclusion I think it would be cool if beaches in the cooler biomes generated that way too. Just a little detail I thought might be nice. There are some cool looking black sand beaches in Iceland but maybe that's for another day? Feedback post here.

    submitted by /u/winterferns
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    Gray parrots should only spawn in the savannah

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:57 AM PST

    The gray parrot texture is based on the cockatiel, a small member of the cockatoo family, which live in the bushlands/outback of Australia. Rabbits have different fur colors based on their biome, so why not have parrots be the same? It would be some much needed diversity in the savannah, at least until they eventually add the ostrich or some other animal.

    submitted by /u/Odog8202
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    Evoker Room

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:16 AM PST

    Woodland Mansions need a buff. And I believe I have a solution. "The Evoker Room" a room with magical properties and books. 2 or 3 Evokers always hang out in there working on experiments and in said room, there will be 3 cages with villagers. There is a random event that will happen, causing the villager to transform into a illager. This room has very good loot, with totems of undying and high level enchanted books. Feel free to expand in the comments!

    submitted by /u/makiwithnobrim
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    A hidden advancement for not skipping the End Poem/Credits

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:09 PM PST

    I think this is a good way to make players sit through the credits and end poem. Most players just skip it. To encourage some players to read it, an optional hidden advancement should be put at the end of it all.

    As for what the advancement should be called, I think it should be called "A Virtue", as a reference to the saying "Patience is a virtue".

    submitted by /u/Runn12
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    Proper Horse Armour

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:54 AM PST

    Horse armour id something you get once, and don't worry about again. I think this should change. The armour should have durability (+ netherite horse armour) and should have normal armour enchantments, such as: - the types of protection - frost walker - thorns - soul speed - mending - etc... However, there could also be special enchantments, like: - Striding: Horses can swim in water with you on them, instead of having you dismount them - Joust I - III: Dealing damage while on a moving horse does more damage - Acclimate I - II: Horse (+ rider) are less affected by freezing/fire Just a thought, lemme know what you think! Feel free to suggest other ideas :)

    submitted by /u/ShakeWell42
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    armor schematics! a way to customize armor and make it less boring

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:23 PM PST

    Right now, all armor looks exactly the same. Frankly, it's pretty boring, and it would be nice to see different variations. The armor schematic would be a scroll-like object that you find in chests. There would be several varieties of them, such as schematics for:

    -one giving you horns. it would be found in nether fortresses

    -large shoulder plates. these ones would be found in any chest

    -a visor, also found in any chest.

    -a purple crystal on your chestplate, found in the end

    -and more! the options are (almost) limitless

    You would combine these with the required piece of armor at a smithing table. logically, you would not be able to use this with leather or chainmail.

    This suggestion allows for variation on what is now plain armor. It could be used to tell the difference between teams in pvp without making them wear dyed leather, and gives diversity in armor collections. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/magic_platypus_27
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    Redstone ore should supply a weak redstone power when glowing

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:45 AM PST

    It would be cool if redstone ore supplied a small redstone signal when glowing, maybe around a power level of 4. This makes sense as redstone blocks, a more compact version of redstone, has a full redstone signal, so a still compact but less so version of redstone would have a weaker signal.

    What use would there be with this? - Longer pulse time than buttons - Temporary unlike levers - A long activation period, unlike observers next to redstone ore - Another reason for silk touch mining on redstone ore besides saving for a fortune pickaxe - A longer and more compact varient of pressure plates - Could be used as a long pulse extender if pistons pushing blocks onto them or pushing them activated them

    Heres the feedback site link: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360076995552-Redstone-ore-should-emit-a-weak-redstone-signal-when-active

    submitted by /u/KingCreeper7777
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    we should be able to get pilligers on our good side

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:00 PM PST

    idk if this goes against any lore mojang has in mind but i think that in the same ways villagers can turn aggressive towards players if zombified would be a very interesting to introduce a mechanic of either "curing " pillagers or if you blow one up with a charged creeper and you put on its head that you could interact with pillagers. maybe in mansions you could find some type of item that makes pillagers like you. anyway i think that if you interact with any pillager you can maybe get them to kill any certain kind of mob by trading with them somehow and also with illagers you could do some sort of trading or you could give them magic type items(enchanted weapons ,potions ) you could get them to do magic for you . im not sure what magic mojang wants them to have but maybe getting them to change the weather could be nice , as this would simplify fishing grinders and also ppl who wish to use riptide enchantment and also ppl who want to use the lightning rods in the new update .

    submitted by /u/brohemianrasputin
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    underwater villages

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:54 PM PST

    rare abandoned villages that spawn underwater. no crops, coral obstructs a lot of it, no torches, lots of drowned, and no other mobs.

    also should have underwater abandoned pillager outposts (just pillager outposts with coral and no pillagers). abandoned pillager outposts should spawn on the surface as well, with no pillagers and cobwebs.

    if the bot comments on this i stg (moderators fix)

    submitted by /u/notathingggggg
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    Oceans In Minecraft Become More Shallow Near The Beaches

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:40 AM PST

    Something that has always been strange in Minecraft is the fact that the beaches go from Y 70 to a huge drop in the ocean to Y 40-30 in less than 20 blocks , i believe that it would make more sense for the beaches to gradually get deeper for ex: like in real life, because that would make both the ocean, and the beaches look way better compared to the huge drops we have now

    (Edit: this is more directed towards Warm Oceans and Regular Oceans, Cold Oceans should still have some shoreline but the drops would be steeper compared to warm oceans that are be shallow.)

    submitted by /u/HA5HGhosty
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    A New Way for Rubies To Return to Minecraft 1.17

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 03:07 PM PST

    Introduction: We have witnessed many OG features being brought back to the game in recent years. Lanterns and lecterns in 1.14, and crying obsidian in 1.16. Since 1.17 focuses on mining and the underground, I think it is time to reunite another feature players loved back into the game, and that feature is rubies.

    But how will rubies return with emeralds taking their original use? Emeralds replaced rubies when they were both mentioned to be added into the game for the first time, with emeralds also taking ruby's uses, rubies need a new use and purpose if it returns to the game.

    The new rubies: With the use I had in mind for them, it is definitely needed for rubies to be a rare ore, but it will all be worth it in the end. For my thoughts, rubies would be a desert-exclusive ore, meaning it can only be found in desert biomes, they would generate in levels Y:11 and lower, be rarer than diamonds, and have veins that hold a maximum of 3 ores each (a 4 ore vein would be very rare). They would mainly be found near lava if you want any chance to find them. The new rarest ore in the overworld would require a diamond pickaxe to mine, mining it gives you some XP and one ruby shard. (a chance at 2 for fortune 1, 3 for fortune 2, and 3 for fortune 3.)

    Ruby shards and the use for them: The player needs a total of 9 ruby shards in a crafting table to craft 1 whole ruby, and to flex, you can also make ruby blocks with 9 whole rubies, making ruby shards to create rubies being similar to needing netherite scraps to make a netherite ingot. Once you have created the ruby, you can grind it onto your hard-earned tools and armor (smithing table) and give them the ability to stay with the player when they die and respawn, they also add a cool ruby-red tinted look to your tools and armor to make it known you are wearing ruby-infused tools/armor. Making rubies an ore of loyalty just how they are thought to be in real life spiritually.

    OK, that sounds OP. How will this balance? The way this would balance out is simple. When the ruby-infused tool/armor respawns with the player, (with unbreaking enchantments having no effect on the outcome), the tool/armor's durability will be damaged by taking away 10% of it's current health. After respawning the ruby that was fused with the tools/armor breaks as it can only protect tools/armor from the respawn once. Once the ruby breaks, it removes the loyalty effect on the tools/armor until the player makes another ruby and re-adds another one.

    Why would this be useful? It would be useful because it would give your hardly-earned tools and armor another chance after the player dies, preventing them from despawning and wasting the player's hard work and effort put into those tools/armor. While this could sound OP, it would already be very challenging to find them, and create the rubies, making the player have to go through the big challenge of actually obtaining the power of the rubies in order to get this reward. And for how rare and difficult it is to get, you won't be seeing players abuse this power often.

    submitted by /u/No-Firefighter5661
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    [New item idea]. Custom Paintings

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:06 PM PST

    Similar to to maps you would have a "new painting" you would use the "create button (like a map) and a painting. The painting would have same image quality as other paintings, and would be created from your view at the time of creation without your HUD, cords. Etc.

    submitted by /u/Tyler152313
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    Comparators should give out signal from amethyst buds.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 04:25 AM PST

    That's it. It'll make farms way easier and in general comparators are made to compare the level of a block

    submitted by /u/xhahzh
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    Sweeping edge should work for hoes

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 03:20 PM PST

    I think it makes sense since axes were weaponized, hoes should be too! It would also have a wider range. But it would also do way less damage. So you could use sharpness to fix that.

    submitted by /u/TehNewbster
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    Account Saving

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:26 PM PST

    Worlds you make on an account should be able to be saved on said account, so that if you lose the computer for whatever reason, you will at least not lose the worlds.

    submitted by /u/Jpaylay42016
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    Depending on a Minecart's speed, it pushes mobs & other Minecarts

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:07 AM PST

    Have you ever been riding freely down a railway in your fast little Minecart? Has there ever been a moment when a mob is standing in the way of your path, and it causes your cart to be sent back the other way? Well if you had read the title you'd already know about the idea I am proposing.

    To reiterate, I think a slight rework that could be made to Minecarts, is that the current speed a Minecart should affect whether or not it has the ability to push mobs and other Minecarts. I am not sure exactly what this defined speed should be, not yet at least.

    Also something to note is the new push mechanics I am referring to; how they aren't totally the same. A Minecart going at the required speed will push a mob to the side, out of the way. On the other hand it would push Minecarts how a Minecart with a Furnace would.

    Let me hear your feedback, suggestions and critiques in the comment section.

    submitted by /u/RealSnqwy
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    Different tags for food

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:17 AM PST

    I have always felt like food needed an update, so this would be that. For food cooked in a smoker it would be smoked and give a slight resistance to cold for 15 seconds. For food cooked using a furnace there are multiple options. For example if you use blaze rods it makes you have fire resistance for 10 seconds. I know this doesn't go very deep in to detail but I would love to have this added into minecraft.

    submitted by /u/plantytheplanet
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    Jukebox Minecart

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:24 AM PST

    The Jukebox Minecart is what you think it is. It works just like a normal cart but it can't be ridden since it has Jukebox in it. When you play a disc inside it the music with replace the minecart rolling sounds. But if it is rolled with no music disc or the disc is done playing it will sound like a normal Minecart. I forgot to mention it could be used to cover a bigger range than jukeboxes.

    submitted by /u/BrokenTVshow
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    “Not this thyme” advancement

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:01 AM PST

    Kill a hostile mob by luring it to a patch of sweet berries

    submitted by /u/Mudkipfan
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    Special kind of villager

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:00 AM PST

    They should add a special kind of villager that only spawns in mushroom biomes and they live in cute little mushroom houses. It would be so cute!

    submitted by /u/folieajess
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    Elytra Enchantments

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:01 AM PST

    Elytra Enchanting is pretty boring since only 2 enchantments can be applied, i think (Unbreaking and Mending). So some new enchantments could make it more interesting. And if those special Enchantments can only be found as books in End cities, that would give players a point to explore the End further.

    My Ideas (Leave yours in the comments):

    - Turbine I: This Enchantment lets the player glide underwater like in the air. A good Idea would be that this would be some kind of underwater temple loot, encouraging the player to find them.

    - Glide I to III: This Enchantment just increases the speed cap for the Elytra, so multiple Rockets would get the player to greater Speeds.

    - Razorwing I to V: If you fly into a entity, it deals damage depending on the speed and level of the enchant.

    Leave your suggestions in the comments!

    submitted by /u/NickBomberator
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    "Hunter" mob

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:36 PM PST

    The Hunter would be humanoid in appearance, like the Villagers or the Piglins. It would be completely wrapped in bandages, obscuring its form completely and making it seem mummy-like. It would have a hat similar to a hat that one would wear in the Wild West. It would also have a pair of goggles where its eyes should be. It would sometimes spawn with a Horse to ride on.

    The Hunter would spawn in the Desert. It would also visit Desert Villages and appear to communicate with Wandering Traders. It would carry a telescope. If it were to see you (It can see as far as the player can), it would begin a hunt for you. You'd have to run and hide from view, because the Hunter would go to whatever chunk it last saw you in and then follow you further if it could still see you from there.

    The following is optional and may not fit in Minecraft, but it'd be cool if the Hunter could be the first mob in the game to be able to both place and break blocks. It would make the mob incredibly intimidating and would give players more reason to avoid it. The Hunter, perhaps, could behave like this.

    However, the Hunter could not leave the Desert biome. Nor could it make contact with any water, for doing so would be suicide. If you were to spawn a Hunter in Creative Mode in water or outside the Desert, it would perish like a Squid or Fish outside of water would. Killing the Hunter would allow you to obtain either sand or a telescope. Perhaps there could be a reskin of the Hunter, blue and white instead of mummy-like, that spawns in snowy biomes and can live there.

    I think that a mob like this would add more mystery to the game. A humanoid mob that is hostile and that falls into the uncanny valley could definitely frighten the player. It's human-like just like the player is, yet also has no features and thus is unidentifiable. It's species is unknown: You don't know if it's a Villager, or an Illager, or what. It doesn't even have a face. It's just a threat.

    submitted by /u/Fine_And_Feathered
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    Realistic five senses

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:25 PM PST

    All mobs should have a slightly less powerful version of the wardens hearing and should not react if the player is far away behind them but would turn around when hearing a noise Others mobs would have a altered version from that For example wolfs would detect anything near a certain distance because of its great smelling

    submitted by /u/TheGodlikk
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    Smarter mobs

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:34 AM PST

    I think hostile mobs should work together to more effectively attack and even ambush players this could include surrounding the player in a circle to trap them or if possible getting on top of trees and other structures and then ambushing the player when they walk by.

    submitted by /u/GameGamer123
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